November 2006, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 1491-1511 The Lack of Impact of Dissensus Inspired Analysis on Developments in the Field of Human Resource Management
by Anne Keegan & Paul Boselie - 1513-1535 Effects of Firm R&D Investment and Environment on Acquisition Likelihood
by Michael B. Heeley & David R. King & Jeffrey G. Covin - 1537-1558 Toward a Model of Organizational Co‐Evolution in Transition Economies
by Olga Suhomlinova - 1559-1581 To Conform or To Perform? Mimetic Behaviour, Legitimacy‐Based Groups and Performance Consequences
by Ilídio Barreto & Charles Baden‐Fuller - 1583-1604 The Effect of ‘Simplicity’ on the Strategy–Performance Relationship: A Note
by G. T. Lumpkin & Gregory G. Dess - 1607-1619 Dynamics of Cooperation: At the Brink of Irrelevance
by John Bell & Brian Den Ouden & Gerrit Willem Ziggers - 1621-1628 Alliance Research: Less is More
by Jean‐François Hennart - 1629-1641 Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Management
by Jose I. Galan
September 2006, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 1227-1260 ‘It Was Such a Handy Term’: Management Fashions and Pragmatic Ambiguity
by Hélène Giroux - 1261-1288 Stakeholder Influences in Organizational Survival
by Kalle Pajunen - 1289-1330 Firm Performance, Governance Structure, and Top Management Turnover in a Transitional Economy
by Michael Firth & Peter M. Y. Fung & Oliver M. Rui - 1331-1337 Introduction: Organizations, Risk and Regulation
by Tobias Scheytt & Kim Soin & Kerstin Sahlin‐Andersson & Michael Power - 1339-1356 Imbrication of Representations: Risk and Digital Technologies
by Claudio Ciborra - 1357-1374 Noise Trading and the Management of Operational Risk; Firms, Traders and Irrationality in Financial Markets
by Paul Willman & Mark Fenton‐O'Creevy & Nigel Nicholson & Emma Soane - 1375-1393 Failure to Mobilize in Reliability‐Seeking Organizations: Two Cases from the UK Railway
by J. S. Busby - 1395-1413 Framing the Field of Homeland Security: The Case of Norway
by Per Lægreid & Synnøve Serigstad
July 2006, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 957-983 Co‐Authorship in Management and Organizational Studies: An Empirical and Network Analysis
by Francisco José Acedo & Carmen Barroso & Cristóbal Casanueva & José Luis Galán - 985-1007 Role of Knowledge in Value Creation in Business Nets
by Kristian Möller & Senja Svahn - 1009-1026 A Cognitive Model of CEO Dismissal: Understanding the Influence of Board Perceptions, Attributions and Efficacy Beliefs
by Jerayr Haleblian & Nandini Rajagopalan - 1027-1058 Transferring Organizational Learning Systems to Japanese Subsidiaries in China
by Jacky F. L. Hong & Mark Easterby‐Smith & Robin Stanley Snell - 1059-1087 A Tale of Three Discourses: The Dominant, the Strategic and the Marginalized
by Loizos Heracleous - 1089-1107 Market Orientation and Performance: A Meta‐Analysis and Cross‐National Comparisons
by Paul D. Ellis - 1109-1144 Globalfocusing: From Domestic Conglomerates to Global Specialists
by Klaus E. Meyer - 1145-1176 The Interaction of Top Management Group, Stakeholder, and Situational Factors on Certain Corporate Reputation Management Activities
by Suzanne M. Carter - 1177-1200 Cooperative Goals, Leader People and Productivity Values: Their Contribution to Top Management Teams in China
by Guoquan Chen & Dean Tjosvold & Chunhong Liu - 1201-1226 Board Characteristics and Involvement in Strategic Decision Making: Evidence from Swiss Companies
by Winfried Ruigrok & Simon I. Peck & Hansueli Keller
June 2006, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 683-709 Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge in Organization Theory: A Case Study of the Organizational Identity Metaphor
by Joep P. Cornelissen - 711-730 Sensemaking and the Distortion of Critical Upward Communication in Organizations
by Dennis Tourish & Paul Robson - 731-753 A Narrative Approach to Collective Identities
by Andrew D. Brown - 755-778 CEO Experiences: Effects on the Choice of FDI Entry Mode
