September 2000, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 783-796 Organizational Learning: Debates Past, Present And Future
by Mark Easterby‐Smith & Mary Crossan & Davide Nicolini - 797-810 Influences On Knowledge processes In Organizational Learning: The Psychosocial Filter
by Kate M. Andrews & Brian L. Delahaye - 811-832 Memory Systems In Organizations: An Empirical Investigation Of Mechanisms For Knowledge Collection, Storage And Access
by Fernando Olivera - 833-852 Power, Mastery And Organizational Learning
by Frank Blackler & Seonaidh McDonald - 853-868 Communities Of Practice, Foucault And Actor‐Network Therory
by Stephen Fox - 869-886 Politics and Organizational Learning
by John Coopey & John Burgoyne - 887-902 A Dialogic Analysis of Organizational Learning
by Cliff Oswick & Peter Anthony & Tom Keenoy & Iain L. Mangham & David Grant
July 2000, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 605-635 Mythicizing and Reification in Entrepreneurial Discourse: Ideology‐Critique of Entrepreneurial Studies
by John O. Ogbor - 637-661 Framework of Joint Venture Development: Theory‐Building Through Qualitative Research
by Bettina Büchel - 663-685 Organization and Management in an Anglo‐French Consortium: The Case of Transmanche‐Link
by Graham M. Winch & Naomi Clifton & Carla Millar - 687-703 Environmental Constraints And Sectoral Recipes: Strategy Change In Britain’s Military Industrial Base
by Donald Hislop - 705-731 The Management Implications of Women’s Employment Disadvantage in a Female‐Dominated Profession: A Study of NHS Nursing
by Nikala Lane - 733-766 Project Team Communication in Financial Service Innovation
by A. Lievens & R. K. Moenaert
May 2000, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 321-348 Boards of Directors and Shark Repellents:Assessing the Value of an Agency Theory Perspective
by Steven A. Frankforter & Shawn L. Berman & Thomas M. Jones - 349-369 Management Ethics and Corporate Policy: A Cross‐cultural Comparison
by Terence Jackson - 371-393 Incremental Organizational Change in a Transforming Society: Managing Turbulence in Hungary in the 1990s
by Laszlo Czaban & Richard Whitley - 395-425 Managing the Post‐acquisition Integration Process: How the Human Iintegration and Task Integration Processes Interact to Foster Value Creation
by Julian Birkinshaw & Henrik Bresman & Lars Håkanson - 427-443 Managerial Behaviour Research in Private and Public Sectors: Distinctiveness, Disputes and Directions
by Mirko Noordegraaf & Rosemary Stewart - 445-466 Selection and Training for Integrated Manufacturing: The Moderating Effects of Job Characteristics
by Scott A. Snell & David P. Lepak & James W. Dean, Jr. & Mark A. Youndt
March 2000, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 167-184 Schumpeterian Dynamics Versus Williamsonian Considerations: A Test of Export Intermediary Performance
by Mike W. Peng & Charles W. L. Hill & Denis Y. L. Wang - 185-212 Theorizing TQM: An Austrian and Evolutionary Economics Interpretation
by Todd H. Chiles & Thomas Y. Choi - 213-234 Enactment, Sensemaking and Decision Making: Redesign Processes in the 1976 Reorganization of US Intelligence
by James Douglas Orton - 235-256 The Resource Dependence Role of Corporate Directors: Strategic Adaptation of Board Composition in Response to Environmental Change
by Amy J. Hillman & Albert A. Cannella & Ramona L. Paetzold - 257-276 Determinants of a Relational Exchange Orientation in the Marketing‐Manufacturing Interface: an Empirical Investigation
by Ko De Ruyter & Martin Wetzels - 277-296 Boards of Directors and the Adoption of a CEO Performance Evaluation Process: Agency — and Institutional — Theory Perspectives
by Gary J. Young & Yvonne Stedham & Rafik I. Beekun
January 2000, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-1 Inter‐organizational Collaboration and the Dynamics of Institutional Fields
by Nelson Phillips & Thomas B. Lawrence & Cynthia Hardy - 1-1 Foreign Direct Investment in the UK 1985–1994: The Impact on Domestic Management Practice
