- 2000s-05 A Monte-Carlo Method for Optimal Portfolios
by Jérôme Detemple & René Garcia & Marcel Rindisbacher - 2000s-04 Cooperation in Public Goods Experiments (followed by a comment by Claude Montmarquette)
by Claudia Keser - 2000s-03 The Illusion of Trust and Performance
by Benoit Aubert & Barbara L. Kelsey - 2000s-02 Risques à grande échelle dans les systèmes en réseau : quelques interrogations
by Erwann Michel-Kerjan - 2000s-01 Wealth Distribution, Moral Hazard, and Entrepreneurship
by Sanjay Banerji & Ngo Van Long
- 99s-48 A New Class of Stochastic Volatility Models with Jumps: Theory and Estimation
by Mikhail Chernov & A. Ronald Gallant & Eric Ghysels & George Tauchen - 99s-47 Latent Variable Models for Stochastic Discount Factors
by René Garcia & Eric Renault - 99s-46 Sequential Auctions with Multi-Unit Demand: Theory, Experiments and Simulations
by Claude Montmarquette & Jacques Robert - 99s-45 American Options: Symmetry Properties
by Jérôme Detemple - 99s-44 What Is Happening in the Youth Labour Market in Canada?
by Paul Beaudry & Thomas Lemieux & Daniel Parent - 99s-43 The Valuation of Volatility Options
by Jérôme Detemple & Carlton Osakwe - 99s-42 Labour Market Outcomes and Schooling in Canada: Has the Value of a High School Degree Changed over Time?
by Daniel Parent - 99s-41 Travail pendant les études, performance scolaire et abandon
by Marcel Dagenais & Claude Montmarquette & Daniel Parent & Nathalie Viennot-Briot - 99s-40 Recursive Intergenerational Utility in Global Climate Risk Modeling
by Minh Ha-Duong & Nicolas Treich - 99s-39 Transition vers le marché du travail au Canada : Portrait de la situation actuelle et perspective historique
by Daniel Parent - 99s-38 Program Evaluation Criteria Applied to Pay Equity in Ontario
by Morley Gunderson & Paul Lanoie - 99s-37 Optimal Justice in a General Equilibrium Model with Non Observable Individual Productivities
by Pierre Lasserre & Antoine Soubeyran - 99s-36 Déterminants du recours au travail atypique : Une étude des travailleurs à statut précaire dans les organisations québécoises
by Patricia Bielman & Denis Chênevert & Gilles Simard & Michel Tremblay - 99s-35 Testing the Option Value Theory of Irreversible Investment
by Tarek M. Harchaoui & Pierre Lasserre - 99s-34 A Resource Based View of the Information Systems Sourcing Mode
by Benoit Aubert & Vital Roy - 99s-33 Budget Processes: Theory and Experimental Evidence
by Karl-Martin Ehrhart & Roy Gardner & Jürgen von Hagen & Claudia Keser - 99s-32 Tax Incentives: Issue and Evidence
by Pierre Mohnen - 99s-31 Decentralized or Collective Bargaining in a Strategy Experiment
by Siegfried K. Berninghaus & Werner Güth & Claudia Keser - 99s-30 Qui veut réduire ses heures de travail? Le profil des travailleurs adhérant à un programme de partage de l'emploi
by Ali Béjaoui & Paul Lanoie & François Raymond - 99s-29 Dealing with Major Technological Risks
by Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné & Carel Vachon - 99s-28 Analyse de l'impact productif des pratiques de rémunération incitative pour une entreprise de services : Application à une coopérative financière québécoise
by Simon Drolet & Paul Lanoie & Bruce Shearer - 99s-27 Why Firms Outsource Their Human Resources Activities: An Empirical Analysis
by Michelle Lacombe & Paul Lanoie & Michel Patry & Michel Tremblay - 99s-26 Stochastic Volatility: Univariate and Multivariate Extensions
by Eric Jacquier & Nicholas G. Polson & Peter E. Rossi - 99s-25 Inference for the Generalization Error
by Yoshua Bengio & Claude Nadeau - 99s-24 Mobility and Cooperation: On the Run
