November 2014, Volume 85, Issue 6
- 792-825 Cultural Models of Teaching and Learning in Math and Science: Exploring the Intersections of Culture, Cognition, and Pedagogical Situations
by Joseph J. Ferrare & Matthew T. Hora - 826-857 Performance Funding in Higher Education: Do Financial Incentives Impact College Completions?
by Nicholas W. Hillman & David A. Tandberg & Jacob P. K. Gross - 858-885 Sustained Change: Institutionalizing Interdisciplinary Graduate Education
by Maura Borrego & Daniel Boden & Lynita K. Newswander - 886-912 The Rising Cost of Higher Education: Charles Eliot's “Free Money” Strategy and the Beginning of Howard Bowen's “Revenue Theory of Cost,” 1869—1979
by Bruce A. Kimball - 913-916 University Expansion in a Changing Global Economy: Triumph of the BRICs?
by Roberta Malee Bassett - 917-930 The Higher Education We Choose, Collectively: Reembodying and Repoliticizing Choice
by Gary Rhoades - 931-938 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2014, Volume 85, Issue 5
- 603-632 To Heaven or Hell: Sensemaking about Why Faculty Leave
by KerryAnn O'Meara & Andrew Lounder & Corbin M. Campbell - 633-659 Performance Gaps between Online and Face-to-Face Courses: Differences across Types of Students and Academic Subject Areas
by Di Xu & Shanna S. Jaggars - 660-690 Interracial Contact on College Campuses: Comparing and Contrasting Predictors of Cross-Racial Interaction and Interracial Friendship
by Nicholas A. Bowman & Julie J. Park - 691-722 How are Community College Students Assessed and Placed in Developmental Math? Grounding Our Understanding in Reality
by Tatiana Melguizo & Holly Kosiewicz & George Prather & Johannes Bos - 723-759 Is the Community College a Less Expensive Path toward a Bachelor's Degree? Public 2- and 4-year Colleges' Impact on Loan Debt
by Manuel S. González Canché
July 2014, Volume 85, Issue 4
- 439-468 The Impact of College Experiences on Degree Completion in STEM Fields at Four-Year Institutions: Does Gender Matter?
by Joy Gaston Gayles & Frim Ampaw - 469-498 Partisanship, Political Polarization, and State Higher Education Budget Outcomes
by Luciana Dar & Dong-Wook Lee - 499-530 What College and University Websites Reveal about the Purposes of Higher Education
by Kem Saichaie & Christopher C. Morphew - 531-564 The Conditional Nature of High Impact/Good Practices on Student Learning Outcomes
by Tricia A. Seifert & Benjamin Gillig & Jana M. Hanson & Ernest T. Pascarella & Charles F. Blaich - 565-598 Understanding the Determinants of Debt Burden among College Graduates
by Rong Chen & Mark Wiederspan - 599-602 Presidencies Derailed: Why University Leaders Fail and How to Prevent it
by Rita Bornstein
May 2014, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 283-311 Comparing Ethical and Epistemic Standards for Investigative Journalists and Equity-Oriented Collaborative Community-Based Researchers: Why Working for a University Matters
by Anne Newman & Ronald David Glass - 312-338 Fostering Meaning, Purpose, and Enduring Commitments to Community Service in College: A Multidimensional Conceptual Model
by Alyssa Bryant Rockenbach & Tara D. Hudson & Jeremy B. Tuchmayer - 339-369 Gaining Access or Losing Ground? Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students in Undergraduate Engineering, 1994—2003
by Valerie C. Lundy-Wagner & Cindy P. Veenstra & Marisa K. Orr & Nichole M. Ramirez & Matthew W. Ohland & Russell A. Long - 370-401 Setting the Stage for Animal House: Student Drinking in College Novels, 1865—1933
by Michael S. Hevel - 402-432 Deeply Affecting First-Year Students' Thinking: Deep Approaches to Learning and Three Dimensions of Cognitive Development
by Thomas F. Nelson Laird & Tricia A. Seifert & Ernest T. Pascarella & Matthew J. Mayhew & Charles F. Blaich - 433-435 A Creature of Our Own Making: Reflections on Contemporary Academic Life
by Vicki J. Rosser - 435-437 Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality
by Ryan Everly Gildersleeve
March 2014, Volume 85, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editor's Note
by The Editors - 155-192 Is the Tenure Process Fair? What Faculty Think
