July 1989, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 323-337 Internal differentiation within multinational corporations
by Sumantra Ghoshal & Nitin Nohria - 339-350 Determinants of tender offer post‐acquisition financial performance
by Karen L. Fowler & Dennis R. Schmidt - 351-365 Choice and determinism: A test of Hrebiniak and Joyce's framework on strategy‐environment fit
by Michael W. Lawless & Linda K. Finch - 367-382 Key success factors: Test of a general theory in the mature industrial‐product sector
by Jorge Alberto Sousa De Vasconcellos E Sá & Donald C. Hambrick - 383-389 Research notes and communications a note on global strategies
by Bruce Kogut - 391-395 Delineating a forum for business policy scholars
by Ian C. Macmillan
May 1989, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 199-210 Strategy over the business cycle
by Briance Mascarenhas & David A. Aaker - 211-231 Generic manufacturing strategies: A conceptual synthesis
by Suresh Kotha & Daniel Orne - 233-250 The deterrent to dubious corporate behavior: Profitability, probability and safety recalls
by Alfred Marcus - 251-269 Implementing competitive strategies at the business unit level: Implications of matching managers to strategies
by Vijay Govindarajan - 271-284 The impact of diversification strategy on risk‐return performance
by Yegmin Chang & Howard Thomas - 285-293 Research notes and communications sources of competitive data for the management strategist
by Murray A. Young - 295-302 Research notes and communications strategic process effects on consensus
by Bill Wooldridge & Steven W. Floyd - 303-306 A meta‐analysis on the comparative effectiveness of devil's advocacy and dialectical inquiry
by Charles Schwenk
March 1989, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 109-119 Diversification strategy and internationalization: Implications for mne performance
by J. Michael Geringer & Paul W. Beamish & Richard C. Dacosta - 121-134 Chief executive compensation: A study of the intersection of markets and political processes
by Sydney Finkelstein & Donald C. Hambrick - 135-144 Flexibility: The next competitive battle the manufacturing futures survey
by Arnoud De Meyer & Jinichiro Nakane & Jeffrey G. Miller & Kasra Ferdows - 145-161 Selecting tactics to implement strategic plans
by Paul C. Nutt - 163-173 ZBB, MBO, PPB and their effectiveness within the planning/marketing process
by Michael F. Duffy - 175-188 Accounting data for value chain analysis
by Michael Hergert & Deigan Morris - 189-197 Strategy content and the research process: A critique and commentary
by Cynthia A. Montgomery & Birger Wernerfelt & Srinivasan Balakrishnan
January 1989, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 The chief executive: A breed apart
by David Norburn - 17-30 Types of entrepreneurs and firms: The case of new Spanish firms
by Alberto Lafuente & Vicente Salas - 31-43 The utilization of individual capabilities in group approaches to strategic decision‐making
by David M. Schweiger & William R. Sandberg - 45-57 Global diversification strategy and corporate profit performance
by W. Chan Kim & Peter Hwang & William P. Burgers - 59-74 The psychological context of strategic decisions: A model and convergent experimental findings
by Thomas S. Bateman & Carl P. Zeithaml - 75-87 Strategic management of small firms in hostile and benign environments
by Jeffrey G. Covin & Dennis P. Slevin - 89-100 The dynamics of continuous innovation in scale‐intensive industries
by Yasunori Baba - 101-103 Research notes and communications strategic groups: A comment
by Praveen Nayyar - 105-107 Research notes and communications strategic groups: A further comment
by John McGee & Howard Thomas
June 1988, Volume 9, Issue S1
- 1-2 Intoduction to the special issue
by Dan Schendel - 3-8 Guest editor's introduction to the special issue on research in the content of strategy
by Cynthia A. Montgomery - 9-26 Strategies for product cannibalism
by Kathleen Reavis Conner - 27-40 An interactive strategic analysis framework
by Keith Weigelt & Ian Macmillan - 41-58 First‐mover advantages
by Marvin B. Lieberman & David B. Montgomery - 59-70 Beyond the reach of the invisible hand: Impediments to economic activity, market failures, and profitability
by Dennis A. Yao - 71-78 Returns to bidding firms in mergers and acquisitions: Reconsidering the relatedness hypothesis
by Jay B. Barney - 79-92 An economic perspective on escalating commitment
by Ming‐Je Tang - 93-104 Searching for a dynamic theory of the multinational enterprise: A transaction cost model
by Charles W. L. Hill & W. Chan Kim - 105-114 Franchising, brand name capital, and the entrepreneurial capacity problem
by Seth W. Norton - 115-126 The economic efficiency of corporate culture
by Colin Camerer & Ari Vepsalainen - 127-140 Order of entry and performance in new markets
by Mary Lambkin
November 1988, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 527-542 Internal corporate joint ventures: Development processes and performance outcomes
by Stephen M. Shortell & Edward J. Zajac - 543-558 Chief executive compensation: A synthesis and reconciliation