by John Child & David Faulkner & Robert Pitkethly - 1-1 The Political Economy of Trust
by Marek Korczynski - 1-1 Penrose’s Resource‐Based Approach: The Process and Product of Research Creativity
by Yasemin Y. Kor & Joseph T. Mahoney - 1-1 Decision‐Making Success in Public, Private and Third Sector Organisations: Finding Sector Dependent Best Practice
by Paul C. Nutt - 1-1 Making Sense of Inquiry Sensemaking
by Andrew D. Brown
December 1999, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 897-918 To Come of Age: The Antecedents of Organizational Learning
by Charles Harvey & John Denton - 919-952 Acquisition Strategy and Dominant Logic in an Engineering Firm
by Louise Côté & Ann Langley & Jean Pasquero - 953-975 What Corporate Boards have to do with Strategy: A Cognitive Perspective
by Violina P. Rindova - 977-998 Preventive Choices: Organizations' Heuristics, Decision Processes and Catastrophic Risks
by Jacqueline R. Meszaros - 999-1012 The National Health Service Manager, Engineer and Father? A Deconstruction
by Mark Learmonth - 1013-1031 Demographic Dissimilarity and Workplace Inclusion
by Lisa Hope Pelled & Gerald E. Ledford, Jr & Susan Albers Mohrman
November 1999, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 725-755 Research in the Strategic Theory of the Firm: ‘Isolationism’ and ‘Integrationism’
by Nicolai Foss - 757-778 Cognitive Biases and Strategic Decision Processes: An Integrative Perspective
by T.K. Das & Bing‐Sheng Teng - 779-794 From Dyadic Change to Changing Business Networks: An Analytical Framework
by Aino Halinen & Asta Salmi & Virpi Havila - 795-830 The Organizational Setting, Use and Institutionalization of Argumentation Repertoires
by John A.A. Sillince - 831-851 Leading Horses to Water? The Impact of Decentralization on Managerial Behaviour
by Colin Hales - 853-873 Patterns of Control within Japanese Manufacturing Plants in China: Doubts about Japanization in Asia
by Bill Taylor - 875-897 Managing Consultants in a Small Firm: A Case Study
by Monder Ram
September 1999, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 561-585 ‘We Are All Managers Now’; ‘We Always Were’: On the Development and Demise of Management
by Christopher Grey - 587-607 Managing the Managers: Japanese Management Strategies in the USA
by Martin Tolich & Martin Kennedy & Nicole Biggart - 609-628 Teams and their Context: Moving the Team Discussion Beyond Existing Dichotomies
by Jos Benders & Geert Van Hootegem - 629-652 Learning, Teamwork and Appropriability: Managing Technological Change in the Department of Social Security
by Romano Dyerson & Frank U. Mueller - 653-678 In Search of Commitment‐Oriented Human Resource Management Practices and the Conditions that Sustain Them
by William K. Roche - 679-704 Do Implementation Processes and Rationales Matter? The Case of Workplace Reforms
by John Godard
July 1999, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 419-441 Remember Re‐engineering? The Rhetorical Appeal of a Managerial Salvation Device
by Peter Case - 443-463 Human Resource Strategy and Competitive Advantage: A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Consultancies
by Peter Boxall & Mike Steeneveld - 465-482 Enthusiastic Embrace or Critical Reception? The German HRM Debate
by Michael Muller - 483-504 Human Resourcing in Practice: Managing Employment Issues in the University
by Tony Watson & Diane Watson - 505-534 Time‐based Experience and International Expansion: The Case of an Emerging Economy
by Yadong Luo - 535-559 The Adoption of the Multi‐divisional Form in Large Czech Enterprises: The Role of Economic, Institutional and Strategic Factors
by Ed Clark & Anna Soulsby
May 1999, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 287-306 Practical Reason and Performance Appraisal
by Barbara Townley - 307-333 Affective, Normative and Continuance Commitment: Can the ‘Right Kind’ of Commitment be Managed?
