October 2018, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 323-345 MultiGLODS: global and local multiobjective optimization using direct search
by A. L. Custódio & J. F. A. Madeira - 347-372 A vector linear programming approach for certain global optimization problems
by Daniel Ciripoi & Andreas Löhne & Benjamin Weißing
September 2018, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-4 Preface: Special issue dedicated to Distance Geometry
by Farid Alizadeh & Douglas Gonçalves & Nathan Krislock & Leo Liberti - 5-26 Low-rank matrix completion using nuclear norm minimization and facial reduction
by Shimeng Huang & Henry Wolkowicz - 27-53 The minimum distance superset problem: formulations and algorithms
by Leonardo Fontoura & Rafael Martinelli & Marcus Poggi & Thibaut Vidal - 55-70 A new algorithm for the small-field astrometric point-pattern matching problem
by Cláudio P. Santiago & Carlile Lavor & Sérgio Assunção Monteiro & Alberto Kroner-Martins - 71-87 Minimal curvature-constrained networks
by D. Kirszenblat & K. G. Sirinanda & M. Brazil & P. A. Grossman & J. H. Rubinstein & D. A. Thomas - 89-107 Mixed integer quadratically-constrained programming model to solve the irregular strip packing problem with continuous rotations
by Luiz H. Cherri & Adriana C. Cherri & Edilaine M. Soler - 109-127 Tuning interval Branch-and-Prune for protein structure determination
by Bradley Worley & Florent Delhommel & Florence Cordier & Thérèse E. Malliavin & Benjamin Bardiaux & Nicolas Wolff & Michael Nilges & Carlile Lavor & Leo Liberti
August 2018, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 651-653 In memoriam: Professor Christodoulos A. Floudas (1959–2016)
by Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos - 655-690 Piecewise parametric structure in the pooling problem: from sparse strongly-polynomial solutions to NP-hardness
by Radu Baltean-Lugojan & Ruth Misener - 691-716 Global optimization of MIQCPs with dynamic piecewise relaxations
by Pedro A. Castillo Castillo & Pedro M. Castro & Vladimir Mahalec - 717-733 A symmetry-based splitting strategy for discretizable distance geometry problems
by Felipe Fidalgo & Douglas S. Gonçalves & Carlile Lavor & Leo Liberti & Antonio Mucherino - 735-752 An edge-concave underestimator for the global optimization of twice-differentiable nonconvex problems
by M. M. Faruque Hasan - 753-813 Convergence-order analysis of branch-and-bound algorithms for constrained problems
by Rohit Kannan & Paul I. Barton - 815-844 Arbitrarily tight $$\alpha $$ α BB underestimators of general non-linear functions over sub-optimal domains
by N. Kazazakis & C. S. Adjiman - 845-869 Optimization of black-box problems using Smolyak grids and polynomial approximations
by Chris A. Kieslich & Fani Boukouvala & Christodoulos A. Floudas - 871-889 Global optimization algorithm for capacitated multi-facility continuous location-allocation problems
by Cristiana L. Lara & Francisco Trespalacios & Ignacio E. Grossmann - 891-913 Optimal deterministic algorithm generation
by Alexander Mitsos & Jaromił Najman & Ioannis G. Kevrekidis - 915-934 A computational study of global optimization solvers on two trust region subproblems
by Tiago Montanher & Arnold Neumaier & Ferenc Domes - 935-955 A customized branch-and-bound approach for irregular shape nesting
by Akang Wang & Christopher L. Hanselman & Chrysanthos E. Gounaris - 957-985 Surrogate-based feasibility analysis for black-box stochastic simulations with heteroscedastic noise
by Zilong Wang & Marianthi Ierapetritou - 987-1011 On solving generalized convex MINLP problems using supporting hyperplane techniques
by Tapio Westerlund & Ville-Pekka Eronen & Marko M. Mäkelä - 1013-1013 Preface of the Special JOGO issue in Memory of Professor Christodoulos A. Floudas (1959–2016)
