January 2004, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 155-180 Appreciating Stockbroking: Constructing Conceptions to Make Sense of Performance
by Jesper Blomberg - 181-182 Edith Penrose and the Resource‐based View of Strategic Management
by The Editors - 183-191 Edith Penrose's (1959) Contributions to the Resource‐based View of Strategic Management
by Yasemin Y. Kor & Joseph T. Mahoney - 193-203 Edith Penrose's Contributions to the Resource‐based View: An Alternative Perspective
by Andy Lockett & Steve Thompson - 205-217 A Final Word on Edith Penrose
by Alan M. Rugman & Alain Verbeke
December 2003, Volume 40, Issue 8
- 1891-1894 A Note from the New Editors
by The Editors - 1895-1918 The Denial of Slavery in Management Studies
by Bill Cooke - 1919-1941 Aspiring for, and Achieving Growth: The Moderating Role of Resources and Opportunities
by Johan Wiklund & Dean Shepherd - 1943-1969 Stories from the Front‐line: How they Construct the Organization
by Gillian C. Hopkinson - 1971-1995 The Contestation of Archetypes: Negotiating Scripts in a UK Hospital Trust Board
by Frank Mueller & Charles Harvey & Chris Howorth - 1997-2021 Knowledge Levels and their Transformation: Towards the Integration of Knowledge Creation and Individual Learning
by Hammad Akbar - 2023-2051 Towards a Theory of Organizational Improvisation: Looking Beyond the Jazz Metaphor
by Ken Kamoche & Miguel Pina e Cunha & João Vieira da Cunha - 2053-2071 An Empirical Exploration of Decision‐making Under Agency Controls and Stewardship Structure
by Henry L. Tosi & Amy L. Brownlee & Paula Silva & Jeffrey P. Katz - 2073-2102 The Structure and Management of Alliances: Syndication in the Venture Capital Industry
by Mike Wright & Andy Lockett - 2109-2110 Preface
by Arie Y. Lewin & Henk W. Volberda - 2111-2136 Co‐evolutionary Dynamics Within and Between Firms: From Evolution to Co‐evolution
by Henk W. Volberda & Arie Y. Lewin - 2137-2162 Co‐evolution in an Institutionalized Environment
by Suzana Rodrigues & John Child - 2163-2187 Co‐evolution in Strategic Renewal Behaviour of British, Dutch and French Financial Incumbents: Interaction of Environmental Selection, Institutional Effects and Managerial Intentionality
by Bert Flier & Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 2189-2210 Capabilities in Motion: New Organizational Forms and the Reshaping of the Hollywood Movie Industry
by Joseph Lampel & Jamal Shamsie
November 2003, Volume 40, Issue 7
- 1569-1585 The Saliency of Synecdoche: The Part and the Whole of Employment Relations
by Peter M. Hamilton - 1587-1619 Governing through Teamwork: Reconstituting Subjectivity in a Call Centre
by David Knights & Darren McCabe - 1621-1649 The Failure of the Sport7 TV‐channel: Controversies in a Business Network
by Harry Sminia - 1651-1682 Explaining Sales Pay Strategy Using Agency, Transaction Cost and Resource Dependence Theories
by Michel Tremblay & Jérôme Côté & David B. Balkin - 1683-1708 Social Structure and Intermediation: Market‐making Strategies in International Exchange
by Paul D. Ellis - 1709-1727 Long Term Incentive Plans, Executive Pay and UK Company Performance
by Trevor Buck & Alistair Bruce & Brian G. M. Main & Henry Udueni - 1729-1760 ‘Totally Un‐Australian!’: Discursive and Institutional Interplay in the Melbourne Port Dispute of 1997–98
by John W. Selsky & André Spicer & Julian Teicher - 1761-1782 Strategic Organizational Change: Exploring the Roles of Environmental Structure, Internal Conscious Awareness and Knowledge
by James M. Bloodgood & J. L. Morrow - 1783-1802 Knowledge Content and Worker Participation in Environmental Management at NUMMI
by Sandra Rothenberg - 1803-1836 Planned or Prioritized? Two Options in Managing the Implementation of Strategic Decisions
by David J. Hickson & Susan J. Miller & David C. Wilson - 1837-1870 Sources of Fidelity in Purposive Organizational Change: Lessons from a Re‐engineering Case
by Michael E. Johnson‐Cramer & Robert L. Cross & Aimin Yan - 1871-1890 Complexity, Identity and the Value of Knowledge‐intensive Exchanges
