April 2020, Volume 91, Issue 3
February 2020, Volume 91, Issue 2
- 167-191 Bridging Divides: Understanding Knowledge Producers’ Perspectives on the Use of Research in Law
by Patricia Marin & John T. Yun & Liliana M. Garces & Catherine L. Horn - 192-221 How the Sausage is Made: An Examination of a State Funding Model Design Process
by Denisa Gándara - 222-248 High School All Over Again: The Problem of Redundant College Mathematics
by Federick J. Ngo - 249-274 A Pledge of Faithfulness: How Black Christian Fraternity Men Embody Race, Gender and Religious Identities
by Keon M. McGuire & Joseph D. Sweet & Kenzalia Bryant-Scott & Terrence S. McTier & Emeka Ikegwuonu - 275-299 Not Waving but Striving: Research Collaboration in the Context of Stratification, Segmentation, and the Quest for Prestige
by Blanca Torres-Olave & Ashley M. Brown & Lillianna Franco Carrera & Carlos Ballinas - 300-325 The Company Regional Comprehensive Universities Desire to Keep: Choosing Institutional Membership Associations
by Cecilia M. Orphan & Graham N. S. Miller
January 2020, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-31 Campus Racial Incidents, Hate Crimes, and White Male and Female Students’ Racial Attitudes
by Juan Carlos Garibay & Felisha A. Herrera & Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero & Gina A. Garcia - 32-57 The Vertical Transfer Penalty among Bachelor’s Degree Graduates
by Dirk Witteveen & Paul Attewell - 58-83 News Media Representations of International and Refugee Postsecondary Students
by Tim Anderson - 84-112 Math Counts: Major and Gender Differences in College Mathematics Coursework
by Daniel Douglas & Hal Salzman - 113-138 Making Sense of Persistence in Scientific Purgatory: A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Instructors in Introductory Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Courses
by Joseph J. Ferrare & Julia M. Miller - 139-164 Metrics, Money, and Managerialism: Faculty Experiences of Competing Logics in Higher Education
by Shawna Vican & Asia Friedman & Robin Andreasen
November 2019, Volume 90, Issue 6
- 833-859 A Study of the Use of Nonacademic Factors in Holistic Undergraduate Admissions Reviews
by Don Hossler & Emily Chung & Jihye Kwon & Jerry Lucido & Nicholas Bowman & Michael Bastedo - 860-883 Learning Race to Unlearn Racism: The Effects of Ethnic Studies Course-Taking
by Janine de Novais & George Spencer - 884-914 Trustees in Turbulent Times: External Affiliations and Stratification among U.S. Research Universities, 1975–2015
by Sondra N. Barringer & Barrett J. Taylor & Sheila Slaughter - 915-939 Postsecondary Education Impact on Intergenerational Income Mobility: Differences by Completion Status, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Type of Major
by Marlena Creusere & Hengxia Zhao & Stephanie Bond Huie & David R. Troutman - 940-964 The Best Laid Plans: Postsecondary Educational Expectations and College Enrollment in Massachusetts
by Tolani Britton - 965-991 The Weight of the Metric: Performance Funding and the Retention of Historically Underserved Students
by Amy Y. Li - 992-1015 The Effects of Alignment of Educational Expectations and Occupational Aspirations on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from NLSY79
by Soobin Kim & Christopher Klager & Barbara Schneider
September 2019, Volume 90, Issue 5
- 665-689 Race and Class beyond Enrollment: The Link between Socioeconomic Diversity and Cross-Racial Interaction
by Julie Park & Nicholas Bowman & Nida Denson & Kevin Eagan - 690-716 The Impact of Endowment Shocks on Payouts
by Harvey S. Rosen & Alexander J. W. Sappington - 717-743 Ideological Think Tanks and the Politics of College Affordability in the States
by Denisa Gándara & Erik C. Ness - 744-772 Department Conditions and Practices Associated with Faculty Workload Satisfaction and Perceptions of Equity