by Janet H. Lawrence & Sergio Celis & Molly Ott - 193-218 Framing Faculty Agency inside Striving Universities: An Application of Bourdieu's Theory of Practice
by Leslie D. Gonzales - 219-245 Silencing Whom? Linking Campus Climates for Religious, Spiritual, and Worldview Diversity to Student Worldviews
by Matthew J. Mayhew & Nicholas A. Bowman & Alyssa Bryant Rockenbach - 246-276 An Examination of the Impact of Accelerating Community College Students' Progression through Developmental Education
by Michelle Hodara & Shanna Smith Jaggars - 277-280 Priests of Our Democracy: The Supreme Court, Academic Freedom, and the Anti-Communist Purge
by Richard Flacks - 280-282 Completing College: Rethinking Institutional Action
by William G. Tierney & Jenna R. Sablan
January 2014, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-35 Institutional Conflict of Interest: The Role of Interlocking Directorates in the Scientific Relationships between Universities and the Corporate Sector
by Sheila Slaughter & Scott L. Thomas & David R. Johnson & Sondra N. Barringer - 36-64 Interest Convergence or Divergence? A Critical Race Analysis of Asian Americans, Meritocracy, and Critical Mass in the Affirmative Action Debate
by Julie J. Park & Amy Liu - 65-90 Rank Advancement in Academia: What are the Roles of Postdoctoral Training?
by Xuhong Su - 91-125 Higher Education Change and Social Networks: A Review of Research
by Adrianna Kezar - 126-153 The Public Good and Academic Capitalism: Science and Engineering Doctoral Students and Faculty on the Boundary of Knowledge Regimes
by Katalin Szelényi & Kate Bresonis
November 2013, Volume 84, Issue 6
- 745-768 Classroom Participation and Student-Faculty Interactions: Does Gender Matter?
by Holly E. Tatum & Beth M. Schwartz & Peggy A. Schimmoeller & Nicole Perry - 769-805 Campus Racial Climate: A Litmus Test for Faculty Satisfaction at Four-Year Colleges and Universities
by Christine A. Victorino & Karen Nylund-Gibson & Sharon Conley - 806-833 Economic Diversity in Elite Higher Education: Do No-Loan Programs Impact Pell Enrollments?
by Nicholas W. Hillman - 834-865 Diversity Experiences and Attitudes toward Literacy: Is There a Link?
by Chad N. Loes & Mark H. Salisbury & Ernest T. Pascarella - 866-896 Long Strides on the Journey toward Self-Authorship: Substantial Developmental Shifts in College Students' Meaning Making
by James P. Barber & Patricia M. King & Marcia B. Baxter Magolda - 897-899 STEM the Tide: Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in America
by Frances K. Stage & Phyllis H. Schulz - 899-901 Back to School: Why Everyone Deserves a Second Chance at Education, an Argument for Democratizing Knowledge in America
by Anna Neumann - 902-910 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2013, Volume 84, Issue 5
- 601-639 State-Funded “Eminent Scholars” Programs: University Faculty Recruitment as an Emerging Policy Instrument
by James C. Hearn & Michael K. McLendon & T. Austin Lacy - 640-674 Academic Momentum at University/College: Exploring the Roles of Prior Learning, Life Experience, and Ongoing Performance in Academic Achievement across Time
by Andrew J. Martin & Rachel Wilson & Gregory Arief D. Liem & Paul Ginns - 675-707 Quasi-Markets in U.S. Higher Education: The Humanities and Institutional Revenues
by Barrett J. Taylor & Brendan Cantwell & Sheila Slaughter - 708-738 Unpacking the Complex and Multifaceted Nature of Parental Influences on Southeast Asian American College Students' Educational Trajectories
by Samuel D. Museus - 739-742 Failing Law Schools
by Michael A. Olivas - 742-744 Recognizing and Serving Low-Income Students in Higher Education: An Examination of Institutional Policies, Practices, and Culture
by Robert T. Teranishi
July 2013, Volume 84, Issue 4
- 449-476 Process Challenges and Learning-Based Interactions in Stage 2 of Doctoral Education: Implications from Two Applied Social Science Fields
by Vicki L. Baker & Meghan J. Pifer & Blair Flemion - 477-505 Understanding the Writing Habits of Tomorrow's Students: Technology and College Readiness
