- 2006s-07 Exchange Rates and Order Flow in the Long Run
by M. Martin Boyer & Simon van Norden - 2006s-06 The Effect of an Additional Alternative on Measured Risk Preferences in a Laboratory Experiment in Peru
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Javier Escobal & Sonia Laszlo - 2006s-05 An Experimental Test of Taylor-Type Rules with Inexperienced Central Bankers
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Nurlan Turdaliev - 2006s-04 Persistence of Innovation in Dutch Manufacturing: Is it Spurious?
by Wladimir Raymond & Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm & Sybrand Schim van der Loeff - 2006s-03 A Micro-foundation for the Laffer Curve In a Real Effort Experiment
by Louis Lévy-Garboua & David Masclet & Claude Montmarquette - 2006s-02 Input Specificity and Global Sourcing
by Galina A. Schwartz & Ari Van Assche - 2006s-01 La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (II)
by Marcel Boyer
- 2005s-38 The Value of Real and Financial Risk Management
by Marcel Boyer & M. Martin Boyer & René Garcia - 2005s-37 Évaluation de projets : la valeur actualisée nette optimisée (VAN-O)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel - 2005s-36 VoIP Regulation in Canada
by Marcel Boyer & Catherine Mercier - 2005s-35 The Measure and Regulation of Competition in Telecommunications Markets
by Marcel Boyer - 2005s-34 Early Initiation of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapies for Aids: Dynamic choice with Endogenous and Exogenous Learning
by Pierre Lasserre & Jean-Paul Moatti & Antoine Soubeyran - 2005s-33 Comparing the Innovation Performance in Canadian, French and German Manufacturing Enterprises
by Pierre Mohnen & Pierre Therrien - 2005s-32 Innovation in Enterprise Clusters:Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing
by Bert Diederen & Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm & Wladimir Raymond & Sybrand Schim van der Loeff - 2005s-30 Inflation Dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve: an Identification Robust Econometric Analysis
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf & Maral Kichian - 2005s-29 Des baisses d'impôt : pour qui, comment et quand? Douze constats à prendre en considération avant de procéder à de nouvelles baisses d'impôt sur le revenu au Québec
by Luc Godbout - 2005s-28 Mettre cartes sur table pour résoudre le déséquilibre fiscal
by Luc Godbout & Karine Dumont - 2005s-27 La réforme fédérale proposée de la péréquation : le mauvais remède pour l'un des organes vitaux du fédéralisme fiscal canadien
by Luc Godbout & Suzie St-Cerny - 2005s-26 Finite-Sample Simulation-Based Inference in VAR Models with Applications to Order Selection and Causality Testing
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Tarek Jouini - 2005s-25 The Indirect Costs of Venture Capital in Canada
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2005s-24 Partner Selection in R&D Cooperation
by Gamal Atallah - 2005s-23 Fiscalité et offre de travail : une étude expérimentale
by Louis Lévy-Garboua & David Masclet & Claude Montmarquette - 2005s-22 Effort fiscal comparé : le Québec et les autres provinces canadiennes
by Luc Godbout & Karine Dumont & Sébastien Raymond - 2005s-21 The Pigouvian Tax Rule in the Presence of an Eco-Industry
by Alain-Désiré Nimubona & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2005s-20 Le régime enregistré d'épargne-actions : la fin du moratoire
by Luc Godbout & Robert Laplante & Marc-André Lapointe & Suzie St-Cerny - 2005s-19 Que reste-t-il du rapport de la Commission sur le déséquilibre fiscal?