by KerryAnn O’Meara & Courtney Jo Lennartz & Alexandra Kuvaeva & Audrey Jaeger & Joya Misra - 773-799 Studying STEM Faculty Communities of Practice through Social Network Analysis
by Shufeng Ma & Geoffrey L. Herman & Matthew West & Jonathan Tomkin & Jose Mestre - 800-832 Understanding How Information Affects Loan Aversion: A Randomized Control Trial of Providing Federal Loan Information to High School Seniors
by Brent J. Evans & Angela Boatman
July 2019, Volume 90, Issue 4
- 513-538 Constructing an HSI Organizational Identity at Three Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the Midwest: Ideal Versus Current Identity
by Gina Ann Garcia & Jenesis J. Ramirez & Oscar E. Patrón & Nik L. Cristobal - 539-562 Stratified University Strategies: The Shaping of Institutional Legitimacy in a Global Perspective
by Bjørn Stensaker & Jenny J. Lee & Gary Rhoades & Sowmya Ghosh & Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez & Hillary Vance & Alper Çalıkoğlu & Vannessa Kramer & Shuiyun Liu & Mahmoud Sayed Marei & Leslie O’Toole & Ivan Pavlyutkin & Cassandra Peel - 563-584 Examining Curricular Approaches to Developing Undergraduates’ Innovation Capacities
by Matthew J. Mayhew & Benjamin S. Selznick & Lini Zhang & Amy C. Barnes & B. Ashley Staples - 585-619 Can a College Readiness Intervention Impact Longer-Term College Success? Evidence from Florida’s Statewide Initiative
by Christine G. Mokher & Daniel M. Leeds - 620-643 Confucius Institutes: The Successful Stealth “Soft Power” Penetration of American Universities
by Luwei Rose Luqiu & John D. McCarthy - 644-664 Rethinking Post-Tenure Malaise: An Interactional, Pathways Approach to Understanding the Post-Tenure Period
by Tamara Beauboeuf-Lafontant & Karla A. Erickson & Jan E. Thomas
May 2019, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 347-372 Un/Doing Intersectionality through Higher Education Research
by Jessica C. Harris & Lori D. Patton - 373-401 From Community College Attendants to Baccalaureate Recipients: A Planned Behavior Model for Transfer Students in STEM Fields of Study
by Yi Leaf Zhang & Maria Adamuti-Trache & John Connolly - 402-426 Toward Thick Responsiveness: Engaging Identity-Based Student Protest Movements
by R. Kirk Anderson - 427-461 Bobbing for Bad Apples: Accreditation, Quantitative Performance Measures, and the Identification of Low-Performing Colleges
by Daniel Klasik & Ethan L. Hutt - 462-485 Faculty Learning at Boundaries to Broker Racial Equity
by Román Liera & Alicia C. Dowd - 486-511 Experimental Estimates of Impacts of Cost-Earnings Information on Adult Aspirations for Children’s Postsecondary Education
by Albert Cheng & Paul E. Peterson
March 2019, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 181-209 Are 2-Year Colleges the Key? Institutional Variation and the Gender Gap in Undergraduate STEM Degrees
by Lara Perez-Felkner & Kirby Thomas & Samantha Nix & Jordan Hopkins & Mitchell D’Sa - 210-243 The Labor Market Returns to a Community College Education for Noncompleting Students
by Peter Riley Bahr - 244-271 On-Campus Housing’s Impact on Degree Completion and Upward Transfer in the Community College Sector: A Comprehensive Quasi-Experimental Analysis
by Jonathan M. Turk & Manuel S. González Canché - 272-297 Exploring the Relationship Between Longitudinal Course-Taking Patterns and In-State Transfer Into STEM Fields of Study
by Xueli Wang & Yen Lee & Kelly Wickersham - 298-321 Remedial Enrollment During the 1st Year of College, Institutional Transfer, and Degree Attainment
by Guan Kung Saw - 322-346 The Strategic Pursuit of Black Homophily on a Predominantly White Campus
by Tamara Gilkes Borr
