- 2025s-04 Disability, discrimination, and the effectiveness of wage subsidies: A job-search approach
by Charles Bellemare & Ibrahima Sory Aissatou Diallo & Marion Goussé - 2025s-03 Innovation and productivity: the recent empirical literature and the state of the art
by Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen & Ad Notten - 2025s-02 Incentivizing Physicians’ Diagnostic Effort and Test with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
by David Bardey & Philippe De Donder & Marie-Louise Leroux - 2025s-01 Inflation, Attention and Expectations
by Etienne Briand & Massimiliano Marcellino & Dalibor Stevanovic
- 2024s-14 COVID-19 Risk (Mis)Perceptions
by Xavier Dufour-Simard & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2024s-13 Tax complexity and individual tax compliance costs of the personal income tax in Canada, 1985-2023: a synthesis
by François Vaillancourt - 2024s-12 Le parcours des barons québécois des médias
by Pierre Lortie - 2024s-11 La propriété des employeurs du Québec, 2023 :la place des francophones
by François Vaillancourt & Amélie Sintes - 2024s-10 Capital humain et entrepreneuriat
by Moïse Drabo & Raquel Fonseca - 2024s-09 La rémunération des attributs linguistiques au Québec en 2020, son évolution depuis 1970 et le taux de rendement du bilinguisme des francophones en 2020
by François Vaillancourt & Amélie Sintes & Feriel Grine - 2024s-08 Favor Exchange with Private Costs: An Experiment
by Arianna Degan & Yushen Li & Huan Xie - 2024s-07 Revenus de retraite et âge de déclenchement de la rente du RRQ
by Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2024s-06 Tax Incentives and Older Workers: Evidence from Canada
by Guy Lacroix & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2024s-05 Le microentrepreneuriat et l’accès à l’eau potable dans les quartiers précaires d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
by Marcel Boyer & Hicham El Moussaoui & Valentin Petkantchin - 2024s-04 How Does Basic Income for the Elderly Affect Health of the Self-employed?
by Emma Aguila & Raquel Fonseca - 2024s-03 Risk Scenarios and Macroeconomic Impacts: Insights for Canadian Policy
by Kevin Moran & Dalibor Stevanovic & Stéphane Surprenant - 2024s-02 Persistence-based capital allocation along the FOMC cycle
by Fulvio Ortu & Pietro Reggiani & Federico Severino - 2024s-01 Quels seront les soins de santé de première ligne du futur ? Compte-rendu du 40e Colloque Jean-Yves Rivard
by Raphaëlle Bordeleau & Mathilde Montpetit & Jade Jost & Régis Blais & Delphine Bosson-Rieutort & Géraldine Layani & Nadia Sourial
- 2023s-26 Deciphering Algorithmic Collusion: Insights from Bandit Algorithms and Implications for Antitrust Enforcement
by Frédéric Marty & Thierry Warin - 2023s-25 Répercussions socio-démographiques et retombées fiscales de la réhabilitation et de la mise en valeur du lieu historique national du Canal-de-Lachine
by Kristian Behrens & Florian Mayneris & Marlon Seror - 2023s-24 Les facettes du travail en mode hybride: Résultats d’un deuxième questionnaire distribué auprès d’employés dans le cadre d’un projet longitudinal de recherche
by Ali Béjaoui & Sylvie St-Onge & Ingrid Peignier & Felix Ballesteros Leiva - 2023s-23 Implementing a Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach for Simulating multilevel Auction Data
by Igor Sadoune & Marcelin Joanis & Andrea Lodi - 2023s-22 Is the Moroccan Fiscal System Progressive ? A Shapley Decomposition
by Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso - 2023s-21 Selection into Financial Education and Effects on Portfolio Choice
by Irina Gemmo & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Olivia S. Mitchell - 2023s-20 Graying and staying on the job: The welfare implications of employment protection for older workers
by Todd Morris & Benoit Dostie - 2023s-19 Healthcare Quality by Specialists under a Mixed Compensation System: an Empirical Analysis
by Damien Échevin & Bernard Fortin & Aristide Houndetoungan - 2023s-18 Nighttime light pollution and economic activities: A spatio-temporal model with common factors for US counties
by Georges Bresson & Jean-Michel Etienne & Guy Lacroix - 2023s-17 A Tale of Two Roads: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plain
by Ujjayant Chakravorty & Xiangzheng Deng & Yazhen Gong & Martino Pelli & Qian Zhang - 2023s-16 Création d’un outil de mesure de la littératie concernant la gestion de l’offre et d’évaluation de son impact
by Jade Dostie & Maurice Doyon & Laure Saulais - 2023s-15 Air Pollution, Smoky Days and Hours Worked
by Ron Chan & Martino Pelli & Veronica Vienne - 2023s-14 At Home versus in a Nursing Home: Long-term Care Settings and Marginal Utility
by Bertrand Achou & Philippe De Donder & Franca Glenzer & Minjoon Lee & Marie-Louise Leroux - 2023s-13 Risk, Reward and Uncertainty in Buyer-Seller Transactions
by Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel & Sabine Kröger - 2023s-12 Comment les hauts revenus réagissent-ils à l’impôt sur le revenu?
by Robert Gagné & Marianne Laurin & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2023s-11 Creative Cognition as a Bandit Problem
by Noémie Berlin & Jan Dul & Marco Gazel & Louis Lévy-Garboua & Todd Lubart - 2023s-10 Storms, Early Education and Human Capital
by Martino Pelli & Jeanne Tschopp - 2023s-09 Energy transition under mineral constraints and recycling: A low-carbon supply peak
by Simon Chazel & Sophie Bernard & Hassan Benchekroun - 2023s-08 Le déploiement de la cybersanté au Mali: considérations juridiques à partir de la perspective québécoise
by Mélanie Bourassa Forcier & Charles-Étienne Daniel & Arthur Oulaï & Natalia Torres Orozco & Olivia Toussaint-Martin & Mathieu Kiriakos - 2023s-07 Longevity, Health and Housing Risks Management in Retirement
by Pierre-Carl Michaud & Pascal St-Amour - 2023s-06 Reverse Mortgages and Financial Literacy
by Ismael Choinière-Crèvecoeur & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2023s-05 Frames, Incentives, and Education: Effectiveness of Interventions to Delay Public Pension Claiming
by Franca Glenzer & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Stefan Staubli - 2023s-04 Evaluating the relationship between income, survival and loss of autonomy among older Canadians
by Marie Connolly & Akakpo Domefa-Konou & Marie-Louise Leroux - 2023s-03 Test for Trading Costs Effect in a Portfolio Selection Problem with Recursive Utility
by Marine Carrasco & N'Golo Koné - 2023s-02 Score-type tests for normal mixtures
by Dante Amengual & Xinyue Bei & Marine Carrasco & Enrique Sentana - 2023s-01 Robust dynamic space-time panel data models using ε-contamination: An application to crop yields and climate change
by Badi H. Baltagi & Georges Bresson & Anoop Chaturvedi & Guy Lacroix
- 2022s-30 Did the ‘Quiet Revolution’ Really Change Anything?