by Matthieu Arseneau & Luc Godbout & Jean-Herman Guay - 2005s-18 The Progressivity of Income Taxation: A Comparison between Quebec and Ontario
by Luc Godbout & Suzie St-Cerny - 2005s-17 La progressivité de l'imposition du revenu : une comparaison Québec-Ontario
by Luc Godbout & Suzie St-Cerny - 2005s-16 Analyse de la perception des Québécois à l'égard de l'impôt : une relation paradoxale
by Matthieu Arseneau & Luc Godbout & Jean-Herman Guay - 2005s-15 Le programme SBIC : analyse et enseignements
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2005s-14 The Costs of Issuing Private Versus Public Equity
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2005s-13 On the Usefulness of Tax Incentives for Business Angels and SME Owners: An Empirical Analysis
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2005s-12 Programme de recherche sur le rôle des gouvernements dans le financement des entreprises Initiatives gouvernementales en capital de risque : les leçons des expériences européennes
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2005s-11 Le dosage des impôts au sein de la structure fiscale québécoise Le déplacement de la taxation des revenus vers la consommation
by Luc Godbout & Matthieu Arseneau - 2005s-10 De l'efficacité des dépenses fiscales pour l'achat d'actions : le cas du régime d'épargne-actions du Québec
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2005s-09 Low-fee ($5/day/child) Regulated Childcare Policy and the Labor Supply of Mothers with Young Children: A Natural Experiment from Canada
by Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan - 2005s-08 La politique des services de garde à 5 $/jour et l'offre de travail des mères québécoises : résultats d'une expérience naturelle canadienne
by Pierre Lefebvre & Philip Merrigan - 2005s-07 An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Aggregate Portfolio Allocations
by Michel Normandin & Pascal St-Amour - 2005s-06 Asymptotic distribution of a simple linear estimator for VARMA models in echelon form
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Tarek Jouini - 2005s-05 Tests multiples simulés et tests de normalité basés sur plusieurs moments dans les modèles de régression
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Abdeljelil Farhat & Lynda Khalaf - 2005s-04 Distribution-Free Bounds for Serial Correlation Coefficients in Heteroskedastic Symmetric Time Series
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Abdeljelil Farhat & Marc Hallin - 2005s-03 Exact Multivariate Tests of Asset Pricing Models with Stable Asymmetric Distributions
by Marie-Claude Beaulieu & Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf - 2005s-02 Monte Carlo tests with nuisance parameters: a general approach to finite-sample inference and non-standard asymptotics
by Jean-Marie Dufour - 2005s-01 La prime au travail du Québec : Un véritable outil d'incitation au travail ou une simple façon de baisser l'impôt?
by Luc Godbout & Matthieu Arseneau
- 2004s-63 Choix de consommation des ménages en présence de plusieurs décideurs
by Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Anyck Dauphin & Abdel-Rahmen El Lahga - 2004s-62 Common and Fundamental Factors in Stock Returns of Canadian Oil and Gas Companies
by M. Martin Boyer & Didier Filion - 2004s-61 Tax Evasion and Social Interactions
by Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix & Marie Claire Villeval - 2004s-60 Régulation et mode de gestion : une étude économétrique sur les prix et la performance
by Marcel Boyer & Serge Garcia - 2004s-59 Snow Removal Auctions in Montreal: Costs, Informational Rents, and Procurement Management
by Véronique Flambard & Pierre Lasserre & Pierre Mohnen - 2004s-58 Nash Implementable Liability Rules for Judgement-Proof Injurers
by Patrick González - 2004s-57 Experimental Investigation of Supplier-Retailer Contracts: The Wholesale Price Contract
by Claudia Keser & Giuseppe A. Paleologo - 2004s-56 Option Valuation with Long-run and Short-run Volatility Components
by Peter Christoffersen & Kris Jacobs & Yintian Wang - 2004s-55 The Determinants of Credit Default Swap Premia
by Jan Ericsson & Kris Jacobs & Rodolfo A. Oviedo - 2004s-54 Market Incompleteness and the Equity Premium Puzzle: Evidence from State-Level Data
by Kris Jacobs & Michel A. Robe & Stéphane Pallage - 2004s-53 Face to Face Negotiation to Overcome the Nimby Syndrome: Theory and Experimental Design
by Nicolas Marchetti - 2004s-52 Low-bid Auction Versus High-bid Auction For Siting Noxious Facilities in a Two-city Region: an Exact Approach
by Alain Jean-Marie & Nicolas Marchetti & Mabel Tidball - 2004s-51 Le placement privé et la dimension réglementaire du financement des entreprises
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2004s-50 Competition Among Securities Markets: Can the Canadian Market Survive?