by Stefani R. Relles & William G. Tierney - 506-543 The Conditioning Role of State Higher Education Governance Structures
by David A. Tandberg - 544-568 University Rankings in Critical Perspective
by Brian Pusser & Simon Marginson - 569-600 Food for Thought: Frequent Interracial Dining Experiences as a Predictor of Students' Racial Climate Perceptions
by Maria R. Lowe & Reginald A. Byron & Griffin Ferry & Melissa Garcia
May 2013, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 301-328 Delineating Scholarly Types of College and University Faculty Members
by Toby J Park & John M. Braxton - 329-362 The Determinants of State Spending on Higher Education: How Capital Project Funding Differs from General Fund Appropriations
by Erik C. Ness & David A. Tandberg - 363-396 Gender Norms and Institutional Culture: The Family-Friendly versus the Father-Friendly University
by Margaret W. Sallee - 397-416 Mexican American Women's Activism at Indiana University in the 1990s
by Ebelia Hernandez - 417-443 Access, Equity, and Community Colleges: The Truman Commission and Federal Higher Education Policy from 1947 to 2011
by Claire Krendl Gilbert & Donald E. Heller - 444-446 Unmaking the Public University: The Forty-Year Assault on the Middle Class
by Gary Rhoades - 446-448 Financing American Higher Education in the Era of Globalization
by D. Bruce Johnstone
March 2013, Volume 84, Issue 2
- 153-188 Departmental Cultures and Non-Tenure-Track Faculty: Willingness, Capacity, and Opportunity to Perform at Four-Year Institutions
by Adrianna Kezar - 189-212 Socialization Experiences Resulting from Doctoral Engineering Teaching Assistantships
by Irene B. Mena & Heidi A. Diefes-Dux & Brenda M. Capobianco - 213-238 Exploring the Possibilities and Limitations of Service-Learning: A Critical Analysis of College Student Narratives about HIV/AIDS
by Susan Robb Jones & Lucy A. LePeau & Claire K. Robbins - 239-265 The Impacts of Postdoctoral Training on Scientists' Academic Employment
by Xuhong Su - 266-294 The Meaning of Money in the Socialization of Science and Engineering Doctoral Students: Nurturing the Next Generation of Academic Capitalists?
by Katalin Szelényi - 295-296 Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities
by Elizabeth J. Tisdell - 297-299 Higher Education and the Market
by Simon Marginson
January 2013, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-27 Delayed Enrollment and College Plans: Is There a Postponement Penalty?
by Sunny Niu & Marta Tienda - 28-55 Discourses of Whiteness: White Students at Catholic Women's Colleges (Dis)engaging Race
by Rebecca Ropers-Huilman & Kelly T. Winters & Kathryn A. E. Enke - 56-87 Institutionalizing Equitable Policies and Practices for Contingent Faculty
by Adrianna Kezar & Cecile Sam - 88-120 Academic Faculty in University Research Centers: Neither Capitalism's Slaves nor Teaching Fugitives
by Barry Bozeman & Craig Boardman - 121-143 Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Faculty-Doctoral Student Coauthorship
by Michelle A. Maher & Briana Crotwell Timmerman & David F. Feldon & Denise Strickland - 144-146 Leadership for World-Class Universities: Challenges for Developing Countries
by Cristina González - 146-148 The Fall of the Faculty: The Rise of the All-Administrative University and Why it Matters
by Peter Lamal - 149-151 The Still Divided Academy: How Competing Visions of Power, Politics, and Diversity Complicate the Mission of Higher Education
by Marty Finkelstein
November 2012, Volume 83, Issue 6
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 769-794 The Political Dynamics of Higher Education Policy
by Luciana Dar - 795-823 Learning's Weak Link to Persistence
by Gregory C. Wolniak & Matthew J. Mayhew & Mark E. Engberg - 824-850 Fewer Diplomas for Men: The Influence of College Experiences on the Gender Gap in College Graduation
by Stephanie Ewert - 851-875 Factors Contributing to the Upward Transfer of Baccalaureate Aspirants Beginning at Community Colleges
by Xueli Wang - 876-914 Graduate Students' Perceptions of Their Advisors: Is There Systematic Disadvantage in Mentorship?
