November 2005, Volume 76, Issue 6
- 609-633 The Centrality and Costs of Heterosexual Romantic Love among First-Year College Women
by Shannon K. Gilmartin - 634-668 Consequences of Radical Change in Governance: A Grounded Theory Approach
by Adrianna Kezar - 669-700 The Role of the Department and Discipline in Doctoral Student Attrition: Lessons from Four Departments
by Chris M. Golde - 701-723 Othermothering as a Framework for Understanding African American Students' Definitions of Student-Centered Faculty
by Douglas Guiffrida - 724-731 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2005, Volume 76, Issue 5
- 485-518 The Relationship between Parental Involvement as Social Capital and College Enrollment: An Examination of Racial/Ethnic Group Differences
by Laura Walter Perna & Marvin A. Titus - 519-544 Toward an Empirical Delineation of a Normative Structure for College Students
by Timothy C. Caboni & John M. Braxton & Molly Black Deusterhaus & Meaghan E. Mundy & Shederick A. McClendon & Stephanie D. Lee - 545-569 Diversity, College Costs, and Postsecondary Opportunity: An Examination of the Financial Nexus between College Choice and Persistence for African Americans and Whites
by Edward P. St. John & Michael B. Paulsen & Deborah Faye Carter - 570-601 Classroom Organization and Participation: College Students' Perceptions
by Robert R. Weaver & Jiang Qi - 602-604 Competing Conceptions of University Governance: Negotiating the Perfect Storm
by Brian Pusser - 604-607 The Entrepreneurial College President
by Marilyn J. Amey
July 2005, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 363-400 State Postsecondary Policy Innovation: Politics, Competition, and the Interstate Migration of Policy Ideas
by Michael K. McLendon & Donald E. Heller & Steven P. Young - 401-422 Beyond the Rhetoric: Trends in the Relative Value of Teaching and Research in Faculty Salaries
by James S. Fairweather - 423-447 Values, Policies, and Practices Affecting the Hiring Process for Full-Time Arts and Sciences Faculty in Community Colleges
by Susan B. Twombly - 448-476 Modeling Accentuation Effects: Enrolling in a Diversity Course and the Importance of Social Action Engagement
by Thomas F. Nelson Laird & Mark E. Engberg & Sylvia Hurtado - 477-479 Cogs in the Classroom Factory: The Changing Identity of Academic Labor
by Gary Rhoades - 479-482 Transforming the First Year of College for Students of Color
by Laura W. Perna & Michelle A. Cooper - 482-484 University Leadership in Urban School Renewal
by Pamela L. Eddy
May 2005, Volume 76, Issue 3
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 243-275 Graduate Employee Unionization as Symbol of and Challenge to the Corporatization of U.S. Research Universities
by Robert A. Rhoads & Gary Rhoades - 276-300 First- and Second-Generation College Students: A Comparison of Their Engagement and Intellectual Development
by Gary R. Pike & George D. Kuh - 301-330 Women's Studies Faculty at the Intersection of Institutional Power and Feminist Values
by Deborah A. Burghardt & Carol L. Colbeck - 331-353 Always at Odds?: Congruence in Faculty Beliefs about Teaching at a Research University
by Mary Wright - 354-358 Travels in Academe, Shakespeare, Einstein and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher Education, Governing Academia: Who is in Charge at the Modern University
by William G. Tierney - 358-362 The Creation of the Future: The Role of the American University
by Dafina Lazarus Stewart
March 2005, Volume 76, Issue 2
- 121-150 Whatever Happened to Postmodernism in Higher Education?: No Requiem in the New Millennium
by Harland G. Bloland - 151-180 From the Liberal to the Practical Arts in American Colleges and Universities: Organizational Analysis and Curricular Change
by Steven Brint & Mark Riddle & Lori Turk-Bicakci & Charles S. Levy - 181-208 Minority Enrollment Demand for Higher Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities from 1976 to 1998: An Empirical Analysis
by Macki Sissoko & Liang-Rong Shiau - 209-231 A Comparison of International Student and American Student Engagement in Effective Educational Practices