by Anastasios G. Karamanos
September 2003, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1359-1392 Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Multidimensional Constructs
by Linn Van Dyne & Soon Ang & Isabel C. Botero - 1393-1417 Spirals of Silence: The Dynamic Effects of Diversity on Organizational Voice
by Frances Bowen & Kate Blackmon - 1419-1452 Speaking Up in the Operating Room: How Team Leaders Promote Learning in Interdisciplinary Action Teams
by Amy C. Edmondson - 1453-1476 An Exploratory Study of Employee Silence: Issues that Employees Don’t Communicate Upward and Why
by Frances J. Milliken & Elizabeth W. Morrison & Patricia F. Hewlin - 1477-1502 Breaking Silence: Tactical Choices Women Managers Make in Speaking Up About Gender‐Equity Issues
by Sandy Kristin Piderit & Susan J. Ashford - 1503-1536 Voice Lessons: Tempered Radicalism and the Use of Voice and Silence
by W. E. Douglas Creed - 1537-1562 Breaking the Silence: The Moderating Effects of Self‐Monitoring in Predicting Speaking Up in the Workplace
by Sonya Fontenot Premeaux & Arthur G. Bedeian - 1563-1568 Shades of Silence: Emerging Themes and Future Directions for Research on Silence in Organizations
by Frances J. Milliken & Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison
July 2003, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 1069-1087 Foucault, HRM and the Ethos of the Critical Management Scholar
by Edward Barratt - 1089-1105 The Relationship Between Acculturation, Individualism/Collectivism, and Job Attribute Preferences for Hispanic MBAs
by Carolina Gomez - 1107-1130 Network Resources for Internationalization: The Case of Taiwan's Electronics Firms
by Tain‐Jy Chen - 1131-1150 Invoking Satan or the Ethics of the Employment Contract
by Jackie Ford & Nancy Harding - 1151-1178 The False Promise of Organizational Culture Change: A Case Study of Middle Managers in Grocery Retailing
by Emmanuel Ogbonna & Barry Wilkinson - 1179-1204 Why Service and Manufacturing Entry Mode Choices Differ: The Influence of Transaction Cost Factors, Risk and Trust
by Keith D. Brouthers & Lance Eliot Brouthers - 1205-1223 Making Space: Valuing Our Talk in Organizations
by Ian W. King - 1225-1254 Peering at the Past Century's Corporate Strategy Through the Looking Glass of Time‐Series Analysis: Extrapolating from Chandler's Classic Mid‐Century American Firms?
by William Acar & Robert J. Keating & Kenneth E. Aupperle & William W. Hall & Richard A. Engdahl - 1255-1277 The Multiple Boundaries of the Firm
by Luis Araujo & Anna Dubois & Lars‐Erik Gadde - 1279-1303 Reflexivity in Management Research
by Phil Johnson & Joanne Duberley - 1305-1323 Strategists and Strategy‐making: Strategic Exchange and the Shaping of Individual Lives and Organizational Futures
by Tony J. Watson - 1325-1352 ‘We Are All Customers Now . . .’ Rhetorical Strategy and Ideological Control in Marketing Management Texts
by Chris Hackley
June 2003, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 753-773 Talk as Technique – A Critique of the Words and Deeds Distinction in the Diffusion of Customer Service Cultures in Call Centres
by Andrew Sturdy & Peter Fleming - 775-801 The Recontextualization of Management: A Discourse‐based Approach to Analysing the Development of Management Thinking
by Pete Thomas - 803-829 A Neo‐Gramscian Approach to Corporate Political Strategy: Conflict and Accommodation in the Climate Change Negotiations
by David L. Levy & Daniel Egan - 831-858 ‘Control – What Control?’ Culture and Ambiguity Within a Knowledge Intensive Firm
by Maxine Robertson & Jacky Swan - 859-894 Post‐acquisition Integration as Sensemaking: Glimpses of Ambiguity, Confusion, Hypocrisy, and Politicization
by Eero Vaara - 895-920 Corporate Governance, Strategy and Survival in a Declining Industry: A Study of UK Cotton Textile Companies
by Igor Filatotchev & Steve Toms - 921-953 Strategic Groups, Frontier Benchmarking and Performance Differences: Evidence from the UK Retail Grocery Industry
