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- 17-18 수출이 국내 고용에 미치는 영향(The Employment Effect of Exports)
by Whang, Unjung & Lee, Sooyoung & Kim, Hyuk Hwang & Kang, Youngho
- 17-17 인도 제조업의 세부 업종별 특성 분석을 통한 한·인도 협력방안 (Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector in India and its Implications for Korea–India Cooperation )
by Lee, Woong & Bae, Chankwon & Lee, Jung-Mi
- 17-14 미국의 신정부 통상정책 방향 및 시사점: 미중관계를 중심으로(Trump Administration's Trade Policy Toward China)
by Yoon, YeoJoon & Kim, Jonghyuk & Kwon, HyukJu & Kim, Wongi
- 17-13 아프리카 소비사장 특성 분석과 산업단지를 통한 진출방안(Africa's rising consumer market and Korea's engagement opportunity through industrial zones development)
by Park, Young Ho & Jung, Jae Wook & Kim, Yejin
- 17-11 국제금융시장 통합이 한국 통화정책과 장기금리에 미치는 영향 및 정책 시사점(The Effect of Financial Market Integration on Monetary Policy and Long-term Interest Rate in Korea and Its Policy Implications)
by KIM , Kyunghun & KIM, Soyoung & YANG , Da Young & KANG, Eunjung
- 17-10 남미공동시장(MERCOSUR)의 경제환경 변화와 한ㆍMERCOSUR 기업간 협력 활성화 방안(Changing Economic Environments in MERCOSUR and Strategic Ways to Foster Business Cooperation between Korea and MERCOSUR)
by Kwon, Kisu & Kim, Jino & Park, Misook & Kim, Hyoeun
- 14-32 통일의 외교안보 편익 분석 및 대주변국 통일외교 전략 (Analysis on Diplomatic and Security Benefits of Unification and Strategies for Unification)
by Chun , Chaesung & Kim , Sungbae
- 17-9 환율변화가 한국기업에 미치는 영향분석과 정책적 시사점: 기업데이터 분석을 중심으로 (The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Korean Firms and Its Policy Implications)
by Yoon, Deok Ryong & Kim, Hyo Sang
- 17-8 세계 무역둔화의 구조적 요인 분석과 정책 시사점(Structural Factors of Global Trade Slowdown and Their Implications
by Choi, Nakgyoon & Kang , Jungu & Lee, Hongshik & Han, Chirok
- 17-7 주요국의 4차 산업혁명과 한국의 성장전략: 미국, 독일, 일본을 중심으로(The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Major Countries and Growth Strategy of Korea: U.S., Germany and Japan Cases)
by Kim, Gyu-Pan & Lee, Hyong-Kun & Kim, Jonghyuk & Kwon, Hyuk Ju
- 17-6 북한의 무역과 산업정책의 연관성 분석(Analysis on North Korea’s Trade and Industrial Policy)
by Choi, Jangho & Lim, Soo Ho & Lee, Seogki & Choi, Yoojeong & Im, So Jeong
- 17-5 부패 방지의 국제적 논의와 무역비용 개선의 경제적 효과(The Impacts of Anti-Corruption on Trade Cost: Economic Implications and Policy Suggestions)
by Kim, Sangkyom & Park, Soon Chan & Kang, Minji
- 17-4 한국 중소기업의 동남아 주요국 투자실태에 대한 평가와 정책 시사점(Evaluation of Korean Smes’ Management Status in Southeast Asia and Policy Implications)
by Kwak, Sungil & Cheong, Jae Wan & Kim, Jegook & Shin, Minlee
- 17-3 중국의 일대일로 전략 평가와 한국의 대응방안 (China's Belt and Road Initiative and Implications for the Korean Economy)
by Lee, Seung Shin & Lee, Hyun-Tai & Hyun, Sangbaek & Na, Su Yeob & Kim, Youngsun & Cho, Koun & Oh, Yunmi
- 17-2 중동지역의 전력산업 정책과 국내기업 진출 확대방안 (Electricity Industrial Policies in the Middle East and Their Implications for Korean Companies)
by Lee, Kwon Hyung & Son, Sung Hyun & Jang, Yun Hee & Ho, Ryou Kwang
- 17-1 대ASEAN FDI 결정요인의 특징과 정책적 시사점 (Factors Influencing ASEAN FDI and the Policy Implications)
by Jeong, Hyung-Gon & Bang, Ho-Kyung & Lee, Boram & Pek, Jonghun
- 13-6 DDA협상 조기수확패키지의 경제적 효과분석과 정책 대응 (Economic Impact of the Bali Packages of the Doha Round)
by Suh , Jin Kyo & Oh , Soo Hyun & Park , Ji Hyun & Kim , Min-Sung & Lee , Chang-Soo
- 16-22 아프리카 도시화 특성분석과 인프라 협력방안 (An Analysis of Urbanization in Africa and Its Implication for Korea's Cooperation in Infrastructure Development)
by Park , Young Ho & Bang , Ho-Kyung & Cheong , Jae Wan & Kim , Yejin & Lee , Boyan
- 16-21 국제유가 하락과 한ㆍ중동 협력방안: GCC 산유국을 중심으로 (Lower Oil Prices and Economic Cooperation between Korea and the Middle East)
by Lee , Kwon Hyung & Son , Sung Hyun & Jang , Yun Hee & Ryou, Kwang Ho
- 16-20 민관협력사업(PPP)을 활용한 중남미 인프라ㆍ플랜트 시장 진출 확대방안 (Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Latin America’s Infrastructure Market and Policy Suggestions for Korea)
by Kwon , Ki-Su & Kim , Jin-O & Park , Misook & Yi , Siun
- 16-19 중앙아 주요국의 경제발전 전략과 경협 확대방안 (Economic Development Strategy of Major Central Asian Countries and Its Policy Implications for Korea)
by Park , Joungho & Kang , Boogyun & Min , Jiyoung & Yun , ChiHyun & Gwun, Ka Woen & Khon , Yevgeniy
- 16-18 신통상정책에 나타난 EU의 FTA 추진전략과 시사점 (EU's FTA Strategies in Its New Trade Policy Initiatives and Policy Implications)
by Kim, Heung Chong & Lee , Cheol-Won & Lee , Hyun Jean & Yang , Hyoeun & Kang , Yoo-Duk