by Pol Herrmann & Deepak K. Datta - 779-811 An Examination of Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer: China–Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park
by Andrew C. Inkpen & Wang Pien - 813-839 Top Management Teams, Strategy and Financial Performance: A Meta‐Analytic Examination
by S. Trevis Certo & Richard H. Lester & Catherine M. Dalton & Dan R. Dalton - 841-866 What's New in New Forms of Organizing? On the Construction of Gender in Project‐Based Work
by Monica Lindgren & Johann Packendorff - 867-893 Proposing and Testing an Intellectual Capital‐Based View of the Firm
by Kira Kristal Reed & Michael Lubatkin & Narasimhan Srinivasan - 895-916 Surviving on the Margins of the Economy: Working Relationships in Small, Low‐Wage Firms
by Paul Edwards & Monder Ram - 917-955 Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capabilities: A Review, Model and Research Agenda
by Shaker A. Zahra & Harry J. Sapienza & Per Davidsson
May 2006, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 383-405 National Cultural Influences on Knowledge Sharing: A Comparison of China and Russia
by Snejina Michailova & Kate Hutchings - 407-433 Corporate Governance and Financial Constraints on Strategic Turnarounds
by Igor Filatotchev & Steve Toms - 435-455 Corporate Reputation and Social Performance: The Importance of Fit
by Stephen J. Brammer & Stephen Pavelin - 457-484 Why a Multinational Firm Chooses Expatriates: Integrating Resource‐Based, Agency and Transaction Costs Perspectives
by Danchi Tan & J. T. Mahoney - 485-519 Strategic Moves and Organizational Survival in Turbulent Environments: The Case of Spanish Banks (1983–97)
by José Á. Zúñiga‐Vicente & José D. Vicente‐Lorente - 521-555 Empowerment and Accountability: Evidence from the UK Privatized Water Industry
by Stuart Ogden & Keith W. Glaister & David Marginson - 557-582 Refashioning Organizational Boundaries: Outsourcing Customer Service Work
by Janet Walsh & Stephen Deery - 583-584 Introduction to ‘Beyond Self‐Interest Revisited’ by Hector Rocha and Sumantra Ghoshal
by Julian Birkinshaw - 585-619 Beyond Self‐Interest Revisited
by Hector O. Rocha & Sumantra Ghoshal - 623-639 Limits to Communities of Practice
by Joanne Roberts - 641-653 Within and Beyond Communities of Practice: Making Sense of Learning Through Participation, Identity and Practice
by Karen Handley & Andrew Sturdy & Robin Fincham & Timothy Clark - 655-664 On the Review Process and Journal Development
by Timothy Clark & Steven W. Floyd & Mike Wright
March 2006, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 141-173 A Multi‐Theoretical Model of Knowledge Transfer in Organizations: Determinants of Knowledge Contribution and Knowledge Reuse
by Sharon Watson & Kelly Hewett - 175-201 A Methodology for Assessing Organizational Core Values
by Johan Van Rekom & Cees B. M. Van Riel & Berend Wierenga - 203-229 Post‐Formation Processes in Eastern and Western European Joint Ventures
by Keith D. Brouthers & Gary J. Bamossy - 231-257 Organizational Identity and Place: A Discursive Exploration of Hegemony and Resistance
by Andrew D. Brown & Michael Humphreys - 259-288 Idea Management: A Systemic View
by Betty Vandenbosch & Argun Saatcioglu & Sharon Fay - 289-317 Cultural Readjustment After Crisis: Regulation and Learning from Crisis Within the UK Soccer Industry
by Dominic Elliott & Denis Smith - 319-342 Unravelling the HRM–Performance Link: Value‐Creating and Cost‐Increasing Effects of Small Business HRM
by Luc Sels & Sophie De Winne & Johan Maes & Jeroen Delmotte & Dries Faems & Anneleen Forrier - 343-365 Being Taken Over: Managers’ Emotions and Rationalizations During a Company Takeover
by Russ Vince - 367-382 Review Essay
by Tony J. Watson
January 2006, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-18 Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategic Implications
by Abagail McWilliams & Donald S. Siegel & Patrick M. Wright - 19-46 A General Dynamic Capability: Does it Propagate Business and Social Competencies in the Retail Food Industry?
