July 1995, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 265-271 Gelifluction in the alpine periglacial environment of the Tianshan Mountains, China
by Liu Gengnian & Xiong Heigang & Cui Zhijiu - 273-279 Ice‐wedge formation in northern Asia during the Holocene
by Yurij K. Vasil'chuk & Alla C. Vasil'chuk
April 1995, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 83-83 Hommage à yves guillien, le pape des grèzes
by J.‐P. Lautridou - 85-87 Grèzes, grèzes litées: Historique des définitions
by J.‐C. Ozouf & J.‐P. Coutard & J.‐P. Lautridou - 89-101 Quelques Coupes Caractéristiques dans les Dépǒts de Versant d'Aquitaine Septentrionale: Fades et Interprétation Dynamique
by J.‐C. Ozouf & J.‐P. Texier & P. Bertran & J.‐P. Coutard - 103-108 Processus Génétiques à l'origine des Formations de Pente à Graviers de Craie en Champagne
by M. Laurain & H. Guérin & A. Marre & Et J. Richard - 109-117 Enseignements de i'étude Morphosédimentaire de la Grézière de Tilly‐sur‐Meuse
by D. Harmand & A. Weisrock Et M. Deshaies - 119-123 The Lorraine Grèzes Litées Deposits
by M. Deshaies & S. Ghanini & D. Harmand & A. Weisrock - 125-146 Models for the genetic and environmental interpretation of stratified slope deposits: Review
by Henk van Steijn & Pascal Bertran & Bernard Francou & Jean‐Pierre Texier & Bernard Hétu - 147-171 Le litage des Éboulis Stratifiés Cryonivaux en Gaspésie (Québec, Canada): Rǒle de la Sédimentation Nivéo‐Éolienne et des Transits Supranivaux
by Bernard Hétu - 173-194 Le Rǒle des Coulées de Pierres Sèches dans la Genèse d'un Certain Type d'Éboulis Stratifiés
by Bernard Hétu & Henk van Steijn & Pascal Bertran - 195-206 Quelques Considérations Concernant des Formations de Pente dans les Carpates Méridionales
by Petru Urdea
January 1995, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-14 Permafrost in china: Past and present
by Qiu Guoqing & Cheng Guodong - 15-25 Active patterned ground and cryoturbation on Muckish mountain, Co. Donegal, Ireland
by Peter Wilson & Dominique Sellier - 27-45 Permafrost distribution in the southern circumpolar region and its relation to the environment: A review and recommendations for further research
by James G. Bockheim - 47-55 Systématique du Remplissage en Eau des Fentes de Gel: Les Résultats d'une Étude Oxygène‐18 et Deutérium
by B. Lauriol & C. Duchesne & I. D. Clark - 57-72 Suprapermafrost groundwater seepage in gravelly terrain, resolute, NWT, Canada
by Ming‐Ko Woo & Zhaojun Xia - 73-81 Mountain permafrost and slope instability in the Italian Alps: The Val Pola Landslide
by F. Dramis & M. Govi & M. Guglielmin & G. Mortara
October 1994, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 199-215 Ground temperature and related permafrost characteristics in west greenland
by Frank G. M. Van Tatenhove & Ole B. Olesen - 217-235 Identification of heat‐transfer processes during soil cooling, freezing, and thaw in central alaska
by Kenneth M. Hinkel & Samuel I. Outcalt - 237-249 Sublimation as a geomorphic process: A review
by Jane Law & Deanna Van Dijk - 251-268 Ice‐wedge rejuvenation, fosheim peninsula, ellesmere Island, Canada
by Antoni G. Lewkowicz - 269-281 Ice‐wedge casts and relict polygonal patterned ground in North‐East Iowa, USA
by James C. Walters - 283-288 Snow depth controls palsa growth
by Matti Seppälä - 289-292 Burial mound permafrost in the altai
by Aldar Gorbunov & Irina Gorbunova
August 1994, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 129-136 Periglacial landforms at Giant'S Castle, Natal Drakensberg, South Africa
