March 2010, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 179-208 Investigating the Impact of Financial Aid on Student Dropout Risks: Racial and Ethnic Differences
by Rong Chen & Stephen L. DesJardins - 209-237 Preparing the Underprepared: An Analysis of Racial Disparities in Postsecondary Mathematics Remediation
by Peter Riley Bahr - 238-240 Lives in Science: How Institutions Affect Academic Careers
by Roger G. Baldwin - 240-242 College Drinking: Reframing a Social Problem
by Rob Turrisi & Kimberly Mallett
January 2010, Volume 81, Issue 1
- 1-32 The Effect of Loans on Time to Doctorate Degree: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Field of Study, and Institutional Characteristics
by Dongbin Kim & Cindy Otts - 33-60 The Politics of Determining Merit Aid Eligibility Criteria: An Analysis of the Policy Process
by Erik C. Ness - 61-81 Contrasting the Socialization Experiences of Doctoral Students in High- and Low-Completing Departments: A Qualitative Analysis of Disciplinary Contexts at One Institution
by Susan K. Gardner - 82-115 Importance of Undergraduate Research for Minority Persistence and Achievement in Biology
by Melanie T. Jones & Amy E. L. Barlow & Merna Villarejo - 116-118 Resources, Assets, and Strengths among Successful Diverse Students: Understanding the Contributions of the Gates Millennium Scholars Program (Readings on Equal Education, Vol. 23)
by Laura W. Perna - 118-120 Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration: A Guide for Campus Leaders
by John H. Schuh
November 2009, Volume 80, Issue 6
- 605-642 General Education Models: Continuity and Change in the U.S. Undergraduate Curriculum, 1975–2000
by Steven Brint & Kristopher Proctor & Scott Patrick Murphy & Lori Turk-Bicakci & Robert A. Hanneman - 643-662 University Students' Perceptions of Plagiarism
by Lori G. Power - 663-685 College Knowledge of 9th and 11th Grade Students: Variation by School and State Context
by Angela D. Bell & Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon & Laura W. Perna - 686-713 Partisans, Professionals, and Power: The Role of Political Factors in State Higher Education Funding
by Michael K. McLendon & James C. Hearn & Christine G. Mokher - 714-716 The Gender Gap in College: Maximizing the Developmental Potential of Women and Men
by Judith Glazer-Raymo - 716-718 Turnaround: Leading Stressed Colleges and Universities to Excellence
by James C. Hearn - 719-721 Education Law Stories
by J. Douglas Toma - 722-728 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2009, Volume 80, Issue 5
- 483-509 Time as the Fourth Dimension in the Globalization of Higher Education
by Judith Walker - 510-537 My Sister's Keeper: A Qualitative Examination of Mentoring Experiences Among African American Women in Graduate and Professional Schools
by Lori D. Patton - 538-563 Racial Privilege in the Professoriate: An Exploration of Campus Climate, Retention, and Satisfaction
by Uma M. Jayakumar & Tyrone C. Howard & Walter R. Allen & June C. Han - 564-590 Subcultures and Use of Communication Information Technology in Higher Education Institutions
by Canchu Lin & Louisa Ha - 591-595 Governance and the Public Good
by Tatiana Suspitsyna - 595-598 Challenges of the Faculty Career for Women: Success & Sacrifice
by Barbara K. Townsend - 598-601 Creating and Maintaining Safe College Campuses: A Sourcebook for Evaluating & Enhancing Safety Programs
by Carney Strange - 601-603 Academic Turnarounds: Restoring Vitality to Challenged American Colleges and Universities
by Michael K. McLendon
July 2009, Volume 80, Issue 4
- 363-388 Finding Money on the Table: Information, Financial Aid, and Access to College