by Ignacio Grossmann & Panos Pardalos
July 2018, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 441-442 Preface to the Special Issue “GOW’16”
by Ana Maria A. C. Rocha & M. Fernanda P. Costa & Edite M. G. P. Fernandes - 443-455 Testing pseudoconvexity via interval computation
by Milan Hladík - 457-482 Extensions on ellipsoid bounds for quadratic integer programming
by Marcia Fampa & Francisco Pinillos Nieto - 483-500 lsmear: a variable selection strategy for interval branch and bound solvers
by Ignacio Araya & Bertrand Neveu - 501-515 Feasibility pump for aircraft deconfliction with speed regulation
by Sonia Cafieri & Claudia D’Ambrosio - 517-536 Filter-based DIRECT method for constrained global optimization
by M. Fernanda P. Costa & Ana Maria A. C. Rocha & Edite M. G. P. Fernandes - 537-550 Metabolic pathway analysis using a nash equilibrium approach
by Angelo Lucia & Peter A. DiMaggio & Diego Alonso-Martinez - 551-569 Extended trust-region problems with one or two balls: exact copositive and Lagrangian relaxations
by Immanuel M. Bomze & Vaithilingam Jeyakumar & Guoyin Li - 571-592 Reformulations for utilizing separability when solving convex MINLP problems
by Jan Kronqvist & Andreas Lundell & Tapio Westerlund - 593-612 Integrality gap minimization heuristics for binary mixed integer nonlinear programming
by Wendel Melo & Marcia Fampa & Fernanda Raupp - 613-630 A sampling-based exact algorithm for the solution of the minimax diameter clustering problem
by Daniel Aloise & Claudio Contardo - 631-649 Improving the performance and energy of Non-Dominated Sorting for evolutionary multiobjective optimization on GPU/CPU platforms
by J. J. Moreno & G. Ortega & E. Filatovas & J. A. Martínez & E. M. Garzón
June 2018, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 237-296 Augmented Lagrangian functions for cone constrained optimization: the existence of global saddle points and exact penalty property
by M. V. Dolgopolik - 297-311 A modified simplicial algorithm for convex maximization based on an extension of $$\omega $$ ω -subdivision
by Takahito Kuno - 313-339 Successive Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for nonconvex quadratic optimization
by Shinji Yamada & Akiko Takeda - 341-360 “Optimal” choice of the step length of the projection and contraction methods for solving the split feasibility problem
by Q. L. Dong & Y. C. Tang & Y. J. Cho & Th. M. Rassias - 361-381 Nash game based efficient global optimization for large-scale design problems
by Shengguan Xu & Hongquan Chen - 383-405 Hartley properly and super nondominated solutions in vector optimization with a variable ordering structure
by Shokouh Shahbeyk & Majid Soleimani-damaneh & Refail Kasimbeyli - 407-438 Efficient multiobjective optimization employing Gaussian processes, spectral sampling and a genetic algorithm
by Eric Bradford & Artur M. Schweidtmann & Alexei Lapkin - 439-440 Correction to: Efficient multiobjective optimization employing Gaussian processes, spectral sampling and a genetic algorithm
by Eric Bradford & Artur M. Schweidtmann & Alexei Lapkin
May 2018, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-4 Guest editors’ preface to the special issue devoted to the 2nd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, June 19–25, 2016, Pizzo Calabro, Italy
by Renato Leone & Yaroslav D. Sergeyev & Anatoly Zhigljavsky - 5-20 Global optimization based on bisection of rectangles, function values at diagonals, and a set of Lipschitz constants
by Remigijus Paulavičius & Lakhdar Chiter & Julius Žilinskas - 21-36 Solving a set of global optimization problems by the parallel technique with uniform convergence
by Konstantin Barkalov & Roman Strongin - 37-55 Minimizing nonsmooth DC functions via successive DC piecewise-affine approximations
