May 2011, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 169-178 Transversality condition for singular infinite horizon calculus of variations
by Eladio Ocaña Anaya & Pierre Cartigny
April 2011, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 539-559 A particle swarm optimization-based hybrid algorithm for minimum concave cost network flow problems
by Shangyao Yan & Yu-Lin Shih & Wang-Tsang Lee - 561-574 Scalarization and pointwise well-posedness in vector optimization problems
by Gang Xiao & Hong Xiao & Sanyang Liu - 575-587 Nonmonotone equilibrium problems: coercivity conditions and weak regularization
by I. Konnov & D. Dyabilkin - 589-606 Using the idea of expanded core for the exact solution of bi-objective multi-dimensional knapsack problems
by George Mavrotas & José Figueira & Alexandros Antoniadis - 607-622 Chebyshev scalarization of solutions to the vector equilibrium problems
by X. Gong - 623-649 Branching on hyperplane methods for mixed integer linear and convex programming using adjoint lattices
by Sanjay Mehrotra & Zhifeng Li - 651-678 Stochastic lot-sizing with backlogging: computational complexity analysis
by Yongpei Guan - 679-693 An extragradient-type method for generalized equilibrium problems involving strictly pseudocontractive mappings
by Xiaolong Qin & Sun Cho & Shin Kang - 695-705 Generalized vector implicit quasi complementarity problems
by Suhel Khan - 707-712 Counterexamples on some articles on quasi-variational inclusion problems
by H. Mohebi & M. Vatandoost - 713-725 Necessary optimality conditions for nonsmooth semi-infinite programming problems
by Nader Kanzi
March 2011, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 363-364 Preface
by Tao Pham Dinh & Hoai Le Thi - 365-379 Quasi-Newton methods in infinite-dimensional spaces and application to matrix equations
by Boubakeur Benahmed & Hocine Mokhtar-Kharroubi & Bruno Malafosse & Adnan Yassine - 381-396 On generalized Ekeland’s variational principle and equivalent formulations for set-valued mappings
by P. Khanh & D. Quy - 397-413 Knapsack problem with probability constraints
by Alexei Gaivoronski & Abdel Lisser & Rafael Lopez & Hu Xu - 415-423 Application of convex lexicographical optimization to the balance of GRTgaz gas grid
by Soizic Adam & J. Bonnans & Ruben Paraisy & Sébastien Veyrat - 425-434 An exact algorithm for solving the vertex separator problem
by Mohamed Didi Biha & Marie-Jean Meurs - 435-448 A blind image watermarking using multiresolution visibility map
by M. Luong & Q. Do & A. Beghdadi - 449-465 Evaluating a branch-and-bound RLT-based algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering
by Daniel Aloise & Pierre Hansen - 467-480 The small hexagon and heptagon with maximum sum of distances between vertices
by Charles Audet & Anthony Guillou & Pierre Hansen & Frédéric Messine & Sylvain Perron - 481-495 Properties of two DC algorithms in quadratic programming
by Hoai Le Thi & Tao Pham Dinh & Nguyen Yen - 497-504 Automatic differentiation for the optimization of a ship propulsion and steering system: a proof of concept
by Ralf Leidenberger & Karsten Urban - 505-519 The directional subdifferential of the difference of two convex functions
by Jean-Paul Penot - 521-537 On 2-stage robust LP with RHS uncertainty: complexity results and applications
by Michel Minoux
February 2011, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 185-212 Constrained global optimization of multivariate polynomials using Bernstein branch and prune algorithm
by P. Nataraj & M. Arounassalame - 213-235 Identifying preferred solutions to Multi-Objective Binary Optimisation problems, with an application to the Multi-Objective Knapsack Problem
by Nikolaos Argyris & José Figueira & Alec Morton - 237-263 Using the Dinkelbach-type algorithm to solve the continuous-time linear fractional programming problems
by Ching-Feng Wen & Hsien-Chung Wu - 265-280 Characterizing strict efficiency for convex multiobjective programming problems
by Anjana Gupta & Aparna Mehra & Davinder Bhatia - 281-291 A logarithmic-quadratic proximal point scalarization method for multiobjective programming
by Ronaldo Gregório & Paulo Oliveira - 293-311 Semidefinite relaxation bounds for bi-quadratic optimization problems with quadratic constraints
