March 2017, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 527-551 Multiple depot ring star problem: a polyhedral study and an exact algorithm
by Kaarthik Sundar & Sivakumar Rathinam - 553-579 Branch and bound algorithm with applications to robust stability
by Laleh Ravanbod & Dominikus Noll & Pierre Apkarian - 581-600 A coverage-based Box-Algorithm to compute a representation for optimization problems with three objective functions
by Tobias Kuhn & Stefan Ruzika - 601-619 Covers and approximations in multiobjective optimization
by Daniel Vanderpooten & Lakmali Weerasena & Margaret M. Wiecek - 621-630 A polynomially solvable case of the pooling problem
by Natashia Boland & Thomas Kalinowski & Fabian Rigterink - 631-669 Relaxations and discretizations for the pooling problem
by Akshay Gupte & Shabbir Ahmed & Santanu S. Dey & Myun Seok Cheon - 671-686 Heuristic solution approaches for the maximum minsum dispersion problem
by Anna Martínez-Gavara & Vicente Campos & Manuel Laguna & Rafael Martí
January 2017, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Panos M. Pardalos - 3-42 Global optimization of general constrained grey-box models: new method and its application to constrained PDEs for pressure swing adsorption
by Fani Boukouvala & M. M. Faruque Hasan & Christodoulos A. Floudas - 43-58 Global optimization of non-convex generalized disjunctive programs: a review on reformulations and relaxation techniques
by Juan P. Ruiz & Ignacio E. Grossmann - 59-77 Bounds tightening based on optimality conditions for nonconvex box-constrained optimization
by Yash Puranik & Nikolaos V. Sahinidis - 79-96 ParEGO extensions for multi-objective optimization of expensive evaluation functions
by Joan Davins-Valldaura & Saïd Moussaoui & Guillermo Pita-Gil & Franck Plestan - 97-133 A Bayesian approach to constrained single- and multi-objective optimization
by Paul Feliot & Julien Bect & Emmanuel Vazquez - 135-149 Interactive model-based search with reactive resource allocation
by Yue Sun & Alfredo Garcia - 151-185 Packing ellipsoids into volume-minimizing rectangular boxes
by Josef Kallrath - 187-205 On Laplacian spectra of parametric families of closely connected networks with application to cooperative control
by Alla Kammerdiner & Alexander Veremyev & Eduardo Pasiliao - 207-221 Optimal transport and a bilevel location-allocation problem
by Lina Mallozzi & Antonia Passarelli di Napoli - 223-250 Supply chain performance assessment and supplier and component importance identification in a general competitive multitiered supply chain network model
by Dong Li & Anna Nagurney - 251-262 Serial-batching scheduling with time-dependent setup time and effects of deterioration and learning on a single-machine
by Jun Pei & Xinbao Liu & Panos M. Pardalos & Athanasios Migdalas & Shanlin Yang - 263-282 Dynamic algorithm selection for pareto optimal set approximation
by Ingrida Steponavičė & Rob J. Hyndman & Kate Smith-Miles & Laura Villanova - 283-323 A diverse human learning optimization algorithm
by Ling Wang & Lu An & Jiaxing Pi & Minrui Fei & Panos M. Pardalos - 325-342 A modified active set algorithm for transportation discrete network design bi-level problem
by Ximing Wang & Panos M. Pardalos - 343-366 A Kriging-based constrained global optimization algorithm for expensive black-box functions with infeasible initial points
by Yaohui Li & Yizhong Wu & Jianjun Zhao & Liping Chen - 367-378 Local search algorithm for universal facility location problem with linear penalties
by Yicheng Xu & Dachuan Xu & Donglei Du & Chenchen Wu - 379-397 Some feasibility sampling procedures in interval methods for constrained global optimization
by Mengyi Ying & Min Sun - 399-423 An efficient multi-objective PSO algorithm assisted by Kriging metamodel for expensive black-box problems
by Haoxiang Jie & Yizhong Wu & Jianjun Zhao & Jianwan Ding & Liangliang - 425-450 Application of Reduced-set Pareto-Lipschitzian Optimization to truss optimization
by Jonas Mockus & Remigijus Paulavičius & Dainius Rusakevičius & Dmitrij Šešok & Julius Žilinskas
December 2016, Volume 66, Issue 4
- 595-596 Journal of Global Optimization Best Paper Award for 2015
by Sergiy Butenko - 597-628 Convergence analysis of multivariate McCormick relaxations
by Jaromił Najman & Alexander Mitsos - 629-668 Polyhedral subdivisions and functional forms for the convex envelopes of bilinear, fractional and other bivariate functions over general polytopes
by Marco Locatelli - 669-710 New multi-commodity flow formulations for the pooling problem
