December 2021, Volume 81, Issue 4
- 835-859 A geometric branch and bound method for robust maximization of convex functions
by Fengqiao Luo & Sanjay Mehrotra - 861-880 Branch-and-price for a class of nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear programs
by Andrew Allman & Qi Zhang - 881-900 On global subdifferentials with applications in nonsmooth optimization
by Felipe Lara & Alireza Kabgani - 901-918 A power penalty approach to a mixed quasilinear elliptic complementarity problem
by Yarui Duan & Song Wang & Yuying Zhou - 919-966 Integer programming formulations and efficient local search for relaxed correlation clustering
by Eduardo Queiroga & Anand Subramanian & Rosa Figueiredo & Yuri Frota - 967-989 ORCA: Outlier detection and Robust Clustering for Attributed graphs
by Srinivas Eswar & Ramakrishnan Kannan & Richard Vuduc & Haesun Park - 991-1017 Error bound of critical points and KL property of exponent 1/2 for squared F-norm regularized factorization
by Ting Tao & Shaohua Pan & Shujun Bi - 1019-1055 Solving nonnegative sparsity-constrained optimization via DC quadratic-piecewise-linear approximations
by Chungen Shen & Xiao Liu - 1057-1093 Experimental analysis of local searches for sparse reflexive generalized inverses
by Marcia Fampa & Jon Lee & Gabriel Ponte & Luze Xu - 1095-1117 Exact SDP reformulations of adjustable robust linear programs with box uncertainties under separable quadratic decision rules via SOS representations of non-negativity
by T. D. Chuong & V. Jeyakumar & G. Li & D. Woolnough
November 2021, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 559-598 Detecting optimality and extracting solutions in polynomial optimization with the truncated GNS construction
by María López Quijorna - 599-620 An objective penalty function method for biconvex programming
by Zhiqing Meng & Min Jiang & Rui Shen & Leiyan Xu & Chuangyin Dang - 621-644 Exclusion regions for parameter-dependent systems of equations
by Bettina Ponleitner & Hermann Schichl - 645-658 A modified simplex partition algorithm to test copositivity
by Mohammadreza Safi & Seyed Saeed Nabavi & Richard J. Caron - 659-689 An exact separation algorithm for unsplittable flow capacitated network design arc-set polyhedron
by Liang Chen & Wei-Kun Chen & Mu-Ming Yang & Yu-Hong Dai - 691-716 A dual approach to multi-dimensional assignment problems
by Jingqun Li & Thia Kirubarajan & R. Tharmarasa & Daly Brown & Krishna R. Pattipati - 717-748 Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Sparse Optimization via Adaptively Iterative Reweighted Methods
by Hao Wang & Fan Zhang & Yuanming Shi & Yaohua Hu - 749-772 Dual-density-based reweighted $$\ell _{1}$$ ℓ 1 -algorithms for a class of $$\ell _{0}$$ ℓ 0 -minimization problems
by Jialiang Xu & Yun-Bin Zhao - 773-803 Improved interval methods for solving circle packing problems in the unit square
by Mihály Csaba Markót - 805-834 A branch-cut-and-price algorithm for optimal decoding in digital communication systems
by Banu Kabakulak & Z. Caner Taşkın & Ali Emre Pusane
October 2021, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 269-292 Decomposition in derivative-free optimization
by Kaiwen Ma & Nikolaos V. Sahinidis & Sreekanth Rajagopalan & Satyajith Amaran & Scott J Bury - 293-321 Global solutions of nonconvex standard quadratic programs via mixed integer linear programming reformulations
by Jacek Gondzio & E. Alper Yıldırım - 323-350 A variational approach to the alternating projections method
by Carlo Alberto Bernardi & Enrico Miglierina - 351-365 Optimality conditions based on the Fréchet second-order subdifferential
by D. T. V. An & N. D. Yen - 367-389 A branch-and-bound algorithm for solving max-k-cut problem