by Xinzhen Zhang & Chen Ling & Liqun Qi - 313-342 A generic approach to approximate efficiency and applications to vector optimization with set-valued maps
by C. Gutiérrez & B. Jiménez & V. Novo - 343-357 Degree theory for a generalized set-valued variational inequality with an application in Banach spaces
by Zhong Wang & Nan Huang - 359-362 Comments on “Competitive analysis of a better on-line algorithm to minimize total completion time on a single-machine”
by Jiping Tao & Zhijun Chao & Yugeng Xi
January 2011, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-14 Regularized Lagrangian duality for linearly constrained quadratic optimization and trust-region problems
by V. Jeyakumar & Guoyin Li - 15-21 Best proximity points: global optimal approximate solutions
by S. Sadiq Basha - 23-35 Optimality and duality in vector optimization involving generalized type I functions over cones
by S. Suneja & Seema Khurana & Meetu Bhatia - 37-47 A class of r-semipreinvex functions and optimality in nonlinear programming
by Ke Zhao & Xue Liu & Zhe Chen - 49-67 Model building using bi-level optimization
by G. Saharidis & I. Androulakis & M. Ierapetritou - 69-90 A new differential mutation base generator for differential evolution
by Chuan Lin & Anyong Qing & Quanyuan Feng - 91-107 Towards the global solution of the maximal correlation problem
by Lei-Hong Zhang & Li-Zhi Liao & Li-Ming Sun - 109-123 The column-sufficiency and row-sufficiency of the linear transformation on Hilbert spaces
by Xin-He Miao & Zheng-Hai Huang - 125-135 Approaching pooling design with smaller efficient ratio
by Suogang Gao & Zengti Li & Hongjie Du & Yan Shi & Weili Wu - 137-147 Multiobjective optimization problems with modified objective functions and cone constraints and applications
by Jia Chen & Yeol Cho & Jong Kim & Jun Li - 149-172 Study of multiscale global optimization based on parameter space partition
by Weitao Sun & Yuan Dong - 173-183 Counterexamples to some triality and tri-duality results
by M. Voisei & C. Zălinescu
December 2010, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 511-531 Optimal placement of UV-based communications relay nodes
by Oleg Burdakov & Patrick Doherty & Kaj Holmberg & Per-Magnus Olsson - 533-548 A heuristic method for the minimum toll booth problem
by Lihui Bai & Donald Hearn & Siriphong Lawphongpanich - 549-567 Partitioning procedure for polynomial optimization
by Polyxeni-Margarita Kleniati & Panos Parpas & Berç Rustem - 569-582 Pyramidal tours and multiple objectives
by Özgür Özpeynirci & Murat Köksalan - 583-593 Piece adding technique for convex maximization problems
by Dominique Fortin & Ider Tseveendorj - 595-632 An efficient combined DCA and B&B using DC/SDP relaxation for globally solving binary quadratic programs
by Tao Pham Dinh & Nam Nguyen Canh & Hoai Le Thi - 633-642 New dominating sets in social networks
by Xu Zhu & Jieun Yu & Wonjun Lee & Donghyun Kim & Shan Shan & Ding-Zhu Du - 643-656 Minimization of equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and fixed point problems
by Yonghong Yao & Yeong-Cheng Liou & Shin Kang - 657-669 DC models for spherical separation
by A. Astorino & A. Fuduli & M. Gaudioso
October 2010, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 183-208 Duality and optimality conditions for generalized equilibrium problems involving DC functions
by N. Dinh & J. Strodiot & V. Nguyen - 209-213 On the norm of a dc function
by Rafael Blanquero & Emilio Carrizosa - 215-239 On numerical optimization theory of infinite kernel learning
by S. Özöğür-Akyüz & G.-W. Weber - 241-261 A new smoothing and regularization Newton method for P 0 -NCP
by Changfeng Ma - 263-277 A fractional programming approach for retail category price optimization
by Shivaram Subramanian & Hanif Sherali - 279-287 A quasi-variational approach to a competitive economic equilibrium problem without strong monotonicity assumption
by G. Anello & M. Donato & M. Milasi - 289-310 Continuous GRASP with a local active-set method for bound-constrained global optimization
by Ernesto Birgin & Erico Gozzi & Mauricio Resende & Ricardo Silva - 311-321 Refined optimality conditions for differences of convex functions
by Tuomo Valkonen - 323-334 Robust optimization with simulated annealing