by Alfred A. Marcus & Marc H. Anderson - 47-73 Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Policy, and NGO Activism in Europe and the United States: An Institutional‐Stakeholder Perspective
by Jonathan P. Doh & Terrence R. Guay - 75-91 Taking Friedman Seriously: Maximizing Profits and Social Performance
by Bryan W. Husted & José De Jesus Salazar - 93-114 Corporate Social Responsibility: Three Key Approaches
by Duane Windsor - 115-136 Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Research: Focus, Nature, Salience and Sources of Influence
by Andy Lockett & Jeremy Moon & Wayne Visser
December 2005, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 1519-1548 The Inside Track: On the Important (But Neglected) Role of Customers in the Resource‐Based View of Strategy and Firm Growth
by Ivo Zander & Udo Zander - 1549-1569 Continuity and Change in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Social Identity Case Study of a German Industrial Merger
by Johannes Ullrich & Jan Wieseke & Rolf Van Dick - 1571-1592 The Impact of Gender Similarity on Employee Satisfaction at Work: A Review and Re‐Evaluation
by Riccardo Peccei & Hyun‐Jung Lee - 1593-1620 Service Climate in Self‐Managing Teams: Mapping the Linkage of Team Member Perceptions and Service Performance Outcomes in a Business‐to‐Business Setting
by Ad de Jong & Ko de Ruyter & Jos Lemmink - 1621-1644 Reflections on the ‘Realist Turn’ in Organization and Management Studies
by Michael Reed - 1645-1662 You Spin Me Round: The Realist Turn in Organization and Management Studies
by Alessia Contu & Hugh Willmott - 1663-1673 Doing the Loco‐Motion: Response to Contu and Willmott's Commentary on ‘The Realist Turn in Organization and Management Studies’
by Michael Reed - 1675-1697 When is Contracting Preferable to Employment? An Exploration of Management and Worker Perspectives
by Simon Peel & Peter Boxall - 1699-1701 Obituary
by Rick Delbridge & Ian Kirkpatrick
November 2005, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 1325-1356 The Antecedents of Middle Managers’ Strategic Contribution: The Case of a Professional Bureaucracy
by Graeme Currie & Stephen J. Procter - 1357-1381 An Integrative Framework for Measuring the Extent to which Organizational Variables Influence the Success of Process Improvement Programmes
by Peter Lok & Richard Y. Hung & Paul Walsh & Paul Wang & John Crawford - 1383-1412 Cooperation Costs, Governance Choice and Alliance Evolution
by Steven White - 1413-1441 Micro‐Practices of Strategic Sensemaking and Sensegiving: How Middle Managers Interpret and Sell Change Every Day
by Linda Rouleau - 1443-1468 Ordering Top Pay: Interpreting the Signals
by Stephen J. Perkins & Chris Hendry - 1469-1489 ‘Kindergarten Cop’: Paternalism and Resistance in a High‐Commitment Workplace
by Peter Fleming - 1493-1506 Top Executive Remuneration: A View from Europe
by Alistair Bruce & Trevor Buck & Brian G. M. Main - 1507-1517 Agency Problems in Diverse Contexts: A Global Perspective
by Luis Gomez‐Mejia & Robert M. Wiseman & Bernadine Johnson Dykes
September 2005, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 1101-1121 The Fallacy of Misplaced Leadership
by Martin Wood - 1123-1153 An Action Pattern Model of Inter‐firm Cooperation
by Steven S. Lui & Hang‐yue Ngo - 1155-1188 Are German, Japanese and Anglo‐Saxon Strategic Decision Styles Still Divergent in the Context of Globalization?