by Vincent Geloso & Chandler S. Reilly - 2022s-29 Pré-installations, biais de statu quo et consolidation de la dominance : Les enseignements de l’arrêt du Tribunal de l’U.E. dans l’affaire Google Android
by Frédéric Marty - 2022s-28 Search and Multiple Jobholding
by Étienne Lalé - 2022s-27 The demand and supply of information about inflation
by Massimiliano Marcellino & Dalibor Stevanovic - 2022s-26 The Impact of Cyclones on Local Economic Growth: Evidence from Local Projections
by Costanza Naguib & Martino Pelli & David Poirier & Jeanne Tschopp - 2022s-25 Heterogeneous peer effects and gender-based interventions for teenage obesity
by Margherita Comola & Rokhaya Dieye & Bernard Fortin - 2022s-24 Mesure des années de vie ajustées par la qualité de vie globale au Québec : le 13-MD
by Mustapha Touré & Thomas G. Poder - 2022s-23 Measuring Small Business Dynamics and Employment with Private-Sector Real-Time Data
by André Kurmann & Étienne Lalé & Lien Ta - 2022s-22 Le partage du financement des services de l’agglomération de Montréal en 2020: État des lieux, analyse et éléments de comparaison
by Jean-Philippe Meloche & François Vaillancourt - 2022s-21 Comments on competition policy and labour markets
by Marcel Boyer - 2022s-20 Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail
by Marcel Boyer - 2022s-19 The optimal design of assisted reproductive technologies policies
by Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre Pestieau & Grégory Ponthière - 2022s-18 Choosing to Pay More for Electricity: an experiment on the level of residential consumer cooperation
by Pierre-Olivier Pineau - 2022s-17 Analyse des préférences des résidents-propriétaires de la ville de Québec pour l’aménagement de bassins de rétention à proximité
by Maurice Doyon & Stéphane Bergeron & Jacinthe Cloutier - 2022s-16 The World Health Organization in a Post-COVID-19 Era: An Exploration of Public Engagement on Twitter
by Thierry Warin - 2022s-15 Les travailleurs des plateformes numériques de transport de personnes et de livraison de repas au Québec : profil et motivations
by Mircea Vultur & Lucie Enel & Louis-Pierre Barrette & Simon Viviers - 2022s-14 The evolution of inequality in education trajectories and graduation outcomes in the US
by Christian Belzil & Jörgen Hansen & Xingfei Liu - 2022s-13 Advantageous selection without moral hazard (with an application to life care annuities)
by Philippe De Donder & Marie-Louise Leroux & François Salanié - 2022s-12 The economics of rural energy use in developing countries
by Ujjayant Chakravorty & Ridhima Gupta & Martino Pelli - 2022s-11 Replacement rates of public pensions in Canada: heterogeneity across socio-economic status
by Nicholas-James Clavet & Mayssun El-Attar & Raquel Fonseca - 2022s-10 Hétérogénéité des raisons d’abandons scolaire : l’impact des anticipations, des opportunités et des capacités cognitives des élèves en Tunisie
by Mohamed Ayadi & Claude Montmarquette - 2022s-09 The future of long-term care in Quebec: what are the cost savings from a realistic shift towards more home care?
by Nicholas-James Clavet & Réjean Hébert & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Julien Navaux - 2022s-08 Introduction d’un télérobot en résidences privées : Enjeux légaux et organisationnels
by Mélanie Bourassa Forcier & Dary-Anne Tourangeau & Gaëlle Feruzi & Mathieu Kiriakos - 2022s-07 Copula-based estimation of health concentration curves with an application to COVID-19
by Taoufik Bouezmarni & Mohamed Doukali & Abderrahim Taamouti - 2022s-06 Seasonal adjustment of daily data with CAMPLET
by Barend Abeln & Jan P.A.M. Jacobs & Machiel Mulder - 2022s-05 Combien de personnes ont développé des symptômes ou contracté la Covid-19 au Québec ? Une étude exploratoire
by David Boisclair & Roxane Borgès Da Silva & Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Ingrid Peignier - 2022s-04 Zero-hours Contracts in a Frictional Labor Market
by Juan J. Dolado & Étienne Lalé & Hélène Turon - 2022s-02 Austerity Reduces Public Health Investment
by Olivier Jacques & Alain Noel - 2022s-01 A dynamic analysis of international environmental agreements under partial cooperation
