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- 23-37 시진핑 신시대 한∙미∙중 삼각관계의 복합성과 새로운 균형 모색(Searching for a New Balance in the Complexities of the U.S.-China-Korea Triangle in the New Era of Xi Jinping)
by Chung, Duck-Koo & Kang, Jun-Young & Chang, Young Hee & Pyun, Jung A & Yoo, Dain
- 23-36 시진핑 시기 중국의 해외직접투자 전략 변화와 시사점(Changes in China’s ODI Strategy Under Xi Jinping's Administration and Implications for Korea)
by Moon, Jiyoung & Kang, Munsu & Park, Minsuk & Kim, Youngsun & Jeong, Minji
- 23-29 영-미 사례를 통한 미-중 패권 전환 가능성 분석: 무역, 금융, 안보, 다자주의를 중심으로(Analyzing the Prospects of U.S.-China Hegemonic Shift: Insights from Anglo-American Perspectives on Trade, Finance, Security, and Multilateralism)
by Park, Ihn-Hwi & Choi, Yong Sub & Lee, Hyo Won & Lee, Wang Hwi & Jeong, Hanbeom & Jung, Sung Chul & Choi, Kyong Jun
- 23-17 MC13 주요 의제 분석과 협상 대책(Analysis of Major Agendas at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference: Korea’s Perspectives)
by Hwang, Euisik & Suh, Jinkyo & Kang,, Hyungjun & Pyo, Yuri & Woo, Gayoung
- 24-1 전후 우크라이나 재건 사업의 국제 논의와 한국기업 참여 가능성 연구(Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine: International Discussions and Potential for Participation by Korean Companies)
by Jang, Youngook & Lee, Cheolwon & Kang, Boogyun & Kim, Cho Rong
- 23-35 중동부유럽으로의 EU 확대 평가와 향후 전망(Enlargement of the European Union: Evaluation and Outlook)
by Kim, Yoonjung & Lee, Cheolwon & Oh, Taehyun & Kim, Chorong & Kang, Yooduk
- 23-34 미중경쟁에 따른 아세안 역내 공급망 재편과 한국의 대응방안(ASEAN’s Cooperation with the U.S. and China Amid U.S.-China Rivalry: Focus on Supply Chain Restructuring)
by La, Meeryung & Cheong, Jaewan & Lee, Jaeho & Shin, Mingeum
- 23-33 인도-태평양 전략 추진을 위한 한-태평양도서국 중장기 협력 방안(Korea’s Indo-Pacific Bridge: Charting a Course for ROK-Pacific Islands Partnership)
by Choi, Ina & Oh, Geeyoung & Kim, Youngsun & Kim, Soeun & Jang, Hanbyeol
- 23-32 미중 기술경쟁 시대 중국의 강소기업 육성전략과 시사점(China’s Policy of Nurturing Hidden Champions and Its Implications on Korea)
by Lee, Seungshin & Choi, Wonseok & Moon, Jiyoung & Na, Suyeob & Oh, Jonghyuk
- 23-31 국제사회의 중국 담론에 대한 분석과 시사점(Discourse on China in the International Society and Its Implications)
by Heo, Jaichul & Kim, Joo-Hye & Choi, Jae-Hee & Choi, Jiwon & Kim, Sung-Hae & Kim, Seung-Soo
- 23-30 글로벌 디지털플랫폼의 데이터 집중화에 따른 경제적 영향 분석(Economic Impact of Data Concentration on Global Digital Platforms)
by Kim, Hyunsoo & Yea, Sangjun & Kang, Minji
- 23-27 유럽 주요국의 경제안보 분야 대중국 전략과 시사점(European Approaches to China in the Area of Economic Security)
by Jang, Youngook & Lee, Cheolwon & Na, Suyeob & Lee, Hyun-Jean & Lim, You-Jin
- 23-26 주요국의 산업별 디지털 전환이 노동시장에 미치는 영향(Research on Digital Transformation and Labor Market in Major Countries)
by Park, Jiwon & Ro, Yoon-jae & Cho, Sunghun & Na, Seung-Kwon
- 23-25 디지털 통상규범의 경제적 효과 추정에 관한 연구(A Study on Estimating the Economic Impact of Digital Trade Agreements)
by Kim, Hyun Soo & Kim, Young Gui & Lee, Kyu Yub & Kang, Minji
- 23-24 빅데이터 기반의 국제거시경제 전망모형 개발 연구(Developing an International Macroeconomic Forecasting Model Based on Big Data)
by Baek, Yaein & Yoon, Sang-Ha & Kim, Hyun Hak & Lee, Jiyun
- 23-23 대외충격의 자본유출입 효과와 경기안정화 정책 분석(Impact of External Shocks on Capital Flows and Effectiveness of Economic Stabilization Policies)
by Han, Wontae & Kim, Hyo Sang & Song, Saerang & Kim, Junhyong
- 23-22 해외직접투자가 기업의 지식재산권 확보와 성과에 미치는 영향(The Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Firm’s Innovation Activities and Financial Performance: The case of Korea)
by Kim, Jong Duk & Koo, Kyong Hyun & Kang, Gusang & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang
- 23-21 수출규제의 경제적 함의와 글로벌 공급망에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구(A Study on Export Measures: Economic Impacts on Global Supply Chain)
by Yea, Sangjun & Eom, Jun Hyun & Lee, Seungrae & Jung, Yeonha
- 23-20 미국의 대중 반도체 수출통제 확대의 경제적 영향과 대응 방안(The Economic Impact of the U.S. Export Controls on China and Its Implications)
by Kim, Hyok Jung & Oh, Jonghyuk & Kwon, Hyuk Ju
- 23-19 대러 경제 제재가 러시아 경제에 미치는 영향과 한-러 경제협력 안정화 방안(Assessment of the Macroeconomic Impact of the Sanctions on the Russian Economy and Stabilization Measures for KOREA-RUSSIA Economic Cooperation
by Jeong, Minhyeon & Kang, Boogyun & Min, Jiyoung & Kim, Wongi
- 23-18 중동ㆍ북아프리카 지역 에너지 보조금 정책 개혁의 영향과 사회적 인식에 관한 연구(A Study on Energy Subsidy Reform and Perceptions in MENA)
by Kang, Munsu & Son, SungHyun & Ryou, Kwangho & Lee, Jieun & Han, Saerom
- 23-16 중남미 국가의 서비스 시장 개방이 GVC 참여에 미치는 영향과 시사점(Assessing the Impact of Service Market Opening in Latin American Nations on Global Value Chain Involvement: Implications and Insights)
by Hong, Sungwoo & Kim, Jino & Kang, Jungu & Park, Mi-Sook & Lee, Seungho
- 23-15 팬데믹 이후 국제사회의 불평등 현황과 한국의 개발 협력 과제()
by Lee, Gee Young & Lee, Eunsuk & Yoo, Aila & Park, Chami & Lee, Yerim
- 23-14 기후클럽 형성에 대한 통상정책적 대응방안 연구(Policy Pathways for Korea in Climate Club Participation)
by Lee, Jukwan & Lee, Cheon-Kee & Park, Ji Hyun & Park, Hyeri & Kim, Min-Sung
- 23-13 순대외금융자산이 경제안정과 금융 국제화에 미치는 영향 분석(Effect of Net International Investment Position on Economic Stability and Financial Internationalization)