by Cheng Lu & Zhibin Deng - 391-433 Scenario-based cuts for structured two-stage stochastic and distributionally robust p-order conic mixed integer programs
by Manish Bansal & Yingqiu Zhang - 435-468 Copula theory approach to stochastic geometric programming
by Rashed Khanjani-Shiraz & Salman Khodayifar & Panos M. Pardalos - 469-491 Model risk in mean-variance portfolio selection: an analytic solution to the worst-case approach
by Roberto Baviera & Giulia Bianchi - 493-528 Bilevel cutting-plane algorithm for cardinality-constrained mean-CVaR portfolio optimization
by Ken Kobayashi & Yuichi Takano & Kazuhide Nakata - 529-557 Detecting and solving aircraft conflicts using bilevel programming
by Martina Cerulli & Claudia D’Ambrosio & Leo Liberti & Mercedes Pelegrín
September 2021, Volume 81, Issue 1
- 1-2 Preface to the special issue of JOGO on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD)
by Daniel Aloise & Gilles Caporossi & Sébastien Digabel - 3-22 Learning chordal extensions
by Defeng Liu & Andrea Lodi & Mathieu Tanneau - 23-83 The conditional p-dispersion problem
by Marilène Cherkesly & Claudio Contardo - 85-108 Learning discontinuous piecewise affine fitting functions using mixed integer programming over lattice
by Ruobing Shen & Bo Tang & Leo Liberti & Claudia D’Ambrosio & Stéphane Canu - 109-152 Advances in verification of ReLU neural networks
by Ansgar Rössig & Milena Petkovic - 153-178 Resolving sets and integer programs for recommender systems
by Alain Hertz & Tsvi Kuflik & Noa Tuval - 179-202 An outer–inner linearization method for non-convex and nondifferentiable composite regularization problems
by Minh Pham & Xiaodong Lin & Andrzej Ruszczyński & Yu Du - 203-231 Surrogate optimization of deep neural networks for groundwater predictions
by Juliane Müller & Jangho Park & Reetik Sahu & Charuleka Varadharajan & Bhavna Arora & Boris Faybishenko & Deborah Agarwal - 233-260 Optimal decision trees for categorical data via integer programming
by Oktay Günlük & Jayant Kalagnanam & Minhan Li & Matt Menickelly & Katya Scheinberg - 261-268 Using symbolic calculations to determine largest small polygons
by Charles Audet & Pierre Hansen & Dragutin Svrtan
August 2021, Volume 80, Issue 4
- 731-756 Linearization of McCormick relaxations and hybridization with the auxiliary variable method
by Jaromił Najman & Dominik Bongartz & Alexander Mitsos - 757-778 Convex hull representations for bounded products of variables
by Kurt M. Anstreicher & Samuel Burer & Kyungchan Park - 779-804 On new methods to construct lower bounds in simplicial branch and bound based on interval arithmetic
by B. G.-Tóth & L. G. Casado & E. M. T. Hendrix & F. Messine - 805-840 Generalizing 0-1 conflict hypergraphs and mixed conflict graphs: mixed conflict hypergraphs in discrete optimization
by Andriy Shapoval & Eva K. Lee - 841-864 Proximal-like incremental aggregated gradient method with Bregman distance in weakly convex optimization problems
by Zehui Jia & Jieru Huang & Xingju Cai - 865-886 MVMOO: Mixed variable multi-objective optimisation
by Jamie A. Manson & Thomas W. Chamberlain & Richard A. Bourne - 887-920 Optimizing generalized kernels of polygons
by Alejandra Martinez-Moraian & David Orden & Leonidas Palios & Carlos Seara & Paweł Żyliński - 921-943 Unique solvability of weakly homogeneous generalized variational inequalities
by Xueli Bai & Mengmeng Zheng & Zheng-Hai Huang - 945-963 Dynamical system for solving bilevel variational inequalities
by Pham Ky Anh & Trinh Ngoc Hai - 965-989 Lagrangian relaxation based heuristics for a chance-constrained optimization model of a hybrid solar-battery storage system
by Bismark Singh & Bernard Knueven
July 2021, Volume 80, Issue 3
