- 95s-21 On Periodic Structures and Testing for Seasonal Unit Roots
by Eric Ghysels & Alastair Hall & Hahn Shik Lee - 95s-20 Predictive Tests for Structural Change with Unknown Breakpoint
by Eric Ghysels & Alain Guay & Alastair Hall - 95s-19 Is Seasonal Adjustment a Linear or Nonlinear Data Filtering Process?
by Eric Ghysels & Clive W.J. Granger & Pierre L. Siklos - 95s-18 Models and Priors for Multivariate Stochastic Volatility
by Eric Jacquier & Nicholas G. Polson & Peter E. Rossi - 95s-17 What Did Unions Do... An Analysis of Canadian Strike Data, 1901-14
by Michael Huberman & Denise Young - 95s-16 On Stable Factor Structures in the Pricing of Risk
by Eric Ghysels - 95s-15 Development of Measures to Assess Dimensions of IS Operation Transactions
by Benoit Aubert & Michel Patry & Suzanne Rivard - 95s-14 The Structure of Incentives in a Major Information Systems Outsourcing Contract: The Case of a North American Public Organization
by Benoit Aubert & Michel Patry & Suzanne Rivard - 95s-13 Higher Moment Estimators for Linear Regression Models With Errors in the Variables
by Denyse L. Dagenais & Marcel Dagenais - 95s-12 Regulation and Productivity in the Quebec Manufacturing Sector
by Charles Dufour & Paul Lanoie & Michel Patry - 95s-11 Innovation Under the Threat of Stricter Environmental Standards
by Olivier Cadot & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 95s-10 When Piece Rates Work: More Lessons from the Cotton Mills
by Michael Huberman - 95s-09 Excess Sensitivity and Asymmetries in Consumption: An Empirical Investigation
by René Garcia & Serena Ng & Annamaria Lusardi - 95s-08 An Empirical Analysis of the Canadian Budget Process
by Bryan Campbell & Eric Ghysels - 95s-07 Asymptotic Null Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio Test in Markov Switching Models
by René Garcia - 95s-06 Are the Effects of Monetary Policy Asymmetric?
by René Garcia & Huntley Schaller - 95s-05 An Analysis of the Real Interest Rate Under Regime Shifts
by René Garcia & Pierre Perron - 95s-04 Firm Heterogeneity and Worker Self-Selection Bias Estimated Returns to Seniority
by David N. Margolis - 95s-03 Contract Renegotiation and Organizational Design
by Michel Poitevin - 95s-02 Using Ex Ante Payments in Self-Enforcing Risk-Sharing Contracts
by Céline Gauthier & Michel Poitevin - 95s-01 Disclosure of Information in Regulatory Proceedings
by Tracy R. Lewis & Michel Poitevin
- 94s-23 High-Wage Workers and High-Wage Firms
by John M. Abowd & Francis Kramarz & David N. Margolis - 94s-22 Environmental Risks and Bank Liability
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - 94s-21 The Creditors' Financial Reorganization Decision: New Evidence from Canadian Data
by Timothy C. G. Fisher & Jocelyn Martel - 94s-20 Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - 94s-19 Environmental Audits and Incentive Compensation
by H. Landis Gabel & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 94s-18 Technological Penetration and Cumulative Benefits in SMEs
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre & Marie Josée Roy - 94s-17 More on the Impact of Bankruptcy Reform in Canada
by Jocelyn Martel - 94s-16 Piece-Rates, Principal-Agent, and Productivity Profiles: Parametric and Semi-Parametric Evidence
by Bruce Shearer - 94s-15 Bayesian Inference for Periodic Regime-Switching Models
by Eric Ghysels & Robert E. McCulloch & Ruey S. Tsay - 94s-14 Disappointment Aversion as a Solution to the Equity Premium and the Risk-Free Rate Puzzles
by Marco Bonomo & René Garcia - 94s-13 Critical Capabilities and Performance of the Small Subcontracting Firms in the Aerospace Industry
by Mario Bourgault & Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre - 94s-12 Incentives, Team Production, Transaction Costs and the Optimal Contract: Estimates of an Agency Model using Payroll Records
by Christopher Ferrall & Bruce Shearer - 94s-11 Simulation Based Inference in Moving Average Models
by Eric Ghysels & Lynda Khalaf & Cosme Vodounou - 94s-10 Entrance Quotas and Admission to Medical Schools: A Sequential Probit Model
by Kathy Cannings & Sophie Mahseredjian & Claude Montmarquette - 94s-09 Major Choices : Undergraduate Concentrations and the Probability of Graduation
by Kathy Cannings & Sophie Mahseredjian & Claude Montmarquette - 94s-08 The Valuation of American Options on Multiple Assets
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple - 94s-07 American Option Valuation: New Bounds, Approximations, and a Comparison of Existing Methods
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple - 94s-06 Relating HRM and MOT Capabilities to R&D Intensity
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre & Lise Préfontaine - 94s-05 Intangible Capabilities as Determinants of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Adoption in SMEs: Toward an Evolutionary Model
by Jean Harvey & Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre - 94s-04 The Influence Prism in SMEs: The Power of CEOs' Perceptions on Technology Policy and Its Organizational Impacts
by Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre & R. Mason - 94s-03 On Periodic Autogressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
by Tim Bollerslev & Eric Ghysels - 94s-02 Performance à l'exportation et innovation technologique dans les PME manufacturières indépendantes
by Mario Bourgault & Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre - 94s-01 American Capped Call Options on Dividend Paying Assets
by Mark Broadie & Jérôme Detemple