March 2010, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 111-128 Anisotropic Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis
by Mohammed Bennani Dosse & Jos Berge - 129-131 J. M. Horgan, Probability with R: An Introduction with Computer Science Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2008, pp. 393, ISBN 978-0-470-28073-7
by Michael Pratte
December 2009, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 249-277 The Remarkable Simplicity of Very High Dimensional Data: Application of Model-Based Clustering
by Fionn Murtagh - 279-296 Seriation in the Presence of Errors: NP-Hardness of l ∞ -Fitting Robinson Structures to Dissimilarity Matrices
by Victor Chepoi & Bernard Fichet & Morgan Seston - 297-328 Market Segmentation Using Brand Strategy Research: Bayesian Inference with Respect to Mixtures of Log-Linear Models
by Pascal Hattum & Herbert Hoijtink - 329-360 Unfolding Incomplete Data: Guidelines for Unfolding Row-Conditional Rank Order Data with Random Missings
by Frank Busing & Mark Rooij - 361-379 Incremental Tree-Based Missing Data Imputation with Lexicographic Ordering
by Claudio Conversano & Roberta Siciliano
August 2009, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 119-120 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 121-154 Structural Classification Analysis of Three-Way Dissimilarity Data
by Donatella Vicari & Maurizio Vichi - 155-181 Optimization Strategies for Two-Mode Partitioning
by Joost Rosmalen & Patrick Groenen & Javier Trejos & William Castillo - 183-199 A Procedure for Estimating the Number of Clusters in Logistic Regression Clustering
by Guoqi Qian & Yuehua Wu & Qing Shao - 201-225 Bayes Discriminant Rules with Ordered Predictors
by Cristina Rueda & Miguel Fernández & Bonifacio Salvador - 227-245 k-Adic Similarity Coefficients for Binary (Presence/Absence) Data
by Matthijs Warrens
April 2009, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-28 Classifying Time Series Data: A Nonparametric Approach
by Juan Vilar & José Vilar & Sonia Pértega - 29-54 Distributional Equivalence and Subcompositional Coherence in the Analysis of Compositional Data, Contingency Tables and Ratio-Scale Measurements
by Michael Greenacre & Paul Lewi - 55-76 Some Interpretative Tools for Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis
by Eric Beh & Luigi D’Ambra - 77-101 Robust Double Clustering: A Method Based on Alternating Concentration Steps
by Alessio Farcomeni - 103-117 Assessing Congruence Among Ultrametric Distance Matrices
by Véronique Campbell & Pierre Legendre & François-Joseph Lapointe
November 2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 151-151 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 153-158 A Characterization of Majority Rule for Hierarchies
by Fred McMorris & Robert Powers - 159-175 The Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem
by Alain Hertz & Sacha Varone - 177-183 On the Equivalence of Cohen’s Kappa and the Hubert-Arabie Adjusted Rand Index
by Matthijs Warrens - 185-193 A Binary Integer Program to Maximize the Agreement Between Partitions
by Michael Brusco & Douglas Steinley - 195-208 Bounds of Resemblance Measures for Binary (Presence/Absence) Variables
by Matthijs Warrens - 209-224 On the Discrepancy Measures for the Optimal Equal Probability Partitioning in Bayesian Multivariate Micro-Aggregation
by George Kokolakis & Dimitris Fouskakis - 225-247 Identifiability of Finite Mixtures of Multinomial Logit Models with Varying and Fixed Effects
by Bettina Grün & Friedrich Leisch - 249-260 Classification Based on Depth Transvariations
by Nedret Billor & Asheber Abebe & Asuman Turkmen & Sai Nudurupati
June 2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Willem Heiser - 5-26 Probabilistic D-Clustering
