December 2024, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 174-184 Development of professional project skills of Technical university Students
by S. N. Apenko & A. V. Lukash & A. I. Davydov - 185-196 Entrepreneurial ecosystems of non-urbanized territories: theoretical and practical aspects
by D. R. Baetova & E. A. Dmitrenko - 197-206 Key technologies for the transformation of the economy of Russian regions
by I. S. Belyaev & L. N. Bodryakova & E. N. Dolzhenko & N. A. Torgashova - 207-225 Achieving sustainable development goal 1 “No poverty” in the regions of the Russian Federation: results of the five-year period
by D. S. Goncharov & S. A. Chernova & M. V. Shcherbakova & Yu. V. Neradovskaya - 226-234 Vertically integrated structures for the formation of cooperative relations in the Omsk region’s industry
by M. A. Miller
September 2024, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 195-202 Intradisciplinary discourse and renewal of economic education
by V. V. Biryukov - 203-211 The use of simulation modeling in economic planning when choosing efficient production lines
by N. S. Veremchuk & Yu. I. Privalova & E. V. Vorobyova - 212-224 Digital inequality as a challenge to the regional economy
by O. P. Kovaleva & V. A. Kovalev - 225-235 Indicators of economic development of the Siberian Federal District regions in the conditions of adaptation to the new reality
by A. A. Korableva - 236-244 A digital platform for municipal property management (based on the example of the city of Perm)
by E. V. Rozhkov
March 2024, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 188-195 The impact of new economic realities on career guidance and career trajectories of young people in the context of labor values
by I. V. Dinner - 196-204 A portrait of an ideal motor transport driver as a component of the performance assessment by the standard reference method
by V. S. Kalinina - 205-215 Institutional features of the peasant resettlement process in Siberia
by A. A. Kuzmin - 216-224 The Biblical View of the Market Economy
by E. A. Orlyansky - 225-235 Development of a comprehensive model to assess a company’s investment attractiveness
by R. U. Usin & O. Yu. Patlasov - 236-247 Development factors of national technology markets
by S. M. Khairova & M. K. Paravyan & B. G. Khairov & C. E. Semchenko
March 2024, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 182-189 Features and prospects for reforming modern economic theory
by V. V. Biryukov - 190-199 Tightening of monetary policy as the root cause of the crisis of the banking system in modern conditions
by K. N. Ermolaev & N. V. Manokhina & T. E. Stepanova - 200-201 Multi-lay agricultural economy as flagship of development of Omsk region. Growth points and control mechanisms
by O. N. Kryukova & O. V. Shumakova - 212-229 Impact of structural shifts on labor productivity dynamics as a factor of regionalization and metropolization of the US economy
by V. N. Minat - 230-242 Model of the expected KPI of a job applicant at the enterprise and the dynamics of its further changes
by A. A. Polozov & N. A. Maltseva & L. L. Brekhova & A. R. Akhmetzyanov - 243-250 Urban electric public transport: financial and economic aspects of development (based on the example of the city of Perm)
by E. V. Rozhkov
December 2023, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 192-201 Financial capabilities of the population in the formation of the deposit portfolio of banks
by D. R. Baetova & E. A. Dmitrenko - 202-212 Methodology for the Assessment and Comprehensive Diagnosis of the Formation and Spatial Organization of Transportation and Communication Infrastructure
by V. A. Blaginin & E. V. Sokolova - 213-221 Public-private partnership and the formation of mechanisms for sustainable economic development in the context of its structural transformation (using the example of the defense industry)
by S. M. Ilchenko & Ya. V. Kroukovsky - 222-232 The The Academy of Sciences as one of the most important state institutions contributing to the scientific and technical development of the Russian state (dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
by V. V. Karpov & V. A. Barinov - 233-241 Multiple regression model of infrastructure provision for rural development
by Kh. G. Kibirov & O. V. Bondarenko & P. F. Askerov - 242-250 Economic and legal aspects of patenting and commercialization of inventions in the field of biology and medicine
by P. V. Nekrasov & A. I. Sergeev & O. Yu. Patlasov
September 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 197-205 Sustainable development of rural areas in the context of ensuring the economic security of the country
by D. S. Beloshitskii - 206-214 Strategic planning based on marketing research
by V. G. Demyanov & I. A. Kontorova - 215-233 Diagnostics of the efficiency of lean manufacturing implementation at industrial enterprises
by N. À. Didenko & O. Yu. Patlasov - 224-232 Sanctions as a trigger for the acquisition of financial and economic sovereignty of the country
by G. A. Domaschenko - 233-241 Christian economic ethics as a way to reduce risks in the economy
by E. A. Orlyansky - 242-250 Cognitive modeling of strategic-sustainable socio-economic development of the agricultural sector in the regional economy
by O. V. Sergienko
July 2023, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 7-31 The Biblical myth role in the formation of the moral and philosophical searches of the early N. V. Gogol (“Terrible Revenge”)
by A. E. Eremeev - 32-39 Features of the genre nature of the M. Petrosyan’s novel ‘‘The Gray House...’’