- 507-522 An interval branch and bound method for global Robust optimization
by Emilio Carrizosa & Frédéric Messine - 523-550 Partially distributed outer approximation
by Alexander Murray & Timm Faulwasser & Veit Hagenmeyer & Mario E. Villanueva & Boris Houska - 551-594 Near optimal minimal convex hulls of disks
by Josef Kallrath & Joonghyun Ryu & Chanyoung Song & Mokwon Lee & Deok-Soo Kim - 595-616 Maximizing DR-submodular+supermodular functions on the integer lattice subject to a cardinality constraint
by Zhenning Zhang & Donglei Du & Yanjun Jiang & Chenchen Wu - 617-634 Bounds on efficient outcomes for large-scale cardinality-constrained Markowitz problems
by Janusz Miroforidis - 635-659 Smoothing Newton method for nonsmooth second-order cone complementarity problems with application to electric power markets
by Pin-Bo Chen & Gui-Hua Lin & Xide Zhu & Fusheng Bai - 661-677 Approximation algorithm for minimum power partial multi-coverage in wireless sensor networks
by Yingli Ran & Xiaohui Huang & Zhao Zhang & Ding-Zhu Du - 679-710 Efficient approximation of the metric CVRP in spaces of fixed doubling dimension
by Michael Khachay & Yuri Ogorodnikov & Daniel Khachay - 711-728 An optimization approach for winner determination problem considering transportation cost discounts
by Fang Yang & Yao-Huei Huang - 729-730 Review on the monograph Deterministic Global Optimization: An Introduction to the Diagonal Approach, Springer, 2017, written by Yaroslav D. Sergeyev and Dmitri E. Kvasov
by Timoleon Kipouros
June 2021, Volume 80, Issue 2
- 231-248 Solving unconstrained 0-1 polynomial programs through quadratic convex reformulation
by Sourour Elloumi & Amélie Lambert & Arnaud Lazare - 249-286 Convexification techniques for linear complementarity constraints
by Trang T. Nguyen & Jean-Philippe P. Richard & Mohit Tawarmalani - 287-305 Convexification of bilinear forms through non-symmetric lifting
by Marcia Fampa & Jon Lee - 307-340 Solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems using simultaneous convexification: a case study for gas networks
by Frauke Liers & Alexander Martin & Maximilian Merkert & Nick Mertens & Dennis Michaels - 341-356 Cheaper relaxation and better approximation for multi-ball constrained quadratic optimization and extension
by Zhuoyi Xu & Yong Xia & Jiulin Wang - 357-385 On tackling reverse convex constraints for non-overlapping of unequal circles
by Akang Wang & Chrysanthos E. Gounaris - 387-414 A robust method based on LOVO functions for solving least squares problems
by E. V. Castelani & R. Lopes & W. V. I. Shirabayashi & F. N. C. Sobral - 415-438 A smoothing quasi-Newton method for solving general second-order cone complementarity problems
by Jingyong Tang & Jinchuan Zhou - 439-477 A method for convex black-box integer global optimization
by Jeffrey Larson & Sven Leyffer & Prashant Palkar & Stefan M. Wild - 479-505 Inexact stochastic subgradient projection method for stochastic equilibrium problems with nonmonotone bifunctions: application to expected risk minimization in machine learning
by Hideaki Iiduka
May 2021, Volume 80, Issue 1
- 1-2 Preface of the special issue on global multiobjective optimization
by Kaisa Miettinen & Serpil Sayin - 3-29 Inverse multiobjective optimization: Inferring decision criteria from data
by Bennet Gebken & Sebastian Peitz - 31-61 Nonconvex constrained optimization by a filtering branch and bound
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Kathrin Klamroth & Julia Niebling - 63-86 Proximity measures based on KKT points for constrained multi-objective optimization
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Leo Warnow - 87-115 One-exact approximate Pareto sets
