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Abel François
(Abel Francois)

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First Name:Abel
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Last Name:Francois
RePEc Short-ID:pfr149
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Université de Lille Cité scientifique F 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex


Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion (LaRGE)
Institut de Finance de Strasbourg
Université de Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France
RePEc:edi:lastrfr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Jeremy Clark & Abel François & Olivier Gergaud, 2024. "Social Capital, Social Heterogeneity, and Electoral Turnout," Working Papers in Economics 24/09, University of Canterbury, Department of Economics and Finance.
  2. Abel François & Nicolas Lagios & Pierre-Guillaume Méon, 2023. "Jurisdiction size and perceived corruption," Working Papers CEB 23-003, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  3. Abel François & Sophie Panel & Laurent Weill, 2023. "Dictators’ facial characteristics and foreign direct investment," Post-Print hal-03969697, HAL.
  4. Abel FRANCOIS & Laurent WEILL & Nicolas EBER, 2022. "Economists are born and raised, not made," Working Papers of LaRGE Research Center 2022-07, Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion et Economie (LaRGE), Université de Strasbourg.
  5. Abel François & Pierre-Guillaume Méon, 2021. "Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt," Post-Print hal-03129928, HAL.
  6. Nicolas Eber & Abel François & Laurent Weill, 2021. "Gender, age, and attitude toward competition," Post-Print hal-03595669, HAL.
  7. Abdul Noury & Abel François & Olivier Gergaud & Alexandre Garel, 2021. "How does COVID-19 affect electoral participation? evidence from the French municipal elections," Post-Print hal-03273681, HAL.
  8. Abel François & Julien Navarro, 2020. "Voters’ Knowledge of Their Representatives: The Direct and Conditioned Effects of Parliamentary Work," Post-Print hal-02497124, HAL.
  9. Abel François & Julien Navarro, 2020. "Are Hard-Working MPs Electorally Rewarded? Empirical Evidence from the 2007 French Legislative Elections," Post-Print hal-02501312, HAL.
  10. Jeremy Clark & Abel François & Olivier Gergaud, 2020. "Electoral Turnout and Social Capital," Working Papers in Economics 20/13, University of Canterbury, Department of Economics and Finance.
  11. Abel François & Raul Magni Berton, 2020. "L’athéisme des scientifiques français : conséquence de leur amour de la science et de leur socialisation politique," Post-Print hal-01799855, HAL.
  12. Abel François & Sophie Panel & Laurent Weill, 2020. "Educated dictators attract more foreign direct investment," Post-Print hal-02497147, HAL.
  13. François, Abel & Panel, Sophie & Weill, Laurent, 2019. "Are some dictators more attractive to foreign investors?," BOFIT Discussion Papers 12/2019, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).
  14. Abel François & Raul Magni Berton & Simon Varaine, 2019. "Revolutionary Attitudes in Democratic Regimes," Post-Print halshs-02288292, HAL.
  15. Abel François & Cal Le Gall & Raul Magni Berton, 2019. "Why do academics oppose the market economy? Sophistication and perception of market failures," Post-Print halshs-02151375, HAL.
  16. François, Abel & Panel, Sophie & Weill, Laurent, 2019. "Are some dictators more attractive to foreign investors?," BOFIT Discussion Papers 12/2019, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT).
  17. Abel François & Olivier Gergaud, 2019. "Is civic duty the solution to the paradox of voting?," Post-Print hal-02501160, HAL.
  18. Abel François, 2019. "Essai d’évaluation quantitative de la probité parlementaire : une proposition," Post-Print hal-02591629, HAL.
  19. Abel François, 2019. "Une définition économique ou politique de la démocratie ?," Post-Print hal-02615147, HAL.
  20. Abel François, 2019. "Les jugements sur les pratiques électorales : une faible crédibilité," Post-Print hal-02513462, HAL.
  21. Abel François & Julien Navarro, 2019. "Voters reward hard-working MPs: empirical evidence from the French legislative elections," Post-Print hal-02501280, HAL.
  22. Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2018. "Place of registration and place of residence : The non-linear detrimental impact of transportation cost on electoral participation," Post-Print hal-01818685, HAL.
