January 1992, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 141-142 A computer program to construct distributions with specific degrees of skew and kurtosis
by Ken Stange & Robert Saltstone - 143-144 Mathematical aspects of multiple correspondence analysis for ordinal variables
by G. d'Aubiguy - 145-147 The statistical analysis of categorical data
by G. Upton - 148-150 Multiway data analysis
by M. Greenacre - 151-153 Metric scaling correspondence analysis
by S. Winsberg - 154-158 Envisioning information
by George Furnas - 159-160 Graphical models in applied multivariate statistics
by Robin Thompson - 161-163 PARELLA: Measurement of latent traits by proximity items
by D. Bartholomew - 164-166 Ratio scaling of psychological magnitude
by Howard Moskowitz - 167-168 A comparison of probabilistic unfolding theories for paired comparisons data
by Wayne DeSarbo - 169-172 The comparative method in evolutionary biology
by D. Penny - 173-175 Matching configurations
by A. Collins - 176-178 Unfolding and group consensus ranking for individual preferences
by R. Henery
December 1991, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 157-176 Clustering criteria for discrete data and latent class models
by Gilles Celeux & Gérard Govaert - 177-200 The generation of random ultrametric matrices representing dendrograms
by François-Joseph Lapointe & Pierre Legendre - 201-215 On the performance of a discriminant function
by Wieslaw Szczesny - 217-237 A new approach to isotonic agglomerative hierarchical clustering
by Werner Vach & Paul Degens - 239-250 A Monte Carlo study of the 632 bootstrap estimator of error rate
by G. Fitzmaurice & W. Krzanowski & D. Hand - 251-268 A comparison of two approaches to fitting directed graphs to nonsymmetric proximity measures
by K. Klauer & J. Carroll - 269-286 Book reviews
by Erhard Godehardt & Cajor Braak & Maurice Roux & R. Blashfield & Pascale Rousseau & Peter Bryant & Richard Hathaway
January 1991, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-30 Efficient algorithms for divisive hierarchical clustering with the diameter criterion
by A. Guénoche & P. Hansen & B. Jaumard - 31-44 Large-sample results for optimization-based clustering methods
by Peter Bryant - 45-63 A latent class probit model for analyzing pick any/N data
by Geert Soete & Wayne DeSarbo - 65-91 A permutation-based algorithm for block clustering
by Diane Duffy & adolfo Quiroz - 93-98 Some notes on the diagonalization of the extended three-mode core matrix
by Piet Brouwer & Pieter Kroonenberg - 99-113 A mathematical model for classification and identification
by D. Leuschner - 115-148 Book reviews
by Fionn Murtagh & R. Curnow & J. Felsenstein & P. Sneath & Margaret Wright & A. Bowman & P. Altham & J. Jeffers & Martin Crowder & P. Bentler & Šarnas Raudys
September 1990, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 167-195 A sequential fitting procedure for linear data analysis models
by Boris Mirkin - 197-216 Piecewise hierarchical clustering
by Gildas Brossier - 217-240 Weight constrained maximum split clustering
by P. Hansen & B. Jaumard & K. Musitu - 241-256 The coefficient of variation biplot
by Leslie Underhill - 257-269 Constructing dissimilarity measures
by A. Gordon - 271-285 A preliminary study of optimal variable weighting in k-means clustering
by Paul Green & Jonathan Kim & Frank Carmone - 287-316 Book reviews
by B. Ripley & Philippa Pattison & Paul Thompson & Jan Leeuw & Ludovic Lebart & Brian Everitt & Roderick McDonald & Jeffrey Banfield & Richard Hathaway - 317-319 CSNA-90 Program Classification and Clustering: Perspectives and Prospects June 21 – 23 Utah State University Logan, Utah, USA
by Richard Dubes & Michael Windham
March 1990, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-31 Distribution of some similarity coefficients for dyadic binary data in the case of associated attributes
by Tom Snijders & Maarten Dormaar & Wijbrandt Schuur & Chantal Dijkman-Caes & Ger Driessen - 33-52 Clique optimization: A method to construct parsimonious ultrametric trees from similarity data
by N. Sriram - 53-75 Approximate analysis of variance of spatially autocorrelated regional data
by Pierre Legendre & Neal Oden & Robert Sokal & Alain Vaudor & Junhyong Kim - 77-80 The median procedure for n-trees as a maximum likelihood method
by F. McMorris - 81-98 Between-group analysis with heterogeneous covariance matrices: The common principal component model
by W. Krzanowski - 99-109 Cross-sectional approach for clustering time varying data
by Katarina Košmelj & Vladimir Batagelj - 115-158 Book reviews
by John Haslett & Victor Kamensky & Richard Dubes & Norman Cliff & Jan Leeuw & Robert Ling & William Day & John Daws & C. Perruchet & Ivo Molenaar & F. Murtagh & Anuska Ferilgoj
December 1989, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 25th Anniversary of the British Classification Society
by J. Gower & P. Sneath - 7-52 Metric family portraits
by George Furnas - 53-71 A validation study of a variable weighting algorithm for cluster analysis
