May 1994, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 251-269 How strategy‐making processes can make a difference
by Stuart Hart & Catherine Banbury - 271-290 Trading in strategic resources: Necessary conditions, transaction cost problems, and choice of exchange structure
by Tailan Chi - 291-309 The effect of strategic technology alliances on company performance
by John Hagedoorn & Jos Schakenraad - 311-324 Exploring strategic judgment: Methods for testing the assumptions of prescriptive contingency theories
by Richard L. Priem & David A. Harrison - 325-334 Wholly‐owned vs. collaborative ventures for diversifying financial services
by Hilary Ingham & Steve Thompson
March 1994, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 169-189 How new top managers use control systems as levers of strategic renewal
by Robert Simons - 191-213 Strategy as moral philosophy
by Alan E. Singer - 215-227 Longevity and the life‐cycle of management buy‐outs
by Mike Wright & Ken Robbie & Steve Thompson & Ken Starkey - 229-239 Choice situation, strategy, and performance: A reexamination
by Dan Marlin & Bruce T. Lamont & James J. Hoffman - 241-250 The effects of board size and diversity on strategic change
by Jerry Goodstein & Kanak Gautam & Warren Boeker
February 1994, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 85-102 Competitive attack, retaliation and performance: An expectancy‐valence framework
by Ming‐Jer Chen & Danny Miller - 103-120 Goal configuration in a global industry context
by Kendall Roth & David A. Ricks - 121-134 Stage of the organizational life cycle and competition as mediators of problem perception for small businesses
by H. Robert Dodge & Sam Fullerton & John E. Robbins - 135-152 Characteristics of partnership success: Partnership attributes, communication behavior, and conflict resolution techniques
by Jakki Mohr & Robert Spekman - 153-168 A methodological note on diversity measurement
by Ernest H. Hall & Caron H. St. John
January 1994, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-20 Environment‐strategy relationship and its performance implications: An empirical study of the chinese electronics industry
by J. Justin Tan & Robert J. Litsschert - 21-41 New venture strategies: Theory development with an empirical base
by Nancy M. Carter & Timothy M. Stearns & Paul D. Reynolds & Brenda A. Miller - 43-61 Measuring strategy coherence through patterns of strategic choices
by Deepika Nath & D. Sudharshan - 63-74 Organizational performance in a regulated environment: The role of strategic orientation
by Kannan Ramaswamy & Anisya S. Thomas & Robert J. Litschert - 75-83 Comparing U.S. and Japanese corporate‐level operating performance using financial statement data
by Paul R. Brown & Virginia E. Soybel & Clyde P. Stickney
December 1993, Volume 14, Issue S2
- 1-3 Introduction to the winter 1993 special issue: Organizations, decision making and strategy
by Dan Schendel - 5-10 Organizations, decision making and strategy: Overview and comment
by Richard M. Cyert & Jeffrey R. Williams - 11-22 Strategic management and financial markets
by Franklin Allen - 23-46 Beyond the M‐form: Toward a managerial theory of the firm
by Christopher A. Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal - 47-58 Information, market imperfections and strategy
by Richard M. Cyert & Praveen Kumar & Jeffrey R. Williams - 59-73 The organizational tension between static and dynamic efficiency
by Pankaj Ghemawat & Joan E. I Ricart Costa - 75-93 The strategic management of the entitlement process in the employment relationship
by Chip Heath & Marc Knez & Colin Camerer - 95-112 The myopia of learning
by Daniel A. Levinthal & James G. March - 113-130 Do firm strategies exist?