by Chris Carr - 1189-1210 Knowledge Communities and Knowledge Collectivities: A Typology of Knowledge Work in Groups
by Lars Lindkvist - 1211-1231 Finding Form: Looking at the Field of Organizational Aesthetics
by Steven S. Taylor & Hans Hansen - 1233-1259 The Role, Use and Activation of Strong and Weak Network Ties: A Qualitative Analysis
by Sarah L. Jack - 1261-1286 Reverse Diffusion in US Multinationals: Barriers from the American Business System
by Tony Edwards & Phil Almond & Ian Clark & Trevor Colling & Anthony Ferner - 1287-1308 Managing Task Interdependencies in Multi‐Team Projects: A Longitudinal Study
by Martin Hoegl & Katharina Weinkauf - 1309-1310 Review Essay
by Jackson Brad - 1311-1324 The Enduring Romance of Leadership Studies
by Brad Jackson
July 2005, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 893-899 Manufactured Authenticity and Creative Voice in Cultural Industries
by Candace Jones & N. Anand & Josè Luis Alvarez - 901-922 Tricks of the Trade: The Performance and Interpretation of Authenticity
by Brian Moeran - 923-945 Middle‐earth Meets New Zealand: Authenticity and Location in the Making of The Lord of the Rings
by Deborah Jones & Karen Smith - 947-974 ‘The Path with the Heart’: Creating the Authentic Career
by Silviya Svejenova - 975-1002 Reputation and Strength of Ties in Predicting Commercial Success and Artistic Merit of Independents in the Italian Feature Film Industry
by Giuseppe Delmestri & Fabrizio Montanari & Alessandro Usai - 1003-1029 Crafting Brand Authenticity: The Case of Luxury Wines
by Michael B. Beverland - 1031-1055 From the Critics’ Corner: Logic Blending, Discursive Change and Authenticity in a Cultural Production System
by Mary Ann Glynn & Michael Lounsbury - 1057-1082 CEO Portraits and the Authenticity Paradox
by Eric Guthey & Brad Jackson - 1083-1098 In Search of Authenticity
by Richard A. Peterson
June 2005, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 705-735 Management, Theology and Moral Points of View: Towards an Alternative to the Conventional Materialist‐Individualist Ideal‐Type of Management
by Bruno Dyck & David Schroeder - 737-759 Narrating the Power of Non‐Standard Employment: The Case of the Israeli Public Sector
by Orly Benjamin & Rona Goclaw - 761-791 The Impact of Profit Sharing on the Performance of Financial Services Firms
by Michel Magnan & Sylvie St‐Onge - 793-815 Aligning Manufacturing Strategy and Business‐Level Competitive Strategy in New Competitive Environments: The Case for Strategic Resonance
by Steve Brown & Kate Blackmon - 817-843 The Configuration of Organizational Images Among Firms in the Canadian Beer Brewing Industry
by Kai Lamertz & Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Loïc Calmet - 845-867 In the Name of the Practical: Unearthing the Hegemony of Pragmatics in the Discourse of Environmental Management
by Pushkala Prasad & Michael Elmes - 869-884 Practical Idealism: An Oxymoron?
