March 2019, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-23 Do antecedents of trust and satisfaction promote consumer loyalty in physical and virtual stores? a multi-channel view
by Shiu-Wan Hung & Min-Jhih Cheng & Pei-Chun Chiu - 25-49 The psychological and motivational aspects of restaurant experience sharing behavior on social networking sites
by DongHee Kim & SooCheong Shawn Jang - 51-74 Multi-factor service design: identification and consideration of multiple factors of the service in its design process
by Chiehyeon Lim & Ki-Hun Kim & Min-Jun Kim & Kwang-Jae Kim - 75-100 Determinants of brand localization in international markets
by Insik Jeong & Jong-Ho Lee & Eunmi Kim - 101-127 The industrial impact and competitive advantage of China’s ICT industry
by Yongfei Li & Sang-Gun Lee & Myungjai Kong - 129-152 A value co-creation model in brand tribes: the effect of luxury cruise consumers’ power perception
by Yuan Lee & Insin Kim - 153-169 The effect of customer social status and dissatisfaction on service performance
by Dana Yagil & Hana Medler-Liraz - 171-198 Determinants of export performance: differences between service and manufacturing SMEs
by Anna Lejpras - 199-224 From retail innovation and image to loyalty: moderating effects of product type
by Beatriz Moliner-Velázquez & Maria Fuentes-Blasco & David Servera-Francés & Irene Gil-Saura
December 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 641-661 Analyzing relationship quality and its contribution to consumer relationship proneness
by Ana Olavarría-Jaraba & Jesús J. Cambra-Fierro & Edgar Centeno & Rosario Vázquez-Carrasco - 663-684 Organizational intellectual capital and its relation to frontline service employee innovative behavior: consumer value co-creation behavior as a moderator
by Cindy Yunhsin Chou & Chin Hsiu Huang & Tzu-An Lin - 685-699 A predictive investigation of first-time customer retention in online reservation services
by Yen-Chun Chou & Howard Hao-Chun Chuang - 701-730 Investigating a revised service transition concept
by Ornella Benedettini & Andy Neely - 731-756 Understanding consumer repurchase intention on O2O platforms: an integrated model of network externalities and trust transfer theory
by Lin Xiao & Bin Fu & Wenlong Liu - 757-778 Can error management culture increase work engagement in hotels? The moderating role of gender
by Priyanko Guchait & Xinyuan Zhao & Juan Madera & Nan Hua & Fevzi Okumus - 779-808 Cost-efficient co-creation of knowledge intensive business services
by Seppo Kuula & Harri Haapasalo & Arto Tolonen - 809-831 A network text analysis of published papers in service business, 2007–2017: research trends in the service sector
by Sang M. Lee & Jin Sung Rha
September 2018, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 453-456 Innovation and service-dominant logic
by Kun-Huang Huarng & Amparo Cervera & Francisco Mas-Verdu - 457-481 Value logics for service innovation: practice-driven implications for service-dominant logic
by Erik Lindhult & Koteshwar Chirumalla & Pejvak Oghazi & Vinit Parida - 483-503 Predicting hospitality financial distress with ensemble models: the case of US hotels, restaurants, and amusement and recreation
by Soo Young Kim - 505-524 Quality management as a driver of innovation in the service industry
by Tomás Félix González-Cruz & Norat Roig-Tierno & Dolores Botella-Carrubí - 525-550 Collaborative workplaces for innovation in service companies: barriers and enablers for supporting new ways of working
by Claudia Manca & Mercedes Grijalvo & Miguel Palacios & Matti Kaulio - 551-573 A study of the relationships among sensory experience, emotion, and buying behavior in coffeehouse chains
by Hsi-Tien Chen & Yun-Tsan Lin - 575-600 Impact of operational innovations on customer loyalty in the healthcare sector
by Kwan Soo Hong & DonHee Lee - 601-619 Understanding the influences of story elements in service businesses
by Yi-Ching Hsieh & Hung-Chang Chiu & Yun-Chia Tang & Chen-Hao Liu - 621-640 Two-sided effects of customer participation: roles of relationships and social-interaction values in social services
