April 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 94-112 Optimal Landmark Point Selection Using Clustering for Manifold Modeling and Data Classification
by Manazhy Rashmi & Praveen Sankaran - 113-139 Robustification of Gaussian Bayes Classifier by the Minimum β-Divergence Method
by Md. Matiur Rahaman & Md. Nurul Haque Mollah - 140-151 Multiclass Classification Based on Multi-criteria Decision-making
by Hossein Baloochian & Hamid Reza Ghaffary - 152-174 A New Method for Classifying Random Variables Based on Support Vector Machine
by Maryam Abaszade & Sohrab Effati
October 2018, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 391-393 Editorial
by Douglas L. Steinley - 394-421 Nonlinear Time Series Clustering Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov 2D Statistic
by Beibei Zhang & Rong Chen - 422-436 Risks of Classification of the Gaussian Markov Random Field Observations
by Kęstutis Dučinskas & Lina Dreižienė - 437-465 Effects of Item Calibration Errors on Computerized Adaptive Testing under Cognitive Diagnosis Models
by Hung-Yu Huang - 466-480 Adaptive Exponential Power Depth with Application to Classification
by Yunlu Jiang & Canhong Wen & Xueqin Wang - 481-510 A Density-Sensitive Hierarchical Clustering Method
by Álvaro Martínez-Pérez - 511-548 A Novel Honey-Bees Mating Optimization Approach with Higher order Neural Network for Classification
by Janmenjoy Nayak & Bighnaraj Naik - 549-579 Modeling Binary Time Series Using Gaussian Processes with Application to Predicting Sleep States
by Xu Gao & Babak Shahbaba & Hernando Ombao - 580-586 On the Negative Bias of the Gini Coefficient due to Grouping
by Matthijs J. Warrens
July 2018, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 195-197 Editorial
by Douglas L. Steinley - 198-229 On the Interpretation of Ensemble Classifiers in Terms of Bayes Classifiers
by Tri Le & Bertrand Clarke - 230-249 A Copula Based ICA Algorithm and Its Application to Time Series Clustering
by Jafar Rahmanishamsi & Ali Dolati & Masoudreza R. Aghabozorgi - 250-272 Functional Sufficient Dimension Reduction for Functional Data Classification
by Guochang Wang & Xinyuan Song - 273-299 How to Build a Complete Q-Matrix for a Cognitively Diagnostic Test
by Hans-Friedrich Köhn & Chia-Yi Chiu - 300-344 A New Chaotic Whale Optimization Algorithm for Features Selection
by Gehad Ismail Sayed & Ashraf Darwish & Aboul Ella Hassanien - 345-366 A Comparative Study of Divisive and Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
by Maurice Roux - 367-390 Treelike Families of Multiweights
by Agnese Baldisserri & Elena Rubei
April 2018, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Douglas L. Steinley - 5-28 Qualitative Judgement of Research Impact: Domain Taxonomy as a Fundamental Framework for Judgement of the Quality of Research
by Fionn Murtagh & Michael Orlov & Boris Mirkin - 29-51 Two-Stage Metropolis-Hastings for Tall Data
by Richard D. Payne & Bani K. Mallick - 52-70 A New Support Vector Machine Plus with Pinball Loss
by Wenxin Zhu & Yunyan Song & Yingyuan Xiao - 71-99 The Hierarchical Spectral Merger Algorithm: A New Time Series Clustering Procedure
by Carolina Euán & Hernando Ombao & Joaquín Ortega - 100-123 Extended Box Clustering for Classification Problems
by Vincenzo Spinelli - 124-146 A Multivariate Logistic Distance Model for the Analysis of Multiple Binary Responses
by Hailemichael M. Worku & Mark Rooij - 147-171 The Lack of Cross-Validation Can Lead to Inflated Results and Spurious Conclusions: A Re-Analysis of the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study