by Kenneth R. Maccrimmon - 131-142 Strategy and organizational evolution
by Herbert A. Simon
July 1993, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 319-337 Critical factors affecting the planning and implementation of major projects
by John M. Bryson & Philip Bromiley - 339-350 Parallel sourcing and supplier performance in the Japanese automobile industry
by James Richardson - 351-369 Changing competitive dynamics in network industries: An exploration of sun microsystems' open systems strategy
by Raghu Garud & Arun Kumaraswamy - 371-385 Understanding the rationale of strategic technology partnering: Interorganizational modes of cooperation and sectoral differences
by John Hagedoorn - 387-396 Estimating risk‐return relationships: An analysis of measures
by David A. Baucus & Joseph H. Golec & Juett R. Cooper - 397-399 A comment on Gilbert's the twilight of corporate strategy'
by Alan Bauerschmidt
February 1993, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 77-101 The three faces of corporate renewal: Institution, revolution, and evolution
by Stephen J. Mezias & Mary Ann Glynn - 103-123 Strategic groups: A cognitive perspective
by Rhonda K. Reger & Anne Sigismund Huff - 125-135 Bankruptcy as a deliberate strategy: Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence
by Wilbur N. Moulton & Howard Thomas - 137-153 Entrepreneurship and the concept of fit: A model and empirical tests
by John L Naman & Dennis P. Slevin - 155-161 Technology's varying impact on the success of strategic business units within the miles and snow typology
by Dov Dvir & Eli Segev & Aaron Shenhar
January 1993, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor's notes
by Dan Schendel - 3-16 Asset specificity, firm heterogeneity and capital structure
by Srinivasan Balakrishnan & Isaac Fox - 3-16 Abstract
by Srinivasan Balakrishnan & Isaac Fox - 17-31 An empirical investigation of the effect of corporate charter antitakeover amendments on stockholder wealth
by James M. Mahoney & Joseph T. Mahoney - 17-31 Abstract
by James M. Mahoney & Joseph T. Mahoney - 33-46 Strategic assets and organizational rent
by Raphael Amit & Paul J. H. Schoemaker - 33-46 Abstract
by Raphael Amit & Paul J. H. Schoemaker - 47-59 Rivalry, strategic groups and firm profitability
by Karel Cool & Ingemar Dierickx - 47-59 Abstract
by Karel Cool & Ingemar Dierickx - 61-75 R&D spending, domestic competition, and export performance of Japanese manufacturing firms
by Kiyohiko Ito & Vladimir Pucik - 61-75 Abstract
by Kiyohiko Ito & Vladimir Pucik
June 1992, Volume 13, Issue S1
- 5-14 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Balaji S. Chakravarthy & Yves Doz - 15-36 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Pamela S. Barr & J. L. Stimpert & Anne S. Huff - 37-53 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Ari Ginsberg & N. Venkatraman - 55-75 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & James O. Huff & Anne S. Huff & Howard Thomas - 77-92 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Deborah Dougherty - 93-109 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Raghu Garud & Andrew H. van de ven - 111-125 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Dorothy Leonard-Barton - 127-141 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Nandini Rajagopalan & Sydney Finkelstein - 143-151 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Richard L. Priem - 153-167 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Steven W. Floyd & Bill Wooldridge - 169-188 Abstract
by Dan Schendel & Derek Channon & Andrew H. van de ven
December 1991, Volume 12, Issue S2
- 1-3 Editor's comments on the winter special issue
by Dan Schendel - 5-29 Strategic management and economics
by Richard P. Rumelt & Dan Schendel & David J. Teece - 31-50 The functions of the HQ unit in the multibusiness firm
by Alfred D. Chandler - 51-59 Takeovers in the '60s and the '80s: Evidence and implications
by Andrei Shleifer & Robert W. Vishny - 61-74 Why do firms differ, and how does it matter?
by Richard R. Nelson - 75-94 Strategizing, economizing, and economic organization
by Oliver E. Williamson - 95-117 Towards a dynamic theory of strategy
by Michael E. Porter - 119-136 Modeling, game theory, and strategic management
by Garth Saloner - 137-152 Does strategy research need game theory?
by Colin F. Camerer - 153-155 Burning your britches behind you: Can policy scholars bank on game theory?
by Steven Postrel
June 1991, Volume 12, Issue S1
- 1-3 Introduction to the special issue on global strategy
by Dan Schendel - 5-16 Global strategic management: Impact on the new frontiers of strategy research
by Christopher A. Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal - 17-31 An empirical analysis of the determinants of global integration
by Stephen J. Kobrin - 33-47 Country capabilities and the permeability of borders
by Bruce Kogut - 49-68 A resource‐based analysis of global competition: The case of the bearings industry
by David J. Collis - 69-82 Strategic management models and resource‐based strategies among mnes in a host market
by Stephen B. Tallman - 83-103 Competition for competence and interpartner learning within international strategic alliances
by Gary Hamel - 105-124 Global strategic linkages and industry structure
by Nitin Nohria & Carlos Garcia‐Pont - 125-143 Implementing global strategies: The role of procedural justice
by W. Chan Kim & Renée A. Mauborgne - 145-164 Managing DMNCs: A search for a new paradigm
by Y. L. Doz & C. K. Prahalad - 165-173 Cultural roots of economic performance: A research noteA
by Richard H. Franke & Geert Hofstede & Michael H. Bond
November 1991, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 563-588 Supplier relations and management: A survey of Japanese, Japanese‐transplant, and U.S. auto plants
by Michael A. Cusumano & Akira Takeishi - 589-606 Strategy, structure, and performance of U.S. manufacturing and service MNCs: A comparative analysis
by Mohammed M. Habib & Bart Victor - 607-629 Vertical integration in Franchise systems: Agency theory and resource explanations
by Mick Carney & Eric Gedajlovic - 631-641 Do changes in organizational status affect financial performance?