by Manlio Gaudioso & Giovanni Giallombardo & Giovanna Miglionico & Adil M. Bagirov - 57-71 Performance of global random search algorithms for large dimensions
by Andrey Pepelyshev & Anatoly Zhigljavsky & Antanas Žilinskas - 73-90 Efficient multicriterial optimization based on intensive reuse of search information
by Victor Gergel & Evgeny Kozinov - 91-113 On a class of bilevel linear mixed-integer programs in adversarial settings
by M. Hosein Zare & Osman Y. Özaltın & Oleg A. Prokopyev - 115-127 An algorithm of simplicial Lipschitz optimization with the bi-criteria selection of simplices for the bi-section
by Albertas Gimbutas & Antanas Žilinskas - 129-145 Approximating a solution set of nonlinear inequalities
by Yuri Evtushenko & Mikhail Posypkin & Larisa Rybak & Andrei Turkin - 147-163 Serial-batching group scheduling with release times and the combined effects of deterioration and truncated job-dependent learning
by Wenjuan Fan & Jun Pei & Xinbao Liu & Panos M. Pardalos & Min Kong - 165-191 On convergence rate of a rectangular partition based global optimization algorithm
by James Calvin & Gražina Gimbutienė & William O. Phillips & Antanas Žilinskas - 193-211 GOSH: derivative-free global optimization using multi-dimensional space-filling curves
by Daniela Lera & Yaroslav D. Sergeyev - 213-235 Bayesian optimization of pump operations in water distribution systems
by A. Candelieri & R. Perego & F. Archetti
April 2018, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 707-718 How to project onto extended second order cones
by O. P. Ferreira & S. Z. Németh - 719-735 Quadratic convex reformulation for nonconvex binary quadratically constrained quadratic programming via surrogate constraint
by Xiaojin Zheng & Yutong Pan & Xueting Cui - 737-756 An interleaved depth-first search method for the linear optimization problem with disjunctive constraints
by Yinrun Lyu & Li Chen & Changyou Zhang & Dacheng Qu & Nasro Min-Allah & Yongji Wang - 757-781 An adaptive framework for costly black-box global optimization based on radial basis function interpolation
by Zhe Zhou & Fusheng Bai - 783-809 Simulation optimization of risk measures with adaptive risk levels
by Helin Zhu & Joshua Hale & Enlu Zhou - 811-842 A Utility Theory Based Interactive Approach to Robustness in Linear Optimization
by Mehdi Karimi & Somayeh Moazeni & Levent Tunçel - 843-858 Tensor maximal correlation problems
by Anwa Zhou & Xin Zhao & Jinyan Fan & Yanqin Bai - 859-873 Approximate efficiency and strategy-proofness for moneyless mechanisms on single-dipped policy domain
by Qiaoming Han & Donglei Du & Dachuan Xu & Yicheng Xu - 875-901 Approximate solutions of vector optimization problems via improvement sets in real linear spaces
by C. Gutiérrez & L. Huerga & B. Jiménez & V. Novo - 903-916 Scalarizations for a unified vector optimization problem based on order representing and order preserving properties
by Khushboo & C. S. Lalitha
March 2018, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 497-516 An efficient strategy for the activation of MIP relaxations in a multicore global MINLP solver
by Kai Zhou & Mustafa R. Kılınç & Xi Chen & Nikolaos V. Sahinidis - 517-549 A proximal bundle method for constrained nonsmooth nonconvex optimization with inexact information
by Jian Lv & Li-Ping Pang & Fan-Yun Meng - 551-577 Completely positive and completely positive semidefinite tensor relaxations for polynomial optimization
by Xiaolong Kuang & Luis F. Zuluaga - 579-599 An accelerated extended cutting plane approach with piecewise linear approximations for signomial geometric programming
by Yiduo Zhan & Qipeng P. Zheng & Chung-Li Tseng & Eduardo L. Pasiliao - 601-623 A trajectory-based method for mixed integer nonlinear programming problems