by Jan C. Boelhouwers - 137-144 Evidence for a cyclic variation of permafrost temperatures in northern alaska
by T. E. Osterkamp & T. Zhang & V. E. Romanovsky - 145-153 Glaciological constraints on protalus rampart development
by Colin K. Ballantyne & Douglas I. Benn - 155-170 Structures Sédimentaires d'un Cǒne de Flots de Débris (Vars, Alpes Françaises Méridionales)
by Pascal Bertran & Jean‐Pierre Texier - 171-184 Protalus ramparts and related features along the niagara escarpment, niagara peninsula, ontario
by K. J. Tinkler & J. W. Pengelly - 185-190 Water migration and ice segregation in the transition zone between thawed and frozen soil
by V. I. Solomatin & Xiaozu Xu - 191-195 Changes in hydrogeologic regimes in permafrost regions due to climatic change
by Frederick A. Michel & Robert O. Van Everdingen - 197-198 Solifluction and climatic variation in the holocene Ed. B. Frenzel, Co‐eds. J. A. Matthews and B. Glaser (1993). Special Issue No 6 of ESF Project [European Palaeoclimate and Man]. Publisher G. Fischer, Stuttgart, Jena & New York, (paperback). ISBN 3‐43730748‐7 (Stuttgart), ISBN 1‐56081‐384‐9 (New York) 382 pp. Price: DM 118.00
by Charles Harris
July 1994, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 71-85 Streamflow processes in an alpine permafrost catchment, tianshan, China
by Ming‐Ko Woo & Zhenniang Yang & Zhaojun Xia & Daqing Yang - 87-100 Climate controls and high‐altitude permafrost, qinghai‐xizang (tibet) Plateau, China
by Baolai Wang & Hugh M. French - 101-110 Current changes of climate and permafrost in the arctic and sub‐arctic of Russia
by A. V. Pavlov - 111-118 Thufur in the mohlesi valley, lesotho, Southern Africa
by S. W. Grab - 119-126 Some observations regarding sorted stripes, livingston island, south shetlands
by Kevin Hall - 127-128 Les versants du spitzberg. Approche Géographique des paysages polaires. Marie‐Françoise André. Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 25 rue Louis Baron, 54000 Nancy, 1993. 361 pp. 87 figures et 65 photos
by A. Pissart & H. M. French
April 1994, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-12 Present and past geocryogenic processes in Mexico
by Klaus Heine - 13-24 Gravimetrical investigation of ice‐rich permafrost within the rock glacier Murtèl‐Corvatsch (upper Engadin, swiss alps)
by Daniel S. Vonder Mühll & Emile E. Klingelé - 25-36 Permafrost distribution and rock glaciers in the livigno area (Northern Italy)
by M. Guglielmin & A. Lozej & C. Tellini - 37-51 Rheological models of active rock glaciers: Evaluation, critique and a possible test
by W. Brian Whalley & Fethi Azizi - 53-66 Fabric analysis of rock glacier debris mantles, La Sal Mountains, Utah
by Joseph W. Nicholas - 67-70 Quantitative estimation of cryogenic weathering energy
by A. A. Vasiliyev
October 1993, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 277-299 Devensian thermal contraction networks and cracks at Somersham, Cambridgeshire, UK
by R. G. West - 301-310 A low‐angle slushflow in the Kirgiz Range, Kirgizstan
by K. Elder & R. Kattelmann - 311-325 Caractéristiques de la Cinétique de Congélation de Sols Salins
by A. D. Frolov & M.‐K. Seguin - 327-334 Notes on open‐system pingo ice, Adventdalen, Spitsbergen
by Kenji Yoshikawa - 335-338 Origin of permafrost lake deposits in the Central Andes
by A. P. Gorbunov
July 1993, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 183-198 Données Nouvelles sur la Présence d'un Pergélisol en Aquitaine au cours des Dernières Glaciations
by J. P. Texier & P. Bertran - 199-215 Talus movement in the high equatorial andes: A synthesis of ten years of data