by Ehsan Bokhari & Lawrence Hubert - 172-193 Latent Ignorability and Item Selection for Nursing Home Case-Mix Evaluation
by Francesco Bartolucci & Giorgio E. Montanari & Silvia Pandolfi
October 2017, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 366-383 On the Ultrametric Generated by Random Distribution of Points in Euclidean Spaces of Large Dimensions with Correlated Coordinates
by A. P. Zubarev - 384-398 Investigating the Performance of a Variation of Multiple Correspondence Analysis for Multiple Imputation in Categorical Data Sets
by Johané Nienkemper-Swanepoel & Michael J Maltitz - 399-426 Modeling Threshold Interaction Effects Through the Logistic Classification Trunk
by Claudio Conversano & Elise Dusseldorp - 427-443 Improving SVM Classification on Imbalanced Datasets by Introducing a New Bias
by Haydemar Núñez & Luis Gonzalez-Abril & Cecilio Angulo - 444-464 A Semiparametric and Location-Shift Copula-Based Mixture Model
by Gildas Mazo - 465-472 Exact One-Sided Bayes Factors for 2 by 2 Contingency Tables
by Rudy Ligtvoet - 473-493 Analysis of Web Visit Histories, Part II: Predicting Navigation by Nested STUMP Regression Trees
by Roberta Siciliano & Antonio D’Ambrosio & Massimo Aria & Sonia Amodio - 494-513 Real-Time Detection of In-flight Aircraft Damage
by Brenton Blair & Herbert K. H. Lee & Misty Davies - 514-547 rCOSA: A Software Package for Clustering Objects on Subsets of Attributes
by Maarten M. Kampert & Jacqueline J. Meulman & Jerome H. Friedman
July 2017, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 163-164 Editorial
by Douglas L. Steinley - 165-190 On Strategies to Fix Degenerate k-means Solutions
by Daniel Aloise & Nielsen Castelo Damasceno & Nenad Mladenović & Daniel Nobre Pinheiro - 191-222 Robinsonian Matrices: Recognition Challenges
by D. Fortin - 223-248 The Effect of Model Misspecification on Growth Mixture Model Class Enumeration
by Daniel McNeish & Jeffrey R. Harring - 249-293 Robust Clustering in Regression Analysis via the Contaminated Gaussian Cluster-Weighted Model
by Antonio Punzo & Paul. D. McNicholas - 294-326 Dimension-Reduced Clustering of Functional Data via Subspace Separation
by Michio Yamamoto & Heungsun Hwang - 327-359 Handling Missing Data in Item Response Theory. Assessing the Accuracy of a Multiple Imputation Procedure Based on Latent Class Analysis
by Isabella Sulis & Mariano Porcu
April 2017, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 4-34 Multivariate Response and Parsimony for Gaussian Cluster-Weighted Models
by Utkarsh J. Dang & Antonio Punzo & Paul D. McNicholas & Salvatore Ingrassia & Ryan P. Browne - 35-48 On the Correspondence Between Procrustes Analysis and Bidimensional Regression
by Justin L. Kern - 49-75 Maximal Interaction Two-Mode Clustering
by Jan Schepers & Hans-Hermann Bock & Iven Mechelen - 76-84 Finding Ultrametricity in Data using Topology
by Patrick Erik Bradley - 85-107 Fusing Vantage Point Trees and Linear Discriminants for Fast Feature Classification
by Hugo Proença & João C. Neves - 108-147 Versatile Hyper-Elliptic Clustering Approach for Streaming Data Based on One-Pass-Thrown-Away Learning
by Niwan Wattanakitrungroj & Saranya Maneeroj & Chidchanok Lursinsap - 148-162 Single-Valued Neutrosophic Clustering Algorithms Based on Similarity Measures
by Jun Ye
October 2016, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 327-330 Editorial
by Douglas L. Steinley - 331-373 Model-Based Clustering
by Paul D. McNicholas - 374-411 Piecewise Regression Mixture for Simultaneous Functional Data Clustering and Optimal Segmentation
by Faicel Chamroukhi - 412-441 Finite Mixture Modeling of Gaussian Regression Time Series with Application to Dendrochronology