by Cheol Park & Heejung Lee & Jongkun Jun & Thaemin Lee
June 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 229-251 Strategic alternatives for tourism companies to overcome times of crisis
by Kerstin Bremser & María del Mar Alonso-Almeida & Josep Llach - 253-275 Study abroad programs as a service convergence: an international marketing approach
by M. Minsuk Shin & Eun Jeong Noh & Jiwon Lee - 277-303 The effect of service providers’ facial hair on restaurant customers’ perceptions
by Sung-Bum Kim & Seunghwan Lee & Dae-Young Kim - 305-329 Psychological contract breach and service innovation behavior: psychological capital as a mediator
by Taegoo Terry Kim & Osman M. Karatepe & Gyehee Lee - 331-356 How to explain service failure? Impacts of justifications
by WeiWei Chen & Hsiao-Ching Lee - 357-377 Creating a commercially compelling smart service encounter
by Tseng-Lung Huang - 379-402 Consumer psychological reactance to coalition loyalty program: price-consciousness as a moderator
by Hsin Hsin Chang & Kit Hong Wong - 403-433 A comparative analysis of electronic service quality in the online open market and social commerce: the case of Korean young adults
by Suk Bong Choi & Jin Min Kim - 435-451 Optimal baggage sorting rule to reduce waiting time in baggage claim
by Changhee Kim & Hongsuk Yang & Soo Wook Kim
March 2018, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-23 Antecedents of customer participation in business ecosystems: evidence of customers’ psychological ownership in Facebook
by Jaehun Joo & Azizbek Marakhimov - 25-64 A global approach to the analysis of user behavior in mobile payment systems in the new electronic environment
by Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas & Francisco Muñoz-Leiva & J. Sánchez-Fernández - 65-84 From fantasy to reality: a study of pre-trip planning from the perspective of destination image attributes and temporal psychological distance
by Wee-Kheng Tan - 85-120 Online travel information value and its influence on the continuance usage intention of social media
by Heejin Jung & Gyehee Lee & Kyungsuk Hur & Taegoo Terry Kim - 121-141 Alleviating job stress to improve service employee work affect: the influence of rewarding
by Ayşe Banu Elmadağ & Alexander E. Ellinger - 143-168 A model of collaborative innovation between local government and tourism operators
by C. Pons-Morera & L. Canós-Darós & I. Gil-Pechuan - 169-201 Artistic intervention, intellectual capital, and service innovation: a case study of a Taiwan’s hotel
by Jen-Son Cheng & Yong Xiang & Peter J. Sher & Chia-Wei Liu - 203-227 Approach to service design based on customer behavior data: a case study on eco-driving service design using bus drivers’ behavior data
by Min-Jun Kim & Chie-Hyeon Lim & Chang-Ho Lee & Kwang-Jae Kim & Yongsung Park & Seunghwan Choi
December 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 695-715 The role of other customers during self-service technology failure
by Youjae Yi & Seo Young Kim - 717-739 Efficiency of travel agency franchises: a study in Spain
by José M. Ramírez-Hurtado & Ignacio Contreras - 741-766 Could consumer choice be influenced by intertemporal factors? a study of consumer behavior in the Chinese theme park “S” in Chengdu
by Zhenzhong Guan & Na Zhao & Panpan Hao - 767-784 The effect of organizational responses to service failures on customer satisfaction perception
by Millissa F. Y. Cheung & W. M. To - 785-802 Error management culture and turnover intent among food and beverage employees in deluxe hotels: the mediating effect of job satisfaction
by Hyo Sun Jung & Hye Hyun Yoon - 803-829 Effects of social media on consumers’ purchase decisions: evidence from Taobao
by Kee-Young Kwahk & Byoungsoo Kim - 831-849 Predicting direct marketing response in banking: comparison of class imbalance methods
by Vera L. Miguéis & Ana S. Camanho & José Borges - 851-870 Perceived justice and post-recovery satisfaction in banking service failures: Do commitment types matter?