by Arne Herzel & Cristina Bazgan & Stefan Ruzika & Clemens Thielen & Daniel Vanderpooten - 117-138 Multi-objective convex polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming relaxations
by Jae Hyoung Lee & Nithirat Sisarat & Liguo Jiao - 139-160 Duality in nonconvex vector optimization
by Refail Kasimbeyli & Masoud Karimi - 161-175 Essential stability in unified vector optimization
by Shiva Kapoor & C. S. Lalitha - 177-193 Necessary conditions for weak minima and for strict minima of order two in nonsmooth constrained multiobjective optimization
by Elena Constantin - 195-227 A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Peter Kirst & Laura Meng & Oliver Stein - 229-229 Correction to: A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Peter Kirst & Laura Meng & Oliver Stein
April 2021, Volume 79, Issue 4
- 779-811 Data-driven distributionally robust chance-constrained optimization with Wasserstein metric
by Ran Ji & Miguel A. Lejeune - 813-836 General splitting methods with linearization for the split feasibility problem
by Qiao-Li Dong & Songnian He & Michael Th. Rassias - 837-852 An optimization approach to solving the split feasibility problem in Hilbert spaces
by Simeon Reich & Truong Minh Tuyen & Mai Thi Ngoc Ha - 853-883 Linear convergence of inexact descent method and inexact proximal gradient algorithms for lower-order regularization problems
by Yaohua Hu & Chong Li & Kaiwen Meng & Xiaoqi Yang - 885-904 Robust constrained best approximation with nonconvex constraints
by H. Mohebi & S. Salkhordeh - 905-925 On robustness for set-valued optimization problems
by Kuntal Som & V. Vetrivel - 927-940 Gaddum’s test for symmetric cones
by Michael Orlitzky - 941-957 The finite intersection property for equilibrium problems
by John Cotrina & Anton Svensson - 959-987 Maximum shortest path interdiction problem by upgrading edges on trees under weighted $$l_1$$ l 1 norm
by Qiao Zhang & Xiucui Guan & Panos M. Pardalos - 989-1006 The EMS vehicle patient transportation problem during a demand surge
by Farshad Majzoubi & Lihui Bai & Sunderesh S. Heragu
March 2021, Volume 79, Issue 3
- 521-566 The DIRECT algorithm: 25 years Later
by Donald R. Jones & Joaquim R. R. A. Martins - 567-591 Design of IMEXRK time integration schemes via Delaunay-based derivative-free optimization with nonconvex constraints and grid-based acceleration
by Ryan Alimo & Daniele Cavaglieri & Pooriya Beyhaghi & Thomas R. Bewley - 593-615 A Galerkin approach to optimization in the space of convex and compact subsets of $${\mathbb {R}}^d$$ R d
by Janosch Rieger - 617-644 Inertial proximal gradient methods with Bregman regularization for a class of nonconvex optimization problems
by Zhongming Wu & Chongshou Li & Min Li & Andrew Lim - 645-667 Optimal correction of the absolute value equations
by Hossein Moosaei & Saeed Ketabchi & Milan Hladík - 669-686 A combination of RANSAC and DBSCAN methods for solving the multiple geometrical object detection problem
by Rudolf Scitovski & Snježana Majstorović & Kristian Sabo - 687-714 Efficient computation of minimum-area rectilinear convex hull under rotation and generalizations
by Carlos Alegría & David Orden & Carlos Seara & Jorge Urrutia - 715-732 A semidefinite relaxation method for second-order cone tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems
by Lulu Cheng & Xinzhen Zhang & Guyan Ni - 733-756 Ekeland variational principles involving set perturbations in vector equilibrium problems
by Le Phuoc Hai - 757-777 The lower bounded inverse optimal value problem on minimum spanning tree under unit $$l_{\infty }$$ l ∞ norm
by Binwu Zhang & Xiucui Guan & Panos M. Pardalos & Hui Wang & Qiao Zhang & Yan Liu & Shuyi Chen
February 2021, Volume 79, Issue 2