by Jeong, Youngsik & Kim, Hyosang & Song, Yena & Kim, Kyunghun & Ko, Deokki & Lim, Hoedong
- 23-12 대외정책과 연계성 제고를 위한 전략적 ODA 추진방식 개선방안 연구(Strategic ODA: Definition and Policy Recommendation for Korea’s ODA System)
by Jung, Jione & Jeong, Jisun & Song, Jihei & Yoo, Aila & Park, Sojeong & Kim, Ji Hyun & Kim, Eunju
- 23-11 북한의 관세 및 비관세제도 분석과 국제사회 편입에 대한 시사점(North Korea’s Tariff and Non-Tariff System: Implications for its Integration into the International Economy)
by Choi, Jangho & Kim, Dawool & Rhee, Jung-Kyun & Choi, Yoojeong
- 23-10 일본의 글로벌 공급망 리스크 관리와 한ㆍ일 간 협력방안 연구(Japan’s Global Supply Chain Risk Management and Korea-Japan Cooperation)
by Kim, Gyupan & Lee, Hyong-Kun & Kim, Seung-Hyun & Son, Wonju
- 22-29 디지털통상협정의 한국형 표준모델 설정 연구(A Study on the Korean Model Law of Digital Trade Agreement)
by Kwon, Hyunho & Lee, Joo Hyoung & Kim, Minjung & Kwak, Dongchul
- 22-22 한국-동남아 가치사슬 안정화를 위한 메콩지역 협력 방안 연구(A Study on the Cooperation between Mekong Subregion and RoK to Build Stable Supply Chains in Southeast Asia)
by Kwak, Sungil & Cheong, Jaewan Cheong & Shin, Mingeum & Kim, Jegook
- 22-17 금융위기 전개 과정 및 요인 분석: 복잡계와 머신러닝 방법론을 중심으로(An Analysis of the Evolution and Factors of the Financial Crisis Using Complex Systems and Machine Learning)
by Jeong, Young Sik & Oh, Gab Jin & Han, Wontae & Baek, Yaein & Kang, Eunjung & Kim, Yuri
- 23-9 글로벌 경제안보 환경변화와 한국의 대응(Changes in the Global Economic Security Environment and Korea's Policy Response)
by Choi, Wonseok & Han, Hyoungmin & Cho, Sunghun & Hong, Jin Hee & Yoon, Hyung Jun & Cha, Jung Mi
- 23-8 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁이 EU의 '개방형 전략적 자율성' 확대에 미친 영향: 에너지 전환, 인적 교류, 안보 통합을 중심으로(Impact of Russia-Ukraine War on the Extension of EU’s ‘Open Strategic Autonomy’: Towards Energy Trasition, Refugee Influx and Security Integration)
by Jang, Youngook & Kim, Yoonjung & lee, Cheolwon & Oh, Taehyun & Lee, Hyun-Jean & Lim, You-Jin & Kim, Cho-Rong & Jun, Hae-Won
- 23-7 인도 서비스 산업 구조 분석과 한-인도 산업 협력 확대 방안(Changes in India’s Services Industry and their Policy Implications for Korea-India Cooperation)
by Han, Hyongmin & Ro, Yoon-Jae & Kim, Doyeon & Pek, Jong-Hun & Kim, Soeun
- 23-6 에너지안보 강화와 탄소중립을 위한 한국의 대응방안(Ensuring Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality: Implications for Korea)
by Moon, Jin-Young & Na, Seung Kwon & Lee, Sunghee & Kim, Eunmi
- 23-5 기업결합과 혁신: 미국 디지털플랫폼과 경쟁정책을 중심으로(Merger and Innovation: Focusing on the U.S. Digital Platforms and Competition Policy)
by Kang, Gusang & Kim, Hyok Jung & Kim, Jonghyuk & Kwon, Hyuk Ju & Sung, Won
- 23-4 디지털금융을 통한 아프리카 금융포용성 개선방안 연구(Digital Finance and Financial Inclusion in Africa)
by Han, Seoni & Kim, Yejin & Park, Kyu Tae & Jeong, Minji
- 23-3 미국의 공급망 재편 정책에 대한 기업의 대응 및 시사점(Analysis of Firms’ Reactions to the US Government’s Supply Chain Reorganization Policies)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Moon, Seongman & Yoon, Yeo Joon
- 23-2 인도태평양 시대 한ㆍ인도 경제협력의 방향과 과제(Korea-India Economic Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Era)
by Kim, Jeong-Gon & Kim, Kyunghoon & Pek, Jong-Hun & Nam, Yoojin & Cho, Won-Deuk
- 23-1 아세안 경제통합의 진행상황 평가와 한국의 대응 방향: TBT와 SPS를 중심으로(Assessing ASEAN Economic Integration Progress and South Korea’s Approach: Focus on TBT and SPS)
by Kwak, Sungil & Shin, Mingeum & Kim, Jegook & Jang, Yong Joon & Choi, Bo-Young
- 22-5 국제사회의 ESG 대응과 한국의 과제(Global Perspectives on ESG and Implications for Korea )
by Moon, Jin-Young & Yoon, Sang-Ha & Park, Jiwon & Na, Seung Kwon & Lee, Sunghee
- 22-28 경제안보 이슈의 부상과 대외협력 방향(Emergence of Economic Security Issues and External Cooperation Strategy)
by Choi, Wonseok & Kwak, Sungil & Moon, Jin-Young & Choi, Jangho & Han, Hyoungmin & Park, Youngseok & Rhee, Jung-Kyun & Kim, Eunmi & Hong, Jin Hee & Kim, Bumhwan & Kim, Jong In & Yoon, Junghyun
- 22-27 No 22-27: 미·중 전략 경쟁 시대 글로벌 기업의 대응과 중국진출 한국기업에 대한 시사점(Response to U.S.-China Competition by Multinational Companies and Implications for Korean Companies in China)
by Hyun, Sang Baek & Moon, Jiyoung & Park, Minsuk & Oh, Jonghyuk & Oh, Yun Mi
- 22-26 팬데믹과 전쟁 이후 국제경제질서 변화와 대응(Changes in the international economic order in the post-pandemic and war era and challenges for Korea)
by Kim, Kyungsoo & Kim, Hongkee & Song, Chi-Young
- 22-25 중국 탄소가격정책이 한중 경제관계 변화에 미치는 영향 및 시사점(Effects and Implications of China’s Carbon Pricing Policy on Changes in Korea-China Economic Relations_
by Jung, Jihyun & Sung, Hankyoung & Kim, Hongwon & Lee, Hanna & Kim, Joo Hye & Park, Hea Ji
- 22-24 국경간 전자상거래가 글로벌 가치사슬에 미치는 영향(The Role of Cross-Border e-Commerce in Shaping Global Value Chains)
by Yea, Sangjun & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang & Keum, Hyeyoon & Lee, Seungrae
- 22-23 미국의 대중 금융제재 영향과 시사점(The US Financial Sanctions on China and Its Implications on Korea)
by Yeon, Wonho & Kim, Hyosang & Moon, Jiyoung & Na, Suyeob & Kim, Youngsun
- 22-21 미·중 경쟁 하 중남미의 GVC 참여와 RVC 구축 연구(GVC and RVC of Latin America under the US-China Competition)
by Hong, Sungwoo & Lee, Seungho & Kim, Jino & Park, Mi Sook & Guzmán, Alenka
- 22-20 한국의 서비스무역 통계 개선 방안 연구(A Study on Updating Korea’s Services Trade Statistics System)