by William G. Tierney & Kristan M. Venegas - 389-414 Access and Equity for African American Students in Higher Education: A Critical Race Historical Analysis of Policy Efforts
by Shaun R. Harper & Lori D. Patton & Ontario S. Wooden - 415-438 Attitudes and Advocacy: Understanding Faculty Views on Racial/Ethnic Diversity
by Julie J. Park & Nida Denson - 439-468 The Production of Bachelor's Degrees and Financial Aspects of State Higher Education Policy: A Dynamic Analysis
by Marvin A. Titus - 469-473 Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy
by Tatiana Suspitsyna - 474-476 Women & Leadership: The State of Play and Strategies for Change
by Barbara K. Townsend - 476-479 Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications
by Nancy Collins - 480-481 From Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of American Business Schools
by Kevin T. Leicht
May 2009, Volume 80, Issue 3
- 243-269 Conceptualizing Change in the Institutional Diversity of U.S. Colleges and Universities
by Christopher C. Morphew - 270-289 Attitudes, Perceptions, and Preferences of Faculty at Hispanic Serving and Predominantly Black Institutions
by Steven M. Hubbard & Frances K. Stage - 290-314 Individual and Environmental Effects of Part-Time Enrollment Status on Student-Faculty Interaction and Self-Reported Gains
by Thomas F. Nelson Laird & Ty M. Cruce - 315-333 The Influence of Student Engagment and Sport Participation on College Outcomes Among Division I Student Athletes
by Joy Gaston Gayles & Shouping Hu - 334-353 Targeted Assessment Rubric: An Empirically Grounded Rubric for Interdisciplinary Writing
by Veronica Boix Mansilla & Elizabeth Dawes Duraisingh & Christopher R. Wolfe & Carolyn Haynes - 354-356 The Academic Deanship: Direction versus Reflection: Building the Academic Deanship: Strategies for Success
by Mimi Wolverton - 356-358 Technology, Literacy and Learning: A Multimodal Approach
by Janaina Minelli De Oliveira - 359-361 The Making of Princeton University: From Woodrow Wilson to the Present
by John R. Thelin
March 2009, Volume 80, Issue 2
- 121-145 Hispanic Origin, Socio-Economic Status, and Community College Enrollment
by Noga O'Connor - 146-177 Creating a Campus Culture of Integrity: Comparing the Perspectives of Full- and Part-time Faculty
by Suzanne S. Hudd & Caroline Apgar & Eric Franklyn Bronson & Renée Gravois Lee - 178-203 Rooted in the Soil: The Social Experiences of Black Graduate Students at a Southern Research University
by Juanita Johnson-Bailey & Thomas Valentine & Ronald M. Cervero & Tuere A. Bowles - 204-237 Learning from the Experience of Others: The Evolution of Faculty Tenure and Promotion Rules in Comprehensive Institutions
by Ted I. K. Youn & Tanya M. Price - 238-240 Fostering Student Success in the Campus Community
by Laura W. Perna - 240-242 New Players, Different Game: Understanding the Rise of For-Profit Colleges and Universities
by Gary A. Berg
January 2009, Volume 80, Issue 1
- 1-33 Towards a Theory of Doctoral Student Professional Identity Development: A Developmental Networks Approach
by Vicki (Baker) Sweitzer - 34-58 White, Male, and “Minority”: Racial Consciousness among White Male Undergraduates Attending a Historically Black University
by R. Darrell Peterson & Florence A. Hamrick - 59-79 Engaging with Difference Matters: Longitudinal Student Outcomes of Co-Curricular Service-Learning Programs
by Cheryl Keen & Kelly Hall - 80-105 Maintaining Credibility and Authority as an Instructor of Color in Diversity-Education Classrooms: A Qualitative Inquiry
by Gary Perry & Helen Moore & Crystal Edwards & Katherine Acosta & Connie Frey - 106-113 Campus Life Revealed: Tracking down the Rich Resources of American Collegiate Fiction
by Christian K. Anderson & John R. Thelin - 114-116 Higher Education: Open for Business
