March 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 143-166 Comparative analysis of innovative diffusion in the high-tech markets of Japan and South Korea: a use–diffusion model approach
by Yeong-Wha Sawng & Kazuyuki Motohashi & Gang-Hoon Kim - 167-182 A support vector machine (SVM) approach to imbalanced datasets of customer responses: comparison with other customer response models
by Gitae Kim & Bongsug Chae & David Olson
December 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 405-409 Innovations in service business. An introduction to the special issue from the Global Entrepreneurship and Services Conference, Taiwan, 2011
by Tiffany Yu & Michael Willoughby - 411-424 The effects of motivations, trust, and privacy concern in social networking
by Shi-Woei Lin & Yu-Cheng Liu - 425-458 Internal service quality within the different Chinese subcultures: a comparison between Taiwan, China, and Singapore
by Don Jeng & Sky Kuo - 459-471 The value relevance of brand equity in the financial services industry: an empirical analysis using quantile regression
by David Wang & Tiffany Yu & Fang-Ru Ye - 473-487 The impact of online customer satisfaction on the yahoo auction in Taiwan
by Chih-Wen Wu & Kun-Huang Huarng & Surya Fiegantara & Pai-Chi Wu - 489-502 The determinants of successful R&D consortia: government strategy for the servitization of manufacturing
by Feng-Jyh Lin & Yi-Hsin Lin - 503-526 Frontline service employees’ customer-related social stressors, emotional exhaustion, and service recovery performance: customer orientation as a moderator
by Taegoo Kim & Soyon Paek & Chang Choi & Gyehee Lee
September 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 265-278 Innovation and imitation effects in the mobile telecommunication service market
by Sang-Gun Lee & Byeonghwa Park & Si-Hyeon Kim & Hong-Hee Lee - 279-295 The effect of the servicescape on customers’ behavioral intentions in an international airport service environment
by Sunran Jeon & Min-su Kim - 297-321 Employee emotional response toward healthcare organization’s service recovery efforts and its influences on service recovery performance
by Sang-Man Kim & Jae-Young Oh - 323-348 Developing a process of concept generation for new product-service systems: a QFD and TRIZ-based approach
by Sojung Kim & Byungun Yoon - 349-367 Interpretive structural modeling for E-electricity utility service
by Suchismita Satapathy & Saroj Patel & Amitabha Biswas & Pravudatta Mishra - 369-386 The moderating effect of innovation protection mechanisms on the competitiveness of service firms
by Insu Cho & Heejun Park & Joseph Kim - 387-404 Implementation of quality programs in health care organizations
by DonHee Lee
June 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 137-155 Impact of service personal values on service value and customer loyalty: a cross-service industry study
by Le Hau & Pham Thuy - 157-175 The relationship between strategic type and new service development competence: a study of Chinese knowledge intensive business services
by Shunzhong Liu - 177-195 The impact of scale effects on the prevailing internet-based banking model in the US
by Alexandre Momparler & Francisco Climent & Jose Ballester - 197-218 A construction of consumer cognitive structures and their implications in furniture shopping decisions: a means-end chain approach
by Hsin-Hui Lin & Joan Chang - 219-242 Are success and survival factors the same for social and business ventures?