by Francisco L. Pérez - 217-229 Thermokarst involutions, summer island, pleistocene mackenzie delta, Western Canadian arctic
by Julian B. Murton & Hugh M. French - 231-244 Description and origin of some talus‐foot debris accumulations, Aghla Mountains, Co. Donegal, Ireland
by Peter Wilson - 245-253 Rock moisture data from Livingston Island (maritime antarctic) and implications for weathering processes
by Kevin Hall - 255-264 Coastal dune development in a thermokarst environment: Some implications for environmental reconstruction, Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula N.W.T
by Marie‐Hélène Ruz - 265-267 Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and the origin of the ice in peat plateaus: Discussion
by C. R. Burn - 269-275 Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and the origin of the ice in peat plateaus: Reply
by Stuart A. Harris & Nigel M. Waters & H. Roy Krouse
April 1993, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-1 Preface
by H. M. French & E. A. Koster & A. Pissart - 95-98 Introduction–present global change and permafrost, within the framework of the international geosphere‐biosphere programme
by Eduard A. Koster - 99-111 Climate and permafrost
by M. K. Gavrilova - 113-119 Changes in the extent of permafrost during the late quaternary period in the territory of the former Soviet Union
by Kalerija A. Kondratjeva & Stanislav F. Khrutzky & Nikolai N. Romanovsky - 121-135 Permafrost changes in Europe during the last glacial
by J. Vandenberghe & A. Pissart - 137-148 Permafrost zonation in Russia under anthropogenic climatic change
by Frederick E. Nelson & Oleg A. Anisimov - 149-163 Climate warming and the carbon cycle in the permafrost zone of the former Soviet Union
by Tatyana P. Kolchugina & Ted S. Vinson - 165-174 Mountain permafrost and climatic change
by W. Haeberli & Cheng Guodong & A. P. Gorbunov & S. A. Harris - 181-182 Periglacial geomorphology. John C. Dixon and Athol D. Abrahams (Eds.) (1992). The Binghamton Symposia in Geomorphology: International Series No. 22. Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, (hardback). ISBN 0 471 93342 2. 354 pp
by H. M. French & E. A. Koster & A. Pissart
January 1993, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Erratum
by B. Lauriol & J. Cinq Mars & I. D. Clark - 1-15 Variations Dilatométriques de Cylindres de Roches Calcaires Subissant des Cycles de Gel‐Dégel
by A. Prick & A. Pissart & J.‐C. Ozouf - 17-35 High‐latitude rock glaciers: A case study of forms and processes in the Canadian arctic
by David J. A. Evans - 37-47 Freeze‐thaw activity and some of its geomorphic implications in the abisko mountains, Swedish Lappland
by Rolf Nyberg - 49-64 Investigations of cryogenic weathering in Europe and Northern Asia
by V. N. Konishchev & V. V. Rogov - 65-75 Pleistocene periglacial structures and landforms in Western Czechoslovakia
by Tadeáš Czudek - 77-85 An approach to determine the origin and age of massive ice blockages in two arctic caves
by Bernard Lauriol & Ian D. Clark - 87-93 Determination of pollen accumulation rates in frozen sediments
by Xia‐Cheng Wang & Marie‐Anne Geurts
October 1992, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-1 Preface
by H. M. French & E. A. Koster & A. Pissart - 275-292 Recent microweathering phenomena in southern and central Sweden
by Jan O. H. Swantesson - 293-313 Cavity development in ice‐rich permafrost, Pangnirtung, Baffin Island, northwest territories
by James A. Hyatt - 315-322 The fractal geometry of thermal and chemical time series from the active layer, Alaska