by Semhar Michael & Volodymyr Melnykov - 442-459 Weighted Euclidean Biplots
by Michael J. Greenacre & Patrick J. F. Groenen - 460-484 Estimation of Generalized DINA Model with Order Restrictions
by Chen-Yu Hong & Yu-Wei Chang & Rung-Ching Tsai - 485-506 Fidelity-Commensurability Tradeoff in Joint Embedding of Disparate Dissimilarities
by Sancar Adali & Carey E. Priebe - 507-522 Kappa Coefficients for Circular Classifications
by Matthijs J. Warrens & Bunga C. Pratiwi
July 2016, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 167-170 Editorial
by Douglas L. Steinley - 171-184 A Proof of the Duality of the DINA Model and the DINO Model
by Hans-Friedrich Köhn & Chia-Yi Chiu - 185-209 On the Incommensurability Phenomenon
by Donniell E. Fishkind & Cencheng Shen & Youngser Park & Carey E. Priebe - 210-242 A Survey on Feature Weighting Based K-Means Algorithms
by Renato Cordeiro Amorim - 243-261 Improved Classification for Compositional Data Using the α-transformation
by Michail Tsagris & Simon Preston & Andrew T. A. Wood - 262-281 Design of Blurring Mean-Shift Algorithms for Data Classification
by Carlo Grillenzoni - 282-297 Weighted Graphs with Distances in Given Ranges
by Elena Rubei - 298-324 Analysis of Web Visit Histories, Part I: Distance-Based Visualization of Sequence Rules
by Roberta Siciliano & Antonia D’Ambrosio & Massimo Aria & Sonia Amodio - 325-325 Erratum to: Analysis of Web Visit Histories, Part I: Distance-Based Visualization of Sequence Rules
by Roberta Siciliano & Antonio D’Ambrosio & Massimo Aria & Sonia Amodio
April 2016, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 6-29 The Classification Society’s Bibliography Over Four Decades: History and Content Analysis
by Fionn Murtagh & Michael J. Kurtz - 30-51 Power and Sample Size Computation for Wald Tests in Latent Class Models
by Dereje W. Gudicha & Fetene B. Tekle & Jeroen K. Vermunt - 52-72 Divisive Latent Class Modeling as a Density Estimation Method for Categorical Data
by Daniël W. Palm & L. Andries Ark & Jeroen K. Vermunt - 73-102 Simultaneous Predictive Gaussian Classifiers
by Yaqiong Cui & Jukka Sirén & Timo Koski & Jukka Corander - 103-117 Contours and Tight Clusters
by Samuel A. Alexander - 118-140 On the Properties of α-Unchaining Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering
by Alvaro Martínez-Pérez - 141-148 Inequalities Between Similarities for Numerical Data
by Matthijs J. Warrens - 149-165 A New Representation of Interval Symbolic Data and Its Application in Dynamic Clustering
by Wenhua Li & Junpeng Guo & Ying Chen & Minglu Wang
October 2015, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 357-358 Editorial
by Douglas Steinley - 359-381 Fractionally-Supervised Classification
by Irene Vrbik & Paul McNicholas - 382-413 The Analysis of Multivariate Data Using Semi-Definite Programming
by A.H. Al-Ibrahim - 414-442 Bisecting K-Means and 1D Projection Divisive Clustering: A Unified Framework and Experimental Comparison
by Ekaterina Kovaleva & Boris Mirkin - 443-480 Affinity Propagation and Uncapacitated Facility Location Problems
by Michael Brusco & Douglas Steinley - 481-515 An Exact Algorithm for the Two-Mode KL-Means Partitioning Problem
by Michael Brusco & Patrick Doreian - 516-541 Discriminant Analysis of Interval Data: An Assessment of Parametric and Distance-Based Approaches
by A. Silva & Paula Brito - 542-543 Erratum to: Local Statistical Modeling via a Cluster-Weighted Approach with Elliptical Distributions
by Salvatore Ingrassia & Simona Minotti & Giorgio Vittadini
July 2015, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 145-175 Model-Based Clustering for Conditionally Correlated Categorical Data