by Roderick D. Iverson & Donna M. Buttigieg - 335-351 The Consultant–Client Relationship: Critical Perspectives on the Management of Organizational Change
by Robin Fincham - 353-377 The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg?: A Rhetorical Critique of Stephen Covey and the Effectiveness Movement
by Bradley G. Jackson - 379-398 Managing Organizational Knowledge Integration in the Emerging Multimedia Complex
by Michiel De Boer & Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 399-418 Cultural Antecedents of Behavioural Differences Between American and Egyptian Managers
by John A. Parnell & Tarek Hatem
March 1999, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 155-175 Baudrillard and the Metaphysics of Motivation: A Reappraisal of Corporate Culturalism in the Light of the Work and Ideas of Jean Baudrillard
by Philip Hancock - 177-196 Developing a Market Oriented Culture: A Critical Evaluation
by Lloyd C. Harris & Emmanuel Ogbonna - 197-215 Trust in Business to Business Relationships: An Evaluation of its Status
by Keith J. Blois - 217-240 Executive Values and Decision Making: The Relationship of Culture and Information Flows
by Paul R. Gamble & Duncan A. Gibson - 241-262 Initial Environmental Conditions and Technological Change
by Stelios Zyglidopoulos - 263-285 Autonomy and Effectiveness of Equity International Joint Ventures (EIJVs): An Analysis based on EIJVs in Hungary and Britain
by William Newburry & Yoram Zeira
January 1999, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-23 HRM as Hologram: A Polemic
by Tom Keenoy - 25-44 Learning from Honda
by Andrew Mair - 45-67 Group Rites and Trainer Wrongs in Employee Experiences of Job Change
by Jerry Hallier & Philip James - 69-86 The State of Collective Myopia in Japanese Business Communities: A Phenomenological Study for Exploring Blocking Mechanisms for Change
by Nobuyuki Chikudate - 87-107 The Transition from Strategic Technology Alliances to Mergers and Acquisitions: An Exploratory Study
by John Hagedoorn & Bert Sadowski - 109-122 Management Buyout: Perception of Opportunity. A Research Note
by Sue Birley & Dan Muzyka & Michael Hay - 123-143 Top Management Compensation and Shareholder Returns: Unravelling Different Models of the Relationship
by Rajaram Veliyath
November 1998, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 699-717 Organizational Learning Activities in High‐hazard Industries: The Logics Underlying Self‐Analysis
by John S. Carroll - 719-746 Why are these Islands of Conscious Power Found in the Ocean of Ownership? Institutional and Governance Hypotheses Explaining the Existence of Business Groups in Sweden
by Sven‐Olof Collin - 747-772 Alliance Management: A View from the Past and a Look to the Future
by Robert E., Theodore M., Lynn A., Thomas C. Spekman Forbes, III Isabella MacAvoy - 773-796 Global New Product Development Processes: Preliminary Findings and Research Propositions
by Mohan Subramaniam & Stephen R. Rosenthal & Kenneth J. Hatten - 797-821 Industry and Regional Patterns in Sequential Foreign Market Entry
by Sea‐Jin Chang & Philip M. Rosenzweig - 823-853 The Relationship Between Mission Statements and Firm Performance: An Exploratory Study
by Christopher Kenneth, Mark C. Bart Baetz
September 1998, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 557-577 The Violent Rhetoric of Re‐engineering: Management Consultancy on the Offensive
by Keith Grint & Peter Case - 579-600 A Strategic Choice–resource Dependence Analysis of Union Mergers in the British and Australian Broadcasting and Film Industries