by Adi Ben-Israel & Cem Iyigun - 27-42 Degenerating Families of Dendrograms
by Patrick Bradley - 43-65 Solving Non-Uniqueness in Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Using Multidendrograms
by Alberto Fernández & Sergio Gómez - 67-85 Selecting Among Multi-Mode Partitioning Models of Different Complexities: A Comparison of Four Model Selection Criteria
by Jan Schepers & Eva Ceulemans & Iven Mechelen - 87-112 Mining Supervised Classification Performance Studies: A Meta-Analytic Investigation
by Adrien Jamain & David Hand - 113-123 A Simple Identification Proof for a Mixture of Two Univariate Normal Distributions
by Erik Meijer & Jelmer Ypma - 125-136 On the Indeterminacy of Resemblance Measures for Binary (Presence/Absence) Data
by Matthijs Warrens - 137-141 B. Le Roux and H. Rouanet, Geometric Data Analysis, From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2004, pp. xi + 475
by Fionn Murtagh - 143-145 J. A. Hagenaars and A. L. McCutcheon, Applied Latent Class Analysis, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, pp. 476
by Phillip Wood
September 2007, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 155-181 Bayesian Regularization for Normal Mixture Estimation and Model-Based Clustering
by Chris Fraley & Adrian E. Raftery - 183-203 Separating Latent Classes by Information Criteria
by Chih-Chien Yang & Chih-Chiang Yang - 205-219 Incremental Classification with Generalized Eigenvalues
by Claudio Cifarelli & Mario R. Guarracino & Onur Seref & Salvatore Cuciniello & Panos M. Pardalos - 221-234 Free Knot Splines for Supervised Classification
by Nicolas Molinari - 235-249 The Metric Bridge Partition Problem: Partitioning of a Metric Space into Two Subspaces Linked by an Edge in Any Optimal Realization
by Alain Hertz & Sacha Varone - 251-275 Algorithms for ℓ 1 -Embeddability and Related Problems
by Pierre Hansen & Sylvain Perron - 277-301 Global Optimization in Any Minkowski Metric: A Permutation-Translation Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Multidimensional Scaling
by J. Fernando Vera & Willem J. Heiser & Alex Murillo - 303-304 On a General Transformation Making a Dissimilarity Matrix Euclidean
by Jacques Benasseni & Mohammed Bennani Dosse & Serge Joly
June 2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-32 The Haar Wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram
by Fionn Murtagh - 33-51 On a General Transformation Making a Dissimilarity Matrix Euclidean
by Jacques Benasseni & Mohammed Bennani Dosse & Serge Joly - 53-70 Default Priors for Neural Network Classification
by Herbert K.H. Lee - 71-98 Simultaneous Component and Clustering Models for Three-way Data: Within and Between Approaches
by Maurizio Vichi & Roberto Rocci & Henk A.L. Kiers - 99-121 Initializing K-means Batch Clustering: A Critical Evaluation of Several Techniques
by Douglas Steinley & Michael J. Brusco - 123-143 Asymmetric Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms and Their Evaluations
by Akinobu Takeuchi & Takayuki Saito & Hiroshi Yadohisa
September 2006, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 175-197 Recent Advances in Predictive (Machine) Learning
by Jerome H. Friedman - 199-220 Confidence in Classification: A Bayesian Approach
by Wojtek J. Krzanowski & Trevor C. Bailey & Derek Partridge & Jonathan E. Fieldsend & Richard M. Everson & Vitaly Schetinin - 221-254 PARAMAP vs. Isomap: A Comparison of Two Nonlinear Mapping Algorithms
by Ulas Akkucuk & J. Douglas Carroll - 255-268 On the Performance of Simulated Annealing for Large-Scale L 2 Unidimensional Scaling
by Michael J. Brusco - 269-299 CLUSCALE ("CLUstering and multidimensional SCAL[E]ing"): A Three-Way Hybrid Model Incorporating Overlapping Clustering and Multidimensional Scaling Structure