by Matthieu Marbac & Christophe Biernacki & Vincent Vandewalle - 176-211 Kernel-Based Methods to Identify Overlapping Clusters with Linear and Nonlinear Boundaries
by Chiheb-Eddine N’Cir & Nadia Essoussi & Mohamed Limam - 212-240 Point Clustering via Voting Maximization
by Costas Panagiotakis - 241-267 TOBAE: A Density-based Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm
by Shehzad Khalid & Shahid Razzaq - 268-284 On the Added Value of Bootstrap Analysis for K-Means Clustering
by Joeri Hofmans & Eva Ceulemans & Douglas Steinley & Iven Mechelen - 285-304 DESPOTA: DEndrogram Slicing through a PemutatiOn Test Approach
by Dario Bruzzese & Domenico Vistocco - 305-326 Classification Using the Zipfian Kernel
by Marcel Jiřina & Marcel Jiřina - 327-355 Erratum to: The Generalized Linear Mixed Cluster-Weighted Model
by Salvatore Ingrassia & Antonio Punzo & Giorgio Vittadini & Simona Minotti
April 2015, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 3-20 Shuffled Graph Classification: Theory and Connectome Applications
by Joshua Vogelstein & Carey Priebe - 21-45 Influence Measures for CART Classification Trees
by Avner Bar-Hen & Servane Gey & Jean-Michel Poggi - 46-62 Feature Relevance in Ward’s Hierarchical Clustering Using the L p Norm
by Renato Amorim - 63-84 Outlier Identification in Model-Based Cluster Analysis
by Katie Evans & Tanzy Love & Sally Thurston - 85-113 The Generalized Linear Mixed Cluster-Weighted Model
by Salvatore Ingrassia & Antonio Punzo & Giorgio Vittadini & Simona Minotti - 114-126 A Note on Maximizing the Agreement Between Partitions: A Stepwise Optimal Algorithm and Some Properties
by Douglas Steinley & Gretchen Hendrickson & Michael Brusco - 127-137 Some Relationships Between Cronbach’s Alpha and the Spearman-Brown Formula
by Matthijs Warrens
October 2014, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 273-273 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 274-295 Ward’s Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Method: Which Algorithms Implement Ward’s Criterion?
by Fionn Murtagh & Pierre Legendre - 296-324 Functional PCA and Base-Line Logit Models
by Manuel Escabias & Ana Aguilera & M. Aguilera-Morillo - 325-350 Robust Functional Supervised Classification for Time Series
by Andrés Alonso & David Casado & Sara López-Pintado & Juan Romo - 351-385 An Optimal Algorithm To Recognize Robinsonian Dissimilarities
by Pascal Préa & Dominique Fortin - 386-420 Classification of Asymmetric Proximity Data
by Donatella Vicari
July 2014, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 135-135 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 136-153 Variable Selection for Clustering and Classification
by Jeffrey Andrews & Paul McNicholas - 154-178 A Run Length Transformation for Discriminating Between Auto Regressive Time Series
by Anthony Bagnall & Gareth Janacek - 179-193 Corrected Zegers-ten Berge Coefficients Are Special Cases of Cohen’s Weighted Kappa
by Matthijs Warrens - 194-218 Minkowski Generalizations of Ward’s Method in Hierarchical Clustering
by Alan Lee & Bobby Willcox - 219-241 Globally Optimal Clusterwise Regression By Column Generation Enhanced with Heuristics, Sequencing and Ending Subset Optimization
by Réal Carbonneau & Gilles Caporossi & Pierre Hansen - 242-269 Using Generalized Procrustes Analysis for Multiple Imputation in Principal Component Analysis
by Joost Ginkel & Pieter Kroonenberg - 270-271 Book Review
by Ramsés Mena
April 2014, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-1 Theme Articles on Classification and Geometric Data Analysis