- 279-280 Preface to the special issue dedicated to the 14th international workshop on global optimization held in Leiden, The Netherlands, September 18–21, 2018
by André Deutz & Michael Emmerich & Yaroslav D. Sergeyev & Iryna Yevseyeva - 281-303 Sequential model based optimization of partially defined functions under unknown constraints
by Candelieri Antonio - 305-327 On the search of the shape parameter in radial basis functions using univariate global optimization methods
by R. Cavoretto & A. Rossi & M. S. Mukhametzhanov & Ya. D. Sergeyev - 329-350 A model of anytime algorithm performance for bi-objective optimization
by Alexandre D. Jesus & Luís Paquete & Arnaud Liefooghe - 351-368 Linear interval parametric approach to testing pseudoconvexity
by Milan Hladík & Lubomir V. Kolev & Iwona Skalna - 369-385 Cooperative multiobjective optimization with bounds on objective functions
by I. Kaliszewski & J. Miroforidis - 387-412 On the Extension of the DIRECT Algorithm to Multiple Objectives
by Alberto Lovison & Kaisa Miettinen - 413-429 AbsTaylor: upper bounding with inner regions in nonlinear continuous global optimization problems
by Victor Reyes & Ignacio Araya - 431-445 A DIRECT-type global optimization algorithm for image registration
by Cuicui Zheng & James Calvin & Craig Gotsman - 447-462 Multistart with early termination of descents
by Antanas Žilinskas & Jonathan Gillard & Megan Scammell & Anatoly Zhigljavsky - 463-502 Production and transport scheduling in flexible job shop manufacturing systems
by Seyed Mahdi Homayouni & Dalila B. M. M. Fontes - 503-520 Nonlinear biobjective optimization: improving the upper envelope using feasible line segments
by Ignacio Araya & Damir Aliquintui & Franco Ardiles & Braulio Lobo
January 2021, Volume 79, Issue 1
- 1-37 A filter proximal bundle method for nonsmooth nonconvex constrained optimization
by Najmeh Hoseini Monjezi & S. Nobakhtian - 39-57 Oscars-ii: an algorithm for bound constrained global optimization
by C. J. Price & M. Reale & B. L. Robertson - 59-85 The exact solution of multiparametric quadratically constrained quadratic programming problems
by Iosif Pappas & Nikolaos A. Diangelakis & Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos - 87-110 Stochastic optimization with adaptive restart: a framework for integrated local and global learning
by Logan Mathesen & Giulia Pedrielli & Szu Hui Ng & Zelda B. Zabinsky - 111-152 Resolving learning rates adaptively by locating stochastic non-negative associated gradient projection points using line searches
by Dominic Kafka & Daniel N. Wilke - 153-190 The extreme rays of the $$6\times 6$$ 6 × 6 copositive cone
by Andrey Afonin & Roland Hildebrand & Peter J. C. Dickinson - 191-202 Karush–Kuhn–Tucker type optimality condition for quasiconvex programming in terms of Greenberg–Pierskalla subdifferential
by Satoshi Suzuki - 203-231 Second-order KKT optimality conditions for multiobjective discrete optimal control problems
by Nguyen Thi Toan & Le Quang Thuy & Nguyen Tuyen & Yi-Bin Xiao - 233-256 A scalarization scheme for binary relations with applications to set-valued and robust optimization
by C. Gutiérrez & L. Huerga & E. Köbis & C. Tammer - 257-277 Weak convergence of an extended splitting method for monotone inclusions
by Yunda Dong
December 2020, Volume 78, Issue 4
- 651-670 Saddle point approximation approaches for two-stage robust optimization problems
by Ning Zhang & Chang Fang - 671-691 Strategic decisions of sales and pay-per-use rentals under incomplete product availability
by Ping Yan & Jun Pei & Altannar Chinchuluun - 693-715 Parallel-batching scheduling with nonlinear processing times on a single and unrelated parallel machines