by Karl-Martin Ehrhart & Claudia Keser - 99s-23 Input Price Discrimination, Access Pricing, and Bypass
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 99s-22 Existence and Uniqueness of Cournot Equilibrium: A Contraction Mapping Approach
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 99s-21 Sources of Productivity Growth: Technology, Terms of Trade, and Preference Shifts
by Pierre Mohnen & Thijs Ten Raa - 99s-20 Remarks on Environmental Regulation, Firm Behavior and Innovation
by Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 99s-19 Subvention gouvernementale et partage du travail : Une analyse économique - II
by Paul Lanoie & François Raymond - 99s-18 Subvention gouvernementale et partage du travail : Une analyse économique - I
by Ali Béjaoui & Paul Lanoie - 99s-17 Content Horizons for Forecasts of Economic Time Series
by John W. Galbraith - 99s-16 Modelling the Role of Organizational Justice: Effects on Satisfaction and Unionization Propensity of Canadian Managers
by Patrice Roussel & Michel Tremblay - 99s-15 Pricing Discretely Monitored Barrier Options by a Markov Chain
by Jin-Chuan Duan & Evan Dudley & Geneviève Gauthier & Jean-Guy Simonato - 99s-14 Shame and Guilt in Lancashire: Enforcing Piece Rate Contracts
by Michael Huberman - 99s-13 Cost Manipulation Games in Oligopoly, with Costs of Manipulating
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 99s-12 Using Employee Level Data in a Firm Level Econometric Study
by Nathalie Greenan & Jacques Mairesse - 99s-11 Incentives for Pollution Control: Regulation or (and?) Information
by Jérôme Foulon & Paul Lanoie & Benoit Laplante - 99s-10 Le coût du capital des entreprises à base de connaissance au Canada
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 99s-09 Stratégies de financement des entreprises françaises : Une analyse empirique
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 99s-08 Non-Traded Asset Valuation with Portfolio Constraints: A Binomial Approach
by Jérôme Detemple & Suresh Sundaresan - 99s-07 A Theory of Abuse of Authority in Hierarchies
by Kouroche Vafaï - 99s-06 Specific Investment, Absence of Commitment and Observability
by Patrick González - 99s-05 Seasonal Nonstationarity and Near-Nonstationarity
by Eric Ghysels & Denise R. Osborn & Paulo M. M. Rodrigues - 99s-04 Emerging Markets and Trading Costs
by Mouna Cherkaoui & Eric Ghysels - 99s-03 Sector-Specific Training and Mobility in Germany
by Lars Vilhuber - 99s-02 Women's Wages in Women's Work: A US/Canada Comparison of the Roles of Unions and Public Goods Sector Jobs
by Michael Baker & Nicole Fortin - 99s-01 Globalization and Worker Welfare in Late Nineteenth Century Europe
by Michael Huberman & Wayne Lewchuk
- 98s-41 Dynamic Equilibrium with Liquidity Constraints
by Jérôme Detemple & Angel Serrat - 98s-40 Monetary Policy Rules with Model and Data Uncertainty
by Myles Callan & Eric Ghysels & Norman R. Swanson - 98s-39 Environmental Risks: Should Banks Be Liable?
by Karine Gobert & Michel Poitevin - 98s-38 Better Observability Promotes the Adoption of More Flexible Technologies
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - 98s-37 Job Characteristics, Wages and the Employment Contract
by William Bentley MacLeod & Daniel Parent - 98s-36 Observability, Commitment and Flexibility
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - 98s-35 Pricing and Hedging Derivative Securities with Neural Networks and a Homogeneity Hint
by René Garcia & Ramazan Gençay - 98s-34 Gender Composition and Wages: Why Is Canada Different from the United States?