by Anil Chaturvedi & J. Douglas Carroll - 301-313 On Similarity Indices and Correction for Chance Agreement
by Ahmed N. Albatineh & Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj & Daniel Mihalko - 315-334 Generation of Random Clusters with Specified Degree of Separation
by Weiliang Qiu & Harry Joe
June 2006, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-30 The Practice of Cluster Analysis
by Jon R. Kettenring - 31-56 Astrocladistics: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Galaxy Evolution I. Character Evolutions and Galaxy Histories
by Didier Fraix-Burnet & Philippe Choler & Emmanuel J.P. Douzery & Anne Verhamme - 57-78 Astrocladistics: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Galaxy Evolution II. Formation and Diversification of Galaxies
by Didier Fraix-Burnet & Philippe Choler & Emmanuel J.P. Douzery & Anne Verhamme - 79-102 On the Complexity of Ordinal Clustering
by Rahul Shah & Martin Farach-Colton - 103-121 Maximum Transfer Distance Between Partitions
by Irene Charon & Lucile Denoeud & Alain Guenoche & Olivier Hudry - 123-141 On Classification and Regression Trees for Multiple Responses and Its Application
by Seong Keon Lee - 143-167 On a Transvariation Based Measure of Group Separability
by Daniela G. Calò - 169-172 A Review of Three Classification Society Meetings: 2001-2002
by Douglas Steinley
September 2005, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 151-183 Hierarchical Clustering via Joint Between-Within Distances: Extending Ward's Minimum Variance Method
by Gabor J. Szekely & Maria L. Rizzo - 185-201 A Proposal for Robust Curve Clustering
by Luis Angel Garcia-Escudero & Alfonso Gordaliza - 203-219 Clustering Univariate Observations via Mixtures of Unimodal Normal Mixtures
by Francesco Bartolucci - 221-250 OCLUS: An Analytic Method for Generating Clusters with Known Overlap
by Douglas Steinley & Robert Henson - 251-271 Rotation in Correspondence Analysis
by Michel Velden & Henk A.L. Kiers - 273-286 A Comparison of Two Methods for Fitting the INDCLUS Model
by Jos M.F. Berge & Henk A.L. Kiers - 287-310 Analysis of Global k-Means, an Incremental Heuristic for Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering
by Pierre Hansen & Eric Ngai & Bernard K. Cheung & Nenad Mladenovic
June 2005, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Willem J. Heiser - 3-15 On the Uniqueness of the Selection Criterion in Neighbor-Joining
by David Bryant - 17-48 A Hierarchical Methodology for Class Detection Problems with Skewed Priors
by Christopher K. Eveland & Diego A. Socolinsky & Carey E. Priebe & David J. Marchette - 49-58 Minimal Sample Size in the Group Classification Problem
by Waldemar Wołynski - 59-86 Extensions of Biplot Methodology to Discriminant Analysis
by Sugnet Gardner & Niël J. Roux - 87-118 Combinatorial Representations of Token Sequences
by Cees H. Elzinga - 119-138 A Permutation-Translation Simulated Annealing Algorithm for L 1 and L 2 Unidimensional Scaling
by Alex Murillo & J. Fernando Vera & Willem J. Heiser - 139-142 J. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Assoc., 2004, pp. xx + 664
by F. James Rohlf - 143-144 W.H.E. Day and F.R. McMorris, Axiomatic Consensus Theory in Group Choice and Biomathematics, SIAM Frontiers in Mathematics, Philadelphia PA, 2003, pp. xvi + 155, ISBN 0-89871-551-2 (pbk)
by Bernard Harris
September 2004, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 167-184 On Ultrametricity, Data Coding, and Computation
by Fionn Murtagh - 185-206 Percept Variance, Subadditivity and the Metric Classification of Similarity, and Dissimilarity Data
by David B. MacKay & Bryan Lilly - 207-230 Improving Dynamic Programming Strategies for Partitioning
by B.J. Os & J.J. Meulman - 231-253 Model-Based Clustering for Image Segmentation and Large Datasets via Sampling