by Gary Rhoades - 116-117 The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left outside the Gates
by Caroline Chiang & Christopher Grillo - 117-119 After Admission: From College Access to College Success
by David B. Bills
November 2008, Volume 79, Issue 6
- 613-637 Developing Academic Strategic Alliances: Reconciling Multiple Institutional Cultures, Policies, and Practices
by Peter D. Eckel & Matthew Hartley - 638-670 The State-Sponsored Student Entrepreneur
by Matthew M. Mars & Sheila Slaughter & Gary Rhoades - 671-691 What's Being Sold and to What End? A Content Analysis of College Viewbooks
by Matthew Hartley & Christopher C. Morphew - 692-721 Proscriptive Norms for Academic Deans: Comparing Faculty Expectations across Institutional and Disciplinary Boundaries
by Nathaniel J. Bray - 722-724 State Postsecondary Education Research: New Methods to Inform Policy and Practice
by Robert K. Toutkoushian - 724-726 Campus Crisis Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Prevention, Response, and Recovery
by W. Timothy Coombs - 727-733 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2008, Volume 79, Issue 5
- 489-512 Valuing and Evaluating Teaching in Academic Hiring: A Multidisciplinary, Cross-Institutional Study
by Deborah Meizlish & Matthew Kaplan - 513-539 The Effort—Outcome Gap: Differences for African American and Hispanic Community College Students in Student Engagement and Academic Achievement
by Thomas G. Greene & C. Nathan Marti & Kay McClenney - 540-563 Unmasking the Effects of Student Engagement on First-Year College Grades and Persistence
by George D. Kuh & Ty M. Cruce & Rick Shoup & Jillian Kinzie & Robert M. Gonyea - 564-586 Contextual Influences on Parental Involvement in College Going: Variations by Socioeconomic Class
by Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon & Angela D. Bell & Laura W. Perna - 587-607 A Multidimensional Scaling of College Students' Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty
by Liora Pedhazur Schmelkin & Kim Gilbert & Karin J. Spencer & Holly S. Pincus & Rebecca Silva - 608-610 Higher Education at a Crossroads
by Sean Ajay Desai - 610-612 The Skillful Teacher: On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom
by Michele M. Welkener
July 2008, Volume 79, Issue 4
- 365-387 Monitoring Faculty Diversity: The Need for a More Granular Approach
by Sharon L. Weinberg - 388-405 Problems in the Pipeline: Gender, Marriage, and Fertility in the Ivory Tower
by Nicholas H. Wolfinger & Mary Ann Mason & Marc Goulden - 406-441 Understanding Leadership Strategies for Addressing the Politics of Diversity
by Adrianna Kezar - 442-472 Transfer Access from Community Colleges and the Distribution of Elite Higher Education
by Alicia C. Dowd & John J. Cheslock & Tatiana Melguizo - 473-481 Universities in the Marketplace, Academic Capitalism, Remaking the American University: Market Smart and Mission Centered
by Adrianna Kezar - 482-484 Academic Freedom at the Dawn of a New Century: How Terrorism, Governments, and Culture Wars Impact Free Speech
by J. Douglas Toma - 484-486 Building Bridges for Women of Color in Higher Education: A Practical Guide for Success
by Dafina Lazarus Stewart
May 2008, Volume 79, Issue 3
- 243-267 A Typology of Federal and State Programs Designed to Promote College Enrollment
by Laura W. Perna & Heather Rowan-Kenyon & Angela Bell & Scott L. Thomas & Chunyan Li - 268-295 Explaining Increases in Higher Education Costs
by Robert B. Archibald & David H. Feldman - 296-325 The Transition to Independent Research: Who Makes It, Who Doesn't, and Why
by Barbara E. Lovitts - 326-350 “What's too much and what's too little?”: The Process of Becoming an Independent Researcher in Doctoral Education