by Michael Baker & Nicole Fortin - 98s-33 Effects of the Fiscal Treatment of Tax Losses on the Efficiency of Markets and the Incidence of Mergers
by Michel Poitevin - 98s-32 Travail pendant les études et abandon scolaire : Causes, conséquences et politiques d'intervention
by Marcel Dagenais & Benoit Durocher & Claude Montmarquette & Daniel Parent & François Raymond - 98s-31 Collusive Allocation of Tradeable Pollution Permits
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 98s-30 Pollution, Pigouvian Taxes, and Asymmetric International Oligopoly
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 98s-29 Quadratic M-Estimators for ARCH-Type Processes
by Nour Meddahi & Eric Renault - 98s-28 Explaining Sales Pay Strategy Using Agency, Transaction Cost and Resource Dependence Theories
by David B. Balkin & Jérôme Côté & Michel Tremblay - 98s-27 The Moderating Effect of Job Characteristics on Managers' Reactions to Career Plateau
by Alain Roger & Michel Tremblay - 98s-26 Une étude internationale sur la contingence de l'efficacité perçue des politiques de rémunération
by Denis Chênevert & Bruno Sire & Michel Tremblay - 98s-24 Plafonnement objectif et subjectif de carrière, satisfaction et stress au travail
by Alain Roger & Michel Tremblay - 98s-23 The Role of Organizational Justice in Pay and Employee Benefit Satisfaction, and Its Effects on Work Attitudes
by David B. Balkin & Bruno Sire & Michel Tremblay - 98s-22 What Data Should Be Used to Price Options?
by Mikhail Chernov & Eric Ghysels - 98s-21 Using a Financial Training Criterion Rather than a Prediction Criterion
by Yoshua Bengio - 98s-20 Inférence fondée sur les statistiques des rendements de long terme
by Cosme Vodounou - 98s-19 Structural Change Tests for Simulated Method of Moments
by Eric Ghysels & Alain Guay - 98s-18 Managing the Risk of IT Outsourcing
by Benoit Aubert & Sylvie Dussault & Michel Patry & Suzanne Rivard - 98s-17 Learning Conditions in the Context of R&D and Development Projects: Empirical Evidence from a Research Centre
by Mario Bourgault & Hélène Sicotte - 98s-16 Assessing the Risk of IT Outsourcing
by Benoit Aubert & Michel Patry & Suzanne Rivard - 98s-15 Determinants of Desired Career Paths among Canadian Engineers
by Caroline Proulx & Michel Tremblay & Thierry Wils - 98s-14 Why Is the Bid Price Greater than the Ask? Price Discovery during the Nasdaq Pre-Opening
by Charles Cao & Eric Ghysels & Frank Hatheway - 98s-13 Informal Thinkering: How Is It Important?
by Pierre J. Tremblay - 98s-12 Organize to Generate Innovation: Tools to Measure Technical Change, Productivity and Change-Generating Efforts
by Pierre J. Tremblay - 98s-11 Worksharing in Québec: Five Case Studies
by Michael Huberman & Paul Lanoie - 98s-10 Predictors of Hierarchical Success for Male and Female Canadian Managers
by Denis Chênevert & Michel Tremblay - 98s-09 Managerial Career Success in Canadian Organizations: Is Gender a Determinant?
by Denis Chênevert & Michel Tremblay - 98s-08 Job Characteristics and the Form of Compensation
by William Bentley MacLeod & Daniel Parent - 98s-07 Technological Capability and Productivity Growth: An Industrialized / Industrializing Country Comparison
by Pierre J. Tremblay - 98s-06 L'évolution du taux d'activité des femmes au Canada, 1976-1994 : Une analyse de cohortes
by Paul Beaudry & Thomas Lemieux - 98s-05 Dix exemples de rentabilité financière liés à une saine gestion environnementale
by Paul Lanoie & Georges A. Tanguay - 98s-04 Effects of Workers' Compensation: A Survey
by Bernard Fortin & Paul Lanoie - 98s-03 Dépendance à l'égard de l'aide sociale et réforme de la sécurité du revenu
by Bernard Fortin - 98s-02 Risk Aversion, Intertemporal Substitution, and Option Pricing
by René Garcia & Eric Renault
- 97s-42 Sector-Specific On-the-Job Training: Evidence from U.S. Data
by Lars Vilhuber - 97s-41 Competition and Access in Electricity Markets: ECPR, Global Price Cap, and Auctions
by Marcel Boyer & Jacques Robert - 97s-40 Strategic Adoption of a New Technology under Uncertain Implementation
by Marcel Boyer & Séverine Clamens - 97s-39 Seasonal Adjustment and Volatility Dynamics
by Eric Ghysels & Clive W.J. Granger & Pierre L. Siklos - 97s-38 How Do Young People Choose College Majors ?