by Min Kong & Xinbao Liu & Jun Pei & Panos M. Pardalos & Nenad Mladenovic - 717-742 Parallel-machine group scheduling with inclusive processing set restrictions, outsourcing option and serial-batching under the effect of step-deterioration
by Baoyu Liao & Qingru Song & Jun Pei & Shanlin Yang & Panos M. Pardalos - 743-761 High-end weapon equipment portfolio selection based on a heterogeneous network model
by Jichao Li & Bingfeng Ge & Jiang Jiang & Kewei Yang & Yingwu Chen - 763-789 Fast algorithms for sparse portfolio selection considering industries and investment styles
by Zhi-Long Dong & Fengmin Xu & Yu-Hong Dai - 791-812 A heuristic and metaheuristic approach to the static weapon target assignment problem
by Alexander G. Kline & Darryl K. Ahner & Brian J. Lunday
November 2020, Volume 78, Issue 3
- 397-422 Consistency bounds and support recovery of d-stationary solutions of sparse sample average approximations
by Miju Ahn - 423-451 Penalized semidefinite programming for quadratically-constrained quadratic optimization
by Ramtin Madani & Mohsen Kheirandishfard & Javad Lavaei & Alper Atamtürk - 453-482 Outer space branch and bound algorithm for solving linear multiplicative programming problems
by Peiping Shen & Kaimin Wang & Ting Lu - 483-506 Gaussian process optimization with failures: classification and convergence proof
by François Bachoc & Céline Helbert & Victor Picheny - 507-544 Expected improvement for expensive optimization: a review
by Dawei Zhan & Huanlai Xing - 545-562 Geoffrion’s proper efficiency in linear fractional vector optimization with unbounded constraint sets
by N. T. T. Huong & J.-C. Yao & N. D. Yen - 563-580 Stability of efficient solutions to set optimization problems
by L. Q. Anh & T. Q. Duy & D. V. Hien - 581-596 On the sensitivity of Pareto efficiency in set-valued optimization problems
by Marius Durea & Radu Strugariu - 597-626 Portfolio optimization with two coherent risk measures
by Tahsin Deniz Aktürk & Çağın Ararat - 627-649 Refugee migration networks and regulations: a multiclass, multipath variational inequality framework
by Anna Nagurney & Patrizia Daniele & Ladimer S. Nagurney
October 2020, Volume 78, Issue 2
- 239-240 Preface to the special issue “ICVNS 2018”
by Angelo Sifaleras & Nenad Mladenović & Panos M. Pardalos - 241-270 Improved metaheuristics for the quartet method of hierarchical clustering
by Sergio Consoli & Jan Korst & Steffen Pauws & Gijs Geleijnse - 271-294 The continuous single-source capacitated multi-facility Weber problem with setup costs: formulation and solution methods
by Chandra Ade Irawan & Said Salhi & Kusmaningrum Soemadi - 295-325 GRASP with Variable Neighborhood Descent for the online order batching problem
by Sergio Gil-Borrás & Eduardo G. Pardo & Antonio Alonso-Ayuso & Abraham Duarte - 327-348 Cooperative versus non-cooperative parallel variable neighborhood search strategies: a case study on the capacitated vehicle routing problem
by Panagiotis Kalatzantonakis & Angelo Sifaleras & Nikolaos Samaras - 349-373 Modelling and solving the multi-quays berth allocation and crane assignment problem with availability constraints
by Issam Krimi & Raca Todosijević & Rachid Benmansour & Mustapha Ratli & Abdessamad Ait Cadi & Afaf Aloullal - 375-396 Revenue maximization of Internet of things provider using variable neighbourhood search
by Vesna Radonjić Ɖogatović & Marko Ɖogatović & Milorad Stanojević & Nenad Mladenović
September 2020, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 1-36 DOMINO: Data-driven Optimization of bi-level Mixed-Integer NOnlinear Problems
by Burcu Beykal & Styliani Avraamidou & Ioannis P. E. Pistikopoulos & Melis Onel & Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos - 37-47 Solving polyhedral d.c. optimization problems via concave minimization