by Virginia Simón-Moya & Lorenzo Revuelto-Taboada & Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano - 243-264 A framework for the selection of Six Sigma projects in services: case studies of banking and health care services in Taiwan
by Ying-Jiun Hsieh & Lan-Ying Huang & Chi-Tai Wang
March 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction: social economy, a third sector in a plural people-oriented economy
by Juan Julià & Rafael Chaves - 5-26 Beyond the crisis: the social economy, prop of a new model of sustainable economic development
by Rafael Chaves & Jose Monzón - 27-46 Strategies developed by leading EU agrifood cooperatives in their growth models
by Juan Juliá-Igual & Elena Meliá-Martí & Gabriel García-Martinez - 47-59 Social innovation, an analytical grid for understanding the social economy: the example of the Québec housing sector
by Marie Bouchard - 61-83 Social enterprises and social markets: models and new trends
by Millán Díaz-Foncea & Carmen Marcuello - 85-97 Organizational dynamics of worker cooperatives in Argentina
by Mirta Vuotto - 99-115 Corporate social responsibility of financial organizations in the social economy: a case study on savings banks
by Ricardo Server Izquierdo & Jordi Capó Vicedo - 117-136 Exploring the efficiency of Italian social cooperatives by descriptive and principal component analysis
by Ericka Costa & Michele Andreaus & Chiara Carini & Maurizio Carpita
December 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 295-312 Gender differences in the linkage of online patronage behavior with TV-and-online shopping values
by Hsin-Hui Lin - 313-337 Competitiveness, resources, and capabilities: empirical evidence from retail banking
by João Ferreira & Carla Marques & Carlos Azevedo - 339-360 Key service innovation drivers in the tourism sector: empirical evidence and managerial implications
by Ana Jiménez-Zarco & María Martínez-Ruiz & Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta - 361-380 Advertising strategy for outbound travel services
by Inwon Kang & Deokhee Cheon & Matthew Shin - 381-409 Pecking Order Theory versus Trade-Off Theory: are service SMEs’ capital structure decisions different?
by Zélia Serrasqueiro & Manuel Armada & Paulo Nunes - 411-428 Network collaboration and performance in the tourism sector
by T. Ramayah & Jason Lee & Julie In
September 2011, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 195-212 How much does KIBS contribute to the generation and diffusion of innovation?
by Francisco Mas-Verdú & Anthony Wensley & Martin Alba & José García Álvarez-Coque - 213-236 The customisation framework for roadmapping product-service integration
by Youngjung Geum & Sungjoo Lee & Daekook Kang & Yongtae Park - 237-257 Antecedents and consequences of external risk perception in franchising: evidence from the hospitality industry
by Vicente Safón & Alejandro Escribá-Esteve - 259-276 An integrative research framework for the online social network service
by Sang Lee & Liqiang Chen - 277-294 The impact of diversity of innovation channels on innovation performance in service firms
by Insu Cho & Heejun Park & Jeongil Choi
June 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 99-112 Improving human capital through knowledge management practices in knowledge-intensive business services
by Daniel Palacios-Marques & Ignacio Gil-Pechuán & Seongbae Lim - 113-137 Customers’ zone of tolerance for retail stores
by Halil Nadiri - 139-154 The internationalization of soft-services: entry modes and main determinants in the Spanish hotel industry
by José Pla-Barber & Fidel León-Darder & Cristina Villar - 155-172 Innovation and imitation effects in Metaverse service adoption
by Sang-Gun Lee & Silvana Trimi & Won Byun & Mincheol Kang - 173-175 Social economy: a responsible people-oriented economy
by Juan Juliá - 177-193 Innovation management in service firms: a research agenda
by Lucia Crevani & Kristina Palm & Annika Schilling
March 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-12 Does technology make a difference? Evidence from Spanish hotels
by Maria-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina & Irene Gil-Saura & Beatriz Moliner-Velázquez - 13-27 Exploring satisfaction in business-to-business services: a path-analytic approach
by Piyush Kumar & Mayukh Dass & Omer Topaloglu - 29-46 Assessing the intangibles transferred in franchise businesses
by Axel Rodríguez & Vicente Caballer & Natividad Guadalajara - 47-67 Criteria used in the selection of franchisees: an application in the service industry
by José Ramírez-Hurtado & Flor Guerrero-Casas & Francisco Rondán-Cataluña - 69-85 The influence of cultural differences in cooperative learning through joint ventures
by Maria Benavides-Espinosa & Salvador Roig-Dobón - 87-97 Vertical integration in production and services: development in transaction cost economics
by Marta Peris-Ortiz & Fernando Peris Bonet & Carlos Rueda-Armengot
December 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 177-196 The implementation of a quality management system based on the Q tourist quality standard. The case of hotel sector
by M. Viada-Stenger & Francisco Balbastre-Benavent & Ana Redondo-Cano - 197-207 Web 2.0 service adoption and entrepreneurial orientation
by Seongbae Lim & Silvana Trimi & Hong-Hee Lee - 209-223 Marketing capabilities, stakeholders’ satisfaction, and performance
by Sonia Cruz-Ros & Tomás González Cruz & Carmen Pérez-Cabañero - 225-236 A dynamic forecasting model for nursing manpower requirements in the medical service industry
by Soong Chung & Doo Jung & Seong Yoon & DonHee Lee - 237-252 Outsourcing agrochemical services: economic or strategic logic?