by Kathy Cannings & Sophie Mahseredjian & Claude Montmarquette - 97s-37 A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Evolution of the Canadian Service Productivity
by Pierre Mohnen & Thijs Ten Raa - 97s-36 Moving towards the Virtual Economy: A Major Paradigm Shift
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre - 97s-35 Seasonal Time Series and Autocorrelation Function Estimation
by William R. Bell & Eric Ghysels & Hahn Shik Lee - 97s-34 Do Canadian Firms Respond to Fiscal Incentives to Research and Development?
by Marcel Dagenais & Pierre Mohnen & Pierre Therrien - 97s-33 A Semi-Parametric Factor Model of Interest Rates and Tests of the Affine Term Structure
by Eric Ghysels & Serena Ng - 97s-32 Emerging Environmental Problems, Irreversible Remedies, and Myopia in a Two Country Setup
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux - 97s-31 On the Elasticity of Effort for Piece Rates: Evidence from the British Columbia Tree-Planting Industry
by Harry J. Paarsch & Bruce Shearer - 97s-30 Taxation or Regulation: Looking for a Good Anti-Smoking Policy
by Paul Lanoie & Paul Leclair - 97s-29 Optimal Trading Mechanisms with Ex Ante Unidentified Traders
by Hu Lu & Jacques Robert - 97s-28 Are Underground Workers More Likely To Be Underground Consumers?
by Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Claude Montmarquette - 97s-27 Analyse des rapports entre donneurs d'ordres et sous-traitants de l'industrie aérospatiale nord-américaine
by Mario Bourgault - 97s-26 Industrie aérospatiale nord-américaine et performance des sous-traitants : Écarts entre le Canada et les États-Unis
by Mario Bourgault - 97s-25 Welfare Benefits, Minimum Wage Rate and the Duration of Welfare Spells: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Canada
by Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix - 97s-24 Incentive Effects of Public Insurance Programs on the Occurence and the Composition of Workplace Injuries
by Denis Bolduc & Bernard Fortin & France Labrecque & Paul Lanoie - 97s-23 Contrat dynamique de partage de risque avec contraintes d'engagement et épargne
by Karine Gobert & Michel Poitevin - 97s-22 Comparing Open-Loop with Markov Equilibria in a Class of Differential Games
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura & Harutaka Takahashi - 97s-21 Efficiency Inducing Taxation for Polluting Oligopolists
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - 97s-20 Tests of Conditional Asset Pricing Models in the Brazilian Stock Market
by Marco Bonomo & René Garcia - 97s-19 Nonparametric Methods and Option Pricing
by Eric Ghysels & Valentin Patilea & Eric Renault & Olivier Torrès - 97s-18 Availability and Accuracy of Accounting and Financial Data in Emerging Markets: The Case of Malaysia
by Cameron Morrill & Janet Morrill & Jean-Marc Suret - 97s-17 L'évolution des structures financières des grandes entreprises canadiennes
by Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 97s-16 Le régime d'épargne-actions du Québec : Vue d'ensemble et évaluation
by Élise Cormier & Jean-Marc Suret - 97s-15 Liberalization, Political Risk and Stock Market Returns in Emerging Markets
by Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 97s-14 Methods of Pay and Earnings: A Longitudinal Analysis
by Daniel Parent - 97s-13 A Note on Hedging in ARCH and Stochastic Volatility Option Pricing Models
by René Garcia & Eric Renault - 97s-12 Equilibrium Asset Prices and No-Arbitrage with Portfolio Constraints
by Jérôme Detemple & Shashidhar Murthy - 97s-11 Aggregation, Efficiency and Mutual Fund Separation in Incomplete Markets
by Jérôme Detemple & Piero Gottardi - 97s-10 Global Strategic Benchmarking, Critical Capabilities and Performance of Aerospace Subcontractors
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre - 97s-09 Reported Job Satisfaction: What Does It Mean?
by Louis Lévy-Garboua & Claude Montmarquette - 97s-08 Living on a Noisy and Dusty Street: Implications for Environmental Evaluation
by Tagreed Boules & Robert Gagné & Paul Lanoie - 97s-07 The Location of Comparative Advantages on the Basis of Fundamentals Only
by Pierre Mohnen & Thijs Ten Raa - 97s-06 GARCH for Irregularly Spaced Data: The ACD-GARCH Model
by Eric Ghysels & Joann Jasiak - 97s-05 Can Capital Markets Create Incentives for Pollution Control?