by Simeon vom Dahl & Andreas Löhne - 49-68 A general asymptotic function with applications in nonconvex optimization
by Nicolas Hadjisavvas & Felipe Lara & Dinh The Luc - 69-89 Global complexity analysis of inexact successive quadratic approximation methods for regularized optimization under mild assumptions
by Wei Peng & Hui Zhang & Xiaoya Zhang & Lizhi Cheng - 91-106 Two modified extragradient algorithms for solving variational inequalities
by Trinh Ngoc Hai - 107-136 A difference-of-convex approach for split feasibility with applications to matrix factorizations and outlier detection
by Chen Chen & Ting Kei Pong & Lulin Tan & Liaoyuan Zeng - 137-160 Development of an adaptive infill criterion for constrained multi-objective asynchronous surrogate-based optimization
by Jolan Wauters & Andy Keane & Joris Degroote - 161-179 On the relation between the extended supporting hyperplane algorithm and Kelley’s cutting plane algorithm
by Felipe Serrano & Robert Schwarz & Ambros Gleixner - 181-205 Relaxed constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification and its application to bilevel programs
by Mengwei Xu & Jane J. Ye - 207-238 Generalized risk parity portfolio optimization: an ADMM approach
by Giorgio Costa & Roy H. Kwon
August 2020, Volume 77, Issue 4
- 687-714 An enhanced logical benders approach for linear programs with complementarity constraints
by Francisco Jara-Moroni & John E. Mitchell & Jong-Shi Pang & Andreas Wächter - 715-742 An inner approximation method to compute the weight set decomposition of a triobjective mixed-integer problem
by Pascal Halffmann & Tobias Dietz & Anthony Przybylski & Stefan Ruzika - 743-776 Delaunay-based derivative-free optimization via global surrogates. Part III: nonconvex constraints
by Ryan Alimo & Pooriya Beyhaghi & Thomas R. Bewley - 777-805 Filter-based stochastic algorithm for global optimization
by M. Joseane F. G. Macêdo & Elizabeth W. Karas & M. Fernanda P. Costa & Ana Maria A. C. Rocha - 807-824 Solution maps of polynomial variational inequalities
by Vu Trung Hieu - 825-852 A sparse chance constrained portfolio selection model with multiple constraints
by Zhiping Chen & Shen Peng & Abdel Lisser - 853-893 A stochastic approach to full inverse treatment planning for charged-particle therapy
by Marc C. Robini & Feng Yang & Yuemin Zhu - 895-918 Capacitated assortment and price optimization under the nested logit model
by Rui Chen & Hai Jiang - 919-948 Finding optimal points for expensive functions using adaptive RBF-based surrogate model via uncertainty quantification
by Ray-Bing Chen & Yuan Wang & C. F. Jeff Wu - 949-973 A biased random-key genetic algorithm for routing and wavelength assignment under a sliding scheduled traffic model
by Bruno Q. Pinto & Celso C. Ribeiro & Isabel Rosseti & Thiago F. Noronha
July 2020, Volume 77, Issue 3
- 425-454 Optimality-based domain reduction for inequality-constrained NLP and MINLP problems
by Yi Zhang & Nikolaos V. Sahinidis & Carlos Nohra & Gang Rong - 455-486 Mathematical programming formulations for piecewise polynomial functions
by Bjarne Grimstad & Brage R. Knudsen - 487-512 Global dynamic optimization using edge-concave underestimator
by Ishan Bajaj & M. M. Faruque Hasan - 513-541 Doubly nonnegative relaxations are equivalent to completely positive reformulations of quadratic optimization problems with block-clique graph structures
by Sunyoung Kim & Masakazu Kojima & Kim-Chuan Toh - 543-574 Subset selection for multiple linear regression via optimization
by Young Woong Park & Diego Klabjan - 575-602 Primal-dual analysis for online interval scheduling problems
by Ge Yu & Sheldon H. Jacobson - 603-625 Preprocessing algorithm and tightening constraints for multiperiod blend scheduling: cost minimization