by Natashia Boland & Thomas Kalinowski & Fabian Rigterink - 711-727 Solving infinite horizon optimization problems through analysis of a one-dimensional global optimization problem
by Seksan Kiatsupaibul & Robert L. Smith & Zelda B. Zabinsky - 729-768 MONEDA: scalable multi-objective optimization with a neural network-based estimation of distribution algorithm
by Luis Martí & Jesús García & Antonio Berlanga & José M. Molina - 769-790 Scatter search for the bandpass problem
by Jesús Sánchez-Oro & Manuel Laguna & Rafael Martí & Abraham Duarte - 791-810 Gap functions for quasi-equilibria
by Giancarlo Bigi & Mauro Passacantando - 811-845 MSO: a framework for bound-constrained black-box global optimization algorithms
by Abdullah Al-Dujaili & S. Suresh & N. Sundararajan
November 2016, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 331-382 Delaunay-based derivative-free optimization via global surrogates, part I: linear constraints
by Pooriya Beyhaghi & Daniele Cavaglieri & Thomas Bewley - 383-415 Delaunay-based derivative-free optimization via global surrogates, part II: convex constraints
by Pooriya Beyhaghi & Thomas R. Bewley - 417-437 SOP: parallel surrogate global optimization with Pareto center selection for computationally expensive single objective problems
by Tipaluck Krityakierne & Taimoor Akhtar & Christine A. Shoemaker - 439-456 Sufficient conditions for error bounds of difference functions and applications
by Nguyen Thi Hang & Jen-Chih Yao - 457-485 A block coordinate variable metric forward–backward algorithm
by Emilie Chouzenoux & Jean-Christophe Pesquet & Audrey Repetti - 487-510 Smoothing and SAA method for stochastic programming problems with non-smooth objective and constraints
by Gui-Hua Lin & Mei-Ju Luo & Jin Zhang - 511-534 Global versus local search: the impact of population sizes on evolutionary algorithm performance
by Thomas Weise & Yuezhong Wu & Raymond Chiong & Ke Tang & Jörg Lässig - 535-572 An optimal algorithm for Global Optimization and adaptive covering
by Serge L. Shishkin & Alan M. Finn - 573-583 A primal–dual prediction–correction algorithm for saddle point optimization
by Hongjin He & Jitamitra Desai & Kai Wang - 585-593 The Lyapunov rank of extended second order cones
by Roman Sznajder
October 2016, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 311-329 Convex hull characterizations of lexicographic orderings
by Warren Adams & Pietro Belotti & Ruobing Shen
September 2016, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-1 Special Issue: XVI Baikal International School-Seminar >
by Oleg Khamisov & Yury Kochetov & Alexander Strekalovsky - 3-20 Parallel global optimization on GPU
by Konstantin Barkalov & Victor Gergel - 65-82 Approximability of the minimum-weight k-size cycle cover problem
by Michael Khachay & Katherine Neznakhina - 83-94 Discrete-continuous optimization of heat network operating conditions in parallel operation of similar pumps at pumping stations
by N. N. Novitsky & A. V. Lutsenko
August 2016, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 637-655 Non polyhedral convex envelopes for 1-convex functions
by Marco Locatelli - 657-676 Projection algorithms for nonconvex minimization with application to sparse principal component analysis
by William W. Hager & Dzung T. Phan & Jiajie Zhu - 677-708 A stabilized filter SQP algorithm for nonlinear programming
by Chungen Shen & Lei-Hong Zhang & Wei Liu - 709-743 Packing ellipsoids by nonlinear optimization
by E. G. Birgin & R. D. Lobato & J. M. Martínez - 745-776 Bandwidth packing problem with queueing delays: modelling and exact solution approach
by Navneet Vidyarthi & Sachin Jayaswal & Vikranth Babu Tirumala Chetty - 777-799 Algorithms for the two-stage production-capacitated lot-sizing problem
by Hark-Chin Hwang & Hyun-Soo Ahn & Philip Kaminsky - 801-811 Algorithms for the partial inverse matroid problem in which weights can only be increased
by Zhao Zhang & Shuangshuang Li & Hong-Jian Lai & Ding-Zhu Du - 813-835 A biased random-key genetic algorithm to maximize the number of accepted lightpaths in WDM optical networks
by Julliany S. Brandão & Thiago F. Noronha & Celso C. Ribeiro - 837-866 Interval Branch-and-Bound algorithms for optimization and constraint satisfaction: a survey and prospects
by Ignacio Araya & Victor Reyes
July 2016, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 441-456 Stochastic filter methods for generally constrained global optimization
by C. J. Price & M. Reale & B. L. Robertson - 457-486 Linear and parabolic relaxations for quadratic constraints