by Luca Colombo & Paola Labrecciosa & Ngo Van Long
- 2021s-44 Efficiency-inducing tax credits for charitable donations when taxpayers have heterogeneous behavioral norms
by Ngo Van Long - 2021s-43 Saving household production-cum-consumption time: implications for international trade in trash
by Ngo Van Long - 2021s-42 School Closures and Effective In-Person Learning during COVID-19: When, Where, and for Whom
by André Kurmann & Étienne Lalé - 2021s-41 Cultural and public services as factors of city resilience ? Evidence from big plant closures and downsizing
by Kristian Behrens & Manassé Drabo & Florian Mayneris - 2021s-40 The fiscal and welfare effects of policy responses to the Covid-19 school closures
by Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln & Dirk Krueger & André Kurmann & Étienne Lalé & Alexander Ludwig & Irina Popova - 2021s-39 Visa's Abandoned Plan to Acquire Plaid: What Could Have Been a Textbook Case of a Killer Acquisition
by Frédéric Marty & Thierry Warin - 2021s-37 Classes and Taxes: Socio-Economic Status, Ideology and (Un)Willingness to Pay
by Olivier Jacques - 2021s-36 Financial Literacy and the Timing of Tax-Preferred Savings Account Withdrawals
by Marianne Laurin & Derek Messacar & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2021s-35 Nursing home aversion post-pandemic: Implications for savings and long-term care policy
by Bertrand Achou & Philippe De Donder & Franca Glenzer & Minjoon Lee & Marie-Louise Leroux - 2021s-34 Public drug insurance and children’s use of mental health medication: Risk-specific responses to lower out-of-pocket treatment costs
by Jill Furzer & Maripier Isabelle & Boriana Miloucheva & Audrey Laporte - 2021s-33 Italian Labour Frictions and Wage Rigidities in an Estimated DSGE
by Josué Diwambuena & Raquel Fonseca & Stefan Schubert - 2021s-32 Pricing Indefinitely Lived Assets: Experimental Evidence
by John Duffy & Janet Hua Jiang & Huan Xie - 2021s-31 Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-period versus intertemporal price discrimination
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - 2021s-30 Estimating Coherency between Survey Data and Incentivized Experimental Data
by Christian Belzil & Julie Pernaudet & François Poinas - 2021s-29 Profit Effects of Consumers’ Identity Management: a dynamic model
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - 2021s-28 The RQE-CAPM : New insights about the pricing of idiosyncratic risk
by Benoît Carmichael & Gilles Boevi Koumou & Kevin Moran - 2021s-27 The concentration of digital markets: How to preserve the conditions for effective and undistorted competition?
by Frédéric Marty - 2021s-26 The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Dynamics and Employment: Real-time Estimates With Homebase Data
by André Kurmann & Étienne Lalé & Lien Ta - 2021s-24 Immigrants as future voters
by Arye Hillman & Ngo Van Long - 2021s-23 Charitable Giving: Framing and the Role of Information
by Claudia Keser & Maximilian Späth - 2021s-22 The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights
by Alessandro Barattieri & Patrice Borda & Alberto Brugnoli & Martino Pelli & Jeanne Tschopp - 2021s-21 Détermination du PIB réel trimestriel du Québec et analyse du cycle économique, 1948-1980
by Mario Fortin & Marcelin Joanis & Philippe Kabore & Luc Savard - 2021s-20 Les impacts financiers d’un virage vers le soutien à domicile au Québec
by Nicholas-James Clavet & Réjean Hébert & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Julien Navaux - 2021s-19 Electrification and Cooking Fuel Choice in Rural India
by Ridhima Gupta & Martino Pelli - 2021s-18 Trajectories of Healthcare Services for Elder Persons - A Retrospective Study in Sherbrooke, Quebec
by Lourdes Zubieta & Michel Raîche & Pauline Gervais & Réjean Hébert - 2021s-17 Consumer Mobility, Online and On-site Commerce and the Geographic Concentration of Economic Activity: Evidence from 20 Billion Transactions
by David Bounie & Youssouf Camara & John W. Galbraith - 2021s-16 Homophily, Peer Effects, and Dishonesty
by Liza Charroin & Bernard Fortin & Marie Claire Villeval - 2021s-15 Does the Legal Form Matter for Firm Performance in the MENA Region?
by Issam Abdo Ahmad & Ali Fakih - 2021s-14 Immigrants’ Economic Performance and Selective Outmigration: Diverging Predictions from Survey and Administrative Data
by Charles Bellemare & Natalia Kyui & Guy Lacroix - 2021s-13 Information Regime Changes and Path Dependence - An Experimental Analysis of Public Goods Contributions in Heterogeneous Groups
by Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling & Sabine Kröger & Erika Seki - 2021s-12 A Schematic View of Government as a Regulator and Insurer of the Financial System
by Henri-Paul Rousseau - 2021s-11 Don d’organes au Québec - Étude comparée des bonnes pratiques
by Luna Altarbouch & Nicholas Hébert-Gauthier & Mélanie Bourassa Forcier - 2021s-10 Stress and Retirement
by Raquel Fonseca & Hugo Morin & Ana I. Moro-Egido - 2021s-09 Can Machine Learning Catch the COVID-19 Recession?
by Philippe Goulet Coulombe & Massimiliano Marcellino & Dalibor Stevanovic - 2021s-08 Parental Decision and Intent Towards COVID-19 Vaccination in Children With Asthma. An Econometric Analysis
by Olivier Drouin & Claude Montmarquette & Alexandre Prud'homme & Yann Arnaud & Pierre Fontaine & Roxane Borgès Da Silva - 2021s-07 Impact of Tax Reforms in Applied Models: Which Functional Forms Should Be Chosen for the Demand System? Theory and Application for Morocco
by Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso - 2021s-06 The Retail Gasoline Price-Fixing Cartel in Québec
by Marcel Boyer - 2021s-05 COVID19 and Seasonal Adjustment
by Barend Abeln & Jan P.A.M. Jacobs - 2021s-04 Mitiger les impacts économiques du vieillissement sur la croissance et les recettes publiques : la piste du redosage fiscal
by Bertrand Achou & Yann Décarie & Luc Godbout & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Julien Navaux & Suzie St-Cerny - 2021s-03 Beyond ESG: Reforming Capitalism and Social-Democracy
by Marcel Boyer - 2021s-02 Au-delà de l’ESG : Réformer le capitalisme et la social-démocratie
by Marcel Boyer - 2021s-01 Prison Rehabilitation Programs: Efficiency and Targeting
by Guy Lacroix
- 2020s-70 Digital Platforms' Information Concentration: From Keystone Players to Gatekeepers
by Frédéric Marty & Thierry Warin - 2020s-69 On the Evolution of Multiple Jobholding in Canada
by Olena Kostyshyna & Étienne Lalé - 2020s-68 The Revision of the Canadian Copyright Act: An Economic Analysis
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-67 What is the Role of Firm-Specific Pay Policies on the Gender Earnings Gap in Canada?
by Jiang Li & Benoit Dostie & Gäelle Simard-Duplain - 2020s-66 From the First World War to the National Recovery Administration (1917-1935) - The Case for Regulated Competition in the United States during the Interwar Period
by Thierry Kirat & Frédéric Marty - 2020s-65 Northeast America (NEA) Electricity Profile: Proposal of a Free Trade Area
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-64 Artificial Intelligence and Market Manipulations: Ex-ante Evaluation in the Regulator's Arsenal
by Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin & Frédéric Marty & Eva Thelisson & Thierry Warin - 2020s-63 A Pervasive Economic Fallacy in Assessing the Cost of Public Funds
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-62 Visa Acquiring Plaid: A Tartan over a Killer Acquisition? Reflections on the risks of harming competition through the acquisition of startups within digital ecosystems
by Frédéric Marty & Thierry Warin - 2020s-61 Keystone Players and Complementors: An Innovation Perspective
by Frédéric Marty & Thierry Warin - 2020s-60 OBAMACARE : Enjeux économiques et constitutionnels
by Marcel Boyer & Molivann Panot - 2020s-59 Trade Costs and Strategic Investment in Infrastructure in a Dynamic Global Economy with Symmetric Countries
by Akihiko Yanase & Ngo Van Long - 2020s-58 Counting the Dead: COVID-19 and Mortality in Québec and British Columbia
by Yann Décarie & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2020s-57 Libre-échange et politiques économiques : Une critique de la raison empirique (La version cahier de recherche)
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-56 Free Trade and Economic Policies: A Critique of Empirical Reason (The Working Paper Version)
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-55 Age-Related Taxation of Bequests in the Presence of a Dependency Risk
by Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre Pestieau - 2020s-54 Indice du capital humain (HCI) - De l'incertitude à la robustesse des comparaisons
by Touhami Abdelkhalek & Dorothée Boccanfuso - 2020s-53 Resilient Urban Housing Markets: Shocks vs. Fundamentals
by Amine Ouazad - 2020s-52 La rémunération des attributs linguistiques au Québec : résultats pour 2015 et évolution depuis 1970
by François Vaillancourt - 2020s-51 Energy Transition Under Mineral Constraints and Recycling
by Simon Chazel & Sophie Bernard & Hassan Benchekroun - 2020s-50 The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks
by Patrick Baylis & Pierre-Loup Beauregard & Marie Connolly & Nicole Fortin & David A. Green & Pablo Gutiérrez-Cubillos & Samuel Gyetvay & Catherine Haeck & Tímea L. Molnár & Gäelle Simard-Duplain & Henry Siu & Maria teNyenhuis & Casey Warman - 2020s-49 Les incidences de l’intelligence artificielle sur la gestion des compétences dans le secteur des services financiers
by Sylvie St-Onge & Michel Magnan & Catherine Vincent - 2020s-48 Revisiting the Gap Between the Willingness-to-Pay and Willingness-to-Accept for Public Goods
by Christian A. Vossler & Stéphane Bergeron & Maurice Doyon & Daniel Rondeau - 2020s-47 Macroeconomic Uncertainty and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Measure and Impacts on the Canadian Economy
by Kevin Moran & Dalibor Stevanovic & Adam Abdel Kader Touré - 2020s-46 The Late Emerging Consensus Among American Economists on Antitrust Laws in the Second New Deal (1935-1941) (Revised Version)
by Thierry Kirat & Frédéric Marty - 2020s-45 Video Resumes and Job Search Outcomes: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Charles Bellemare & Marion Goussé & Guy Lacroix & Steeve Marchand - 2020s-44 Trade in Trash: A Political Economy Approach
by James H. Cassing & Ngo Van Long - 2020s-43 On the Profitability of Cross-Ownership in Cournot Oligopolies: Stock Sizes Matter
by Hassan Benchekroun & Miao Dai & Ngo Van Long - 2020s-42 Macroeconomic Data Transformations Matter
by Philippe Goulet Coulombe & Maxime Leroux & Dalibor Stevanovic & Stéphane Surprenant - 2020s-41 Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Diversity: The Role of Production Constraints
by Ngo Van Long & Yifan Li & Zhuang Miao - 2020s-40 The Economic Consequences of the Health Crisis in Spain: Five Questions for a Common Diagnosis
by Jesús Ruiz-Huerta Carbonell - 2020s-39 Guaranteed Minimum Income: the Case of Quebec
by Dorothée Boccanfuso & Jean-Michel Cousineau & Raquel Fonseca - 2020s-38 Estimating the Value of Higher Education Financial Aid : Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Christian Belzil & Arnaud Maurel & Modibo Sidibé - 2020s-37 Waiting for Recovery: The Canadian Labour Market in June 2020
by Stephen R.G. Jones & Fabian Lange & W. Craig Riddell & Casey Warman - 2020s-36 Reconciling Changes in Wage Inequality With Changes in College Selectivity Using a Behavioral Model
by Christian Belzil & Jörgen Hansen - 2020s-35 The Evolution of the US Family Income-Schooling Relationship and Educational Selectivity
by Christian Belzil & Jörgen Hansen - 2020s-34 Employer Policies and the Immigrant-Native Earnings Gap
by Benoit Dostie & Jiang Li & David Card & Daniel Parent - 2020s-33 Trade, Education, and Income Inequality
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin Vespignani - 2020s-32 Forecasting the Covid-19 Recession and Recovery: Lessons from the Financial Crisis
by Claudia Foroni & Massimiliano Marcellino & Dalibor Stevanovic - 2020s-31 Demographic Profile of COVID-19 Cases, Fatalities, Hospitalizations and Recoveries Across Canadian Provinces
by Simona Bignami-Van Assche & Ari Van Assche - 2020s-30 Arbitrage Pricing, Weak Beta, Strong Beta: Identification-Robust and Simultaneous Inference
by Marie-Claude Beaulieu & Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf - 2020s-29 Les inégalités provinciales aux tests internationaux-nationaux de littéracie : Québec, Ontario et autres provinces canadiennes 1993-2018 (Version révisée et augmentée octobre 2020)
by Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan - 2020s-28 Consumers’ Mobility, Expenditure and Online-Offline Substitution Response to COVID-19: Evidence from French Transaction Data
by David Bounie & Youssouf Camara & John W. Galbraith - 2020s-27 Labor Market and Fiscal Policy During and After the Coronavirus
by Paul Gomme - 2020s-26 Inequalities: Income, Wealth and Consumption
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-25 Défis et embûches dans l’évaluation des PPP : Pour un secteur public efficace et efficient
by Marcel Boyer - 2020s-24 Estimating COVID-19 Prevalence in the United States: A Sample Selection Model Approach
by David Benatia & Raphaël Godefroy & Joshua Lewis - 2020s-23 Identification-robust Inequality Analysis
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Emmanuel Flachaire & Lynda Khalaf & Abdallah Zalghout - 2020s-22 The Value of Bad Ratings: An Experiment on the Impact of Distortions in Reputation Systems
by Claudia Keser & Maximilian Späth - 2020s-21 Using Machine Learning to Predict Nosocomial Infections and Medical Accidents in a NICU
by Marc Beltempo & Georges Bresson & Guy Lacroix - 2020s-20 Canadian Agriculture and Risk Management Programs in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis: A Brief Assessment
by Maurice Doyon & Alphonse Singbo - 2020s-19 The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Liability Issues
by Mélanie Bourassa Forcier & Lara Khoury & Nathalie Vézina - 2020s-18 Economic Development and COVID-19 Cases
by Walid Marrouch & Nagham Sayour - 2020s-17 Not Just a Concern for the Elderly: Age Gradient in COVID-19-Related Infections in Italy, Spain and the Netherlands
by Simona Bignami-Van Assche & Daniela Ghio & Ari Van Assche - 2020s-16 Understanding Cross-Country Differences in Health Status and Expenditures
by Raquel Fonseca & François Langot & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Thepthida Sopraseuth - 2020s-15 Infections, Accidents and Nursing Overtime in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Bayesian Semiparametric Panel Data Logit Model
by Marc Beltempo & Georges Bresson & Jean-Michel Etienne & Guy Lacroix - 2020s-14 Brexit - Populist Reaction to the 2008 Speculative Bubble Bursting?