by Terry-Leigh Oliphant & M. Montaz Ali - 625-644 A Frank–Wolfe based branch-and-bound algorithm for mean-risk optimization
by Christoph Buchheim & Marianna De Santis & Francesco Rinaldi & Long Trieu - 645-675 Order-based error for managing ensembles of surrogates in mesh adaptive direct search
by Charles Audet & Michael Kokkolaras & Sébastien Le Digabel & Bastien Talgorn - 677-685 Partial inverse maximum spanning tree in which weight can only be decreased under $$l_p$$ l p -norm
by Xianyue Li & Zhao Zhang & Ding-Zhu Du - 687-704 Inertial projection and contraction algorithms for variational inequalities
by Q. L. Dong & Y. J. Cho & L. L. Zhong & Th. M. Rassias - 705-706 Corrections to: Differentiable McCormick relaxations
by Kamil A. Khan & Matthew Wilhelm & Matthew D. Stuber & Huiyi Cao & Harry A. J. Watson & Paul I. Barton
February 2018, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 307-307 Preface
by Sebastiano Battiato & Patrizia Daniele & Giovanni Maria Farinella & Sofia Giuffrè & Laura Rosa Maria Scrimali - 309-327 New necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for strong bilevel programming problems
by Abdelmalek Aboussoror & Samir Adly - 329-346 On an equilibrium problem with complementarity constraints formulation of pay-as-clear electricity market with demand elasticity
by Elisabetta Allevi & Didier Aussel & Rossana Riccardi - 347-384 Evaluating the impacts of the external supply risk in a natural gas supply chain: the case of the Italian market
by E. Allevi & L. Boffino & M. E. Giuli & G. Oggioni - 385-399 New extragradient-like algorithms for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
by Dang Hieu & Duong Viet Thong - 401-411 Inverse problems for quasi-variational inequalities
by Akhtar A. Khan & Dumitru Motreanu - 413-436 Security investment and information sharing in the market of complementary firms: impact of complementarity degree and industry size
by Xinbao Liu & Xiaofei Qian & Jun Pei & Panos M. Pardalos - 437-453 Second-order necessary efficiency conditions for nonsmooth vector equilibrium problems
by Do Van Luu - 455-476 Cooperation in pollution control problems via evolutionary variational inequalities
by Laura Scrimali & Cristina Mirabella - 477-495 The Glowinski–Le Tallec splitting method revisited in the framework of equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces
by Phan Tu Vuong & Jean Jacques Strodiot
January 2018, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-3 Preface: Special issue of MOA 2016
by Thorsten Koch & Ya-Feng Liu & Jiming Peng - 5-25 A sparse enhanced indexation model with chance and cardinality constraints
by Fengmin Xu & Meihua Wang & Yu-Hong Dai & Dachuan Xu - 27-53 Optimal replenishment and stocking strategies for inventory mechanism with a dynamically stochastic short-term price discount
by Yiju Wang & Hengxia Gao & Wei Xing - 55-69 On the stability of solutions for semi-infinite vector optimization problems
by Zai-Yun Peng & Jian-Wen Peng & Xian-Jun Long & Jen-Chih Yao - 71-97 Two-stage convex relaxation approach to low-rank and sparsity regularized least squares loss
by Le Han & Shujun Bi - 99-130 Approximation algorithms for optimization of real-valued general conjugate complex forms
by Taoran Fu & Bo Jiang & Zhening Li - 131-158 Distributionally robust chance constrained optimization for economic dispatch in renewable energy integrated systems
by Xiaojiao Tong & Hailin Sun & Xiao Luo & Quanguo Zheng - 159-170 Optimality analysis on partial $$l_1$$ l 1 -minimization recovery
by Huan Gao & Haibin Zhang & Zhibao Li & Kai Tu - 171-187 Argument division based branch-and-bound algorithm for unit-modulus constrained complex quadratic programming
by Cheng Lu & Zhibin Deng & Wei-Qiang Zhang & Shu-Cherng Fang - 189-206 A computational study of primal heuristics inside an MI(NL)P solver