- 16-17 브렉시트의 경제적 영향 분석과 한국의 대응전략 (Economic Impacts of Brexit and Its Policy Implications to Korea)
by Kim , Heung Chong & Kim , Young Gui & Han , Minsoo & Kim , Jong Duk & Cho , Moon hee & Lim, You-Jin & Ko , Younglo & Cheon , Changmin & Choi , soon yeong & Hong , Sung Wook & Min , Seong-hwan
- 16-16 미국 경제구조 변화에 따른 성장 지속가능성 점검 및 시사점 (Structural Changes of the U.S. Economy and Its Implication on the U.S. Mid-To-Long Term Growth Path and the Korean Economy)
by Kim , Wongi & Yoon , Yeo Joon & Kim , Jonghyuk & Kwon , Hyuk Ju & Chon , Sora
- 16-15 디지털경제의 진전과 산업혁신정책의 과제: 주요국 사례를 중심으로 (Digital Innovation and Policy Challenges: Focused on Major Countries’ Cases and Their Implications)
by Kim , Jeong-Gon & Na , Seung Kwon & Jang , Jong-Moon & Lee , Sung Hee & No , Suyeon
- 16-14 신기후체제하에서의 국제 탄소시장 활용방안 (Utilization of International Carbon Market under the Paris Agreement)
by Moon , Jin-Young & Jung , Jione & Song , Jihei & Lee , Sung Hee
- 16-13 SDGs 도입 이후 개도국 협력전략과 대응과제: 무역과 기후변화의 정책일관성을 중심으로 (A Study on Korea's Cooperation Strategy Along with the Sustainable Development Goals: Focusing on the Trade and Climate Change Policy Coherence)
by Kwon , Yul & Jung , Jione & Hur, Yoon Sun & Jeong , Jisun & Lee , Juyoung
- 16-12 인도의 산업정책과 기업특성 분석: 기업규모, 이윤, 비용, 생산성을 중심으로 (Analysis of Industrial Policies and Firms Characteristics in India: Focusing on Firm Size, Profit, Cost, and Productivity)
by Lee , Woong & Bae , Chankwon & Lee , Jung Mi & Shin , Selynn & Kim , Shinjou
- 16-11 한ㆍ아세안 기업간 지역생산네트워크 구축전략 (Study on Strategies for Building Regional Production Networks in the ASEAN Region)
by Kwak , Sungil & Cheong , Jae Wan & Kim , Jegook & Shin , Minlee & La , Meeryung
- 16-10 아베노믹스 성장전략의 이행 성과와 과제 (A Study on Abenomics Growth Strategy in Japan)
by Kim , Gyupan & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Kim , Seung-Hyun & Lee , JungEun
- 16-9 중국 주도의 신금융질서 태동과한국의 대응방향 (The Beginning of the China-Led New Financial Order and Korea's Countermeasures)
by Lim , Ho Yeol & Lee , Hyun-Tai & Kim , Hongwon & Kim , Junyoung & Oh , Yunmi & Choi , Philip Pilsoo
- 16-8 북한 주변국의 대북제재와 무역대체 효과 (Neighboring Countries’ Sanctions Against North Korea and Changes in Trade)
by Choi , Jangho & Lim , Sooho & Rhee , Jung-kyun & Im , So Jeong
- 16-7 남북한 CEPA 체결의 중장기 효과 분석 및 추진 방안 연구 (Analysis of the Mid to Long-Term Effect and Promotion Strategy of an Inter-Korean CEPA)
by Lim , Sooho & Lee , Hyo-young & Choi , Jangho & Choi , Yoojeong & Choi , Ji Young
- 16-6 한국의 수입구조 결정요인과 기업분포에 미치는 영향 (Determinants of Korea's Import and Its Effects on Firm's Distribution)
by Kim , Young Gui & Park , Hyeri & Keum , Hye Yoon & Lee , Seungrae
- 16-5 서비스 분야 규제완화가 외국인직접투자에 미치는 영향: STRI를 중심으로 (Reduction of Regulatory Restrictiveness in Services Sectors and Its Impact on FDI Inflows: Focused on STRI)
by Kim, Jong Duk & Cho, Moon hee & Eom, Jun Hyun & Chung, Min-Chirl
- 16-4 글로벌 통상환경의 변화와 포스트 나이로비 다자통상정책 방향 (Korea's Multilateral Trade Polices in the Changing Global Trade Landscape)
by Suh , Jin Kyo & Lee , Hyo-young & Park , Ji Hyun & Lee , Joun Won & Kim , Do Hee
- 16-3 고령화시대 주요국 금융시장 구조변화 분석과 정책적 시사점 (The Impact of Population Ageing on Financial Market Structures and Policy Implications)
by Yoon , Deok Ryong & Rhee , Dong Eun
- 16-2 Implications of Global Recession and Structural Changes for Korean Economy
by Han , Minsoo & Kim , Su Bin & Lee , Jinhee
- 16-1 Promoting Dynamic & Innovative Growth in Asia: The Cases of Special Economic Zones and Business Hubs
by Jeong , Hyung-Gon & Zeng , Douglas Zhihua
- 15-45 A Study on Intra-Household Gender Relations of Ethnic Minorities in Northern Vietnam
by Doanh , Nguyen Khanh & Kien , Tran Nhuan & Do , Long Dinh & Hang , Bui Thi Minh & Huyen , Nguyen Thi Thanh
- 15-44 미얀마 국가협력전략(Cps) 수립을 위한 개발협력방안 연구 (A Study on the Cooperation Strategy in Establishing the CPS with Myanmar)
by Kang , In Soo & Jang , Jun Young & Thein , Daw Cho Cho
- 15-43 탄자니아 국가협력전략(Cps) 수립을 위한 개발협력방안 연구 (A Study on the Cooperation Strategy in Establishing the CPS with Tanzania )
by Kim , Cae-One & Kim , Chong-Sup & Park, Bokyeong & Lee , Eunsuk
- 15-42 러시아 경제체제 전환 과정의 주요 특징과 문제점: 북한에 대한 정치적 시사점과 교훈 ( Main Features and Problems of Russian Economic Transition Process: Political Implications and Lessons for North Korea )
by Mikheev, Vasily & Shvydko , Vitaly G.
- 15-41 통일 한국에서의 인프라 정비와 일본의 역할 (Infrastructure Investment in Unified Korea and the Role of Japan)
by Inui , Tomohiko & Kwon , Hyeog Ug
- 15-39 중국과 베트남의 금융개혁이 북한에 주는 시사점 (Financial Reform in China and Vietnam: Potential Lessons for DPRK)
by Dollar, David
- 15-38 남북통일과정에서의 해외재원조달: 주요 이슈와 정책방안 (External Financing in the Process of Korean Unification: Major Issues and Policy Recommendations)
by Zang , Hyoungsoo & Park , Haesik & Park , Choonwon
- 15-37 북한의 경제 특구·개발구 지원 방안 (Plans to Support North Korea's Special Economic Zones (SEZ) & Economic Development Zones (EDZ))
by Yang , Moon-Soo & Lee , SeogKi & Kim , Suk-Jin
- 15-36 중국 · 베트남 금융개혁이 북한에 주는 함의 (Implication of Financial Reforms in China and Vietnam for North Korea)
by Lim , Ho Yeol & Kim , Young Chan & Bang , Ho-Kyung & Kim , Junyoung & Choi , Philip Pilsoo
- 15-34 브라질의 대아프리카(포어권 국가) 진출전략과 시사점 (Brazil's Foreign Policy Toward Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (PALOP) and its Implications)
by Yoon , Taekdong & Lee , Sung-Jun & Lee , Jaehoon
- 15-33 이집트 산업정책 및 산업구조 분석과 한·이집트 산업협력 전략 (Industrial Development Strategy in Egypt and its Implications for Cooperation with Korea)
by Park , Bokyeong & Kim , Yong Bok & Park , Chul Hyung & Hussien , Shaimaa
- 15-32 국제운송회랑의 새로운 지정학: 유라시아 실크로드 구축을 위한 협력방안 연구 (A New Geopolitics of International Transport Corridor)
by Won , Dong Wook & Sung , Weon-Yong & Kim , Jae-Kwan & Baek , Jun Kee
- 15-31 21세기 한-쿠바 협력관계 증진을 위한 정책방안 모색: 정치, 경제, 문화부문을 중심으로 (Searching Cooperation Methods for Promoting Relation between Korea and Cuba: Focusing on Economic, Cultural and Environmental Fields)
by Chung , Kyung Won & Cho , Gu Ho & Shin , Jeong Hwan & Kim , Won Ho & Mun , Nam Kwon & Jung , Gi Woong & Ha , Sang Sub
- 15-30 한·유라시아 주요국 산업협력을 위한 전략적 제휴방안 연구 (A Study on the Strategic Industrial Cooperation Among Korea and the Eurasian Countries)
by Han , Hongyul & Yoon, Sungwook & Byun, Hyun Sub & Park , Ji Won
- 15-29 중남미지역 공공조달시장 진출전략 연구 (The Study on a Penetration of the Chile and Peru Public Procurement Market for Korean Companies)
by Lee , Mi Jung & Jo , Hee Moon & Kwon , Jeongin & Kim , Hyemin
- 15-28 인도의 산업구조와 내수시장의 경쟁구도 변화 (The Changes in the Industrial Structure and Competition in the Domestic Market in India)
by Lee , Soon-Cheul & Kim , Wanjoong
- 15-27 베트남, 라오스, 캄보디아에 대한 무역을 위한 원조(Aid for Trade) 동향과 효과 분석 (The Effect of Aid for Trade on Exports: Vietnam, Lao PDR and Cambodia)
by Kim , Han Sung & Lee , Hongshik & Kang , Moonsung & Song , Backhoon
- 15-26 아세안 금융시장의 변화와 국내 금융회사의 아세안 진출전략 (Recent Developments in ASEAN Financial Markets and Domestic Financial Companiesʼ Business Strategy in the Region)
by Seo , Eunsook & Binh , Ki Beom
- 15-25 러시아의 '경제현대화' 정책과 한·러 협력방안 (Russia's Economic Modernization Policy and Implication for Cooperation between Korea and Russia)
by Jeh , Sung Hoon & Kang , Boogyun & Min , Jiyoung
- 15-24 Gcc 국가들의 물류허브 구축전략과 한국의 협력방안사우디아라비아와 UAE를 중심으로 (Logistics Hub Strategy of the GCC Countries and Policy Implications: With a Focus on Saudi Arabia and the UAE)
by Lee , Kwon Hyung & Son , Sung Hyun & Park , Jaeeun & Jang , Yun Hee
- 15-23 미국 통화정책 정상화에 따른 출구전략 효과 및 시사점 (The Normalization of US Monetary Policy and its Implications)
by Yoon , Yeo Joon & Lee , Woong & Kwon , Hyuk Ju & Moon , Seongman
- 15-22 남미 주요국의 신산업정책과 한국의 산업협력 확대방안 (New Industrial Policy of Major South American Countries and Policy Suggestions for Industrial Cooperation )
by Kwon , Ki-Su & Kim , Jin-O & Park , Misook & Yi , Siun
- 15-21 저성장 시대의 고용확대 정책: 유럽 주요국의 사례 및 실증분석을 중심으로 (Employment Policy in Low Growth Period: Case and Emprical Studies of European Countries )
by Kang , Yoo-Duk & Lee , Cheol-Won & Oh , Tae Hyun & Lee , Hyun Jean & Kim , Junyup
- 15-20 아프리카 민간부문개발(Psd) 현황 및 한국의 지원방안 (An Analysis of Private Sector Development (PSD) in Africa and Opportunities for the Korea-Africa Development Cooperation)
by Park , Young Ho & Jeong , Jisun & Park, Hyunju & Kim , Yejin
- 15-19 동남아 도시화에 따른 한-동남아 경제협력 방안 (Urbanization and Economic Development in Southeast Asia)
by Oh , Yoon Ah & Na, Heeryang & Lee , Jae-Ho & Shin , Mingeum & Shin , Minlee
- 15-18 국제 디지털 상거래의 주요 쟁점과 한국의 대응방안 (Issues of International Digital Trade and Their Policy Implications)
by Kim , Jeong-Gon & Na , Seung Kwon & Jang , Jong-Moon & Lee , Sung Hee & Lee , Minyoung
- 15-17 아세안 경제통합과 역내 무역투자 구조의 변화 분석 및 시사점 (ASEAN Integration: Changing Patterns of Trade and Direct Investment within Southeast Asia and Its Implications)
by Kwak , Sungil & Lee , Chang-Soo & Cheong , Jae Wan & Lee , Jae-Ho & Kim , Jegook
- 15-16 기후변화 대응을 위한 국제사회의 지원체제 비교연구 (Comparative Analysis on Climate Support: Key Findings and Implications)
by Jung , Jione & Kwon , Yul & Moon , Jin-Young & Lee , Juyoung & Song , Jihei
- 15-15 인도 모디(Modi) 정부의 경제개발정책과 한ㆍ인도 협력방안 (Indian Modi Government's Economic Development Policy and Implication for Cooperation between Korea and India )
by Cho , Choong Jae & Song , Young Chul & Lee , Jung Mi
- 15-14 저성장시대 일본 정부의 규제개혁에 관한 연구 (A Study on Japan's Regulatory Reform in the Era of Low Growth)
by Kim , Gyupan & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Lee , Shin-Ae
- 15-13 북·중 분업체계 분석과 대북 경제협력에 대한 시사점 (Economic Cooperation between North Korea and China, and Implications for Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation)
by Choi , Jangho & Kim , Junyoung & Im , So Jeong & Choi , Yoojeong
- 15-12 한·중·일의 비관세장벽 완화를 위한 3국 협력방안규제적 조치를 중심으로 (A Proposal to Lower Non-Tariff Barriers of China, Japan and Korea)
by Choi , Bo Young & Bang , Ho-Kyung & Lee , Boram & Yoo , Saebyul
- 15-11 중국 환경시장 분야별 특징 및 지역별 협력방안 (China's Environmental Market: Sectoral Features and Regional Cooperation)
by Jung , Jihyun & Kim , Hongwon & Lee , Seungeun Claire & Choi , Jiwon
- 15-10 중국의 소비 주도형 성장 전략 평가 (Study on China's Consumption Based Growth Strategy)
by Lee , Chang Kyu & Jin , Furong & Choi , Philip Pilsoo & Na , Su Yeob & Kim , Youngsun & Cho , Koun & Lee , Hyo-jin
- 15-9 중국 서비스 시장 개방전략의 변화와 시사점 : 상하이 자유무역시험구의 사례를 중심으로 (Changes in Market-Opening Strategy for China's Service Sectors and the Implications: With a Focus on Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone )
by No , Su Yeon & Oh , Jonghyuk & Pak , Jinhee & Lee , Hanna
- 15-8 외국인직접투자의 유형별 결정요인 분석 (The Determinants of Greenfield and M&A Foreign Direct Investment)
by Lee , Seungrae & Kang , Jungu & Kim , Hyuk-Hwang & Park , Ji Hyun & Lee , Joun Won & Lee, Jumi
- 15-7 국내 제조업 생산성의 결정 요인과 수출 간의 관계에 대한 분석 (Productivity and Export Performance in Korea: Focusing on Comparisons with China and Japan )
by Bae , Chankwon & Kim , Young Gui & Keum , Hye Yoon
- 15-6 주요국의 서비스 개방수준 차이가 무역에 미치는 영향 (The Difference in the Level of Services Liberalization and its Impact on Servces Trade)
by Kim , Jong Duk & Sung , Hankyoung
- 15-5 글로벌 가치사슬에서 수출부가가치의 결정요인 분석과 정책시사점 (Determinants of Value Added in Exports and Their Implications )
by Choi , Nakgyoon & Park , Soonchan
- 15-4 주요국의 위안화 허브전략 분석 및 한국의 대응방안 (Strategy Analysis of Offshore Renminbi Hub and Korea's Countermeasures )
by Han , Minsoo & Seo, Bongkyo & Lim, Tae-Hoon & Kang , Eunjung & Kim , Youngsun
- 15-3 외국인직접투자가 국내 산업구조와 노동시장에 미치는 영향 (Differential Effects of FDI on the SMEs and Wage Premium for Skilled Labor)
by Choi , Hyelin & Han , Minsoo & Whang , Unjung & Kim , Su Bin
- 15-2 국제금융시장 변동성 증대에 대응한 거시건전성정책 연구 (Macroprudential Response to Increased Global Market Volatility)
by Kang , Tae Soo & Lim , Tae Hoon & Suh , Hyunduk & Kang , Eunjung
- 15-1 Why Did Korean Domestic Demand Slow Down after the Asian Financial Crisis?
by Whang , Unjung & Moon , Seongman & Ahn , Taehyun & Kim , Su Bin & Kim , Junyup
- 14-57 한국의 북극 거버넌스 구축 및 참여 전략 (Changes in the Arctic and Establishment of New Arctic Governance)
by Kim , Seok Hwan & Na , Hee-Seung & Park , Young-Min
- 14-56 한국의 유라시아 협력 전략 연구: 중견국 전략의 사례와 EEU가 한국에 주는 함의를 중심으로 (A Study on Korean Cooperative Strategy for Eurasia)
by Park, Sang Nam
- 14-55 EEU 출범과 유라시아 국제관계 변화 (The Establishment of the EEU and Changes in International Relations in Eurasia)
by Han , Hongyul & Park, Joung-Ho & Yoon , sungwook & Cho , Hyekyung
- 14-54 중부 유럽 4개국의 경제산업구조 변화와 입지 경쟁력 분석 (Analysis of the Changes in the Economic-Industrial Structure and Locational Competitiveness of Four Central-European States)
by Kim , Myeon Hoei & Kim , Il Gon & Kim , Shinkyu & Song , Byung Joon & Ahn, Sang Wuk
- 14-53 남미인프라통합구상(Iirsa)의 추진 현황과 한국에 대한 시사점 (Current Status of IIRSA and Policy Implications)
by Yi , Sang Hyun & Kang , Jungwon & Kim , You-Kyoung & Kim , Chong-Sup & Park , Yun Joo & Lee , Mee-Joung & Lim , Taekyoon & Choi , Myoung-Ho
- 14-52 동남아시아의 금융시장 구조와 기업의 자금조달 형태분석: 베트남, 태국, 인도네시아를 중심으로 (The Analysis of Financial Markets and Firms' Financing Structure in Southeast Asia: Cases of Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia)
by Lee , MinHwan & Kim , JungRyol
- 14-51 한·아세안 인력이동의 경제적 효과와 정책적 시사점 (The Economic Effect of Korea-Asean Labour Movement and Its Policy Implication )
by Lee , Chang-Soo & Song , Backhoon
- 14-50 미얀마의 보건분야 개발협력 방안 (International Cooperation for Health Sector Development in Myanmar)
by Kwon , Soonman & Kim , Tae Hyun
- 14-49 라오스의 교육분야 개발협력 방안 (International Cooperation for Educational Development in Laos)
by Chae , Jae-Eun & Kim , Chulwoo
- 14-48 베트남의 Ict분야 개발협력 방안 (International Cooperation for ICT Sector Development in Vietnam)
by Kim , Jongil & Kim , Jung-Min & Kang , Dong‐geun
- 14-47 볼리비아의 국가협력전략 (CPS) 이행 증진을 통한 원조효과성 제고방안 연구 (Improving Aid Effectiveness Through Active Implementation of CPS in Bolivia)
by Kim , Cae-One & Kim , Chong-Sup & Lee , Eunsuk
- 14-46 스리랑카 국가협력전략(Cps) 이행 증진을 통한 원조효과성 제고방안 연구 (Improving Aid Effectiveness Through Active Implementation of CPS in Sri Lanka)
by Kang , In Soo & Rhee , Hosaeng & Song , Yoocheul
- 14-33 GTI 회원국의 무역원활화 현황 및 역내 협력방안 (A Proposal to Facilitate Trade in the Greater Tumen Region)
by Choi , Bo Young & Sun , Joo Yeon & Bang , Ho-Kyung & Na , Seung Kwon & Lee , Boram & Choi , Yoojeong
- 14-30 남북한 경제통합의 효과 (The Effects of Economic Integration between South and North Korea)
by Sung , Hankyoung
- 14-28 한반도 통일이 일본에 미칠 편익비용 분석 (A Study to Analyze Cost-Benefits of the Reunification of Korean Peninsula to Japan)
by Fukao , Kyoji & Inui , Tomohiko & Kwon , Hyeog Ug
- 14-27 한반도 통일이 중국에 미칠 편익비용 분석 (A Study to Analyze Cost-Benefits of the Reunification of Korean Peninsula to China)
by Jin , Jingyi & Jin , Qiangyi & Piao , Yinzhe
- 14-26 한반도 통일이 미국에 미칠 편익비용 분석 (A Study to Analyze Cost-Benefits of the Reunification of Korean Peninsula to the United States)
by Noland , Marcus
- 14-25 적정기술 활용을 통한 대아프리카 개발협력 효율화 방안 (Appropriate Technology in African Development Cooperation)
by Park , Young Ho & Kim , Yejin & Jang , Jong-Moon & Kwon , Yoo Kyoung
- 14-24 중동지역 산업 및 금융 환경의 변화와 한・중동 금융협력 방안 (Financial Cooperation between Korea and the Middle East in The New Industrial and Financial Environment)
by Lee , Kwon Hyung & Son , Sung Hyun & Park , Jaeeun
- 14-23 러시아의 극동 · 바이칼 지역 개발과 한국의 대응방안 (Russia's Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region and Korea's Countermeasures)
by Jeh , Sung Hoon & Min , Jiyoung & Kang , Boogyun & Lukonin , Sergey
- 14-22 유럽 주요국의 산업경쟁력 제고정책과 시사점 (Policies for Industrial Competitiveness Improvement in Europe and Their Implications)
by Kang , Yoo-Duk & Oh , Tae Hyun & Lee , Cheol-Won & Lee , Hyun Jean & Kim , Junyup
- 14-21 미국의 제조업 경쟁력 강화정책과 정책시사점 (Strengthening U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness and its Implications)
by Kim , Bo Min & Han , Minsoo & Ko , Hee-Chae & Kim , Jonghyuk & Lee , Sung Hee
- 14-20 멕시코 경제환경 변화와 한·멕시코 경제협력 확대방안 (Mexican Economy on the Rise and Expanding Korea-Mexico Economic Cooperation)
by Kwon , Ki-Su & Kim , Jin-O & Park , Misook & Yi , Siun
- 14-19 인도의 FTA 확대가 한·인도 교역에 미치는 영향 (Effect of India's Expansion of FTA on the Korea-India Trade)
by Lee , Woong & Cho , Choong Jae & Song , Young Chul & Choi , Yoon-Jung & Lee , Jung Mi
- 14-18 동남아 주요국 노동시장의 환경 변화와 우리나라의 대응전략 (Study on Recent Change in Labor Market Environment in Southeast Asia and Kora's Strategies)
by Kwak , Sungil & Bae , Chankwon & Cheong , Jae Wan & Lee , Jae-Ho
- 14-17 동남아 해외송금의 개발효과 분석 (Migrant Remittances and Development in Southeast Asia)
by Oh , Yoon Ah & Lee , Woong & Shin , Mingeum & Park , Na Ri & Kim , Yoomi
- 14-16 중국의 문화콘텐츠 발전현황과 지역별 협력방안 (Development of the Cultural Sectors of China and its Regional Cooperation)
by No , Su Yeon & Jung , Jihyun & Kang , Jungu & Oh , Jonghyuk & Kim , Hongwon & Lee , Hanna
- 14-15 중국 신흥도시의 소비시장 특성과 기업의 진출전략 (Characteristics of Emerging Cities in China and Corporate Strategy to Enter the Market)
by Jin , Furong & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Pak , Jinhee & Kim , Hongwon & Choi , Jiwon
- 14-14 중국 국유기업의 개혁에 대한 평가 및 시사점 (A Study on State-Owned Enterprises Reform in China)
by Moon , Ik Joon & Lee , Chang Kyu & Choi , Pil Soo & Na , Su Yeob & Lee , Hyo-jin
- 14-13 일본의 FTA 추진전략과 정책적 시사점 (A Study on Japan's FTA Strategy and its Policy Implications for Korea)
by Kim , Gyupan & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Kim , Eunji
- 14-12 Post-2015 개발재원 확대 논의와 한국의 대응방안 (Study on the Financing for Development in Post-2015 Era: Policy Implications for Korea)
by Jung , Jione & Kwon , Yul & Jeong , Jisun & Lee , Juyoung & Song , Jihei & Yoo , Aila
- 14-11 주요국의 중소기업 해외진출 지원전략과 시사점 (Major Countries' Policies for Supporting Internationalization of SMEs and Their Implications)
by Kim , Jeong-Gon & Choi , Bo-Young & Lee , Boram & Lee , Minyoung
- 14-10 해외 곡물 확보를 위한 한국의 대응방안 (Measures to Secure a Stable Supply of Grain for Korea)
by Moon , Jin-Young & Kim , Yun-ok & Lee , Sung Hee & Lee , Minyoung
- 13-13 신북방 경제협력의 필요성과 추진 방향 (Necessity and Directions of Korea's New Northern Economic Cooperation)
by Jeong , Yeo-Cheon
- 14-9 무역구제조치가 수출입에 미치는 영향 분석: 반덤핑조치를 중심으로 (The Impact of Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports and Exports: Evidence from Korea)
by Sun , Joo Yeon & Lee , Seungrae & Park , Hyeri & Eom , Jun Hyun
- 14-8 국내 R&D 투자가 수출 및 해외직접투자에 미치는 영향: 생산성 변화를 중심으로 (R&D Effects on Firm Productivity, Exports, and OFDI: Korean Firm-Level Analysis)
by Lee , Seungrae & Kim , Hyuk-Hwang & Park , Ji Hyun & Lee , Jun Won
- 14-7 TPP 주요국 투자·서비스 장벽 분석: 기체결 협정문 및 양허분석을 중심으로 (An Analysis on the Services Trade Agreements of the TPP Members)
by Kim , Jong Duk & Kang , Jungu & Lee , Jumi & Eom , Jun Hyun
- 14-6 포스트 발리 DDA 협상의 전개방향 분석과 한국의 협상대책 (Post-Bali DDA Negotiations: Korea's Perspectives)
by Suh , Jin Kyo & Kim , Min-Sung & Song , Backhoon & Lee, Chang Soo
- 14-5 한국의 FTA 10년 평가와 향후 정책방향(A Study on the Decade of Korea's FTAs: Evaluation and Policy Implications)
by Kim , Young Gui & Keum , Hye Yoon & Yoo , Saebyul & Kim , Yang-Hee & Kim , Han Sung
- 14-4 주요 통화대비 원화 환율 변동이 우리나라 수출경쟁력에 미치는 영향 (Impacts of Exchange Rates on Korea's Trade Balance by Industry and Region)