by Kim, Jong Duk & Cho, Moonhee & Kim, Hyunsoo & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang & Kang, Jungu & Kwon, Hyunho & Kim, Chun Kon
- 22-19 공여국의 ODA정책 결정 과정 비교연구: 국민 인식과 정책 동기 중심으로(A Comparative Study on ODA Policy Process: Public Awareness as a Policy Motive)
by Yun, Jeonghwan & Lee, Eunsuk & Song, Jihei & Yoon, Hyemin & Park, Sojeong
- 22-18 인도의 주별 인구구조 변화가 노동시장과 산업별 고용구조에 미치는 영향(The Effects of Population Changes on the Labor Market in India)
by Ro, Yoon Jae & Park, Jiwon & Cho, Seung Jin & Kim, Minhee
- 22-16 기후·환경변화가 이주 및 노동시장에 미치는 영향 연구(Effects of Environmental Changes on Migration and Labor Market Outcomes )
by Jang, Youngook & Lee, Seungho & Song, Jihei & Kim, Jegook & Jeong, Minji
- 22-15 포용적 무역을 위한 국내보완대책의 성과와 시사점(The Effects of South Korea’s Domestic Supplementary Measures for Trade Adjustment and Their Implications)
by Koo, Kyong Hyun & Bae, Chankwon & Park, Hyeri & Ryu, Kirak
- 22-14 미·중·러 전략경쟁 시기 러시아의 대중국 관계 발전과 정책 시사점(Russia’s Relations with China in the Era of US-China-Russia Strategic Competition)
by Park, Joungho & Kang, Boogyun & Hyun, Seung-soo & Jeh, Sung Hoon
- 22-13 코로나19 위기와 기업경쟁구도 변화: 과거 경제위기와의 비교를 중심으로(Covid-19 Crisis and Shifts in the Corporate Competitive Landscape: Comparisons with Previous Economic Crises)
by Yoon, Sang-Ha & Baek, Yaein & Han, Wontae & Lee, Yoonsoo & Kim, Daisoon
- 22-12 김정은 시대 북한의 대외관계 10년: 평가와 전망(10 Years of North Korea’s External Relations in the Kim Jong-un Era: Evaluation and Prospects)
by Choi, Jangho & Kim, Dawool & Rhee, Jung-Kyun & Choi, Yoojeong
- 22-11 글로벌 환경상품·서비스 시장개방의 경제적 효과와 정책 시사점(Liberalization of the Global Market for Environmental Goods and Services: International Discussions, Trends, and Economic Effects)
by Lee, Jukwan & Cho, Moonhee & Kang, Jungu & Kim, Ji Hyeon
- 22-10 ODA 사업의 유형별 평가방법 연구: 기술협력 사업을 중심으로(Developing ODA Evaluation Methodology for Technical Cooperation)
by Lee, Eunsuk & Oh, Gee Young & Yoon, Hyemin & Park, Chami & Hong, Moon Suk
- 21-37 글로벌 기후금융의 현황과 발전방향: 녹색채권을 중심으로(Current Development and the Future of Global Climate Finance: Focusing on Green Bonds)
by An, Jiyoun & Park, Bokyeong & Bae, Yujin & Ahn, Hyeji & Ha, Kiwook
- 21-36 포스트 코로나 시대 사회 안정성과 포용성 제고를 위한 국내외 정책 분석: 출산ㆍ보육, 부동산, 금융 및 보건위기를 중심으로(Analysis of domestic and foreign policies to enhance social stability and inclusion in the post-corona era: Focusing on public health, childbirth and childcare, real estate, and taxation of financial assets)
by Lee, Myungheon & Kim, Jungho & Lee, Sang-young & Hur, Seok-Kyun & Hong, Sok Chul
- 21-25 디지털 부문 혁신과 신북방 주요국의 구조 전환: 신북방 중진국과의 IT 협력을 중심으로(Development of the IT Industry and Structural Transformation: Focused on IT Cooperation with Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)
by Jeong, Minhyeon & Min, Jiyoung & Jeong, Dongyeon
- 22-9 기후변화에 따른 아프리카ㆍ중동의 식량안보 위기와 한국의 협력방안(Impacts of Climate Change and Policy Implications on Food Security in Africa and the Middle East)
by Kang, Munsu & Han, Seoni & Son, Sung Hyun & Kim, Yejin & Jeong, Minji & Park, Kyu Tae
- 22-8 바이든 행정부의 글로벌 공급망 재편 정책과 시사점: 반도체 및 배터리 산업을 중심으로(Policies and Implications of Reorganizing Global Supply Chains by the Biden Administration: Focusing on Semiconductor and Battery Industry)
by Kang, Gusang & Kim, Jonghyuk & Kwon, Hyuk Ju & Park, Eunbin & Ko, Jongwan
- 22-7 주요국의 탄소중립과 그린성장전략에 관한 연구: EU, 미국, 중국, 일본을 중심으로(Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth Strategies EU, U.S, China, and Japan)
by Kim, Gyupan & Kang, Gusang & Choi, Wonseok & Oh, Taehyun & Lee, Hyun Jean & Oh , Jonghyuk & Lee, Jungeun
- 22-6 중국 도시의 녹색전환 정책과 시사점(Green Transition Policy and Implications of Chinese Cities)
by Choi, Wonseok & Jung, Jihyun & Pak, Jinhee & Lee, Hanna & Choi, Jiwon & Kim, Joo Hye
- 22-4 인도의 신ㆍ재생에너지 시장 및 정책 분석과 한-인도 협력 방안(Analysis of India’s New and Renewable Energy Market and Policies and Implications for Korea-India Cooperation)
by Han, Hyoungmin & Kim, Jeong Gon & Kim, Doyeon & Pek, Jong Hun & Kim, Soeun
- 22-3 노동소득분배 결정요인 분석과 정책적 시사점(Analysis on the Determinants of Labor Share and Its Policy Implications)
by Baek, Yaein & Han, Minsoo & Kim, Wongi & Kim, Hyunsuk
- 22-2 디지털 무역협정 전략 로드맵 연구(A Roadmap for Korea’s Digital Trade Agreements)
by Lee, Kyu Yub L & Lee, Cheon-Kee & Choi, Wonseok & Eom, Jun Hyun & Whang, Unjung
- 22-1 미중 전략경쟁 시대 지정학적 리스크와 경제안보(Geopolitical Risk in the Era of U.S.-China Strategic Competition and Economic Security)
by Heo, Jai Chul & Yeon, Wonho & Kim, Sangbae & Kim, Younkyoo & Kim, Heungkyu & PAK, Seong Bin & Lee, Seungjoo & LEE, Jungoo & Lee, Wang Hwi
- 21-7 코로나19 이후 글로벌 가치사슬의 구조 변화와 정책 대응(Structural Changes in the Global Value Chain and Policy Responses after COVID-19)
by Han, Hyoungmin & Yea, Sangjun & Lee, Sunhyung & Cheong, Jaewan & Yun, ChiHyun & Kim, Mi Lim
- 21-6 신보호주의하에서 미국의 대외경제정책 평가와 방향(Evaluation and Direction of U.S. International Economic Policies under Neo-Protectionism)
by Gusang Kang, Gusang Kang & Kim, Jonghyuk & Rim, Jeewoon & Yoon, Yeo Joon
- 21-5 인도의 통상정책 분석과 한-인도 협력 방안(Analysis on India’s Trade Policy and Its Implications for Korea-India Cooperation)
by Kim, Jeong Gon & Han, Hyoungmin & Keum, Hyeyoon & Pek, Jong Hun & Lee, Sunhyung