by Sidney Finkelstein & Donald C. Hambrick - 559-575 Measuring and modelling changes in strategy: Theoretical foundations and empirical directions
by Ari Ginsberg - 577-590 External control, corporate strategy, and firm performance in research‐intensive industries
by Charles W. L. Hill & Scott A. Snell - 591-603 Planning and financial performance among small firms in a growth industry
by Jeffrey S. Bracker & Barbara W. Keats & John N. Pearson - 605-621 Strategic control systems and relative r&d investment in large multiproduct firms
by Robert E. Hoskisson & Michael A. Hitt - 623-632 Corporate strategy and capital structure
by Sidney L. Barton & Paul J. Gordon - 633-637 Strategies and boundaries: Subcontracting in construction
by Behlül Üsdiken & Zeynep Sözen & Hayat Enbiyaoḡlu - 639-642 On ‘dominant logic’, relatedness and the link between diversity and performance
by Robert M. Grant
September 1988, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 403-414 Conglomerates revisited
by Jeffrey R. Williams & Betty Lynn Paez & Leonard Sanders - 415-430 The persistence of abnormal returns
by Robert Jacobsen - 431-442 Thinking one step ahead: The use of conjectures in competitor analysis
by Raphael Amit & Ian Domowitz & Chaim Fershtman - 443-454 Reputation and corporate strategy: A review of recent theory and applications
by Keith Weigelt & Colin Camerer - 455-473 Triggers, templates and twitches in the tracking of emerging strategic issues
by Omar A. El Sawy & Thierry C. Pauchant - 475-492 Cooperative strategy
by Richard P. Nielsen - 493-505 The role of human resources strategy in export performance: A longitudinal study
by Luis R. Gomez‐Mejia - 507-520 The concept of ‘impartition’ policies: A different approach to vertical integration strategies
by P. Y. Barreyre - 521-526 A strategic contingency model of multinational corporate structure
by David J. Lemak & Jeffrey S. Bracker
July 1988, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 297-318 Market, organizational and managerial correlates of economic performance in the U.K. Electrical Engineering Industry
by Peter H. Grinyer & Peter McKiernan & Masoud Yasai‐Ardekani - 319-332 Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives
by Bruce Kogut - 333-346 Performance differences between the wrigley/rumelt strategic categories
by Robert M. Grant & Azar P. Jammine - 347-360 The increasing role of subsidiary boards in MNCs: An empirical study
by Mark P. Kriger - 361-374 A transaction costs theory of equity joint ventures
by Jean‐Francois Hennart - 375-385 Matching collective and competitive strategies
by Rudi K. F. Bresser - 387-402 Responses to externally induced innovation: Their effects on organizational performance
by Alfred A. Marcus
May 1988, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 207-223 Performance differences among strategic group members
by Karel Cool & Dan Schendel - 225-237 The top management team and corporate performance
by David Norburn & Sue Birley - 239-254 A taxonomy of technological settings, with related strategies and performance levels
by Alex Miller - 255-269 Differentiation strategies in ‘stalemate industries’
by R. Calori & J. M. Ardisson - 271-278 Market structure and business performance: An evaluation of buyer/seller power in the pims database
by P. R. Cowley - 279-287 Strategic business fits and corporate acquisition: Empirical evidence
by Lois M. Shelton - 289-295 The effects of competition and corporate political responsiveness on multinational bargaining power
by W. Chan Kim
March 1988, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 99-110 Diversification strategies, business cycles and economic performance
by Raphael Amit & Joshua Livnat - 111-121 Established companies diversifying into young industries: A comparison of firms with different levels of performance
by Clayton G. Smith & Arnold C. Cooper - 123-139 Chief executive scanning, environmental characteristics, and company performance: An empirical study
by Richard L Daft & Juhani Sormunen & Don Parks - 141-158 Joint ventures and competitive strategy
by Kathryn Rudie Harrigan - 159-172 Transaction cost analysis of strategy‐structure choice
by Gareth R. Jones & Charles W. L. Hill - 173-183 Top management turnover following mergers and acquisitions
by James P. Walsh - 185-196 The prognostics of diversifying acquisitions
by Srinivasan Balakrishnan - 197-205 Environment, planning processes, and organizational performance of churches
by Randall Y. Odom & W. Randy Boxx
January 1988, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 Strategy and structure in multinational corporations: A revision of the stopford and wells model
by William G. Egelhoff - 15-29 Theories of technological innovation as useful tools for corporate strategy
by John E. Butler - 31-41 On strategic networks
by J. Carlos Jarillo - 43-60 Planned patterns of strategic behavior and their relationship to business‐unit performance
by Richard B. Robinson & John A Pearce - 61-74 Corporate diversity and economic performance: The impact of market specialization