by John T. Campling & Grant Michelson - 601-617 Explaining Performance Changes in Newly Privatized Firms
by William A. Andrews & Michael J. Dowling - 619-640 Privatization from the Acquirer's Perspective: a Mergers and Acquisitions Based Framework
by Nikolaus Uhlenbruck & Julio de Castro - 641-654 An Analysis of Corporate Donations: United Kingdom Evidence
by Mike Adams & Philip Hardwick - 655-677 Board Composition and Organizational Performance: Two Studies of Insider/outsider Effects
by John A. Wagner III & J. L. Stimpert & Edward I. Fubara
July 1998, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 413-416 Editorial Introduction: Sustainability of New Organizational Arrangements
by Jeffrey L Sampler & James E Short - 417-420 Towards Survivability of Communication‐intensive New Organization Forms
by John F Rockart - 421-428 Control in Interfirm Co‐operative Relationships
by Jacob G Birnberg - 429-436 Strategy in Dynamic Information‐intensive Environments
by Jeffrey L Sampler & James E Short - 437-456 Maintaining Leadership Legitimacy in the Transition to New Organizational Forms
by Bala Chakravarthy & Martin Gargiulo - 457-479 The Competitiveness of Networked Production: The Role of Trust and Asset Specificity
by Mick Carney - 481-509 Systems for Sustainable Organizations: Emergent Strategies, Interactive Controls and Semi‐formal Information
by Charles S Osborn - 511-535 Confounding Market and Hierarchy in Venture Capital Governance: The Canadian Immigrant Investor Program
by Lloyd Steier - 537-555 Relationship between Organizational Change and Failure in the Wine Industry: An Event History Analysis
by Phillipp A Stoeberl & Gerald E Parker & Seong‐Jong Joo
May 1998, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 263-284 Managers' Innovations and the Structuration of Organizations
by John Coopey & Orla Keegan & Nick Emler - 285-301 Managerial Sensemaking and Occupational Identities in Britain and Italy: The Role of Management Magazines in the Process of Discursive Construction
by Tony J Watson & Francesca Bargiela‐Chiappini - 303-329 Exploring the Conceptual Expansion within the Field of Organizational Behaviour: Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture
by Willem Verbeke & Marco Volgering & Marco Hessels - 331-353 Developing Co‐operative Buyer–Supplier Relationships: A Case Study of Toyota
by Kim Langfield‐Smith & Michelle R Greenwood - 355-375 Dual Commitment: Contract Workers in Australian Manufacturing Enterprises
by John Benson - 377-398 A Comparison of Slack Resources in High and Low Performing British Companies
by Gordon E Greenley & Mehmet Oktemgil
March 1998, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 125-136 Durkheim and the Limits of Corporate Culture: Whose Culture? Which Durkheim
by Ken Starkey - 137-161 Telling Tales: Management Gurus' Narratives and the Construction of Managerial Identity
by Timothy Clark & Graeme Salaman - 163-194 ‘What Happens when the Phone goes Wild?’: Staff, Stress and Spaces for Escape in a BPR Telephone Banking Work Regime
by David Knights & Darren McCabe - 195-212 Value Incongruity and Strategic Choice
by P. Narayan Pant & Ran Lachman - 213-240 Leverage, Resistance and the Success of Implementation Approaches
by Paul C. Nutt - 241-262 Performance Implications of Incorporating Natural Environmental Issues into the Strategic Planning Process: An Empirical Assessment
by William Q. Judge & Thomas J. Douglas