by Shiri Noy & Rashawn Ray - 915-917 Neither Jew nor Gentile: Exploring Issues of Racial Diversity on Protestant College Campuses
by Dafina Lazarus Stewart - 918-925 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2012, Volume 83, Issue 5
- 617-647 The Politics of Public College Tuition and State Financial Aid
by William R. Doyle - 648-670 Discovering Middle Space: Distinctions of Sex and Gender in Resilient Leadership
by Dana E. Christman & Rhonda L. McClellan - 671-697 Delayed College Entry and the Socioeconomic Gap: Examining the Roles of Student Plans, Family Income, Parental Education, and Parental Occupation
by Ryan S. Wells & Cassie M. Lynch - 698-724 (Re-) Framing Authenticity: Considering Multiple Social Identities Using Autoethnographic and Intersectional Approaches
by Susan R. Jones & Yoolee Choe Kim & Kristan Cilente Skendall - 725-760 Bottom-Up/Top-Down Leadership: Contradiction or Hidden Phenomenon
by Adrianna Kezar - 761-763 Creating the Ethical Academy: A Systems Approach to Understanding Misconduct and Empowering Change in Higher Education
by Suzanne S. Hudd - 764-765 Asians in the Ivory Tower: Dilemmas of Racial Inequality in American Higher Education
by Rosalind S. Chou - 766-767 Does God Make a Difference? Taking Religion Seriously in Our Schools and Universities
by Julie A. Reuben
July 2012, Volume 83, Issue 4
- 467-496 Some Complexities in the Effects of Diversity Experiences on Orientation toward Social/Political Activism and Political Views in the First Year of College
by Ernest T. Pascarella & Mark H. Salisbury & Georgianna L. Martin & Charles Blaich - 497-534 Necessary but Not Sufficient: The Impact of Grutter v. Bollinger on Student of Color Enrollment in Graduate and Professional Schools in Texas
by Liliana M. Garces - 535-557 Civic Responsibility and the Student Athlete: Validating a New Conceptual Model
by Joy Gaston Gayles & Alyssa Bryant Rockenbach & Heather A. Davis - 558-581 Bourdieu and Academic Capitalism: Faculty “Habitus” in Materials Science and Engineering
by Pilar Mendoza & Aaron M. Kuntz & Joseph B. Berger - 582-613 Declining Academic Fields in U.S. Four-Year Colleges and Universities, 1970—2006
by Steven Brint & Kristopher Proctor & Kerry Mulligan & Matthew B. Rotondi & Robert A. Hanneman - 614-616 Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future
by Susan K. Gardner
May 2012, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 311-336 Supporting Students' Intentions to Persist in STEM Disciplines: The Role of Living-Learning Programs among other Social-Cognitive Factors
by Matthew Soldner & Heather Rowan-Kenyon & Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas & Jason Garvey & Claire Robbins - 337-366 Reality Check: Faculty Involvement in Outreach & Engagement
by Ada Demb & Amy Wade - 367-388 A Multilevel Examination of the Influence of Institutional Type on the Moral Reasoning Development of First-Year Students
by Matthew J. Mayhew - 389-410 Rationalizing Neglect: An Institutional Response to Transfer Students
by Barbara F. Tobolowsky & Bradley E. Cox - 411-434 Factors Contributing to Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction among Non-Tenure-Track Faculty
by Jean Waltman & Inger Bergom & Carol Hollenshead & Jeanne Miller & Louise August - 435-459 Socially Oriented Student Entrepreneurship: A Study of Student Change Agency in the Academic Capitalism Context
by Matthew M. Mars & Gary Rhoades - 460-462 Reconstructing Policy in Higher Education: Feminist Poststructural Perspectives
by Kelly Ward & Meghan Levi - 462-465 The Lost Soul of Higher Education: Corporatization, the Assault on Academic Freedom, and the End of the American University
by Martin J. Finkelstein
March 2012, Volume 83, Issue 2
- 155-185 Understanding Differences in State Support for Higher Education across States, Sectors, and Institutions: A Longitudinal Study
by David J. Weerts & Justin M. Ronca - 186-216 Constructivist and Intersectional Interpretations of a Lesbian College Student's Multiple Social Identities
by Elisa S. Abes - 217-248 The Role of Faculty Members' Cross-Cultural Competencies in Their Perceived Teaching Quality: Evidence from Culturally-Diverse Classes in Four European Countries
by Alain De Beuckelaer & Filip Lievens & Joost Bücker - 249-275 The Transformative Potential of Blogs for Research in Higher Education
by Jana L. Bouwma-Gearhart & James L. Bess - 276-303 A Critical Agency Network Model for Building an Integrated Outreach Program
by Judy Marquez Kiyama & Jenny J. Lee & Gary Rhoades - 304-305 Educating Scholars: Doctoral Education in the Humanities
by Jeffery Bieber - 306-307 Learning to Speak, Learning to Listen: How Diversity Works on Campus
by Christine A. Stanley - 307-309 Breaking through the Access Barrier: How Academic Capital Formation Can Improve Policy in Higher Education
by Laura W. Perna
January 2012, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-1 A Note from the Editor
by The Editors - 1-25 Effects of Diversity Experiences on Critical Thinking Skills: Who Benefits?