by Ron Wehrens & Lutgarde M.C. Buydens & Chris Fraley & Adrian E. Raftery - 255-277 Oscillation Heuristics for the Two-group Classification Problem
by Ognian Asparouhov & Paul A. Rubin
March 2004, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-18 Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
by Olivier Gascuel & Andy McKenzie - 19-50 Adapting the Formal to the Substantive: Constrained Tucker3-HICLASS
by Eva Ceulemans & Iven Mechelen & Peter Kuppens - 51-69 The Isolation Approach to Hierarchical Clustering
by Hans-Rolf Gregorius - 71-88 Linear Discriminant Analysis and Transvariation
by Angela Montanari - 89-109 Optimal Scaling of Paired Comparison Data
by Michel Velden - 111-137 Local Influence Analysis for Mixture of Structural Equation Models
by Xin-Yuan Song & Sik-Yum Lee - 139-154 Asymptotic Properties of the Multivariate L p -mean
by Yadolah Dodge & Pirmin Lemburger
September 2003, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 139-140 Editorial
by W.J. Heiser - 143-180 Maximum Split Clustering Under Connectivity Constraints
by Pierre Hansen & Brigitte Jaumard & Christophe Meyer & Bruno Simeone & Valeria Doring - 181-220 Maximum Split Clustering Under Connectivity Constraints
by Mark Rooij & John C. Gower - 221-255 Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Model Comparison for Mixtures of Structural Equation Models with Ignorable Missing Data
by Sik-Yum Lee & Xin-Yuan Song - 257-261 A Note on K-modes Clustering
by Zhexue Huang & Michael K. Ng - 263-286 Enhanced Model-Based Clustering, Density Estimation, and Discriminant Analysis Software: MCLUST
by Chris Fraley & Adrian E. Raftery
January 2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 2-2 Hartigan’s (1975) Classic Textbook Redux
by Phipps Arabie - 3-33 A Simulated Annealing Heuristic for Unidimensional and Multidimensional (City-Block) Scaling of Symmetric Proximity Matrices
by Michael J. Brusco - 35-55 K-modes Clustering
by Anil Chaturvedi & Paul E. Green & J. Douglas Caroll - 57-80 An Evaluation of Two Algorithms for Hierarchical Classes Analysis
by Iwin Leenen & Iven Van Mechelen - 81-107 Reference Point Logistic Regression and the Identification of DNA Functional Sites
by Peter M. Hooper - 109-127 A Generalized Permutation Model for the Analysis of Cross-Species Data
by François-Joseph Lapointe & Theodore Garland, Jr. - 129-135 GLIMMIX: Software for Estimating Mixtures and Mixtures of Generalized Linear Models
by Michel Wedel
July 1999, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 163-180 Morph-Based Local-Search Heuristics for Large-Scale Combinatorial Data Analysis
by Michael J. Brusco - 181-196 Nonmetric Linear Biplots
by J. C. Gower & J. J. Meulman & G. M. Arnold - 197-223 Shape Statistics: Procrustes Superimpositions and Tangent Spaces
by F. James Rohlf - 225-254 Global Optimization in Least-Squares Multidimensional Scaling by Distance Smoothing
by P. J. F. Groenen & W. J. Heiser & J. J. Meulman - 255-281 An Extraction and Regularization Approach to Additive Clustering
by Michael D. Lee - 283-296 Fitting a Mixture Model to Three-Mode Three-Way Data with Categorical and Continuous Variables
by Lynette A. Hunt & Kaye E. Basford - 297-306 MCLUST: Software for Model-Based Cluster Analysis
by Chris Fraley & Adrian E. Raftery - 307-311 Book Reviews
by Kamel Jedidi - 312-314 J. Douglas Carroll and Paul E. Green, with contributions by A. Chaturvedi, Mathematical Tools for Applied Multivariate Analysis, San Diego: Academic Press, 1997, pp. 376
by David Hand - 315-317 Rüdiger Klar and Otto Opitz (Eds.), Classification and Knowledge Organization, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. xx + 684. (Proceedings of the 20-th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e. V., University of Freiburg, March 6-8, 1996.)
