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Faal, Ebrima (1) Fernandez-Serrano, Jose (11) Forbes, Silke Januszewski (15)
Fabbri, Daniele (42) Fernandez Sierra, Manuel (39) Forcadell, Francisco Javier (25)
Fabbri, Francesca (20) Fernandez-Val, Ivan (173) Forchini, Giovanni (43)
Fabbri, Giorgio (209) Fernandez Vazquez, Esteban (39) Forcillo, Donato (2)
Fabel, Oliver (49) Fernandez-Villaverde, Jesus (355) Ford, George S (53)
Fabella, Raul V. (114) ? Fernandez Zubieta, Ana (25) Ford, Jon M. (13)
Faber, Benjamin (43) Fernando, A. Nilesh (7) Ford, Kirsten (1)
Faber, Marius (8) Fernando, Panagodage Janaka Sampath (1) Ford, Nicholas (8) ?
Faberman, Jason (69) Fernando, Roshen (16) Ford, Nicholas Martin (8)
Fabi, Michele (2) Fernando, Sriyantha (1) Ford, Rob Andrew (2)
Fabiani, Andrea (13) Fernando A, Lopez Hernandez (25) Ford, Timothy C. (5)
Fabiani, Silvia (60) Fernholz, Ricardo T. (28) Forder, James (51)
Fabinger, Michal (10) Fernihough, Alan (39) Foreman, Linda F. (21) ?
Fabling, Richard (106) Feroz, Ehsan H. (18) Foreman-Peck, James S. (112)
Fabo, Brian (52) Ferracci, Marc (14) Foremny, Dirk (31)
Fabozzi, Frank J. (211) Ferrada, Christian (4) ? Forero, Alejandro (3)
Fabra, Natalia (77) Ferrada, Luz (8) Forero, David Fernando (10)
Fabre, Adrien (60) Ferragina, Anna Maria (36) Forero-Laverde, German (5)
Fabre, Alice (28) Ferrali, Romain (6) Forero Ramirez, Nohora (13)
Fabre, Elodie (3) Ferrall, Christopher (40) Forest, James J (3)
Fabrega-Lacoa, Jorge A. (1) Ferrand, Julie (5) Forest, Joelle (60)
Fabregas, Raissa (7) Ferrandiz, Esther (2) Forestal, Roberto Louis (2)
Fabretti, Annalisa (12) Ferrando, Annalisa (24) Foresti, Pasquale (33)
Fabritz, Nadine (11) ? Ferrando, Mery (2) Forgacs, Csaba (28)
Fabrizi, Elena (10) Ferrant, Gaelle (17) Forge, Fabien (4)
Fabrizi, Simona (28) Ferrante, Chiara (3) Forges, Francoise (164)
Fabry, Nathalie (6) Ferrante, Francesco (14) Forges Davanzati, Guglielmo (15)
Fabrykant, Marharyta (3) Ferrante, Francesco M. (30) Forget, Evelyn L (46)
Faccarello, Gilbert (81) Ferrante, Mauro (14) Forgo, Ferenc (2)
Facchetti, Elisa (3) Ferrante, Vittorioemanuele (6) Forgues-Puccio, Gonzalo F. (14)
Facchini, Francois Sr. (287) Ferrara, Andreas (31) Forhad, Md. Abdur Rahman (14)
Facchini, Gabriel (8) Ferrara, Antonella Rita (15) Forlani, Emanuele (24)
Facchini, Giovanni (216) Ferrara, Gerardo (39) Forlati, Chiara (14)
Faccia, Donata (2) Ferrara, Giancarlo (15) Forleo, Maria Bonaventura (14)
Faccini, Renato (40) Ferrara, Ida (34) Formanova, Lucie (5)
Faccio, Mara (35) Ferrara, Laurent (242) Formenti, Matteo (1)
Faccioli, Michela (5) Ferrara, Maria (27) Fornahl, Dirk (45)
Faccipieri, Sergio (1) ? Ferrara, Massimiliano (18) Fornari, Fabio (37)
Fachin, Stefano (59) † Ferrarese, Cataldo (4) Fornaro, Luca (79)
Fachinger, Uwe (47) Ferrarese, Moreno (2) Fornaro, Paolo (15)
Faciroli, Jessica (2) Ferraresi, Massimiliano (21) Fornero, Elsa (34)
Fack, Gabrielle (80) Ferrari, Alessandro (14) Fornero, Jorge Alberto (36)
Fackler, Paul L. (45) Ferrari, Alessandro (14) Forni, Lorenzo (53)
Fadaee, Mehdi (7) Ferrari, Cesar Attilio (3) Forni, Mario (147)
Fadejeva, Ludmila (64) Ferrari, Claudio (39) Fornino, Michele (4)
Fadgyas-Freyler, Petra (6) Ferrari, Davide (28) Foroni, Claudia (49)
Fadhuile, Adelaide (36) Ferrari, Emanuele (128) Foros, Oystein (77)
Fadic, Milenko (9) Ferrari, Filippo (11) ? Foroughifar, Mohsen (3)
Fadinger, Harald (91) Ferrari, Giorgio (15) Forouharfar, Amir (12)
Fadipe, Moses (1) ? Ferrari, Giulia (11) Forouheshfar, Yeganeh (17)
Fadiran, David Oluwatosin (8) Ferrari, Guido (1) Forquesato, Pedro (7)
Fadiran, Gideon O. (6) Ferrari, Irene (17) Forrester, Andrew C. (4)
Fadlon, Itzik (23) Ferrari, Massimo (7) Forshaw, Rachel Joy (5)
Fadoju, Dorcas Tolulope (1) Ferrari, Pier Alda (35) Forslid, Rikard (138)
Fadol, Hassan Tawakol Ahmed (2) Ferrari, Sylvie (84) Forslund, Anders (45)
Faez, Sahand E. (1) Ferrari Filho, Fernando (61) Forsman, Helena (16)
Fafaliou, Irene (25) Ferrari Minesso, Massimo (40) Forson, Joseph Ato (9)
Fafchamps, Marcel A (408) Ferrarini, Tawni Hunt (5) Forssbaeck, Jens (18)
Faff, Robert William (336) Ferrario, Caterina (11) Forster, Anthony (7)
Fagan, Gabriel (23) Ferraris, Alberto (42) Forster, Felix (1)
Fagan, Stephen (2) Ferraris, Leo (24) Forster, Martin (39)
Fagandini, Paulo (7) Ferraris, Matteo (10) Forster, Michael F. (24)
Fagart, Marie-Cecile (41) Ferraro, Domenico (29) Forsund, Finn R. (114)
Fagart, Thomas (8) Ferraro, Paul J (86) Forsyth, Peter John (66)
Fageda, Xavier (134) Ferraro, Simona (8) Forsythe, Eliza C (29)
Fagerberg, Jan Ernst (164) Ferraz, Claudio (44) Forsythe, Robert E. (59)
Fagereng, Andreas (63) Ferraz, Lucas Pedreira do Couto (11) Fort, Fatiha (95)
Fagernaes, Sonja (21) Ferraz Castelo Branco Ferreira, Eduardo (9) Fort, Margherita (59)
Faggian, Alessandra (128) Ferre, Celine (3) Fort, Ricardo (22)
Faggian, Silvia (40) Ferre, Montserrat (27) Fort, Teresa C. (42)
Faggio, Giulia (45) Ferre, Zuleika (45) Forte, Antonio (17)
Faghih, Nezameddin (1) Ferreira, Afonso H B (19) Forte, Federico Daniel (10)
Fagiolo, Giorgio (292) Ferreira, Alex Luiz (27) Forte, Francesco (83)
Fagnot, Isabelle (3) Ferreira, Ana (2) Forte, Giuseppe (3)
Faguet, Jean-Paul (54) Ferreira, Ana Melissa (1) Forte, Rosa Portela (38)
Faharuddin, Faharuddin (3) Ferreira, Candida (41) Forte, Santiago (3)
Fahimnia, Behnam (2) Ferreira, Diogo Cunha Sr. (1) Fortenbery, T. Randall (60)
Fahlenbrach, Ruediger (80) Ferreira, Eva (33) Fortes, Roberta (1)
Fahlevi, Mochammad (26) Ferreira, Fernando V. (57) Forteza, Alvaro Javier (87)
Fahmi, Fikri Zul (6) ? Ferreira, Francisco H. G. (227) Forteza, Nicolas (1)
Fahmi, Mohamad (27) Ferreira, Gustavo F. C. (7) ? Forth, John (107)
Fahmid, Mirah Midadan (1) Ferreira, Joao Matos (177) Fortich, Roberto (9)
Fahmy, Ezry (4) ? Ferreira, Joao R. (6) Fortin, Bernard (223)
Fahmy, Hany (12) Ferreira, Joao V. (5) Fortin, Mario (39)
Fahn, Matthias (64) Ferreira, Jorge Braga (2) Fortin, Nicole M. (65)
Fahr, Rene (46) Ferreira, Jorge Leandro Delconte (1) Fortin, Pierre (16)
Fahr, Stephan Alexander (7) Ferreira, Jose Tome (8) Fortuna, Mario Jose (8)
Fahrholz, Christian H. (26) ? Ferreira, Jose Luis (30) Fortuna, Natercia (14)
Fahrlaender, Stefan Sebastian (8) Ferreira, Leonardo N. (14) Fortuna-Lindo, Jose Maria (1)
Faia, Ester (180) Ferreira, Luis Miguel D. F. (4) Fortunato, Adelino (16)
Faias, Jose Afonso (9) Ferreira, Manuel Portugal (91) Fortunato, Andres Sr. (3)
Faias, Marta (9) Ferreira, Mario Pedro (4) Fortunato, Graziela (9)
Faidah, Mutimmatul (1) Ferreira, Miguel A. (58) Fortunato, Piergiuseppe (25)
Faiella, Ivan (42) Ferreira, Miguel Homem (10) Fortune, Peter (36)
Faig, Miquel (53) Ferreira, Paulo Jorge (130) Fortun Vargas, Jonathan Mario (9)