by Samuel I. Outcalt & Kenneth M. Hinkel - 325-325 Introduction—Periglacial environments in relation to climatic evolution, Maastricht/Amsterdam, 3–6 May 1991
by Jef Vandenberghe - 327-342 Weichselian upper pleniglacial aeolian and ice‐cored morphology in the southern Netherlands (Noord‐Brabant, groote peel)
by K. Kasse & S. Bohncke - 343-351 Cryoturbations: A sediment structural analysis
by J. Vandenberghe - 353-361 Present‐day periglacial microforms in the Lesotho Highlands: Implications for present and past climatic conditions
by Patricia M. Hanvey & Margaret E Marker - 363-374 Periglacial phenomena and pleistocene environmental conditions in the Netherlands—An overview
by J. Vandenberghe
July 1992, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-1 Preface
by Wilfried Haeberli - 175-188 Permafrost creep and rockglaciers
by Dietrich Barsch - 189-202 Permafrost research sites in the Alps: Excursions of the international workshop on permafrost and periglacial environments in mountain areas
by Wilfried Haeberli & Michèle Evin & Geneviève Tenthorey & H. R. Kensen & Martin Hoelzle & Felix Keller & Daniel Vonder Mühll & Stephan Wagner & Manuela Pelfini & Claudio Smiraglia - 203-208 Vertical movements of boulders in a subnival boulder pavement at 2800 m a.s.l. in the Alps (France)
by A. Pissart & B. Francou - 209-213 10 year surficial velocities on a rock glacier (Laurichard, French Alps)
by Bernard Francou & Louis Reynaud - 215-220 Rock glaciers in Svalbard and Norway
by Johan Ludvig Sollid & Leif Sørbel - 221-224 Perigiacial climatic conditions and vertical form associations in Quebrada Benjamin Matienzo, Mendoza, Argentina
by Ana Lia Ahumada - 225-230 Alpine periglacial landforms of eastern North America: A review
by G. Michael Clark & Thomas W. Schmidlin - 231-234 Ground temperature measurements in mountain permafrost, Jotunheimen, southern Norway
by R. S. Ødegård & J. L. Sollid & O. Liestøl - 235-240 Permafrost environment of the Daisetsu Mountains, Hokkaido, Japan
by Toshio Sone - 241-245 A note on ground thermal regimes and global solar radiation at 4720 m a.s.l., High Andes of Argentina
by Hans Happoldt & Lothar Schrott - 247-252 Perennial névés and the hydrology of rock glaciers
by Geneviève Tenthorey - 253-256 Active rock glaciers and the lower limit of discontinuous alpine permafrost, Khumbu Himalaya, Nepal
by Matthias Jakob - 257-260 Southern limit of relict rock glaciers, Central Apennines, Italy
by Francesco Dramis & Adam Kotarba - 261-265 A statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of rock glaciers, Spanish Central Pyrenees
by J. Chueca - 267-273 Rock glaciers and periglacial phenomena in the southern Carpathians
by Petru Urdea
April 1992, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-1 Preface
by H. M. French & E. A. Koster & A. Pissart - 71-72 Introduction—international workshop on permafrost and periglacial environments in mountain areas, Interlaken (Switzerland), 16–20 September
by Wilfried Haeberli & Jean‐Pierre Lautridou - 73-81 Prospecting and mapping of mountain permafrost and associated phenomena
by Lorenz King & Aldar P. Gorbunov & Michèle Evin - 83-91 Distribution of mountain permafrost and climate
by Cheng Guodong & Francesco Dramis - 93-101 Present‐day periglacial processes and landforms in mountain areas
by J. P. Lautridou & B. Francou & K. Hall - 103-110 Interactions and relations between mountain permafrost, glaciers, snow and water
by Stuart A. Harris & Arturo E. Corte - 111-124 Construction, environmental problems and natural hazards in periglacial mountain belts