by Paul Lanoie & Benoit Laplante & Maité Roy - 97s-04 La régie des services informatiques : Le rôle de la mesure et des compétences dans les décisions d'impartition
by Benoit Aubert & Michel Patry & Suzanne Rivard - 97s-03 Competition and Access in Telecoms: ECPR, Global Price Cap, and Auctions
by Marcel Boyer - 97s-02 L'économie des organisations : Mythes et réalités
by Marcel Boyer - 97s-01 Fixed Wages, Piece Rates, and Intertemporal Productivity: A Study of Tree Planters in British Columbia
by Harry J. Paarsch & Bruce Shearer
- 96s-34 Structural Change and Asset Pricing in Emerging Markets
by René Garcia & Eric Ghysels - 96s-33 Monitoring of Pollution Regulation: Do Local Conditions Matter
by Catherine Dion & Paul Lanoie & Benoit Laplante - 96s-32 Technological Learning and Organizational Context: Fit and Performance in SMEs
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre & Lise Préfontaine - 96s-31 Piece Rates, Fixed Wages, and Incentive Effects: Statistical Evidence from Payroll Records
by Harry J. Paarsch & Bruce Shearer - 96s-30 R&D Spillovers and Location Choice under Cournot Rivalry
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 96s-29 Efficient Income Redistribution in a Growing Economy
by Gerhard Sorger - 96s-28 Wage Flexibility and Contract Structure in Germany
by Lars Vilhuber - 96s-27 Setting Standards for Credible Compliance and Law Enforcement
by Marcel Boyer & Tracy R. Lewis & Wei Lin Liu - 96s-26 American Options with Stochastic Dividends and Volatility: A Nonparametric Investigation
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple & Eric Ghysels & Olivier Torrès - 96s-25 How Did Ontario Pulp and Paper Producers Respond to Effluent Regulations, 1985-89?
by Joan Fearnley & Paul Lanoie & Mark Thomas - 96s-24 Nonparametric Estimation of American Options Exercise Boundaries and Call Prices
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple & Eric Ghysels & Olivier Torrès - 96s-23 Asymmetry in Cournot Duopoly
by Lars-Hendrick Röller & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 96s-22 Should We Abolish Chapter 11 : Evidence from Canada
by Timothy C. G. Fisher & Jocelyn Martel - 96s-21 Environmental Auditing in Management Systems and Public Policy
by H. Landis Gabel & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 96s-20 Arbitrage Based Pricing When Volatility Is Stochastic
by Peter Bossaert & Eric Ghysels & Christian Gouriéroux - 96s-19 Kernel Autocorrelogram for Time Deformed Processes
by Eric Ghysels & Christian Gouriéroux & Joann Jasiak - 96s-18 A Semi-Parametric Factor Model for Interest Rates
by Eric Ghysels & Serena Ng - 96s-17 Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Pricing Derivative Securities
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple - 96s-16 American Options on Dividend-Paying Assets
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple - 96s-15 Markov Perfect Nash Equilibria in a Class of Resource Games
by Gerhard Sorger - 96s-14 Ex Ante Incentives and Ex Post Flexibility
by Marcel Boyer & Jacques Robert - 96s-13 Monitoring New Technological Developments in the Electricity Industry : An International Perspective
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre & Lise Préfontaine - 96s-12 Model Error in Contingent Claim Models Dynamic Evaluation
by Eric Jacquier & Robert Jarrow - 96s-11 Mesures de la croissance de la productivité dans un cadre d'équilibre général : L'économie du Québec entre 1978 et 1984
by Gilles Bourque & Pierre Mohnen & Thijs Ten Raa - 96s-10 The Efficiency of Collective Bargaining in Public Schools
by Daniel S. Hosken & David N. Margolis - 96s-09 Constant Consumption and the Economic Depreciation of Natural Capital : The Non Autonomous Case
by John M. Hartwick & Ngo Van Long - 96s-08 Upstream Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integrated Industry
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 96s-07 Toward a Political Theory of Environmental Policy
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - 96s-06 Work Sharing and Productivity : Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Paul Lanoie & François Raymond & Bruce Shearer - 96s-05 Claims Reporting and Risk Bearing Moral Hazard in Workers' Compensation : The Canadian Context
by Guylaine Baril & Paul Lanoie - 96s-04 The Determinants of University Dropouts : A Sequential Decision Model with Selectivity Bias
by Rachel Houle & Sophie Mahseredjian & Claude Montmarquette - 96s-03 Solutions au stress financier : Un survol de la littérature
by Jocelyn Martel - 96s-02 The Politics and Regulation of Hydroelectricity : The Case of Quebec in the Thirties
by Ruth Dupré & Patrick Joly & Michel Patry - 96s-01 Cognition in Seemingly Riskless Choices and Judgments
by Louis Lévy-Garboua & Claude Montmarquette
- 95s-51 Entry Blockading Locations
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - 95s-50 Environmental Protection, Producer Insolvency and Lender Liability
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - 95s-49 Stochastic Volatility
by Eric Ghysels & Andrew Harvey & Eric Renault - 95s-48 Is Workers' Compensation Disguised Unemployment Insurance?