by Ejan Mackaay - 2020s-13 L’efficience comme valeur du droit civil : invitation à l’analyse économique du droit
by Ejan Mackaay - 2020s-12 La présence de biais cognitifs en analyse économique : une étude de cas
by Marc-Olivier Bessette & Mariame Dioubate & Myriane Hébert & Miriam Elsie Kuimi Tchana & Laura Morissette & Jean-Charles Toupin & Raoul Yaro & Maurice Doyon - 2020s-11 Self-Employment at Older Ages in Canada
by Raquel Fonseca & Simon Lord & Simon C. Parker - 2020s-10 Innovation in Digital Ecosystems: Challenges and Questions for Competition Policy
by Frédéric Marty & Thierry Warin - 2020s-09 Public Pensions and Low Income Dynamics in Canada
by Mayssun El-Attar & Raquel Fonseca - 2020s-08 Bayesian Panel Quantile Regression for Binary Outcomes with Correlated Random Effects: An Application on Crime Recidivism in Canada
by Georges Bresson & Guy Lacroix & Mohammad Arshad Rahman - 2020s-07 Robust Dynamic Panel Data Models Using ε-contamination
by Badi H. Baltagi & Georges Bresson & Anoop Chaturvedi & Guy Lacroix - 2020s-06 Canadians’ Perception of U.S.-Canada Price Differences for Consumer Goods
by Maurice Doyon & Stéphane Bergeron & Bruce Muirhead - 2020s-05 Long Term Care Insurance with State-Dependent Preferences
by Philippe De Donder & Marie-Louise Leroux - 2020s-04 Nouvelles formes d’engagement dans le travail : Y-a-t-il une « spécificité jeune » ?
by Mircea Vultur & Daniel Mercure & Charles Fleury - 2020s-03 Childlessness, Childfreeness and Compensation
by Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre Pestieau & Grégory Ponthière - 2020s-02 Peer Effects in Networks: A Survey
by Yann Bramoullé & Habiba Djebbari & Bernard Fortin - 2020s-01 Income Volatility, Health and Well-Being
by Amélie Adeline & Raquel Fonseca & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2019s-39 Hub-Periphery Development Pattern and Inclusive Growth: Case Study of Guangdong Province
by Xubei Luo & Nong Zhu - 2019s-38 La face cachée du « rêve chinois » : migrants et protection sociale
by Nong Zhu & Cécile Batisse - 2019s-37 Les immigrants sur le marché du travail canadien : double peine pour les non-Occidentaux ?
by Cécile Batisse & Nong Zhu
- 2019s-36 La tarification routière au Québec - Quelles leçons tirer de l’expérience des précurseurs ?
by Jean-Philippe Meloche - 2019s-35 Towards a New Era in Road Pricing? Lessons from the Experience of First Movers
by Jean-Philippe Meloche - 2019s-34 Canadian Gender Gap in Financial Literacy: Confidence Matters
by Raquel Fonseca & Simon Lord - 2019s-33 CEO Pay in Perspective
by Marcel Boyer - 2019s-32 Polygraphie du chômage des jeunes au Québec et au Canada (1998-2018)
by Mircea Vultur & Louis Cornelissen - 2019s-31 Can Wage Setting Process for Canadian Nurses Explain Regional Shortage in this Occupation?
by Ruolz Ariste & Ali Béjaoui - 2019s-30 Factors Explaining the Hypothetical Bias: How to Improve Models for Meta-analyses
by Baoubadi Atozou & Lota Tamini & Stéphane Bergeron & Maurice Doyon - 2019s-29 The Evolution of Morals under Indirect Reciprocity
by Alexia Gaudeul & Claudia Keser & Stephan Müller - 2019s-28 Vertically Differentiated Cournot Oligopoly: Effects of Market Expansion and Trade Liberalization on Relative Markup and Product Quality
by Ngo Van Long & Zhuang Miao - 2019s-27 How to Manage, Induce, or Prevent Regime Shifts: A Selective Survey
by Ngo Van Long - 2019s-26 Kantian Categorical Imperative and Dynamic Games of Common-Property Resource Exploitation When Self-Image Matters
by Ngo Van Long