by Yifu Chen & Christos T. Maravelias - 627-641 Characterization of the weakly efficient solutions in nonsmooth quasiconvex multiobjective optimization
by Nader Kanzi & Majid Soleimani-damaneh - 643-660 Damped Newton’s method on Riemannian manifolds
by Marcio Antônio de A. Bortoloti & Teles A. Fernandes & Orizon P. Ferreira & Jinyun Yuan - 661-685 Limiting Subdifferential Calculus and Perturbed Distance Function in Riemannian Manifolds
by M. Farrokhiniya & A. Barani
June 2020, Volume 77, Issue 2
- 197-225 New bounding schemes and algorithmic options for the Branch-and-Sandwich algorithm
by R. Paulavičius & C. S. Adjiman - 227-272 Convexifications of rank-one-based substructures in QCQPs and applications to the pooling problem
by Santanu S. Dey & Burak Kocuk & Asteroide Santana - 273-287 Sequential characterizations of approximate solutions in convex vector optimization problems with set-valued maps
by Nithirat Sisarat & Rabian Wangkeeree & Tamaki Tanaka - 289-300 Order cancellation law in the family of bounded convex sets
by J. Grzybowski & R. Urbański - 301-318 Globally minimizing the sum of a convex–concave fraction and a convex function based on wave-curve bounds
by Yong Xia & Longfei Wang & Xiaohui Wang - 319-340 Approximation algorithms for capacitated partial inverse maximum spanning tree problem
by Xianyue Li & Zhao Zhang & Ruowang Yang & Heping Zhang & Ding-Zhu Du - 341-359 An exact completely positive programming formulation for the discrete ordered median problem: an extended version
by J. Puerto - 361-382 Accelerated sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin algorithm for the linear feasibility problem
by Md Sarowar Morshed & Md Saiful Islam & Md. Noor-E-Alam - 383-403 An enhanced formulation for solving graph coloring problems with the Douglas–Rachford algorithm
by Francisco J. Aragón Artacho & Rubén Campoy & Veit Elser - 405-424 Linear conditioning, weak sharpness and finite convergence for equilibrium problems
by Luong Nguyen & Qamrul Hasan Ansari & Xiaolong Qin
May 2020, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-2 Preface: Special issue Europt 2018
by Eligius M. T. Hendrix & Leocadio G. Casado - 3-25 An algorithmic approach to multiobjective optimization with decision uncertainty
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Julia Niebling & Stefan Rocktäschel - 27-52 On generating the set of nondominated solutions of a linear programming problem with parameterized fuzzy numbers
by Manuel Arana-Jiménez & Carmen Sánchez-Gil - 53-73 Distributed algorithms for convex problems with linear coupling constraints
by Tommaso Colombo & Simone Sagratella - 75-96 The decomposition-based outer approximation algorithm for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming
by Pavlo Muts & Ivo Nowak & Eligius M. T. Hendrix - 97-124 Block layer decomposition schemes for training deep neural networks
by Laura Palagi & Ruggiero Seccia - 125-141 On ill-posedness and stability of tensor variational inequalities: application to an economic equilibrium
by Annamaria Barbagallo & Serena Guarino Lo Bianco - 143-155 Optimality conditions for convex problems on intersections of non necessarily convex sets
by E. Allevi & J. E. Martínez-Legaz & R. Riccardi - 157-173 Global optimization of grillage-type foundations using a distributed genetic algorithm
by Mikalojus Ramanauskas & Dmitrij Šešok & Julius Žilinskas & Vadimas Starikovičius & Arnas Kačeniauskas & Rimantas Belevičius - 175-196 Packing ovals in optimized regular polygons
by Frank J. Kampas & János D. Pintér & Ignacio Castillo
April 2020, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 661-663 Preface: special issue of MOA 2018
by Ya-Feng Liu & Fengmin Xu & Neng Fan & Jiming Peng