- 21-35 포스트 코로나 시대 해외 주요국의 경제체제 중요 요소 변화: 기후위기, 디지털플랫폼, 인적자원 및 국가채무를 중심으로(Major changes in economic system in the post-corona era: Focusing on climate crisis, digital platform, human resources and fiscal sustainability)
by Ryu, Deokhyeon & Park, Minsu & Kang, Changhui & Ju, Biung-Ghi & Lee, Myeongheon
- 21-34 아시아-유럽 정상회의(ASEM) 25주년 평가와 한국의 활용전략(The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) at 25: Background, Main Achievements and Policy Implications)
by Park, Sung-Hoon & Park, Myungho & Kim, Seung Nyeon
- 21-33 한-중앙아 수교 30주년: 경제협력 평가와 4대 협력 과제 (30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Central Asia: The Evaluation of Economic Cooperation and Four Major Cooperation Tasks)
by Kim, Young Jin & Hyun, Seung-so & Lee, Jong Hwa & Jeong, Soomi & Sung, Jinsok & Lee, Sangche & Jung, Sunmi
- 21-32 환율과 기초여건 간 괴리에 대한 연구: 시장심리를 중심으로(Exchange Rate Predictability Based on Market Sentiments)
by Kim, Hyosang & Kang, Eunjung & Kim, Yuri & Moon, Seongman & Jang, Huisu
- 21-31 한ㆍEU FTA 10주년 성과 평가 및 시사점(Ten Years of Korea-EU FTA: Achievements and Way Forward)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Kim, Jong Duk & Jang, Youngook & Oh, Taehyun & Lee, Hyun Jean & Chung, Minchirl & Yoon, Hyung Jun & Kang, Yoo-Duk
- 21-30 제조업 서비스화의 수출경쟁력 제고 효과 연구(The Export Effect of Servitization in Manufacturing)
by Kim, Hyunsoo & Kang, Jungu & Keum, Hyeyoon & Jung, Jae Wook
- 21-29 주요국의 사회서비스 일자리 분석 및 정책시사점(Case Studies and Empirical Analysis in Social Services Employment)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Hong, Sungwoo & Jang, Youngook & Lee, JungEun
- 21-28 미중 반도체 패권 경쟁과 글로벌 공급망 재편 (The US-China Battle for Semiconductor Supremacy and Reshaping of Global Supply Chain)
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Yoon, Yeo Joon & Yeon, Wonho & Kim, Seohee & Joo, Dae Young
- 21-27 미ㆍ중 갈등시대 중국의 통상전략 변화와 시사점(China’s New Trade Strategy Amid U.S-China Confrontation)
by Hyun, Sang Baek & Yeon, Wonho & Na, Suyeob & Kim, Youngsun & Oh, Yun Mi
- 21-26 대북제재의 게임이론적 접근과 북한경제에 미치는 영향(Economic Sanctions against North Korea: Theory and Evidence)
by Park, Youngseok & Kang, Munsu & Yeon, Wonho & Kim, Bumhwan & Han, Halin
- 21-24 디지털세가 다국적기업의 해외 투자에 미치는 영향(New International Tax System and its Impact on Investment of MNE)
by Yea, Sangjun & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang & Park, Danbee & Choi, Hyelin
- 21-23 한국-베트남 경제ㆍ사회 협력 30년 지속가능한 미래 협력 방안 연구(30 Years of Korea-Vietnam Economic and Social Cooperation 1992-2021: Achievements, Limitations and Suggestions for Further Expansion)
by KWAK, Sungil & BEAK , Yong-Hun & LEE, Han-Woo & Lê , Quốc Phương & Vũ, Mạnh Lợi & Nguyễn , Thị Thanh Huyền
- 21-22 미ㆍ중 갈등시대, 유럽의 대미ㆍ중 인식 및 관계 분석: 역사적 고찰과 전망 (US-China Conflict, the Analysis on Europe’s Perceptions and Relations with the US and China: Historical Study and Prospects)
by Lee, Seung-Keun & Yoon, Sung-Won & Kim, YooJoung & Kim, Hyunjung & Kang, Yoo-Duk & Chung, Sae Won
- 21-21 중남미 국가의 소득 및 소비 불평등과 정책적 시사점(Income and Consumption Inequality in Latin America and Policy Implications for South Korea)
by Hong, Sungwoo & Lee, Seungho & Kim, Jino & Park, Mi Sook & Yoon, Yeo Joon Yoon
- 21-20 반덤핑조치의 국제적 확산과 조사기법 다양화의 영향 및 정책시사점(International Spread of Anti-dumping Measures and Diversification of Investigation Methodologies: Effects and Policy Implications)
by Cho, Moonhee & Lee, Cheon-Kee & Kang, Minji & Chung, Minchirl
- 21-19 포용적 혁신성장을 위한 주요국의 경쟁정책 분석과 정책적 시사점(Study of Competition Policies for Inclusive and Innovative Growth)
by Han, Minsoo & Jang, Yungshin & Yoon, Sang-Ha & Oh, Taehyun & Kim, Subin
- 21-18 한국의 지역별 개발협력 추진전략: 아시아 지역 ODA 지원 방안(Korea’s Regional Cooperation and ODA Policy in Asia: Performance and Challenges)
by Yul, Kwon & Yun, Jeonghwan & Lee, Eunsuk & Lee, Ju Young & Yoo, Aila & Kim, Sung Hye
- 21-17 국제사회의 부동산 보유세 논의 방향과 거시경제적 영향 분석(The Policy Direction of International Organizations on Immovable Property Tax and Its Impact on the Macro Economy)
by Jeong, Young Sik & Kang, Eunjung & Lee, Jinhee & Kim, Kyunghun & Kim, Jeehye
- 21-16 디지털 플랫폼의 활용이 중소기업의 국제화에 미치는 영향과 정책 시사점(The Internationalization of SMEs via Digital Platforms: Findings and Policy Implications)
by Koo, Kyong Hyun & Kang, Gusang & Moon, Ji Young & Park, Hyeri & Na, Seung Kwon & Kim, Jegook
- 21-15 포스트 코로나 시대 주요국의 통화·재정정책 방향과 시사점(hanges, Challenges and Implications of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Directions in the Post Pandemic Era)
by An, Sungbae & Kim, Hyosang & Kim, Seung-Hyun & Yang, Da Young & Lee, Jinhee & Cho, Ko Un & Kim, Wongi & Kim, Jinill
- 21-14 중국인의 삶의 질 분석: 전면적 소강사회에 대한 경제학적 고찰((Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects: An Economic Study of Chinese People’s Quality of Life)
by Yeon, Wonho & Hyun, Sang Baek & Koo, Kyong Hyun & Ro, Yoon Jae & Yun, Jeonghwan & Lee, Hyojin
- 21-13 러시아의 동북아 에너지 전략과 한-러 신협력 방안: 천연가스 및 수소 분야를 중심으로(Russia’s Energy Strategy in the Northeast Asian Region and New Korea-Russia Cooperation: Focusing on the Natural Gas and Hydrogen Sectors)
by Park, Joungho & Kang, Boogyun & Kim, Seok Hwan & Kwon, Won Soon & Kovsh, Andrey