by Noel Capon & James M. Hulbert & John U. Farley & L. Elizabeth Martin - 75-91 Rethinking incrementalism
by Gerry Johnson - 93-97 Divestment: Motives and gains
by Cynthia A. Montgomery & Ann R. Thomas
November 1987, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 501-515 The emerging paradigm of strategic behavior
by H. Igor Ansoff - 517-534 On tailoring a strategic planning system to its context: Some empirical evidence
by Balaji S. Chakravarthy - 535-547 Acquisition strategy and the market position of acquiring firms
by H. Donald Hopkins - 549-563 Financial returns and strategic interaction: The case of instant photography
by Richard A. Bettis & David Weeks - 565-577 Strategy, strategy‐making, and performance in a business game
by Eli Segev - 579-585 Research notes and communications: Characteristics distinguishing funded from unfunded business plans evaluated by venture capitalists
by Ian C. Macmillan & P. N. Subba Narasimha
September 1987, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 411-423 A project‐based approach to competitive analysis
by John E. Prescott & Daniel C. Smith - 425-440 Global strategy: An organizing framework
by Sumantra Ghoshal - 441-452 The learning curve, diffusion, and competitive strategy
by Marvin B. Lieberman - 453-468 Planning system characteristics and planning effectiveness
by Vasudevan Ramanujam & N. Venkatraman - 469-485 Strategy formulation processes: Differences in perceptions of strength and weaknesses indicators and environmental uncertainty by managerial level
by R. Duane Ireland & Michael A. Hitt & Richard A. Bettis & Deborah Auld De Porras - 487-497 The relationship between growth, profitability, and firm value
by Nikhil Varaiya & Roger A. Kerin & David Weeks - 499-500 Company strategy and organizational design, Roger Mansfield, Croom Helm, London and Sydney, 1986, No. of pages: 184. Price: £19.95. St Martin's, New York, 1986. Price $27.50
by Alan Bauerschmidt
July 1987, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 305-317 Ceo change and firm performance in large corporations: Succession effects and manager effects
by Randolph P. Beatty & Edward J. Zajac - 319-327 Financial and stock market variables as predictors of management buyouts
by Rebekah J. Maupin - 329-342 Strategic groups, asymmetrical mobility barriers and contestability
by Kenneth J. Hatten & Mary Louise Hatten - 343-361 The industry context of strategy, structure and performance: The U.K. brewing industry
by Gerry Johnson & Howard Thomas - 363-376 Environmental variation, strategic change and firm performance: A study of railroad deregulation
by Ken G. Smith & Curtis M. Grimm - 377-386 Corporate acquisition strategies and economic performance
by Harbir Singh & Cynthia A. Montgomery - 387-392 Human resource planning and organization performance: An exploratory analysis
by Stella M. Nkomo - 393-401 Strategic orientation and characteristics of upper management
by Rajeswararao Chaganti & Rakesh Sambharya - 403-410 Assessment of statistical power in contemporary strategy research
by A. Magid M. Mazen & Masoud Hemmasi & Mary Frances Lewis
May 1987, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 211-231 Representation, testing and policy implications of planning processes
by Kimberly B. Boal & John M. Bryson - 233-248 Interactions between marketing and R&D departments in implementing different business strategies
by Robert W. Ruekert & Orville C. Walker - 249-258 The strategic advantages of new manufacturing technologies for small firms
by Jack Meredith - 259-277 Consensus on strategy formulation and organizational performance: Competitors in a fragmented industry
by Gregory G. Dess - 279-295 The creation of momentum for change through the process of strategic issue diagnosis
by Jane E. Dutton & Robert B. Duncan - 297-304 A measure of ceo social power in strategic decision‐making
by John A. Pearce & Richard B. Robinson
March 1987, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 103-116 The influence of the strategic planning process on strategic change
by Jane E. Dutton & Robert B. Duncan - 117-124 Organizing for innovation over an industry cycle
by Paul Strebel - 125-134 The impact of grand strategy and planning formality on financial performance
by John A. Pearce & D. Keith Robbins & Richard B. Robinson - 135-147 Generic strategies: An empirical investigation of typology validity and strategy content
by Theodore T. Herbert & Helen Deresky - 149-168 Path analysis of the relationship between market share, business‐level conduct and risk
by Carolyn Y. Woo - 169-182 Toward a contingency theory of compensation strategy
by David B. Balkin & Luis R. Gomez‐Mejia - 183-186 Delineating a forum for business policy scholars
by Ian C. Macmillan & Ilene Stern - 187-194 Competitive strategy under uncertainty
by Birger Wernerfelt & Aneel Karnani - 195-201 Product diversification, performance criteria and compensation at the corporate manager level
by Nancy Knox Napier & Mark Smith - 203-209 Strategic planning and individual temporal orientation
by T. K. Das