by D. D. Sivokina - 40-48 Communication of figurative folklore systems in Russian and Khanty fairy tales
by E. N. Rymareva & A. V. Sebeleva & O. O. Kozlov - 49-55 Light symbolism in the poetry of M. Mokaev
by R. A. Kerimova - 56-63 Development and rethinking of the theory of existentialism in David Lodge’s “Therapy”
by E. V. Kirichuk & A. V. Fedorova - 64-71 Role of metaphors and similes for the literary images creationin the novel by Ray Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451”
by E. S. Korshunova - 72-81 The study of diachronic synonyms on the basis of the seme ‘‘hand’’ according to the texts of the dictionary entries of etymological dictionaries
by O. G. Terentieva - 82-90 Military personnel in the genre of anecdote: on the example of the image of an ensign
by O. P. Fesenko - 91-98 Formation of the region image by the press of the territories
by V. A. Evdokimov - 99-107 The Russian North: Mental images of Literary and Geographical Travel in the early works of Mikhail Prishvin
by Yang Bo & Wu Jun - 108-119 The concept of Prishvin’s personality and his true fairy tale. Based on the materials of the diaries of M. Prishvin
by Yang Mingtian - 120-130 Regularities of preparation of future teachers of professional training for the implementation of educational activities
by A. V. Savchenkov & N. V. Uvarina - 131-141 The law of conservation of information as a transfer-integration mechanism of the real and virtual educational sphere
by O. F. Levichev - 142-149 Implementation of the main directions and integrative methods of curative pedagogics in the International Child Center “Àrtek”
by S. V. Shmachilina-Tsibenko - 150-158 Complex directions for university programmestransformation aimed atpersonnel flexible training in the interests îf the territory of advanced socio-economic development
by T. V. Sazonova - 159-173 Formation of an information model of Foreign Language adaptation training
by N. A. Markova - 174-182 Theory and practice of development of professional experience of officers in crisis situations
by L. I. Malashenko - 183-190 Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of leadership potential of 1st year students
by V. G. Pinigin - 191-199 Self-realization of college students in the process of professional training
by O. V. Velichko & T. P. Bakurova - 200-207 Alternative approaches to building a model of human economic behavior
by V. V. Biryukov - 208-217 Selected issues of interregional migration in Siberian regions: on the example of the Omsk region
by V. V. Karpov & M. A. Babichev - 218-226 Development of the conceptual foundations of the economic security of the region
by M. A. Miller - 227-238 Formation of strategic decisions for sustainable socio-ecological and economic development of the agricultural sector of the economy
by O. V. Sergienko - 239-250 Tools for business processes transformation in supply chains in the context of digital economy formation
by S. M. Khairova & M. K. Paravyan
May 2023, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 7-19 Philosophical and aesthetic significance of biblical allusions in the poetics of A. P. Chekhov’s novella “Three years”
by E. I. Kopteva & O. M. Kolesnikov - 20-29 Ecocritical Approach to V. P. Astafyev’s novel ‘‘The Last Bow’’
by Md Tapu Rayhan - 30-42 Local text of provincial literature: the question of the concept definition and the history of study
by I. O. Prihodchenko - 43-50 The language of Siberian accounting office work at the turn of the 17th–18th centuries
by T. P. Rogozhnikova - 51-59 TV shows about fashion are always in fashion: the format-forming core of television fashion shows
by E. S. Radiontseva - 60-64 I. A. Goncharov’s art-critical article “Kramskoy’s painting “Christ in the Desert”
by E. A. Akel’kina - 65-75 “Oblomov” novel by I. A. Goncharov in the bookish tradition
by E. V. Kirichuk - 76-84 An Unusual Story Started in Omsk: Ivan Goncharov and Russian-Danish Literary Contacts