by Bernard Fortin & Paul Lanoie & Christine Laporte - 95s-47 Asset and Commodity Prices with Multiattribute Durable Goods
by Jérôme Detemple & Christos I. Giannikos - 95s-46 Cohort Effects and Returns to Seniority in France
by David N. Margolis - 95s-45 Costs and Benefits of Preventing Workplace Accidents : Going from a Mechanical to a Manual Handling System
by Paul Lanoie & Louis Trottier - 95s-44 Estimating and Testing Exponential Affine Term Structure Models by Kalman Filter
by Jin-Chuan Duan & Jean-Guy Simonato - 95s-43 Empirical Martingale Simulation for Asset Prices
by Jin-Chuan Duan & Jean-Guy Simonato - 95s-42 Trading Patterns, Time Deformation and Stochastic Volatility in Foreign Exchange Markets
by Eric Ghysels & Christian Gouriéroux & Joann Jasiak - 95s-41 Testing the Option Value Theory of Irreversible Investment
by Tarek M. Harchaoui & Pierre Lasserre - 95s-40 Vertical Integration, Foreclosure and Profits in the Presence of Double Marginalisation
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - 95s-39 On the Dynamic Specification of International Asset Pricing Models
by René Garcia & Eric Ghysels & Maral Kichian - 95s-38 Costs and Benefits of Preventing Workplace Accidents: The Case of Participatory Ergonomics
by Paul Lanoie & Sophie Tavenas - 95s-37 Dynamic Incentive Contracts with Uncorrelated Private Information and History Dependent Outcomes
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre & Ngo Van Long - 95s-36 Some Results on the Markov Equilibria of a Class of Homogeneous Differential Games
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - 95s-35 Capacity Commitment Versus Flexibility: The Technological Choice Nexus in a Strategic Context
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - 95s-34 Signaling in Financial Reorganization: Theory and Evidence from Canada
by Jocelyn Martel - 95s-33 Real Investment Decisions Under Information Constraints
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre & Ngo Van Long - 95s-32 Market Time and Asset Price Movements Theory and Estimation
by Eric Ghysels & Christian Gouriéroux & Joann Jasiak - 95s-31 Stochastic Volatility and Time Deformation: An Application to Trading Volume and Leverage Effects
by Eric Ghysels & Joann Jasiak - 95s-30 L'impact de la réglementation en matière de santé et sécurité du travail sur le risque d'accidents au Québec : de nouveaux résultats
by Paul Lanoie & David StréLiski - 95s-29 Heterogeneous Expectations, Short Sales Regulation and the Risk Return Relationship
by Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 95s-28 Survol des contributions théoriques et empiriques liées au capital humain
by Daniel Parent - 95s-27 Wages and Mobility: The Impact of Employer-Provided Training
by Daniel Parent - 95s-26 Industry-Specific Capital and the Wage Profile: Evidence from the NLSY and the PSID
by Daniel Parent - 95s-25 Matching, Human Capital, and the Covariance Structure of Earnings
by Daniel Parent - 95s-24 Integrating Environmental Issues Into Corporate Strategy: A Catalyst for Radical Organizational Innovation
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre & Marie Josée Roy - 95s-23 Innovative Efforts as Determinants of Export Performance: The Case of Specialized Suppliers
by Mario Bourgault & Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre - 95s-22 Consensus, dispersion et prix des titres
by Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret