July 1998, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 467-469 Wise Moves in Hard Times: Creating and Managing Resilient Colleges and Universities
by James C. Hearn - 469-469 Erratum
by The Editors
May 1998, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 239-276 Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
by Larry L. Leslie & Gregory T. McClure & Ronald L. Oaxaca - 277-297 In the Service of Citizenship
by Robert A. Rhoads - 298-323 Cultural Barriers Facing Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students at a Catholic College
by Patrick G. Love - 324-345 Pushed to the Margins
by Carolyn J. Thompson & Eric L. Dey - 346-349 Shaping the College Curriculum: Academic Plans in Action
by Douglas C. Peck & Dianne A. Brown-Wright - 349-351 Student Affairs Reconsidered: A Christian View of the Profession and its Contents
by Alexander Jun & William G. Tierney
March 1998, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 117-140 Attitude Change in College Students
by Jeffrey F. Milem - 141-186 Models of Excellence
by Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel - 187-205 The Normative Structure of Community College Teaching
by Alan E. Bayer & John M. Braxton - 206-237 Factors Associated with Student Loan Default among Different Racial and Ethnic Groups
by J. Fredericks Volkwein & Bruce P. Szelest & Alberto F. Cabrera & Michelle R. Napierski-Prancl
January 1998, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-22 Contract Systems, Bureaucracies, and Faculty Motivation
by James L. Bess - 23-64 Beyond Boyer's Scholarship Reconsidered
by Walter E. Davis & Timothy J. L. Chandler - 65-88 Adult Students in Higher Education
by John T. E. Richardson & Estelle King - 89-108 Correlates of the SAT in Minority Engineering Students
by Jacqueline Fleming & Carole Morning - 109-113 Review Essay
by Marc Outright - 114-114 Working in the Middle: Strengthening Education and Training for the Mid-Skilled Labor Force
by The Editors - 114-116 Learning to Work: The Case for Reintegrating Job Training and Education
by Clifford Adelman
November 1997, Volume 68, Issue 6
- 599-623 Classrooms as Communities
by Vincent Tinto - 624-659 Student Price Response in Higher Education
by Donald E. Heller - 660-678 Dual Relationships in Higher Education
by Patricia A. Rupert & Deborah L. Holmes - 679-705 Alternative Inquiry Paradigms, Faculty Cultures, and the Definition of Academic Lives
by J. Douglas Toma - 706-710 Review Essay
by Frances K. Stage - 711-713 Shaping the College Curriculum: Academic Plans in Action
by Clifton F. Conrad - 713-715 Lost Talent: Women in the Sciences
by Chris M. Golde - 715-717 Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices
by Robert G. Bringle - 718-721 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 1997, Volume 68, Issue 5
- 483-501 How to Survive in Postindustrial Environments
by Andreas Ortmann - 502-522 Reconceptualizing the Leadership Roles of Women in Higher Education
by Robert A. Schwartz - 523-550 Increasing African Americans' Participation in Higher Education
by Kassie Freeman - 551-587 Coordination and Competition in Postsecondary Distance Education
by Rhonda Martin Epper - 588-589 The Idea of a University: John Henry Newman
by John R. Thelin - 589-591 Marginal Worth: Teaching and the Academic Labor Market
by Alan E. Bayer - 591-593 Promotion and Tenure: Community and Socialization in Academe
by Bob Boice - 593-595 Changing the Odds: Open Admissions and Life Chances of the Disadvantaged
by William E. Sedlacek - 595-597 The Equity Equation: Fostering the Advancement of Women in the Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering
by Sue A. Maple
July 1997, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 363-397 State Policy and the Public Research University
by Susan H. Frost & James C. Hearn & Ginger M. Marine - 398-413 Undergraduate Political Attitudes
by Eric L. Dey - 414-426 “Liberal Arts” Colleges and the Myth of Uniqueness
by Michael Delucchi - 427-459 Who Decides Which Budgets to Cut?
by Gerald R. Kissler - 460-482 A Subcultural Study of Gay and Bisexual College Males
by Robert A. Rhoads
May 1997, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 241-255 The Modern Integration of Research Activities with Teaching and Learning
by Burton R. Clark - 256-281 The Roles of Institutional Cultures and Decision Approaches in Promoting Organizational Effectiveness in Two-Year Colleges
by John C. Smart & George D. Kuh & William G. Tierney - 282-298 The Managerial Roles of Chief Academic Officers
by Terrence Mech - 299-321 Disciplinary Differences in Faculty Salaries
by Marcia L. Bellas - 322-354 Predicting Student Loan Defaults
by Thomas A. Flint - 355-358 Teaching on Solid Ground: Using Scholarship to Improve Practice
by Michael B. Paulsen - 359-361 Planning Responsibly for Adult Education: A Guide to Negotiating Power and Interests
by Stacey L. Hogan
March 1997, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 119-159 Understanding and Investigating Female Friendship's Educative Value
by Ana M. Martinez Aleman - 160-190 State Funding for Higher Education
by Don Hossler & Jon P. Lund & Jackie Ramin & Sarah Westfall & Steve Irish - 191-211 Higher Education Research and Psychological Inquiry
by Jamie-Lynn Magnusson - 212-227 Attitudes toward Research and Teaching
by Thomas Li-Ping Tang & Mitchell Chamberlain - 228-232 Review Essay
by Peter Frumkin - 233-234 Faculty Work and Public Trust: Restoring the Value of Teaching and Public Service in American Academic Life
by Jeffery P. Bieber - 235-237 On the Limits of the Law: The Ironic Legacy of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