by Chad Loes & Ernest Pascarella & Paul Umbach - 26-48 The Role of Context in Academic Capitalism: The Industry-Friendly Department Case
by Pilar Mendoza - 49-72 Higher Education for Economic Advancement and Engaged Citizenship: An Analysis of the U.S. Department of Education Discourse
by Tatiana Suspitsyna - 73-101 Women, Men, and Academic Performance in Science and Engineering: The Gender Difference in Undergraduate Grade Point Averages
by Gerhard Sonnert & Mary Frank Fox - 102-127 Expenditures, Efficiency, and Effectiveness in U.S. Undergraduate Higher Education: A National Benchmark Model
by Brett A. Powell & Diane Suitt Gilleland & L. Carolyn Pearson - 128-153 Using Learning Communities to Build Faculty Support for Pedagogical Innovation: A Multi-Campus Study
by Andrew Furco & Barbara E. Moely
November 2011, Volume 82, Issue 6
- 667-690 Feminist Research in Higher Education
by Rebecca Ropers-Huilman & Kelly T. Winters - 691-719 Witch-Hunting at Crucible University: The Power and Peril of Competing Organizational Ideologies
by Michael S. Harris & Matthew Hartley - 720-747 International Faculty: Experiences of Academic Life and Productivity in U.S. Universities
by Dongbin Kim & Lisa Wolf-Wendel & Susan Twombly - 748-774 Social Class and Belonging: Implications for Graduate Students' Career Aspirations
by Joan M. Ostrove & Abigail J. Stewart & Nicola L. Curtin - 775-802 Commercial Funding in Academe: Examining the Correlates of Faculty's Use of Industrial and Business Funding for Academic Work
by Katalin Szelényi & Richard A. Goldberg - 803-805 Interdisciplinary Conversations: Challenging Habits of Thought
by Carolyn Haynes - 806-807 Pay for Play: A History of Big-Time College Athletic Reform
by John R. Thelin - 808-815 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2011, Volume 82, Issue 5
- 511-534 Scholarship Awards, Student Engagement, and Leadership Capacity of High-Achieving Low-Income Students of Color
by Shouping Hu - 535-563 What Matters for Excellence in PhD Programs? Latent Constructs of Doctoral Program Quality Used by Early Career Social Scientists
by Emory Morrison & Elizabeth Rudd & William Zumeta & Maresi Nerad - 564-596 Considering the Impact of Racial Stigmas and Science Identity: Persistence among Biomedical and Behavioral Science Aspirants
by Mitchell J. Chang & M. Kevin Eagan & Monica H. Lin & Sylvia Hurtado - 597-628 The Impact of Philosophy and Theology Service-Learning Experiences upon the Public Service Motivation of Participating College Students
by Scott C. Seider & Samantha A. Rabinowicz & Susan C. Gillmor - 629-660 State Financial Policies and College Student Persistence: A National Study
by Rong Chen & Edward P. St. John - 661-664 Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads
by Stephen L. Mangum & Karen H. Wruck - 664-665 American Higher Education, Leadership, and Policy: Critical Issues and the Public Good
by Tatiana Suspitsyna
July 2011, Volume 82, Issue 4
- 357-388 What Experiences Help Students Become Scientists? A Comparative Study of Research and other Sources of Personal and Professional Gains for STEM Undergraduates
by Heather Thiry & Sandra L. Laursen & Anne-Barrie Hunter - 389-415 Does Merit-Based Aid Affect Degree Production in STEM Fields? Evidence from Georgia and Florida
by Liang Zhang - 416-443 Developing Pluralistic Skills and Dispositions in College: Examining Racial/Ethnic Group Differences
by Mark E. Engberg & Sylvia Hurtado - 444-478 Race, Gender, and Bodily (Mis)Recognitions: Women of Color Faculty Experiences with White Students in the College Classroom
by Kristie A. Ford - 479-503 Status of Journals in the Field of Higher Education