by Antreas D. Athanassopoulos - 955-982 Strategy in the Public Sector: Management in the Wilderness
by Sue Llewellyn & Emma Tappin - 983-1004 The Changing Roles of Personnel Managers: Old Ambiguities, New Uncertainties
by Raymond Caldwell - 1005-1020 Psychological Contract Breach in a Chinese Context: An Integrative Approach
by Susanna Lo & Samuel Aryee - 1021-1046 Understanding Labour Turnover in a Labour Intensive Industry: Evidence from the British Clothing Industry
by Ian M. Taplin & Jonathan Winterton & Ruth Winterton - 1047-1067 Seeing the Need for ISO 14001
by Ruihua Joy Jiang & Pratima Bansal
May 2003, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 617-641 The Social Construction of Contextual Rationalities in MNCs: An Anglo‐German Comparison of Subsidiary Choice
by Mike Geppert & Karen Williams & Dirk Matten - 643-672 The Changing Japanese Multinational: Application, Adaptation and Learning in Car Manufacturing and Financial Services
by Richard Whitley & Glenn Morgan & William Kelly & Diana Sharpe - 673-703 Organizational Learning in Multinationals: R&D Networks of Japanese and US MNEs in the UK
by Alice Lam - 705-723 Two Dimensions of the Internationalization of Firms
by A. Hassel & M. Höpner & A. Kurdelbusch & B. Rehder & R. Zugehör - 725-751 Institutional Conditioning of Foreign Expansion: Some Evidence from Finnish‐Based Paper Industry Firms, 1994–2000
by Juha Laurila & Minna Ropponen
March 2003, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 225-256 The Dynamics of Delayering: Changing Management Structures in Three Countries
by Craig R. Littler & Retha Wiesner & Richard Dunford - 257-282 Organizational Transformation in Transition Economies: Resource‐based and Organizational Learning Perspectives
by Klaus Uhlenbruck & Klaus E. Meyer & Michael A. Hitt - 283-320 Predicting the Performance of International Joint Ventures: An Investigation in China
by John Child & Yanni Yan - 321-347 Resources, Knowledge and Influence: The Organizational Effects of Interorganizational Collaboration
by Cynthia Hardy & Nelson Phillips & Thomas B. Lawrence - 349-375 Sensemaking on the Shop Floor: Narratives of Knowledge in Organizations
by Gerardo Patriotta - 377-401 Toggling with Taylor: A Different Approach to Reading a Management Text
by Nanette Monin & David Barry & D. John Monin - 403-430 The Visible Hands of Hierarchy within the M‐Form: An Empirical Test of Corporate Parenting of Internal Product Exchanges
by Laura Poppo - 431-457 Internal Market Failure: A Framework for Diagnosing Firm Inefficiency
by Aidan R. Vining - 459-482 Post‐Acquisition Restructuring as Evolutionary Process
by Klaus E. Meyer & Enese Lieb‐Dóczy - 483-512 The Organization of Marketing: A Study of Decentralized, Devolved and Dispersed Marketing Activity
by Lloyd C. Harris & Emmanuel Ogbonna - 513-541 Environmental Uncertainty and Product–Process Life Cycles: A Multi‐level Interpretation of Change Over Time
by Caron H. St John & Richard W. Pouder & Alan R. Cannon - 543-571 All in All, it’s Just Another Plaque on the Wall: The Incidence and Impact of the Investors in People Standard
by Kim Hoque - 573-606 Executives’ Orientations as Indicators of Crisis Management Policies and Practices
by Zachary Sheaffer & Rita Mano‐Negrin
January 2003, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 3-22 Micro Strategy and Strategizing: Towards an Activity‐Based View
by Gerry Johnson & Leif Melin & Richard Whittington - 23-55 Strategic Practices: An Activity Theory Perspective on Continuity and Change
by Paula Jarzabkowski - 57-82 Strategy Creation in the Periphery: Inductive Versus Deductive Strategy Making
by Patrick Regnér - 83-108 The Role of Micro‐Strategies in the Engineering of Firm Evolution
by Carlo Salvato - 109-139 Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark: Understanding Failure in Organizational Strategizing
by Sally Maitlis & Thomas B. Lawrence - 141-174 Strategizing as Lived Experience and Strategists’ Everyday Efforts to Shape Strategic Direction