January 1987, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-14 Identifying and appraising how managers install strategy
by Paul C. Nutt - 15-24 Financial strategy: Planning and managing the corporate leverage position
by Carl M. Sandberg & Wilbur G. Lewellen & Kenneth L. Stanley - 25-37 Assessing international diversification of West German corporations
by Rolf Bühner - 39-53 Merger strategies and stockholder value
by Michael Lubatkin - 55-76 The structural and environmental correlates of business strategy
by Danny Miller - 77-92 Rigor and practical usefulness of research in strategic management
by Paul Shrivastava - 93-101 A refinement of Porter's strategies
by Peter Wright
November 1986, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 485-501 The dominant logic: A new linkage between diversity and performance
by C. K. Prahalad & Richard A. Bettis - 503-522 Planning and financial performance of small, mature firms
by Jeffre Y. S. Bracker & John N. Pearson - 523-534 Using simulated mergers to evaluate corporate diversification strategies
by Peter A. Silhan & Howard Thomas - 535-555 Matching vertical integration strategies to competitive conditions
by Kathryn Rudie Harrigan - 557-558 Shaping an American Institution: Robert E. Wood and Sears, Roebuck, James C. Worthy, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 1984, No. of pages: 344. Price: $18.95
by David D. van Fleet
September 1986, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 395-407 Dynamic and risk measurement perspectives on bowman's risk‐return paradox for strategic management: An empirical study
by Avi Figenbaum & Howard Thomas - 409-421 The perils of high‐growth markets
by David A. Aaker & George S. Day - 423-436 The relationship of strategic planning to financial performance
by Lawrence C. Rhyne - 437-458 Measuring strategic performance
by Balaji S. Chakravarthy - 459-472 The economic dynamics of work
by Michael Haley - 473-483 Research notes and communications: An exploratory approach to measuring perceptions of strategic decision process constructs
by James W. Fredrickson
July 1986, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 293-312 Product strategy and formal structure
by Christopher K. Bart - 313-327 Strategy implementation versus middle management self‐interest
by William D. Guth & Ian C. Macmillan - 329-346 Environmental analysis: The applicability of current theory
by R. T. Lenz & Jack L. Engledow - 347-359 Technical change, competition and vertical integration
by Srinivasan Balakrishnan & Birger Wernerfelt - 361-376 The role of new firms: Births, deaths and job generation
by Sue Birley - 377-394 The market share‐profitability relationship: An empirical assessment of major assertions and contradictions
by John E. Prescott & Ajay K. Kohli & N. Venkatraman
May 1986, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 189-200 Lanchester market structures: A. Japanese approach to the analysis of business competition
by N. C. G. Campbell & K. J. Roberts - 201-215 Piggybacking strategies for nonprofits: A shared costs approach
by Richard P. Nielsen - 217-231 Generic business strategies, organizational context and performance: An empirical investigation
by Roderick E. White - 233-249 Configurations of strategy and structure: Towards a synthesis
by Danny Miller - 251-265 The strategic management process at the public planning unit level
by John R. Montanari & Jeffrey S. Bracker - 267-279 Problem formulation as a purposive activity
by Roger J. Volkema - 281-292 Cost leadership strategy and experience curves
by Raphael Amit
March 1986, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 101-117 Gogos, yoyos and dodos: Company directors and industry performance
by David Norburn - 119-139 Types of synergy and economic value: The impact of acquisitions on merging and rival firms
by Sayan Chatterjee - 141-160 Strategic groups: Theory, research and taxonomy
by John McGee & Howard Thomas - 161-177 Strategy and strategic choice: The case of telecommunications
by Richard J. Butler & Mick Carney - 179-182 The value of formal planning for strategic decisions: A comment
by M. J. Foster - 183-185 The value of formal planning for strategic decisions: Reply
by J. Scott Armstrong - 187-188 Corporate governance. R. I. Tricker, Gower, London, 1984. No. of pages: vii + 319. Price: £19.50
by Norman A. White
January 1986, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Comment from the editors
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon - 3-28 Towards a contingency theory of corporate planning: Findings in 48 U.K. companies
by Peter Grinyer & Shawki Al‐Bazzaz & Masoud Yasai‐Ardekani - 29-35 Diversification: The growing confusion
by Richard Reed & George A. Luffman - 37-51 Networks: Between markets and hierarchies
by Hans B. Thorelli - 53-68 Entrepreneurship and paths to business ownership
by Arnold C. Cooper & William C. Dunkelberg - 69-89 Environmental analysis units and strategic decision‐making: A field study of selected ‘leading‐edge’ corporations
by R. T. Lenz & Jack L. Engledow - 91-96 Research note and communication mergers that last: A predictable pattern?