  23. David Bounie & Abel François & Emmanuelle Politronacci & Adeline Moret, 2018. "L’usage des espèces en France : priorité aux transactions de faible valeur," Post-Print hal-02068735, HAL.
  24. Abel François & Eric Philippeau, 2018. "Financing of the French political parties," Post-Print hal-01799812, HAL.
  25. Abel François & Éric Phélippeau, 2018. "Paraître transparent ? Les usages des déclarations d’intérêts des maires des grandes villes françaises," Post-Print hal-02506054, HAL.
  26. Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2017. "Place of registration and place of residence: the detrimental impact of transport cost on electoral participation," Working Papers CEB 17-012, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  27. Abel François & Eric Philippeau, 2017. "L’argent dans les campagnes électorales," Post-Print hal-01799844, HAL.
  28. Géraldine Broye & Abel François & Yves Moulin, 2017. "The cost of CEO duality: Evidence from French leadership compensation," Post-Print hal-01744545, HAL.
  29. Abel François & Raul Magni Berton, 2017. "Are Values Gender-Based ? Gender Gaps in Europe," Post-Print hal-01799828, HAL.
  30. Abel François & Michael Visser & Lionel Wilner, 2016. "Using Political Financing Reforms to Measure Campaign Spending Effects on Electoral Outcomes," CESifo Working Paper Series 6232, CESifo.
  31. David Bounie & Abel François & Leo van Hove, 2016. "Merchant Acceptance of Payment Cards: “Must Take” or “Wanna Take”?," Post-Print hal-01733267, HAL.
  32. Abel François & Laurent Weill, 2016. "Does holding a local mandate alter the activities of deputies? Evidence from the French Assemblée Nationale," Post-Print hal-01533528, HAL.
  33. David Bounie & Abel François & Waelbroeck Patrick, 2016. "Debit card and demand for cash," Post-Print hal-01533523, HAL.
  34. Abel François & Cal Le Gall & Raul Magni Berton, 2016. "Politics, economics, ethics and religion in French academia," Post-Print hal-01533537, HAL.
  35. David Bounie & Abel François & Leo Van Hove, 2016. "Consumer Payment Preferences, Network Externalities, and Merchant Card Acceptance: An Empirical Investigation," Post-Print hal-01533532, HAL.
  36. Abel François & Raul Magni Berton, 2015. "Partisan and bureaucratic changes in public education spending. French empirical evidence," Post-Print hal-02023377, HAL.
  37. Abel François & Raul Magni Berton & Laurent Weill, 2014. "Abortion and crime: Cross-country evidence from Europe," Post-Print hal-02023370, HAL.
  38. Yassine Bouhdaoui & David Bounie & Abel François, 2014. "Convenient Prices, Cash Payments and Price Rigidity," Post-Print hal-02286878, HAL.
  39. David Bounie & Abel François, 2013. "Vers une économie des paiements électroniques," Post-Print hal-02286505, HAL.
  40. Abel François & Cal Le Gall & Raul Magni Berton, 2013. "La perception de l’économie de marché par les enseignants-chercheurs français : les effets de la connaissance ?," Working Papers of LaRGE Research Center 2013-01, Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion et Economie (LaRGE), Université de Strasbourg.
  41. David Bounie & Dana Diminescu & Abel François, 2013. "On the Effect of Mobile Phone on Migrant Remittances: A Closer Look at International Transfers," Post-Print hal-02286506, HAL.
  42. Frank Baumgartner & Martial Foucault & Abel François, 2011. "L'incrémentalisme et les ponctuations budgétaires en France," Post-Print hal-03415540, HAL.
  43. Patricia Vornetti & Abel François & Christine Fauvelle-Aymar, 2009. "La présidentielle 2007 dans les Zones Urbaines Sensibles de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00274229, HAL.
  44. Frank Baumgartner & Martial Foucault & Abel François, 2009. "Public Budgeting in the French Fifth Republic: The End of La République des partis ?," Post-Print hal-03417723, HAL.
  45. Patricia Vornetti & Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2009. "The 2007 presidential election and the 2005 urban violence in French 'deprived urban areas'," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00392735, HAL.
  46. Eric Dubois & François Facchini & Martial Foucault & Abel François, 2009. "Un modèle explicatif du vote FNSEA aux élections des représentants des chefs d'exploitation aux Chambres d'Agriculture départementales (1995-2001)," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00800701, HAL.