by Wilfried Haeberli - 125-132 Borehole logging in alpine permafrost, upper Engadin, Swiss Alps
by Daniel S. Vonder Mühll & Petr Holub - 133-138 Automated mapping of mountain permafrost using the program PERMAKART within the geographical information system ARC/INFO
by Felix Keller - 139-142 A model of potential direct solar radiation for investigating occurrences of mountain permafrost
by Martin Funk & Martin Hoelzle - 143-147 Permafrost occurrence from BTS measurements and climatic parameters in the eastern Swiss Alps
by Martin Hoelzle - 149-155 Monitoring of periglacial phenomena in the furggentälti Swiss Alps
by Bernhard Krummenacher & Klaus Budmiger - 157-162 Creep of alpine permafrost, investigated on the murtel rock glacier
by Stephan Wagner - 163-168 Observations on the rock glaciers of Monte Emilius (valle d'Aosta, Italy)
by Claudio Smiraglia - 169-173 Evidence of intrapermafrost groundwater flow beneath an active rock glacier in the Swiss Alps
by Daniel S. Vonder Mühll
January 1992, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-10 Changes in microstructure of fine‐grained soils due to freezing
by S. E. Grechishchev & A. V. Pavlov & V. V. Ponomarev - 11-18 A solifluction meter for permafrost sites
by Antoni G. Lewkowicz - 19-27 Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and the origin of the ice in peat plateaus
by Stuart A. Harris & Irena H. Schmidt & H. Roy Krouse - 29-39 Dynamics of rock glaciers of the Northern Tien Shan and the Djungar Ala Tau, Kazakhstan
by Aldar P. Gorbunov & Sergei N. Titkov & Victor G. Polyakov - 41-47 Micro‐relief on a rock glacier, Dalton range, Yukon, Canada
by P. G. Johnson - 49-54 La gélivation des parois rocheuses dans une glacière du jura neuchǎtelois
by André Pancza - 55-62 Holocene periglacial processes and environmental changes in Daqingshan mountains, inner Mongolia, China
by Cut Zhijiu & Song Changqing - 63-70 Small‐scale patterned ground, Comeragh Mountains, southeast Ireland
by Peter Wilson
October 1991, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 269-270 Introduction—Cryogenic weathering
by Kevin Hall & Jean‐Pierre Lautridou - 271-281 A model of the rate of frost shattering: Application to field data from Japan, Svalbard and Antarctica
by Norikazu Matsuoka - 283-300 Weathering by segregation ice growth in microcracks at sustained subzero temperatures: Verification from an experimental study using acoustic emissions
by B. Hallet & J. S. Walder & C. W. Stubbs - 301-309 Frost heave mechanism in welded tuff
by Satoshi Akagawa & Masami Fukuda - 311-319 Rock Properties as Controls on Free‐face Debris Fall Activity
by George R. Douglas & W. Brian Whalley & James P. McGreevy - 321-330 Rock moisture data from the juneau icefield (alaska) and its significance for mechanical weathering studies
by Kevin Hall - 331-340 Evidence for enhanced mechanical weathering associated with seasonally late‐lying and perennial snow patches, Jotunheimen, Norway
by Mark S. Berrisford - 341-346 The contribution of W. R. B. battle to mechanical weathering studies
by W. Brian Whalley & J. P. McGreevy - 347-353 Frost weathering of rocks in the presence of salts‐a review
by R. B. G. Williams & D. A. Robinson
July 1991, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 175-186 Pentes, Granulométrie et Mobilité des Matériaux le long d'un Talus d'Eboulis en Milieu Alpin
by Bernard Francou - 187-195 Alpine permafrost temperature zonality, northern trans‐Baikal region, U.S.S.R
by N. N. Romanovskiy & V. N. Zaitsev & S. Yu. Volchenkov & D. D. Zagryazkin & D. O. Sergeyev - 197-210 Observations of aeolian transport and niveo‐aeolian deposition at three lowland sites, Canadian arctic archipelago