by Oznur Ozkan Tektas - 871-900 When customers want to become frontline employees: an exploratory study of decision factors and motivation types
by Chen-Ya Wang & Priyanko Guchait & Cheng-Hsin Chiang & Wan-Ting Weng
September 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 453-474 A learning-oriented decision-making process for real estate brokerage service evaluation
by Fernando A. F. Ferreira & Ronald W. Spahr & Mark A. Sunderman & Audrius Banaitis & João J. M. Ferreira - 475-490 Market value analysis of a Chinese e-commerce holding group: a multicriteria approach
by J. F. Juliá-Igual & R. Cervelló-Royo & I. Berné-Lafuente - 491-516 HEALTHQUAL: a multi-item scale for assessing healthcare service quality
by DonHee Lee - 517-542 Corporate social responsibility and bank risk profile: evidence from Europe
by Nicolás Gambetta & María Antonia García-Benau & Ana Zorio-Grima - 543-562 Aggregate consumer ratings and booking intention: the role of brand image
by Ana B. Casado-Díaz & Leonor M. Pérez-Naranjo & Ricardo Sellers-Rubio - 563-580 Effect of information management capability on organizational performance
by Carlos Devece & Daniel Palacios & David Martinez-Simarro - 581-600 Innovation and corporate entrepreneurship in service businesses
by Maria de Lurdes Calisto & Soumodip Sarkar - 601-629 The evaluation factors of adopting SoLoMo services: the hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach
by Heng-Li Yang & Shiang-Lin Lin - 631-663 Triggering the internationalization of Malaysian quantity surveying firms
by Chen Wang & Lincoln C. Wood & Hamzah Abdul-Rahman & Han Biao Ng - 665-692 Leader political skill and casino dealer morale: the mediating role of follower perceptions of leader–member exchange
by Taegoo Terry Kim & Osman M. Karatepe & Gyehee Lee & Choong-Ki Lee - 693-693 Erratum to: Study abroad programs as a service convergence: an international marketing approach
by M. Minsuk Shin & Eun Jeong Noh & Jiwon Lee
June 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 229-251 Antecedents of participation in online brand communities and their purchasing behavior consequences
by Abeer A. Mahrous & Abdelhamid K. Abdelmaaboud - 253-277 The effects of interaction behaviors of service frontliners on customer participation in the value co-creation: a study of health care service
by Le Nguyen Hau & Pham Ngoc Tram Anh & Pham Ngoc Thuy - 279-297 Effects of customer personal characteristics on the satisfaction-loyalty link: a multi-method approach
by Aejoo Lee & Ki-Joon Back & JungKun Park - 299-319 Restaurant franchising and top management team
by Joonho Moon & Amit Sharma & Won Seok Lee - 321-343 Co-creation and service recovery process communication: effects on satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and word of mouth
by Rodolfo Vázquez-Casielles & Víctor Iglesias & Concepción Varela-Neira - 345-373 Contingent effects of firm and employee reputations on professional advice adoption
by Eugene Soon Lee Kang & Shun Yin Lam - 375-403 Online determinants of e-customer satisfaction: application to website purchases in tourism
by Hélia Gonçalves Pereira & Maria Fátima Salgueiro & Paulo Rita - 405-425 Value-in-context in crowdfunding ecosystems: how context frames value co-creation
by María José Quero & Rafael Ventura & Carol Kelleher - 427-449 Developing a quality prioritization procedure for IPTV service
by Wan Seon Shin & Ho-Kyoung Lee & Kwang-Jae Kim & Byung Chung - 451-451 Erratum to: Key success factors for mobile app platform activation
by Sang M. Lee & Na Rang Kim & Soon Goo Hong
