November 2001, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 751-753 Why Universities Matter: A Conversation about Values, Means, and Directions
by Marc Cutright - 754-758 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2001, Volume 72, Issue 5
- 509-531 Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Classroom
by Patrick T. Terenzini & Alberto F. Cabrera & Carol L. Colbeck & Stefani A. Bjorklund & John M. Parente - 532-564 Modeling Supply and Demand for Arts and Sciences Faculty
by Douglas T. Shapiro - 565-583 How Much Do Students Learn in College?
by Lamont Flowers & Steven J. Osterlind & Ernest T. Pascarella & Christopher T. Pierson - 584-611 The Relationship between Family Responsibilities and Employment Status among College and University Faculty
by Laura W. Perna - 612-619 Review Essay
by Larry Keig - 620-622 Enhancing Student Learning: Setting the Campus Context
by Peter M. Magolda - 622-625 Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services: Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance
by Don G. Creamer - 625-627 Shattering the Myths: Women in Academe
by Florence A. Hamrick
July 2001, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 387-413 Models of Institutional Resource Allocation
by Cindy S. Volk & Sheila Slaughter & Scott L. Thomas - 414-452 The Ties That Bind
by Dan Covell & Carol A. Barr - 453-477 No Rookies on Rookies
by Michael R. Mills & Adrienne E. Hyle - 478-502 Quality Assessment of University Students
by Janet G. Donald & D. Brian Denison - 503-506 University Teaching: International Perspectives
by Leslie Adams Wimsatt - 506-507 Condemning Students to Debt: College Loans and Public Policy
by Scott R. Sweetland
May 2001, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 265-286 Student Persistence in a Public Higher Education System
by Shouping Hu & Edward P. St. John - 287-321 Institutional Effectiveness of Women-Only Colleges
by Mikyong Minsun Kim - 322-340 Student Trust and its Antecedents in Higher Education
by Amit K. Ghosh & Thomas W. Whipple & Glenn A. Bryan - 341-367 Departmental Factors Affecting Time-to-Degree and Completion Rates of Doctoral Students at One Land-Grant Research Institution
by Yaritza Ferrer de Valero - 368-369 A Professional Professoriate: Unionization, Bureaucratization, and the AAUP
by Michael A. Olivas - 370-372 Financing a College Education: How it Works, How It's Changing
by Donald E. Heller - 372-374 The Stars are Not Enough: Scientists-Their Passions and Professions
by James Soto Antony - 374-376 Electronic Collaborators: Learner-Centered Technologies for Literacy, Apprenticeship, and Discourse
by Ann Kovalchik - 376-379 Freedom's Web: Student Activism in an Age of Cultural Diversity
by Kathleen Manning - 379-383 Honored but Invisible: An inside Look at Teaching in Community Colleges
by Susan Twombly - 383-385 Going to College: How Social, Economic, and Educational Factors Influence the Decisions Students Make
by Michael B. Paulsen
March 2001, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 121-123 Higher Education's Social Role
by Leonard L. Baird - 125-147 Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University
by Barry Checkoway - 148-171 The Dynamic Tensions of Service Learning in Higher Education
by Adrianna Kezar & Robert A. Rhoads - 172-204 Influences on Students' Openness to Diversity and Challenge in the Second and Third Years of College
by Elizabeth J. Whitt & Marcia I. Edison & Ernest T. Pascarella & Patrick T. Terenzini & Amaury Nora - 205-225 A University Helps Prepare Low Income Youths for College
by William G. Tierney & Alexander Jun - 226-246 The Complex Relations between the Academy and Industry
by Melissa S. Anderson - 247-249 Colleges and Universities as Citizens
by Barbara Jacoby - 249-253 Building the Responsive Campus: Creating High Performance Colleges and Universities
by Kathryn M. Moore - 254-256 The Globalization of Higher Education
by Philip G. Altbach - 256-258 Where's the Learning in Service-Learning?