Faigle, Ulrich (67) Ferreira, Pedro (6) Forys, Iwona (24)
Faik, Juergen (23) Ferreira, Pedro (9) Fosaas, Morten (6)
Failache, Elisa (11) Ferreira, Pedro C. (125) Foschi, Alga Danila (8)
Faillo, Marco (47) Ferreira, Pedro Lopes (19) Foschi, Matteo (4)
Fain, James Robert (14) Ferreira, Philippe (1) ? Foschi, Paolo (18)
Faingold, Eduardo (5) Ferreira, Priscila (29) Fosco, Constanza (16)
Faini, Riccardo (114) † Ferreira, Rafael (4) Fosgerau, Mogens (169)
Fainmesser, Itay P. (14) Ferreira, Roberto Tatiwa (34) Foss, Maria Carolina (1)
Fair, Ray C. (194) Ferreira, Romulo Gama (1) Foss, Nicolai (138)
Fairise, Xavier (63) Ferreira, Sarah (1) Fossati, Roman (3)
Fairley, Kim (7) Ferreira, Susana (73) Fossati, Sebastian (18)
Fairlie, Robert W. (290) Ferreira, Valeria (7) Fosse, Florian (1)
Fairlie Reinoso, Alan (22) Ferreira Batista Martins, Igor (2) Fossen, Frank M. (155)
Fairris, David (42) Ferreira Dias, Marta (7) Fosso Wamba, Samuel (38)
Fairweather, Daryl Rose (1) Ferreira Filipe, Sara (1) Fossung, Michael Forzeh (4)
Faisal, Faisal (11) Ferreira Leite, Sheila Cristina (2) Fostel, Ana (40)
Faisol, Nasruddin (2) Ferreira Lopes, Luisa (1) Fosten, Jack (13)
Faivre d'Arcier, Bruno (67) ? Ferreira Mayorga, Clodomiro (9) Foster, Andrew (76)
Faizin, Mu'adil (6) Ferreira Sequeda, Maria Teresa (13) ? Foster, Dean P. (25)
Faizunnisa, Azeema (2) Ferreira Tiryaki, Gisele (5) Foster, Frederick Douglas (14)
Fajardo, Gustavo (16) Ferreiro, Jasiel (6) ? Foster, Gigi (58)
Fajardo, Jose (69) Ferreiro, Jesus (75) Foster, Gillian Joanne (6)
Fajardo, Luis Eduardo (2) ? Ferrer, Alex (3) Foster, Irene R. (3)
Fajardo-Gonzalez, Johanna (24) Ferrer, Ana Maria (67) Foster, James E. (95)
Fajeau, Maxime (8) Ferrer, Helene (16) Foster, John (174)
Fajfar, Pablo Francisco (1) Ferrer, Rosa (19) Foster, Joshua (11)
Fajgelbaum, Pablo D. (34) Ferrera de Lima, Jandir (1) Foster, Kenneth Alan (83)
Fajnzylber, Eduardo (8) Ferrer Guerra, Julián (11) Foster, Kevin M. (17)
Fakayode, Segun Bamidle (12) Ferrer Hernandez, Jacobo (1) Foster, Lucia Smith (117)
Fakhari, Hossein (1) Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Ada (80) Foster, William Ellis (128)
Fakhfakh, Fathi (31) Ferrero, Andrea (61) Foster-McGregor, Neil (126)
Fakhrudin, Umar (1) Ferrero, Dolores (2) Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (124)
Fakih, Ali (90) Ferrero, Giuseppe (34) Fotis, Panagiotis (33)
Fakir, Adnan M. S. (11) Ferrero, Ignacio (24) Fotopoulos, Georgios (39)
Fakos, Alexandros (3) Ferrero, Lucas (3) Fotopoulos, Stergios B. (24)
Fakthong, Tiraphap (1) Ferrero, Mario (74) Fotopoulou, Eurydice (9)
Fala, Victoria (3) Ferrero Ferrero, Idoya (12) Fotouhi Ardakani, Mohammad (4)
Falagiarda, Matteo (36) Ferrer Perez, Hugo (29) Fotsing Waffo, Florent Ulrich (4)
Falahat, Mohammad (7) Ferreruela, Sandra (13) Fotso Koyeu, Fourier Prevost (5)
Falakahla, Lwazi (2) ? Ferres, Daniel (22) Fouarge, Didier (144)
Falaris, Evangelos M. (25) Ferrett, Ben (35) Fouayzi, Hassan (4)
Falath, Juraj (3) Ferretti, Camilla (14) Foubert, Bram P.J. (4)
Falato, Antonio (31) Ferretti, Paola (25) Foubert, Killian (4)
Falavigna, Greta (52) Ferretti, Paola (17) Foucart, Renaud (56)
Falaye, Adebanjo Joseph (4) Ferretti, Riccardo (36) Foucault, Jean-Pascal (6)
Falba, Tracy Ann (5) ? Ferreyra Gugliermino, Jesus Sr. (5) Foucault, Martial (30)
Falcettoni, Elena (4) Ferri, Benjamin (1) Foucault, Thierry (220)
Falch, Ranveig (8) Ferri, Camilla (1) Fouejieu, Armand (7)
Falch, Torberg (76) Ferri, Giovanni (177) Fougere, Denis (257)
Falck, Elisabeth (5) Ferri, Javier (111) Fougeyrollas, Arnaud (6)
Falck, Hans (1) Ferri, Salvatore (11) Fouillet, Cyril (11)
Falck, Oliver (278) Ferriani, Fabrizio (33) Fouilloux, Jessica (21)
Falck, Simon (4) Ferrier, Gary D. (69) Foulis, Angus Keith (20)
Falck Zepeda, Jose Benjamin (72) Ferrier, Peyton Michael (22) Fountain, John (18) ?
Falco, Chiara (17) Ferriere, Axelle (33) Fountas, Stilianos Steve (126)
Falco, Paolo (51) Ferriere, Nathalie (20) Fouopi Djiogap, Constant (3)
Falcomer, Mattia (1) Ferrieres, Sylvain (13) Fouquau, Julien (105)
Falcone, Guillermo (4) Ferrini, Silvia (31) Fouquet, Roger (83)
Falcone, Pasquale Marcello (22) Ferrir, Richard (5) ? Fouquin, Michel (46)
Falcone, Stefano (3) Ferris, Ann E. (9) Fourcade, Marion (21)
Falconi, Fander (12) Ferris, John Nelson (61) Fourcans, Andre (42)
Falconio, Andrea (1) Ferris, J. Stephen (120) Foure, Jean (59)
Faldzinski, Marcin (17) Ferro, Andrea R. (5) Foureaux Koppensteiner, Martin (43)
Faleh, Alaeddine (4) Ferro, Esteban (16) Fourie, Helanya (2)
Falk, Armin (418) Ferro, Gustavo (102) Fourie, Johan (154)
Falk, Barry (34) Ferro, Simone (4) Fourmouzi, Vasiliki (3)
Falk, Martin Thomas (199) Ferrone, Lucia (27) Fournel, Jean-Francois (1)
Falkenberg, Andreas Wyller (3) † Ferroni, Filippo (67) Fournier, Anne (17)
Falkinger, Josef (82) Ferrouhi, El Mehdi (36) Fournier, Gaetan (17)
Falkowski, Jan (65) Ferru, Marie (21) Fournier, Gary M. (18)
Falkowski, Krzysztof (11) Ferry, Marin (39) Fournier, Guy (6)
Fall, El Hadji (12) Fershtman, Chaim (160) Fournier, Jean-Marc (35)
Fall, Falilou (43) Ferson, Wayne (46) Fournier, Juliette (8)
Fallahgoul, Hassan Abobakr (1) Ferstl, Robert (14) Fourrey, Kevin (10)
Fallahi, Firouz (27) Fertala, Nikolinka (3) Fourrier-Nicolai, Edwin (17)
Fallesen, Peter (26) Fertig, Alexander Jakob (1) Fousekis, Panos (47)
Falletti, Vittorio (1) Fertig, Michael (124) † Fowler, Stuart J. (7)
Fallick, Bruce (66) Ferto, Imre (257) Fowler De Avila Monteiro, Guilherme (2)
Fallis, George B. (10) Ferwerda, Jeremy (3) Fowles, Richard (3)
Fallucchi, Francesco (41) Ferwerda, Joras (23) Fowzia, Rehana (1)
Fally, Thibault (77) Feschiyan, Daniela Miltchova (17) Fox, Alan Keith (27)
Falsone, Maurizio (2) Fesselmeyer, Eric C. (31) Fox, Craig R. (2)
Falter, Jean-Marc (8) Fessler, Pirmin (87) Fox, Glenn (64)
Faltermeier, Julia (2) Festa, Andrea (6) Fox, Jeremy (48)
Faltin, Donna (4) Festre, agnes (134) Fox, John Andrew (68)
Faltings, Richard (2) Fetai, Besnik Taip (5) Fox, Kevin J. (140)
Faltova Leitmanova, Ivana (12) Fetene, Gebeyehu Manie (10) Fox, Louise (37)
Faltsman, Vladimir Konstantinivich (5) Fetter, Daniel Keath (10) Fox, Melanie (4)
Falvey, Rodney Edward (128) Fetzer, Thiemo (181) Fox, William F. (61)
Falzoni, Anna Maria (3) Feuer, Hart Nadav (2) Foxon, Timothy J. (56)
Fama, Eugene F. Sr. (76) Feuerbacher, Arndt (25) Foye, Victoria Oluwatoyin (3)
Famakinwa, Michael (1) Feuerstein, Switgard (17) Fracasso, Andrea (90)
Famba, Takuriramunashe (2) Feulefack Kemmanang, Ludovic (4) Fraccaroli, Nicolo (16)
Famira-Muehlberger, Ulrike (94) Feunou, Bruno (57) Fracchia, Mattia (4)
Famulari, Melissa (5) Fevang, Elisabeth (12) Frache, Serafin (29)
Fan, C. Simon (34) Feve, Frederique (21) Fradkin, Andrey (8)
Fan, Elliott (31) Feve, Patrick (228) Fraga, Evelyn Leonela (2)
Fan, Gang-Zhi (10) Fevolden, Arne Martin (16) ? Fraga, Gilberto Joaquim (15)
Fan, Haichao (70) Fevrier, Philippe (20) Fraga, Jefferson Souza Sr. (1)
Fan, Jianqing (162) Feygina, Vera (4) Fragetta, Matteo (40)
Fan, Jingwen (13) Feyrer, James Donald (32) Fragiadakis, Daniel (1)
Fan, Liang-cong (2) Fforde, Adam Jerome (8) Fragkandreas, Thanos (3)
Fan, Linlin (9) Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo (168) Fragkiadakis, Kostas (32)
Fan, Maoyong (18) Fhima, Fredj (8) Fragkos, Konstantinos C. (4)
Fan, Qingliang (Michael) (16) Fiala, Lenka (15) Fragkos, Panagiotis (1)
Fan, Rui (1) Fiala, Nathan Vincent (46) Fragnelli, Vito (72)
Fan, Shenggen (227) Fialova, Kamila (23) Frain, John C. (12)
Fan, Sijia (1) Fiankor, Dela-Dem Doe (20) Fraisse, Henri (36)
Fan, Victoria Y. (18) Fianto, Bayu Arie (2) Frait, Jan (54)
Fan, Wen (13) Fianu, Emmanuel Senyo (6) Frame, W Scott (127)
Fan, Xiaodong (7) Fiaschetti, Maurizio (9) F. Ramirez, Nerys Federico (3)
Fan, Xiaoguang (2) Fiaschi, Alessandro (2) Framstad, Nils Chr. (13)
Fan, Xiaoli (16) Fiaschi, Davide (104) Franaszek, Joanna Magdalena (1)
Fan, Xiaoyan (3) Fic, Tatiana Maria (118) Franc, Andrea (2)
Fan, Xibo (1) Fichera, Eleonora (20) Franca, Michael (1)
Fan, Yi (23) Fichet de Clairfontaine, Aurelien (15) ? Francavilla, Francesca (18)
Fan, Ying (25) Fichtl, Anita (22) Franceschi, Emanuele (11)
Fan, Yubing (3) Fichtner, Ferdinand (138) Franceschinis, Cristiano (10)
Fanai, Vanlalruata (1) Ficura, Milan (6) Francesconi, Gian Nicola (10)
Fanchon, Phillip (1) Fida, Bashir Ahmad (3) Francesconi, Marco (187)
Fandrejewska, Alicja (6) Fidalgo, Joao Gabriel (1) Francese, Maura (10)
Fanea-Ivanovici, Mina (23) Fidalgo Cervino, Esther (3) Francetic, Igor (12)
Fanelli, Domenico (3) Fidora, Michael (38) Franchi, Massimo (33)
Fanelli, Jose Maria (2) Fidrmuc, Jan (206) Francioni, Barbara (10)
Fanelli, Luca (83) Fidrmuc, Jarko (203) Francis, David C. (3)
Fanelli, Sebastian (8) Fiebig, Denzil G. (103) Francis, Johanna L. (28)
Fanfani, Bernardo (16) Fiedler, Angela (1) ? Francis, Joseph (9)
Fang, CHEN (1) Fiedler, Paul (1) Francis, Michael (19)
Fang, Chin Yi (6) Fiedor, Pawel (24) Francis, Tandoh (1)
Fang, Chuyi (1) Field, Alexander J. (77) Francis, William Barry (14)
Fang, Dawei (1) Field, Simon (3) Francisco, Herminia (9)
Fang, Di (26) Fieldhouse, Andrew Jack (11) Francisco, Jamil Paolo S. (15)
Fang, Eddy S. (6) Fielding, Antony (17) † Francisco, Kris A. (16)
Fang, Fang (4) Fielding, David (189) Francisco, Manuela (19)
Fang, Hanming (213) Fields, Gary S. (136) Francisco, Ruth Hementera (5)
Fang, Lei (3) Fields, Jason (2) Francisco Linan, Francisco (41)
Fang, Lei (55) Fields, Ziska (8) Francisco Rodriguez-Fernandez, Francisco (46)
Fang, Min (15) Fierro, Luca Eduardo (13) Franck, Egon Peter (181)
Fang, Muriel Zheng (2) Fierro, Luis Alberto (3) Franck, Raphael (88)
Fang, Peixun (6) Fiess, Norbert M. (61) Franckx, Laurent (36)
Fang, Puyi (1) Fiestas-Flores, Jerico (2) Franco, April Mitchell (22)
Fang, Tony (55) Figal Garone, Lucas (15) Franco, Camilo (5)
Fang, Weiwu (1) Figari, Francesco (76) Franco, Catalina (4)
Fang, WenShwo (48) ? Figa-Talamanca, Gianna (20) Franco, Daniel (19)
Fang, Xiangming (31) Figge, Frank T. (41) Franco, Daniele (55)
Fang, Yi (7) Figini, Paolo (64) Franco, Guido (17)
Fang, Ying (27) Figinski, Theodore F. (11) Franco, Lavinia (2)
Fang, Yingfeng (4) Figlio, David (168) Franco, Rafael (9) ?
Fang, Yiwei (1) Figueira, Catarina (8) Franco, Sofia F. (4)
Fang, Yong (14) Figueiredo, Adriano Marcos Rodrigues (20) Franco-Bedoya, Sebastian (17)
Fang, Yue (5) Figueiredo, Erik (61) Franco Chuaire, Maria del Rosario (3)
Fang, Zheng (2) Figueiredo, Lizia De (14) Franco-Correa, Andrea (3) ?
Fang, Zheng (1) Figueiredo, Octavio (27) Franco-Crespo, Christian Sr. (1)
Fang, Zheng (43) Figueiredo, Paulo N. (15) Francois, Abel (107)
Fang, Zhou (1) Figueiredo Walter, Torsten (1) Francois, John Nana (14)
Fanhaenel, Antje (21) ? Figueres, Juan Manuel (13) Francois, Joseph Francis (323)
Fankhauser, Sam (139) Figueroa, Adolfo (180) † Francois, Manon (8)
Fanning, Jack (9) Figueroa, Cristian (1) Francois, Patrick (81)
Fano, Shira (5) Figueroa, Eugenio (55) Francois, Valerie (28)
Fantazzini, Dean (77) Figueroa, Marcelo G. (6) Franco Mora, Juan Sebastian (1)
Fantcho, Joseph Emmanuel (1) Figueroa, Nicolas (15) Franco Neto, Afonso Arinos Mello (16)
Fanti, Luciano (316) Figueroa, Nincen Sr. (13) Franco Restrepo, Camila (2)
Fanti, Lucrezia (34) Figueroa Socarras, Cesar Alfonso (1) Francos, Martin (2)
Fantini, Giulia (5) Figuet, Jean-Marc (34) Franco Vasquez, Liliana Yaned (3)
Fantino, Davide (16) Figuie, Muriel (15) Francq, Christian (152)
Faraca, Giorgia (1) Figuieres, Charles (131) Francsovics, Anna (1)
Farace, Salvatore (1) Figurelli, Lucrezio (1) Frandsen, Ann-Christine (8)
Farag, Marc (4) Figus, Gioele (25) Franek, Slawomir (8)
Faraglia, Elisa (41) Fihel, Agnieszka (2) Frangos, Christos C. (5)
Farah, Alfa (1) Fikru, Mahelet G. (56) Franic, Josip (15)
Farah, Naima (2) Filacek, Jan (18) Franjkovic, Jelena (2)
Farahati, Farah (1) Filali, Radhouane (5) ? Franjo, Luis (8)
Farah-Yacoub, Juan Pablo (5) Filardo, Andrew (79) Frank, Bjoern (64)
Faraj, Bawar Mohammed (2) Filatov, Alexander Yurievich (11) Frank, Douglas H. (5)
Faralli, Matilde (4) Filatov, Vladimir Ivanovich (2) Frank, Jeff (44)
Farana, Radim (3) Filatova, Liudmila (4) Frank, Julieta (13)
Faravelli, Marco (38) Filatova, Tatiana (5) Frank, Karol (18)
Farayibi, Adesoji Oladapo (13) Filatova, Tatiana (32) Frank, Mark W. (12)
Faraz, Naseem (5) Filauro, Stefano (1) Frank, Martin (1)
Farazi, Mohammad Saleh (7) Filchenko, Dmytro (2) Frank, Murray Z. (29)
Farber, Andre (56) Filep-Mosberger, Palma (12) Frank, Nathaniel (7) ?
Farbmacher, Helmut (37) Filer, Larry H. II (7) Frank, Robert H. (34)
Farbod, Davood (2) Filer, Randall (88) Frank, Sascha Boris (1)
Farchy, Emily (6) Filgueiras, Fernando (1) Franke, Benedikt (7) ?
Farcomeni, Alessio (70) Filho, Marcello de Moura (37) Franke, Guenter (58)
Fardeau, Vincent (2) Filiani, Pasquale (3) Franke, Joerg (28)
Fareed, Fozan (4) Filicheva, Evgeniya (3) ? Franke, Richard (10)
Fareed, Muhammad (3) Filimonova, Natalia (7) Frankel, David M. (65)
Farelo, Mario Nuno (2) ? Filinov, Nikolay (4) Frankel, Jeffrey Alexander (614)
Fares, M'hand (20) Filip, Alina (15) Frankema, Ewout (48)
Fares, Redha (3) Filip, Dariusz (7) Franklin, Bradley (4)
Farhad, Mohammad (8) Filip, Radu Ion (7) Franklin, Jeremy (10)
Farhadi, Maryam (10) Filipescu, Oana Maria (8) Franklin, Simon (33)
Farhani, Sahbi (22) Filipiak, Ute (2) Frankman, Myron J. (3)
Farhat, Abdeljelil (19) Filipova, Fanya Asparuhova (3) Frankovic, Ivan (25)
Farhi, Emmanuel (242) † Filipova, Lenka (6) Frankovsky, Miroslav (12) ?
Farhidi, Faraz (2) Filipova, Nadezhda (4) Frankowski, Jan (16)
Fari, Simone (2) Filipova-Rivers, Magdalena Lubomirova (1) Franks, Max (22)
Faria, Ana Paula (25) Filipovska, Olivija (3) Fransen, Sonja (3)
Faria, Andre (11) Filipozzi, Fabio (9) Franses, Philip Hans (637)
Faria, Goncalo (24) Filippaios, Fragkiskos (28) Fransman, Martin (9)
Faria, Joao Ricardo (137) Filippeli, Thomai (9) Franssen, Loe (4)
Faria, Rita (7) Filippetti, Andrea (57) Franta, Michal (48)
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel (69) Filippi, Maryline (73) Franz, Jennifer (2) ?
Farias, Claudio Vinicius Silva Sr. (1) Filippiadis, Eleftherios (9) Franz, Nathan Mark (3)
Farias, Maria Elisa (4) Filippidis, Ioannis (6) Franz, Peter (47)
Farid, Naser (7) Filippin, Antonio (100) Franz, Thorsten (3) ?
Faridi, Muhammad Zahir (8) Filippin, Maria Elena (3) Franz, Wolfgang (146)
Farina, Egidio (4) ? Filippini, Federico (7) Franzini, Maurizio (41)
Farina, Francesco (21) Filippini, Luigi (26) Franzoni, Chiara (25)
Farina, Vincenzo (42) Filippini, Massimo (249) Franzoni, Luigi Alberto (31)
Farinas, Jose C. (33) Filippou, Ilias (9) Franzsen, Riel (1)
Farinha, Teresa (6) Filippov, Sergey (19) Frappa, Sebastien (7)
Farinosi, Fabio (4) Filippova, Irina (6) ? Frappier, Lise (2)
Fariya, Fariya (1) Filippova, Irina Harry (24) Frascaroli, Bruno Ferreira (13)
Farka, Mira (8) Filipski, Mateusz Jan (55) Fraschini, Angela (15)
Farkas, Beatrice (4) Filis, George (119) Fraser, Benjamin (1)
Farkas, Ferenc (20) † Filistrucchi, Lapo (55) Fraser, Clive D. (34)
Farkas, Miklos (5) Filiz, Elif (8) Fraser, Iain (135)
Farkas, Peter (2) ? Filiz-Ozbay, Emel (26) Fraser, Robert Weston (147)
Farla, Kristine (9) ? Filiztekin, Alpay (33) Frasineanu, Corina (4)
Farmand, Aida (6) Filko, Martin (4) Frasser, Cristian (15)
Farmanesh, Amir (3) Fillat, Jose L. (41) Fratangelo, Pierpaolo (3)
Farmer, J. Doyne (196) Fillat-Castejon, Carmen (24) Frate, Claudio Albuquerque (6) ?
Farmer, Karl (75) Fillon, Romain (2) Fratesi, Ugo (107)
Farmer, Leland E. (11) Filmer, Deon (96) Fratianni, Michele U. (186)
Farmer, Roger E. A. (227) Filocamo, Andrea (4) Fratini, Saverio M. (54)
Farnell, Alex (12) Filomena, Mattia (21) Frattini, Federico (17)
Farnham, Martin (11) Filoso, Valerio (30) Frattini, Tommaso (77)
Farnia, Farnaz (2) Filser, Marc (83) Fratto, Chiara (11)
Farnstrand Damsgaard, Erika (10) Filser, Matthias (1) Fratzscher, Marcel (373)
Faro, Jose Heleno (24) Filson, Darren (22) Frauendorfer, Karl (3)
Farole, Thomas (58) Filzmoser, Peter (43) Frausto-Solis, Juan (1)
Farolfi, Stefano (78) Fimayer, Agnes (5) Fraysse, Jean (7)
Farook, Sami (1) Finaldi Russo, Paolo (21) Fraz, Ahmad (8)
Farooq, Abdul (2) Finan, Frederico (65) Frazao, Elizabeth (51) ?
Farooq, Ammar (5) Finardi, Ugo (23) Frazer, Garth (9)
Farooq, Fatima (6) Findeisen, Sebastian (70) Frazier, Nick (1)
Farooq, Moazzam (8) Findik, Derya (12) Frazzini, Andrea (18)
Farooq, Muhammad (7) Findlater, Sachi (3) Frean, Molly (4)
Farooq, Nadia (1) Findlay, Christopher (77) Frech, Harry E. (75)
Farooq, Shujaat (24) Findlay, David W. (13) Frechette, Guillaume R. (39)
Farooq, Umar Sr. (26) Findlay, Jeanette (10) Freddi, Eleonora (9)
Farooqi, Faraz Ahmed (1) Findlay, Ronald Edsel (87) † Frederiks, Arjan J. (4)
Farooqi, Javeria (6) ? Findley, T. Scott (15) Frederiksen, Anders (60)
Farooquee, Arsalan Ali (5) Finet, Alain (7) Fredj, Karima (1)
Farrahi Moghaddam, Reza (4) Finger, Joseph Michael (93) † Fredriksson, Anders (8)
Farrant, Katie (4) Finger, Matthias (46) Fredriksson, Antti (5)
Farre, Lidia (68) Finger, Robert (201) Fredriksson, Per G. (103)
Farrell, Greg (24) Fingleton, Bernard (179) Fredriksson, Peter (116)
Farrell, Joseph (173) Fini, Matteo (1) Fredy H., Wompner G. (14)
Farrell, Katharine N. (16) Fini, Riccardo (18) Freebairn, John William (193)
Farrell, Lisa (55) Finicelli, Andrea (12) Freeborn, Beth Anne (17)
Farrell, Max H (30) Fink, Carsten (56) Freedman, Charles (59) ?
Farrell, Niall (28) Fink, Fabian (8) Freedman, Matthew (50)
Farren, Michael Diltz (7) Fink, Guenther (111) Freedman, Seth M. (28)
Farreras, Veronica Ines (2) Fink, Jason (6) Freel, Mark (30)
Farrin, Katie (11) Fink, Marian (85) Freeman, Alan (148)
Farrokhi, Farid (12) Fink, Nikolaus (7) Freeman, David J. (25)
Farrow, Robert Scott (59) Finke, Katharina (6) Freeman, Donald (24)
Farrukh, Muhammad (30) Finke, Michael (12) Freeman, Guy (2) ?
Farshchi, Mahtab (1) ? Finkel, Yoel (1) Freeman, Rebecca Ann (33)
Farsi, Mehdi (80) Finkelshtain, Israel (32) Freeman, Richard B. (547)
Faruk, Avinno (6) Finkelstein, Amy (154) Freeman, Scott John (42) †
Faruk, Bashir Umar (1) Finkelstein Shapiro, Alan (44) Freer, Mikhail (6)
Faruq, Hasan A. (11) Finkle, Aaron (7) Freestone, Owen (5)
Faruqee, Hamid (41) Finlay, Jocelyn E. (15) Fregert, Klas (17)
Faruqui, Umar (10) ? Finlay, Keith (26) Freguglia, Ricardo da Silva (32)
Farvaque, Etienne (191) Finlay, Richard (25) Frehen, Rik G. P. (12)
Faryna, Oleksandr (5) Finley, Andrew R. (5) Frei, Lukas (4)
Farzammehr, Mohadeseh Alsadat (2) Finley, Theresa S. (6) Frei, Xenia Sarah (2)
Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza (155) Finn, Arden Jeremy (25) Freier, Maximilian A. (17)
Farzin, Y. Hossein (64) Finnegan, Marie (3) Freije-Rodriguez, Samuel (25)
Fasakin, Idowu James (2) Finnie, Ross (70) Freiling, Joerg (40)
Fasan, Marco (3) Finnoff, David C. (72) Freille, Sebastian (9)
Fasani, Francesco (81) Finocchiaro, Daria (27) Freinkman, Lev (48)
Fasani, Stefano (13) Finocchiaro Castro, Massimo (27) Freira, Lucia (12)
Fasano, Alessandra (6) Finogeev, Alexey Germanovich (3) Freire, Clovis (22)
Fasano, Giovanni (31) Finon, Dominique (5) Freire, Tiago (15)
Fasanya, Ismail Olaleke (24) Finotto, Vladi (7) Freire-Gonzalez, Jaume (28)
Fase, Martin M.G. (32) Finus, Michael (118) Freire-Seoane, Maria Jesus (26)
Faseli, Omid (2) Finzi, Ugo (21) Freire-Seren, Maria Jesus (20)
Fashola, Mashhud Adenrele (1) Fiocco, Raffaele (37) Freitag, Andreas (7)
Fasianos, Apostolos (18) Fiodendji, Komlan Daniel (7) Freitag, Lennart (3) ?