by Timo Berthold - 207-222 Approximation algorithms for the robust/soft-capacitated 2-level facility location problems
by Chenchen Wu & Dachuan Xu & Dongmei Zhang & Peng Zhang - 223-236 Smoothing partial exact penalty splitting method for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
by Suhong Jiang & Jin Zhang & Caihua Chen & Guihua Lin - 237-259 A quadratic penalty method for hypergraph matching
by Chunfeng Cui & Qingna Li & Liqun Qi & Hong Yan - 261-288 Alternating direction method of multipliers for a class of nonconvex bilinear optimization: convergence analysis and applications
by Davood Hajinezhad & Qingjiang Shi - 289-306 Generalized coefficient strengthening cuts for mixed integer programming
by Wei-Kun Chen & Liang Chen & Mu-Ming Yang & Yu-Hong Dai
December 2017, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 761-796 Deterministic global optimization of process flowsheets in a reduced space using McCormick relaxations
by Dominik Bongartz & Alexander Mitsos - 797-822 Adaptive block coordinate DIRECT algorithm
by Qinghua Tao & Xiaolin Huang & Shuning Wang & Li Li - 823-845 Primal or dual strong-duality in nonconvex optimization and a class of quasiconvex problems having zero duality gap
by Fabián Flores-Bazán & William Echegaray & Fernando Flores-Bazán & Eladio Ocaña - 847-868 Posterior exploration based sequential Monte Carlo for global optimization
by Bin Liu - 869-888 On the convergence rate issues of general Markov search for global minimum
by Dawid Tarłowski - 889-909 A simple globally convergent algorithm for the nonsmooth nonconvex single source localization problem
by D. Russell Luke & Shoham Sabach & Marc Teboulle & Kobi Zatlawey - 911-925 Inverse max $$+$$ + sum spanning tree problem under Hamming distance by modifying the sum-cost vector
by Xiucui Guan & Xinyan He & Panos M. Pardalos & Binwu Zhang - 927-949 Implementation of Cartesian grids to accelerate Delaunay-based derivative-free optimization
by Pooriya Beyhaghi & Thomas Bewley - 951-965 On some geometric conditions for minimality of DCH-functions via DC-duality approach
by Mahide Küçük & Didem Tozkan & Yalçın Küçük
November 2017, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 525-545 Recent advances on the interval distance geometry problem
by Douglas S. Gonçalves & Antonio Mucherino & Carlile Lavor & Leo Liberti - 547-560 On parallel Branch and Bound frameworks for Global Optimization
by Juan F. R. Herrera & José M. G. Salmerón & Eligius M. T. Hendrix & Rafael Asenjo & Leocadio G. Casado - 561-585 On a smoothed penalty-based algorithm for global optimization
by Ana Maria A. C. Rocha & M. Fernanda P. Costa & Edite M. G. P. Fernandes - 587-606 On unbounded and binary parameters in multi-parametric programming: applications to mixed-integer bilevel optimization and duality theory
by Richard Oberdieck & Nikolaos A. Diangelakis & Styliani Avraamidou & Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos - 607-627 Non-dominated sorting procedure for Pareto dominance ranking on multicore CPU and/or GPU
by G. Ortega & E. Filatovas & E. M. Garzón & L. G. Casado - 629-676 The cluster problem in constrained global optimization
by Rohit Kannan & Paul I. Barton - 677-697 Virtuous smoothing for global optimization
by Jon Lee & Daphne Skipper - 699-712 On nadir points of multiobjective integer programming problems
by Özgür Özpeynirci - 713-725 Knapsack with variable weights satisfying linear constraints
by Kameng Nip & Zhenbo Wang & Zizhuo Wang - 727-744 A mixed integer programming-based global optimization framework for analyzing gene expression data
by Giovanni Felici & Kumar Parijat Tripathi & Daniela Evangelista & Mario Rosario Guarracino - 745-760 Global optimization for optimal power flow over transmission networks