by Dimitris Bertsimas & Omid Nohadani - 335-345 Bounds of redundant multicast routing problem with SRLG-diverse constraints: edge, path and tree models
by Zhe Liang & Wanpracha Art Chaovalitwongse
September 2010, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-2 Foreword: Special issue celebrating the 70th birthday of Roman G. Strongin
by Panos Pardalos & Yaroslav Sergeyev - 3-15 Methods of embedding-cutting off in problems of mathematical programming
by Valerian Bulatov - 17-27 A lower bound on convergence rates of nonadaptive algorithms for univariate optimization with noise
by James Calvin - 29-40 One-dimensional identification problem and ranking parameters
by V. Demyanova & V. Demyanov - 41-55 A genetic algorithm for a global optimization problem arising in the detection of gravitational waves
by Daniela di Serafino & Susana Gomez & Leopoldo Milano & Filippo Riccio & Gerardo Toraldo - 57-71 Linear and quadratic programming approaches for the general graph partitioning problem
by Neng Fan & Panos Pardalos - 73-85 A local search method for continuous global optimization
by M. Gaviano & D. Lera & A. Steri - 87-97 Stopping rules in k-adaptive global random search algorithms
by Anatoly Zhigljavsky & Emily Hamilton - 99-112 An information global minimization algorithm using the local improvement technique
by Daniela Lera & Yaroslav Sergeyev - 113-128 A partition-based global optimization algorithm
by Giampaolo Liuzzi & Stefano Lucidi & Veronica Piccialli - 129-143 On simulation of optimal strategies and Nash equilibrium in the financial market context
by Jonas Mockus - 145-157 Iterative regularization algorithms for constrained image deblurring on graphics processors
by Valeria Ruggiero & Thomas Serafini & Riccardo Zanella & Luca Zanni - 159-172 On computational search for optimistic solutions in bilevel problems
by Alexander Strekalovsky & Andrey Orlov & Anton Malyshev - 173-182 On similarities between two models of global optimization: statistical models and radial basis functions
by Antanas Žilinskas
August 2010, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 537-555 Pseudomonotone operators and the Bregman Proximal Point Algorithm
by Nils Langenberg - 557-582 Global solution of nonlinear mixed-integer bilevel programs
by Alexander Mitsos - 583-595 Global optimality conditions for cubic minimization problem with box or binary constraints
by Yanjun Wang & Zhian Liang - 597-613 A combined DCA: GA for constructing highly nonlinear balanced boolean functions in cryptography
by Hoai Le & Hoai Le Thi & Tao Pham Dinh & Pascal Bouvry - 615-637 Solving convex quadratic bilevel programming problems using an enumeration sequential quadratic programming algorithm
by Jean Etoa - 639-660 Upper semicontinuity result for the solution mapping of a mixed parametric generalized vector quasiequilibrium problem with moving cones
by Le Tuan & Gue Lee & Pham Sach - 661-685 On convex relaxations of quadrilinear terms
by Sonia Cafieri & Jon Lee & Leo Liberti
July 2010, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 327-327 Preface
by Altannar Chinchuluun - 329-342 A polynomial path-following interior point algorithm for general linear complementarity problems
by Tibor Illés & Marianna Nagy & Tamás Terlaky - 343-354 A network flow model for biclustering via optimal re-ordering of data matrices
by Peter DiMaggio & Scott McAllister & Christodoulos Floudas & Xiao-Jiang Feng & Joshua Rabinowitz & Herschel Rabitz - 355-367 Quasi-bounded mappings and complementarity problems depending of parameters
by G. Isac - 369-401 Machine learning problems from optimization perspective
by Lei Xu - 403-419 Fuzzy bilevel programming with multiple objectives and cooperative multiple followers
by Guangquan Zhang & Jie Lu - 421-435 Optimal control of a quasi-variational obstacle problem
by Samir Adly & Maïtine Bergounioux & Mohamed Ait Mansour - 437-456 Convergence rate for consensus with delays
by Angelia Nedić & Asuman Ozdaglar - 457-462 Parameterized variational inequalities
by Pando Georgiev - 463-484 Solutions to quadratic minimization problems with box and integer constraints
by David Gao & Ning Ruan - 485-501 $${{\mathcal {D}(\mathcal {C})}}$$ -optimization and robust global optimization
by Hoang Tuy - 503-525 Are dualities appropriate for duality theories in optimization?