January 2019, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-26 Racial Politics, Resentment, and Affirmative Action: Asian Americans as “Model” College Applicants
by Michele S. Moses & Daryl J. Maeda & Christina H. Paguyo - 27-55 A Boost for the Middle Class: An Evaluation of No-Loan Policies and Elite Private College Enrollment
by Kelly Ochs Rosinger & Andrew S. Belasco & James C. Hearn - 56-84 Work–Life Conflict, Professional Commitment, and Job Satisfaction Among Academics
by Isabelle Dorenkamp & Sascha Ruhle - 85-110 Critical Geography as Theory and Praxis: The Community–University Imperative for Social Change
by Moira Ozias & Penny Pasque - 111-149 Fiscal Equity and America’s Community Colleges
by Tammy Kolbe & Bruce D. Baker - 150-178 Queer and Trans* Students of Color: Navigating Identity Disclosure and College Contexts
by Jason C. Garvey & Steve D. Mobley & Kiara S. Summerville & Gretchen T. Moore
November 2018, Volume 89, Issue 6
- 807-831 No Time for College? An Investigation of Time Poverty and Parenthood
by Claire Wladis & Alyse C. Hachey & Katherine Conway - 832-864 Communities of Transformation: Creating Changes to Deeply Entrenched Issues
by Adrianna Kezar & Sean Gehrke & Samantha Bernstein-Sierra - 865-891 Contemporary Academic Publishing: Democratization and Differentiation in Careers
by Joseph C. Hermanowicz & Kristen A. Clayton - 892-934 Nearby College Enrollment and Geographical Skills Mismatch: (Re)conceptualizing Student Out-Migration in the American Higher Education System
by Manuel S. González Canché - 935-960 How Collaborative Learning Enhances Students’ Openness to Diversity
by Chad N. Loes & K. C. Culver & Teniell L. Trolian - 961-987 Spending Up the Ranks? The Relationship Between Striving for Prestige and Administrative Expenditures at U.S. Public Research Universities
by Kevin R. McClure & Marvin A. Titus - 988-1013 Normalizing Struggle: Dimensions of Faculty Support for Doctoral Students and Implications for Persistence and Well-Being
by Julie Posselt - 1014-1014 EOV ed board
by The Editors
September 2018, Volume 89, Issue 5
- 611-636 Testing an Intervention for Recognizing and Reporting Subtle Gender Bias in Promotion and Tenure Decisions
by Jessica L. Cundiff & Cinnamon L. Danube & Matthew J. Zawadzki & Stephanie A. Shields - 637-676 Growing the Pie? The Effect of Responsibility Center Management on Tuition Revenue
by Ozan Jaquette & Dennis A. Kramer & Bradley R. Curs - 677-701 Subverting and Minding Boundaries: The Intellectual Work of Women
by Leslie D. Gonzales - 702-727 Do Performance-Based Funding Policies Affect Underrepresented Student Enrollment?
by Robert Kelchen - 728-752 First-Generation Students in Pursuit of the PhD: Comparing Socialization Experiences and Outcomes to Continuing-Generation Peers
by Josipa Roksa & David F. Feldon & Michelle Maher - 753-781 Academic Engagement and Student Success: Do High-Impact Practices Mean Higher Graduation Rates?
by Sarah Randall Johnson & Frances King Stage - 782-805 What are We Talking About When We Talk About Holistic Review? Selective College Admissions and its Effects on Low-SES Students
by Michael N. Bastedo & Nicholas A. Bowman & Kristen M. Glasener & Jandi L. Kelly
July 2018, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 397-421 The Tie That Binds: Trusteeship, Values, and the Decision-Making Process at AME-Affiliated HBCUs
by Felecia Commodore - 422-452 Affiliated Nonprofit Organizations: Strategic Action and Research Universities
by Barrett J. Taylor & Sondra N. Barringer & Jarrett B. Warshaw - 453-477 A Multi-Level Examination of First-year Students’ Openness to Diversity and Challenge
by Woo-jeong Shim & Rosemary Jane Perez - 478-502 Are Community College Transfer Students “a Good Bet” for 4-Year Admissions? Comparing Academic and Labor-Market Outcomes Between Transfer and Native 4-Year College Students