by À. V. Korovin - 85-91 England and the Englishmen in the cycle of travel essays “Frigate Pallada” by I. A. Goncharov
by M. G. Merkulova - 92-99 Interpretation of a literary text in cinema: I. À. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” and N. Mikhalkov’s film “A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov”
by F. V. Shelukhin - 100-106 Formation of digital competencies of students of technical universities using simulation modeling in the educational process
by N. S. Veremchuk & Yu. I. Privalova - 107-115 Use of the digital educational environment possibilities to form the professional and legal competence of a future social pedagogue
by L. M. Ìànuólîvà & À. S. Ìàksimîv - 116-128 The digital services significance to solve tasks of information and mathematical modeling for future engineers
by N. A. Moiseeva & T. A. Polyakova & T. A. Shirshova - 129-138 Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the professional mobility formation of military university cadets
by A. S. Korsakov - 139-147 The influence of methods and means of teaching foreign languages on the students’learning outcomes and their academic motivation: review from Kazakhstani teachers’ perspective
by G. K. Ismailova & L. A. Baitleuova - 148-155 Business English and its place in university EFL course for students of non-linguistic specialties
by T. P. Rudenko & O. V. Freze - 156-162 Cognitive level of the fifth-gradersalienation from learning activity
by V. M. Miniyarov & E. I. Suslina - 163-175 Study of the didactic materials influence on the development of students’ dialectical thinking
by S. M. Andryushechkin - 176-187 Physical activity regulation in children’s and youth sport as a tool tomaintain children’s health: systematic review of the works of Russian and foreign scientists
by I. I. Novikova & O. M. Kulikova & I. G. Shevkun & G. V. Yanovskaya - 188-197 Developing young men’s driving skillsusing a modular approach in the paradigm of personal-activity methodology
by S. E. Bebinov & O. N. Krivoshchekova - 198-209 Basic models of coordination of economic relations of economic entities
by N. E. Alekseev - 210-219 Analysis of the sustainable development trends of the regional socio-economic system: a healthcare case
by E. B. Dvoryadkina & D. À. Travnikova - 220-228 Evolution of the inflation theory and its practical significance
by E. A. Orlyansky - 229-236 Financial Indicators Modeling Technologies
by O. Yu. Patlasov & O. G. Konyukova - 237-245 Socio-economic factors of poverty and hunger reduction in the modern world: Amartya Kumara Sen’s scientific approach
by A. S. Salamova - 246-249 Formation of a literary school at the Omsk Pedagogical Institute (to the 90th anniversary of the university)
by E. A. Akel’kina
December 2022, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 177-187 Analysis of crowdfunding business models: key advantages of crowdfunding platforms
by V. Yu. Anikin & O. Yu. Patlasov - 188-196 Paradigmatic features of the alternative strategies development for institutional economicsstudies
by V. V. Biryukov - 197-206 Matrix of institutional capital of the region
by T. E. Stepanova & R. K. Polyakov - 207-220 Assessment of the financial risks dynamics and probability of their implementation in the machine-building enterprises activity
by V. V. Karpov & D. B. Krotov - 221-229 Methodology for assessing the digitalization processes in municipal property management (on the example of the city of Perm)
by E. V. Rozhkov - 230-242 Modeling of integral indicators of investment attractiveness for food retail companies
by R. U. Usin & O. Yu. Patlasov
September 2022, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 189-199 Ensuring food security: barriers, initiatives, perspectives in transboundary ecosystems
by O. N. Kryukova & O. V. Shumakova - 200-209 Application of simulation modeling in medical organization planning and management
by N. S. Veremchuk - 210-219 Dynamics and wage differentiation in the USA: index approach
by V. N. Minat - 220-227 Encyclical Rerum Novarum and Christian economic ethics