by Chun-Mei Zhao & George D. Kuh & Robert M. Carini - 232-234 Academic Disciplines: Holland's Theory and the Study of College Students and Faculty
by John C. Weidman - 234-237 Power and Politics in University Governance: Organization and Change at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México
by Robert A. Rhoads & Nathan Durdella - 237-240 What the Best College Teachers Do
by Michael Theall - 240-241 Leaving Science: Occupational Exit from Scientific Careers
by Jerilee Grandy
January 2005, Volume 76, Issue 1
- 1-25 Vocationalism in Higher Education: The Triumph of the Education Gospel
by W. Norton Grubb & Marvin Lazerson - 26-55 Classifying Universities and Their Departments: A Social World Perspective
by Joseph C. Hermanowicz - 56-88 Which Way out? A Typology of Non-Heterosexual Male Collegiate Identities
by Patrick Dilley - 89-106 The Channeling of Student Competition in Higher Education: Comparing Canada and the U.S
by Scott Davies & Floyd M. Hammack - 107-110 Reclaiming the Game: College Sports and Educational Values
by John R. Thelin - 110-111 New Strategies for Educational Fund Raising
by Ronald G. Ehrenberg - 112-114 Quality and Accountability in Higher Education: Improving Policy, Enhancing Performance
by Trudy W. Banta - 114-116 Gendered Futures in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives for Change
by Frances Maher - 117-119 Identity Development of Diverse Populations: Implications for Teaching and Administration in Higher Education
by Elisa S. Abes
November 2004, Volume 75, Issue 6
- 240-244 Annual Index
by The Editors - 603-635 Pathways to the Professoriate: The Role of Self, Others, and Environment in Shaping Academic Career Aspirations
by Jennifer A. Lindholm - 636-666 Change Dynamics and Leadership in Technology Implementation
by Polly S. Owen & Ada Demb - 667-703 Knee-Jerk Formalism: Reforming American Education
by Daniel W. Rossides - 704-707 Stand and Prosper: Private Black Colleges and Their Students
by Ronyelle B. Ricard & M. Christopher Brown - 707-709 The University in a Corporate Culture
by Tim Merrill - 709-712 Beyond All Reason: Living with Ideology in the University
by Harland G. Bloland - 712-715 Women in Higher Education: An Encyclopedia
by Barbara K. Townsend
September 2004, Volume 75, Issue 5
- 487-527 Understanding the Decision to Enroll in Graduate School: Sex and Racial/Ethnic Group Differences
by Laura W. Perna - 528-555 What Do College Students Have to Lose? Exploring the Outcomes of Differences in Person-Environment Fits
by Kenneth A. Feldman & John C. Smart & Corinna A. Ethington - 556-571 Collaborators' Attitudes about Differences of Opinion
by Elizabeth G. Creamer - 572-593 Symbolic Politics and Institutional Boundaries in Curriculum Reform: The Case of National Sectarian University
by Gordon B. Arnold - 594-596 Steal This University
by Gary Rhoades - 596-598 Honoring the Trust: Quality and Cost Containment in Higher Education
by Jake Julia - 599-601 Silence at Boalt Hall: The Dismantling of Affirmative Action
by Michael A. Olivas
July 2004, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 371-399 Meeting Today's Governance Challenges
by Adrianna Kezar & Peter D. Eckel - 400-419 Secularization and National Universities
by Stephanie Litizzette Mixon & Larry Lyon & Michael Beaty - 420-445 “A Fly in the Buttermilk”: Descriptions of University Life by Successful Black Undergraduate Students at a Predominately White Southeastern University
by Mitzi Davis & Yvonne Dias-Bowie & Katherine Greenberg & Gary Klukken & Howard R. Pollio & Sandra P. Thomas & Charles L. Thompson - 446-471 The Influence of Friendship Groups on Intellectual Self-Confidence and Educational Aspirations in College
by Anthony Lising Antonio - 472-474 Condition of Access: Higher Education for Lower Income Students
by Edward P. ST. John - 474-476 Higher Education Law: The Faculty
by Benjamin Baez - 476-480 Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives
by Paul R. Pintrich - 481-483 Scholarship Unbound: Assessing Service as Scholarship for Promotion and Tenure
by Carol L. Colbeck - 483-485 Making a Difference: University Students of Color Speak Out
by Robert M. Moore
May 2004, Volume 75, Issue 3
- 249-284 First-Generation College Students
by Ernest T. Pascarella & Christopher T. Pierson & Gregory C. Wolniak & Patrick T. Terenzini - 285-306 The Study of Diversity
by Benjamin Baez - 307-339 Community Service in the Transition
by Helen M. Marks & Susan Robb Jones - 340-361 Tangles in the Tapestry
by Jenny J. Lee & Leticia Oseguera & Karen A. Kim & Amy Fann & Tracy M. Davis & Robert A. Rhoads - 362-363 Iconoclast: Abraham Flexner and a Life in Learning
by John R. Thelin - 364-365 The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University
by Philip G. Altbach - 366-367 The Web in Higher Education: Assessing the Impact and Fulfilling the Potential
by Tony Bates - 368-370 The McDonaldization of Higher Education
by Eric Margolis
March 2004, Volume 75, Issue 2
- 133-160 Interrupting the Usual: Successful Strategies for Hiring Diverse Faculty
by Daryl G. Smith & Caroline S. Turner & Nana Osei-Kofi & Sandra Richards - 161-177 Academic Freedom and Tenure
by William G. Tierney - 178-202 Beliefs about Post-Tenure Review
by Kerry Ann O'Meara - 203-227 Predictors of Student Commitment at Two-Year and Four-Year Institutions
by Linda C. Strauss & J. Fredericks Volkwein - 228-233 Turning the Lights Out: Tenure in the 21st Century: The Questions of Tenure
by William G. Tierney - 234-237 The Idea of a Catholic University
by Mark W. Roche - 237-238 Distance Learning: Principles for Effective Design, Delivery, and Evaluation
by Cleborne D. Maddux - 239-239 Creating Campus Community: In Search of Ernest Boyer's Legacy
by Audrey M. Kleinsasser
January 2004, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction
by Adrianna Kezar & Susan Talburt - 7-22 Integrating Disciplinary Perspectives into Higher Education Research
by Linda Eisenmann - 23-41 Making Strangers at Home
by Wesley Shumar - 42-55 Wrestling with Philosophy
by Adrianna Kezar - 56-79 Using Feminist Critical Policy Analysis in the Realm of Higher Education
by Kathleen M. Shaw - 80-103 Ethnographic Responsibility without the “Real”
by Susan Talburt - 104-126 Doing Research That Makes a Difference
by Estela Mara Bensimon & Donald E. Polkinghorne & Georgia L. Bauman & Edlyn Vallejo - 127-132 Interviews and the Philosophy of Qualitative Research
by The Editors
November 2003, Volume 74, Issue 6
- 601-639 Diversity's Missing Minority: Asian Pacific American Undergraduates' Attitudes toward Affirmative Action
by Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas - 640-664 Rethinking the “Nontraditional” Student from a Historical Perspective
by Christine A. Ogren - 665-688 The Influence of Time-Limitations, Faculty, and Peer Relationships on Adult Student Learning: A Causal Model
by Carol A. Lundberg - 689-711 Developing Synergistic Knowledge in Student Groups
by Shaohua (Carolyn) Mu & Devi R. Gnyawali - 712-715 Tenure in the Sacred Grove: Issues and Strategies for Women and Minority Faculty
by Judith Glazer-Raymo - 715-719 Disciplining Feminism: From Social Activism to Academic Discourse
by Barbara K. Townsend - 719-719 Socialization of Graduate and Professional Students in Higher Education, a Perilous Passage?
by The Editors - 719-721 The Graduate Grind
by Chris M. Golde - 722-723 Religion, Scholarship, and Higher Education: Perspectives, Models, and Future Prospects
by Philo Hutcheson
September 2003, Volume 74, Issue 5
- 479-515 Setting the Governmental Agenda for State Decentralization of Higher Education
by Michael K. McLendon - 516-539 Understanding Patterns of Commitment
by Susan R. Jones & Kathleen E. Hill - 540-562 The Impact of Intercollegiate Athletics on Graduation Rates among Major NCAA Division I Universities
by William D. Mangold & Luann Bean & Douglas Adams - 563-596 Mission, Multiculturalism, and the Liberal Arts College: A Qualitative Investigation
by Ana M. Martínez Alemán & Katya Salkever - 597-599 Academic Pathfinders: Knowledge Creation and Feminist Scholarship
by Susan B. Twombly
July 2003, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 361-385 How do We Know a “Continuous Planning” Academic Program When We See One?