by Susan R. Jones - 258-260 Funding Science in America: Congress, Universities, and the Politics of the Academic Pork Barrel
by Roger Geiger - 261-263 No Neutral Ground: Standing by the Values We Prize in Higher Education
by David C. Sundberg
January 2001, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 1-28 Learning Productivity at Research Universities
by George D. Kuh & Shouping Hu - 29-45 Dishonesty in Academic Environments
by Donald L. McCabe & Linda Klebe Trevino & Kenneth D. Butterfield - 46-62 Collegiate Desegregation and the Public Black College
by M. Christopher Brown - 63-100 Segregated by Subject
by Jacqueline C. Simpson - 101-103 Career Strategies for Women in Academe: Arming Athena
by Linda J. Sax - 103-105 Women at Cambridge
by Andrea Walton - 106-108 Faculty-Student Sexual Involvement: Issues and Interventions
by Patricia A. Rupert - 108-110 Perspectives on Scholarly Misconduct in the Sciences
by Peter Hernon - 110-112 The Full-Time Faculty Handbook
by Jeffery P. Bieber - 112-115 Aligning Faculty Rewards with Institutional Mission: Statements, Policies, and Guidelines
by Joseph B. Berger - 116-118 A Professor's Work
by Alan E. Bayer - 117-119 Assessment in Higher Education: Issues of Access, Quality, Student Development, and Public Policy
by Elizabeth A. Jones
November 2000, Volume 71, Issue 6
- 637-667 Information Technology Use and Cognitive Outcomes in the First Year of College
by Lamont Flowers & Ernest T. Pascarella & Christopher T. Pierson - 668-699 Course Ownership in a New Technological Context
by John F. Welsh - 700-721 The Consolidation of Responsibility and Students' Definitions of Situation in the Mixed-Age College Classroom
by Jay R. Howard & Roberta Baird - 722-743 Pluralistic Leadership
by Adrianna Kezar - 744-746 As If Learning Mattered: Reforming Higher Education
by Douglas Steeples - 746-748 The Sun Still Shone: Professors Talk about Retirement
by Jim Vander Putten - 749-750 The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role
by Harry J. Canon - 751-753 Managed Professionals: Unionized Faculty and Restructuring Academic Labor
by Judith M. Gappa - 754-758 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2000, Volume 71, Issue 5
- 515-547 What's in a Name?
by Mark R. Connolly - 548-568 Sexual Harassment in the 1990s
by Michelle L. Kelley & Beth Parsons - 569-590 The Influence of Active Learning on the College Student Departure Process
by John M. Braxton & Jeffrey F. Milem & Anna Shaw Sullivan - 591-615 Ties That Bind
by Scott L. Thomas - 616-623 Review Essay
by Susan H. Frost & Daniel Teodorescu - 624-627 Education and the Rise of the Global Economy
by Ken Kempner - 627-629 Electronic Literacies: Language, Culture, and Power in Online Education
by Brad Cahoon - 629-632 The Innovative Campus: Nurturing the Distinctive Learning Environment
by John H. Schuh - 632-634 Public and Private Financing of Higher Education: Shaping Public Policy for the Future
by Annette Gibbs - 634-636 The Department Chair as Academic Leader
by Alan T. Seagren
July 2000, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 391-410 Good Sports?
by John R. Thelin - 411-431 The Changing Face of Accountability
by F. King Alexander - 432-453 To Keep or Not to Keep Performance Funding
by Joseph C. Burke & Shahpar Modarresi - 454-475 Faculty Time Allocation
by Jeffrey F. Milem & Joseph B. Berger & Eric L. Dey - 476-495 Exploring the Scholarship of Teaching
by Carolin Kreber & Patricia A. Cranton - 496-503 Review Essay
by John P. Bean - 504-507 Successful Service-Learning Programs: New Models of Excellence in Higher Education
by Robert G. Bringle & Julie A. Hatcher - 507-510 Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities
by Alton L. Taylor & Carol M. Pfeiffer - 511-514 Successful Fund Raising for Higher Education: The Advancement of Learning
by John S. Levin
May 2000, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 273-290 Institutionalization of Service Learning in Higher Education
by Robert G. Bringle & Julie A. Hatcher - 291-321 Dual-Career Couples
by Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel & Susan Twombly & Suzanne Rice - 322-341 Unfulfilled Prophecy
by Gordon Thompson - 342-362 Inside the Undergraduate College Classroom
by Linda Marie Fritschner - 363-367 Review Essay
by Michael A. Olivas - 368-370 The New Academic Generation: A Profession in Transformation
by James S. Fairweather - 370-373 The New Know-Nothings: The Political Foes of the Scientific Study of Human Nature
by Jerilee Grandy - 373-376 The Responsive University: Restructuring for High Performance
by Daniel J. Julius - 376-378 Student Learning in the Information Age
by Brenda F. Roth - 378-380 Lobbying for Higher Education: How Colleges and Universities Influence Federal Policy
by Alton L. Taylor & Dana R. Brower - 380-383 How to Succeed in School without Really Learning: The Credentials Race in American Education
by Walter E. Davis - 383-386 Learning to Lead in Higher Education
by Walter H. Gmelch - 386-388 How it Works: Inside a School-College Collaboration
by Audrey M. Kleinsasser - 389-390 Eliminating Professors: A Guide to the Dismissal Process
by David W. Leslie
March 2000, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Shape of Diversity
by Mildred García & Leonard L. Baird - 117-141 Differences in the Decision to Attend College among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites
by Laura Walter Perna - 142-164 Learning about Social Diversity
by Donna Henderson-King & Audra Kaleta - 165-186 Dollars and $ense
by Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel & Bruce D. Baker & Christopher C. Morphew - 187-222 External Labor Markets and the Distribution of Black Scientists and Engineers in Academia
by Stephen Kulis & Heather Shaw & Yinong Chong - 223-246 Constructing Academic Inadequacy
by Kirsten F. Benson - 247-255 Review Essay
by William G. Tierney & Jack K. Chung - 256-257 On Higher Ground: Education and the Case for Affirmative Action
by Robert W. Ethridge - 258-261 Sometimes There is No other Side: Chicanos and the Myth of Equality
by Michael A. Olivas - 261-266 Latinos and Education: A Critical Reader
by Richard R. Verdugo - 266-269 Grass Roots and Glass Ceilings: African American Administrators in Predominantly White Colleges and Universities
by V. Barbara Bush - 269-272 Multicultural Education in Colleges and Universities: A Transdisciplinary Approach
by Mitchell J. Chang
January 2000, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 1-16 The Life Cycle of Academic Management Fads
by Robert Birnbaum - 17-33 Is There Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching?