by Di Xu & Shanna Smith Jaggars & Jeffrey Fletcher & John E. Fink - 503-526 The Boundary Work of Commercialists in Academe: Implications for Postdoctoral Training
by David R. Johnson - 527-552 Examining Latinas’ STEM Career Decision-Making Process: A Psychosociocultural Approach
by Michelle Castellanos - 553-581 Examining Faculty Reflective Practice: A Call for Critical Awareness and Institutional Support
by Matthew T. Hora & Bailey B. Smolarek - 582-609 Parental Influences on Low-Income, First-Generation Students’ Motivation on the Path to College
by Allison M. Mitchall & Audrey J. Jaeger
May 2018, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 261-293 Philanthropic Mirroring: Exploring Identity-Based Fundraising in Higher Education
by Noah D. Drezner - 294-317 Exploring Involuntary Presidential Turnover in American Higher Education
by Michael S. Harris & Molly K. Ellis - 318-340 What Happens to Underprepared First-Time-in-College Students When Developmental Education is Optional? The Case of Developmental Math and Intermediate Algebra in the First Semester
by Toby Park & Chenoa S. Woods & Shouping Hu & Tamara Bertrand Jones & David Tandberg - 341-367 The Invisible Colleges Revisited: An Empirical Review
by Melissa Tarrant & Nathaniel Bray & Stephen Katsinas - 368-396 Delayed Enrollment and Student Involvement: Linkages to College Degree Attainment
by Benjamin D. Andrews
March 2018, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 129-152 Exploring the IT Productivity Paradox in Higher Education: The Influence of IT Funding on Institutional Productivity
by Justin C. Ortagus & Dennis A. Kramer & Mark R. Umbricht - 153-183 Inequity by Design? Aligning High School Math Offerings and Public Flagship College Entrance Requirements
by Awilda Rodriguez - 184-207 Beyond the Incident: Institutional Predictors of Student Collective Action
by Dominique J. Baker & Richard S. L. Blissett - 208-235 The Invisible 1%: A Comparison of Attaining Stepping Stones Toward College Between Military and Civilian Children
by Alberto F. Cabrera & Alicia M. Peralta & Elizabeth R. Kurban - 236-260 ‘It Just Had to Settle’: A Longitudinal Investigation of Students’ Developmental Readiness to Navigate Dissonance and Experience Transformation Through International Service Learning
by Kari B. Taylor & Susan Jones & Rachel Massey & Jasmine Mickey & Danyelle J. Reynolds
January 2018, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-27 Accelerating Community College Graduation Rates: A Benefit–Cost Analysis
by Henry M. Levin & Emma García - 28-53 Mirror on the Field: Gender, Authorship, and Research Methods in Higher Education’s Leading Journals
by Elizabeth A. Williams & Ethan A. Kolek & Daniel B. Saunders & Alicia Remaly & Ryan S. Wells - 54-80 Neoliberalism Across Borders: A Comparative Case Study of Community Colleges’ Capacity to Serve Student-Parents
by Rebecca D. Cox & Margaret W. Sallee - 81-105 Leadership for Transformative Change: Lessons From Technology-Mediated Reform in Broad-Access Colleges
by Serena Klempin & Melinda Mechur Karp - 106-127 The Longitudinal Career Experiences of Interdisciplinary Neuroscience PhD Recipients
by Karri A. Holley
November 2017, Volume 88, Issue 6
- 1-1 EOV Ed board
by The Editors - 809-834 Comprehensive Developmental Education Reform in Florida: A Policy Implementation Typology
by Rebecca Brower & Tamara Bertrand Jones & David Tandberg & Shouping Hu & Toby Park - 835-862 Lip Service or Actionable Insights? Linking Student Experiences to Institutional Assessment and Data-Driven Decision Making in Higher Education
by Bradley E. Cox & Robert D. Reason & Barbara F. Tobolowsky & Rebecca L. Brower & Shawna Patterson & Sarah Luczyk & Kari Roberts - 863-893 Does Postsecondary Education Result in Civic Benefits?