by Charlotte L. Briggs & Joan S. Stark & Jean Rowland-Poplawski - 386-427 How Undergraduate Loan Debt Affects Application and Enrollment in Graduate or First Professional School
by Catherine M. Millett - 428-444 Experiences of Differential Treatment among College Students of Color
by Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar & Lucia Orellana-Damacela & Nelson Portillo & Jean M. Rowan & Chelsea Andrews-Guillen - 445-468 Faculty and Administrative Support for Institutional Effectiveness Activities
by John F. Welsh & Jeff Metcalf - 469-472 Management Fads in Higher Education: Where They Come From, What They Do, Why They Fail
by Jonathan D. Fife - 473-474 Crisis on Campus: Confronting Academic Misconduct
by Alan E. Bayer - 474-476 In Pursuit of Prestige: Strategy and Competition in U.S. Higher Education
by Robert Zemsky - 476-478 Repay as You Earn: The Flawed Government Program to Help Students have Public Service Careers
by Edward P. St. John
May 2003, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 241-260 Post-Tenure Review at Graduate Institutions in the United States
by Jeffery P. Aper & Judith E. Fry - 261-291 Reconceptualizing Research on College Student Peer Culture
by Kristen A. Renn & Karen D. Arnold - 292-320 Science First
by Ted K. Bradshaw & Kevin M. Kennedy & Paul R. Davis & Larry L. Lloyd & Nokuthula Gwebu & Jerold A. Last - 321-336 As If Gender Mattered
by Haithe Anderson - 337-349 Like it or Not
by Estela Mara Bensimon & Catherine Marshall - 350-356 Politics and Public Higher Education in New York State: Stony Brook—A Case History
by James L. Bess & Judith B. Casey - 357-359 Globalizing the Community College: Strategies for Change in the Twenty-First Century
by Chad M. Hanson
March 2003, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 119-149 Bridging the Disciplines
by Susan H. Frost & Paul M. Jean - 150-171 Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Collaborative Self-Study
by Belinda Y. Louie & Denise J. Drevdahl & Jill M. Purdy & Richard W. Stackman - 172-195 The Effects of Part-Time Employment and Gender on Faculty Earnings and Satisfaction
by Robert K. Toutkoushian & Marcia L. Bellas - 196-209 Faculty Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty
by Holly Seirup Pincus & Liora Pedhazur Schmelkin - 210-230 Alumni Perceptions Used to Assess Undergraduate Research Experience
by Karen W. Bauer & Joan S. Bennett - 231-236 The Uses of the University
by George Keller - 236-238 Traveling through the Boondocks: In and Out of Academic Hierarchy
by P. A. Lamal - 238-240 In Pursuit of Prestige: Strategy and Competition in U.S. Higher Education
by Marc Cutright
January 2003, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 1-25 Academic Deans and Directors: Assessing Their Effectiveness from Individual and Institutional Perspectives
by Vicki J. Rosser & Linda K. Johnsrud & Ronald H. Heck - 26-50 Commercializing Academic Research
by Joshua B. Powers - 51-76 Students' Perceptions of Their Classroom Participation and Instructor as a Function of Gender and Context
by Gail Crombie & Sandra W. Pyke & Naida Silverthorn & Alison Jones & Sergio Piccinin - 77-95 “On the Road to Cambridge”
by Jeff L. Philpott & Carney Strange - 96-107 Affirmative Action, Diversity, and the Politics of Representation in Higher Education
by Benjamin Baez - 108-111 Higher Ed, Inc.: The Rise of the For-Profit University
by Richard R. Renner - 112-115 Understanding Faculty Productivity: Standards and Benchmarks for Colleges and Universities
by Eileen M. Doherty - 116-118 Land-Grant Universities and Extension into the 21st Century: Renegotiating or Abandoning a Social Contract
by Keith L. Smith & Jo M. Jones & John S. McCauley
November 2002, Volume 73, Issue 6
- 677-710 An Exploratory Model of Filtering in Administrative Searches
by Mary Ann Danowitz Sagaria - 711-739 Learning Interdisciplinarity
by Lisa R. Lattuca - 740-763 Fostering Critical Thinking through Effective Pedagogy
by Lisa Tsui - 764-780 Do College Students Participate More in Discussion in Traditional Delivery Courses or in Interactive Telecourses?