Fasnacht, Daniel Peter (21) Fioramanti, Marco (13) Freitag, Stephan (8)
Fasolo, Angelo Marsiglia (15) Fiorani, Filo (3) Freitas, Ana Paula (6)
Fassas, Athanasios (24) Fioravanti, Reinaldo Daniel (3) Freitas, Carlos J. Pereira (2)
Fasse, Anja (22) Fiordelisi, Franco (96) Freitas, Dimitria (4)
Fasshauer, Angela (4) ? Fiore, Annamaria (40) Freitas, Lucio (4)
Fassin, Yves (29) Fiore, Jacqueline Anne (1) Freitas, Maria Viviana (1)
Fassio, Anita (4) Fiore, Mariantonietta (52) Freitas Lopes, Hedibert (9)
Fassio, Claudio (50) Fiorelli, Cristiana (9) Freitas Vian, Carlos Eduardo Sr. (24)
Fatas, Antonio (69) Fiorello, Amelie (9) ? Freixas, Xavier (102)
Fatas, Enrique (81) Fiorentini, Gabriele (127) Fremdling, Rainer (52)
Fatas-Villafranca, Francisco (31) Fiorentini, Gianluca (44) Fremeaux, Nicolas (32)
Fateh, Belaid (142) Fiorentini, Riccardo (17) Fremigacci, Florent (30)
Fatemi, Farshad (4) Fiorentino, Elisabetta (4) Frempong, Raymond Boadi (18)
Fatemian, Farhad (1) Fiorese, Giulia (17) Fremstad, Anders (10)
Fathelrahman, Eihab (11) Fioretti, Guido (51) Fremstad, Shawn (17)
Fatica, Serena (54) Fioretti, Michele (42) French, Declan (33)
Fatima, Ambreen (21) Fiori, Giuseppe (39) French, Eric Baird (155)
Fatima, Tatheer (1) Fiori, Stefano (13) French, Joseph J. (32)
Fatnassi, Ibrahim (2) Fiorillo, Damiano (78) French, Kenneth R. (76)
Fatoke Dato, Mafaizath A. (4) Fiorillo, Fabio (38) French, Michael T. (19)
Fatol, Dana (2) Fiorin, Stefano (26) French, Robert John (1)
Fatouros, Nikos (8) Fiorini, Alessandro (7) French, Scott (12)
Fattakhov, Rafael (9) Fiorini, Luciana Costa (9) Frenda, Antonio (4)
Fattal Jaef, Roberto N. (27) Fiorini, Mario (16) Frenette, Marc (22)
Fattore, Marco (4) Fiorini, Matteo (57) Freni, Giuseppe (46)
Fattori, Vittorio (1) Fiorio, Carlo Vittorio (86) Frenkel, Aleksandr Adol'fovich (5)
Fatulescu, Puiu (1) Fioriti, Linda (7) Frenkel, Roberto (89)
Fatum, Rasmus (89) Fiorito, Riccardo (22) Frenken, Koen (183)
Faubert, Violaine (22) Fioroni, Tamara (19) Frensch, Richard (35)
Fauceglia, Dario (12) Firanchuk, Alexander Sergeevich (98) Frenzel, Alexander (8) ?
Faudot, Adrien (78) Firdaus, Slamet (1) Freo, Marzia (8)
Faugeras, Olivier Paul (2) Firdausy, Carunia Mulya (5) Frere, Jean-Maurice (13)
Faugere, Christophe (13) Firgo, Matthias (149) Frere, Quentin (12)
Faulk, Dagney (16) Firman, Firman (1) Freret, Sandy (8)
Faundez M, Sebastian (5) Firme, Vinicius de Azevedo Couto (12) Frese, Michael (50)
Faura Martinez, Ursula (14) Firmino Costa da Silva, Diego (12) Fretel, Anne (3)
Faure, Mathieu (25) Firoozi, Daniel B. (4) Fretz, Deborah (4)
Faure, Pierre-Henri (10) Firoozye, Nikan (17) Freudenberg, Michael (23)
Faust, Jon (80) Firouzjaeiangalougah, Mojtaba (1) Freudenthaler, Christoph (9)
Faust, Martin (1) Firpo, Sergio (78) Freund, Caroline (118)
Fausten, Dietrich Karl (35) ? Firsin, Oleg (3) Freund, Florian (18)
Fausti, Scott William (84) Firsov, Andrey Valerievich (1) Freund, Lukas (17)
Faustino, Horacio Crespo (31) Firsova, Anna Alexandrovna (3) Frew, Emma Jane (28)
Faustino, Rui (5) Firtescu, Bogdan Narcis (26) Frey, Bruno S. (750)
Fauvel, Yvon (2) Firth, John (1) Frey, Carl Benedikt (12)
Fauvelle-Aymar, Christine (7) Fisar, Milos (18) Frey, Marco (73)
Fauvet, Pierre (4) ? Fischbacher, Urs (159) Frey, Miriam (13)
Fauvrelle, Thiago (2) Fischel, William A. (24) Frey, Rainer (24)
Fauzel, Sheereen (6) Fischer, Andreas M (147) Frey, Seth (4)
Fauzi, Achmad (2) Fischer, Carolyn (207) Frey, Simon (6)
Fauzi, Fitriya (4) Fischer, Christoph (29) Freyaldenhoven, Simon (17)
Fava, Ana Claudia Polato e (10) Fischer, Doris (10) Freydorf, Christoph (5)
Favara, Giovanni (36) Fischer, Edwin O. (6) Freye, Sabine (7) ?
Favara, Marta (46) Fischer, Felix Florian (1) Freyens, Benoit Pierre (25)
Favard, Pascal (58) Fischer, Justina A. V. (144) Freytag, Andreas (174)
Favaretto, Daniela (8) Fischer, Klaus P. (23) † Frezza, Massimiliano (1)
Favaretto, Federico (11) Fischer, Kristin (1) Frias, Isidro (21)
Favaro, Donata (25) Fischer, Lorenz Benedikt (3) ? Friberg, Richard (71)
Favato, Giampiero (1) Fischer, Manfred M. (242) Fricano, Stefano (6)
Favereau, Olivier (92) Fischer, Martin (13) Frick, Bernd (1)
Favero, Alice (5) Fischer, Mira (39) Frick, Joachim R. (136) †
Favero, Carlo (211) Fischer, Ronald David (114) Fricke, Christoph (8)
Favero, Giovanni (27) Fischer, Stefanie (20) Fricke, Daniel (34)
Favero, Luiz Paulo (9) Fischer, Thomas (32) Fricke, Hans (23)
Favila Tello, Antonio (6) Fischer Colonimos, Bruno (1) Fridberg, Torben (2)
Favilukis, Jack (42) Fischer-Weckemann, Bjorn (21) Fridolfsson, Sven-Olof (34) ?
Favoretto, Cassia Kely (3) Fisera, Boris (11) Fridrich, Michal (1)
Favory, Thomas (1) ? Fish, Nigel L. (5) Friebel, Guido (127)
Favre, Giacomin (2) Fishback, Price Vanmeter (188) Fried, Stephie (28)
Favreault, Melissa M. (12) ? Fisher, Adlai Julian (43) Friedberg, Leora (51)
Fawaz, Yarine (39) Fisher, Bianca Lara (3) Friedberg, Rachel M. (10)
Fawcett, Nicholas (11) Fisher, Eric (61) Frieden, Jeffry A. (54)
Fawson, Chris (21) Fisher, Hayley (18) Friedenberg, Amanda (13)
Fay, Marianne (44) Fisher, Jonas D.M. (142) Friederiszick, Hans Wolfgang (13) ?
Fayad, Ghada Emile (7) Fisher, Jonathan D. (40) Friedman, Alla (10)
Fayad, Mohammed A. (2) Fisher, Lynn M. (20) Friedman, Ari B. (4)
Fayaz, Mohd. (6) Fisher, Mark (24) Friedman, Daniel (212)
Faye, Amy (12) Fisher, Monica (4) Friedman, David (27)
Faye, Ndeye Fatou (1) Fisher, Paul (26) Friedman, Evan (7)
Faye, Ousmane (12) Fisher, Paul Gregory (30) Friedman, Ezra (9)
Fayissa, Bichaka (50) Fisher, Paul J (1) Friedman, Hershey H. (14)
Fayos, Teresa (3) Fisher, Ronald C. (18) Friedman, James W (69) †
Faysal, Saad Raad (1) Fisher, Timothy C. G. (42) Friedman, Jed (67)
Faytong-Haro, Marco (3) Fisher, Walter Henry (49) † Friedman, John N. (44)
Fazekas, Dora (3) Fisher-Vanden, Karen (50) Friedman, Jorge R. (2)
Fazekas, Karoly (23) Fishlow, Albert (51) Friedman, Joseph (24)
Fazio, Andrea (24) Fishman, Arthur (50) Friedman, Linda Weiser (3)
Fazio, Dimas Mateus (27) Fishman, Ram (4) Friedman, Milton (219) †
Fazio, Giorgio (63) Fisker, Peter Kielberg (6) Friedman, Willa Helterline (14)
Fazlagic, Jan (1) Fisman, Raymond (178) Friedman, Yoram (2)
Fazlioglu, Burcu (15) Fissel, Gary (7) Friedman-Sokuler, Naomi H. (15)
Fazzari, Steven Mark (82) Fistung, Daniel Frantz (34) Friedrich, Christian (39)
Fe, Eduardo (17) Fiszbein, Martin (29) Friedrich, Marina (9)
Fe, FE Charles (7) Fiszeder, Piotr (23) Friedrich, Peter (15)
Feal-Zubimendi, Soledad (6) Fitawok, Melaku Bogale (1) Friedrich, Silke A. (8)
Fearnside, Philip Martin (43) Fitchett, Hamish (4) Friedrich, Thomas (17)
Fearon, Gervan Albert (4) Fitch-Fleischmann, Ben (1) Friedrichsen, Jana (72)
Fearon, James Dana (24) Fitch-Roy, Oscar W. (4) ? Friedrici, Karola (2) ?