by Susan K. Gardner - 351-353 The Law of Higher Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Legal Implications of Administrative Decision Making
by J. Douglas Toma - 353-355 Faculty Career Paths: Multiple Routes to Academic Success and Satisfaction
by Roger G. Baldwin - 356-358 Letters to a Young Academic
by Michael Theall - 358-360 Remaking the American University: Market Smart and Mission Centered
by William G. Tierney - 360-363 African American Men in College
by Ryan J. Davis
March 2008, Volume 79, Issue 2
- 125-159 Examining Organizational Contextual Features That Affect Implementation of Equity Initiatives
by Adrianna Kezar & William J. Glenn & Jaime Lester & Jonathan Nakamoto - 160-182 The Role of Culture in Institutional and Individual Approaches to Civic Responsibility at Research Universities
by Courtney H. Thornton & Audrey J. Jaeger - 183-207 Being All of Me: Black Students Negotiating Multiple Identities
by Dafina Lazarus Stewart - 208-229 Replacing State Appropriations with Alternative Revenue Sources: The Case of Voluntary Support
by John J. Cheslock & Matt Gianneschi - 230-232 Higher Ground: Ethics and Leadership in the Modern University
by Erica Eckert - 232-234 The Changing Landscape of the Academic Profession: The Culture of Faculty at For-Profit Colleges and Universities
by Carole J. Bland - 234-237 Putting Students First: How Colleges Develop Students Purposefully
by Saran Donahoo - 237-240 Student Success in College: Creating Conditions That Matter
by John M. Braxton - 240-242 Three Magic Letters: Getting to Ph.D
by Kelly Ward & Susan K. Gardner
January 2008, Volume 79, Issue 1
- 1-27 The Correlates of Spiritual Struggle during the College Years
by Alyssa N. Bryant & Helen S. Astin - 28-57 Influences on Labor Market Outcomes of African American College Graduates: A National Study
by Terrell L. Strayhorn - 58-87 It's about Family: Native American Student Persistence in Higher Education
by Raphael M. Guillory & Mimi Wolverton - 88-112 Everyday Ethics in Research: Translating Authorship Guidelines into Practice in the Bench Sciences
by Karen Seashore Louis & Janet M. Holdsworth & Melissa S. Anderson & Eric G. Campbell - 113-123 Access and Excess: Selective College Admissions in Historical Perspective
by John R. Thelin
November 2007, Volume 78, Issue 6
- 615-644 The Spider Web of Oversight: An Analysis of External Oversight of Higher Education
by Jason E. Lane - 645-675 The Enactment of Reforms in State Governance of Higher Education: Testing the Political Instability Hypothesis
by Michael K. McLendon & Russ Deaton & James C. Hearn - 676-711 Curriculum Collaboration: A Key to Continuous Program Renewal
by Charlotte L. Briggs - 712-714 The True Genius of America at Risk: Are We Losing Our Public Universities to de Facto Privatization?
by D. Bruce Johnstone - 714-716 Enhancing Scholarly Work on Teaching and Learning: Professional Literature That Makes a Difference
by Larry A. Braskamp - 716-718 Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards
by James R. McKean - 718-720 One Size Does Not Fit All: Traditional and Innovative Models of Student Affairs Practice
by Vasti Torres - 720-723 In Defense of Asian American Studies: The Politics of Teaching and Program Building
by Sharon S. Lee - 723-726 Faculty Priorities Reconsidered: Rewarding Multiple Forms of Scholarship
by Mary Deane Sorcinelli & Jami Desantis - 727-733 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2007, Volume 78, Issue 5
- 493-522 Expanding the Discussion of Faculty Vitality to Include Productive but Disengaged Senior Faculty
by Therese A. Huston & Marie Norman & Susan A. Ambrose - 523-541 A Closer Look at Faculty Service: What Affects Participation on Committees?