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2004s-49 Voluntary Teaming and Effort
by Claudia Keser & Claude Montmarquette - 2004s-48 Bypassing the Financial Growth Cycle: Evidence from Capital Pool Companies
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2004s-47 Output and Wages with Inequality Averse Agents
by Dominique Demougin & Claude Denys Fluet & Carsten Helm - 2004s-46 Le placement privé dans les sociétés ouvertes : dimensions réglementaires, économiques et financières
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2004s-45 Saving Decisions of the Working Poor: Short-and Long-Term Horizons
by Catherine Eckel & Cathleen Johnson & Claude Montmarquette - 2004s-44 Les Nanotechnologies : leurs bénéfices et leurs risques potentiels
by Dina Feigenbaum & Albert Nsamirizi & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2004s-43 Corporate Strategies For Managing Environmental Risk (The International Library Of Environmental Economics And Policy – Volume xx)
by Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2004s-42 Environmental Regulation and the Eco-industry
by Maia David & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2004s-41 On the Use of Hierarchies to Complete Contracts when Players Have Limited Abilities
by M. Martin Boyer - 2004s-40 La régulation et l'harmonisation internationale des programmes d'écolabels sur les produits et les services
by Sophie Lavallée & Kristin Bartenstein - 2004s-39 L'écolabel est-il un outil du protectionnisme « vert »?
by Kristin Bartenstein & Sophie Lavallée - 2004s-38 Deterrence vs Judicial Error: A Comparative View of Standards of Proof
by Dominique Demougin & Claude Denys Fluet - 2004s-37 Conditionally Heteroskedastic Factor Models: Identification and Instrumental Variables Estimation
by Catherine Doz & Eric Renault - 2004s-36 An Empirically-Based Taxonomy of Dutch Manufacturing: Innovation Policy Implications
by Wladimir Raymond & Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm & Sybrand Schim van der Loeff - 2004s-35 Advertising and Coordination in Markets with Consumption Scale Effects
by Robert Clark & Ignatius J. Horstmann - 2004s-34 Career Concerns of Top Executives, Managerial Ownership and CEO Succession
by M. Martin Boyer & Hernan Ortiz Molina - 2004s-33 Is the Demand for Corporate Insurance a Habit? Evidence of Organizational Inertia from Directors' and Officers' Insurance
by M. Martin Boyer - 2004s-32 Efficient Non-Parametric Function Induction in Semi-Supervised Learning
by Yoshua Bengio & Olivier Delalleau & Nicolas Le Roux - 2004s-31 Estimation de densité conditionnelle lorsque l'hypothèse de normalité est insatisfaisante
by Julie Carreau & Yoshua Bengio - 2004s-30 Manifold Parzen Windows
by Yoshua Bengio & Pascal Vincent - 2004s-29 Locally Weighted Full Covariance Gaussian Density Estimation
by Yoshua Bengio & Pascal Vincent - 2004s-28 Learning from Partial Labels with Minimum Entropy
by Yves Grandvalet & Yoshua Bengio - 2004s-27 Spectral Dimensionality Reduction
by Yoshua Bengio & Olivier Delalleau & Nicolas Le Roux & Jean-François Paiement & Pascal Vincent & Marie Ouimet - 2004s-26 Monitoring for Disruptions in Financial Markets
by Elena Andreou & Eric Ghysels - 2004s-25 The Impact of Sampling Frequency and Volatility Estimators on Change-Point Tests
by Elena Andreou & Eric Ghysels - 2004s-24 There is a Risk-Return Tradeoff After All
by Eric Ghysels & Pedro Santa-Clara & Rossen Valkanov - 2004s-23 How and Why do Investors Trade Votes, and What Does it Mean?