Featherstone, Allen Merril (269) Fithria, Annisa (1) Friedson, Andrew Ira (59)
Featherstone, Clayton R. (9) Fitjar, Rune Dahl (82) Friedt, Felix Laurence (7)
Feaver, Christine H. (32) † Fitoussi, Jean-Paul (914) † Friege, Jonas (3)
Febianto, Irawan (2) Fitzenberger, Bernd (186) Friehe, Tim (236)
Febriantoko, Jovan (2) Fitzgerald, Doireann (34) Frieling, Julius (4)
Febriyanto, Ahmad (4) Fitzgerald, Jack (4) Fries, Christian (15)
Fecht, Falko (103) Fitzgerald, John D. (231) Fries, Claudia (25)
Fedaseyeu, Viktar (12) Fitzgerald, John M. (35) Fries, Jan (10)
Fedderke, Johannes Wolfgang (187) Fitzgerald, Terry J (39) Fries, Sebastien (8)
Feddersen, Arne (56) Fitzgerald, Timothy (25) Friesen, Jane (22)
Fedele, Alessandro (66) Fitzner, Grant (1) Friesen, Lana (55)
Feder, Christophe (26) Fitzpatrick, Anne (15) Friesenbichler, Klaus Sylvester (153)
Feder, Gershon (80) Fitzpatrick, Katie (14) Frigant, Vincent (165)
Federici, Daniela (44) Fitzpatrick, Maria Donovan (33) Frigeni, Roberta (1)
Federico, Giovanni (49) Fitzpatrick, Thomas James IV (21) Frigerio, Marco (19)
Federico, Salvatore (37) Fitzpatrick, Trevor (16) Frigo, Annalisa (4)
Federico, Stefano (43) FitzRoy, Felix (73) Frija, Aymen (28)
Federico Pablo-Marti, Federico (39) Fitzsimons, Emla Olivia Anne (16) Frijns, Bart (119)
Federicova, Miroslava (8) Fitzsimons, Vincent G. (5) Frijters, Paul (229)
Fedorets, Alexandra (53) Fiume, Alessio (4) Frik, Olga (6) ?
Fedorko, Igor (1) Fiva, Jon H. (57) Frimmel, Wolfgang (58)
Fedorko, Richard (9) Fixler, Dennis J. (36) Frimpong, Eugene (6)
Fedorov, Ilya (1) ? Fizaine, Florian (32) Frimpong, Joseph Magnus (5)
Fedorova, Elena Sergeevna (1) ? Fjeldstad, Odd Helge (46) Frimpong, Prince Boakye (8)
Fedorova, Mariya Nikolaevna (3) ? Fjesme, Sturla Lyngnes (13) Frings, Hanna (40)
Fedoseeva, Svetlana (32) Flaaen, Aaron (31) Fringuellotti, Fulvia (20)
Fedosin, Sergey G. (1) Flabbi, Luca (87) Frini, Olfa (10)
Fedotenkov, Igor (49) Flaccadoro, Marco (6) Frisancho, Veronica (60)
Fedotov, Yuri V. (7) Flacco, Paul R. (7) Frisch, Ragnar (15) †
Fedotova, Marina (1) Flach, Lisandra (18) Frisch, Walter (1)
Fedrizzi, Michele (10) Flachaire, Emmanuel (144) Frisen, Marianne (29) ?
Feduzi, Alberto (2) Flacher, David (1) Fristrup, Peter (10)
Fedyunina, Anna A. (28) Flaherty, Eoin Thomas (6) Frisvold, David (56)
Fee, Kyle (25) Flaherty, Michael (4) Frisvold, George B. (89)
Feehan, James P. (21) Flaig, Gebhard (56) Frith, Mathew Armstrong (1)
Feenberg, Daniel Richard (61) Flake, Regina (4) Frith, Michael James (7)
Feeney, Robert (2) Flam, Harry (25) Fritsch, Michael (367)
Feenstra, Alberto (3) Flam, Sjur Didrik (79) Fritsch, Nicholas (2)
Feenstra, Florence (2) ? Flamand, Marina (7) Fritsch, Ursula (7)
Feenstra, Robert C. (304) Flamand, Sabine (13) Fritsche, Alex (1)
Feeny, David (75) Flambard, Veronique (57) Fritsche, Jan Philipp (12)
Feeny, Simon (78) Flamini, Alessandro (34) Fritsche, Ulrich (136)
Feess, Eberhard (121) Flamini, Francesca (14) Fritsche, Uwe R. (2)
Feher, Adam (1) Flanagan, Francis X. (4) Fritz, Andreas (1)
Feher, Janos (1) Flanagan, Greg L. (1) Fritz, Heiko (3)
Fehr, Dietmar (65) Flanagan, Kieron (21) Fritz, Johannes (8) ?
Fehr, Ernst (457) Flanders, Sam H III (4) Fritz, Oliver Martin (204)
Fehr, Hans (116) Flandreau, Marc (178) Fritzsche, Carolin (24)
Fehrle, Daniel (12) Flannery, Brian P. (4) Froeb, Luke (50)
Fehrler, Sebastian (34) Flannery, Darragh (34) Froehling, Annette (3)
Fei, Chengcheng J. (10) Flannery, Mark Jeffrey (87) Froelich, Markus (139)
Feichtinger, Gustav (197) Flaschel, Peter (186) † Froemmel, Michael (98)
Feige, Edgar L (87) Flassbeck, Heiner (1) Frogeri, Rodrigo Franklin (4)
Feigenbaum, James Allen (42) Flath, David (53) Frohm, Erik (17)
Feigenbaum, James J. (32) Flatters, Frank (19) Frolov, Alexander (3)
Feigenbaum, Susan (10) Flauzino de Souza, Leonardo (1) Frolov, Daniil Petrovich (29)
Feigenberg, Benjamin (14) Flavel, Joanne (4) Frolov, Igor Eduardovich (1)
Feigl, Georg (53) Flavian, Carlos (27) Frolov, Serhii (1)
Feijo, Carmem Aparecida (71) Flavin, Thomas (69) Frolova, Liliia (3)
Feijoo Moreira, Sergio Alejandro (1) Fleche, Sarah (115) Frolova, Ol'ga Valer'evna (1)
Fein, Adam (6) Fleck, Nathalie (61) Fromell, Hanna Christin (11)
Feinberg, Robert M. (130) Fleck, Robert Kenneth (34) Fromentin, Vincent (34)
Feinberg, Susan (3) Fleckinger, Pierre (57) Fromlet, Hubert (1)
Feinstein, Jonathan (26) Fleischer, Aliza (43) Frondel, Manuel (264)
Feir, Donna L (53) Fleischer, Anne-Marie (3) Frone, Simona Maria (36)
Feit, Elea McDonnell (12) Fleischer, Tamas (16) Frontenaud, Adrien (3) ?
Feitosa, Paulo Henrique Assis (5) Fleischman, Charles (14) Froome, Craig William (16) ?
Feitosa Lopes, Daniel A. (2) Fleischmann, Moritz (28) Froot, Kenneth A. (136)
Feizi, Mehdi (18) Fleisher, Belton M. (112) Frosch, Katharina (13)
Fekadu, Belay (1) Fleiss, Juergen (1) Frost, Jon (107)
Felber, Laura Irina (2) Fleitas, Sebastian (23) Frost, Lionel (25)
Felbermayr, Gabriel J (433) Flek, Vladislav (26) Frot, Emmanuel (12)
Felcser, Daniel (10) Fleming, Christopher Mark (32) Frota, Leonardo Matsuno (1)
Feld, Brian (8) Fleming, David A. (28) Froud, Robert James (7)
Feld, Jan (57) Fleming, Elaine (1) Froumin, Isak (22)
Feld, Lars P. (417) Fleming, Michael J. (142) Froute, Philippe (15)
Felder, Rahel (18) ? Flemming, Jean (12) Froy, Francesca Elizabeth (14)
Feldkircher, Martin (119) Flepp, Raphael (10) Fruebing, Stefan (6) ?
Feldman, Barry (4) ? Fleseriu, Cristina (10) Fruehwirth, Jane Cooley (23)
Feldman, David Hall (28) Fletcher, Denise Elaine (14) Frug, Alexander (23)
Feldman, German David (25) Fletcher, Erin Kathleen (16) Fruin, Jerry E. (80) †
Feldman, Naomi E. (33) Fletcher, Jason (220) Frumkin, Boris Efimovich (1)
Feldman, Paul Joseph (6) Fletcher, Robert (6) Frunza, Ramona (5)
Feldmann, Horst (73) Fletcher-Chen, Chavi Chi-Yun (4) Fry, Jane M. (19)
Feldmann, Marcel (2) Fleten, Stein-Erik (70) Fry, John (32)
Feldmann, Sven E. (17) Fleurbaey, Marc (504) Fry, Tim R.L. (59)
Feldstein, Martin S. (552) † Fleuren, Hein (40) Frydman, Carola (43)
Felettigh, Alberto (26) Fleury, Jean-Baptiste (34) Frye, Dustin (2)
Felfe, Christina (74) Fleury, Nicolas (15) ? Frye, Timothy M. (36)
Felgenhauer, Mike (17) Flici, Farid (14) Fryer, Roland Gerhard (76)
Felgueroso, Florentino (90) Fliers, Frits (1) Fry-McKibbin, Renee A. (85)
Felice, Emanuele (47) Fliers, Philip Tadelle (9) F. Saporito, Yuri (6)
Felice, Giulia (21) Flinn, Christopher (97) Ftergioti, Stamatia (2)
Feliciano, Zadia M. (15) Flisi, Sara (21) Ftiti, Zied (92)
Felin, Teppo (4) Flister, Larissa (1) Fu, Bowen (4)
Felipe, Jesus (148) Flochel, Laurent (3) Fu, Buben (3)
Felis-Rota, Marta (4) Flochel, Thomas (5) Fu, Dahai (7)
Felix, Alison (38) Flodén, Martin (42) Fu, Haifeng (1)
Felix, Elisabete Gomes Santana (16) Floetotto, Max (9) Fu, Hui (1)
Felix, Jebbin Maclean (2) ? Flood, Joe (2) Fu, Jingcheng (3)
Felix, Ricardo Mourinho (27) Flood, Lennart R (51) Fu, Jintao (1) ?