January 1998, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-1 Obituary: Geoff Lockett; 17 May 1941—20 July 1997
by Karen Legge - 1-12 Identifying Organizational Subcultures: An Empirical Approach
by Geert Hofstede - 13-34 Interpreting Nicknames: A Micropolitical Portal
by Bruce Fortado - 35-58 Narrative, Politics and Legitimacy in an IT Implementation
by Andrew D. Brown - 59-79 Playing with the Pieces: Deconstruction and the Loss of Moral Culture
by Steven P. Feldman - 81-104 Agents, Stakeholders and Corporate Governance in Russian Firms
by Trevor, Igor, Mike Buck Filatotchev Wright - 105-121 The Influence of Cognitive‐based Group Composition on Decision‐making Process and Outcome
by Roger J., Ronald H. Volkema Gorman
November 1997, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 845-850 Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue: Thinking in Organizations
by Gerard P. Hodgkinson & Alan B. Thomas - 851-870 Contextual Influences on Thinking in Organizations: Learner and Tutor Orientations to Organizational Learning
by Alan B., Huda Thomas Al‐Maskati - 871-894 The Cognitive and Behavioural Dimensions of Organizational Learning in a Merger: an Empirical Study
by Frédéric Leroy & Bernard Ramanantsoa - 895-920 Entrepreneurial Intentions and Outcomes: a Comparative Causal Mapping Study
by Mark Jenkins & Gerry Johnson - 921-945 Cognitive Inertia in a Turbulent Market: the Case of UK Residential Estate Agents
by Gerard P. Hodgkinson - 947-952 A Current and Future Agenda for Cognitive Research in Organizations
by Anne Sigismund Huff
September 1997, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 659-675 TQM and BPR: Beyond the Beyond Myth
by Christian De Cock & Ian Hipkin - 677-701 Born Again? The Ethics and Efficacy of the Conversion Experience in Contemporary Management Development
by Peter, Diane Ackers Preston - 703-728 Middle Managers and the Employee Psychological Contract: Agency, Protection and Advancement
by Jerry Hallier & Philip James - 729-767 Contextual Determinants of Strategic Planning Processes
by Yasai‐Ardekani & Ralph S. Haug - 769-791 Integrating the Crisis Management Perspective into the Strategic Management Process
by John F. Preble - 793-823 Understanding Configuration and Transformation through a Multiple Rationalities Approach
by Bruno Dyck - 825-841 HRMism and the Languages of Re‐presentation
by Tom Keenoy
July 1997, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 489-510 Japanese Interfirm Networks: Exploring the Seminal Sources of their Success
by Clive T., Rod Edwards Samimi - 511-536 Strategic Technology Management in a Mid‐corporate Firm: the Case of Otter Controls
by Oswald Jones & David Smith - 537-560 Contextual Influences on Executive Selection: Firm Characteristics and CEO Experience
by James P., Deepak K. Guthrie Datta - 561-584 Changing of the Guard: the Influence of CEO Socialization on Strategic Change
by Nanette Fondas & Margarethe Wiersema - 585-600 Asset Productivity Turnaround: the Growth/Efficiency Challenge
by Joan Winn - 601-623 Patterns of ‘Mock Bureaucracy’ in Mining Disasters: An Analysis of the Westray Coal Mine Explosion
by Timothy Hynes & Pushkala Prasad
May 1997, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 337-370 Seeing isn’t Believing: Understanding Diversity in the Timing of Strategic Response
by Pamela S. Barr & Anne S. Huff - 371-388 ‘How would you measure something like that?’: Quality in a Retail Bank
by David Knights & Darren McCabe - 389-413 The Consultancy Process — An Insecure Business?