by Susan Christoffersen & Christopher C. Geczy & David K. Musto & Adam V. Reed - 2004s-22 Do Shareholders' Preferences Affect their Funds' Management? Evidence from the Cross Section of Shareholders and Funds
by Susan Christoffersen & Christopher C. Geczy & David K. Musto & Adam V. Reed - 2004s-21 Approximating the Probability Distribution of Functions of Random Variables: A New Approach
by Anders Eriksson & Lars Forsberg & Eric Ghysels - 2004s-20 The MIDAS Touch: Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models
by Eric Ghysels & Pedro Santa-Clara & Rossen Valkanov - 2004s-19 Predicting Volatility: Getting the Most out of Return Data Sampled at Different Frequencies
by Eric Ghysels & Pedro Santa-Clara & Rossen Valkanov - 2004s-18 On the Efficient Use of the Informational Content of Estimating Equations: Implied Probabilities and Euclidean Empirical Likelihood
by Hélène Bonnal & Eric Renault - 2004s-17 Male-Female Productivity Differentials: The Role of Ability and Incentives
by Harry J. Paarsch & Bruce Shearer - 2004s-16 The Informational Content of Over-the-Counter Currency Options
by Peter Christoffersen & Stefano Mazzotta - 2004s-15 Estimation Risk in Financial Risk Management
by Peter Christoffersen & Silvia Gonçalves - 2004s-14 Overcoming Natural Resource Constraints Through R&D
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - 2004s-13 Early Initiation of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapies (HAART) for HIV/aids: The Contribution of a Stochastic Dynamic Model of Choice
by Pierre Lasserre & Jean-Paul Moatti & Antoine Soubeyran - 2004s-12 Reinforcing Economic Incentives for Carbon Credits for Forests
by Robert C. Cairns & Pierre Lasserre - 2004s-11 Ratchet vs Blasé Investors and Asset Markets
by Pascal St-Amour - 2004s-10 An Empirical Investigation of Perceptual Incongruence Between Sales Managers and Salespeople as to Sales Force Control System Application
by Jozée Lapierre & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2004s-09 Dynamic Duopoly with Congestion Effects
by Didier Laussel & Maxime de Montmarin & Ngo Van Long - 2004s-08 Designing a Performance Indicator to Economize on Monopoly Subsidy
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - 2004s-07 Ressources renouvelables et non renouvelables, impatience et progrès technique exogène
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - 2004s-06 A Generalized Portmanteau Test for Independence of Two Infinite Order Vector Autoregressive Series
by Chafik Bouhaddioui & Roch Roy - 2004s-05 The Promotion Dynamics of American Executives
by Christian Belzil & Michael Bognanno - 2004s-04 The Econometrics of Option Pricing
by René Garcia & Eric Ghysels & Eric Renault - 2004s-03 The Living Arrangement Dynamics of Sick, Elderly Individuals
by Benoit Dostie & Pierre-Thomas Léger - 2004s-02 The Protection of Innovations
by Gamal Atallah - 2004s-01 The Allocation of Resources to Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D
by Gamal Atallah
- 2003s-70 Merging Automobile Insurance Regulatory Bodies: The Case of Atlantic Canada
by M. Martin Boyer & Jörg Schiller - 2003s-69 Redesigning Teams and Incentives in a Merger: An Experiment with Managers and Students
by Claude Montmarquette & Jean-Louis Rullière & Marie Claire Villeval & Romain Zeiliger - 2003s-68 Econometric Models of Student Loan Repayment in Canada
by Marie Connolly & Claude Montmarquette & Ali Béjaoui - 2003s-67 Auction versus Dealership Markets
by Moez Bennouri - 2003s-66 Competition and Performance: The Different Roles of Capital and Labor
by Pierre Mohnen & Thijs Ten Raa - 2003s-65 The Integrated Product Policy and the Innovation Process: An Overview
by Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné & Dina Feigenbaum & Émilie Pawlak - 2003s-64 Directors' and Officers' Insurance and Shareholders' Protection
by M. Martin Boyer - 2003s-63 The Paradox of Precaution
by Pauline Barrieu & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2003s-62 Assessing the Impact of Non-Response on the Treatment Effect in the Canadian Self-Sufficiency Experiment
by Thierry Kamionka & Guy Lacroix - 2003s-61 Short Run and Long Run Causality in Time Series: Inference
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Denis Pelletier & Eric Renault - 2003s-60 Complementarities in Innovation Policy
by Pierre Mohnen & Lars-Hendrick Röller - 2003s-59 The Role of Country and the Effectiveness of Compensation Strategies in Technology-Intensive Firms
by Michel Tremblay & Denis Chênevert - 2003s-58 Rôle des pratiques d'empowerment et de rémunération sur la performance des ressources humaines : un enjeu méthodologique
by Denis Chênevert & Michel Tremblay - 2003s-57 Testing Optimal Punishment Mechanisms Under Price Regulation: the Case of the Retail Market for Gasoline
by Robert Gagné & Simon van Norden & Bruno Versaevel - 2003s-56 L'impact des regroupements municipaux sur le fardeau fiscal et la valeur des propriétés résidentielles au Québec, 1992-1999
by Guy Lacroix & Gino Santarossa - 2003s-55 Career Starts and the Male-Female Wage Gap
by Nathalie Havet & Guy Lacroix - 2003s-54 Méthodes d'inférence exactes pour un modèle de régression avec erreurs AR(2) gaussiennes
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Malika Neifar - 2003s-53 Analyse multicritère : Étude de comparaison des méthodes existantes en vue d'une application en analyse de cycle de vie
by Renaud Caillet - 2003s-52 The Importance of the Loss Function in Option Valuation
by Peter Christoffersen & Kris Jacobs - 2003s-51 Modeling the Dynamics of Credit Spreads with Stochastic Volatility
by Kris Jacobs & Xiaofei Li - 2003s-50 Option Valuation with Conditional Skewness
by Peter Christoffersen & Steve Heston & Kris Jacobs - 2003s-49 Identification, Weak Instruments and Statistical Inference in Econometrics
by Jean-Marie Dufour - 2003s-48 Piece Rates, Fixed Wages and Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Bruce Shearer - 2003s-47 Évaluation du risque en gestion de projets
by Simon Bourdeau & Suzanne Rivard & Henri Barki - 2003s-46 Propagation des risques biotechnologiques : Le cas du maïs StarLink
by Caroline Debuissy - 2003s-45 Compensation Policy and Worker Performance: Identifying Incentive Effects from Field Experiments
by Bruce Shearer - 2003s-44 Education and Smoking: Were Vietnam War Draft Avoiders Also More Likely to Avoid Smoking?
by Franque Grimard & Daniel Parent - 2003s-43 A Communication Framework Towards Flexible Associations of Business Entities Within Evolving Environments
by Hendrik Ludolph & Gilbert Babin & Peter Kropf - 2003s-42 Is the Demand for Corporate Insurance a Habit? Evidence from Directors' and Officers' Insurance
by M. Martin Boyer - 2003s-41 On the Distribution of the Residual Cross-Correlations between Two Uncorrelated Infinite Order Vector Autoregressive Series
by Chafik Bouhaddioui & Roch Roy - 2003s-40 Performance of Software Agents in Non-Transferable Payoff Group Buying
by Frederick Asselin & Brahim Chaib-draa - 2003s-39 Projection-Based Statistical Inference in Linear Structural Models with Possibly Weak Instruments
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Mohamed Taamouti - 2003s-38 News Arrival, Jump Dynamics and Volatility Components for Individual Stock Returns
by John M. Maheu & Thomas McCurdy - 2003s-37 Pertinence de l'utilisation d'internet comme canal de distribution: cas du secteur des assurances