by Tim Newton - 885-887 A Response to Tim Newton
by Pushkala Prasad & Michael Elmes - 889-891 Professor Iain Mangham (23 Nov 1936–8 Dec 2004)
by Annie Pye - 891-892 Mr Thomas Swan (19 Oct 1929–15 Dec 2004)
by Karen Legge
May 2005, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 471-506 Rooted in Supervision, Branching into Management: Continuity and Change in the Role of First‐Line Manager
by Colin Hales - 507-537 The Fragmentation of a Railway: A Study of Organizational Change
by David Tyrrall & David Parker - 539-566 Temporary Liaisons: The Commitment of ‘Temps’ Towards Their Agencies
by Gerla Van Breugel & Woody Van Olffen & René Olie - 567-593 The Continuity–Change Duality in Narrative Texts of Organizational Identity
by Samia Chreim - 595-623 Language and the Circuits of Power in a Merging Multinational Corporation
by Eero Vaara & Janne Tienari & Rebecca Piekkari & Risto Säntti - 625-672 Does the Natural‐Resource‐Based View of the Firm Apply in an Emerging Economy? A Survey of Foreign Invested Enterprises in China
by Ricky Y. K. Chan - 675-683 Offshoring: Value Creation through Economic Change
by Diana Farrell - 685-693 Offshoring in the New Global Political Economy
by David L. Levy - 695-704 Offshore Outsourcing: Implications for International Business and Strategic Management Theory and Practice
by Jonathan P. Doh
March 2005, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 251-276 Value Chain Envy: Explaining New Entry and Vertical Integration in Popular Music
by Joeri M. Mol & Nachoem M. Wijnberg & Charles Carroll - 277-300 Conflict Management for Effective Top Management Teams and Innovation in China
by Guoquan Chen & Chunhong Liu & Dean Tjosvold - 301-328 Unpacking Commitment: Multiple Loyalties and Employee Behaviour
by Tom Redman & Ed Snape - 329-360 An Examination of Differences Between Organizational Legitimacy and Organizational Reputation
by David L. Deephouse & Suzanne M. Carter - 361-386 The Impact of Organizational Culture and Reshaping Capabilities on Change Implementation Success: The Mediating Role of Readiness for Change
by Renae A. Jones & Nerina L. Jimmieson & Andrew Griffiths - 387-416 Learning to Build a Car: An Empirical Investigation of Organizational Learning
by Bruno Dyck & Frederick A. Starke & Gary A. Mischke & Michael Mauws - 417-448 An Empirical Test of Cognitive Style and Strategic Decision Outcomes
by Jill R. Hough & Dt Ogilvie - 449-450 Review Essays: Editor's Introduction
by Brad Jackson - 451-465 Management Studies, Cultural Criticism and American Dreams
by Eric Guthey - 467-470 Critical Compendium on Consultants and Gurus
by Christopher Wright
January 2005, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-33 Strategy Research in Emerging Economies: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom
by Mike Wright & Igor Filatotchev & Robert E. Hoskisson & Mike W. Peng - 35-62 The Impact of Institutional Reforms on Characteristics and Survival of Foreign Subsidiaries in Emerging Economies
by Chris Changwha Chung & Paul W. Beamish - 63-93 Foreign Investment Strategies and Sub‐national Institutions in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Vietnam
by Klaus E. Meyer & Hung Vo Nguyen - 95-125 The Dynamic Between Firms’ Environmental Strategies and Institutional Constraints in Emerging Economies: Evidence from China and Taiwan
by John Child & Terence Tsai - 127-160 A Dual Networks Perspective on Inter‐Organizational Transfer of R&D Capabilities: International Joint Ventures in the Chinese Automotive Industry
by Zheng Zhao & Jaideep Anand & Will Mitchell - 161-182 Country Resource Environments, Firm Capabilities, and Corporate Diversification Strategies