by Fionn Murtagh - 2-27 Canonical Analysis: Ranks, Ratios and Fits
by Casper Albers & John Gower - 28-48 Distinguishing and Classifying from n-ary Properties
by Pascal Préa & Monique Rolbert - 49-84 Adaptive Mixture Discriminant Analysis for Supervised Learning with Unobserved Classes
by Charles Bouveyron - 85-106 Rhetorical Strategy in Forensic Speeches: Multidimensional Statistics-Based Methodology
by Mónica Bécue-Bertaut & Belchin Kostov & Annie Morin & Guilhem Naro - 107-128 The Canonical Analysis of Distance
by John Gower & Niel Roux & Sugnet Gardner-Lubbe - 129-133 J. Gower, S. Lubbe and N. le Roux, Understanding Biplots, John Wiley and Sons, 2011, pp. 463, ISBN 978-0-470-01255-0
by Jan Graffelman
October 2013, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 306-337 Constrained Multilevel Latent Class Models for the Analysis of Three-Way Three-Mode Binary Data
by Michel Meulders & Francis Tuerlinckx & Wolf Vanpaemel - 338-369 Model Selection for the Trend Vector Model
by Hsiu-Ting Yu & Mark Rooij - 370-396 Cluster Differences Unfolding for Two-Way Two-Mode Preference Rating Data
by J. Vera & Rodrigo Macías & Willem Heiser - 397-427 Graph Partitioning by Correspondence Analysis and Taxicab Correspondence Analysis
by Vartan Choulakian & Jules Tibeiro - 428-452 Model Similarity and Rank-Order Based Classification of Bayesian Networks
by Sung-Ho Kim & Geonyoup Noh - 453-473 Optimal Quantization of the Support of a Continuous Multivariate Distribution based on Mutual Information
by Bernard Colin & François Dubeau & Hussein Khreibani & Jules Tibeiro
July 2013, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 149-151 Editorial
by Carolyn Anderson & Jeff Douglas - 152-172 The Development of Computerized Adaptive Testing with Cognitive Diagnosis for an English Achievement Test in China
by Hong-Yun Liu & Xiao-Feng You & Wen-Yi Wang & Shu-Liang Ding & Hua-Hua Chang - 173-194 Using Neural Network Analysis to Define Methods of DINA Model Estimation for Small Sample Sizes
by Zhan Shu & Robert Henson & John Willse - 195-224 Incorporating Student Covariates in Cognitive Diagnosis Models
by Elizabeth Ayers & Sophia Rabe-Hesketh & Rebecca Nugent - 225-250 A Nonparametric Approach to Cognitive Diagnosis by Proximity to Ideal Response Patterns
by Chia-Yi Chiu & Jeff Douglas - 251-275 Measuring the Reliability of Diagnostic Classification Model Examinee Estimates
by Jonathan Templin & Laine Bradshaw - 276-303 Multidimensional Item Response Theory Models with Collateral Information as Poisson Regression Models
by Carolyn Anderson
April 2013, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-29 Utilization of singularity exponent in nearest neighbor based classifier
by Marcel Jirina & Marcel Jirina - 30-55 Detecting Clusters in the Data from Variance Decompositions of Its Projections
by Yannis Yatracos - 56-74 Additive Biclustering: A Comparison of One New and Two Existing ALS Algorithms
by Tom Wilderjans & Dirk Depril & Iven Van Mechelen - 75-99 Comparing Optimization Algorithms for Item Selection in Mokken Scale Analysis
by J. Straat & L. Ark & Klaas Sijtsma - 100-123 Combining Association Measures for Collocation Extraction Using Clustering of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
by Jaromír Antoch & Luboš Prchal & Pascal Sarda - 124-147 A Thurstonian Ranking Model with Rank-Induced Dependencies
by Daniel Ennis & John Ennis
October 2012, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 277-296 Block-Relaxation Approaches for Fitting the INDCLUS Model
by Tom Wilderjans & Dirk Depril & Iven Mechelen - 297-320 Lowdimensional Additive Overlapping Clustering