by Glenn Milligan - 73-95 The inference of hierarchical schemes for multinomial data
by Pascale Rousseau & David Sankoff - 97-103 An index of goodness-of-fit based on noncentrality
by Roderick McDonald - 105-119 An evaluation of five algorithms for generating an initial configuration for SINDSCAL
by J. Carroll & Geert Soete & Sandra Pruzansky - 121-161 Book reviews
by Akinori Okada & Hans-Hermann Bock & F. Murtagh & F. Rohlf & Wei-Chien Chang & Shizuhiko Nishisato & Robert Sokal & Carolyn Anderson & Frank Critchley & Frank Critchley & Robert Golden - 163-164 Report on the Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
by Yoshio Takane - 169-170 Classification Society of North America Twentieth Anniversary
by W. Day & R. Sokal - 177-193 Maximum sum-of-splits clustering
by P. Hansen & B. Jaumard & O. Frank - 195-222 Automated design of multiple-class piecewise linear classifiers
by Youngtae Park & Jack Sklansky - 223-231 Fast random generation of binary, t-ary and other types of trees
by Adolfo Quiroz - 233-246 A classification of presence/absence based dissimilarity coefficients
by F. Baulieu - 247-270 A mathematical programming approach to fitting general graphs
by K. Klauer & J. Carroll - 271-272 Additive clustering and qualitative factor analysis methods for similarity matrices
by Boris Mirkin - 279-306 Book reviews
by Sharon Weinberg & Peter Bryant & Glenn Milligan & Richard Church & A. Gordon & Gildas Brossier & Brigitte Escofier & Kathleen Carley & Frank Critchle - 307-318 IFCS-89 Program June 27 – 30 University of Virginia Charlottesville, USA
by Robert Sokal & Robert Ling
September 1988, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 163-180 Convergence of the majorization method for multidimensional scaling
by Jan Leeuw - 181-204 A study of standardization of variables in cluster analysis
by Glenn Milligan & Martha Cooper - 205-228 Variable selection in clustering
by E. Fowlkes & R. Gnanadesikan & J. Kettenring - 229-236 Thresholded consensus for n-trees
by Jean-Pierre Barthélemy - 237-247 Recent convergence results for the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms
by Richard Hathaway & James Bezdek - 249-282 A maximum likelihood methodology for clusterwise linear regression
by Wayne DeSarbo & William Cron - 283-304 Book reviews
by Gildas Brossier & Pierre Legendre & Ronald Breiger & Dawn Iacobucci & A. Coxon & Jos Berge & Willem Heiser
March 1988, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-20 Hierarchical trees can be perfectly scaled in one dimension
by Frank Critchley & Willem Heiser - 21-38 Statistical tests on two characteristics of the shapes of cluster diagrams
by M. Dale & J. Moon - 39-51 Clustering the rows and columns of a contingency table
by Michael Greenacre - 53-80 Robust classification procedures based on dichotomous and continuous variables
by N. Balakrishnan & M. Tiku - 81-84 On characterizing optimization-based clustering methods
by Peter Bryant - 85-87 Comments on “aggregation of equivalence relations” by P. C. Fishburn and A. Rubinstein
by J. Barthélemy - 89-99 Function approximation for incompletely specified regression models
by Viktor Brailovsky - 101-104 OVWTRE: A program for optimal variable weighting for ultrametric and additive tree fitting
by Geert Soete - 105-154 Book reviews
by Michael Windham & J. Hutchinson & Shizuhiko Nishisato & Ludovic Lebart & George Furnas & Richard Dubes & Frank Critchley & A. Gordon & Fionn Murtagh & Ulf Bockenholt & Philip Hopke & Daniel Wartenberg & Glenn Milligan & William Day
September 1987, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 155-173 Least squares algorithms for constructing constrained ultrametric and additive tree representations of symmetric proximity data
by Geert Soete & J. Carroll & Wayne DeSarbo - 175-190 The Young-Householder algorithm and the least squares multidimensional scaling of squared distances
by M. Browne - 191-214 Parameter modification for clustering criteria
by Michael Windham - 215-226 Minimum sum of diameters clustering
by P. Hansen & B. Jaumard - 227-242 On the classification of recall strings using lattice-theoretic measures
by Stephen Hirtle - 245-278 Book reviews
by Malcolm Dow & Peter Willett & Roderick McDonald & Belver Griffith & Michael Greenacre & Peter Bryant & Daniel Wartenberg & Ove Frank
March 1987, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-31 Additive clustering and qualitative factor analysis methods for similarity matrices
by B. Mirkin - 33-56 A test for spatial homogeneity in cluster analysis
by Richard Dubes & Guangzhou Zeng - 57-71 Invariants of phylogenies in a simple case with discrete states
by James Cavender & Joseph Felsenstein - 73-84 A comparison between two distance-based discriminant principles
by W. Krzanowski - 85-101 Parsimonious trees
by A. Gordon - 103-109 Complete linkage as a multiple stopping rule for single linkage clustering
by C. Glasbey - 111-141 Book reviews
by Wojtek Krzanowski & Glenn Milligan & Stanley Wasserman & Joseph Galaskiewicz & Joel Levine & Elke Weber & Peter Fishburn & Theodore Crovello & Bernard Baum & Wayne DeSarbo