by Nathaniel J. Bray & Claire H. Major - 504-506 National Innovation and the Academic Research Enterprise: Public Policy in Global Perspective
by Eugene P. Trani - 506-510 American Universities in a Global Market
by David D. Dill
May 2011, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 239-264 Faculty Work Practices in Material Environments: A Case Study
by Aaron M. Kuntz & Joseph B. Berger - 265-291 Comparing the Educational Attainment of Community College Transfer Students and Four-Year College Rising Juniors Using Propensity Score Matching Methods
by Tatiana Melguizo & Gregory S. Kienzl & Mariana Alfonso - 292-318 What Influences Students' Need for Remediation in College? Evidence from California
by Jessica S. Howell - 319-346 Career Stage Differences in Pre-Tenure Track Faculty Perceptions of Professional and Personal Relationships with Colleagues
by Luis Ponjuan & Valerie Martin Conley & Cathy Trower - 347-349 Twentieth-Century Higher Education: Elite to Mass to Universal
by John R. Thelin - 349-351 Financing Higher Education Worldwide: Who Pays? Who Should Pay?
by John J. Cheslock - 351-353 Seeing the Light—Religious Colleges in Twenty-First Century America
by Robert Benne - 353-355 Beneath the Ivory Tower: The Archaeology of Academia
by Paul R. Mullins
March 2011, Volume 82, Issue 2
- 121-153 Race and Equality in the Academy: Rethinking Higher Education Actors and the Struggle for Equality in the Post-World War II Period
by Philo Hutcheson & Marybeth Gasman & Kijua Sanders-McMurtry - 154-186 Job Satisfaction among University Faculty: Individual, Work, and Institutional Determinants
by Barry Bozeman & Monica Gaughan - 187-216 Performing Masculinity: Considering Gender in Doctoral Student Socialization
by Margaret W. Sallee - 217-235 NCAA Academic Performance Metrics: Implications for Institutional Policy and Practice
by Larry LaForge & Janie Hodge - 236-238 Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education
by Edward P. St. John
January 2011, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 1-32 Why Do More Women than Men Want to Earn a Four-Year Degree? Exploring the Effects of Gender, Social Origin, and Social Capital on Educational Expectations
by Ryan S. Wells & Tricia A. Seifert & Ryan D. Padgett & Sueuk Park & Paul D. Umbach - 33-53 University Life of Non-Traditional Students: Engagement Styles and Impact on Attrition
by Silvia Gilardi & Chiara Guglielmetti - 54-91 Socio-Academic Integrative Moments: Rethinking Academic and Social Integration among Two-Year College Students in Career-Related Programs
by Regina Deil-Amen - 92-113 Cross-Discipline Perceptions of the Undergraduate Research Experience
by Chris Craney & Tara McKay & April Mazzeo & Janet Morris & Cheryl Prigodich & Robert de Groot - 114-117 American Higher Education Transformed, 1940–2005: Documenting the National Discourse
by Benjamin A. Johnson & Bruce A. Kimball - 117-119 The Indispensable University: Higher Education, Economic Development, and the Knowledge Economy
by William Zumeta
November 2010, Volume 81, Issue 6
- 605-631 Is “Race-Neutral” Really Race-Neutral?: Disparate Impact towards Underrepresented Minorities in Post-209 UC System Admissions
by José L. Santos & Nolan L. Cabrera & Kevin J. Fosnacht - 632-657 Community Engagement and Boundary-Spanning Roles at Research Universities
by David J. Weerts & Lorilee R. Sandmann - 658-679 Keeping up with the Joneses: Socialization and Culture in Doctoral Education at One Striving Institution
by Susan K. Gardner - 680-708 Predictors of Long-Term Enrollment and Degree Outcomes for Community College Students: Integrating Academic, Psychosocial, Socio-demographic, and Situational Factors