by William R. Doyle & Benjamin T. Skinner - 894-921 The Racial College Completion Gap: Evidence From Texas
by Stella M. Flores & Toby J. Park & Dominique J. Baker - 922-946 Exploring Integrative Learning in Service-Based Alternative Breaks
by Elizabeth Niehaus & Courtney Holder & Mark Rivera & Crystal E. Garcia & Taylor C. Woodman & Julie Dierberger - 947-971 The Costs of College Attendance: Examining Variation and Consistency in Institutional Living Cost Allowances
by Robert Kelchen & Sara Goldrick-Rab & Braden Hosch
September 2017, Volume 88, Issue 5
- 645-671 Bread and Roses, and Quality Too? A New Faculty Majority Negotiating the New Academy
by Gary Rhoades - 672-700 Constrained Choices: A View of Campus Service Inequality From Annual Faculty Reports
by KerryAnn O’Meara & Alexandra Kuvaeva & Gudrun Nyunt - 701-725 Exploring the ‘How’ in Policy Diffusion: National Intermediary Organizations’ Roles in Facilitating the Spread of Performance-Based Funding Policies in the States
by Denisa Gandara & Jennifer A. Rippner & Erik C. Ness - 726-753 Collaborative Learning and Critical Thinking: Testing the Link
by Chad N. Loes & Ernest T. Pascarella - 754-784 Merchants of Optimism: Agenda-Setting Organizations and the Framing of Performance-Based Funding for Higher Education
by Graham N. S. Miller & Christopher C. Morphew - 785-807 Home Away From Home: Native American Students’ Sense of Belonging During Their First Year in College
by Amanda R. Tachine & Nolan L. Cabrera & Eliza Yellow Bird
July 2017, Volume 88, Issue 4
- 479-504 An Examination of Non-Muslim College Students’ Attitudes Toward Muslims
by Alyssa N. Rockenbach & Matthew J. Mayhew & Nicholas A. Bowman & Shauna M. Morin & Tiffani Riggers-Piehl - 505-528 ‘Separate but Not Quite Equal’: Collegiality Experiences of Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Members
by Don Haviland & Nathan F. Alleman & Cara Cliburn Allen - 529-560 Which Type of High School Maximizes Students’ College Match? Unequal Pathways to Postsecondary Destinations for Students From Varying High School Settings
by Jaekyung Lee & Lois Weis & Keqiao Liu & Chungseo Kang - 561-592 Institutional and Ethnic Variations in Postgraduate Enrollment and Completion
by Marta Tienda & Linda Zhao - 593-618 Does Active Learning Contribute to Transfer Intent Among 2-Year College Students Beginning in STEM?
by Xueli Wang & Ning Sun & Seo Young Lee & Brit Wagner - 619-644 How Public Confidence in Higher Education Varies by Social Context
by David R. Johnson & Jared L. Peifer
May 2017, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 297-322 Engaging with Diversity: How Positive and Negative Diversity Interactions Influence Students’ Cognitive Outcomes
by Josipa Roksa & Cindy Ann Kilgo & Teniell L. Trolian & Ernest T. Pascarella & Charles Blaich & Kathleen S. Wise - 323-349 Sustaining Communities of Practice Focused on STEM Reform
by Adrianna Kezar & Sean Gehrke - 350-375 Assessing the College Financial Aid Work Penalty
by Rajeev Darolia - 376-400 Testing a Model of Pretenure Faculty Members’ Teaching and Research Success: Motivation as a Mediator of Balance, Expectations, and Collegiality
by Robert H. Stupnisky & Nathan C. Hall & Lia M. Daniels & Emmanuel Mensah - 401-429 The Education of Andrew Carnegie: Strategic Philanthropy in American Higher Education, 1880–1919
by Ethan W. Ris - 430-478 Unrealized Potential: Community College Pathways to STEM Baccalaureate Degrees
by Peter Riley Bahr & Grant Jackson & Jon McNaughtan & Meghan Oster & Jillian Gross
March 2017, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 159-182 Performance-Based Funding for Community Colleges: Are Colleges Disadvantaged by Serving the Most Disadvantaged Students?
by Lyle McKinney & Linda Serra Hagedorn - 183-209 Innovative Pathways Through Developmental Education and Postsecondary Success: An Examination of Developmental Math Interventions Across Texas
by Emily Weisburst & Lindsay Daugherty & Trey Miller & Paco Martorell & Jana Cossairt - 210-233 Interactive Online Learning on Campus: Comparing Students’ Outcomes in Hybrid and Traditional Courses in the University System of Maryland
by Matthew M. Chingos & Rebecca J. Griffiths & Christine Mulhern & Richard R. Spies - 234-257 Using Latent Profile Analysis to Identify Noncognitive Skill Profiles Among College Students
by Margarita Olivera-Aguilar & Samuel H. Rikoon & Steven B. Robbins - 258-293 Anatomy of an Enduring Gender Gap: The Evolution of Women’s Participation in Computer Science
by Linda J. Sax & Kathleen J. Lehman & Jerry A. Jacobs & M. Allison Kanny & Gloria Lim & Laura Monje-Paulson & Hilary B. Zimmerman - 294-296 Economics of higher education: Background, concepts, and applications by Toutkoushian, R. K., & Paulsen, M. B
by Shouping Hu
January 2017, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-32 Community College Scientists and Salary Gap: Navigating Socioeconomic and Academic Stratification in the U.S. Higher Education System
by Manuel S. González Canché - 33-61 Changing Degrees: Creation and Growth of New Kinds of Professional Doctorates
by Ami Zusman - 62-84 Does Collaborative Learning Influence Persistence to the Second Year of College?