- 21-12 중국의 디지털 전환 전략과 시사점: 5G 네트워크 구축과 데이터 경제 육성을 중심으로(China’s Digital Transformation Strategy and Implications: Focusing on Building 5G Network and Fostering Data Economy)
by Choi, Wonseok & Jung, Jihyun & Kim, Jeong Gon & Lee, Hyojin & Choi, Jiwon & Kim, Joo Hye & Baek, Seoin
- 21-11 외국인 기업의 남북경협 참여 활성화 방안(Policy Measures for Foreign Firms to Participate in Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation)
by Choi, Jangho & Rhee, Jung-kyun & Choi, Yoojeong & Lee, Dae-eun
- 21-10 글로벌 탄소중립 시대의 그린뉴딜 정책과 시사점(Green New Deal for Carbon-neutrality and Trade Policy in Korea)
by Lee, Jukwan & Kim, Jong Duk & Moon, Jin-Young & Eom, Jun Hyun & Kim, Ji Hyeon & Suh, Jeongmeen
- 20-35 중국의 통상환경 변화와 국가별 상품 간 수출 대체가능성 연구 (Multidimensional Substitutability Measurement and Analysis: With an Application to Trade between China and South Korea)
by Yeon, Wonho & Hyun, Sangbaek & Park, Minsuk & Lee, Hyojin & Oh, Yunmi
- 20-34 한·중·일 소재·부품·장비 산업의 GVC 연계성 연구 (A Study on GVC Linkage of Materials, Parts, and Equipment Industries in China, Japan and Korea)
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Lee, Hong Bae & Lee, Hyong-Kun & Park, Minsuk
- 21-9 미ㆍ중 갈등시대 일본의 통상 대응 전략(Japan’s New Trade Strategy Amid U.S-China) Confrontation
by Kim, Gyupan & Lee, Hyong-Kun & Lee, Boram & Lee, JungEun & Kim, Seung-Hyun
- 21-8 국제사회의 순환경제 확산과 한국의 과제(Accelerating Transition towards a Circular Economy and Policy Implications for Korea)
by Moon, Jin-Young & Park, Youngseok & Na, Seung Kwon & Lee, Sunghee & Kim, Eunmi
- 21-4 포스트 코로나 시대의 아세안 공동체 변화와 신남방정책의 과제(The ASEAN Community in the Post COVID-19 era: Challenges and Policy Implications)
by La, Meeryung & Choi, Ina & Cheong, Jaewan & Mingeum Shin,, Mingeum Shin, & Kim, Hyung Jong
- 21-3 아프리카 보건의료 분야 특성 분석 및 한국의 개발협력 방안(Analysis of the Healthcare Sector in Africa and its Policy Implication for Korea)
by Park, Young Ho & Kang, Munsu & Kim, Yejin & Park, Kyu Tae & Choi, Young-chool
- 21-2 에너지전환시대 중동 산유국의 석유산업 다각화 전략과 한국의 협력방안: 사우디아라비아와 UAE를 중심으로(Petroleum Industry Diversification in the Middle East and Its Policy Implications for Korea in the Era of Energy Transition)
by Lee, Kwon Hyung & Son, Sung Hyun & Jang, Yunhee & Ryou, Kwang Ho & Lee, Dawoon
- 21-1 디지털 전환 시대의 디지털 통상정책 연구 (Digital Trade Policy in the Era of Digital Transformation)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Choi, Wonseok & Park, Ji Hyun & Eom, Jun Hyun & Kang, Minji & Whang, Unjung
- 00-0 test
by Son, Geunhye
- 20-33 동아시아 금융협력의 비전과 과제: CMIM 20년의 평가와 새로운 협력 방향 (East Asian Regional Financial Cooperation: Visions and Challenges)
by Yoon, Deok Ryong & An, Sungbae & Chai, Hee-Yul & Rhee, Yeongseop & Moon, Woosik
- 20-32 MERCOSUR와 태평양동맹(PA)의 향후 전개방향 및 시사점 (Economic Integration of Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance and its Implications for Korea)
by Yoon, Yeo Joon & Hong, Sungwoo & Kim, Jino & Kim, Jonghyuk & Nam, Jimin
- 20-31 이민이 EU의 노동시장에 미친 영향과 정책 시사점 (Impact of Migration on the Labor Market of the EU and Its Implications for Korea)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Lee, Cheolwon & Lee, Hyun Jean & Jeong, Minji & Moon, Seongman
- 20-30 FTA 신통상규범에 관한 통상법적 쟁점과 경제적 영향: 환경과 노동을 중심으로 (New High Standard for Environmental and Labour Provisions in FTAs: Law and Economic Perspectives)
by Lee, Cheon-Kee & Lee, Jukwan & Park, Hyeri & Kang, Yoo-Duk
- 20-29 아세안 역내 서비스시장 통합의 경제적 영향과 시사점 (Asean Economic Integration on Services: An Analysis of Economic Impacts and Implications)
by La, Meeryung & Cheong, Jaewan & Shin, Mingeum & Kim, Jegook
- 20-28 국내 증권시장에서 외국인 자금 이동 결정요인 분석: 금리와 환율을 중심으로 (Determinants of Foreign Security Investment: Focusing on Interest Rates and Exchange Rates)
by Yoon, Deok Ryong & Song, Wonho & Lee, Jinhee
- 20-27 신용공급 변동이 경제성장 및 금융위기에 미치는 영향 (A Study on Credit Supply, Economic Growth and Financial Crisis)
by Kim, Hyosang & Choi, Sangyup & Yang, Da Young & Kim, Yuri
- 20-26 일방적 통상정책의 국제적 확산과 무역구조의 변화에 관한 연구 (A Study on Unilateral Trade Policy and International Trade Structure)
by Cho, Moonhee & Bae, Chankwon & Lee, Kyu Yub & Kang, Jungu & Kim, Ji Hyeon
- 20-25 글로벌 금융위기 이후 중국의 지역경제구도 변화와 내수시장 진출 전략 (Changes in China's Regional Economic Structure and Strategies to Enter the Domestic Market after the Global Financial Crisis)
by Jung, Jihyun & Choi, Wonseok & Kim, Hongwon & Kim, Joo Hye
- 20-24 아시아-태평양 지역의 디지털화와 한국의 협력방안 (Digitalization in Asia-Pacific Region and Policy Implications for Korea)
by Jang, Yungshin & Kwak, Sungil & Kwak, Soyoung & Park, Eunbin & Moon, Seongman & Nam, Sang-yirl
- 20-23 개혁ㆍ개방 이후 중국의 제조업 분야 산업정책과 산업구조 변화 연구 (A Study on the Changes in China's Industrial Policies and Industrial Structures in Manufacturing Sector after China's Reform and Open)
by Choi, Wonseok & Yang, Pyoung Seob & Pak, Jinhee & Kim, Joo Hye & Choi, Jiwon & Jiao, Xingwang
- 20-22 푸틴 4기 한ㆍ러 투자 활성화 방안: 고부가가치 산업을 중심으로 (Plans to Activate Investment between Korea and Russia During Putin's Fourth Term-Focusing on High Value-Added Industries)
by Park, Joungho & Kim, Seok Hwan & Jeong, Minhyeon & Kang, Boogyun & Kim, Cho Rong & Sutyrin, Sergei & Trofimenko, Olga Y. & Korgun, Irina A.