by Ana Redondo-Cano & M. Canet-Giner - 253-269 The appealing characteristics of download type mobile games
by Chang-Su Kim & Eun-Hai Oh & Kyung Yang & Jae Kim - 271-288 The development of new higher education courses
by Emerson Mainardes & Maria Silva & Maria Souza Domingues - 289-303 A comparison of personal entrepreneurial competences between entrepreneurs and CEOs in service sector
by Ma Garzón - 305-306 Convergenomics: strategic innovation in the convergence era
by Clay Whybark
June 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 89-103 Success factors of platform leadership in web 2.0 service business
by Sang Lee & Taewan Kim & Yonghwi Noh & Byungku Lee - 105-122 Organisational capabilities and transaction costs in the analysis of activities and their externalisation: implications for the service industry
by Marta Peris-Ortiz & Carlos Rueda-Armengot - 123-136 The use of NDAs in the IT service sector
by Abiola Fanimokun - 137-154 Educational quality as perceived by the actors involved: reflections based on a study in the Environmental Sciences course
by Rosa González-Tirados & Viviana González-Maura - 155-166 Risk factors at the travel destination: their impact on air travel satisfaction and repurchase intention
by Myungsook An & Chongho Lee & Yonghwi Noh - 167-176 The cost of a lack of decorum, integrity and transparency in service entrepreneurial contexts
by Joaquín Loras & José Vizcaíno
March 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction
by Jose Roig - 9-26 Fostering strategic learning capability to enhance creativity in small service businesses
by Peter Wyer & Stephen Donohoe & Patrick Matthews - 27-36 The impacts of instructional video advertising on customer purchasing intentions on the Internet
by Kun-Huang Huarng & Tiffany Yu & Jian Huang - 37-48 Customer equity: a creative tool for SMEs in the services industry
by Ward Roofthooft - 49-62 Making e-government attractive
by Michael Willoughby & Hermenegildo Gómez & M. Lozano - 63-76 Innovative and creative entrepreneurship support services at universities
by Mónica Arroyo-Vázquez & Peter Sijde & Fernando Jiménez-Sáez - 77-88 Focus on practice service process innovation in the Brazilian electric energy sector
by Mauricio Uriona-Maldonado & Leonardo Souza & Gregorio Varvakis
December 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 311-318 Competitive dynamics and business models in service business: a promising research subject
by Ángeles Montoro-Sánchez - 319-339 Systematic performance differences across the manufacturing-service continuum
by Richard Reed & Susan Storrud-Barnes - 341-358 The role of change management in implementing the offshore outsourcing business model: a processual view
by T. Ramanathan - 359-372 Luxury without guilt: service innovation in the all-inclusive hotel industry
by Thierry Rayna & Ludmila Striukova - 373-394 Determinants of R&D collaboration of service firms
by C. Un & Ana Romero-Martínez & Ángeles Montoro-Sánchez - 395-413 Improving the effectiveness of academic-business models: an analysis of obstacles in R&D activities in service industries
by Eva Mora-Valentín & Marta Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado
September 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 211-227 Cost of small business banking: a New Zealand study
by Stuart Locke & Zachariah Boulanaour - 229-257 Multi-item models for evaluating managerial and organizational resources in service firms
by Sonia Cruz-Ros - 259-273 Strategic partnerships and the internationalisation process of software SMEs
by Aileen Kennedy & Kathy Keeney - 275-292 Constructing a relationship-based brand equity model
by Chao-Hung Wang & Li-Chang Hsu & Shyh-Rong Fang - 293-307 Airline customer satisfaction and loyalty: impact of in-flight service quality
by Myungsook An & Yonghwi Noh - 309-309 Cost of small business banking: a New Zealand study
by Stuart Locke & Zakaria Boulanouar
June 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 117-130 Comparison of customer response models
by David Olson & Qing Cao & Ching Gu & Donhee Lee - 131-147 ICT introduction in the city councils. A regional analysis
by Alicia Llorca & Laura Fernández-Durán & Gislaine Souza Rech - 149-171 Finding critical success factors for virtual community marketing