Felix, Sonia (19) Flood, Mark D. (40) Fu, Liang (1)
Felixson, Karl (2) Flood, Robert P. (95) Fu, Qiang (19)
Fell, Harrison (36) Flor, Christian Riis (12) Fu, Rong (13)
Fell, John (14) Flor, Michael A. (4) Fu, Rong (1)
Fella, Giulio (77) Florackis, Chris (11) Fu, Shihe (71)
Felli, Leonardo (161) Florax, Raymond J.G.M. (200) † Fu, Vincent Kang (3)
Fellmann, Thomas (66) Florea, Andrei-Mirel Sr. (9) Fu, Xiaolan (83)
Fellner, Wolfgang J. (14) Florea-Ianc, Mirabela Maria (9) Fu, Yuming (27)
Fellner-Roehling, Gerlinde (61) Floreani, Vincent Arthur (8) Fuad, Syed (1)
Fellows, Garret Kent (39) Florea-Paraipan, Emanuela (1) Fuchs, Andreas (84)
Felsenstein, Daniel (41) Florens, Jean-Pierre (75) Fuchs, Ariel (2)
Felt, Marie-Helene (25) Florenzano, Monique (116) † Fuchs, Mariana (10)
Felteau, Claude (2) Flores, Andrea M (4) Fuchs, Michaela (93)
Feltenstein, Andrew (81) Flores, Bryan Joel (1) Fuchs, Simon (7)
Feltkamp, Vincent (26) Flores, Daniel (31) Fuchs, Thomas (16)
Felton, Andrew (10) ? Flores, Gabriela (11) Fuchs, Victor R. (223) †
Feltovich, Nick (63) Flores, Ignacio (24) Fuchs, William (47)
Feltus, Christophe (4) Flores, Juan Jose (12) Fuchs-Schuendeln, Nicola (68)
Femenia, Fabienne (78) Flores, Manuel (17) Fuciu, Mircea (26)
Femminis, Gianluca (43) Flores, Manuel (19) Fudenberg, Drew (394)
Fender, Ingo (38) Flores, Miguel (24) Fuders, Felix (5)
Fender, John (46) Flores, Nicholas E. (28) Fudulache, Adina (3)
Fendoglu, Salih (28) Flores, Oscar (1) Fudulu, Paul (2)
Fenech, Jean-Pierre (16) Flores Audante, Jairo (7) Fuenfgelt, Joachim (3)
Feng, Chao (1) Flores-Chamba, Jorge Eduardo Sr. (1) Fuenfzig, Michael (4)
Feng, Chen (10) Florescu, Daniela (5) Fuenmayor, Amadeo (12)
Feng, Guanhao (8) Florescu, Ioana Cristina (13) Fuentelsaz, Lucio (21)
Feng, Guohua (21) Flores-Fillol, Ricardo (36) Fuentes, Alvaro Alejandro (15)
Feng, Hongli (173) Flores-Guri, Daniel (3) Fuentes, Federico (1) ?
Feng, Hui (7) Flores Junior, Renato (50) Fuentes, Miguel (15)
Feng, Jun (5) Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso (89) Fuentes, Olga M. (15)
Feng, Li (12) Flores-Martinez, Artemisa (1) Fuentes, Raul (4)
Feng, Mei (4) Flores-Szwagrzak, Karol (5) Fuentes, Rodrigo (94)
Feng, Ming Sr. (1) Flores Tavares, Fernando (1) Fuentes-Albero, Cristina (30)
Feng, Qianbin (6) Flores Zendejas, Juan Huitzilihuitl (44) Fuentes Castro, Daniel (25)
Feng, Qu (41) Florez, Carmen Elisa (20) Fuentes Cordoba, Gabriel Ivan (6)
Feng, Shuaizhang (66) Florez, Katherine (1) Fuentes Hutfilter, Andres (25)
Feng, Wang (1) Florez, Luz A. (72) Fuentes Morales, Bulmaro (1) ?
Feng, Xiaolong Sr. (3) Florez-Acosta, Jorge (22) Fuentes-Ramirez, Ricardo R. (2)
Feng, Xunan (19) Florez-Bolanos,, Jaime Sr. (6) Fuernkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia (188)
Feng, Yan (18) Florez Mendoza, Javier (4) Fuerst, Franz (153)
Feng, Yanling (1) Florian, Violeta (30) ? Fuerst, Timothy S. (116) †
Feng, Ying (11) Florinskaya, Yuliya (57) Fuertes, Alberto (19)
Feng, Yuanhua (70) Florio, Anna (27) Fuertes, Ana-Maria (86)
Feng, Zhen-Hua (8) Florio, Erminia (9) Fuertes, Yolanda (9)
Feng, Zhigang (19) Florio, Massimo (297) Fuess, Roland (72)
Feng, Zifeng (17) Florios, Kostas (11) Fuess, Scott M. Jr. (23)
Fenge, Robert (87) Floris, Joel (7) Fuest, Clemens (622)
Fengler, Matthias R. (59) Floristeanu, Elena (2) Fugarolas Alvarez-Ude, Guadalupe (10)
Fenig, Guidon (14) Floro, Danvee (1) Fugazza, Carolina (21)
Fenn, Aju J. (26) Floros, Christos (115) Fugazza, Marco (67)
Fenn, Paul (52) Florquin, Nicolas (2) Fugger, Carina (6) ?
Fenny, Ama (12) Flory, Jeffrey A. (16) Fugger, Nicolas (4)
Fenoaltea, Stefano (104) Flossmann, Anton (2) Fuglie, Keith Owen (82)
Fenochietto, Ricardo (5) ? Floudas, Demetrius Andreas (1) Fuhr, Johannes (7)
Fenske, James (103) Flowerday, Wayde Thomas (1) Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. (118)
Fent, Thomas (24) Floyd, John Earl (23) Fuhrer, Lucas Marc (16)
Fenton, Alex (19) Flues, Florens Simon (20) Fuinhas, Jose Alberto (116)
Feoktistova, Olesya Alexandrovna (5) Fluet, Claude (172) Fujii, Daisuke (1)
Feral, Arnaud (1) Fluhrer, Svenja (3) Fujii, Daisuke (28)
Ferauge, Perrine (5) Flury, Thomas (3) Fujii, Dmitri Sr. (3)
Ferderer, J. Peter (12) Flynn, David T. (10) Fujii, Eiji (60)
Ferdinandusse, Marien Constantijn (26) Flynn, James (8) Fujii, Hidemichi (81)
Ferdows, Nasim (2) Flynn, Sean Masaki (13) Fujii, Takamune (3)
Ferede, Ergete (24) Flynn, Zach (5) Fujii, Tomoki (78)
Fereres, Sonia (5) Flyvbjerg, Bent (80) Fujikawa, Takemi (4)
Feres, Jose Gustavo (51) Foad, Hisham Salem (9) Fujiki, Hiroshi (84)
Ferey, Antoine (18) Foarta, Dana (33) ? Fujimoto, Junichi (24)
Fergin Wennberg, Elina (1) ? Focacci, Antonio (24) Fujimoto, Takashi (5)
Ferguson, Brian S. (31) Focardi, Giulio (1) Fujimura, Satoshi (1)
Ferguson, John-Paul (8) Fochesato, Mattia (14) Fujinaka, Yuji (11)
Ferguson, Neil T. N. (27) Fochezatto, Adelar (33) Fujita, Masahisa (138)
Ferguson, Shon Martin (55) Fodella, Gianni (1) Fujita, Shigeru (73)
Fergusson, Leopoldo (102) Fodha, Mouez (161) Fujita, Shinya (9)
Feri, Francesco (78) Fodor, Szabina (5) Fujiwara, Akimasa (11)
Feridun, Mete (43) Foell, Tobias (3) Fujiwara, Ippei (150)
Ferilli, Guido (19) Foellmi, Reto (104) Fujiwara, Kenji (74)
Ferioli, Eduardo (3) Foerstemann, Till (3) Fujiwara, Thomas (24)
Feriozzi, Fabio (9) Foerster, Andrew (71) Fujiwara-Greve, Takako (19)
Ferlito, Carmelo (28) Foerster, Hanno (12) Fujiyama, Keishi (10)
Ferman, Bruno (55) Foerster, Manuel (35) Fukac, Martin (26)
Ferman, Marcelo (6) Foerster, Marcel (6) ? Fukai, Taiyo (16)
Fermo, Laura Britt (1) Fogarasi, Jozsef (42) Fukao, Kyoji (319)
Fernald, John (158) Foged, Mette (26) Fukao, Mitsuhiro (38)
Fernandes, Adriana Sbicca (8) Fogel, Robert William (94) † Fukasaku, Kiichiro (26)
Fernandes, Ana (51) Fogelberg, Sara (5) ? Fukker, Gabor (6)
Fernandes, Ana Margarida (118) Fogli, Alessandra (58) Fuksova, Nadezda (1)
Fernandes, Ana P. (31) Foglia, Francesco (28) Fukuda, Atsuo (2)
Fernandes, Andre Luiz (2) Foglia, Matteo (31) Fukuda, Daisuke (14)
Fernandes, Danielle Cireno (4) Foguel, Miguel Nathan (42) Fukuda, Kosei (36)
Fernandes, Danilo (9) Fohlin, Caroline (60) Fukuda, Satoshi (16)
Fernandes, Fernando (4) Fok, Dennis (69) Fukuda, Shin-ichi (179)
Fernandes, Filipa D S (5) Fok, King Yin (21) Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko (42)
Fernandes, Liliana (10) Fokin, Nikita Denisovich (29) Fukui, Tani (3)
Fernandes, Marcelo (102) Fokina, Lyudmila Vasil'evna (1) Fukumoto, Mayumi (1)
Fernandes, Marcos Ross (7) Folami, Rahmon Abiodun (5) Fukumoto, Yukio (6)
Fernandes, Maria Eduarda (10) Folarin, Oludele Emmanuel (21) Fukumura, Koichi (6)
Fernandes, Nuno (8) Folawewo, Abiodun Oluwole (5) Fukunaga, Ichiro (28)