- 20-21 국제사회의 온실가스 감축 목표 상향과 한국의 대응방안 (Increasing Global Climate Ambition and Implications for Korea)
by Moon, Jin-Young & Oh, Soo Hyun & Park, Youngseok & Lee, Sunghee & Kim, Eunmi
- 20-20 WTO 체제의 구조적 위기와 한국의 신 다자협상 대응 방향 (Structural Paralysis of the WTO Multilateral Trading System and New Negotiation Strategies for Korea)
by Suh, Jin Kyo & Lee, Cheon-Kee & Lee, Jukwan & Kim, Jihyeon & Jung, Myeonghwa
- 20-19 무역구조의 변화가 국내 고용구조에 미친 영향과 정책 시사점 (The Effects of the Increase in Korea's Trade with China and Vietnam on Korean Labor Market and Policy Implications)
by Koo, Kyong Hyun & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang
- 20-18 대외부문 거시건전성 정책 10년의 성과와 개선방안 (Korea's Macroprudential Policies for Cross-Border Capital Flows: Accomplishments and Road to Improvement)
by An, Sungbae & Kang, Tae Soo & Kim, Kyunghun & Kang, Eunjung
- 20-17 환율과 경상수지의 구조적 변화와 정책방향 (Structural Factors Behind Foreign Exchange Rate and Current Account Balances and Policy Directions)
by Han, Minsoo & An, Sungbae & Kim, Hyosang & Kim, Subin & Lee, Jinhee & Kim, Soyoung & Pyun, Ju Hyun
- 20-16 저유가 시기 GCC 주요국의 경제정책 변화와 한국의 대응방안 (Changes of Economic Policies of GCC Countries in the Era of Low Oil Prices and Their Policy Implications for Korea)
by Lee, Kwon Hyung & Son, Sung Hyun & Jang, Yunhee & Ryou, Kwang Ho
- 20-15 신남방지역 온라인 플랫폼 시장 분석과 시사점 (Analysis on the Online Platform Markets and Policies in India and ASEAN)
by Kim, Jeong Gon & Na, Seung Kwon & Lee, Jaeho & Yun, ChiHyun & Kim, Eunmi
- 20-14 코로나19 이후 중국의 분야별 변화와 시사점(Changes by Field in China Since Covid-19 and Implications for Korea)
by Heo, Jaichul & Yang, Pyoungseob & Jung, Jihyun & Hyun, Sangbaek & Yeon, Wonho & Choi, Wonseok & Yang, Gapyong & Lee, Dongryul & Lim, Sanghoon & Yoo, Dongwon & Yoon, Jongseok & Kim, Jungjin
- 20-13 인도태평양 전략과 신남방정책의 협력 방향 (Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea's Perspective)
by Choi, Ina & Kwak, Sungil & Cheong, Jaewan & Lee, Jung-Mi & Park, Nayoun & Kim, Mi Lim & Lee, Jaehyon & Cho, Won Deuk
- 20-12 일본의 '사회적 과제 해결형' 4차 산업혁명에 관한 연구 (Japan's 4th Industrial Revolution Efforts in Response to Social Challenges)
by Kim, Gyupan & Lee, Hyong-Kun & Lee, Boram & Lee, JungEun & Son, Wonju
- 20-11 지식재산권의 국제 논의 동향과 영향에 관한 연구 (The Impact of Intellectual Property Protection Through FTA on International Trade)
by Kim, Hyunsoo & Yea, Sangjun & Keum, Hyeyoon & Kang, Minji
- 20-10 인도 스타트업 생태계 분석과 정책 시사점 (The Indian Startup Ecosystem and Policy Implication)
by Han, Hyoungmin & Kim, Jeong Gon & Kim, Doyeon & Lee, Sunghee & Pek, Jong Hun
- 19-25 중국산업, 얼마나 强한가?: 중국 산업경쟁력의 미시적 토대 분석(Analysis on Microeconomic Foundation of China’s Industrial Competitiveness)
by Wang, Yunjong & Choi, Pil Soo & Rho, Sungho & Eun, Jong-Hak & Moon, Ik Joon & Oh, Dae-Won
- 20-9 중국의 금융개방 환경 변화와 대응방향 (Changing Environment for Opening of Chinese Financial Sector and Response Measures)
by Hyun, Sang Baek & Na, Suyeob & Kim, Youngsun & Cho, Ko Un & Seo, Bongkyo
- 20-8 산업간 융ㆍ복합 시대 미국과 EU의 경쟁정책 분석 (Analysis of Competition Policies between U.S. And EU in the Era of Inter-Industry Convergence)
by Kang, Gusang & Jang, Yungshin & Oh, Taehyun & Rim, Jeewoon
- 20-7 동남아 CLMV 국가의 체제전환 평가와 북한에 대한 함의: 체제전환지수 개발과 적용 (Implications of the Transitional Outcomes of Southeast Asian Countries CLMV for North Korea)
by Choi, Jangho & Choi, Yoojeong & Han, Halin
- 20-6 OECD 개발원조위원회(DAC) 가입 10주년 성과와 과제 (Korea as an OECD DAC Member: 10-Year Achievements and Way Forward)
by Jung, Jione & Jeong, Jisun & Lee, Ju Young & Song, Jihei & Yoo, Aila & Choi, Hyeon-Yang
- 20-5 신북방시대 한국·몽골 미래 협력의 비전: 분야별 협력과제와 실현방안 (The Vision of Future Cooperation between Korea and Mongolia in the New Northern Era: Cooperation Tasks and Practical Methods by Sector)
by Kim, Hong-Jin & Kim, Bora & Park, Jung-Hoo & Yu, Wonsoo & Lee, Pyungrae
- 20-4 미ㆍ중 간 기술패권 경쟁과 시사점(U.S.-China Technological Rivalry and Its Implications for Korea)
by Yeon, Wonho & Na, Su Yeob & Park, Minsuk & Kim, Young Sun
- 20-3 중국 국가전략의 변화와 한·중 관계에 대한 함의(Changes in China’s National Strategy and Its Implication for ROK-China Relations)
by Lee, Nam Ju & Moon, Ikjoon & Ahn, Chiyoung & Yoo, Dongwon & Jang, Youn Mi
- 20-1 중국 산업구조 고도화에 따른 한·중 경쟁력 변화와 대응전략(Korea-China Competitiveness Changes and Our Strategies According to the Industrial Upgrading of China)
by Cho, Chuel & Jung, EunMi & Kim, Jongki & Lee, Jun & Nam, Sanguk & Lee, Jaeyoon & Lee, Eunchang & Cho, Yongwon & Kim, Yangpaeng & Shim, Woojung & Yoon, Jayoung & Lee, Goeun & Lee, Jayun & Jeon, Sugyeong
- 19-24 다국적기업 철수의 영향과 정책대응 방안(The Economic Effects of MNC (Multinational Corporation)Withdrawal and Policy Responses)
by Han, Minsoo & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang & Choi, Hyelin & Park, Danbee & Kim, Jisu
- 19-23 주요국의 노동소득분배율 결정요인 비교 분석(The Determinants and Welfare Implications of Labor Share)
by An, Sungbae & Han, Minsoo & Kim, Subin & Lee, Jinhee
- 19-22 개방경제에서 인구구조 변화가 경상수지 및 대외자산 축적에 미치는 영향 분석 및 정책적 시사점(The Effects of Demographic Change on Current Account and Foreign Asset Accumulation)
by Kim, Hyosang & Yang, Da Young & Kang, Eunjung
- 19-21 자산가격 변화가 경제적 불평등과 대외경제 변수에 미치는 영향 분석(Analysis of the Effects of Asset Price Changes on Economic Inequality and External Economic Variables)
by Yoon, Deok Ryong & Rhee, Dong-Eun & Lee, Jinhee
- 19-20 중국의 창업생태계 발전전략과 정책 시사점(China’s Startup Ecosystem Policy and Implications)
by Hyun, Sangbae & Lee, Hyojin & Cho, Gowoon & Oh, Yunm
- 19-19 체제전환국의 FDI 유입 결정요인과 북한에 대한 시사점(Determinants of FDI in Transition Economies and Implications for North Korea)