by Stephen R. Porter - 542-571 Social-Organizational Characteristics of Work and Publication Productivity among Academic Scientists in Doctoral-Granting Departments
by Mary Frank Fox & Sushanta Mohapatra - 572-601 The Interaction Effects of Gender, Race, and Marital Status on Faculty Salaries
by Robert K. Toutkoushian & Marcia L. Bellas & John V. Moore - 602-604 The Source of the River: The Social Origins of Freshmen at America's Selective Colleges and Universities
by Frances K. Stage - 604-609 The Black College Mystique
by M. Christopher Brown - 609-611 Our Underachieving Colleges: A Candid Look at How Much Students Learn and Why They Should Be Learning More
by Peter Lamal - 611-613 Envisioning the Future of Doctoral Education: Preparing Stewards of the Discipline—Carnegie Essays on the Doctorate
by Carol L. Colbeck
July 2007, Volume 78, Issue 4
- 369-401 Public Opinion, Partisan Identification, and Higher Education Policy
by William R. Doyle - 402-429 A Typology of University Ethical Lapses: Types, Levels of Seriousness, and Originating Location
by Patricia C. Kelley & Pepe Lee Chang - 430-463 Role Strain in University Research Centers
by Craig Boardman & Barry Bozeman - 464-485 Course Shopping in Urban Community Colleges: An Analysis of Student Drop and Add Activities
by Linda Serra Hagedorn & William E. Maxwell & Scott Cypers & Hye Sun Moon & Jaime Lester - 486-487 Speaking of Higher Education: The Academic's Book of Quotations
by Michael A. Olivas - 487-490 The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market
by Gustavo J. Gregorutti
May 2007, Volume 78, Issue 3
- 249-281 Do Interracial Interactions Matter? An Examination of Student-Faculty Contact and Intellectual Self-Concept
by Darnell Cole - 282-310 To Give and to Receive: Recently Tenured Professors' Experiences of Service in Major Research Universities
by Anna Neumann & Aimee LaPointe Terosky - 311-336 Becoming a Scientist: The Effects of Work-Group Size and Organizational Climate
by Karen Seashore Louis & Janet M. Holdsworth & Melissa S. Anderson & Eric G. Campbell - 337-364 A Social Cognitive Construct Validation: Determining Women's and Men's Success in Engineering Programs
by Christina M. Vogt & Dennis Hocevar & Linda Serra Hagedorn - 365-368 Earning My Degree: Memoirs of an American University President
by Cristina González
March 2007, Volume 78, Issue 2
- 125-161 Settling into Campus Life: Differences by Race/Ethnicity in College Involvement and Outcomes
by E Mary J. Fischer - 162-187 Stories of Politics and Policy: Florida's Higher Education Governance Reorganization
by Michael R. Mills - 188-214 Predictors of Delayed College Enrollment and the Impact of Socioeconomic Status
by Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon - 215-237 Targeted Assessment of Students' Interdisciplinary Work: An Empirically Grounded Framework Proposed
by Veronica Boix Mansilla & Elizabeth Dawes Duraising - 238-240 Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education
by Donald E. Heller - 240-242 Saving Higher Education in the Age of Money
by John Bean - 243-245 New Working-Class Studies
by Jim Vander Putten - 245-247 Achieving and Sustaining Institutional Excellence for the First Year of College
by Carney Strange
January 2007, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 1-26 Demographic Inertia Revisited: An Immodest Proposal to Achieve Equitable Gender Representation among Faculty in Higher Education
by Robyn Marschke & Sandra Laursen & Joyce McCarl Nielsen & Patricia Rankin - 27-50 Higher Education Journals' Discourse about Adult Undergraduate Students
by Joe F. Donaldson & Barbara K. Townsend - 51-70 Reward Systems and NSF University Research Centers: The Impact of Tenure on University Scientists' Valuation of Applied and Commercially Relevant Research
by P. Craig Boardman & Branco L. Ponomariov - 71-96 Academic Capitalism and Doctoral Student Socialization: A Case Study
by Pilar Mendoza - 97-118 The Distribution of Job Satisfaction among Young European Graduates: Does the Choice of Study Field Matter?