by Chad N. Loes & Brian P. An & Kem Saichaie & Ernest T. Pascarella - 85-109 Remedial Education and Completing College: Exploring Differences by Credential and Institutional Level
by Katherine A. Shields & Laura M. O’Dwyer - 110-134 The Governor and the State Higher Education Executive Officer: How the Relationship Shapes State Financial Support for Higher Education
by David A. Tandberg & Jacob T. Fowles & Michael K. McLendon - 135-157 The Contribution of Study Abroad to Human Capital Formation
by Stephen Schmidt & Manuel Pardo
November 2016, Volume 87, Issue 6
- 771-800 Cooling Out Undergraduates with Health Impairments: The Freshman Experience
by Jamie M. Carroll & Chandra Muller & Evangeleen Pattison - 801-830 Democratization and Diversion: The Effect of Missouri's A+ Schools Program on Postsecondary Enrollment
by José Muñoz & James R. Harrington & Bradley R. Curs & Mark Ehlert - 831-858 The Unwritten Rules of Engagement: Social Class Differences in Undergraduates' Academic Strategies
by April Yee - 859-889 Surviving and Thriving: The Adaptive Responses of U.S. Four-Year Colleges and Universities during the Great Recession
by Steven Brint & Sarah R. K. Yoshikawa & Matthew B. Rotondi & Tiffany Viggiano & John Maldonado - 890-919 Psychological Heuristics and Faculty of Color: Racial Battle Fatigue and Tenure/Promotion
by Noelle Witherspoon Arnold & Emily R. Crawford & Muhammad Khalifa - 921-928 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2016, Volume 87, Issue 5
- 605-634 Dissecting a Gendered Organization: Implications for Career Trajectories for Mid-Career Faculty Women in STEM
by Jeni Hart - 635-673 Tuition Rich, Mission Poor: Nonresident Enrollment Growth and the Socioeconomic and Racial Composition of Public Research Universities
by Ozan Jaquette & Bradley R. Curs & Julie R. Posselt - 674-700 The Association between Worldview Climate Dimensions and College Students' Perceptions of Transformational Learning
by Matthew J. Mayhew & Chad Hoggan & Alyssa N. Rockenbach & Marc A. Lo - 701-730 The Influence of Climate on the Academic and Athletic Success of Student-Athletes: Results from a Multi-Institutional National Study
by Susan Rankin & Dan Merson & Jason C. Garvey & Carl H. Sorgen & India Menon & Karla Loya & Leticia Oseguera - 731-769 Alternative Student-Based Revenue Streams for Higher Education Institutions: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis Using Guaranteed Tuition Policies
by Jennifer A. Delaney & Tyler D. Kearney
July 2016, Volume 87, Issue 4
- 461-487 (In)validation in the Minority: The Experiences of Latino Students Enrolled in an HBCU
by Taryn Ozuna Allen - 488-515 The Cultural Cover-Up of College Athletics: How Organizational Culture Perpetuates an Unrealistic and Idealized Balancing Act
by Uma M. Jayakumar & Eddie Comeaux - 516-543 Building the Innovative and Entrepreneurial University: An Institutional Case Study of Administrative Academic Capitalism
by Kevin R. McClure - 544-572 Settling in: The Role of Individual and Departmental Tactics in the Development of New Faculty Networks
by Susan S. Fleming & Alyssa W. Goldman & Shelley J. Correli & Catherine J. Taylor - 573-600 From Commercial Schools to Corporate Universities: Explaining the Shift in Proprietary Business Education in the U.S., 1970–1990
by Nidia I. Bañuelos - 601-604 The Tyranny of Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America
by Nolan L. Cabrera
May 2016, Volume 87, Issue 3
- 303-331 University Land-Grant Extension and Resistance to Inclusive Epistemologies
by Christopher S. Collins & M. Kalehua Mueller - 332-362 Connecting in Class? College Class Size and Inequality in Academic Social Capital
by Irenee R. Beattie & Megan Thiele - 363-389 Honor in the Academic Profession: How Professors Want to Be Remembered by Colleagues
by Joseph C. Hermanowicz - 390-419 Faculty Composition in Four-Year Institutions: The Role of Pressures, Values, and Organizational Processes in Academic Decision-Making