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Lee, Cheolwon & Park, Minsuk & Chun, Bong Geul
- 19-18 중국 지방정부의 대외경제협력 사례와 시사점(Foreign Economic Cooperation Cases and Implications of China’s Local Governments)
by Lee, Sanghun & Kim, Hong won & Choi, Jiwon & Kim, Joohye & Choi, Jae Hee
- 19-17 한국의 FTA 15년 성과와 정책 시사점(Fifteen Years of Korea’s FTA: Achievements and Policy Implications)
by Cho, Moonhee & Kim, Younggui & Bae, Chankwon & Keum, Hyeyoon & Eum, Junhyun
- 19-16 포용적 무역을 위한 중소기업의 국제화 정책방향 연구(A Study on Policy Directions for the Internationalization of SMEs to Encourage Inclusive Trade)
by Koo, Kyong Hyun & Oh, Soo Hyun & Park, Hyeri & Kim, Min-Sung & Whang, Unjung
- 19-15 주요국의 혁신성장 정책과 제도: 미국, 유럽, 일본을 중심으로(제1편 주요국의 혁신성장 정책)Innovative Growth Strategy in the US, Europe, and Japan / Part 1: Innovative Growth Policy
by Kim, Gyu-Pan & Kang, Gu Sang & Kim, Jonghyuk & OH, Taehyun & LEE, Hyun Jean & Son, Wonju
- 19-14 신남방지역의 가치사슬 분석과 교역 확대 및 고도화 방안(Global Value Chain Analysis in the New Southern Region, Korea’s Trade Expansion and Upgrading Strategy)
by Jeong, Young Sik & Kim, Jeong Gon & Han, Hyoungmin & Cheong, Jaewan & Lee, Jung-Mi & Kim, Jegook & Yun, Chihyun
- 19-12 한국의 신북방 경제협력 거버넌스 개선 방안 연구: 러시아를 중심으로(Study on the Improvement of Korea’s New Northern Economic Cooperation Governance: Focusing on Russia)
by Park, Joungho & Jeong, Minhyeon & Kang, Boogyun & Jeong, Dongyeon & Kim, Cho Rong & Jeh, Sung Hoon & Lukonin, Sergey & Zaklyazminskaya, Ekaterina
- 19-11 원청-하청 간 거래관행이 혁신에 미치는 영향: 독일ㆍ미국의 자동차산업을 중심으로(On the Impact of the Supplier-Buyer Relation on Innovation: Lessons from the German and the U.S. Automobile Industry)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Kang, Gusang & Kwon, Hyuk Ju & Moon, Seongman
- 19-10 내국인 해외증권투자 확대가 외환시장에 미치는 영향(The Impact of the Residents’ Foreign Portfolio Investments on Foreign Exchange Market)
by Kang, Tae Soo & Jeong, Young Sik & Kim, Kyunghun & Kang, Eunjung
- 20-2 주요 중소ㆍ중견 기업의 대중국 전략 분석
by Lee, Chang Kyu & Cheong, Young-Rok & LEE, JUN YEOP & Seo, Bongkyo
- 19-9 2016년 대북제재 이후 북한경제 변화와 신남북협력 방향(Changes in the North Korean Economy and Guidelines to New Strategies of Inter-Korean Cooperation after UNSCR since 2016)
by Choi, Jangho & Choi, Yoojeong & Kim, Bumhwan & Lim, Soo Ho
- 19-8 데이터 경제의 성장과 무역에 관한 연구(Economic Growth and International Trade in Data Economy)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Kang, Jungu & Park, Ji Hyun & Park, Hyun
- 19-7 아세안 사회문화공동체와 한국의 분야별 협력방안(ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community and Policy Implications for Korea)
by Moon, Jin-Young & Na, Seung Kwon & Lee, Jaeho & Lee, Sunghee & Kim, Eunmi
- 19-6 신흥국 산업인력 수요 전망 방법론 연구: 직업교육 ODA 사업의 효율화 방안을 중심으로( Approaches to Forecasting Labor Demand in Developing Countries and Their Implications for Korea’s ODA)
by Park, Young Ho & Jung, Jae Wook & Kim, Yejin & Jeong, Minji & Hwang, Gyu-Hee
- 19-5 국제사회의 취약국 개발협력 성과와 과제(Foreign Aid to Fragile States: An Analysis and Implications for Korea)
by Kwon, Yul & Jeong, Jisun & Hur, Yoon Sun & Song, Jihei & Yoo, Aila & Kim, Mi Lim
- 19-4 중동 주요국의 여성 경제활동 확대 정책과 한국의 협력 방안: 사우디아라비아와 UAE를 중심으로(Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Middle East and Implications for Korea, with a Focus on Saudi Arabia and the UAE)
by Jung, Jae Wook & Son, Sung Hyun & Jang, Yunhee & You, Kwang Ho
- 19-3 남북러 지역개발 정책과 산업 정책 연계 방안(A Study on Linking Regional Development Policies and Industrial Polices of South Korea, North Korea and Russia
by Han, Hongyul & Yoon, Sungwook & Park, Jiwon & Joung, Eunlee
- 19-1 미국 통화정책의 국제전이: 뉴스와 노이즈 효과 분석을 중심으로(International Transmission of US Monetary Policy: Role of News and Noise Information)
by Kim, Kyunghun & Kim, Wongi
- 18-32 중국기업의 인수합병을 통한 해외진출 전략과 정책 시사점(Overseas Strategies of Chinese Enterprises through M&A and Their Implications)
by Lee, Seungshin & Hyun, Sangbaek & Na, Suyeob & Cho, Gowoon
- 18-31 사회통합형 통상정책 연구(Social Cohesion and Implications for Korea’s Trade Policy)
by Chung, Chul & Bae, Chankwon & Kim, Jong Duk & Koo, Kyong Hyun & Chung, Min-chirl & Lee, Shi Young & Han, Hongyul
- 18-30 한·중 경제협력의 새로운 도약을 위한 정책과 비전(New Directions for Korea-China Economic Cooperation: Strategy and Policy Suggestions)
by Nam, Soojoong & Wang, Yunjong & Park, Soonchan & Park, Soong Chan & Cho, Jungwon & Kim, Jeong-In & Choi, Jong Suk & Oh, Dae-Won & Yu, Jeong Weon
- 18-29 일자리 창출을 위한 유럽 주요국의 성공사례 연구(Job Creation Policy in Europe: Case Studies and Implications)
by Park, Sunghoon & Ahn, Se-Hwa & Chung, Sae-Won & Kim, Da Hin & Kim, Geunhyo
- 18-28 EU 혁신성장정책의 주요 내용과 시사점: 중소기업정책을 중심으로(Innovative Growth Policy of the EU and Its Implications for Korea: SME Policies)
by KIM, Heungchong & OH, Taehyun & LEE, Hyun Jean
- 18-27 EU 혁신성장정책의 주요 내용과 시사점: 산업정책과 일자리 창출을 중심으로(Innovative Growth Policy of the EU and Its Implications for Korea: Industrial Policy and Job Creation)
by Lee, Myungheon & Han, Hongyul & Joo, Sangyong & Jeong, Jun Ho & Falk, Martin
- 18-26 중국 인터넷융합 전략의 특징과 지역 사례 연구(China’s Internet Plus Strategy: Characteristics and Regional Case Study)
by Lee, Sanghun & Kim, Hongwon & Kim, Joohye & Choi, Jaehee
- 18-25 한국의 대(對)동남아 소비재수출 활성화 방안: 한중일 비교분석을 중심으로(Revitalization of Korea’s Exports of Consumption Goods to Southeast Asia)
by Choi, Bo-Young & Lee, Sooyoung & Lee, Hyong-Kun & Lee, Boram & Lee, JungEun
- 18-24 자유무역협정의 구성요소가 교역에 미치는 영향 분석(The Contents of Free Trade Agreements and Their Effects on Trade)
by Cho, Moonhee & Kim, Young Gui & Koo, Kyong Hyun & Park, Hyeri & Keum, Hyeyoon
- 18-23 ASEAN 서비스산업 규제 현황과 시사점(An Analysis of Service Trade Regulations in ASEAN and Its Implications)