by Dirk Depril & Iven Mechelen & Tom Wilderjans - 321-340 Recognizing Treelike k-Dissimilarities
by Sven Herrmann & Katharina Huber & Vincent Moulton & Andreas Spillner - 341-362 Mixtures of Autoregressions with an Improper Component for Panel Data
by Nicholas Longford & Pierpaolo D’Urso - 363-401 Local Statistical Modeling via a Cluster-Weighted Approach with Elliptical Distributions
by Salvatore Ingrassia & Simona Minotti & Giorgio Vittadini
July 2012, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 117-117 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 118-143 Fast, Linear Time Hierarchical Clustering using the Baire Metric
by Pedro Contreras & Fionn Murtagh - 144-169 Dealing with Distances and Transformations for Fuzzy C-Means Clustering of Compositional Data
by Javier Palarea-Albaladejo & Josep Martín-Fernández & Jesús Soto - 170-198 FINDCLUS: Fuzzy INdividual Differences CLUStering
by Paolo Giordani & Henk Kiers - 199-226 A New Class of Weighted Similarity Indices Using Polytomous Variables
by Isabella Morlini & Sergio Zani - 227-258 Accurate Tree-based Missing Data Imputation and Data Fusion within the Statistical Learning Paradigm
by Antonio D’Ambrosio & Massimo Aria & Roberta Siciliano
April 2012, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 4-6 In memoriam Joseph B. Kruskal
by J. Carroll & Phipps Arabie - 7-22 A Combinatorial Approach to Assess the Separability of Clusters
by J. Cerdeira & M. Martins & Pedro Silva - 23-49 A Criterion Based on the Mahalanobis Distance for Cluster Analysis with Subsampling
by Nicolas Picard & Avner Bar-Hen - 50-75 A Copula-Based Algorithm for Discovering Patterns of Dependent Observations
by F. Lascio & Simone Giannerini - 76-90 A Property of the CHAID Partitioning Method for Dichotomous Randomized Response Data and Categorical Predictors
by Pier Perri & Peter Heijden - 91-116 Handling Missing Values with Regularized Iterative Multiple Correspondence Analysis
by Julie Josse & Marie Chavent & Benot Liquet & François Husson
October 2011, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 272-296 Directed Binary Hierarchies and Directed Ultrametrics
by I-C. Lerman & P. Kuntz - 297-314 On the Schoenberg Transformations in Data Analysis: Theory and Illustrations
by François Bavaud - 315-326 Between-Group Metrics
by John Gower & Casper Albers - 327-362 Classification of Multivariate Objects Using Interval Quantile Classes
by Andrzej Młodak - 363-389 The Real-Valued Model of Hierarchical Classes
by Jan Schepers & Iven Mechelen & Eva Ceulemans - 390-403 TreeOfTrees Method to Evaluate the Congruence Between Gene Trees
by Pierre Darlu & Alain Guénoche
July 2011, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 144-155 Some New Results on Orthogonally Constrained Candecomp
by Mohammed Dosse & Jos Berge & Jorge Tendeiro - 156-183 Clustering of Distributions: A Case of Patent Citations
by Nataša Kejžar & Simona Korenjak-Černe & Vladimir Batagelj - 184-209 MCS: A Method for Finding the Number of Clusters
by Ahmed Albatineh & Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj - 210-226 A New Dimension Reduction Method: Factor Discriminant K-means
by Roberto Rocci & Stefano Gattone & Maurizio Vichi - 227-243 Multiclass Functional Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Gesture Recognition
by Hidetoshi Matsui & Takamitsu Araki & Sadanori Konishi - 244-270 Classification and Categorical Inputs with Treed Gaussian Process Models
by Tamara Broderick & Robert Gramacy
April 2011, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-5 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 7-20 The Academic Journal Ranking Problem: A Fuzzy-Clustering Approach