by Jean-Paul Penot - 527-535 Maximum flows and minimum cuts in the plane
by Gilbert Strang
June 2010, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 161-171 The unit-level-core for multi-choice games: the replicated core for TU games
by Yan-An Hwang & Yu-Hsien Liao - 173-183 Closedness and Hadamard well-posedness of the solution map for parametric vector equilibrium problems
by Júlia Salamon - 185-209 Equity portfolio construction and selection using multiobjective mathematical programming
by Panagiotis Xidonas & George Mavrotas & John Psarras - 211-231 Bounded lower subdifferentiability optimization techniques: applications
by Gleb Beliakov & Albert Ferrer - 233-245 Second order optimality conditions for bilevel set optimization problems
by S. Dempe & N. Gadhi - 247-271 A fast memoryless interval-based algorithm for global optimization
by M. Sun - 273-285 Set containment characterization with strict and weak quasiconvex inequalities
by Satoshi Suzuki - 287-292 Proximal methods for a class of bilevel monotone equilibrium problems
by Abdellatif Moudafi - 293-325 The oracle penalty method
by Martin Schlüter & Matthias Gerdts
May 2010, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-12 Some properties of approximate solutions for vector optimization problem with set-valued functions
by Qiusheng Qiu & Xinmin Yang - 13-27 Remarks on strict efficiency in scalar and vector optimization
by M. Durea - 29-51 A sequential parametric convex approximation method with applications to nonconvex truss topology design problems
by Amir Beck & Aharon Ben-Tal & Luba Tetruashvili - 53-62 Vectorial exceptional families of elements
by Y. Chiang - 63-81 Solving the problem of packing equal and unequal circles in a circular container
by A. Grosso & A. Jamali & M. Locatelli & F. Schoen - 83-106 A recurrence method for a special class of continuous time linear programming problems
by Ching-Feng Wen & Yung-Yih Lur & Yan-Kuen Wu - 107-118 An outcome space approach for generalized convex multiplicative programs
by Rúbia Oliveira & Paulo Ferreira - 119-132 Hybrid inclusion and disclusion systems with applications to equilibria and parametric optimization
by Wei-Shih Du - 133-159 A new smoothing Newton-type algorithm for semi-infinite programming
by Chen Ling & Qin Ni & Liqun Qi & Soon-Yi Wu
April 2010, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 487-488 Preface
by Nicolas Hadjisavvas & Siegfried Schaible & Jen-Chih Yao - 489-501 Subdifferentials of perturbed distance functions in Banach spaces
by Jin-Hua Wang & Chong Li & Hong-Kun Xu - 503-508 On the mean value theorem for semidifferentiable functions
by Marco Castellani & Massimo Pappalardo - 509-519 Nash equilibria of generalized games in normed spaces without upper semicontinuity
by Paolo Cubiotti & Jen-Chih Yao - 521-535 Existence theorems for generalized vector variational inequalities with a variable ordering relation
by Lu-Chuan Ceng & Shuechin Huang - 537-542 Vector equilibrium flows with nonconvex ordering relations
by T. Cheng & S. Li & X. Yang - 543-549 On an elliptic Kirchhoff-type problem depending on two parameters
by Biagio Ricceri - 551-560 Lexicographic and sequential equilibrium problems
by M. Bianchi & I. Konnov & R. Pini - 561-569 Equilibrium and least element problems for multivalued functions
by E. Allevi & A. Gnudi & S. Schaible & M. Vespucci - 571-580 A field guide to the matrix classes found in the literature of the linear complementarity problem
by Richard Cottle - 581-588 Remarks on infinite dimensional duality
by A. Maugeri & F. Raciti - 589-601 Reduction of finite exhausters
by Jerzy Grzybowski & Diethard Pallaschke & Ryszard Urbański - 603-614 Some applications of the image space analysis to the duality theory for constrained extremum problems