by M. Christopher Brown - 238-239 Restructuring Higher Education
by Edward R. Hines
January 1997, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 1-16 Organizational Socialization in Higher Education
by William G. Tierney - 17-52 Research, Reputation, and Resources
by Stephen D. Grunig - 53-86 Fund Raising and the College Presidency in an Era of Uncertainty
by W. Bruce Cook - 87-105 No Laughing Matter
by Aysan Sev'er & Sheldon Ungar - 106-111 Review Essay
by Susan Talburt - 112-115 Assessing What Professors Do: An Introduction to Academic Performance Appraisal in Higher Education
by James R. Davis - 115-117 The College Aid Quandary: Access, Quality, and the Federal Role
by Michael Mumper
November 1996, Volume 67, Issue 6
- 603-625 The Implications of Teaching Norms for the Improvement of Undergraduate Education
by John M. Braxton & Mardy T. Eimers & Alan E. Bayer - 626-659 Reorganizing the Faculty Workforce for Flexibility
by Gary Rhoades - 660-691 First Encounters of the Bureaucratic Kind
by Glen J. Godwin & William T. Markham - 692-715 Study Strategies Have Meager Support
by Allyson Fiona Hadwin & Philip H. Winne - 716-718 Faculty at Work: Motivation, Expectation, Satisfaction
by Gerhard Sonnert - 718-720 The Research University in a Time of Discontent
by Edward J. Hackett - 721-724 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 1996, Volume 67, Issue 5
- 483-497 An Alternative Definition of Quality of Undergraduate College Education: Toward Usable Knowledge for Improvement
by Robert C. Nordvall & John M. Braxton - 498-527 The Higher Education Act of 1992: Skills, Constraints, and the Politics of Higher Education
by Susan B. Hannah - 528-554 Action Research into the Quality of Student Learning: A Paradigm for Faculty Development
by David Kember & Jan McKay - 555-576 The Development of Salary Goal Modeling: From Regression Analysis to a Value-Based Prescriptive Approach
by Kenneth D. Stewart & Margaret M. Dalton & Geri A. Dino & Steven P. Wilkinson - 577-596 Staying in College: Moderators of the Relation between Intention and Institutional Departure
by Morris A. Okun & Mary Benin & Ann Brandt-Williams - 597-598 American Higher Education: A History
by Harold Perkin - 599-601 Higher Education and Corporate Realities: Class, Culture, and the Decline of Graduate Careers
by John S. Heywood
July 1996, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 367-425 Meeting the Demand for Higher Education without Breaking the Bank: A Framework for the Design of State Higher Education Policies for an Era of Increasing Demand
by William Zumeta - 426-445 Invisible Scholars: Students with Learning Disabilities
by Frances K. Stage & Nancy V. Milne - 446-475 Occupational Outcomes for Students Earning Two-Year College Degrees: Income, Status, and Equity
by Yangjing Lin & W. Paul Vogt - 476-478 The University as an Institution Today
by Reginald Nnazor - 478-481 Strengthening Collegiate Education in Community Colleges
by Mark Oromaner - 481-482 Academic Libraries: Their Rationale and Role in American Higher Education
by Ethelene Whitmire
May 1996, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 243-266 Discussion in the College Classroom: Triangulating Observational and Survey Results
by Claudia E. Nunn - 267-297 Power Bases of Faculty Supervisors and Educational Outcomes for Graduate Students
by Herman Aguinis & Mitchell S. Nesler & Brian M. Quigley & Suk-Jae Lee & James T. Tedeschi - 298-321 War Attitudes and Ideological Orientations of Honors Directors in American Higher Education
by Gordon Shepherd & Gary Shepherd - 322-348 University-Industry Interaction in the Ontario Centres of Excellence
by Stephen Bell - 349-358 In-Migration of College Students to the State of New York
by Wonseon Kyung - 359-364 The Contradictory College: The Conflicting Origins, Impacts, and Futures of the Community College
by Barbara K. Townsend - 365-366 The Law of Higher Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Legal Implications of Administrative Decision Making
by Michael A. Olivas
March 1996, Volume 67, Issue 2
- 119-148 The Role of Perceptions of Prejudice and Discrimination on the Adjustment of Minority Students to College
by Amaury Nora & Alberto F. Cabrera - 149-173 Betrayed by the Academy: The Sexual Harassment of Women College Faculty
by Eric L. Dey & Jessica S. Korn & Linda J. Sax - 174-195 Influences on Students' Openness to Diversity and Challenge in the First Year of College
by Ernest T. Pascarella & Marcia Edison & Amaury Nora & Linda Serra Hagedorn & Patrick T. Terenzini - 196-220 Economics or Education: The Establishment of American Land-Grant Universities
by Scott Key - 221-239 Implementing Service Learning in Higher Education
by Robert G. Bringle & Julie A. Hatcher - 240-241 The Calculus of Intimacy: A Teaching Life
by Dorothy E. Finnegan - 241-242 We Scholars: Changing the Culture of the University
by Brad L. Mitchell
January 1996, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-1 Consulting Editors
by The Editors - 2-2 A Note from the Editor on Change in Style
by The Editors - 2-22 Faculty Rank System, Research Motivation, and Faculty Research Productivity: Measure Refinement and Theory Testing
by Flora F. Tien & Robert T. Blackburn - 23-45 Performance Funding Comes of Age in Tennessee
by Trudy W. Banta & Linda B. Rudolph & Janice Van Dyke & Homer S. Fisher - 46-84 Research, Teaching, and Service: Why Shouldn't Women's Work Count?
by Shelley M. Park - 85-102 Retirement Wealth, Income, and Decision Making in Higher Education
by W. Cris Lewis - 103-114 Social Process Skills and Career Achievement among Male and Female Academics
by Latika Vasil - 115-118 Research Ethics: Cases and Materials
by John M. Braxton