by Dalvir Samra‐Fredericks - 175-196 The Structure and Significance of Strategic Episodes: Social Systems Theory and the Routine Practices of Strategic Change
by John Hendry & David Seidl - 197-224 Three Responses to the Methodological Challenges of Studying Strategizing
by Julia Balogun & Anne Sigismund Huff & Phyl Johnson
December 2002, Volume 39, Issue 8
- 1023-1044 The Future of Japanese Manufacturing in the UK
by Glenn Morgan & Diana Rosemary Sharpe & William Kelly & Richard Whitley - 1045-1069 Managing Discursive Tension: the Co–Existence of Individualist and Collaborative Discourses in Flight Centre
by Ian Palmer & Richard Dunford - 1071-1085 Organizational Differentiation through Badging: Investors in People and the Value of the Sign
by Emma Bell & Scott Taylor & Richard Thorpe - 1087-1109 Corporate Environmental Paradigms in Shift: Learning During the Course of Action at UPM–Kymmene
by Minna Halme - 1111-1137 Formal Mentoring Systems: An Examination of the Effects of Mentor/Protégé Cognitive Styles on the Mentoring Process
by Steven J. Armstrong & Christopher W. Allinson & John Hayes - 1139-1160 Mapping Management Development Practice
by Christopher Mabey
November 2002, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 887-906 The Response of Old Technology Incumbents to Technological Competition – Does the Sailing Ship Effect Exist?
by John Howells - 907-925 The Changing Power of ‘Explanations’: Directors, Academics and Their Sensemaking from 1989 to 2000
by Annie Pye - 927-952 Dress and Identity: A Turkish Case Study
by Michael Humphreys & Andrew D. Brown - 953-976 Barriers to Managing Diversity in a UK Constabulary: The Role of Discourse
by Penny Dick & Catherine Cassell - 977-1001 An Exploration of Two Competing Perspectives on Informational Contexts in Top Management Strategic Issue Interpretation
by Bård Kuvaas - 1003-1019 The Effects of Prior Performance on the Choice Between Related and Unrelated Acquisitions: Implications for the Performance Consequences of Diversification Strategy
by Choelsoon Park
September 2002, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 747-774 The Determinants Of Research Group Performance: Towards Mode 2?
by Janet Harvey & Andrew Pettigrew & Ewan Ferlie - 775-801 Organizational And Occupational Commitment: Knowledge Workers In Large Corporations
by Tam Yeuk‐Mui May & Marek Korczynski & Stephen J. Frenkel - 803-821 Disciplining The Professional: The Case Of Project Management
by Damian Hodgson - 823-839 Politicized Managerial Capitalism: Enterprise Structures In Post‐Socialist Central And Eastern Europe
by Roderick Martin - 841-863 East Meets East And East Meets West: The Case Of Sino‐Japanese And Sino‐West Joint Ventures In China
by Ji Li & Leonard Karakowsky & Kevin Lam - 865-886 After The Ink Dries: The Interaction Of Trust And Control In Us‐Based International Joint Ventures
by Gerald E. Fryxell & Robert S. Dooley & Maria Vryza
July 2002, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 585-618 A Model of the Strength and Appropriateness of Argumentation in Organizational Contexts
by John A. A. Sillince - 619-644 Identity Regulation as Organizational Control: Producing the Appropriate Individual
by Mats Alvesson & Hugh Willmott - 645-672 Changing Organizational Forms and the Employment Relationship
by Jill Rubery & Jill Earnshaw & Mick Marchington & Fang Lee Cooke & Steven Vincent - 673-706 Organizational Culture: A ten Year, Two‐phase Study of Change in the UK Food Retailing Sector
by Emmanuel Ogbonna & Lloyd C. Harris - 707-724 Raising Rivals’ Costs Through Political Strategy: An Extension of Resource‐based Theory
by Abagail McWilliams & David D. Van Fleet & Kenneth D. Cory - 725-746 The Dynamics of Alliance Conditions in the Alliance Development Process
by T. K. Das & Bing‐Sheng Teng
June 2002, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 419-436 Learning In A Constellation of Interconnected Practices: Canon or Dissonance?