by Jay R. Howard - 781-783 Promoting Diversity and Social Justice: Educating People from Privileged Groups
by Mary F. Howard-Hamilton - 784-786 Teaching without Tenure: Policies and Practices for a New Era
by Charles E. Walton - 787-791 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2002, Volume 73, Issue 5
- 555-581 A Temporal Investigation of Factors Related to Timely Degree Completion
by Stephen L. DesJardins & Dennis A. Ahlburg & Brian P. McCall - 582-602 Faculty of Color Reconsidered
by Anthony Lising Antonio - 603-641 The Relation between Research Productivity and Teaching Effectiveness
by Herbert W. Marsh & John Hattie - 642-651 Review Essays
by Michael A. Olivas - 652-659 Review Essays
by Laura W. Perna - 660-666 Review Essays
by Marcia B. Baxter Magolda - 667-669 Reinventing Ourselves: Interdisciplinary Education, Collaborative Learning, and Experimentation in Higher Education
by Ronald W. Daniel - 669-673 Community Colleges: Policy in the Future Context
by James L. Ratclief - 673-676 Sexual Harassment as an Ethical Issue in Academic Life
by Judith Glazer-Raymo
July 2002, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 435-460 The Effect of Institutional Culture on Change Strategies in Higher Education
by Adrianna Kezar & Peter D. Eckel - 461-493 Moral Positions and Academic Conduct
by John G. Bruhn & Gary Zajac & Ali A. Al-Kazemi & Loren D. Prescott - 494-517 Demographic Inertia and Women's Representation among Faculty in Higher Education
by Lowell L. Hargens & J. Scott Long - 518-542 Faculty Members' Morale and Their Intention to Leave
by Linda K. Johnsrud & Vicki J. Rosser - 543-545 Rituals, Ceremonies, and Cultural Meaning in Higher Education
by Peter M. Magolda - 545-547 Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds
by Barbara J. Millis - 547-550 Higher Ed, Inc.: The Rise of the For-Profit University
by Edward Flanagan - 550-551 What Business Wants from Higher Education
by Youlanda M Gibbons - 552-554 Assessment Practice in Student Affairs: An Applications Manual
by Juan C. Gonzalez
May 2002, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 313-348 PhD Students' Evaluations of Research Supervision
by Herbert W. Marsh & Kenneth J. Rowe & Andrew Martin - 349-374 Understanding State Higher Education Systems
by Mario C. Martinez - 375-408 The Formal Organization of Knowledge
by Patricia J. Gumport & Stuart K. Snydman - 409-419 Academics on Athletics
by John R. Thelin - 420-423 The University Gets Religion: Religious Studies in American Higher Education
by Philo A. Hutcheson - 423-427 Civic Responsibility and Higher Education
by John P. Myers - 427-431 Multiple and Intersecting Identities in Qualitative Research
by Susan R. Jones - 431-433 Separate by Degree: Women Students' Experiences in Single-Sex and Coeducational Colleges
by Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel
March 2002, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 189-236 Social Class and College Costs
by Michael B. Paulsen & Edward P. St. John - 237-262 Decision Rules Used in Academic Program Closure
by Peter D. Eckel - 263-296 Higher Education's Self-Reflexive Turn
by Greg Tanaka - 297-298 Cheating on Tests: How to Do It, Detect It, and Prevent it
by Donald L. McCabe - 299-300 Distinctively American: The Residential Liberal Arts College
by Michael Delucchi - 300-302 Market Values in American Higher Education: The Pitfalls and Promises
by Christopher C. Morphew - 302-305 Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in Higher Education
by Lion F. Gardiner - 305-307 Women Becoming Mathematicians
by Jerilee Grandy - 307-309 Creating Contexts for Learning and Self-Authorship: Constructive Developmental Pedagogy
by Gregory S. Blimling - 309-311 Sex, Race, and Merit: Debating Affirmative Action in Education and Employment
by M. Christopher Brown
January 2002, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 1-2 The Faculty in the New Millennium
by James S. Fairweather & Leonard L. Baird - 3-25 State Policies to Improve Undergraduate Teaching
by Carol L. Colbeck - 26-48 The Mythologies of Faculty Productivity
by James S. Fairweather - 49-73 Resolving the Dispute
by David W. Leslie - 74-93 Women of Color in Academe
by Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner - 94-122 Preparing the Next Generation of Faculty
by Ann E. Austin - 123-140 Reconfiguring Faculty Roles for Virtual Settings
by Karen Paulson - 141-160 Academic Careers from a European Perspective
by Jeroen Huisman & Egbert de Weert & Jeroen Bartelse - 161-172 Review Essay
by william G. Tierney - 173-178 Review Essay
by James L. Bess - 179-181 The Department Chair's Role in Developing New Faculty into Teachers and Scholars
by Mary Deane Sorcinelli - 181-183 Evaluating, Improving, and Judging Faculty Performance in Two-Year Colleges
by Jon Wergin - 183-186 Teaching Working Class
by Anne-Marie Nuñez - 186-188 Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus
by John A. Centra
November 2001, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 629-669 What are Colleges Doing about Student Assessment?
by Marvin W. Peterson & Marne K. Einarson - 670-698 A Further Investigation of Major Field and Person-Environment Fit
by Kenneth A. Feldman & Corinna A. Ethington & John C. Smart - 699-729 Exemplary University Teachers
by Nira Hativa & Rachel Barak & Etty Simhi - 730-750 Cost Efficiency in Public Higher Education Institutions
by John Robst