by Yoon , Deok Ryong & Kim , Su Bin & Kang , Sammo
- 14-3 글로벌 금융위기 이후 국가간 자금흐름 분석과 시사점(Cross-Border Fund Flow after 2008 Financial Crisis)
by Lim , Tae Hoon & Rhee , Dong Eun & Pyun , Ju Hyun
- 14-2 글로벌 불균형의 조정 전망과 세계경제적 함의(The Prospect of Adjustment of Global Imbalance and Its Implications for the World Economy)
by Cho , Jonghwa & Rhee , Dong Eun & Yang , Da Young & Kim , Su Bin
- 14-1 체제전환국의 경제성장 요인 분석: 북한 경제개혁에 대한 함의 (Determinants of Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Their Implications for North Korea)
by Jeong , Hyung-Gon & Kim , Byung-Yeon & Lee , Jae Wan & Bang , Ho-Kyung & Hong , Yi Kyung
- 13-39 라오스의 무역분야 개발협력방안 (Development Assistance for the Trade Sector in the Lao PDR: Evaluations and Future Directions for Korea's Aid for Trade)
by Song , Yoocheul & Kang , In Soo & Rhee , Hosaeng
- 13-38 인도네시아의 산업분야 개발협력 방안 (International Cooperation for Industrial Development in Indonesia)
by Kim , Jongil & Yun , Mikyung
- 13-37 베트남의 교육분야 개발협력 방안: 직업교육훈련을 중심으로 (the Educational Development and Cooperation Plan in Vietnam: Focusing on Vocational Education and Training)
by Chae , Jae-Eun & Woo , Myung-Suk
- 13-36 주요 선진공여국의 중점협력국 운영 및 관리체계 사례연구 (Case Studies on the Operation and Managing Framework of Country Partnership Strategy)
by Kim , Chong-Sup & Rhee , Yeongseop
- 13-35 중점협력국 선정 기준 및 방법에 관한 연구 (An Analysis on the Criteria and Methodology of Priority Recipient Selection for Country Partnership Strategy)
by Park , Bokyeong & Lee , Hongshik & Koo , Jeong-Woo
- 13-33 대 중남미 중소기업 진출방안 연구: Oli 패러다임 분석을 중심으로 (Strategies for Korean Smes to Break into Latin American Markets: Based on the Oli Paradigm)
by Kim , Seungil & Oh , Hwaseok & Kee , Hyun Seo
- 13-32 몽골 경제 발전전략: CGE분석 및 사례연구 (Mongolian Economy Development Strategy: CGE Analysis and Case Study)
by Lee , Chang-Soo & Song , Backhoon
- 13-31 '러시아-북한-중국 삼각관계'의 전략적 함의: '미국 요인'과 한국에의 시사점 (The Russo-Sino-North Korea Triangle: The American Factor and Policy Implications for Korea)
by Lee , Jung Chul & Baek , Jun Kee & Kim , Jae-Kwan & Lee , Nam-Ju
- 13-30 한·인도 Cepa 확대를 통한 산업협력방안 연구:Ict 산업 중심으로 (The Effect of Opening ICT Industry and Cooperation by the Korea-India CEPA)
by Sung , Hankyoung & Lee , Sang-Joon & Lee , Soon-Cheul & Hong , Sung-Gul
- 13-29 다자원조의 효과적 실행을 위한 통합추진전략 (Korea's Multilateral Aid: Recent Developments and Future Challenges)
by Kwon , Yul & Jung , Jione & Jeong , Jisun & Lee , JuYoung & Yoo , Aila
- 13-28 중남미 다국적기업을 활용한 대중남미 경제협력 확대방안 (The Rise of Multilatinas in Latin America and the Implications for Korea)
by Kwon , Ki-Su & Kim , Jin-O & Park , Misook & Yi , Siun & Lim , Taekyoon
- 13-27 해외 정책금융기관 활용을 통한 아프리카 건설·플랜트 시장진출 방안 (The Role of International Development Finance Institutions in Financing Infrastructure in Africa and Its Implications for Korea)
by Park , Young Ho & Kim, YoungKee & Jang , Jong-Moon & Jeon , Hyelin
- 13-26 MENA 지역의 보건의료산업 동향 및 국내 산업과의 연계방안 (The Healthcare Industry in the MENA Region and Its Policy Implications for Korean Companies)
by Lee , Kwon Hyung & Kwak , Sungil & Park , Jaeeun & Son , Sung Hyun
- 13-25 인도의 경제개혁 이후 노동시장의 변화와 시사점 (Changes in the Labor Market Since India's Economic Reforms)
by Lee , Woong & Song , Young Chul & Cho , Choong Jae & Choi , Yoon-Jung
- 13-24 유럽의 사례를 통해 본 복지와 성장의 조화 방안 연구 (Harmonizing Social Welfare and Economic Growth: Case Studies of European Countries and Implications for Korea)
by Kang , Yoo-Duk & Oh , Tae Hyun & Lee , Cheol-Won & Lee , Hyun Jean & Kim , Junyup
- 13-23 일본 재정의 지속가능성과 재정규율에 관한 연구 (A Study on Japanese Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Discipline)
by Kim , Gyupan & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Kim , Eunji & Suh , Young Kyoung
- 13-22 동남아 주요 신흥국가와의 산업협력 강화전략 (Strategies to Strengthen Industrial Cooperation with Major Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia)
by Kim , Taeyoon & Cheong , Jae Wan & Lee , Jae-Ho & Shin , Mingeum & Park , Na Ri & Kim , Yoomi
- 13-20 중국의 채권·외환시장 변화가 우리나라에 미치는 영향 (The Changes in China's Bond and Foreign Exchange Market and Their Effects on Korea)
by Moon , Ik Joon & Yang , Da Young & Hah , In
- 13-19 중국의 신흥시장 진출과 한국의 대응방안: 동남아, 중남미, 아프리카를 중심으로 (China's Advance into Emerging Markets and Korea's Response -A Focus on ASEAN, Latin America and Africa)
by Choi , Pil Soo & Park , Young Ho & Kwon , Ki-Su & Cheong , Jae Wan & Lee , Hyo-jin
- 13-18 중국의 녹색성장 전략과 한·중 무역에 대한 시사점 (China's Green Growth Strategy and Implications for Trade between Korea and China)
by Moon , Ik Joon & Jung , Jihyun & Na , Su Yeob & Park , Hyun Jung & Lee , Hyo-jin
- 13-17 중국의 중장기 경제개혁 과제와 전망 (China's Long-Term Economic Reform: Perspectives and Implications)
by Yang , Pyeong Seob & Na , Su Yeob & Nam , Soojoong & Lee , Sang Hun & Yoo , Ho Lim & Cho , Hyun-Jun & Choi , Eui-Hyun & Lee , Hyukku & Jang , Youngseok
- 13-16 중국의 정치경제 변화에 따른 북한경제의 진로와 남북경협의 방향 (Prospects of China's Political and Economic Changes and the Path Forward for Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation)