by G. Mastroeni - 615-633 Limiting subgradients of minimal time functions in Banach spaces
by Boris Mordukhovich & Nguyen Nam - 635-646 Strong convergence theorem by a hybrid extragradient-like approximation method for variational inequalities and fixed point problems
by Lu-Chuan Ceng & Nicolas Hadjisavvas & Ngai-Ching Wong
March 2010, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 319-329 Strong convergence theorems for variational inequalities and relatively weak nonexpansive mappings
by Ying Liu - 331-345 Ishikawa iterative algorithms for a generalized equilibrium problem and fixed point problems of a pseudo-contraction mapping
by Jian-Wen Peng & Jen-Chih Yao - 347-361 A primal dual modified subgradient algorithm with sharp Lagrangian
by Regina Burachik & Alfredo Iusem & Jefferson Melo - 363-381 A hybrid heuristic for the diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problem
by Abilio Lucena & Celso Ribeiro & Andréa Santos - 383-393 Hadamard well-posed vector optimization problems
by S. Li & W. Zhang - 395-422 Approximation of optimal feedback control: a dynamic programming approach
by Bao-Zhu Guo & Tao-Tao Wu - 423-433 Minimal infeasible constraint sets in convex integer programs
by Wiesława Obuchowska - 435-446 Lower semicontinuity of the solution map to a parametric vector variational inequality
by Mu Wong - 447-464 A viscosity approximation method for equilibrium problems, fixed point problems of nonexpansive mappings and a general system of variational inequalities
by S. Plubtieng & T. Thammathiwat - 465-473 Variational inequalities on weakly compact sets
by Y. Chiang - 475-485 Penalized complementarity functions on symmetric cones
by Sangho Kum & Yongdo Lim
February 2010, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 163-189 Outer approximation algorithms for canonical DC problems
by Giancarlo Bigi & Antonio Frangioni & Qinghua Zhang - 191-206 Global optimality conditions for quadratic 0-1 optimization problems
by Wei Chen & Liansheng Zhang - 207-216 On sufficiency and duality in multiobjective programming problem under generalized α-type I univexity
by Anurag Jayswal - 217-232 On the convergence properties of modified augmented Lagrangian methods for mathematical programming with complementarity constraints
by H. Luo & X. Sun & Y. Xu & H. Wu - 233-245 A new augmented Lagrangian approach to duality and exact penalization
by C. Lalitha - 247-259 Continuity of solution maps of parametric quasiequilibrium problems
by Lam Anh & Phan Khanh - 261-271 From an abstract maximal element principle to optimization problems, stationary point theorems and common fixed point theorems
by Lai-Jiu Lin & Wei-Shih Du - 273-286 Stopping and restarting strategy for stochastic sequential search in global optimization
by Zelda Zabinsky & David Bulger & Charoenchai Khompatraporn - 287-306 One-dimensional nested maximin designs
by Edwin Dam & Bart Husslage & Dick Hertog - 307-315 Convexification for data fitting
by James Lo - 317-318 Convexification for data fitting
by James Lo
January 2010, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-23 Solving polynomial least squares problems via semidefinite programming relaxations
by Sunyoung Kim & Masakazu Kojima - 25-30 Generalized multivalued vector variational-like inequalities
by Syed Irfan & Rais Ahmad - 31-47 On a theorem due to Crouzeix and Ferland
by Vsevolod Ivanov - 49-62 A non-smooth three critical points theorem with applications in differential inclusions
by Alexandru Kristály & Waclaw Marzantowicz & Csaba Varga - 63-73 A new asymmetric inclusion region for minimum weight triangulation
by Shiyan Hu - 75-87 Approximating zeros of monotone operators by proximal point algorithms