by David Parker & Keith Hartley
October 1991, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 479-491 Institutional ownership, capital structure, and firm performance
by Rajeswararao Chaganti & Fariborz Damanpour - 493-507 Globalization frustrated: The case of white goods
by Charles W. F. Baden‐Fuller & John M. Stopford - 509-522 The performance impact of strategy ‐ manager coalignment: An empirical examination
by Anisya S. Thomas & Robert J. Litschert & Kannan Ramaswamy - 523-533 Successful bear‐fighting strategies
by Hein Schreuder & Patrick Van Cayseele & Patrick Jaspers & Bert De Graaff - 535-548 Porter's ‘competitive advantage of nations’: An assessment
by Robert M. Grant - 549-555 Research notes and communications co‐ordinating mechanisms, consensus between marketing and manufacturing groups, and marketplace performance
by Caron H. St. John & Leslie W. Rue - 557-562 Research notes and communications management and organizational change: A note on the railroad industry
by Curtis M. Grimm & Ken G. Smith
September 1991, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 403-418 Toward a theory of competitive market signaling: A research agenda
by Oliver Heil & Thomas S. Robertson - 419-432 Country—specific advantage and international cooperation
by Weijian Shan & William Hamilton - 433-448 Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation
by Dennis A. Gioia & Kumar Chittipeddi - 449-461 Critique of Henry Mintzberg's ‘The design school: Reconsidering the basic premises of strategic management’
by H. Igor Ansoff - 463-466 Learning 1, planning 0 reply to Igor Ansoff
by Henry Mintzberg - 467-478 The rise and fall of a market leader: Frozen foods in the U.K
by Oliver Heil & Paul Geroski & Tassos Vlassopoulos
July 1991, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 327-351 Strategic decision models: Integrating different perspectives
by Michael A. Hitt & Beverly B. Tyler - 353-370 The effect of compensation program and structure on sbu competitive strategy: A study of technology‐intensive firms
by Craig S. Galbraith & Gregory B. Merrill - 371-386 Loop‐based strategic decision support systems
by Peter P. Merten - 387-393 Joint ventures vs. Non‐joint ventures: An empirical investigation
by David H. Kent - 395-402 How sensitive is executive compensation to organizational size?
by Richard A. Lambert & David F. Larcker & Keith Weigelt
May 1991, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 251-270 The strategy‐shareholder value relationship: Testing temporal stability across market cycles
by Michael Lubatkin & Sayan Chatterjee - 271-279 Capital market evaluation of M‐form implementation and diversification strategy
by Robert E. Hoskisson & Jeffrey S. Harrison & David A. Dubofsky - 281-297 Organizational fit and acquisition performance: Effects of post‐acquisition integration
by Deepak K. Datta - 299-306 Profitability and market share: A reflection on the functional relationship
by Joachim Schwalbach - 307-320 Interpreting and responding to strategic issues: The impact of national culture
by Susan C. Schneider & Arnoud De Meyer - 321-326 The influence of ownership on performance: An empirical study
by Sharon L. Oswald & John S. Jahera
March 1991, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 167-185 How much does industry matter?