by P. Bryant
September 1997, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 195-224 Asymmetric multidimensional scaling of two-mode three-way proximities
by Akinori Okada & Tadashi Imaizumi - 225-247 Latent class DEDICOM
by Yoshio Takane & Henk Kiers - 249-267 Radial basis functions for exploratory data analysis: An iterative majorisation approach for Minkowski distances based on multidimensional scaling
by Andrew Webb - 269-295 Concordance between two linear orders: The Spearman and Kendall coefficients revisited
by B. Monjardet - 297-310 A modification of the SINDCLUS algorithm for fitting the ADCLUS and INDCLUS models
by Henk Kiers - 311-325 Recognition of Robinsonian dissimilarities
by Victor Chepoi & Bernard Fichet - 327-330 Measurement in information science
by David Dubin - 331-333 A robust approach to nonlinear multivariate analysis
by Jan Leeuw
September 1996, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 195-212 An entropy criterion for assessing the number of clusters in a mixture model
by Gilles Celeux & Gilda Soromenho - 213-229 Numerical taxonomy and the principle of maximum entropy
by Mats Gyllenberg & Timo Koski - 231-248 The weighted sum of split and diameter clustering
by Y. Wang & H. Yan & C. Sriskandarajah - 249-266 Fitting a distance model to homogeneous subsets of variables: Points of view analysis of categorical data
by Jacqueline Meulman - 267-280 A spherical representation of a correlation matrix
by Bruno Falissard - 281-297 Averaging over decision trees
by Jonathan Oliver & David Hand - 299-313 Constrained clustering and Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps
by Christophe Ambroise & Gérard Govaert - 315-335 Measuring the influence of individual data points in a cluster analysis
by Glenn Milligan & Richard Cheng - 337-362 Book reviews
by William Day & Rudolf Mathar & Ove Frank & R. Payne & Chris Glasbey & Carl Ramm & David Banks & Pascale Rousseau & Erhard Godehardt - 363-375 Program: Classification Society of North America's Annual Meeting, Jointly Held with the Numerical Taxonomy Group University of Massachusetts, Amherst 13–16 June 1996
by M. Janowitz
March 1996, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-18 Metric unidimensional scaling and global optimization
by Vadim Pliner - 19-25 Unidimensional scaling: A linear programming approach minimizing absolute deviations
by Evangelia Simantiraki - 27-56 Quantitative properties of the evolution and classification of languages
by Eric Holman - 57-80 The analysis of free-sorting data: Beyond pairwise cooccurrences
by John Daws - 81-105 Unfolding a symmetric matrix
by John Gower & Michael Greenacre - 107-127 Espaliers: A generalization of dendrograms
by Pierre Hansen & Brigitte Jaumard & Bruno Simeone - 129-155 A reduction algorithm for approximating a (nonmetric) dissimilarity by a tree distance
by Olivier Gascuel & Denise Levy - 157-168 Space-conserving agglomerative algorithms
by Zhenmin Chen & John Ness - 169-172 A computer program to calculate Hubert and Arabie's adjusted rand index
by Robert Saltstone & Ken Stange - 173-185 Book reviews
by G. Govaert & H. Kiers & P. Willett & Ludovic Lebart
September 1995, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 157-158 Information and classification: Concepts, methods and applications
by M. Windham - 165-190 The Kohonen self-organizing map method: An assessment
by F. Murtagh & M. Hernández-Pajares - 191-205 Three-way distances
by S. Joly & G. Calvé - 207-241 Minimum spanning trees for tree metrics: abridgements and adjustments
by Bruno Leclerc - 243-263 Additive two-mode clustering: The error-variance approach revisited
by Boris Mirkin & Phipps Arabie & Lawrence Hubert - 265-282 Comparison tests for dendrograms: A comparative evaluation
by François-Joseph Lapointe & Pierre Legendre - 283-313 A graph-theoretic method for organizing overlapping clusters into trees, multiple trees, or extended trees
by J. Carroll & James Corter
March 1995, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 2-2 Erratum
by W. Krazanowski - 3-19 The majorization approach to multidimensional scaling for Minkowski distances
by Patrick Groenen & Rudolf Mathar & Willem Heiser - 21-55 A mixture likelihood approach for generalized linear models
by Michel Wedel & Wayne DeSarbo - 57-71 Fitting an extended INDSCAL model to three-way proximity data
by J. Carroll & Suzanne Winsberg - 73-90 Comparing resemblance measures
by Vladimir Batagelj & Matevz Bren - 91-99 An algorithm to find agreement subtrees
by Ewa Kubicka & Grzegorz Kubicki & F. McMorris - 101-112 An efficient algorithm for supertrees