March 2017, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-21 Franchisor market power and control rights in franchise systems: the case of Major League Baseball versus the Los Angeles Dodgers
by Richard S. Brown - 23-43 Does quality management improve performance or vice versa? Evidence from the hotel industry
by Juan José Tarí & Jorge Pereira-Moliner & Eva M. Pertusa-Ortega & María D. López-Gamero & José F. Molina-Azorín - 45-68 Open innovation and growth in IT sector
by Anna-Leena Asikainen & Giovanni Mangiarotti - 69-92 The effect of self-checkout quality on customer satisfaction and repatronage in a retail context
by Teresa Fernandes & Rui Pedroso - 93-116 The effects of perceived value on loyalty: the moderating effect of market orientation adoption
by Ana Isabel Polo Peña & Dolores María Frías Jamilena & Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Molina - 117-139 Customer-to-customer interactions on customer citizenship behavior
by Jin Ho Jung & Jay Jaewon Yoo - 141-159 Development of a scale to measure the quality of mobile location-based services
by Jun-Yeon Heo & Kwang-Jae Kim - 161-189 Designing a tool for service-dominant strategies using action design research
by Egon Lüftenegger & Marco Comuzzi & Paul W. P. J. Grefen - 191-206 The identification of new service opportunities: a case-based morphological analysis
by Hakyeon Lee & Hyunju Seol & Hyejong Min & Youngjung Geum - 207-227 Key success factors for mobile app platform activation
by Sang M. Lee & Na Rang Kim & Soon Goo Hong
December 2016, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 651-685 Translating satisfaction determination from health care to the automotive industry
by Stefan Meinzer & Johann Prenninger & Patrick Vesel & Johannes Kornhuber & Judith Volmer & Joachim Hornegger & Björn M. Eskofier - 687-714 Corporate identity management in the banking sector: effects on employees’ identification, identity attractiveness, and job satisfaction
by Rafael Bravo & Jorge Matute & José M. Pina - 715-735 Cognitive and affective constituents of the consumption experience in retail service settings: effects on store loyalty
by Alev Kocak Alan & Ebru Tumer Kabadayi & Cengiz Yilmaz - 737-773 How hotels compete on the basis of competitive priorities and their relationship with infrastructural and structural decisions
by Tomás F. Espino-Rodríguez - 775-798 Diagnosing service quality using customer reviews: an index approach based on sentiment and gap analyses
by Bomi Song & Changyong Lee & Byungun Yoon & Yongtae Park - 799-822 Self-service innovativeness scale: introduction, development, and validation of scale
by Arun Kumar Kaushik & Zillur Rahman - 823-846 Tourists’ participation and preference-related belief in co-creating value of experience: a nature-based perspective
by Che-Jen Su & Anne-Marie Lebrun & Patrick Bouchet & Jun-Ren Wang & Nicolas Lorgnier & Jin-Hsing Yang - 847-866 Can complaint-handling efforts promote customer engagement?
by Jesús Cambra-Fierro & Iguácel Melero-Polo & F. Javier Sese - 867-916 A service innovation framework for start-up firms by integrating service experience engineering approach and capability maturity model
by K. J. Wang & J. Widagdo & Y. S. Lin & H. L. Yang & S. L. Hsiao
March 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 261-261 Erratum to: Revisiting media selection in the digital era: adoption and usage
by Yunchu Huang & Chang-Gyu Yang & Heon Baek & Sang-Gun Lee
December 2015, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 587-609 Mediating relationships in and satisfaction with online technologies: communications or features beyond expectations?