by Cynthia A. Montgomery & Vicki A. Wilson - 97-98 Strategic planning and forecasting political risk and economic opportunity, William Ascher and William H. Overholt, John Wiley, New York, 1983. No. of pages: 311. Price: $29.95
by Gillian Rice - 98-99 Managing for excellence: The guide to developing high performance in contemporary organizations, David L. Bradford and Allen R. Cohen, John Wiley, New York, 1984. No. of pages: 301. Price: $18.95
by W. J. Chandler - 99-100 Corporate recovery: Successful turnaround strategies and their implementation, Stuart Slatter, Penguin, London, 1984. No. of pages: 429. Price £6.95
by Gerry Johnson
October 1985, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 299-318 Survivors of industry shake‐outs: The case of the U.S. color television set industry
by Gary E. Willard & Arnold C. Cooper - 319-337 The relationship of information usage characteristics to planning system sophistication: An empirical examination
by Lawrence C. Rhyne - 339-355 Multiple scenario approach and strategic behaviour in European companies
by Pentti Malaska - 357-375 A two‐factor classification of competitive strategy variables
by P. Rajan Varadarajan - 377-392 A computerized interactive technique for mapping influence diagrams (MIND)
by Arkalgud Ramaprasad & Eric Poon
July 1985, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 197-212 The experience curve from the economist's perspective
by Graham Hall & Sydney Howell - 213-222 Modelling the effect of buyer and seller power on the margins of commodity plastics
by P. R. Cowley - 223-237 Organizing for dual strategies of product diversity and international expansion
by John D. Daniels & Robert A. Pitts & Marietta J. Tretter - 239-255 Diversification strategy, profit performance and the entropy measure
by Krishna Palepu - 257-272 Of strategies, deliberate and emergent
by Henry Mintzberg & James A. Waters - 273-293 Corporate distinctive competence, strategy, industry and performance
by Michael A. Hitt & R. Duane Ireland - 295-295 Risk analysis and its applications, David B. Hertz and Howard Thomas, Wiley, Chichester, 1983. No. of pages: 323. Price: £12.50
by Arthur R. Burgess - 296-297 Readings in the management of innovation, Michael T. Tushman and William L. Moore (eds), Pitman Publishing Inc., Marshfield, Massachusetts, 1982. No. of pages: 651. Price: $16.95
by Arnold C. Cooper - 297-297 Exploring corporate strategy, Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes, Prentice Hall International, 1984. Price £9.50. No. of pages: 354
by Stuart Slatter
April 1985, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 97-113 Empirically derived models of strategic decision‐making processes
by Paul Shrivastava & John H. Grant - 115-134 Control systems and strategic adaptation: Lessons from the Japanese experience
by Alfred M. Jaeger & B. R. Baliga - 135-150 Political strategies of regulated organizations as functions of context and fear
by Philip H. Birnbaum - 151-169 An exploratory study of strategic acquisition factors relating to performance
by John B. Kusewitt - 171-180 Retrospective reports of strategic‐level managers: Guidelines for increasing their accuracy
by George P. Huber & Danial J. Power - 181-189 Intrapreneurship strategy for internal markets — corporate, non‐profit and government institution cases
by Richard P. Nielsen & Michael P. Peters & Robert D. Hisrich - 191-192 Why are the British bad at manufacturing?, Karel Williams and Dennis Thomas, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Henley‐on‐Thames, 1983. No. of pages: 288. Price: £7.95
by J. Johnson - 192-194 Reason in human affairs, Herbert A. Simon, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1983. No. of pages: 115. Price: $10.00
by Richard P. Nielsen
January 1985, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-15 Redirecting research in business policy and strategy
by Colin Camerer