  47. David Bounie & Marc Bourreau & Abel François & Marianne Verdier, 2008. "La détention et l’usage des instruments de paiement en France," Post-Print hal-02085320, HAL.
  48. Patricia Vornetti & Abel François & Christine Fauvelle-Aymar, 2005. "Les comportements électoraux dans les Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS) à la présidentielle 2002," Post-Print hal-00274212, HAL.
  49. François Facchini & Abel François, 2005. "Territorial captivity and voter participation in national election: a theoretical and empirical analysis," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00270739, HAL.
  50. Martial Foucault & Abel François, 2005. "Le rendement des dépenses électorales en France," Post-Print hal-00126910, HAL.
  51. Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2003. "Campagne électorale, préférences politiques et participation. Une étude empirique sur les élections législatives françaises de 1997," Cahiers de la Maison des Sciences Economiques j04009, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
    repec:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/fvtnkmt15tlkfv89pa905292g is not listed on IDEAS


  1. François, Abel & Gergaud, Olivier & Noury, Abdul, 2023. "Can health passport overcome political hurdles to COVID-19 vaccination?," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 80(C).
  2. Abel François & Michael Visser & Lionel Wilner, 2022. "The petit effect of campaign spending on votes: using political financing reforms to measure spending impacts in multiparty elections," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 192(1), pages 29-57, July.
  3. Eber, Nicolas & François, Abel & Weill, Laurent, 2021. "Gender, age, and attitude toward competition," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 192(C), pages 668-690.
  4. François, Abel & Méon, Pierre-Guillaume, 2021. "Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 67(C).
  5. Abdul Noury & Abel François & Olivier Gergaud & Alexandre Garel, 2021. "How does COVID-19 affect electoral participation? evidence from the French municipal elections," PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 16(2), pages 1-16, February.
  6. François, Abel & Panel, Sophie & Weill, Laurent, 2020. "Educated dictators attract more foreign direct investment," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 48(1), pages 37-55.
  7. Abel François & Olivier Gergaud, 2019. "Is civic duty the solution to the paradox of voting?," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 180(3), pages 257-283, September.
  8. Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2018. "Place of registration and place of residence: the non-linear detrimental impact of transportation cost on electoral participation," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 176(3), pages 405-440, September.
  9. Emmanuelle Politronacci & Adeline Moret & David Bounie & Abel François, 2018. "Use of cash in France: the payment method of choice for low-value purchases [L’usage des espèces en France : priorité aux transactions de faible valeur]," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 220.
  10. David Bounie & Abel François & Leo Van Hove, 2017. "Consumer Payment Preferences, Network Externalities, and Merchant Card Acceptance: An Empirical Investigation," Review of Industrial Organization, Springer;The Industrial Organization Society, vol. 51(3), pages 257-290, November.
  11. Broye, Géraldine & François, Abel & Moulin, Yves, 2017. "The cost of CEO duality: Evidence from French leadership compensation," European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 35(3), pages 336-350.
  12. Bounie David & François Abel & Van Hove Leo, 2016. "Merchant Acceptance of Payment Cards: “Must Take” or “Wanna Take”?," Review of Network Economics, De Gruyter, vol. 15(3), pages 117-146, September.
  13. David, Bounie & Abel, François & Patrick, Waelbroeck, 2016. "Debit card and demand for cash," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 73(C), pages 55-66.
  14. Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2015. "Mobilization, cost of voting and turnout: a natural randomized experiment with double elections," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 162(1), pages 183-199, January.
  15. Abel François & Nicolas Sauger, 2015. "La recherche de rente en Europe : facteurs institutionnels et politiques de la vitesse de réduction des protections nationales des marchés," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 125(1), pages 119-144.
  16. Bouhdaoui, Y. & Bounie, D. & François, A., 2014. "Convenient prices, cash payments and price rigidity," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 329-337.
  17. Abel François & Laurent Weill, 2014. "Le cumul de mandats locaux affecte-t-il l'activité des députés français ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 65(6), pages 881-906.
  18. François, Abel & Magni-Berton, Raul & Weill, Laurent, 2014. "Abortion and crime: Cross-country evidence from Europe," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(C), pages 24-35.