by Cayetano Medina & Ramón Rufín & Manuel Rey - 611-636 Business–nonprofit partnerships: a new form of collaboration in a corporate responsibility and social innovation context
by María Sanzo & Luis Álvarez & Marta Rey & Nuria García - 637-662 Are firms interested in collaborating with universities? An open-innovation perspective in countries of the South West European Space
by Sara Fernández López & Braulio Pérez Astray & David Rodeiro Pazos & Nuria Calvo - 663-685 CRM and RQ as key factors in retail setting services in an economic crisis context. The case of travel agencies
by Mª. Oviedo-García & Manuela Vega-Vázquez & Mario Castellanos-Verdugo - 687-709 From clinical governance through CSR and knowledge sharing to clinical error control
by Luu Tuan - 711-732 How does the interview change the importance of résumé information in acceptance decisions? An experimental study in the hotel industry
by Che-Jen Su & Nicolas Lorgnier & Jin-Hsing Yang & Seung Oh - 733-747 National institutions and logistic performance: a path analysis
by Sang-Heui Lee & Jay Wyk - 749-769 Developing Gamcheon Cultural Village as a tourist destination through co-creation
by Soon-Goo Hong & Hyun-Mi Lee - 771-801 Negotiating behavior in service outsourcing. An exploratory case study analysis
by M. Saorín-Iborra & Ana Redondo-Cano & Lorenzo Revuelto-Taboada & Éric Vogler - 803-803 Erratum to: Spending more time with the customer: service providers’ behavioral discretion and call-center operations
by Gil Luria & Iddo Gal & Dana Yagil
September 2015, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 361-379 Seeking an innovation structure common to both manufacturing and services
by Rafael Cáceres & Joaquin Guzmán - 381-407 Value network analysis for complex service systems: a case study on Taiwan’s mobile application services
by Juite Wang & Jung-Yu Lai & Li-Chun Hsiao - 409-425 The effects of emotional display rules on flight attendants’ emotional labor strategy, job burnout and performance
by Chongho Lee & Myungsook An & Yonghwi Noh - 427-443 Spending more time with the customer: service-providers’ behavioral discretion and call-center operations
by Luria Gil & Gal Iddo & Yagil Dana - 445-462 Organizational empowerment and service strategy in manufacturing
by Yuanqiong He & Hongyi Sun & Kin Lai & Yun Chen - 463-490 The effects of product attributes and service quality of transportation card solutions on service user’s continuance and word-of-mouth intention
by Minseok Choi & Kyeongseok Han & Jeongil Choi - 491-513 Market segmentation variables as moderators in the prediction of business tourist retention
by Magdalena Swart & Gerhard Roodt - 515-540 Interpersonal service quality of the Chinese: determinants and behavioral drivers
by James Stanworth & Ryan Hsu & Huo-Tsan Chang - 541-565 Exploring mobile banking services for user behavior in intention adoption: using new hybrid MADM model
by Ming-Tsang Lu & Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng & Hilary Cheng & Chih-Cheng Hsu - 567-586 A study on the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in web portal usage
by Sang-Gun Lee & Chang-Gyu Yang & Sin-Bok Lee & Jae-Beom Lee
June 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 183-184 Service business track at INBAM, Barcelona, 2014 “Service Design and Technology”
by Johan Versendaal & José Merigó - 185-208 Using customer contact centres as relationship marketing instruments
by Zanna Aa & Josée Bloemer & Jörg Henseler - 209-232 The role of social motivations, ability, and opportunity in online know-how exchanges: evidence from the airline services industry
by Enrique Bigné & Carla Ruiz & Luisa Andreu & Blanca Hernandez - 233-256 Innovation management capabilities in rural and urban knowledge intensive business services: empirical evidence
by Cristina Fernandes & João Ferreira & Carla Marques - 257-280 The antecedents and influences of airline loyalty programs: the moderating role of involvement
by Edward Wang & Lily Chen & I. Chen - 281-295 Marketing tradition-bound products through storytelling: a case study of a Japanese sake brewery
by Yong-sook Lee & Woo-jin Shin - 297-320 Does the nature of the relationship really matter? An analysis of the roles of loyalty and involvement in service recovery processes
by Jesús Cambra-Fierro & Iguácel Melero-Polo & Javier Sese - 321-342 Self-customization of online service environments by users and its effect on their continuance intention
by Youn Kang & Won Lee - 343-360 Cultivating service-oriented citizenship behavior among hotel employees: the instrumental roles of training and compensation
by Aizzat Nasurdin & Noor Ahmad & Cheng Tan
March 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-16 Competition behavior in service frequency for U.S. airlines