by Y. Shi & H. D. Tuan & H. Tuy & S. Su
October 2017, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 283-307 Global optimization of disjunctive programs
by Peter Kirst & Fabian Rigterink & Oliver Stein - 309-342 A branch and bound algorithm for nonconvex quadratic optimization with ball and linear constraints
by Amir Beck & Dror Pan - 343-367 An exact algorithm for the minimum dilation triangulation problem
by Sattar Sattari & Mohammad Izadi - 369-385 Solving DC programs with a polyhedral component utilizing a multiple objective linear programming solver
by Andreas Löhne & Andrea Wagner - 387-426 Dual method of centers for solving generalized fractional programs
by K. Boufi & A. Roubi - 427-442 A theorem of the alternative with an arbitrary number of inequalities and quadratic programming
by M. Ruiz Galán - 443-459 Method for solving generalized convex nonsmooth mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems
by Ville-Pekka Eronen & Jan Kronqvist & Tapio Westerlund & Marko M. Mäkelä & Napsu Karmitsa - 461-484 A certified Branch & Bound approach for reliability-based optimization problems
by Benjamin Martin & Marco Correia & Jorge Cruz - 485-510 Decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Corinna Krüger & Anita Schöbel - 511-523 Optimality condition and complexity of order-value optimization problems and low order-value optimization problems
by Zhongyi Jiang & Qiying Hu & Xiaojin Zheng
September 2017, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-21 Parallel distributed block coordinate descent methods based on pairwise comparison oracle
by Kota Matsui & Wataru Kumagai & Takafumi Kanamori - 23-44 Geodesic and contour optimization using conformal mapping
by Ricky Fok & Aijun An & Xiaogong Wang - 45-67 iGreen: green scheduling for peak demand minimization
by Shaojie Tang & Jing Yuan & Zhao Zhang & Ding-zhu Du - 69-102 Solving linear optimization over arithmetic constraint formula
by Li Chen & Yinrun Lyu & Chong Wang & Jingzheng Wu & Changyou Zhang & Nasro Min-Allah & Jamal Alhiyafi & Yongji Wang - 103-115 Incorporation of delivery times in stereotactic radiosurgery treatment optimization
by Hamid R. Ghaffari & Dionne M. Aleman & David A. Jaffray & Mark Ruschin - 117-136 GOSAC: global optimization with surrogate approximation of constraints
by Juliane Müller & Joshua D. Woodbury - 137-156 A Lagrangian search method for the P-median problem
by Joshua Q. Hale & Enlu Zhou & Jiming Peng - 157-182 Certificates of infeasibility via nonsmooth optimization
by Hannes Fendl & Arnold Neumaier & Hermann Schichl - 183-230 Strong valid inequalities for Boolean logical pattern generation
by Kedong Yan & Hong Seo Ryoo - 231-254 Supply chain network capacity competition with outsourcing: a variational equilibrium framework
by Anna Nagurney & Min Yu & Deniz Besik - 255-282 Fractional 0–1 programming: applications and algorithms
by Juan S. Borrero & Colin Gillen & Oleg A. Prokopyev
August 2017, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 685-711 Guided dive for the spatial branch-and-bound
by D. Gerard & M. Köppe & Q. Louveaux - 713-727 A new global optimization method for a symmetric Lipschitz continuous function and the application to searching for a globally optimal partition of a one-dimensional set
by Rudolf Scitovski - 729-747 Deterministic solution approach for some classes of nonlinear multilevel programs with multiple followers
by Abay Molla Kassa & Semu Mitiku Kassa - 749-775 A new fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the interval subset sum problem
by Rui Diao & Ya-Feng Liu & Yu-Hong Dai - 777-798 DC-NMF: nonnegative matrix factorization based on divide-and-conquer for fast clustering and topic modeling