by Silvia Gherardi & Davide Nicolini - 437-469 Managing An Organizational Learning System By Aligning Stocks and Flows
by Nick Bontis & Mary M. Crossan & John Hulland - 471-496 Work Relationships in Telephone Call Centres: Understanding Emotional Exhaustion and Employee Withdrawal
by Stephen Deery & Roderick Iverson & Janet Walsh - 497-521 Innovation, Identities and Resistance: The Social Construction of An Innovation Network
by Denis Harrisson & Murielle Laberge - 523-551 Business To Business Exchanges: A Rich Descriptive Apparatus Derived From Macneil’s and Menger’s Analyses
by Keith Blois - 553-584 The Emotional Labour of Barristers: An Exploration of Emotional Labour By Status Professionals
by Lloyd C. Harris
May 2002, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 269-288 Managing Humour
by David L. Collinson - 289-307 Collective Myopia and Disciplinary Power Behind the Scenes of Unethical Practices: A Diagnostic Theory on Japanese Organization
by Nobuyuki Chikudate - 309-331 Organizational Routines as Sources of Connections and Understandings
by Martha S. Feldman & Anat Rafaeli - 333-354 Impact of Ownership Type on Environment–Strategy Linkage and Performance: Evidence from a Transitional Economy
by Justin Tan - 355-381 Top Teams and Strategy in a UK University
by Paula Jarzabkowski & David C. Wilson - 383-416 The Global Sports–Media Nexus: Reflections on the ‘Super League Saga’ in Australia
by Sara L. McGaughey & Peter W. Liesch
March 2002, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 147-165 Managers’ Theories About the Process of Innovation
by Graeme Salaman & John Storey - 167-188 External Sources of Innovative Capabilities: The Preferences for Strategic Alliances or Mergers and Acquisitions
by John Hagedoorn & Geert Duysters - 189-206 What a Mess! Participation as a Simple Managerial Rule to ‘Complexify’ Organizations
by Donde P. Ashmos & Dennis Duchon & Reuben R. McDaniel, Jr & John W. Huonker - 207-232 Pay Comparability Across and Within UK Boards: An Empirical Analysis of the Cash Pay Awards to CEOs and Other Board Members
by Mahmoud Ezzamel & Robert Watson - 233-254 ‘We Recruit Attitude’: The Selection and Shaping of Routine Call Centre Labour
by George Callaghan & Paul Thompson - 255-267 Playing the Part: Reflections on Aspects of Mere Performance in the Customer–Client Relationship
by Heather Höpfl
January 2002, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-21 Developing Stakeholder Theory
by Andrew L. Friedman & Samantha Miles - 23-49 Battle in the Boardroom: A Discursive Perspective
by Wilson Ng & Christian De Cock - 51-65 Self‐Serving Attributions in Corporate Annual Reports: A Replicated Study
by Eric W. K. Tsang - 67-96 Making Strategic Choices
by Paul C. Nutt - 97-122 Public and Private Management: What’s the Difference?