by Kuangnen Cheng & Hui-Ping Chen & Jason Lee - 17-40 Investing in customer loyalty: the moderating role of relational characteristics
by M. Balaji - 41-55 Shaping innovation in European knowledge-intensive business services
by Christiane Hipp & Jorge Gallego & Luis Rubalcaba - 57-75 The adoption of quality management practices and their impact on business performance in small service companies: the case of Spanish travel agencies
by María Alonso-Almeida & Llorenç Bagur-Femenías & Josep Llach - 77-95 Innovation modes and strategies in knowledge intensive business services
by Anna-Leena Asikainen - 97-113 Developing service innovation capability in the hotel industry
by Ta-Wei Tang & Michael Wang & Ya-Yun Tang - 115-135 A chance discovery-based approach for new product–service system (PSS) concepts
by Hyunseok Park & Janghyeok Yoon - 137-160 Service quality and productivity in the U.S. airline industry: a service quality-adjusted DEA model
by Kanghwa Choi & DonHee Lee & David Olson - 161-182 Adopting e-finance: decomposing the technology acceptance model for investors
by Alireza Abroud & Yap Choong & Saravanan Muthaiyah & David Fie
December 2014, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 479-498 Knowledge intensive business services and their impact on innovation in China
by Xing Shi & Yanrui Wu & Dingtao Zhao - 499-515 The impact of market orientation on patient loyalty: the mediation of relationship quality
by Jin-An Huang & Chi-Shiun Lai & Jer-San Hu & Rhay-Hung Weng - 517-540 Disability users’ evaluation of the web accessibility of SNS
by Sang Lee & Soon-Goo Hong & Dong-Han An & Hyun-Mi Lee - 541-558 Employee-owned and capitalist firms: is performance linked to ownership?
by Josefina Fernández-Guadaño - 559-586 The impact of external environmental on business process management and organizational performance
by Wai Wong & Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Aizzat Mohd. Nasurdin & Marini Mohamad - 587-613 A consumer value analysis of mobile internet protocol television based on a means-end chain theory
by Hyunsoo Kang & Mincheol Kang & Sora Yoon & Dongju Kim - 615-634 Antecedents of intention to use CUSS system: moderating effects of self-efficacy
by Lily Chen & Karen Wu - 635-657 Internationalisation and innovation in the knowledge-intensive business services
by David Doloreux & Anika Laperrière - 659-677 Service failure, time pressure, and conscientiousness of service providers: the dual processing model perspective
by Ching-I Teng & Angela Chen & Hao-Yuan Chang & Ching-Wen Fu - 679-697 Putting forth marketing competencies strength with collaborating partners in the hotel industry
by Edward Ku
September 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 399-404 An overview of Web 2.0 social capital: a cross-cultural approach
by Jose Vila & Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano - 405-424 The impact of Enterprise 2.0 in organizations
by Silvana Trimi & Holta Galanxhi - 425-438 Determinants of Web 2.0 technologies for knowledge sharing in SMEs
by Pedro Soto-Acosta & Daniel Perez-Gonzalez & Simona Popa - 439-452 Web 2.0, social capital and work performance in service companies: the employees’ view
by Guillermina Tormo-Carbó & Elies Seguí-Mas & Victor Oltra - 453-464 It’s never the same: the role of homogeneity in online services
by Ángel Agudo-Peregrina & Félix Pascual-Miguel & Julián Chaparro-Peláez - 465-478 How socially derived characteristics of technology shape the adoption of corporate Web 2.0 tools for collaboration
by Santiago Iglesias-Pradas & Ángel Hernández-García & Pedro Fernández-Cardador
June 2014, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 171-195 Performance effects of aligning service innovation and the strategic use of information technology
by Hui-Ling Huang - 197-216 Complaint, patience, and neglect: responses to a dissatisfying service experience
by Heejung Ro - 217-238 Determinates of financial behavior: insights into consumer money attitudes and financial literacy
by Tsui-Yii Shih & Sheng-Chen Ke - 239-266 Moderating effects of the fit between service tangibilization and organizational performance
by Jeongwook Khang & Yung-Mok Yu & Hong-Hee Lee - 267-293 Performance evaluation of CPA firms in Taiwan from the perspective of industry-specific client groups
by Chia-Chi Lee - 295-312 A data mining approach for segmentation-based importance-performance analysis (SOM–BPNN–IPA): a new framework for developing customer retention strategies
by Seyed Hosseini & Alireza Ziaei Bideh - 313-335 Managing innovation and creativity in organizations: an empirical study of service industries in Taiwan
by Chung-Jen Wang & Chang-Yen Tsai - 337-354 Internal and external drivers for quality certification in the service industry: Do they have different impacts on success?