by Rundong Du & Da Kuang & Barry Drake & Haesun Park - 799-814 Parallel machine scheduling with general sum of processing time based models
by Radosław Rudek - 815-826 Global convergence of proximal iteratively reweighted algorithm
by Tao Sun & Hao Jiang & Lizhi Cheng - 827-849 Kriging surrogate model with coordinate transformation based on likelihood and gradient
by Nobuo Namura & Koji Shimoyama & Shigeru Obayashi - 851-878 A stochastic production planning problem in hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing systems with resource capacity planning
by Chang Fang & Xinbao Liu & Panos M. Pardalos & Jianyu Long & Jun Pei & Chao Zuo - 879-898 Global probability maximization for a Gaussian bilateral inequality in polynomial time
by Michel Minoux & Riadh Zorgati - 899-923 Vectorial penalization for generalized functional constrained problems
by Marius Durea & Radu Strugariu
July 2017, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 467-499 A nonlinear programming model with implicit variables for packing ellipsoids
by E. G. Birgin & R. D. Lobato & J. M. Martínez - 501-535 A proximal bundle method for nonsmooth DC optimization utilizing nonconvex cutting planes
by Kaisa Joki & Adil M. Bagirov & Napsu Karmitsa & Marko M. Mäkelä - 537-562 An approximate bundle method for solving nonsmooth equilibrium problems
by Fan-Yun Meng & Li-Ping Pang & Jian Lv & Jin-He Wang - 563-586 Global optimization of non-convex piecewise linear regression splines
by Nadia Martinez & Hadis Anahideh & Jay M. Rosenberger & Diana Martinez & Victoria C. P. Chen & Bo Ping Wang - 587-600 Coradiant sets and $$\varepsilon $$ ε -efficiency in multiobjective optimization
by Abbas Sayadi-bander & Latif Pourkarimi & Refail Kasimbeyli & Hadi Basirzadeh - 601-622 The reduction of computation times of upper and lower tolerances for selected combinatorial optimization problems
by Marcel Turkensteen & Dmitry Malyshev & Boris Goldengorin & Panos M. Pardalos - 623-640 Approximation guarantees of algorithms for fractional optimization problems arising in dispatching rules for INDS problems
by Hongtan Sun & Thomas C. Sharkey - 641-662 Pseudo expected improvement criterion for parallel EGO algorithm
by Dawei Zhan & Jiachang Qian & Yuansheng Cheng - 663-675 Decoupling linear and nonlinear regimes: an evaluation of efficiency for nonlinear multidimensional optimization
by Christopher M. Cotnoir & Balša Terzić - 677-683 A review of computation of mathematically rigorous bounds on optima of linear programs
by Jared T. Guilbeau & Md. Istiaq Hossain & Sam D. Karhbet & Ralph Baker Kearfott & Temitope S. Sanusi & Lihong Zhao
June 2017, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 227-253 A hybrid discretization algorithm with guaranteed feasibility for the global solution of semi-infinite programs
by Hatim Djelassi & Alexander Mitsos - 255-277 Solving discrete linear bilevel optimization problems using the optimal value reformulation
by S. Dempe & F. Mefo Kue - 279-306 Measuring centrality and dispersion in directional datasets: the ellipsoidal cone covering approach
by Alberto Seeger & José Vidal -Nuñez - 307-328 Accelerated parallel and distributed algorithm using limited internal memory for nonnegative matrix factorization
by Duy Khuong Nguyen & Tu Bao Ho - 329-355 Matrix product constraints by projection methods
by Veit Elser - 357-366 Self-concordance is NP-hard
by Lek-Heng Lim - 367-385 Cubic-regularization counterpart of a variable-norm trust-region method for unconstrained minimization
by J. M. Martínez & M. Raydan - 387-411 Kantorovich’s theorem on Newton’s method under majorant condition in Riemannian manifolds
by T. Bittencourt & O. P. Ferreira - 413-438 Chebyshev model arithmetic for factorable functions