by Malika Aboubekr & Suzanne Rivard - 2003s-36 Design for Optimized Multi-Lateral Multi-Commodity Markets
by Benoît Bourbeau & Teodor Gabriel Crainic & Michel Gendreau & Jacques Robert - 2003s-35 L'analyse de l'influence de la pression des pairs dans les équipes de travail
by David Masclet - 2003s-34 Finite-Sample Diagnostics for Multivariate Regressions with Applications to Linear Asset Pricing Models
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf & Marie-Claude Beaulieu - 2003s-33 Exact skewness-kurtosis tests for multivariate normality and goodness-of-fit in multivariate regressions with application to asset pricing models
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf & Marie-Claude Beaulieu - 2003s-32 Testing Equilibrium Behaviour At First-Price, Sealed-Bid Auctions With Discrete Bid Increments
by Harry J. Paarsch & Jacques Robert - 2003s-31 Implementing the Optimal Auction
by Bernard Caillaud & Jacques Robert - 2003s-30 Advertising Restrictions and Competition in the Children's Breakfast Cereal Industry
by Robert Clark - 2003s-29 Environmental Impact Assessment and Investment under Uncertainty: An Application to Power Grid Interconnection
by Jean-Daniel Saphores & Éric Gravel & Jean-Thomas Bernard - 2003s-28 Asymptotic and Bootstrap Inference for AR( Infinite ) Processes with Conditional Heteroskedasticity
by Silvia Gonçalves & Lutz Kilian - 2003s-27 On Portfolio Choice, Liquidity, and Short Selling: A Nonparametric Investigation
by Eric Ghysels & João Pereira - 2003s-26 There is a Risk-Return Tradeoff After All
by Eric Ghysels & Pedro Santa-Clara & Rossen Valkanov - 2003s-25 Economic Development and HIV/AIDS Prevalence
by Robert Clark & Désiré Vencatachellum - 2003s-24 Metric-Based Model Selection For Time-Series Forecasting
by Yoshua Bengio & Nicolas Chapados - 2003s-23 Stochastic Gradient Descent on a Portfolio Management Training Criterion Using the IPA Gradient Estimator
by Christian Dorion & Yoshua Bengio - 2003s-22 No unbiased Estimator of the Variance of K-Fold Cross-Validation
by Yoshua Bengio & Yves Grandvalet - 2003s-21 SAFIR: A Simple API for Financial Information Requests
by Nicolas Chapados - 2003s-20 Comment améliorer la capacité de généralisation des algorithmes d'apprentissage pour la prise de décisions financières
by Nicolas Chapados & Yoshua Bengio - 2003s-19 Spectral Clustering and Kernel PCA are Learning Eigenfunctions
by Yoshua Bengio & Pascal Vincent & Jean-François Paiement - 2003s-18 Inequity Aversion in Tournament
by Dominique Demougin & Claude Denys Fluet - 2003s-17 Bootstrapping Autoregressions with Conditional Heteroskedasticity of Unknown Form
by Silvia Gonçalves & Lutz Kilian - 2003s-16 Do IPOs Underperform in the Long-Run? New Evidence from the Canadian Stock Market
by Maher Kooli & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2003s-15 A Theory of Favoritism under International Oligopoly
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 2003s-14 Favoritism in Vertical Relationship: Input Prices and Access Quality
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 2003s-13 Size Matters: The Impact of Capital Market Liberalization on Individual Firms
by Peter Christoffersen & Hyunchul Chung & Vihang Errunza - 2003s-12 Disentangling Risk Aversion and Intertemporal Substitution Through a Reference Level
by René Garcia & Eric Renault & Andrei Semenov - 2003s-11 Asymptotic Properties of Monte Carlo Estimators of Diffusion Processes
by Jérôme Detemple & René Garcia & Marcel Rindisbacher - 2003s-10 Group vs. Individual Performance Pay When Workers Are Envious
by Dominique Demougin & Claude Denys Fluet - 2003s-09 Asset Returns and State-Dependent Risk Preferences