by Antoni G. Lewkowicz & Kathy L. Young - 211-223 Ice‐wedge casts of Wisconsinan age in Eastern Nebraska
by William J. Wayne - 225-236 Localisation, Genèse et Fonte de Quelques Naleds du Nord du Yukon (Canada)
by B. Lauriol & J. Cinq Mars Et I. D. Clark - 237-243 Ploughing blocks of the Tien Shan
by A. P. Gorbunov - 245-252 Age of growth of two pingos, Sarqaq Dalen, West Central Greenland
by Kenji Yoshikawa - 253-257 Changes to the permafrost environment after forest fire, Da Xi'an Ridge, Gu Lian Mining Area, China
by Liang Lin‐Heng & Zhou You‐Wu & Wang Jia‐Cheng - 259-268 Permafrost and ground ice conditions reported during recent geotechnical investigations in the Mayo district, Yukon territory
by C. R. Burn
April 1991, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 77-78 Editorial
by Edward A. Koster - 79-93 Caractérisation du Pergélisol de Buttes Cryogènes à l'Aide de Diagraphies Électriques au Nunavik, Québec
by R. Fortier & R. LéVesque & M. K. Seguin - 95-102 Solifluction and the Role of Permafrost Creep, Eastern Melville Island, N.W.T., Canada
by L. P. Bennett & H. M. French - 103-112 Thermal gradients and rock weathering at low temperatures: Some simulation data
by Kevin Hall & Alida Hall - 113-122 Absence of frost sorting at an experimental site, green lakes valley, colorado front range, usa
by Jeff Warburton - 123-139 Differential frost heave, load casting and convection: Converging mechanisms; a discussion of the origin of cryoturbations
by Brigitte Van Vliet‐Lanoë - 141-162 A periglacial stratified slope deposit in the valley and ridge province of central Pennsylvania, USA: Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geomorphic evolution
by Thomas W. Gardner & John B. Ritter & Christopher A. Shuman & James C. Bell & Kathryn C. Sasowsky & Nicholas Pinter - 163-165 Observations on buried glacier ice and massive segregated ice, Western Arctic Coast, Canada: Discussion
by V. N. Rampton - 167-170 Genesis of massive ice at ‘Ice Mountain’, Yenesei River, Western Siberia, according to results of gas analyses
by A. A. Arkhangelov & E. V. Novgorodova - 171-173 Symposium on cold‐climate aeolian phenomena, Posnan, Poland
by Eduard A. Koster & Jean‐Pierre Lautridou
January 1991, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Hugh M. French - 3-3 Geocryology of the Americas—IGCP project no 297
by Arturo E. Corte & Kevin Hall - 5-12 Present‐day periglacial activity in the Natal Drakensberg, Southern Africa: A Short Review
by J. Boelhouwers - 13-20 Periglacial evidence from the western Cape Mountains, South Africa: A progress report
by J. Boelhouwers - 21-30 The evidence for cirque glaciation in Lesotho
by Margaret E Marker - 31-38 Sedimentology and genesis of slope deposits at sonskyn, Eastern Cape Drakensberg, South Africa
by Patricia M. Hanvey & Colin A. Lewis - 39-48 Quaternary fan and river terrace deposits, glen orchy, East Cape Drakensberg, South Africa
by Colin A. Lewis & Patricia M. Hanvey - 49-58 Cryoplanation surfaces in the central andes at latitude 35º S
by Santiago A. Grosso & Arturo E. Corte - 59-66 Global solar radiation, soil temperature and permafrost in the Central Andes, Argentina: A progress report
by Lothar Schrott - 67-70 Chronostratigraphic correlations of cryogenic and glacigenic episodes in central andes with patagonia
by Arturo E. Corte
July 1990, Volume 1, Issue 3‐4
- 201-219 Late pleistocene ice‐wedge casts and sand‐wedge relics in the wyoming basins, USA