by Xiaolong Qin & Shin Kang & Yeol Cho - 89-110 Multiple solutions for semilinear resonant elliptic problems with discontinuous nonlinearities via nonsmooth double linking theorem
by Kaimin Teng - 111-132 Sufficiency and duality for multiobjective control problems under generalized (B, ρ)-type I functions
by Khadija Khazafi & Norma Rueda & Per Enflo - 133-146 New systems of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems in product FC-spaces
by Xie Ding - 147-154 Convex relaxation for solving posynomial programs
by Hao-Chun Lu & Han-Lin Li & Chrysanthos Gounaris & Christodoulos Floudas - 155-161 Characterizing zero-derivative points
by Sanjo Zlobec
November 2008, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 357-357 Comments on an ancient Greek racecourse: finding minimum width annuluses
by Saul I. Gass
March 2006, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 441-466 Global Optimization of Stochastic Black-Box Systems via Sequential Kriging Meta-Models
by D. Huang & T. Allen & W. Notz & N. Zeng
January 2005, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-16 A Bilinear Algorithm for Optimizing a Linear Function over the Efficient Set of a Multiple Objective Linear Programming Problem
by Jesús Jorge - 17-43 Dynamic Generalized Assignment Problems with Stochastic Demands and Multiple Agent--Task Relationships
by Konstantin Kogan & Eugene Khmelnitsky & Toshihide Ibaraki - 45-60 Convexification and Concavification for a General Class of Global Optimization Problems
by Z. Wu & F. Bai & L. Zhang - 61-84 Improving an Upper Bound on the Stability Number of a Graph
by Carlos Luz - 85-92 On Absorbing Cycles in Min–Max Digraphs
by Harald Günzel & Hubertus Jongen - 93-108 A Study of Global Optimization Using Particle Swarms
by Jaco Schutte & Albert Groenwold - 109-119 Vector Equilibrium Problems. Existence Theorems and Convexity of Solution Set
by Jun-Yi Fu - 121-131 Homotopy Methods for Solving Variational Inequalities in Unbounded Sets
by Qing Xu & Bo Yu & Guo-Chen Feng - 133-151 Singularities of Monotone Vector Fields and an Extragradient-type Algorithm
by O. Ferreira & L. Pérez & S. Németh - 153-171 Constrained Global Optimization of Expensive Black Box Functions Using Radial Basis Functions
by Rommel Regis & Christine Shoemaker - 173-189 On the Existence of Positive Solutions for Hemivariational Inequalities Driven by the p-Laplacian
by Michael Filippakis & Leszek Gasiński & Nikolaos Papageorgiou
November 2004, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 121-134 Equilibrium Problems under Generalized Convexity and Generalized Monotonicity
by Monica Bianchi & Siegfried Schaible - 135-154 Generalized Vector Equilibrium Problems with Trifunctions
by Y. Chiang & O. Chadli & J. Yao - 155-167 Generalized Vector Variational Inequalities over Countable Product of Sets
by E. Allevi & A. Gnudi & I.V. Konnov - 169-194 A Smoothing Newton Method for Semi-Infinite Programming
by Dong-Hui Li & Liqun Qi & Judy Tam & Soon-Yi Wu - 195-206 An Approximation Approach to Non-strictly Convex Quadratic Semi-infinite Programming
by S. Ito & Y. Liu & K. Teo - 207-233 Duality theorems and algorithms for linear programming in measure spaces
by C.F. Wen & S.Y. Wu - 235-251 On Generalized Linearity of Quadratic Fractional Functions
by R. Cambini & L. Carosi - 253-270 Smooth Convex Approximation to the Maximum Eigenvalue Function
by Xin Chen & Houduo Qi & Liqun Qi & Kok-Lay Teo - 271-284 Second-Order Global Optimality Conditions for Optimization Problems
by X. Yang - 285-300 Convergence Properties of Dikin’s Affine Scaling Algorithm for Nonconvex Quadratic Minimization
by Paul Tseng - 301-318 On the Convergence of a Population-Based Global Optimization Algorithm
by Ş. Birbil & Shu-Cherng Fang & Ruey-Lin Sheu - 319-333 A Geometric Representation of the Morse Fan
by J. Grzybowski & D. Pallaschk & R. Urbański