  19. David Bounie & Abel François, 2013. "Vers une économie des paiements électroniques ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(1), pages 283-302.
  20. Maya Bacache-Beauvallet & David Bounie & Abel François, 2011. "Existe-t-il une fracture numérique dans l'usage de l'administration en ligne ?," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 62(2), pages 215-235.
  21. D. Bounie & A. Francois, 2011. "The economics of bill payments: an empirical analysis," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 18(10), pages 961-966.
  22. David Bounie & Jean-Pierre Buthion & Abel François, 2010. "Une analyse des facteurs de l’acceptation et de l’usage des instruments de paiement par les commerces en France," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 96(1), pages 187-213.
  23. Abel François, 2010. "Économie politique d'un plan de relance macroéconomique. Une note sur les déterminants de la répartition spatiale des investissements publics du plan français de 2009," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 61(4), pages 783-792.
  24. David Bounie & Abel François, 2009. "Pourquoi les détenteurs de carte de retrait retirent-ils des espèces aux guichets bancaires ?," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 41-52.
  25. Bryan D. Jones & Frank R. Baumgartner & Christian Breunig & Christopher Wlezien & Stuart Soroka & Martial Foucault & Abel François & Christoffer Green‐Pedersen & Chris Koski & Peter John & Peter B. Mo, 2009. "A General Empirical Law of Public Budgets: A Comparative Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 53(4), pages 855-873, October.
  26. David Bounie & Marc Bourreau & Abel François & Marianne Verdier, 2008. "La détention et l’usage des instruments de paiement en France," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 91(1), pages 53-76.
  27. David Bounie & Abel François, 2006. "Les déterminants de la détention et de l’usage des instruments de paiement : éléments théoriques et empiriques," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 83(2), pages 159-176.
  28. Christine Fauvelle-Aymar & Abel François, 2006. "The impact of closeness on turnout: An empirical relation based on a study of a two-round ballot," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 127(3), pages 461-483, June.
  29. Martial Foucault & Abel François, 2005. "Le rendement des dépenses électorales en France. Le cas des élections législatives de 1997," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 56(5), pages 1125-1143.
  30. Francois, Abel, 2003. "The Political Entrepreneur and the Coordination of the Political Process: A Market Process Perspective of the Political Market," The Review of Austrian Economics, Springer;Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, vol. 16(2-3), pages 153-168, September.
    RePEc:taf:apfiec:v:18:y:2008:i:13:p:1091-1098 is not listed on IDEAS


  1. Martial Foucault & Abel François, 2009. "General Policy Speech of Prime Ministers and Fiscal Choices in France: “Preach Water and Drink Wine!”," Studies in Public Choice, in: Louis M. Imbeau (ed.), Do They Walk Like They Talk?, chapter 0, pages 131-154, Springer.

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  1. NEP-POL: Positive Political Economics (6) 2017-04-09 2017-04-16 2018-03-05 2018-12-03 2019-07-22 2020-07-27. Author is listed
  2. NEP-CDM: Collective Decision-Making (4) 2017-04-09 2017-04-16 2020-07-27 2024-07-22
  3. NEP-URE: Urban and Real Estate Economics (4) 2017-04-09 2020-07-27 2023-05-22 2024-07-22
  4. NEP-INT: International Trade (2) 2018-12-03 2019-07-22
  5. NEP-SOC: Social Norms and Social Capital (2) 2020-07-27 2024-07-22
  6. NEP-CSE: Economics of Strategic Management (1) 2021-01-04
  7. NEP-DEV: Development (1) 2019-07-22
  8. NEP-EUR: Microeconomic European Issues (1) 2021-01-04
  9. NEP-GEN: Gender (1) 2021-01-04
  10. NEP-HPE: History and Philosophy of Economics (1) 2022-12-05
  11. NEP-INV: Investment (1) 2024-07-22
  12. NEP-MAC: Macroeconomics (1) 2019-10-21
  13. NEP-PUB: Public Finance (1) 2018-03-05
  14. NEP-SPO: Sports and Economics (1) 2021-01-04
  15. NEP-TRE: Transport Economics (1) 2017-04-09


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