by Jai Rajyaguru & Mario E. Villanueva & Boris Houska & Benoît Chachuat - 439-461 Equal Risk Bounding is better than Risk Parity for portfolio selection
by Francesco Cesarone & Fabio Tardella - 463-466 Erratum to: An integer linear programming formulation and heuristics for the minmax relative regret robust shortest path problem
by Amadeu Almeida Coco & João Carlos Abreu Júnior & Thiago F. Noronha & Andréa Cynthia Santos
May 2017, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-22 A branch and bound algorithm for quantified quadratic programming
by F. Domes & A. Goldsztejn - 23-45 Algorithms for art gallery illumination
by Maximilian Ernestus & Stephan Friedrichs & Michael Hemmer & Jan Kokemüller & Alexander Kröller & Mahdi Moeini & Christiane Schmidt - 47-69 A recursive algorithm for multivariate risk measures and a set-valued Bellman’s principle
by Zachary Feinstein & Birgit Rudloff - 71-93 An approach to generate comprehensive piecewise linear interpolation of pareto outcomes to aid decision making
by Kalyan Shankar Bhattacharjee & Hemant Kumar Singh & Tapabrata Ray - 95-123 Improved logarithmic linearizing method for optimization problems with free-sign pure discrete signomial terms
by Hao-Chun Lu - 125-146 Global saddle points of nonlinear augmented Lagrangian functions
by Changyu Wang & Qian Liu & Biao Qu - 147-167 Searching approximate global optimal Heilbronn configurations of nine points in the unit square via GPGPU computing
by Liangyu Chen & Yaochen Xu & Zhenbing Zeng - 169-187 Application of the sequential parametric convex approximation method to the design of robust trusses
by Alfredo Canelas & Miguel Carrasco & Julio López - 189-217 Improving simulated annealing through derandomization
by Mathieu Gerber & Luke Bornn - 219-225 Erratum to: Multivariate McCormick relaxations
by Jaromił Najman & Dominik Bongartz & Angelos Tsoukalas & Alexander Mitsos
April 2017, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 687-729 Differentiable McCormick relaxations
by Kamil A. Khan & Harry A. J. Watson & Paul I. Barton - 731-757 Three enhancements for optimization-based bound tightening
by Ambros M. Gleixner & Timo Berthold & Benjamin Müller & Stefan Weltge - 759-786 Monomial-wise optimal separable underestimators for mixed-integer polynomial optimization
by Christoph Buchheim & Claudia D’Ambrosio - 787-804 On relaxing the integrality of the allocation variables of the reliability fixed-charge location problem
by José L. Sainz-Pardo & Javier Alcaraz & Mercedes Landete & Juan F. Monge - 805-827 Robust optimization approximation for joint chance constrained optimization problem
by Yuan Yuan & Zukui Li & Biao Huang - 829-850 Bounded Lagrange multiplier rules for general nonsmooth problems and application to mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
by Nooshin Movahedian - 851-872 Improving the convergence rate of the DIRECT global optimization algorithm
by Qunfeng Liu & Guang Yang & Zhongzhi Zhang & Jinping Zeng - 873-892 Balancing global and local search in parallel efficient global optimization algorithms
by Dawei Zhan & Jiachang Qian & Yuansheng Cheng - 893-907 Default policies for global optimisation of noisy functions with severe noise
by Spyridon Samothrakis & Maria Fasli & Diego Perez & Simon Lucas - 909-924 Universal rigidity of bar frameworks via the geometry of spectrahedra
by A. Y. Alfakih
March 2017, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 451-474 Enclosure of all index-1 saddle points of general nonlinear functions
by Dimitrios Nerantzis & Claire S. Adjiman - 475-493 An eigenvalue decomposition based branch-and-bound algorithm for nonconvex quadratic programming problems with convex quadratic constraints
by Cheng Lu & Zhibin Deng & Qingwei Jin - 495-525 Analysis of budget for interdiction on multicommodity network flows
by Pengfei Zhang & Neng Fan