by Sameano F. Porchea & Jeff Allen & Steve Robbins & Richard P. Phelps - 709-712 Women at the Top: What Women University and College Presidents Say about Effective Leadership
by Mia Alexander-Snow - 712-714 Good Mentoring: Fostering Excellent Practice in Higher Education
by Chris M. Golde - 715-717 The Unheard Voices: Community Organizations and Service Learning
by Susan R. Jones - 717-719 Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field
by Ann F. McKenna - 720-726 Annual Index
by The Editors
September 2010, Volume 81, Issue 5
- 553-582 College Women's Female Friendships: A Longitudinal View
by Ana M. Martínez Alemán - 583-618 Mind the Gap: The Digital Dimension of College Access
by Joanna Goode - 619-644 U.S. Senator's Ideal Points for Higher Education: Documenting Partisanship, 1965–2004
by William R. Doyle - 645-666 From Surprise Parties to Mapmaking: Undergraduate Journeys toward Interdisciplinary Understanding
by Carolyn Haynes & Jeannie Brown Leonard - 667-670 Identity in Education
by Dafina Lazarus Stewart - 670-671 Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development
by Adrianna Kezar - 672-674 What Wouldn't We Do Revenue?
by Brian Pusser
July 2010, Volume 81, Issue 4
- 431-458 Student Veterans in Transition: Re-enrolling after War Zone Deployments
by Corey B. Rumann & Florence A. Hamrick - 459-488 Diversity and Moral Reasoning: How Negative Diverse Peer Interactions Affect the Development of Moral Reasoning in Undergraduate Students
by Matthew J. Mayhew & Mark E. Engberg - 489-514 Revisiting Academic Capitalism in Canada: No Longer the Exception
by Amy Scott Metcalfe - 515-543 Aim High or Go Low? Pricing Strategies and Enrollment Effects When the Net Price Elasticity Varies with Need and Ability
by Bradley R. Curs & Larry D. Singell - 544-547 Taming the River: Negotiating the Academic, Financial, and Social Currents in Selective Colleges and Universities
by Linda Serra Hagedorn - 547-550 The Inception of Modern Professional Education: C. C. Langdell, 1826–1906
by Michael A. Olivas - 550-552 Review of Policy and Performance in American Higher Education: An Examination of Cases across State Systems
by John J. Cheslock
May 2010, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 243-250 Norms and the Work of Colleges and Universities: Introduction to the Special Issue—Norms in Academia
by John M. Braxton - 251-283 Faculty Expectations for College Presidents
by J. Christopher Fleming - 284-316 The Deanship and Its Faculty Interpreters: Do Mertonian Norms of Science Translate into Norms for Administration?
by Nathaniel J. Bray - 317-338 An Observation of Normative Structure for College Admission and Recruitment Officers
by Robert L. Hodum & Glenn W. James - 339-365 The Normative Structure of College and University Fundraising Behaviors
by Timothy C. Caboni - 366-393 Extending the Mertonian Norms: Scientists' Subscription to Norms of Research
by Melissa S. Anderson & Emily A. Ronning & Raymond De Vries & Brian C. Martinson - 394-415 Espousal of Undergraduate Teaching Normative Patterns of First-Year Teaching Assistants
by Patricia A. Helland - 416-429 The Criticality of Norms to the Functional Imperatives of the Social Action System of College and University Work
by John M. Braxton
March 2010, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 121-139 Reconsidering Campus Diversity: An Examination of Muslim Students' Experiences
by Darnell Cole & Shafiqa Ahmadi - 140-163 Whose Web of Knowledge™ is it Anyway?: Citing Feminist Research in the Field of Higher Education
by Jeni Hart & Amy Scott Metcalfe - 164-178 The Effects of Scholarly Productivity and Institutional Characteristics on the Distribution of Federal Research Grants
by Mir M. Ali & Partha Bhattacharyya & Anthony J. Olejniczak