by Adrianna Kezar & Sean Gehrke - 420-455 Cultivating Innovative Entrepreneurs for the Twenty-First Century: A Study of U.S. and German Students
by Matthew J. Mayhew & Jeffrey S. Simonoff & William J. Baumol & Benjamin S. Selznick & Stephen J. Vassallo - 456-459 Building Global Education with a Local Perspective: An Introduction to Glocal Higher Education
by Ellen Hazelkorn
March 2016, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 150-177 A Good Start? The Impact of Texas' Developmental Summer Bridge Program on Student Success
by Heather Wathington & Joshua Pretlow & Elisabeth Barnett - 178-205 Entering the (Postgraduate) Field: Underrepresented Students' Acquisition of Cultural and Social Capital in Graduate School Preparation Programs
by Rachelle Winkle-Wagner & Dorian L. McCoy - 206-242 Persistence Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
by Brent J. Evans & Rachel B. Baker & Thomas S. Dee - 243-271 High Participation Systems of Higher Education
by Simon Marginson - 272-299 Closing up Shop: Perspectives on the Departmental/Programmatic Elimination Experience
by Susan B. Donoff & Vicki J. Rosser - 300-302 The History of American Higher Education: Learning and Culture from the Founding to World War II
by Johann N. Neem
January 2016, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-26 Complicating Conditions: Obstacles and Interruptions to Low-Income Students' College “Choices”
by Rebecca D. Cox - 27-54 Organizational Segmentation and the Prestige Economy: Deprofessionalization in High- and Low-Resource Departments
by Kelly Ochs Rosinger & Barrett J. Taylor & Lindsay Coco & Sheila Slaughter - 55-83 Mapping Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Typology of Institutional Diversity
by Anne-Marie Núñez & Gloria Crisp & Diane Elizondo - 84-114 Instructional Quality and Student Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from Developmental Algebra Courses
by Matthew M. Chingos - 115-146 The Effect of Florida's Bright Futures Program on College Choice: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
by Liang Zhang & Shouping Hu & Liang Sun & Shi Pu - 147-149 Engaging the “Race Question”: Accountability and Equity in U.S. Higher Education
by Ana M. Martínez-Alemán
November 2015, Volume 86, Issue 6
- 807-833 Disciplinary Logics in Doctoral Admissions: Understanding Patterns of Faculty Evaluation
by Julie R. Posselt - 834-863 The Relationship between Undergraduate Research Participation and Subsequent Research Performance of Early Career STEM Graduate Students
by Joanna Gilmore & Michelle Vieyra & Briana Timmerman & David Feldon & Michelle Maher - 864-892 The Community College and a Rising Global Imaginary: An Analysis of Practical Reasoning, 1950-2013
by David F. Ayers & Allison L. Palmadessa - 893-922 Magnets and Seekers: A Network Perspective on Academic Integration inside Two Residential Communities
by Rachel A. Smith - 923-954 Stressing Out: Connecting Race, Gender, and Stress with Faculty Productivity
by M. Kevin Eagan & Jason C. Garvey - 955-959 Book Review Essay
by Michael A. Olivas - 961-967 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2015, Volume 86, Issue 5
- 667-696 Rise of the Science and Engineering Postdoctorate and the Restructuring of Academic Research
by Brendan Cantwell & Barrett J. Taylor - 697-724 Isolated in the Lab: Examining Dissatisfaction with Postdoctoral Appointments
by Jennifer M. Miller & Maryann P. Feldman - 725-750 Does Personality Matter? Applying Holland's Typology to Analyze Students' Self-Selection into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Majors
by P. Daniel Chen & Patricia A. Simpson - 751-776 What Discourse on the Texas Top Ten Percent Plan Says about Accountability for Diversity
by Dina C. Maramba & V. Thandi Sulè & Rachelle Winkle-Wagner - 777-803 Dialect and Influences on the Academic Experiences of College Students
by Stephany Brett Dunstan & Audrey J. Jaeger - 804-806 Why are Professors Liberal and Why do Conservatives Care?