by Sang Kim & Kyung Yang & Jae Kim - 173-187 Higher educational services exports: sources of growth of Asian students in US and UK
by Doren Chadee & Vikash Naidoo - 189-207 Searching for e-mentoring practices for SME staff development
by Irja Leppisaari & Marja-Liisa Tenhunen - 209-209 D. E. Garner, D. L. McKee and Y. A. McKee, Accounting and the Global Economy after Sarbanes-Oxley
by David Smith
March 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-13 Entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of service business
by Sang Lee & Seongbae Lim - 15-30 Toward a relational perspective of franchising chains
by Luis Castro & João Mota & Sandra Marnoto - 31-50 Modeling extended manufacturing processes with service-oriented entities
by Rubén Franco & Ángel Ortiz Bas & Francisco Lario Esteban - 51-61 User generated content: the use of blogs for tourism organisations and tourism consumers
by Gary Akehurst - 63-83 Impact of the Internet on interorganizational relationships
by Silvana Trimi & Silvana Faja & Shanggeun Rhee - 85-100 Dimensions of service quality and satisfaction in healthcare: a patient’s satisfaction index
by Mário Raposo & Helena Alves & Paulo Duarte - 101-115 The effect of knowledge complexity on the performance of franchise systems in the service industries: an empirical study
by Beatriz Minguela-Rata & José López-Sánchez & M. Rodríguez-Benavides
November 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 271-273 ICT for small and medium enterprises
by Silvana Trimi - 275-286 Successful implementation of ERP systems in small businesses: a case study in Korea
by Choong Lee & Hong-Hee Lee & Moonsik Kang - 287-301 ASP effects in the small-sized enterprise: the case of the Bizmeka service from Korea Telecom
by Hwanyoung Kim & Sunran Jeon & Jongheon Kim - 303-319 eBusiness applications in SMEs of Italian industrial districts: the textile and wood/furniture cases
by Raffaello Balocco & Matteo Conforti Andreoni & Andrea Rangone - 321-334 Strategic implications of the open-market paradigm under digital convergence: the case of small business C2C
by Sunran Jeon & So Park & L. Digman - 335-345 Web 2.0 and opportunities for small businesses
by Sang-Heui Lee & David DeWester & So Park - 347-358 Ubiquitous computing and its effects on small businesses
by Sang Lee & Sang-hyun Park & Seong Yoon & Taewon Hwang
September 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 167-185 Determinants of the adoption of HRM practices in tourism SMEs in Spain: an exploratory study
by David Urbano & Desislava Yordanova - 187-202 The tourism SMEs in the global value chains: the case of Andalusia
by Joaquín Guzmán & Pilar Moreno & Pilar Tejada - 203-218 Tracking the relationship between environmental management and financial performance in the service industry
by Marilyn Lucas & Matthew Wilson - 219-232 Modeling and forecasting tourism demand: the case of flows from Mainland China to Taiwan
by Luiz Moutinho & K.-H. Huarng & Tiffany Yu & C.-Y. Chen - 233-248 Location strategies of multiunit service businesses: spatial differentiation and agglomeration among hamburger restaurants in Paris, 1984–2004
by Sébastien Liarte & Bernard Forgues - 249-265 Determinants of retail bank choice in Nigeria: a focus on gender-based choice decisions
by Ogenyi Omar - 267-269 Call for papers: special issue: new business models and competitive dynamics
by Angeles Montoro-Sánchez
June 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 83-98 Development of a technological competition model in the presence of network effects from the modified law of Metcalfe
by José López-Sánchez & José Arroyo-Barrigüete & Domingo Ribeiro - 99-107 Services, growth poles and advanced economies
by David McKee - 109-126 Technology strategy and performance: a study of information technology service providers from selected Asian countries
by Doren Chadee & Billy Pang - 127-145 Fighting off the big guys: comparing competitive retail services strategies in industrialized and developing world settings
by Bruce Klemz & Christo Boshoff & Noxolo-Eileen Mazibuko - 147-152 My life as a service-worker
by Lew Perren & Geoff Stevens - 153-165 Waiting for service: modelling the effectiveness of service interventions
by Ken Butcher & Asad Kayani
March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-15 What do we really know about services?