by William P. Wan - 183-206 Understanding Business Group Performance in an Emerging Economy: Acquiring Resources and Capabilities in Order to Prosper
by Daphne Yiu & Garry D. Bruton & Yuan Lu - 207-223 The Relevance of the Institutional Underpinnings of Porter's Five Forces Framework to Emerging Economies: An Epistemological Analysis
by V. K. Narayanan & Liam Fahey - 225-245 Generic Product Strategies for Emerging Market Exports into Triad Nation Markets: A Mimetic Isomorphism Approach
by Lance Eliot Brouthers & Edward O'Donnell & John Hadjimarcou
December 2004, Volume 41, Issue 8
- 1247-1269 Rationality and Its Symbols: Signalling Effects and Subjectification in Management Consulting
by Thomas Armbrüster - 1271-1299 Integrating Decentralized Strategy Making and Strategic Planning Processes in Dynamic Environments
by Torben Juul Andersen - 1301-1323 Places and Spaces: The Role of Metonymy in Organizational Talk
by Gill Musson & Susanne Tietze - 1325-1347 Constructing Organizational Identities on the Web: A Case Study of Royal Dutch/Shell
by Christine Coupland & Andrew D. Brown - 1349-1377 Reputation Management Capabilities as Decision Rules
by Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Cees B. M. Van Riel & Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch - 1379-1410 In Search of Theory Development in Grounded Investigations: Doctors’ Experiences of Managing as an Example of Fitted and Prospective Theorizing
by Jerry Hallier & Tom Forbes - 1411-1434 The Development of Corporate Charitable Contributions in the UK: A Stakeholder Analysis
by Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 1435-1467 Survival and Failure of Small Businesses Arising Through Government Privatization: Insights from Two New Zealand Firms
by V. Suchitra Mouly & Jayaram K. Sankaran - 1469-1498 Knowledge Stocks and Information Flows in New Product Development
by Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos & Ko De Ruyter - 1501-1520 The Business School ‘Business’: Some Lessons from the US Experience
by Jeffrey Pfeffer & Christina T. Fong - 1521-1531 Rethinking the Business School
by Ken Starkey & Armand Hatchuel & Sue Tempest
November 2004, Volume 41, Issue 7
- 1057-1082 Economics, Politics and Nations: Resistance to the Multidivisional Form in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, 1983–1993
by Michael Mayer & Richard Whittington - 1083-1103 Organizational De‐development
by Paul C. Nutt - 1105-1129 Ownership Types and Strategic Groups in an Emerging Economy
by Mike W. Peng & Justin Tan & Tony W. Tong - 1131-1152 Ownership Structure of Cooperatives as an Environmental Buffer
by Manuel Núñez‐Nickel & José Moyano‐Fuentes - 1153-1170 Strategy as Simulacra? A Radical Reflexive Look at the Discipline and Practice of Strategy
by Gina Grandy & Albert J. Mills - 1171-1197 Choosing Constraints as a Third Solution to Agency
by Steven C. Michael & John A. Pearce - 1199-1222 Human Resource Management and the Permeable Organization: The Case of the Multi‐Client Call Centre
by Jill Rubery & Carilyn Carroll & Fang Lee Cooke & Irena Grugulis & Jill Earnshaw - 1223-1245 Team Learning from Mistakes: The Contribution of Cooperative Goals and Problem‐Solving
by Dean Tjosvold & Zi‐you Yu & Chun Hui
September 2004, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 913-932 Exploring Exploration Orientation and its Determinants: Some Empirical Evidence
by Jatinder S. Sidhu & Henk W. Volberda & Harry R. Commandeur - 933-949 Network Updating and Exploratory Learning Environment
by Mooweon Rhee - 951-976 The Bridge to the ‘Real World’: Applied Science or a ‘Schizophrenic Tour de Force’?