by Stefano Benati & Silvana Stefani - 21-37 The Factorial Minimum Spanning Tree as a Reference for a Synthetic Index of Complex Phenomena
by Sergio Scippacercola - 38-52 Heterogeneity Measures in Customer Satisfaction Analysis
by Pasquale Valentini & Tonio Battista & Stefano Antonio Gattone - 53-69 Complementary Use of Rasch Models and Nonlinear Principal Components Analysis in the Assessment of the Opinion of Europeans About Utilities
by Pier Ferrari & Silvia Salini - 70-92 Correspondence Analysis with Linear Constraints of Ordinal Cross-Classifications
by Antonello D’Ambra & Pietro Amenta - 93-112 On the Imputation of Missing Data in Surveys with Likert-Type Scales
by Maurizio Carpita & Marica Manisera - 113-125 Iterative Design of Experiments by Non-Linear PLS Models. A Case Study: The Reservoir Simulator Data to Forecast Oil Production
by R. Lombardo & J.-F. Durand & A. Faraj - 126-141 GME Estimation of Spatial Structural Equations Models
by Rosa Bernardini Papalia & Enrico Ciavolino
November 2010, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 279-306 Structural Similarity: Spectral Methods for Relaxed Blockmodeling
by Ulrik Brandes & Jürgen Lerner - 307-321 Dimensionality Reduction on the Cartesian Product of Embeddings of Multiple Dissimilarity Matrices
by Zhiliang Ma & Adam Cardinal-Stakenas & Youngser Park & Michael Trosset & Carey Priebe - 322-332 A Formal Proof of a Paradox Associated with Cohen’s Kappa
by Matthijs Warrens - 333-362 Comparing Several Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches to Time Series Clustering: A Simulation Study
by Sonia Díaz & José Vilar - 363-388 Dimensionally Reduced Model-Based Clustering Through Mixtures of Factor Mixture Analyzers
by Cinzia Viroli - 389-403 A Probability for Classification Based on the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
by Ruth Fuentes–García & Ramsés Mena & Stephen Walker - 404-407 Stanley A. Mulaik, Linear Causal Modeling with Structural Equations, Chapman & Hall/CRC., 2009, pp. 468, ISBN: 14398 00383
by Phillip Wood - 408-410 Wojtek J. Krzanowski, Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social Research, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 300, ISBN10: 0199213100
by Gretchen Hendrickson
September 2010, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 136-157 Minimum Tree Cost Quartet Puzzling
by Tudor Ionescu & Géraldine Polaillon & Frédéric Boulanger - 158-172 An Algorithm for Computing Cutpoints in Finite Metric Spaces
by Andreas Dress & Katharina Huber & Jacobus Koolen & Vincent Moulton & Andreas Spillner - 173-190 n-Way Metrics
by Matthijs Warrens - 191-210 Multiple Correspondence Analysis via Polynomial Transformations of Ordered Categorical Variables
by Rosaria Lombardo & Jacqueline Meulman - 211-230 Functional Cluster Analysis via Orthonormalized Gaussian Basis Expansions and Its Application
by Mitsunori Kayano & Koji Dozono & Sadanori Konishi - 231-275 Wavelet-based Fuzzy Clustering of Time Series
by Elizabeth Ann Maharaj & Pierpaolo D’Urso & Don Galagedera
March 2010, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-40 Intelligent Choice of the Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering: An Experimental Study with Different Cluster Spreads
by Mark Chiang & Boris Mirkin - 41-53 Selection of a Representative Sample
by Herbert Lee & Matthew Taddy & Genetha Gray - 54-88 A Fuzzy Clustering Model for Multivariate Spatial Time Series
by Renato Coppi & Pierpaolo D’Urso & Paolo Giordani - 89-110 Parsimonious Classification Via Generalized Linear Mixed Models
by G. Kauermann & J. Ormerod & M. Wand