by Juan Tarí & Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria & Gavin Dick - 355-373 The cost (and the value) of customer attire: linking high- and low-end dress styles to service quality and prices offered by service employees
by Iris Vilnai-Yavetz & Shaked Gilboa - 375-397 How do personality interactions affect service quality? the perspective of processing efficiency theory
by Ching-I Teng & Tzu-Wei Liu
March 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-27 Mobile application service networks: Apple’s App Store
by Jieun Kim & Yongtae Park & Chulhyun Kim & Hakyeon Lee - 29-50 The product development process of an enterprise from an SSME perspective
by Liang-Chuan Wu & Ivan Shih - 51-63 The level of innovation among young innovative companies: the impacts of knowledge-intensive services use, firm characteristics and the entrepreneur attributes
by Alicia Mas-Tur & Domingo Ribeiro Soriano - 65-81 Strategies for ICT product diffusion: the case of the Korean mobile communications market
by Sang-Gun Lee & Eui-bang Lee & Chang-Gyu Yang - 83-111 Managing internal stakeholders’ views of corporate reputation
by Isabel Olmedo-Cifuentes & Inocencia Martínez-León & Gary Davies - 113-133 Brand competency as a market segmentation method for brand R&D in the Asian luxury market
by Inwon Kang & Jiwon Lee & Matthew Shin & Geon-Cheol Shin - 135-169 Impact of national culture on the quality of information delivery in services
by Adelina Gnanlet & H. Yayla-Kullu
December 2013, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 499-511 Crowdsourcing and open source software participation
by David Olson & Kirsten Rosacker - 513-537 Reversed servitization paths: a case analysis of two manufacturers
by Max Finne & Saara Brax & Jan Holmström - 539-561 Using the balanced scorecard on supply chain integration performance—a case study of service businesses
by Hsin Chang & Chung-Jye Hung & Kit Wong & Chin-Ho Lee - 563-582 A measurement model for service capability from the customer perspective
by Kun-Tzu Yu - 583-602 Service employees’ deviant behaviors and leader–member exchange in contexts of dispositional envy and dispositional jealousy
by Soo Kim & Dong-Il Jung & Jung Lee - 603-622 An exploratory study of the determinants of switching and loyalty in prepaid cell phone users. An application of concept mapping
by Luis Miranda-Gumucio & Ignacio Gil-Pechuán & Daniel Palacios-Marqués - 623-640 Finding the crucial factors for sustainable development of rural-based tourist destinations: using Nanzhuang, Taiwan as a case study
by Wee-Kheng Tan & Wei-Cheng Liu & Yu-Ning Hu - 641-663 Efficiency in banking services: a comparative analysis of Internet-primary and branching banks in the US
by Alexandre Momparler & Carlos Lassala & Domingo Ribeiro - 665-686 The effects of emotional intelligence on service recovery and organizational loyalty: a case of flight attendants of South Korean airlines
by Jung-Hyun Lee & Min-su Kim & Aeeun Jeon - 687-711 Determinants of collective intelligence quality: comparison between Wiki and Q&A services in English and Korean users
by Jaehun Joo & Ismatilla Normatov - 713-734 The factors influencing adolescents’ purchase intentions of state-of-the-art cell phones in Taiwan
by Hsiao-Ching Lee & Chung-Yu Wang & Ruei-Sia Hong
September 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 347-362 A comparative study of quality awards: evolving criteria and research