by Mariana Constantinescu & David Sankoff - 113-136 Weighting and selection of variables for cluster analysis
by R. Gnanadesikan & J. Kettenring & S. Tsao - 137-158 Book reviews
by Albert Maydeu-Olivares & Ishwar Sethi & Phipps Arabie & A. Tanguiane & K. Klauer & Pierre Hansen & Klaas Sijtsma & M. Windham
September 1994, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 155-170 An alternating combinatorial optimization approach to fitting the INDCLUS and generalized INDCLUS models
by Anil Chaturvedi & J. Carroll - 171-193 Pyramidal classification based on incomplete dissimilarity data
by Wolfgang Gaul & Martin Schader - 194-194 Erratum
by Boris Mirkin - 195-207 Ordination in the presence of group structure, for general multivariate data
by W. Krzanowski - 209-232 A tree · a window · a hill; generalization of nearest-neighbor interchange in phylogenetic optimization
by David Sankoff & Yvon Abel & Jotun Hein - 233-249 On the consistency of the plurality rule consensus function for molecular sequences
by William Day & F. McMorris - 251-296 Book reviews
by D. Hand & Ove Frank & W. Gödert & H. Bacelar-Nicolau & Sarunas Raudys & A. Bowman & Glenn Milligan & R. Hathaway & R. Ivimey-Cook & B. Everitt & Allan Wilks & B. Ripley & Wayne DeSarbo & A. Gordon & D. Hand & V. Pliner & A. Ferligoj
March 1994, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-36 The MAP test for multimodality
by Gregory Rozál & J. Hartigan - 37-58 Partial dissimilarities with application to clustering
by Gildas Brossier - 59-77 Preserving consensus hierarchies
by W. Vach - 79-99 A generalization of GIPSCAL for the analysis of nonsymmetric data
by Henk Kiers & Yoshio Takane - 101-120 Error rates in quadratic discrimination with constraints on the covariance matrices
by Bernhard Flury & Martin Schmid & A. Narayanan - 121-149 Metric inference for social networks
by David Banks & Kathleen Carley
December 1993, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 159-193 A latent class procedure for the structural analysis of two-way compositional data
by Wayne DeSarbo & Venkatram Ramaswamy & Peter Lenk - 195-218 A latent class vector model for preference ratings
by Geert Soete & Suzanne Winsberg - 219-240 Fixed points approach to clustering
by Alexander Genkin & Ilya Muchnik - 241-268 Constructing optimal ultrametrics
by N. Sriram & Scott Lewis
January 1993, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-24 Spectral analysis of phylogenetic data
by Michael Hendy & David Penny - 25-49 The location model for mixtures of categorical and continuous variables
by W. Krzanowski - 51-74 An error variance approach to two-mode hierarchical clustering
by Thomas Eckes & Peter Orlik - 75-92 A modified CANDECOMP method for fitting the extended INDSCAL model
by Geert Soete & J. Carroll & Anil Chaturvedi - 93-114 Generalized measures of association for ranked data with an application to prediction accuracy
by Abba Krieger & Paul Green - 115-124 Computational solutions for the problem of negative saliences and nonsymmetry in INDSCAL
by Jos Berge & Henk Kiers & Wim Krijnen - 125-156 Book reviews
by A. Penttinen & W. Krzanowski & J. Kettenring & F. Rohlf & William Day & B. Weir & John Kececioglu & N. Ohsumi & Peter Willett
December 1992, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 187-210 Statistical properties of large published classifications
by Eric Holman - 211-236 Multidimensional scaling in the city-block metric: A combinatorial approach
by Lawrence Hubert & Phipps Arabie & Matthew Hesson-Mcinnis - 237-256 Resistant orthogonal procrustes analysis
by Peter Verboon & Willem Heiser - 257-273 A uniform approach to multidimensional scaling
by Robert Schneider - 275-290 An investigation of three-matrix permutation tests
by Neal Oden & Robert Sokal - 291-306 Book reviews
by Richard Dubes & B. Fingleton & A. Blokland-Vogelesang & K. Klauer & Fionn Murtagh & Michael Windham
January 1992, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-15 An algorithm to maximize the agreement between partitions
by H. Messatfa - 17-41 Clustering and clique partitioning: Simulated annealing and tabu search approaches
by Saul Amorim & Jean-Pierre Barthélemy & Celso Ribeiro - 43-61 Direct multicriteria clustering algorithms
by A. Ferligoj & V. Batagelj - 63-70 The runt test for multimodality
by J. Hartigan & Surya Mohanty - 71-90 Significance of the length of the shortest tree
by Michael Steel & Michael Hendy & David Penny - 91-116 The complexity of reconstructing trees from qualitative characters and subtrees
by Michael Steel - 117-140 Character and OTU stability in five taxonomic groups
by Robert Sokal & Junhyong Kim & F. Rohlt