by Alexander T. Nicolai - 977-1002 Kurt Lewin and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re‐appraisal
by Bernard Burnes - 1003-1027 The Definition of Strategic Liabilities, and their Impact on Firm Performance
by Richard J. Arend - 1029-1056 Analysing the Influence of Institutional, Organizational and Interpersonal Forces in Shaping Inter‐Organizational Relations
by Mick Marchington & Steven Vincent
July 2004, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 725-747 Placing Knowledge Management in Context
by Mark P. A. Thompson & Geoff Walsham - 749-773 Building a Strong Foothold in an Emerging Market: A Link Between Resource Commitment and Environment Conditions
by Yadong Luo - 775-798 Too Busy To Serve? An Examination of the Influence of Overboarded Directors
by Ira C. Harris & Katsuhiko Shimizu - 799-825 Building External Corporate Venturing Capability
by Thomas Keil - 827-856 ‘A Land of Milk and Honey’? Reengineering the ‘Past’ and ‘Present’ in a Call Centre
by Darren McCabe - 857-882 Organizational Task Environments: An Evaluation of Convergent and Discriminant Validity
by Randall D. Harris - 883-884 Corporate Governance and Threshold Firms: Agency versus Knowledge
by The Editors - 885-897 Governance of the Entrepreneurial Threshold Firm: A Knowledge‐based Perspective
by Shaker A. Zahra & Igor Filatotchev - 899-912 Crossing the Threshold from Founder Management to Professional Management: A Governance Perspective
by Eric Gedajlovic & Michael H. Lubatkin & William S. Schulze
June 2004, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 525-547 Political Hybrids: Tocquevillean Views on Project Organizations
by Stewart Clegg & David Courpasson - 549-573 Knowing What You Don’t Know? Discourses and Contradictions in Knowledge Management Research
by Ulrike Schultze & Charles Stabell - 575-599 When Production and Consumption Meet: Cultural Contradictions and the Enchanting Myth of Customer Sovereignty
by Marek Korczynski & Ursula Ott - 601-622 Management Control as an Employee Resource: The Case of Front‐line Service Workers
by Patrice Rosenthal - 623-643 Resourceful Sensemaking in an Administrative Group
by Charles R. Wright & Michael R. Manning - 645-664 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Real Options in Transitional Policy Environments: Theory Development
by Jonathan P. Doh & John A. Pearce - 665-691 East Meets West: A Cross‐Cultural Comparison of Charismatic Leadership Among Canadian and Iranian Executives
by Mansour Javidan & Dale E. Carl - 693-723 The Professionally Managed Family‐ruled Enterprise: Ethnic Chinese Business in Singapore
by Lai Si Tsui‐Auch
May 2004, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 367-376 Guest Editor's Introduction
by Timothy Clark - 377-400 Firing Blanks? An Analysis of Discursive Struggle in HRM
by Bill Harley & Cynthia Hardy - 401-423 Power, Innovation and Problem‐Solving: The Personnel Managers’ Three Steps to Heaven?
by David Guest & Zella King - 425-445 Managerial Technologies, Ethics and Managing
by Barbara Townley - 447-467 HRM and Critical Social Science Analysis
by Tony J. Watson - 469-491 For the Sake of Argument: Towards an Understanding of Rhetoric as Process
by Pippa Carter & Norman Jackson - 493-519 Symmetrical Absence/Symmetrical Absurdity: Critical Notes on the Production of Actor‐Network Accounts
by Chris McLean & John Hassard
March 2004, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 219-246 Management Research Based on the Paradigm of the Design Sciences: The Quest for Field‐Tested and Grounded Technological Rules
by Joan E. van Aken - 247-272 The Influence of a Structurationist View on Strategic Management Research
by Marlei Pozzebon - 273-294 Geographic and Industrial Diversification of Developing Country Firms
by Lilach Nachum - 295-316 A Capabilities Perspective on the Evolution of Firm Boundaries: A Comparative Case Example from the Portuguese Moulds Industry
by Joao Mota & Luis M. de Castro - 317-333 A Simple Matter of Control? NHS Hospital Nurses and New Management
by Sharon C. Bolton - 335-361 Intellectual Capital Profiles: An Examination of Investments and Returns
by Mark A. Youndt & Mohan Subramaniam & Scott A. Snell
January 2004, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-35 Strategies as Discursive Constructions: The Case of Airline Alliances
by Eero Vaara & Birgit Kleymann & Hannu Seristö - 37-59 From Dramaturgy to Theatre as Technology: The Case of Corporate Theatre
by Timothy Clark & Iain Mangham - 61-84 A Knowledge Accessing Theory of Strategic Alliances
by Robert M. Grant & Charles Baden‐Fuller - 85-106 Exploring Organizationally Directed Citizenship Behaviour: Reciprocity or ‘It's my Job’?
by Jacqueline A‐M. Coyle‐Shapiro & Ian Kessler & John Purcell - 107-125 Is a Long‐term Business Relationship an Implied Contract? Two Views of Relationship Disengagement
by Debbie Harrison - 127-153 Coordination Networks Within and Across Organizations: A Multi‐level Framework
by Jody Hoffer Gittell & Leigh Weiss