by Richard P. Rumelt - 187-199 A longitudinal study of the cause and consequences of changes in diversification in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry 1977–1986
by Charles W. L. Hill & Gary S. Hansen - 201-217 Mergers, acquisitions, and the pruning of managerial deadwood
by James P. Walsh & John W. Ellwood - 219-229 Self‐serving attributions, managerial cognition, and company performance
by Stephen E. Clapham & Charles R. Schwenk - 231-241 Risk‐return associations: Paradox or artifact? An empirically tested explanation
by Robert M. Wiseman & Philip Bromiley - 243-250 An empirical investigation of strategic investment decision models
by Barbara W. Keats
February 1991, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 85-100 Dual clocks: Entry order influences on incumbent and newcomer market share and survival when specialized assets retain their value
by Will Mitchell - 101-114 Output flexibility—A competitive advantage for small firms
by Avi Fiegenbaum & Aneel Karnani - 115-133 Organizational boundaries and economic performance: An empirical study of entrepreneurial computer firms
by Elaine Mosakowski - 135-153 The relative power of ceos and boards of directors: Associations with corporate performance
by John A. Pearce & Shaker A. Zahra - 155-160 CEO duality and organizational performance: A longitudinal analysis
by Paula L. Rechner & Dan R. Dalton - 161-165 The emerging forum for business policy scholars
by Ian C. Macmillan
January 1991, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-16 Are institutional investors myopic? A time‐series study of four technology‐driven industries
by Gary S. Hansen & Charles W. L. Hill - 17-31 Organizing competitor analysis systems
by Sumantra Ghoshal & D. Eleanor Westney - 33-48 The link between resources and type of diversification: Theory and evidence
by Sayan Chatterjee & Birger Wernerfelt - 49-62 Strategic orientation and top management attention to control systems
by Robert Simons - 63-74 The intentional use of chapter XI: Lingering versus immediate filing
by David M. Flynn & Mamdouh Farid - 75-82 Strategy and the research process: A comment
by Anju Seth & George Zinkhan - 83-84 Strategy and the research process: A reply
by Cynthia A. Montgomery & Birger Wernerfelt & Srinivasan Balakrishnan
November 1990, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 501-512 Different roles for subsidiaries: The case of multinational corporations in spain
by J. Carlos Jarillo & Jon I. Martíanez - 513-519 Information asymmetries: A source of competitive advantage for diversified service firms
by Praveen R. Nayyar - 521-533 Patterns of japanese strategy: Strategic combinations of strategies
by Norman P. Smothers - 535-557 Growth and performance contrasts between ‘types’ of small firms
by Sue Birley & Paul Westhead - 559-569 Post‐acquisition financial performance and executive compensation
by Dennis R. Schmidt & Karen L. Fowler - 571-573 Choice and determinism: A comment
by Arthur G. Bedeian - 575-577 Choice and determinism: A reply
by Michael W. Lawless & Linda K. Finch Tegarden
October 1990, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 419-430 Corporate linkages and organizational environment: A test of the resource dependence model
by Brian Boyd - 431-446 Sources of value creation in acquisitions: An empirical investigation
by Anju Seth - 447-467 New venture strategies: An empirical identification of eight ‘archetypes’ of competitive strategies for entry
by Patricia McDougall & Richard B. Robinson - 469-478 Top management team group factors, consensus, and firm performance
by Richard L. Priem - 479-492 The contribution of formal planning to decisions
by Deepak K. Sinha - 493-496 Transaction costs and networks
by Keith J. Blois - 497-499 Comments on ‘transaction costs and networks’
by J. Carlos Jarillo
September 1990, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 337-351 Middle managers and strategy: Microdynamics of inclusion
by Frances R. Westley - 353-363 Stock market reaction to strategic investment decisions
by J. Randall Woolridge & Charles C. Snow - 365-383 Strategic types, distinctive marketing competencies and organizational performance: A multiple measures‐based study
by Jeffrey S. Conant & Michael P. Mokwa & P. Rajan Varadarajan - 385-397 The linkage between strategy, strategic groups, and performance in the U.K. retail grocery industry
by Pam Lewis & Howard Thomas - 399-410 The combined diversification breadth and mode dimensions and the performance of large diversified firms
by Paul G. Simmonds - 411-418 Diversification strategy and performance in Canadian manufacturing firms
by The Hiep Nguyen & Ann Séror & Timothy M. Devinney
May 1990, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 255-268 Corporate mergers, stockholder diversification, and changes in systematic risk
by Sayan Chatterjee & Michael Lubatkin - 269-282 PIMS and the FTC line‐of‐business data: A comparison
by Cheri T. Marshall & Robert D. Buzzell - 283-295 Merger motives and merger prescriptions
by Friedrich Trautwein - 297-308 Shifting gears: Enabling change in corporate aggressiveness