by George A. Boyne - 123-146 The Coupling of Ownership and Control and the Allocation of Financial Resources: Evidence from Hong Kong
by Michael Carney & Eric Gedajlovic
December 2001, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1053-1079 Power, Control and Resistance in ‘The Factory That Time Forgot’
by Mahmoud Ezzamel & Hugh Willmott & Frank Worthington - 1081-1101 Employer Policies and Organizational Commitment in Britain 1992–97
by Duncan Gallie & Alan Felstead & Francis Green - 1103-1119 Accounting For Change: A Discourse Analysis of Graduate Trainees’ Talk of Adjustment
by Christine Coupland - 1121-1149 Complexities and Controversies in Linking HRM with Organizational Outcomes
by Catherine Truss - 1151-1185 Teleworking: Frameworks for Organizational Research
by Kevin Daniels & David Lamond & Peter Standen - 1187-1215 Cross‐Cultural Role Expectations in Nine European Country‐Units of A Multinational Enterprise
by Leonardo Liberman Yaconi
November 2001, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 913-921 Knowledge Management: Concepts and Controversies
by Jacky Swan & Harry Scarbrough - 923-942 Ignorant Theory and Knowledgeable Workers: Interrogating the Connections between Knowledge, Skills and Services
by Paul Thompson & Chris Warhurst & George Callaghan - 943-971 Technology and The Courtroom: An Inquiry into Knowledge Making in Organizations
by Giovan Francesco Lanzara & Gerardo Patriotta - 973-993 What is Organizational Knowledge?
by Haridimos Tsoukas & Efi Vladimirou - 995-1018 Odd Couple: Making Sense of the Curious Concept of Knowledge Management
by Mats Alvesson & Dan Kärreman - 1019-1035 Managing Knowledge in Loosely Coupled Networks: Exploring the Links between Product and Knowledge Dynamics
by Stefano Brusoni & Andrea Prencipe - 1037-1051 Managing Dispersed Knowledge: Organizational Problems, Managerial Strategies, and Their Effectiveness
by Markus C. Becker
September 2001, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 769-793 Towards a Post‐Dualistic Business Ethics: Interweaving Reason and Emotion in Working Life
by Rene ten Bos & Hugh Willmott - 795-810 Kaizen, Ethics, and Care of the Operations: Management After Empowerment
by Alexander Styhre - 811-829 Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization
by Véronique Ambrosini & Cliff Bowman - 831-857 Delivering Customer‐Oriented Behaviour through Empowerment: An Empirical Test of HRM Assumptions
by Riccardo Peccei & Patrice Rosenthal - 859-878 Environmental Change, Leadership Succession and Incrementalism in Local Government
by George Boyne & Rachel Ashworth & Martin Powell - 879-886 Unequal Pay, Unequal Responses? Pay Referents and their Implications for Pay Level Satisfaction
by Michelle Brown
July 2001, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 603-626 Stakeholding: Confusion or Utopia? Mapping the Conceptual Terrain
by Christopher Stoney & Diana Winstanley - 627-650 The Impact of the Board on Strategy: An Empirical Examination
by Philip Stiles - 651-674 Hoshin Kanri: Policy Management In Japanese‐Owned UK Subsidiaries
by Barry J. Witcher & Rosemary Butterworth - 675-695 The New International Division of Labour in Asian Electronics: Work Organization and Human Resources in Japan and Malaysia
by Barry Wilkinson & Jos Gamble & John Humphrey & Jonathan Morris & Doug Anthony - 697-717 From Dependency to Defiance? Work‐Unit Relationships in China’s State Enterprise Reforms
by Jonathan Morris & Jackie Sheehan & John Hassard - 719-745 Markets, Culture and Institutions: The Emergence of Large Business Groups in Taiwan, 1950s–1970s
by Chi‐nien Chung
June 2001, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 473-487 Management as a professional discipline
by Geoffrey Squires - 489-513 Managerial perceptions of corporate environmentalism: interpretations from industry and strategic implications for organizations
by Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee - 515-534 Strategic risk behaviour and its temporalities: between risk propensity and decision context
by T. K. Das & Bing‐Sheng Teng - 535-556 Strategic communication through the world wide web: an empirical model of effectiveness in the ceo’s letter to shareholders
by Albert H. Segars & Gary F. Kohut - 557-582 Looking inside the joint venture to help understand the link between inter‐parent cooperation and performance