by Stephen Gordon & Pascal St-Amour - 2003s-08 Iterative and Recursive Estimation in Structural Non-Adaptive Models
by Sergio Pastorello & Valentin Patilea & Eric Renault - 2003s-07 Determinants of Physicians' Decisions to Specialize
by Robert Gagné & Pierre-Thomas Léger - 2003s-06 Company Flexibility, the Value of Management and Managerial Compensation
by Peter Christoffersen & Andrey Pavlov - 2003s-05 Backtesting Value-at-Risk: A Duration-Based Approach
by Peter Christoffersen & Denis Pelletier - 2003s-04 Towards the Measurement of Process Integration
by Benoit Aubert & Betty Vandenbosch & Muriel Mignerat - 2003s-03 Informational Regulation of Industrial Safety - An Examination of the U.S. "Local Emergency Planning Committees"""
by Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné & Ingrid Peignier & Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin - 2003s-02 Efficient Estimation of Jump Diffusions and General Dynamic Models with a Continuum of Moment Conditions
by Eric Ghysels & Jean-Pierre Florens & Mikhail Chernov & Marine Carrasco - 2003s-01 The Reliability of Inflation Forecasts Based on Output Gap Estimates in Real Time
by Athanasios Orphanides & Simon van Norden
- 2002s-93 ARMA Representation of Integrated and Realized Variances
by Nour Meddahi - 2002s-92 ARMA Representation of Two-Factor Models
by Nour Meddahi - 2002s-91 Correcting the Errors: A Note on Volatility Forecast Evaluation Based on High-Frequency Data and Realized Volatilities
by Torben G. Andersen & Tim Bollerslev & Nour Meddahi - 2002s-90 Analytic Evaluation of Volatility Forecasts
by Torben G. Andersen & Tim Bollerslev & Nour Meddahi - 2002s-89 Les enjeux de l'économie souterraine
by Bernard Fortin - 2002s-88 Semi-Parametric Weak Instrument Regressions with an Application to the Risk-Return Trade-off
by Benoit Perron - 2002s-87 How Large is Your Reference Group
by Claude Montmarquette & François Gardes - 2002s-86 Redesigning Teams and Incentives: A Real Effort Experiment with Managers of a Merged Company
by Claude Montmarquette & Jean-Louis Rullière & Marie Claire Villeval & Romain Zeiliger - 2002s-85 Testing Mean-Variance Efficiency in CAPM with Possibly Non-Gaussian Errors: an Exact Simulation-Based Approach
by Marie-Claude Beaulieu & Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf - 2002s-84 Models for Bundle Trading in Financial Markets
by Jawad Abrache & Teodor Gabriel Crainic & Michel Gendreau - 2002s-83 How cost-effective are Canadian IPO markets?
by Jean-Marc Suret & Maher Kooli - 2002s-82 Species Preservation and Biodiversity Value: A Real Options Approach
by Ilhem Kassar & Pierre Lasserre - 2002s-81 The Effect of Noise Barriers on the Market Value of Adjacent Residential Properties
by Benoit Julien & Paul Lanoie - 2002s-80 Comparing the Innovation Performance of Canadian Firms and those of Selected European Countries: An Econometric Analysis
by Pierre Mohnen & Pierre Therrien - 2002s-79 Slave Prices from Succession and Bankruptcy Sales in Mauritius, 1825--1827
by Shirley Chenny & Pascal St-Amour & Désiré Vencatachellum - 2002s-78 Banks as Insurance Referral Agents? The Convergence of Financial Services: Evidence from the Title Insurance Industry
by M. Martin Boyer & Charles M. Nyce - 2002s-77 Working Hours of the World Unite? New International Evidence on Worktime, 1870-1900
by Michael Huberman - 2002s-76 Enforcing Contracts: Should Courts Seek the Truth?
by Claude Denys Fluet - 2002s-75 Trust and Reputation Building in E-Commerce
by Claudia Keser - 2002s-74 Opportunity Costs, Competition, and Firm Selection
by Gamal Atallah - 2002s-73 Towards an Agent-Based Approach for Multimarket Package e-Procurement
by Houssein Ben-Ameur & Brahim Chaib-draa & Robert Gérin-Lajoie & Peter Kropf & Stéphane Vaucher