by John M. Braxton
July 2015, Volume 86, Issue 4
- 489-523 Focusing on Women in STEM: A Longitudinal Examination of Gender-Based Earning Gap of College Graduates
by Yonghong Xu - 524-563 Who Loses Out? Registration Order, Course Availability, and Student Behaviors in Community College
by Oded Gurantz - 564-594 Revealing Opportunities and Obstacles for Changing Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Practices: An Examination of Stakeholders' Awareness of Institutional Contradictions
by Daniel Maxey & Adrianna Kezar - 595-627 Responding to Gendered Dynamics: Experiences of Women Working over 25 Years at One University
by Ellen M. Broido & Kirsten R. Brown & Katherine N. Stygles & Ryan H. Bronkema - 628-662 Completing Algebra II in High School: Does it Increase College Access and Success?
by Jeongeun Kim & Jiyun Kim & Stephen L. DesJardins & Brian P. McCall - 663-666 How Universities Work
by Anita Cory & Kelly Ward
May 2015, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 331-359 A Career with a View: Agentic Perspectives of Women Faculty
by KerryAnn O'Meara - 360-386 From Capitol Hill to Dupont Circle and beyond: The Influence of Policy Actors in the Federal Higher Education Rulemaking Process
by Rebecca S. Natow - 387-416 Commitment to the Core: A Longitudinal Analysis of Humanities Degree Production in Four-Year Colleges
by James C. Hearn & Andrew S. Belasco - 417-447 Diverging Revenues, Cascading Expenditures, and Ensuing Subsidies: The Unbalanced and Growing Financial Strain of Intercollegiate Athletics on Universities and Their Students
by John J. Cheslock & David B. Knight - 448-483 Supporting the Academic Majority: Policies and Practices Related to Part-Time Faculty's Job Satisfaction
by M. Kevin Eagan & Audrey J. Jaeger & Ashley Grantham - 484-487 Gap Year: How Delaying College Changes People in Ways the World Needs
by Jennifer Keup
March 2015, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 171-198 “How We Know What We Know”: A Systematic Comparison of Research Methods Employed in Higher Education Journals, 1996—2000 v. 2006—2010
by Ryan S. Wells & Ethan A. Kolek & Elizabeth A. Williams & Daniel B. Saunders - 199-232 Accelerating College Knowledge: A Fiscal Analysis of a Targeted Early Commitment Pell Grant Program
by Robert Kelchen & Sara Goldrick-Rab - 233-263 Aiming Low: Estimating the Scope and Predictors of Postsecondary Undermatch
by Andrew S. Belasco & Michael J. Trivette - 264-294 Racial Diversity in the Medical Profession: The Impact of Affirmative Action Bans on Underrepresented Student of Color Matriculation in Medical Schools
by Liliana M. Garces & David Mickey-Pabello - 295-325 Breaking the Silence: The Unionization of Postdoctoral Workers at the University of California
by Sayil Camacho & Robert A. Rhoads - 326-329 Do Babies Matter? Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower
by Carol Colbeck
January 2015, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-37 Dynamic Relationships: Identifying Moderators That Maximize Benefits Associated with Diversity
by Nida Denson & Mitchell J. Chang - 38-70 Campus Educational Contexts and Civic Participation: Organizational Links to Collective Action
by Cassie L. Barnhardt - 71-97 Better Transitions for Troops: An Application of Schlossberg's Transition Framework to Analyses of Barriers and Institutional Support Structures for Student Veterans
by Kimberly A. Griffin & Claire K. Gilbert - 98-126 The Role of Academic Motivation and Engagement on the Relationship between Dual Enrollment and Academic Performance
by Brian P. An - 127-155 Thinking about Race: The Salience of Racial Identity at Two- and Four-Year Colleges and the Climate for Diversity
by Sylvia Hurtado & Adriana Ruiz Alvarado & Chelsea Guillermo-Wann - 156-170 Book Review Essay
by Bruce A. Kimball
November 2014, Volume 85, Issue 6
- 761-791 Institutional Stratification and the Postcollege Labor Market: Comparing Job Satisfaction and Prestige across Generations
by Jeongeun Kim & Jiyun Kim & Ozan Jaquette & Michael N. Bastedo