by Thomas C. Nissen & Brainerd Mears - 221-234 Relict periglacial features east of waterton‐glacier parks, alberta and montana, and their palaeoclimatic significance
by Eric T. Karlstrom - 235-247 Observations of winter aeolian transport and niveo‐aeolian deposition at crater lake, pangnirtung pass, N.W.T., Canada
by Cheryl Mckenna Neuman - 249-263 Stratification mechanisms in slope deposits in high subequatorial mountains
by Bernard Francou - 265-274 Temperature variation and apparent thermal diffusivity in the refreezing active layer, Toolik Lake, Alaska
by K. M. Hinkel & S. I. Outcalt & F. E. Nelson - 275-282 Un pingo en système fermé dans des dolomies paléozoïques de l'arctique canadien
by Denis A. St‐Onge & Albert Pissart - 283-293 Cryogenic physico‐chemical precipitations: Iron, silica, calcium carbonate
by Thea Vogt - 295-299 Geomorphic activity of rivers during snow melt and break‐up, Richardson Mountains, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada
by K. Priesnitz - 301-308 Chronology of periglacial structures in Northern China
by Sun Jianzhong - 309-312 Permafrost in the arid mountains of middle asia—the eastern pamirs, USSR
by A. P. Gorbunov - 313-318 Secondary sorting of sorted patterned ground
by Jeff Warburton - 319-320 Northern hydrology: Canadian perspectives T. D. Prowse and C. S. L. Ommanney (eds). Environment Canada, National hydrological research institute science report no. 1, 1990, 308 pp
by M. J. Cbrk
April 1990, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 83-96 Niveo‐aeolian sedimentation and resulting sedimentary structures; søndre strømfjord area, Western Greenland
by J. W. A. Dijkmans - 97-110 Geomorphic impact of spring avalanches in Northwest Spitsbergen (79° N)
by Marie‐Françoise André - 111-128 Alpine debris flows and their sedimentary properties. A case study from the French Alps
by M. E. Nieuwenhuijzen & H. van Steijn - 129-144 Drainage karstique en milieu de pergélisol: le cas de l'ǐle d'akpatok, T.N.O. Canada
by B. Lauriol & J. T. Gray - 145-159 Periglacial phenomena in New Zealand
by J. M. Soons & L. W. Price - 161-175 Development of thermokarst lakes during the holocene at sites near Mayo, Yukon territory
by C. R. Burn & M. W. Smith - 177-188 Soil and rock temperatures in discontinuous permafrost: Gornergrat and unterrothorn, wallis, swiss alps
by Lorenz King - 189-196 A note on biological weathering on nunataks of the juneau icefield, Alaska
by Kevin Hall & Wulf Otte - 197-200 Pergélisol ‐ Canada. Actes de la Cinquième conférence canadienne sur le pergélisol. Permafrost‐Canada. Proceedings of the fifth canadian permafrost conference. Centre d'études Nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, Collection Nordicana No 54, 424pp. ISBN: 2‐920197‐54‐1
by Hugh M. French
January 1990, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Hugh M. French - 3-14 Implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of recent ice‐wedge development at Mayo, Yukon territory
by C. R. Burn - 15-29 Some observations on the growth and deformation of epigenetic, syngenetic and anti‐syngenetic ice wedges
by J. Ross Mackay - 31-43 Observations on buried glacier ice and massive segregated ice, western arctic coast, Canada
by H. M. French & D. G. Harry - 45-52 Permafrost and groundwater conditions, Huola river basin, northeast China
by Baolai Wang - 53-60 Analysis of the segmentation in the profile of alpine talus slopes
by Bernard Francou & Claude Manté - 61-67 Mechanical weathering rates on Signy Island, maritime antarctic
by Kevin Hall - 69-77 Apparent hydraulic conductivities associated with thawing, frost‐susceptible soils
by P. A. Egginton & L. D. Dyke