by Jo , Dongho & Nam , Young-Sook
- 13-15 러시아 극동바이칼 지역의 개발과 신북방 경제협력의 여건 (Development of Russian Far East and Baikal Region and Korea's New Northern Economic Cooperation)
by Sung , Weon-Yong & Lee , Sungkyu & Oh , Youngil & Minakir , Pavel
- 13-14 중국의 동북지역 개발과 신북방경제협력의 여건 (Development of China's Northeast Region and Korea's New Northern Economic Cooperation)
by Won , Dong Wook & Kang , Seungho & Lee , Hong Gyoo & Kim , Changdo
- 13-12 아·태 역내 생산 네트워크와 APEC 경제협력: 중간재 교역을 중심으로 (Production Networks and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region)
by Chung , Chul & Lim , Kyong Su & Park , Soon Chan & Park , Innwon
- 13-11 녹색기후기금(Gcf)의 당면 과제와 우리의 대응방안 (Green Climate Fund: Current Issues and Way Forward for the Successful Operationalization)
by Jung , Jione & Suh , Jeongmeen & Moon , Jin-Young & Song , Jihei
- 13-10 국제 공유지의 효율적 활용을 위한 거버넌스 연구 (A Study on the Governance of the Global Commons)
by Moon , Jin-Young & Kim , Yun-ok & Hong , Yi Kyung & Kim , Bo Min & Lee , Sung Hee & Lee , Minyoung
- 13-9 대외개방이 국내 노동시장의 숙련구조에 미치는 영향 (Trade Openness, Skill Composition and Wage Inequality in Korea)
by Bae , Chankwon & Sun , Joo Yeon & Kim , Jeong-Gon & Lee , Jumi
- 13-8 무역 및 투자 개방이 한국의 Fdi에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Trade and Investment Liberalization on Korea's FDI)
by Kim , Jong Duk & Lee , Seungrae & Kang , Jungu & Kim , Hyuk-Hwang
- 13-7 금융통합이 금융위기에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Financial Integration on the Transmission of the Global Financial Crisis)
by Rhee , Dong-Eun & Kang , Eunjung & Pyun , Ju Hyun
- 13-5 FTA의 경제적 효과추정 방법론 개선에 관한 연구 (A Study on Methodologies Measuring Economic Impacts of FTAs)
by Kim , Young Gui & Bae , Chankwon & Keum , Hye Yoon
- 13-4 금융개방의 확대와 환율의 영향 변화 분석 (Analysis on the Expansion of Financial Opening and Changes in the Effects of Exchange Rates)
by Yoon , Deok Ryong & Kim , Su Bin & Kang , Sammo
- 13-3 개방경제하에서의 소득분위별 후생수준 변화 (Income Distribution and Welfare Effects of Trade Liberalzation)
by Chung, Chul & Kim, Bonggeun & Chun, Young Jun & Lee, Joun Won
- 13-2 글로벌 유동성 확대가 세계경제에 미치는 영향과 정책 대응 (Effects of Global Liquidity on the World Economy)
by Rhee , Dong-Eun & Park , Young-Joon & Yang , Da Young & Kang , Eun Jung
- 13-1 동아시아의 가치사슬구조와 역내국간 FTA의 경제적 효과 분석 (East Asian Value Chains and Economic Effects of Free Trade Agreements)
by Choi , Nakgyoon & Kim , Young Gui
- 12-4 무역자유화 효과의 실증분석과 정책 대응: 소비자후생을 중심으로 (Empirical Analysis of Trade Liberalization: The Benefits to Korean Consumers)
by Suh , Jin Kyo & Chung , Chul & Lee , Joun Won & Jeong , Yoon Seon
- 12-41 유럽의 경험을 활용한 한국 ODA 정책의 개선방안 (Ways to Improve Korea's ODA Policy Derived from European Experience)
by Yoon , Deok Ryong & Park , Bokyeong & Kang , Yoo-Duk & Kwon , Yul & Kang , Eun Jung
- 12-40 아프리카 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 ODA 추진방안 (Analysis on Africa's Development Needs and Korea's Sectorial Plan for ODA)
by Park , Young Ho & Kwak , Sungil & Jeong , Jisun & Jang , Jong-Moon & Jeon , Hyelin
- 12-39 중남미의 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 Oda 추진방안 (Analysis on Latin America's Aid Demand and Suggestions for the Priority Sectors )
by Kwon , Ki-Su & Kim , Jin-O & Park , Misook & Lee , Ju Young & Yi , Siun
- 12-38 남아시아의 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 ODA 추진방안 (Key Development Needs of South Asia and Priority Sectors of Korean ODA)
by Cho , Choong Jae & Choi , Yoon-Jung & Song , Young Chul
- 12-37 동남아시아의 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 Oda 추진방안 (Key Development Needs in Southeast Asia and Priority Sectors of Korean Oda)
by Kwon , Yul & Kim , Taeyoon & Lee , Jaeho & Kim , Yoomi
- 12-36 중남미 엘리트 집단 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Latin American Elites)
by Kim , Ki Hyun & Park , Yun Joo & Kim , Young Chul & Yi , Sang Hyun
- 12-33 러시아·중국·인도 삼각협력체제의 전략적 함의와 시사점 (The Strategic Connotation and Implications of the Strategic Triangle of Russia, China and India)
by Baek , Jun Kee & Kim , Jae-Kwan & Lee , Nam-Ju & Park , Sangnam
- 12-32 CAREC (Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation) 의 현황과 한국의 협력 방안 (Development of CAREC and Implications for Korea )
by Jo , Young Kwan & Joo , Jinhong & Lee , Sang-Jun & Sung , Weon-Yong
- 12-30 자바 경제회랑에 대한 한ㆍ인니 산업협력방안 (Industrial Cooperation between Korea and Indonesia in Java Economic Corridor)
by Kang , In Soo & Han , Hongyul & Rhee , Hosaeng & Song , Yoocheul
- 12-29 글로벌 금융위기 이후 EU 금융감독 및 규제변화 (Financial Regulatory Reform of the EU after the Global Financial Crisis)
by Kang , Yoo-Duk & Kim , Kyuntae & Oh , Tae Hyun & Lee , Cheol-Won & Lee , Hyun Jean & Chai , Hee-Yul
- 12-28 글로벌 금융위기 이후 일본경제의 진로모색과 시사점 (In Search of New Economic Path of Japan in the Post Global Financial Crisis)
by Jung , Sung Chun & Kim , Gyupan & Lee , Hyong-Kun & Kim , Eunji & Lee , Woo-Kwang