September 1986, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 183-185 Foreword: Comparison and consensus of classifications
by William Day - 187-224 On the use of ordered sets in problems of comparison and consensus of classifications
by Jean-Pierre Barthélemy & Bruno Leclerc & Bernard Monjardet - 225-255 On lattice consensus methods
by Dean Neumann & Victor Norton - 257-280 Comparison of classifications using measures intermediate between metric dissimilarity and consensus similarity
by Daniel Faith & Lee Belbin - 281-297 Clustering and isolation in the consensus problem for partitions
by Dean Neumann & Victor Norton - 299-317 N-trees as nestings: Complexity, similarity, and consensus
by Edward Adams - 319-327 s-Consensus index method: An additional axiom
by Ralph Stinebrickner - 329-334 The median procedure for n-trees
by Jean-Pierre Barthélemy & F. McMorris - 335-348 Consensus supertrees: The synthesis of rooted trees containing overlapping sets of labeled leaves
by AD Gordon - 349-356 Tree enumeration modulo a consensus
by Mariana Constantinescu & David Sankoff
March 1986, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-48 Metric and Euclidean properties of dissimilarity coefficients
by J. Gower & P. Legendre - 49-53 Two classes of element-wise transformations preserving the psd nature of coefficient matrices
by Frits Zegers - 55-60 Computing the nearest neighbor interchange metric for unlabeled binary trees is NP-complete
by Mirko Křivánek - 61-65 Aggregation of equivalence relations
by Peter Fishburn & Ariel Rubinstein - 67-95 The minimal rank correlation, subject to order restrictions, with application to the weighted linear choice model
by Paul Green & Abba Krieger - 97-112 A special Jackknife for Multidimensional Scaling
by Jan Leeuw & Jacqueline Meulman - 113-134 A hierarchical approach to multigroup factorial invariance
by Stephen Bieber - 135-173 Book reviews
by Frank Critchley & Lawrence Jones & Hubert Feger & Tapas Sen & David Swofford & Arthur Kendall & Frank Critchley & William Day & Gilbert Saporta & George Estabrook & John Sonquist & Charles Jones
December 1985, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 7-28 Optimal algorithms for comparing trees with labeled leaves
by William Day - 29-39 Evolutionary and psychological effects in pre-evolutionary classifications
by Eric Holman - 41-61 Buyer similarity measures in conjoint analysis: Some alternative proposals
by Paul Green & Abba Krieger - 63-76 Statistical theory in clustering
by J. Hartigan - 77-108 On some significance tests in cluster analysis
by H. Bock - 109-125 The mixture method of clustering applied to three-way data
by Kaye Basford & Geoffrey McLachlan - 133-137 Book reviews
by Glenn Milligan - 139-143 Book reviews
by Herman Friedman & Richard Dubes - 145-150 Book reviews
by Morris Goodman & Jan Leeuw - 157-172 Numerical classification of proximity data with assignment measures
by Michael Windham - 173-192 Optimal variable weighting for hierarchical clustering: An alternating least-squares algorithm
by Geert Soete & Wayne DeSarbo & J. Carroll - 193-218 Comparing partitions
by Lawrence Hubert & Phipps Arabie - 219-238 Cluster analysis of dyad distributions in networks
by Ove Frank & Henryka Komańska & Keith Widaman - 239-254 Investigation of proportional link linkage clustering methods
by William Day & Herbert Edelsbrunner - 255-276 Obtaining common pruned trees
by C. Finden & A. Gordon - 277-299 Book reviews
by W. Krzanowski & Gregory Cermak & Jan Leeuw & Fionn Murtagh & Peter Bryant & Bernard Monjardet & Chikio Hayashi - 300-300 On some significance tests in cluster analysis
by Bock H.H.
December 1984, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-24 Efficient algorithms for agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods
by William Day & Herbert Edelsbrunner - 25-74 The representation of three-way proximity data by single and multiple tree structure models
by J. Carroll & Linda Clark & Wayne DeSarbo - 75-92 Unclassed matrix shading and optimal ordering in hierarchical cluster analysis
by Nathan Gale & William Halperin & C. Costanzo - 93-124 A computationally efficient approximation to the nearest neighbor interchange metric
by Edward Brown & William Day - 125-131 A note on Cohen's profile similarity coefficientr c
by Sampo Paunonen - 133-138 Book reviews
by Carl Finkbeiner & Roger Blashfield & Roberta Isleib - 147-186 GENFOLD2: A set of models and algorithms for the general UnFOLDing analysis of preference/dominance data
by Wayne DeSarbo & Vithala Rao - 187-233 The generation of random, binary unordered trees
by George Furnas - 235-242 Ultrametric tree representations of incomplete dissimilarity data
by Geert Soete - 243-253 On the null distribution of distance between two groups, using mixed continuous and categorical variables
by W. Krzanowski - 255-270 Asymptotic properties of univariate sample k-means clusters
by M. Wong - 271-288 Book reviews
by Willem Heiser & Lawrence Hubert & Bert Green & Philip Hopke & William Day & Phipps Arabie