by DonHee Lee & Dong Lee - 363-379 Green IT: practices of leading firms and NGOs
by Silvana Trimi & Sang-Hyun Park - 381-398 Creative service business and regional performance: evidence for the European regions
by Rafael Boix & Blanca De-Miguel-Molina & Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver - 399-417 Non-internet self-service technology failures and recoveries: comparing China with the United States
by Shunzhong Liu - 419-435 The relationship between informational justice, recovery satisfaction, and loyalty: the moderating role of failure attributions
by Davoud Nikbin & Ishak Ismail & Malliga Marimuthu - 437-457 Using simulation to establish appropriate vaccination rates and copayment policies from a cost perspective
by Sang-Man Kim & Arben Asllani - 459-481 The development of a stakeholder-based scale for measuring corporate social responsibility in the banking industry
by Andrea Pérez & Patricia Martínez & Ignacio Rodríguez del Bosque - 483-495 Monitoring credit risk in the social economy sector by means of a binary goal programming model
by Fernando García & Francisco Guijarro & Ismael Moya - 497-497 Erratum to: A comparative study of quality awards: evolving criteria and research
by DonHee Lee & Dong Lee
June 2013, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 183-205 New business models in online hotel distribution: emerging private sales versus leading IDS
by Andrea Runfola & Massimo Rosati & Simone Guercini - 207-225 The determinants of the transportation outsourcing strategy for the express delivery company
by Chia-Chi Lee & Tyrone Lin & Pei-Chu Cheng - 227-253 The effects of partnership quality on business process outsourcing success in Malaysia: key users perspective
by Ooi Ee & Hasliza Abdul Halim & T. Ramayah - 255-274 Airline website loyalty formation and the moderating effects of gender and education
by Santiago Forgas-Coll & Ramon Palau-Saumell & Javier Sánchez-García & Juan Fandos-Roig - 275-306 An instrument for measuring the key practices of total quality management in ICT industry: an empirical study in India
by Faisal Talib & Zillur Rahman & Asif Akhtar - 307-328 Conceptual analysis and implementation of an integrated CRM system for service providers
by Lai-Yu Cheng & Chih-Wei Yang - 329-346 Information richness on service business websites
by Buraj Patrakosol & Sang Lee
March 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-15 The economics of professional services: lemon markets, credence goods, and C2C information sharing
by Diego d’Andria - 17-35 Conceptualising consumers’ word-of-mouth behaviour intention: evidence from a university education services in Malaysia
by Hsin Chang & Don Jeng & Mohamad Hamid - 37-59 Analysis of customer profit contribution for banks with the concept of marketing mix strategy between 4Cs and 5Ps
by Tyrone Lin & Chia-Chi Lee & Hsiao-Chi Lin - 61-82 Servitization and networking: large-scale survey findings on product-related services
by A. Bikfalvi & G. Lay & S. Maloca & B. Waser - 83-102 The moderating effect of culture on overall perceived value in the online purchasing process
by Carmen Sabiote & Dolores Frías & J. Castañeda - 103-119 Investigation of the relationship between service values and loyalty behaviors under high commitment
by Won-Moo Hur & Hyun Kim & Hanna Kim - 121-142 Explore how Chinese consumers evaluate retail service quality and satisfaction
by W. To & Joyce Tam & Millissa Cheung