- 12-27 글로벌 금융위기 이후 미국경제의 진로모색과 시사점 (In Search of New Economic Path of US in the Post Global Financial Crisis)
by Park , Bokyeong & Kim , Jonghyuk & Ko , Hee-Chae & Park , Kyungro
- 12-26 북한의 시장화 실태분석 및 경제체제 변화 전망 (The Current Situation of Marketization in North Korea and Prospects for Change of Its Economic System)
by Jeong , Hyung-Gon & Kim , Byung-Yeon & Lee , Suk
- 12-25 아프리카 건설·플랜트 시장특성 분석 및 한국의 진출방안 (Trends in the African Construction and Plant Building Market and Its Implication for Korea)
by Park , Young Ho & Kwak , Sungil & Jeon , Hyelin & Jang , Jong-Moon
- 12-24 중동지역 정세변화에 따른 대중동 新경제협력 방안 모색 (Cooperation with the Middle East after the Arab Spring: Circumstantial Changes and Implications)
by Han , Baran & Choi , Pil Soo & Yun , Seo-Young & Son , Sung Hyun & Park , Jaeeun & Jeon , Hyelin
- 12-22 아시아 주요국의 대인도 경제협력과 시사점 (Economic Cooperation between India and Selected Asian Countries: Current Status and Policy Implications)
by Cho , Choong Jae & Song , Young Chul & Choi , Yoon-Jung & Lee , Woong & Jung , Hye-won
- 12-21 동남아 주요 국가들의 인력송출 현황과 한국의 대응방안 (Southeast Asian Labor Migration to Korea: Origin-Country Factors and Policy Implications)
by Oh , Yoon Ah & Hur , Jai-Joon & Kang , Daechang & Kim , Yoomi & Shin , Mingeum
- 12-20 한국의 메콩 지역개발 중장기 협력 방안 - 농업, 인프라 및 인적자원개발을 중심으로 (Korea's Development Cooperation with the Mekong Region Countries)
by Kim , Taeyoon & Cheong , Jae Wan & Lee , Jae-Ho & Shin , Mingeum & Park , Na Ri
- 12-19 러시아의 해외직접투자 패턴과 한국의 투자유치 확대방안 (Russian ODI and FDI Promotion Strategy of Korea)
by Lee , Jae-Young & Lee , Seong Bong & Kuznetsov , Alexey & Min , Jiyoung
- 12-18 중국·대만·홍콩의 경제통합과 정책적 시사점 (The Reinforcement of Economic Cooperation Among China-Taiwan-Hong Kong and its Implications)
by Yang , Pyeong Seob & Lee , Seung Shin & Moon , Ik Joon & Yeo , Jina & No , Su Yeon & Jung , Jihyun
- 12-17 중국기업 연구개발 투자의 특징과 시사점 (R&D of Chinese Firms: Characteristics and Implications)
by Moon , Ik Joon & Na , Su Yeob & Yeo , Jina & Park , Min Suk & Eun , Jonghak
- 12-16 중국 도시화의 시장 창출 효과와 리스크 분석 (China's Urbanization; Consumption, Construction and Risks)
by Choi , Pil Soo & Lee , Sang Hun & Moon , Ik Joon & Na , Su Yeob
- 12-14 최빈개도국 개발과제와 한국의 ODA 정책방향 (The Least Developed Countries: Key Challenges and the Way Forward for Korea's Development Cooperation)
by Kwon , Yul & Jung , Jione & Jeong , Jisun & Lee , Juyoung
- 12-13 한·중·일 경제협의체 구상 (Trilateral Economic Cooperation: Proposal for Enhancing Economic Cooperation Dialogue Channels among China, Japan, and Korea)
by Lee , Chang-Jae
- 12-12 유럽 재정위기의 원인과 유로존의 개혁과제 (Causes of the European Debt Crisis and Reform of the European Governance)
by Kang , Yoo-Duk & Kim , Kyuntae & Oh , Tae Hyun & Lee , Cheol-Won & Lee , Hyun Jean
- 12-10 금융시장을 통한 효율적 환헤지 방안과 정책적 시사점 (Effective FX-Hedge Policy Using Financial Market)
by Yoon , Deok Ryong & Park , EunSeon & Kang , Sammo
- 12-7 신기후변화체제하에서 한국의 대응전략: 새로운 감축-지원 통합 메커니즘의 모색 (Designing New Climate Change Regime: A Unified Approach for Mitigation and Finance Mechanisms)
by Suh , Jeongmeen & Jung , Jione & Park , Hyeri & Cho , Myeonghwan
- 12-5 경제개방과 R&D 정책의 상호작용에 대한 평가와 시사점 (A Study on Interaction between Economic Openness and R&D Policies)
by Kim , Young Gui & Kim , Jong Duk & Kang , Jungu & Kim , Hyuk-Hwang
- 12-3 한국 기발효 FTA의 경제적 효과 분석 (The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Economic Performance in Korea)
by Bae , Chankwon & Kim , Jeong-Gon & Keum , Hye Yoon & Jang , Yong Joon
- 12-1 China, World Economy and Korea-China Economic Cooperation
by Chae , Wook & Yang , Pyeong Seob
- 11-2 동북아 경제협력에서 동아시아 경제통합까지: 동아시아 시대를 향하여 (From Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation to East Asian Economic Integration: Toward an Era of East Asia)
by Lee , Chang-Jae & Bang , Ho-Kyung
- 11-31 중동 노동시장 현황 및 우리의 대응: 사우디아라비아와 UAE를 중심으로 (Labor Market in the Middle East: A Study of Saudi Arabia and the UAE)
by Han , Baran & Yun , Seo-Young & Park , Kwang-Soon
- 11-29 한국· 인도네시아 중장기 경제협력 방안 연구: 지역개발과 인적자원을 중심으로 (A Study for the Economic Cooperation between Korea and Indonesia from a Long Term Perspective: Focused on Regional Economic Development and Human Resources)
by Kang , Daechang & Kim , Gyupan & Oh , Yoon Ah & Shin , Mingeum & Lee , Jae-Ho
- 11-28 인도진출 한국기업 경영실태 및 성과분석 (Management Survey of Korean Firms in India and Performance Analysis)
by Cho , Choong Jae & Choi , Yoon-Jung & Song , Young Chul
- 11-27 대중국 경제협력 및 무역투자 활성화 방안: 내수시장 진출과 투자 활성화를 중심으로 (Strategies to Promote Trade and Investment between Korea and China)
by Lee , Seung Shin & Choi , Philip Pilsoo & Jin , Furong & Park , Minsook & Lim , Minkyung
- 11-26 CIS의 경제통합 추진현황과 정책 시사점: 관세동맹을 중심으로 (CIS Economic Integration and Policy Implications for Korea: Focusing on the Customs Union)
by Lee , Jae-Young & Shadikhodjaev , Sherzod & Park , Soonchan & hwang , jeeyoung
- 11-25 인도 주별 성장패턴 전망과 정책 시사점 (India State-Wise Growth Pattern Projection and Policy Implications)
by Cho , Choong Jae & Choi , Yun-Jeong & Song , Young Chul