by Gary Akehurst - 17-32 Partnerships in the provision of services by multi-agencies: four dimensions of service leadership and service quality
by Colin Armistead & Paul Pettigrew - 33-45 Discovering the “customer annoyance iceberg” through evidence controlling
by Bernd Stauss & Wolfgang Seidel - 47-63 Complaint management and the role of the chief executive
by Melissa Cunliffe & Robert Johnston - 65-81 Measuring experienced emotions during service recovery encounters: construction and assessment of the ESRE scale
by Klaus Schoefer & Adamantios Diamantopoulos
December 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 257-274 Diversity and business performance: 50 years of research
by Carlos De Abreu Dos Reis & Miguel Sastre Castillo & Salvador Roig Dobón - 275-293 Integrating public service and marketing differentiation: an analysis of the American Express Corporation’s “Charge Against Hunger” promotion program
by Richard Nelson & Ali Kanso & Steven Levitt - 295-316 Olfaction and the retail environment: examining the influence of ambient scent
by Philippa Ward & Barry Davies & Dion Kooijman - 317-331 Strategic supply chain choices for multi-channel Internet retailers
by Richard Metters & Steve Walton
September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 181-193 Data mining in business services
by David L. Olson - 195-210 The erosion of pioneer advantage in the European mobile telecommunications industry
by Zulima Fernández & Belén Usero - 211-232 Strangers in the night: speeddating, CCI and service businesses
by Steve Baron & Anthony Patterson & Kim Harris & Julia Hodgson - 233-245 The benefits of e-business adoption: an empirical study of Swedish SMEs
by Hooshang Beheshti & Esmail Salehi-Sangari - 247-256 Franchise failure: a reassessment of the Bates (1995) results
by Gary Castrogiovanni & Robert Justis
June 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 93-117 The dynamics and evolution of the service marketing literature: 1993–2003
by Olivier Furrer & Pierre Sollberger - 119-139 Service value chains and effects of scale
by Bart Nooteboom - 141-158 Customer interaction in environmental innovation: the case of cloth diaper laundering
by Jesús Brío & Esteban Fernández & Beatriz Junquera - 159-175 Can economic bonus programs jeopardize service relationships?
by Thorsten Hennig-Thurau & Michael Paul - 177-179 L. Heracleous, J. Wirts, N. Pangarkar: Flying high in a competitive industry
by Anne Davey
March 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-5 The importance of the activities of service business in the economy: welcome to the Service Business. An International Journal
by Sang Lee & Domingo Ribeiro & David Olson & Salvador Roig - 7-23 Services and innovation systems: European models of Technology Centres
by Francisco Mas-Verdú - 25-40 Longitudinal measurement in organisational transformation: a case of a Dutch Flex Company
by Ton Wiele - 41-62 Factors influencing suppliers’ participation in private electronic markets
by Sang Lee & Seong-bae Lim - 63-78 The business-to-business relationship dimensions in financial services markets
by João Proença & Luís Castro - 79-91 International sourcing of services: the “Homeshoring” alternative
by Dustin Crane & Jim Stachura & Sheila Dalmat & Kathryn King-Metters & Rich Metters