by E. A. Orlyansky - 228-239 Higher education system staffing in regions
by Yu. S. Pinkovetskaia - 240-249 HACCP and food safety management systems in the PDCA cycle of the process approach
by N. O. Patlasov & O. Yu. Patlasov
June 2022, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 175-188 Focus on social justice as a necessary factor for the Russian economy development
by E. G. Animitsa & K. V. Chernyshev - 189-200 Efficiency of local self-government authorities and sustainability of rural territories
by Ì. Ñ. Balpan & Î. Yu. Patlasov - 201-209 Monetary mechanisms of economic development: conceptual aspects of the analysis
by V. V. Biryukov - 210-219 Promising areas of advisory support for farms (case study of the Omsk Region)
by V. Yu. Epanchintsev & O. V. Shumakova - 220-230 Peculiarities of normative regulation of anti-crisis management in agriculture
by V. A. Kundius & O. V. Sergienko - 231-238 Analysis of the digital platform introduction for property management (regional and municipal features)
by E. V. Rozhkov - 239-250 Analysis of compliance with the quality parameters of the work of the state employment service
by S. M. Khairova & V. E. Kalugin
March 2022, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 206-218 Alternative sources of capital attraction: crowdfunding and crowdinvesting startups
by Anikin V. Yu. & Patlasov O. Yu. - 219-228 Regional market of personal services: theoretical approach to research
by Dvoryadkina E. B. & Eliseeva A. A. & Belikova O. A. - 229-235 Determination of import dependence indicators for biotechnological enterprises
by Morozov D. V. - 236-243 Analysis of the Russian Federation regions interaction in the framework of their innovative development using dynamic Bayesian network
by Pilnik N. B. - 244-250 Structural factor role in the resource productivity change of the manufacturing sector of the US economy
by Minat V. N.
December 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 8-20 Aesthetic and poetic functions of “Boris Godunov” tragedy by Alexander Pushkin
by A. E. Eremeev - 21-31 “Notes From A Dead House” by F. M. Dostoevsky and other Omsk evidences of the folk drama existence
by N. K. Kozlova & V. Yu. Bagrintseva - 32-39 “My Past & Thoughts” by A. I. Herzen as the source for “The Writer’s Diary” by F. M. Dostoevsky
by E. I. Kopteva - 40-45 Discussion of F. M. Dostoevsky’s ideas and works in the White-Guard Omsk press in 1919
by S. G. Sizov - 46-55 Regional aspect in Russian classics teaching: Dostoevsky in literature lessons
by N. V. Prodanik & A. V. Podvornya - 56-66 A. Kurosawa’s in the intermedial and cross-cultural transcoding of “Idiot” novel by F. M. Dostoevsky: motives, images, symbols, philosophical content
by N. V. Maksheeva & E. E. Komarova - 67-75 Autobiographical materials and fiction in female images in “Doctor Zhivago” novel B. L. Pasternak
by Nure Jannat - 76-81 Comparative analysis of the USA and Scotland’s artistic images in the poetic texts of the Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA in the XIXth century
by L. R. Velilaeva - 82-90 The metaphorical representations of the parable of Prodigal Son in dramatic works of Nicolay Kolyada
by Liu Xi - 92-101 Paradigm level of the concept design for of the Russian civil identity formation in schoolchildren
by S. G. Chukhin & E. V. Chukhina - 102-113 The assessment of schoolchildren distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
by I. I. Novikova & M. A. Lobkis & Ì. V. Semenihina & N. A. Zubzovskaya & L. B. Grabko - 114-126 Development of professionally important qualities in cadets of flight specialties
by N. V. Savina & A. A. Beznosyuk - 127-133 Models of teaching foreign language communication skills and examples of their implementation in practice
by S. A. Rassada & O. V. Freze - 134-140 Practice-oriented project in remote format performed by a Physical Education teachert