by Charles J. Fombrun & Ari Ginsberg - 309-317 Strategic marketing variables under conditions of competitive bidding
by Stuart S T. P. Slatter - 319-325 A reanalysis of miller and friesen's life cycle data
by Robert Drazin & Robert K. Kazanjian - 327-336 An investigation of the relationship between board composition and stockholder suits
by Idalene F. Kesner & Roy B. Johnson
March 1990, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 171-195 The design school: Reconsidering the basic premises of strategic management
by Henry Mintzberg - 197-215 Strategic groups and performance: The U.S. insurance industry, 1970–84
by Avi Fiegenbaum & Howard Thomas - 217-230 Ceo selection, succession, compensation and firm performance: A theoretical integration and empirical analysis
by Edward J. Zajac - 231-241 The strategy process, middle management involvement, and organizational performance
by Bill Wooldridge & Steven W. Floyd - 243-253 The development of strategic management: Journal quality and article impact
by Richard H. Franke & Timothy W. Edlund & Frederick Oster
February 1990, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 87-98 Founding strategy and performance: A comparison of high and low growth high tech firms
by Henry R. Feeser & Gary E. Willard - 99-115 Value creation in acquisitions: A re‐examination of performance issues
by Anju Seth - 117-128 An eclectic theory of the choice of international entry mode
by Charles W. L. Hill & Peter Hwang & W. Chan Kim - 129-139 An empirical analysis of organizational strategies by entrepreneurial high‐technology firms
by Weijian Shan - 141-151 Management of the political imperative in international business
by Peter Smith Ring & Stefanie Ann Lenway & Michele Govekar - 153-169 Matching compensation and organizational strategies
by David B. Balkin & Luis R. Gomez‐Mejia
January 1990, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-23 Environment‐strategy coalignment: An empirical test of its performance implications
by N. Venkatraman & John E. Prescott - 25-41 A dynamic perspective on the impact of process innovation upon competitive strategies
by Dean M. Schroeder - 43-57 The paradox of strategic controls
by Michael Goold & John J. Quinn - 59-68 Requiem for a lightweight: The Northrop f‐20 strategic initiative
by Anthony F. Jurkus - 69-77 Changing pattern of acquisition behaviour in takeovers and the consequences for acquisition processes
by John W. Hunt - 79-86 Research notes and communications management objectives in mergers and acquisitions
by Gordon A. Walter & Jay B. Barney
June 1989, Volume 10, Issue S1
- 1-3 Intoduction to the second special issue ‘on stategic leadership’
by Dan Schendel - 5-15 Guest editor's introduction: Putting top managers back in the strategy picture
by Donald C. Hambrick - 17-32 Visionary leadership and strategic management
by Frances Westley & Henry Mintzberg - 33-49 Strategic cores and magnificent obsessions: Discovering strategy formation through daily activities of ceos
by Alain Noel - 51-66 Strategic leadership patterns
by Paul Shrivastava & Sidney A. Nachman - 67-86 New CEO intervention and dynamics of deliberate strategic change
by Larry E. Greiner & Arvind Bhambri - 87-105 Top management teams and organizational renewal
by David K. Hurst & James C. Rush & Roderick E. White - 107-124 Top management and innovations in banking: Does the composition of the top team make a difference?
by Karen A. Bantel & Susan E. Jackson - 125-141 Top management group heterogeneity and firm performance
by Alan I. Murray - 143-156 Top management tenure, corporate ownership structure and the magnitude of golden parachutes
by Harbir Singh & Farid Harianto - 157-170 Aligning managers with strategies: Management development versus selection
by Jeffrey L Kerr & Ellen F. Jackofsky
November 1989, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 507-522 Business strategy, market structure and risk‐return relationships: A structural approach
by Karel Cool & Ingemar Dierickx & David Jemison - 523-551 Research on corporate diversification: A synthesis
by Vasudevan Ramanujam & P. Varadarajan - 553-567 Operationalizing strategic planning
by David M. Reid - 569-585 The impact of corporate size and strategy on competitive pricing
by Gerald J. Tellis - 587-592 The psychological context of strategic decisions: A test of relevance to practitioners
by Thomas S. Bateman & Carl P. Zeithaml
September 1989, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 399-411 Determinants of firm performance: The relative importance of economic and organizational factors
by Gary S. Hansen & Birger Wernerfelt - 413-430 Changing generic strategies: Likelihood, direction, and performance implications
by Edward J. Zajac & Stephen M. Shortell - 431-447 The learning curve, technology barriers to entry, and competitive survival in the chemical processing industries
by Marvin B. Lieberman - 449-474 Global corporate competition: Who's winning, who's losing, and the R&D factor as one reason why
by Lawrence G. Franko - 475-485 Mobility barriers and strategic groups
by Briance Mascarenhas & David A. Aaker - 487-505 A systematic comparative analysis and synthesis of two business‐level strategic typologies
by Eli Segev