by Andrew Sturdy - 415-438 Animating the Pioneer versus Late Entrant Debate: An Historic Case Study
by Alan Bryman - 439-463 Accounting for Management and Managing Accounting: Reflections on Recent Changes in the UK
by Mahmoud Ezzamel & Simon Lilley & Hugh Willmott - 465-485 Middle Management’s Strategic Influence and Organizational Performance
by Steven W. Floyd & Bill Wooldridge
March 1997, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 171-190 Making the Matrix Matter: Strategic Information Systems in Financial Services
by Harry Scarbrough - 191-217 Flexibility in Strategic Decision Making: Informational and Ideological Perspectives
by Mark P. Sharfman & James W. Dean Jr - 219-239 The Thin Line Between Advanced and Conventional New Technology: A Case Study on Paper Industry Management
by Juha Laurila - 241-258 Perceptions of Strategic Priorities, Consensus and Firm Performance
by Cliff Bowman & Véronique Ambrosini - 259-284 Multiple Stakeholder Orientation in UK Companies and the Implications for Company Performance
by Gordon E. Greenley & Gordon R. Foxall - 285-314 Benchmarking as a Mixed Metaphor: Disentangling Assumptions of Competition and Collaboration
by Julie R. Wolfram Cox & Leon Mann & Danny Samson
January 1997, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-25 Transacting in the State of Union: A Case Study of Exchange Governed by Convergent Interests
by Peter Smith Ring - 27-51 Job Insecurity and Labour Market Lemons: The (Mis)Management of Redundancy in Steel Making, Coal Mining and Port Transport
by Peter Turnbull & Victoria Wass - 53-73 Soft and Hard Models of Human Resource Management: A Reappraisal
by Catherine Truss & Lynda Gratton & Veronica Hope‐Hailey & Patrick McGovern & Philip Stiles - 75-98 Green Business: Technicist Kitsch?
by Tim Newton & George Harte - 99-124 The Influence of Institutional and Task Environment Relationships on Organizational Performance: The Canadian Construction Industry
by Christine Oliver - 125-152 A UK `Hands‐off' Venture Capital Firm and the Handling of Post‐investment Investor‐‐Investee Relationships
by R. C. Sweeting & C. F. Wong
November 1996, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 715-730 Green Stakeholders: Industry Interpretations And Response
by Stephen Fineman & Ken Clarke - 731-756 An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Organizational Structure, Managerial Role Expectations And Managers’ Work Activities
by Colin Hales & Ziv Tamangani - 757-785 Human Resources As Strategic Assets: An Evolutionary Resource‐Based Theory
by Frank Mueller - 787-808 The Low‐Trust Route To Economic Development: Inter‐Firm Relations In The Uk Engineering Construction Industry In The 1980s And 1990s
by Marek Korczynski - 809-826 Scale, Performance And The New Public Management: An Empirical Analysis Of Local Authority Services
by George A. Boyne - 827-843 Risk Types And Inter‐Firm Alliance Structures
by T. K. Das & Bing‐Sheng Teng
September 1996, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 571-590 Re‐Engineering the Sense of Self: the Manager and the Management Guru
by Bradley G. Jackson - 591-612 Towards A Critique of Managerialism: the Contribution of Simone Weil
by Christopher Grey - 613-632 Employee Shareholders Or Institutional Investors? When Corporate Managers Replace Their Stockholders
by Michael Useem & Constance Gager - 633-648 Multinational Management Strategy and Human Resource Decision Making In the Single European Market
by Janet Walsh - 649-666 Technological Expansion: the Interaction Between Diversification Strategy and Organizational Capability
by Rongxin Chen - 667-700 Ceo Locus of Control and Small Firm Performance: an Integrative Framework and Empirical Test
by Christophe Boone & Bert De Brabander & Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
July 1996, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 409-428 Teaching Paradigm Shifting In Management Education: University Business Schools And The Entrepreneurial Imagination
by Robert Chia - 429-451 The Importance Of Industry Structure For The Determination Of Firm Profitability: A Neo‐Austrian Perspective
by Charles W. L. Hill & David L. Deeds - 453-474 Organizational Context And The Interpretation Of Strategic Issues: A Note On Ceos’ Interpretations Of Foreign Investment