by Yu. D. Ovchinnikov & V. A. Yakunina & V. V. Shpet - 141-148 Art-therapy methods in the practice of a family support for parents of children with special needs
by I. A. Chemerilova - 149-155 Taking a stroll in virtual reality as a new educational trajectory
by E. S.Radiontseva - 156-166 Organizational and pedagogical conditions of preschool children patriotic education
by Zh. N. Telnova & V. L. Malashenkova & M. V. Myakisheva & E. V. Namsink - 167-175 Personalized approach use in professional training when building an individual educational route for a college student
by K. I. Eseshkin - 177-185 Value theory dualism and the paradigmatic reconsideration of the insight into economic reality picture
by V. V. Biryukov & N. E. Alekseyev - 186-194 Staffing quality monitoring in the agro-industrial complex of the region
by T. I. Zakharova - 195-204 Trends and new tools in the work of digital marketers
by S. S. Marochkina & Yu. V. Suvorova - 205-213 Scientific-industrial cluster opportunities to implement import substitution programs for biotechnology enterprises
by D. V. Morozov - 214-222 Economic theory as the basis for the theory of urban economics
by E. A. Orlyansky - 223-237 Commercial potential of municipal property: assessment method and development direction
by Ye. V. Rozhkov - 237-245 Religious organizations reports
by A. V. Titova - 247-250 In memory of the outstanding scientist, Tatiana Georgievna Leonova
by E. I. Kopteva
September 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 160-168 Changing needs as a source and reserve for the national economy development
by Alekseyev N. E. - 169-181 Evaluation of Islamic rural banks
by Shatila Kh. & Ushakov D. S. - 182-190 Accumulation process under conditions of technical and digital transformation
by Matveev Yu. V. & Shnyakin K. V. & Stepanova T. E. - 191-199 Dynamics and structure of federal financing US R & D abroad
by Minat V. N. - 200-206 Strategy of ecotourism development in specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Belarus
by Kolesnikovich V. P. - 207-215 Cost management for various diagnostic schemes for cervicitis and chronic endometritis
by Kostroma Ya. V.
June 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 186-195 Management and provision of the region economic security: a conceptual aspect
by Korableva A. A. & Yakovina M. Yu. & Kurnishova A. Yu. & Boyko N. A. - 196-203 Methodology for brand assessment as an intangible asset in agricultural holdings
by Minina A. N. & Patlasov O. Yu. - 204-212 Anti-crisis management strategies, features of their formation in agriculture
by Kundius V. A. & Sergienko O. V. - 213-218 The use of artificial neural networks when planning the target indicators for the truck haulage development in the Russian Federation
by Gavrilenko N. G. - 219-226 Comparative analysis of respondent's opinions concerning possibilities of successful startups and easy start of entrepreneurial activity
by Pinkovetskaia Yu. S. - 227-237 HR strategies for in-house training in self-learning organizations
by Malyshenko G. I. - 238-248 Traditional market economy and its anti-cyclical potential in the assessments of researchers of the 19th and 20th centuries
by Orlyansky E. A.
March 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 157-164 Paradigmatic framework of modern economic research strategies: features of formation and revision
by Biryukov V. V. - 165-171 The Influence of marketing instruments on the bayer behavior in case of organic products
by Blagoev V. I. & Shustova Å. Ð. & Mishchenko I. V. - 172-179 Essential features of automotive transport development in Russia
by Gavrilenko N. G. - 180-186 Entrepreneurial risks in the Russian economy
by Demyanov V. G. - 187-198 Strategic aspects of digital transformation processes modeling in modern economy
by Ilchenko S. M. & Kroukovsky J. V. - 199-208 Cost evaluation of human capital development of the mining industry in Russia
by Kuznetcova E. K. & Khayrulina L. R. - 209-216 Innovative development of the US processing industry: regional aspect
by Minat V. N.