by John A. Centra & Noreen B. Gaubatz - 34-59 Morale Matters
by Linda K. Johnsrud & Ronald H. Heck & Vicki J. Rosser - 60-83 Grouping in the Dark
by Carol L. Colbeck & Susan E. Campbell & Stefani A. Bjorklund - 84-102 When the Tail Wags the Dog
by Howard R. Pollio & Hall P. Beck - 103-106 Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American Undergraduate Education
by Shelley M. Park - 106-108 Scaling the Ivory Tower: Merit & Its Limits in Academic Careers
by Roger G. Baldwin - 108-112 Confronting Sexual Harassment: What Schools and Colleges Can Do
by Susan J. Scollay - 112-114 The Political University: Policy, Politics, and Presidential Leadership in the American Research University
by Christopher C. Morphew - 114-116 What Business Wants from Higher Education
by Jonathan D. Fife
November 1999, Volume 70, Issue 6
- 625-641 Resourceful Responses
by John G. Francis & Mark C. Hampton - 642-669 Major Field and Person-Environment Fit
by Kenneth A. Feldman & John C. Smart & Corinna A. Ethington - 670-686 Profiles of Effective College and University Teachers
by Suzanne Young & Dale G. Shaw - 687-705 Technology Transfer from University-Based Research Centers
by Everett M. Rogers & Brad ‘J’ Hall & Michio Hashimoto & Morten Steffensen & Kristen L. Speakman & Molly K. Timko - 706-730 Getting to the Ivy League
by Dean Lillard & Jennifer Gerner - 731-733 Paths to Success: Beating the Odds in American Society
by Helen M. Marks - 733-735 Power and Politics: Federal Higher Education Policymaking in the 1990s
by Susan B. Hannah - 735-737 Strategic Choices for the Academy: How Demand for Lifelong Learning Will Recreate Higher Education
by Ronald M. Cervero - 737-739 First among Equals: The Role of the Chief Academic Officer
by Terrence F. Mech - 739-741 Quality Principles and Practices in Higher Education
by Ada Demb - 742-745 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 1999, Volume 70, Issue 5
- 1-1 A Note from the Editor on JHE's Anniversary Issue
by The Editors - 479-484 The Bennington College Program
by Robert D. Leigh - 485-493 Certain Adjustment Problems of University Girls
by Samuel Haig Jameson - 494-503 Athletics in American Colleges
by W. H. Cowley - 504-509 The Honor System
by C.O. Mathews - 510-516 Hitlerism and the German Universities
by Paul R. Neureiter - 517-523 Selecting Graduate Students
by William J. Brink - 524-532 The Higher Learning in America
by Robert M. Hutchins - 533-541 Intellectual Life of Alumni
by Daniel L. Grant - 542-553 Methods in Teacher Training
by Carter V. Good - 554-561 Robert Frost and the American College
by Robert S. Newdick - 562-571 Students Rating Teachers
by William R. Wilson - 572-578 The Quest for Academic Power
by Charles A. Beard - 579-588 Faculty Inbreeding
by Walter Crosby Eells & Austin Carl Cleveland - 589-598 The Problem Professor of Education
by Pedro T. Orata - 599-605 The Dean
by Earl J. McGrath - 606-612 Some Anticipations
by David Snedden - 613-614 A Philosophic Landmark: The Quest for Certainty
by Boyd H. Bode - 614-616 Problems and Practices; College and University Administration
by S.P. Capen - 617-617 A Great Teacher: Mark Hopkins
by H. A. Garfield - 618-618 A Twentieth-Century Survey: The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens
by W. H. Cowley - 619-619 A Most Significant and Satisfactory Report: The Experimental College
by C. S. Boucher - 620-621 The Record of a Famous Course; Mind, Self and Society
by Ernest C. Moore - 621-623 A Provocative Treatise; Personality
by Donald G. Paterson
July 1999, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 357-388 Creating CHEA
by Harland G. Bloland - 389-412 The Chautauqua Movement
by John C. Scott - 413-440 Curriculum as Strategy
by Roland J. Kushner - 441-463 The Nature of Workplace Mentoring Relationships among Faculty Members in Christian Higher Education
by Shelly Cunningham - 464-467 Review Essay
by The Editors - 468-470 The Family Silver: Essays on Relationships among Women
by Maureen E. Wilson - 470-472 The University That Shouldn't Have Happened, but Did! Southern Illinois University during the Morris Years 1948–1970