by La, Meeryung & Cheong, Jaewan & Shin, Mingeum & Shin, Minlee & Kim, Jegook
- 18-22 금융불안지수 개발과 금융불안 요인 변화 분석(Constructing a Financial Stress Index and Changes of Financial Stress Determinants after the Global Financial Crisis)
by JEONG, Young Sik & CHOI, Hyelin & YANG, Dayoung & KANG, Eunjung & KO, Deokki
- 18-21 개방경제에서의 금융혁신 파급효과와 블록체인기술 발전의 시사점(Impacts of Financial Innovations in an Open Economy and Implications of Blockchain Technology)
by An, Sungbae & Kim, Hyosang & Shin, Kotbee & Jang, Huisu & Kim, Jisu
- 18-20 WTO 체제 개혁과 한국의 다자통상정책 방향(Reshaping the Multilateral Trade Policy for Korea)
by Suh, Jin Kyo & Kim, Jong Duk & Park, Ji Hyun & Kim, Min-Sung & Ahn, Dukgeun
- 18-19 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 산업협력 방안: 4차 산업혁명, 전자상거래, 문화콘텐츠를 중심으로(Strategies for Promoting Industrial Cooperation Between Korea, China and Japan: Focusing on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Cross-border E-commerce,and Contents Industry)
by Kim, Gyu-Pan & Lee, Hyun Tai & Oh, Yunmi & Kim, Seunghyun & Lee, JungEun
- 18-18 국경 간 데이터 이동에 관한 국제적 논의 동향과 대응 방안(Cross-Border Data Flows:Discussions and Countermeasures)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Cho, Moonhee & Kang, Jungu & Kang, Minji
- 18-17 신보호주의하에서 미국 무역구제제도의 변화와 주요 사례 연구(A Study on Recent Changes in U.S. Trade Remedies: Cases Against Korean Exports)
by Bae, Chankwon & Eom, Jun Hyun & Chung, Minchirl & Lee, Jang Wan
- 18-16 중국 공급측 구조개혁 평가와 시사점(A Study on China’s Supply-side Structural Reform)
by Hyun, Sangbaek & Park, Minsuk & Pak, Jinhee & Cho, Gowoon & Jin, Furong
- 18-15 한국의 대인도 수출경쟁력과 애로요인 분석(An Analysis on the Competitiveness and Difficulties in Korea’s Export to India)
by Cho, Choongjae & Song, Young Chul & Lee, Jung-Mi & Yun, ChiHyun
- 18-14 북한의 무역제도 연구: 남북한 CEPA 체결에 대한 시사점(Study on North Korea’s Trade System: Implications for the CEPA between South and North Koreas
by CHOI, Jangho & CHOI, Yoojeong & IM, So Jeong & LEE, Hyo-young
- 18-13 푸틴 집권 4기 극동개발정책과 한ㆍ러 신경제협력 방향(Far East Development Policy in Putin’s Fourth Term and New Directions for Korea - Russia Economic Cooperation)
by Park, Joungho & Kang, Boogyun & Min, iyoung & Lukonin, Sergey & Kuznetsova, Olga
- 18-12 비핵화에 따른 대북경제제재 해제:분석과 시사점
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Kim, Byung-Yeon & Lee, Suk & Cho, Nam Hoon & Rhee, Jung-Kyun & Kim, Bumhwan
- 18-10 중동 주요국의 중소기업 육성정책과 한·중동 협력 확대방안(SME Promotion Policies in the Middle East and their Implications for Korea - the Middle East Cooperation)
by Lee, Kwon Hyung & Son, Sung Hyun & Jang, Yunhee & Ryou, Kwang Ho
- 17-22 대외개방이 국내 분배구조에 미치는 영향(A Study on the Effects of Economic Openness on Korea's Income Distribution)
by Kim, Young gui & Nahm, Sihoon & Keum, Hyeyoon & Kim, Nak Nyeon
- 18-9 개도국 SDGs 이행 지원을 위한 개발재원 확대방안(Financing for Sustainable Development and the Implications for Korea’s Policy on Development Cooperation)
by Jung, Jione & Jeong, Jisun & Lee, Ju Young & Yoo, Aila
- 18-8 소득주도 성장 관련 유럽 및 미국의 정책사례 연구(Income-Led Growth: Policy Cases of Europe and the U.S.)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Kim, Jonghyuk & Kim, Heungchong & Moon, Seongman & Yoon, Yeo Joon & Lim, You Jin
- 18-7 국제사회의 기후변화 대응 인프라 투자와 한국의 정책과제(Global Investment and Policy Implications in Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure)
by Moon, Jin-Young & Na, Seung Kwon & Lee, Sunghee & Kim, Eunmi
- 18-6 통화정책이 환율에 미치는 영향분석과 정책적 시사점: 기축통화 보유 여부를 중심으로(The Impact of Monetary Policy on Exchange Rate and Its Policy Implications)
by Yoon, Deok Ryong & Kim, Soyoung & Lee, Jinhee
- 18-5 ASEAN 지역의 인프라 시장 확대와 한국기업의 진출 방안(The Growth of the ASEAN Construction Infrastructure Market and Its Implication for Korean Construction Companies)
by Kwak, Sungil & Cheong, Jaewan & Lee, Jaeho & Kim, Jegook & Kim, Mi Lim
- 18-4 미국 통화정책이 국내 금융시장에 미치는 영향 및 자본유출입 안정화방안(The US Monetary Policy Normalization: The Impact on Korean Financial Market and Capital Flows)
by Kang, Tae Soo & Kim, Kyunghun & Suh, Hyunduk & Kang, Eunjung
- 18-3 디지털 혁신의 국제비교와 시나리오별 무역 영향 분석(International Comparison and Trade Effects of Digital Innovation According to Various Scenarios)
by Choi, Nakgyoon & Lee, Kyu Yub & Kim, Hyuk-Hwang & Jang, Yoonjong
- 18-2 리쇼어링의 결정요인과 정책 효과성 연구(Determinants of Reshoring and Effectiveness of Reshoring Policies)
by Lee, Sooyoung & Choi, Hyelin & Kim, Hyuk Hwang & Park, Minsuk & Nahm, Sihoon
- 18-1 글로벌 부동산 버블 위험 진단 및 영향 분석(A Diagnosis of Bubble Risk in the Global Real Estate Sector and Prospective Impacts on Financial Crises)
by JEONG, Young Sik & KIM, Kyunghun & KIM, Hyosang & YANG, Dayoung & KANG, Eunjung
- 17-28 브렉시트 이후 EU 체제의 전망과 정책시사점 (Post-Brexit EU System: Forecast and Policy Implications)
by Joe, Dong-Hee & Lee, Cheolwon & Oh, Taehyun & Lee, Hyun Jean & Lim, You Jin
- 17-27 국제 에너지시장 구조변화의 거시경제효과 분석(Changes in International Energy Market and Their Impact on the Korean Economy)
by An, Sungbae & Kim, Kihwan & Kim, Subin & Lee, Jinhee & Han, Minsoo
- 17-23 중국의 제조업 발전 현황과 한국의 대응방안(China's Manufacturing Development and Korea's Countermeasures)
by Lee, Hyuntae & Choi, Jangho & Choi, Hyelin & Kim, Youngsun & Oh, Yunmi & Lee, Joonkoo
- 17-20 북한 외화획득사업 운영 메커니즘 분석: 광물부문(무연탄ㆍ철광석)을 중심으로 (An Analysis of Operation Mercanism of Foreign Exchange Acquisition Project in North Korea:Focues the Mineral Sector (anthracite, iron ore))
by Lim, Sooho & Yang, Moonsoo & Rhee, Jungkyun
- 17-19 디지털상거래가 무역과 고용에 미치는 영향(The Impact of E-commerce on International Trade and Employment in Korea)
by Lee, Kyu Yub & Bae, Chankwon & Lee, Sooyoung & Park, Ji Hyun & Yoo, Saebyul