Fernandes, Paula Odete (1) Folbre, Nancy (23) Fukunaga, Yoshifumi (30)
Fernandes, Rui Costa (6) Foldvari, Peter (41) Fukunishi, Takahiro (15)
Fernandes, Sonia Pimentel (5) Foldvary, Fred (24) † Fukushige, Mototsugu (74)
Fernandes, Tiago (1) ? Foley, Daniel (13) ? Fukushima, Takashi (9)
Fernandes Ribeiro, Priscila (6) Foley, Duncan K. (120) Fukuyama, Hirofumi (92)
Fernandez, Adriana Z. (11) ? Foley, Kelly (18) Fuleky, Peter (44)
Fernandez, Angel (3) ? Foley, Maggie (25) Fulford, Scott Lansing (32)
Fernandez, Aranzazu de Juan (3) Foley, Naomi S. (5) Fulginiti, Lilyan (175)
Fernandez, Bernardo X. (15) Foley-Fisher, Nathan (39) Fullana Belda, Carmen (1)
Fernandez, Cristina (45) Folfas, Pawel (6) Fullbrook, Edward (6)
Fernandez, Cristina (10) Folgieri, Raffaella (1) Fullbrunn, Sascha Christian (68)
Fernandez, Esther (57) Foliano, Francesca (24) Fullenkamp, Connel (16)
Fernandez, Eva (7) Folinas, Sotiris (4) Fuller, Caleb S. (10)
Fernandez, Fernando (12) Folke, Olle (38) Fuller, David L. (39)
Fernandez, Francisco (12) Follette, Glenn Reith (10) Fuller, Debra (2)
Fernandez, Gaston P. (8) Folmer, Henk (125) Fullerton, Don (257)
Fernandez, Gonzalo Ezequiel (3) Folorunso, Benjamin Ayodele (1) Fullerton, Thomas M. Jr. (187)
Fernandez, Ivette (4) Foltyn, Richard (5) Fulli-Lemaire, Nicolas (8)
Fernandez, Javier (4) Foltynowicz, Zenon (2) Fulop, Arpad-Zoltan (12)
Fernandez, Jose Manuel (20) Foltyn-Zarychta, Monika (2) Fulton, Joan (76)
Fernandez, Jose Luis (28) Foltz, Jeremy David (121) Fumagalli, Andrea (37)
Fernandez, Katherina (2) Fomby, Thomas B. (35) Fumagalli, Chiara (34)
Fernandez, Marcelo Ariel (10) Fomenko, Tatiana (2) Fumagalli, Elena (21)
Fernandez, Mariano (2) Fomina, Alina Vladislavovna (1) Fumagalli, Elena (2)
Fernandez, Mario Andres (20) Fomkina, Sofya (2) Fumagalli, Laura (9)
Fernandez, Martin (1) Fon, Nguh (1) Fumarco, Luca (49)
Fernandez, Melchor (44) Fon, Vincy (22) Fumey, Abel (6)
Fernández, Milagros (13) Fondem, Divine Bisongonu Sr. (1) Funaki, Yukihiko (82)
Fernandez, Oscar (2) ? Fondeville, Nicole (1) Funari, Stefania (37)
Fernandez, Pablo (158) Fone, Zachary Stueck (5) Funatsu, Hideki (17) ?
Fernandez, Pascual (8) Fong, Joelle H. (8) Funchal, Bruno (27)
Fernandez, Patricio (35) Fong, Pohan (4) Funcke, Alexander (3)
Fernandez, Ramon Garcia (27) Fong, Tom Pak Wing (43) Fundelizzi, Stefano (1)
Fernandez, Raquel (114) Fongoni, Marco (23) Funderburg, Richard G. (13)
Fernandez, Rodrigo Nobre Sr. (11) Fong Reynoso, Carlos (7) Funes, Jose Elias (15)
Fernandez, Roque B. (55) Fonsah, Esendugue Greg (48) Fung, Ben S.C. (37)
Fernandez, Viviana (112) Fonseca, Claudia E. (12) Fung, Esabella (1)
Fernandez, Sr., Julian (7) Fonseca, Felipe J. (17) Fung, Ka Wai Terence (10)
Fernandez-Aguirre, Karmele (5) Fonseca, Luis (13) Fung, K.C. (80)
Fernandez-Amador, Octavio (34) Fonseca, Madalena (3) Fung, Loretta (17)
Fernandez-Arias, Eduardo (111) Fonseca, Miguel (9) Fung, Simon Yu Kit (6)
Fernandez-Aviles, Gema (8) Fonseca, Miguel Alexandre (50) Fung, Winnie (8)
Fernandez-Baca, Jorge Alejandro (144) † Fonseca, Nino (4) Fungacova, Zuzana (108)
Fernandez Bariviera, Aurelio (65) Fonseca, Raquel (123) Funk, Anne Kathrin (29)
Fernandez-Bedoya, Victor Hugo (11) Fonseca, Raquel J. (7) Funk, Matt (16) ?
Fernandez-Blanco, Matilde O. (6) Fonseca, Tiago (5) Funk, Michael (1)
Fernandez-Blanco, Victor (30) Fonseca Aranguren, Jaime Eduardo (1) Funk, Patricia (43)
Fernandez Bujanda, Leon (8) Fonseca Galvis, Angela (2) Funk, Peter (23)
Fernandez Campos, Daniela Valentina (1) Fonseka, Meimanage Mohan (9) Funke, Manuel (18)
Fernandez-Carrion, Miguel-Hector (4) ? Fons-Rosen, Christian (66) Funke, Michael (325)
Fernandez Cerezo, Alejandro (21) Fonta, William M. (19) Funovits, Bernd (10)
Fernandez-Crehuet, Jose Maria (10) Fontagne, Lionel (647) Fura, Barbara Ewelina (3)
Fernandez-de-Cordoba, Gonzalo (27) ? Fontaine, Francois (87) Furbush, Ann (1)
Fernandez de Cordoba, Santiago (3) Fontaine, Idriss (50) Furby, Mats (1) ?
Fernandez-de-Guevara, Juan (55) Fontaine, Jean-Sebastien (47) Furceri, Davide (298)
Fernandez-Delgado, Karol (3) Fontaine, Marie (4) Furfero, Arlene Joyce (1) †
Fernandez de Pinedo, Nadia (15) Fontaine, Maxime (28) Furlanetto, Francesco (70)
Fernandez-Diaz, Jose M (6) Fontaine, Philippe A.R. (41) Furlong, Frederick Thomas (90)
Fernandez Diez, Maria Carmen (8) Fontaine, Romeo (4) Furman, Ekaterina Dmitrievna (1)
Fernandez Donoso, Jose (22) Fontaine, Xavier (3) Furmanov, Kirill Konstantinovich (14)
Fernandez Duque, Mauricio (2) Fontainha, Elsa (15) Furno, Francesco (1)
Fernandez-Escobedo, Rudy (3) Fontana, Alessandro (8) Furno, Marilena (34)
Fernandez-Ferrin, Pilar (7) Fontana, Andre H.L. Sr. (13) Furqani, Hafas (1)
Fernandez-Gallardo, Alvaro (4) Fontana, Giuseppe (88) Fursov, Kirill (1)
Fernandez Grela, Manuel (7) Fontana, Magda (34) Fursov, Konstantin (3)
Fernandez Guerrico, Sofia (4) Fontana, Matteo (3) Furstenberg, Eric (2)
Fernandez-Gutierrez, Marcos (8) Fontana, Nicola (7) Furtado, Bernardo Alves (44)
Fernandez-Huertas Moraga, Jesus (93) Fontana, Olimpia (8) Furtado, Celso Monteiro (46) †
Fernandez Kranz, Daniel (37) Fontana, Roberto (91) Furtado, Delia (59)
Fernandez Lafuerza, Luis (3) Fontanelli, Luca (18) Furtado Martins de Paula, Marcelo (1)
Fernandez-Laviada, Ana (3) Fontan Sers, Charlotte (10) Furth, Salim B. (10)
Fernandez-Leiceaga, Xoaquin (5) Fontela, Emilio (12) † Furukawa, Chishio (1)
Fernandez-Llera, Roberto (15) Fontenla, Matias (26) Furukawa, Yosuke (3)
Fernandez-Lopez, Sara (62) Fonteny, Elisabeth (5) Furukawa, Yuichi (71)
Fernandez-Macho, Javier (26) Fontes, Luiz Felipe (5) Furuoka, Fumitaka (91)
Fernandez-Macias, Enrique (61) Fontes da Costa, Joao (1) Furusawa, Taiji (58)
FERNANDEZ Martin, ANDRES (71) Fontini, Fulvio (70) Fusari, Angelo (16)
Fernandez-Mendez, Laura (1) Fontoura, Maria Paula (61) Fusco, Alessio (36)
Fernandez Montt, Rene (12) Foo, Martin (1) Fusek, Peter (1) ?
Fernandez-Morales, Antonio (13) Foo, Nam Yoke (3) Fushu, Luan (2)
Fernandez Moreno, Diana Lucia (3) Foos, Daniel (10) Fusillo, Fabrizio (25)
Fernandez Moreno, Juan Fernando Fernandez Moreno Fernando (1) Foot, David K. (17) ? Fuss, Catherine (71)
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea (9) Foote, Andrew (19) Fuster, Andreas (119)
Fernandez Riquelme,, Sergio Sr. (1) Foote, Christopher Lee (64) Fuster, Luisa (54)
Fernandez Rojas, Angel (2) Forand, Jean Guillaume (27) Fuster Olivares, Antonio (6)
Fernandez-Ruiz, Jorge (25) Foray, Dominique (25) Futagami, Koichi (87)
Fernandez-Sainz, Ana (21) Forbes, Catherine Scipione (57) Fuwa, Nobuhiko (51) †
Fernandez Sanchez, Pedro (3) Forbes, Kevin F (16)
Fernandez-Sanchez, Pilar (3) Forbes, Kristin J (133)

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