by Luis E. Vila & Adela Garcia-Aracil & Jose-Gines Mora - 119-121 The Research University Presidency in the Late 20th Century: A Life Cycle/Case History Approach
by Adrianna Kezar - 121-123 Parenting and Professing: Balancing Family Work with an Academic Career
by Susan B. Twombly
November 2006, Volume 77, Issue 6
- 935-967 Examining Differences in State Support for Higher Education: A Comparative Study of State Appropriations for Research I Universities
by David J. Weerts & Justin M. Ronca - 968-1008 Rethinking Public Higher Education Governing Boards Performance: Results of a National Study of Governing Boards in the United States
by Adrianna Kezar - 1009-1035 Conceptualizing the Academic Life: Graduate Students' Perspectives
by Jeffery P. Bieber & Linda K. Worley - 1036-1057 Voluntary Association Membership: Black Greek Men on a Predominantly White Campus
by Stephanie M. McClure - 1058-1080 Faculty and College Student Beliefs about the Frequency of Student Academic Misconduct
by Stephen F. Hard & James M. Conway & Antonia C. Moran - 1081-1103 Effects of Part-Time Faculty Employment on Community College Graduation Rates
by Daniel Jacoby - 1104-1110 Beyond the Big Test: Noncognitive Assessment in Higher Education
by Patricia M. King & Nicholas A. Bowman - 1110-1112 Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs
by Jennifer Hamilton - 1113-1121 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2006, Volume 77, Issue 5
- 747-775 Playing the Board Game: An Empirical Analysis of University Trustee and Corporate Board Interlocks
by Brian Pusser & Sheila Slaughter & Scott L. Thomas - 776-803 Greener Pastures: Faculty Turnover Intent in Urban Public Universities
by Cheryl J. Daly & Jay R. Dee - 804-838 Redesigning for Collaboration in Learning Initiatives: An Examination of Four Highly Collaborative Campuses
by Adrianna Kezar - 839-860 Organizational Theory and Student Cheating: Explanation, Responses, and Strategies
by Tricia Bertram Gallant & Patrick Drinan - 861-885 Studying Attrition and Degree Completion Behavior among First-Generation College Students in the United States
by Terry T. Ishitani - 886-924 New Evidence on College Remediation
by Paul Attewell & David Lavin & Thurston Domina & Tania Levey - 925-929 A New “Reconsideration”: Faculty Priorities Reconsidered: Rewarding Multiple Forms of Scholarship
by Michael Theall - 930-932 Affirmative Action: Racial Preference in Black and White
by Mitchell J. Chang - 932-934 Sustaining Change in Universities: Continuities in Case Studies and Concepts
by Philip G. Altbach
July 2006, Volume 77, Issue 4
- 561-588 When Post-Tenure Review Policy and Practice Diverge: Making the Case for Congruence
by Melinda Wood & Chrstine Des Jarlais - 589-617 Teaching Awards: What Do They Award?
by Nancy Van Note Chism - 618-644 State Higher Education Spending and the Tax Revolt
by Robert B. Archibald & David H. Feldman - 645-683 Mandated Openness in Public Higher Education: A Field Study of State Sunshine Laws and Institutional Governance
by Michael K. McLendon & James C. Hearn - 684-711 Chilly Classrooms for Female Undergraduate Students: A Question of Method?