by Robert J. Pearce - 583-602 The effects of entrepreneurial personality, background and network activities on venture growth
by Don Y. Lee & Eric W. K. Tsang
May 2001, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 327-350 The Paradoxical Nature of The Relationship Between Training and Learning
by Elena P. Antonacopoulou - 351-371 Managers as Practical Authors: Reconstructing our Understanding of Management Practice
by Ann L. Cunliffe - 373-391 The Negotiation of Purpose in Multi‐Organizational Collaborative Groups
by Colin Eden & Chris Huxham - 393-416 Antecedents and Effects of Parent Control in International Joint Ventures
by Aimin Yan & Barbara Gray - 417-442 The Achilles Heel of Firm Strategy: Resource Weaknesses and Distinctive Inadequacies
by G. Page West III & Julio DeCastro - 443-472 Determinants of Entry in an Emerging Economy: A Multilevel Approach
by Yadong Luo
March 2001, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 147-172 Management ‘Intuition’: An Interpretative Account of Structure and Content of Decision Schemas Using Cognitive Maps
by Ian Clarke & William Mackaness - 173-200 Managers’ Perceptions of Criteria of Organizational Effectiveness
by Eric J. Walton & Sarah Dawson - 201-234 Perceived Environmental Uncertainty: The Extension of Miller’s Scale to the Natural Environment
by Gerard J. Lewis & Brian Harvey - 235-270 Organizational Causes and Strategic Consequences of the Extent of Top Management Team Replacement During Turnaround Attempts
by Vincent L. Barker III & Paul W. Patterson Jr & George C. Mueller - 271-292 Institutional Ownership, Strategic Choices and Corporate Efficiency: Evidence from Japan
by Shamsud D. Chowdhury & J. Michael Geringer - 293-312 Job Evaluation and High Performance Work Practices: Compatible or Conflictual?
by Robert McNabb & Keith Whitfield
January 2001, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-16 Enhancing Strategy Evaluation in Scenario Planning: a Role for Decision Analysis
by Paul Goodwin & George Wright - 17-43 Market Orientation and Performance: Objective and Subjective Empirical Evidence from UK Companies
by Lloyd C. Harris - 45-65 The Dynamics of the Adoption of Product and Process Innovations in Organizations
by Fariborz Damanpour & Shanthi Gopalakrishnan - 67-85 A Belief‐focused Process Model of Organizational Learning
by Allan P. O. Williams - 88-101 Between the Ivory Tower and the Academic Assembly Line
by Jim Barry & John Chandler & Heather Clark - 103-124 Transition Trajectories for Market Structure and Firm Strategy in China
by Steven White & Xielin Liu
December 2000, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 1063-1100 Becoming A Leader In A Complex Organization
by Jean‐Louis Denis & Ann Langley & Marc Pineault - 1101-1124 Social Indentity And The Problem of Loyalty In Knowledge‐Intensive Companies
by Mats Alvesson - 1125-1156 Rhetorical Power, Accountability And Conflict In Committees: An Argumentation Approach
by John A. A. Sillince - 1157-1188 The Interpretation And Resolution Of Resource Allocation Issues In Professional Organizations: A Critical Examination Of The Professional‐Manager Dichotomy
by Brian R. Golden & Janet M. Dukerich & Frances H. Fabian - 1189-1214 Porter’s Competitive Advantage Of Nations: Time For The Final Judgement?
by Howard Davies & Paul Ellis - 1215-1230 The Risk Taker As Shadow: A Psychoanlytic View Of The Collapse Of Barings Bank
by Mark Stein
November 2000, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 903-930 Consequences Of The Psychological Contract For The Employment Relationship: A Large Scale Survey
by Jackie Coyle‐Shapiro & Ian Kessler - 931-954 Factory Innovations And Management Machinations: The Productive And Repressive Relations of Power
by Darren McCabe - 955-978 Strategic Decision Mking, Discourse, And Strategy As Social Practice
by John Hendry - 979-1002 Missionaries, Mercenaries Or Car Salesmen? MBA Teaching In Malaysia
by Andrew Sturdy & Yiannis Gabriel - 1003-1018 Implementing Collaboration Between Organizations: An Empirical Study Of Supply Chain Partnering
by David Boddy & Douglas Macbeth & Beverly Wagner - 1019-1044 Learning Through Joint Ventures: A Framework Of Knowledge Acquisition
by Andrew C. Inkpen