by Daniel R. Denison & Jane E. Dutton & Joel A. Kahn & Stuart L. Hart - 475-494 Continuities In Human Resource Processes In Internationalization And Domestic Business Management
by Chris Hendry - 495-523 The Nature And Transformation Of Corporate Headquarters: A Review Of Recent Literature And A Research Agenda
by Ewan Ferlie & Andrew Pettigrew - 525-557 Managing Dysfunctional Emotions In Organizations
by Alistair Ostell
May 1996, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 263-282 The Conduct of Management and the Management of Conduct: Contemporary Managerial Discourse and the Constitution of the ‘Competent’ Manager
by P. Du Gay & G. Salaman & B. Rees - 283-299 The Ethics of Shifting Ties: Management Theory and the Breakdown of Culture In Modernity
by Steven P. Feldman - 301-332 Strategic Motives For International Alliance Formation
by Keith W. Glaister & Peter J. Buckley - 333-359 The Role of Networks In the Diffusion of Technological Innovation
by Maxine Robertson & Jacky Swan & Sue Newell - 361-379 Understanding Organizational Learning Capability
by Anthony J. Dibella & Edwin C. Nevis & Janet M. Gould - 381-394 The Role of ‘Good Conversation’ In Strategic Control
by John J. Quinn
March 1996, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 139-158 Rediscovering Hegel: The ‘New Historicism’ In Organization And Management Studies
by Michael I. Reed - 159-182 Professionalization And British Management Practiceprofessionalization And British Management Practice: Case Evidence From Medium‐Sized Firms In Two Industrial Sectors
by Mike Bresnen & Carolyn Fowler - 183-212 Engineers, Management And Work Organization: A Comparative Analysis Of Engineers' Work Roles In British And Japanese Electronics Firms
by Alice Lam - 213-233 Strategic Human Resource Management Within A Resource‐Capability View Of The Firm
by Ken Kamoche - 235-257 A ‘Partnership’ Route To Human Resource Management?
by Laurie Hunter & Phil Beaumont & Diane Sinclair
January 1996, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-24 Research In Strategy, Economics, and Michael Porter
by Nicolai J. Foss - 25-51 Do Managers and Strategies Matter? A Study In Crisis
by Daniel W. Greening & Richard A. Johnson - 53-77 High Commitment Management and Payment Systems
by Stephen Wood - 79-94 ‘Sameness’ and ‘Difference’ Revisited: Which Way Forward For Equal Opportunity Initiatives?
by Sonia Liff & Judy Wajcman - 95-118 Early Career Outcomes of Graduate Employees: the Effect of Mentoring and Ingratiation
by Samuel Aryee & Thomas Wyatt & Raymond Stone - 119-135 The Cognitive Style Index: A Measure of Intuition‐Analysis For Organizational Research
by Christopher W. Allinson & John Hayes
November 1995, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 719-730 Special Issue Of Journal Of Management Studies The Transfer Of Japanese Management To Alien Institutional Environments
by Jonathan Morris & Barry Wilkinson - 731-745 Simply A Question Of Cultural Barriers? The Search For New Perspectives In The Transfer Of Japanese Management Practices
by Vagelis Dedoussis - 747-766 Japanese Managerial Practices In The Malaysian Electronics Industry: Two Case Studies
by Syed R. S. Abdullah & Tom Keenoy - 767-787 The Adoption Of Japanese Management Techniques In Brazilian Industry
by John Humphrey - 789-802 The Transfer Of Japanese Management Styles In Two Us Transplant Industries: Autos And Electronics
by Martin Kennly & Richard Florida - 803-817 Surviving Jit: Control And Resistance In A Japanese Transplant
by Rick Delbridge - 819-830 The Iron Fist In The Velvet Glove: Management And Organization In Japanese Manufacturing Transplants In Wales
by Barry Wilkinson & Jon Morris & Max Munday
September 1995, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 575-594 The Relevance of Strategy Research: Practitioner and Academic Viewpoints
by C. Gopinath & Richard C. Hoffman - 595-618 Believing Is Seeing: Joint Ventures and Organization Learning
by Andrew C. Inkpen & Mary M. Crossan - 619-636 Beyond Self‐Regulation: Towards A Critique of Self‐Regulation As A Control Strategy For Hazardous Activities
by Denis Smith & Steve Tombs - 637-654 Performance‐Related Pay And The Prospects For Gender Pay Equity
by Jill Rubery