by Elizabeth J. Allan & Mary Madden - 712-739 Flagships, Feeders, and the Texas Top 10% Law: A Test of the “Brain Drain” Hypothesis
by Marta Tienda & Sunny Xinchun Niu - 740-742 Old Main: Small Colleges in Twenty-First Century America
by Peter A. Lamal - 742-743 Life on the Tenure Track: Lessons from the First Year
by Alan E. Bayer - 743-746 Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books
by John R. Rachal
May 2006, Volume 77, Issue 3
- 381-429 An Integrated Model of Application, Admission, Enrollment, and Financial Aid
by Stephen L. DesJardins & Dennis A. Ahlburg & Brian P. McCall - 430-455 The Educational Benefits of Sustaining Cross-Racial Interaction among Undergraduates
by Mitchell J. Chang & Nida Denson & Victor Sáenz & Kimberly Misa - 456-471 Mission Statements: A Thematic Analysis of Rhetoric across Institutional Type
by Christopher C. Morphew & Matthew Hartley - 472-496 The Role of Postsecondary Education in Welfare Recipients' Paths to Self-Sufficiency
by Rebecca A. London - 497-538 Who Studies the Arts and Sciences? Social Background and the Choice and Consequences of Undergraduate Field of Study
by Kimberly A. Goyette & Ann L. Mullen - 539-544 Presidential Transition in Higher Education: Managing Leadership Change
by George B. Vaughan - 544-547 Higher Education for the Public Good: Emerging Voices from a National Movement
by Mary Beth Knight - 548-550 Public Work and the Academy: An Academic Administrator's Guide to Civic Engagement and Service-Learning
by Barbara Jacoby - 550-553 Learning Communities: Reforming Undergraduate Education
by Nancy S. Shapiro - 553-557 Preparing for College: Nine Elements of Effective Outreach
by Don Hossler - 557-559 Promoting Reasonable Expectations: Aligning Student and Institutional Views of the College Experience
by James H. Banning
March 2006, Volume 77, Issue 2
- 193-224 Faculty Salary Equity Cases: Combining Statistics with the Law
by Andrew L. Luna - 225-250 Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics: Determinants of Title IX Compliance
by Deborah J. Anderson & John J. Cheslock & Ronald G. Ehrenberg - 251-285 Institutional Selectivity and Good Practices in Undergraduate Education: How Strong is the Link?
by Ernest T. Pascarella & Ty Cruce & Paul D. Umbach & Gregory C. Wolniak & George D. Kuh & Robert M. Carini & John C. Hayek & Robert M. Gonyea & Chun-Mei Zhao - 286-316 “Incentives for Managed Growth”: A Case Study of Incentives-Based Planning and Budgeting in a Large Public Research University
by James C. Hearn & Darrell R. Lewis & Lincoln Kallsen & Janet M. Holdsworth & Lisa M. Jones - 317-352 Salvaging “Academic Disaster Areas”: The Black College Response to Christopher Jencks and David Riesman's 1967 Harvard Educational Review Article
by Marybeth Gasman - 353-375 Understanding the Influence of the Financial Context of Institutions on Student Persistence at Four-Year Colleges and Universities
by Marvin A. Titus - 376-378 Leveling the Playing Field: Justice, Politics, and College Admissions
by Benjamin Baez - 378-380 The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Contributions of Research Universities
by James J. F. Forest
January 2006, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-1 Moving into the Next 75 Years
by The Editors - 1-39 The Mission of the University: Medieval to Postmodern Transformations
by John C. Scott - 40-61 Women and Feminism in Higher Education Scholarship: An Analysis of Three Core Journals
by Jeni Hart - 62-88 Faculty Work: Tensions between Educational and Economic Values
by John S. Levin - 89-123 The Impact of Appointment Type on the Productivity and Commitment of Full-Time Faculty in Research and Doctoral Institutions
by Carole J. Bland & Bruce A. Center & Deborah A. Finstad & Kelly R. Risbey & Justin Staples - 124-147 Determining Public 2-Year College Faculty's Intent to Leave: An Empirical Model
by Vicki J. Rosser & Barbara K. Townsend - 148-168 Factors Contributing to Faculty Incorporation of Diversity-Related Course Content
by Matthew J. Mayhew & Heidi E. Grunwald - 169-192 Student Experiences with Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges: Another Claim for Distinctiveness
by Paul D. Umbach & George D. Kuh