by George A. Antonelli & Eileen B. Antonelli - 472-474 To Mark the Beginning: A Social History of College Student Affairs
by Theodore K. Miller - 474-477 To Serve and Learn: The Spirit of Community in Liberal Education
by Robert A. Rhoads & Kristen Liddicoat
May 1999, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 235-260 Toward a Constructivist Framework for Guiding Change and Innovation in Higher Education
by George R. Lueddeke - 261-277 Knowledge Production, Publication Productivity, and Intimate Academic Partnerships
by Elizabeth G. Creamer - 278-308 Changes in the Endowment Spending of Private Colleges in the Early 1990s
by Donald L. Basch - 309-352 Faculty and Administrators' Attitudes toward Potential Conflicts of Interest, Commitment, and Equity in University-Industry Relationships
by Teresa Isabelle Daza Campbell & Sheila Slaughter - 353-356 Universities and Their Leadership
by George Keller
March 1999, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 113-133 A Memo from Machiavelli
by Daniel J. Julius & J. Victor Baldridge & Jeffrey Pfeffer - 134-160 Campus Racial Climate and the Adjustment of Students to College
by Alberto F. Cabrera & Amaury Nora & Patrick T. Terenzini & Ernest Pascarella & Linda Serra Hagedorn - 161-187 Gender and the Stratification of Colleges
by Jerry A. Jacobs - 188-210 Faculty Conduct
by Jonathan Knight & Carol J. Auster - 211-234 Academic Integrity in Honor Code and Non-Honor Code Environments
by Donald L. McCabe & Linda Klebe Trevino & Kenneth D. Butterfield
January 1999, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 1-26 Cognitive Impacts of Intercollegiate Athletic Participation
by Ernest T. Pascarella & Rachel Truckenmiller & Amaury Nora & Patrick T. Terenzini & Marcia Edison & Linda Serra Hagedorn - 27-59 Exploring Underrepresentation
by Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner & Samuel L. Myers & John W. Creswell - 60-79 Academic Technology and the Future of Higher Education
by Paul Michael Privateer - 80-106 The Impact of Role Conflict and Ambiguity on Academic Deans
by Mimi Wolverton & Marvin L. Wolverton & Walter H. Gmelch - 107-110 Education for Citizenship: Ideas and Innovations in Political Learning
by Barbara Jacoby - 110-112 Antifeminism in the Academy
by Mary Ann Danowitz Sagaria
November 1998, Volume 69, Issue 6
- 589-620 Persistence in Science of High-Ability Minority Students
by Jerilee Grandy - 621-646 Student Protest and Multicultural Reform
by Robert A. Rhoads - 647-671 Merging in a Seamless Blend
by Carol L. Colbeck - 672-697 From Coordinating Board to Campus
by Michael Mills - 698-701 Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work
by H. Leon Hill - 701-703 Academic Couples: Problems and Promises
by David Post - 704-706 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 1998, Volume 69, Issue 5
- 471-495 Are Standardized Tests Fair to African Americans?
by Jacqueline Fleming & Nancy Garcia - 496-512 Alternative Models of Professorial Roles
by E John P. Bean - 513-541 Racial and Marital Status Differences in Faculty Pay
by Robert K. Toutkoushian - 542-555 Gender-Based Differences in Perception of Experiences in Higher Education
by Todd L. Drew & Gerald G. Work - 556-576 Moving beyond Black Achiever Isolation
by Sharon Fries-Britt - 577-582 Review Essay
by Edward P. St. John - 583-585 Choosing Colleges: How Social Class and Schools Structure Opportunity
by Don Hossler - 585-588 Service-Learning: Applications from the Research
by Susan R. Jones
July 1998, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 353-383 Classifying Professional Preparation Programs
by Joan S. Stark - 384-405 Student Participation and Instructor Gender in the Mixed-Age College Classroom
by Jay R. Howard & Amanda L. Henney - 406-423 How Students Coped with the War
by Ahmad A. Oweini - 424-439 Testing a Model of Intraorganizational Power within Liberal Arts College Libraries
by Gregory A. Crawford - 440-466 TA Teaching Effectiveness
by David M. Shannon & Darla J. Twale & Mathew S. Moore