by Ferenc Domes & Arnold Neumaier - 487-512 Cumulative weighting optimization
by Kun Lin & Steven I. Marcus - 513-530 A sharp Lagrange multiplier theorem for nonlinear programs
by M. Ruiz Galán - 563-573 Existence and generic stability of cooperative equilibria for multi-leader-multi-follower games
by Zhe Yang & Yan Ju - 575-596 Functional inequalities, regularity and computation of the deficit and surplus variables in the financial equilibrium problem
by Patrizia Daniele & Sofia Giuffrè & Mariagrazia Lorino - 597-614 A relaxed-projection splitting algorithm for variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces
by J. Y. Bello Cruz & R. Díaz Millán - 615-635 Coderivatives of implicit multifunctions and stability of variational systems
by Nguyen Thanh Qui
June 2016, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 309-327 Global behavior of the Douglas–Rachford method for a nonconvex feasibility problem
by Francisco J. Aragón Artacho & Jonathan M. Borwein & Matthew K. Tam - 329-349 On Slater’s condition and finite convergence of the Douglas–Rachford algorithm for solving convex feasibility problems in Euclidean spaces
by Heinz H. Bauschke & Minh N. Dao & Dominikus Noll & Hung M. Phan - 351-367 A polynomial-time nearly-optimal algorithm for an edge coloring problem in outerplanar graphs
by Weifan Wang & Danjun Huang & Yanwen Wang & Yiqiao Wang & Ding-Zhu Du
May 2016, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 3-17 Saddle point approach to solving problem of optimal control with fixed ends
by Anatoly Antipin & Elena Khoroshilova - 33-39 Global optimization approach to Malfatti’s problem
by Rentsen Enkhbat
April 2016, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 621-622 Preface
by Nicolas Hadjisavvas & Alfredo N. Iusem & Boris S. Mordukhovich
March 2016, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 417-431 Global solutions to nonconvex optimization of 4th-order polynomial and log-sum-exp functions
by Yi Chen & David Gao - 433-449 A canonical duality approach for the solution of affine quasi-variational inequalities
by Vittorio Latorre & Simone Sagratella - 451-468 A new semi-smooth Newton multigrid method for control-constrained semi-linear elliptic PDE problems
by Jun Liu & Mingqing Xiao - 469-482 The robust constant and its applications in random global search for unconstrained global optimization
by Zheng Peng & Donghua Wu & Wenxing Zhu - 483-496 Combinatorial approximation algorithms for the robust facility location problem with penalties
by Fengmin Wang & Dachuan Xu & Chenchen Wu - 497-513 Gradient-constrained discounted Steiner trees I: optimal tree configurations
by K. Sirinanda & M. Brazil & P. Grossman & J. Rubinstein & D. Thomas - 515-532 Gradient-constrained discounted Steiner trees II: optimally locating a discounted Steiner point
by K. Sirinanda & M. Brazil & P. Grossman & J. Rubinstein & D. Thomas - 533-562 Second-order necessary optimality conditions for a discrete optimal control problem with mixed constraints
by N. Toan & L. Thuy - 563-575 Eigenvalue analysis of constrained minimization problem for homogeneous polynomial
by Yisheng Song & Liqun Qi - 577-613 Variable-fidelity modeling of structural analysis of assemblies
by Nicolas Courrier & Pierre-Alain Boucard & Bruno Soulier - 615-620 Approximate solutions of quasiequilibrium problems in Banach spaces
by M. Castellani & M. Giuli - 615-620 Approximate solutions of quasiequilibrium problems in Banach spaces
by M. Castellani & M. Giuli
February 2016, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 197-198 Preface: special issue MAGO 2014
by Leocadio G. Casado & Eligius M. T. Hendrix - 233-247 Solving a Huff-like Stackelberg location problem on networks
by Boglárka G.-Tóth & Kristóf Kovács - 289-304 Node selection strategies in interval Branch and Bound algorithms
by Bertrand Neveu & Gilles Trombettoni & Ignacio Araya
January 2016, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-2 Special issue on global optimization with multiple objectives
by Kaisa Miettinen & Jussi Hakanen & Dmitry Podkopaev & Ingrida Steponavice - 3-16 On continuation methods for non-linear bi-objective optimization: towards a certified interval-based approach
by Benjamin Martin & Alexandre Goldsztejn & Laurent Granvilliers & Christophe Jermann - 17-32 Multi objective optimization of computationally expensive multi-modal functions with RBF surrogates and multi-rule selection
by Taimoor Akhtar & Christine Shoemaker - 33-48 Extracting from the relaxed for large-scale semi-continuous variable nondominated frontiers
by Ralph Steuer & Markus Hirschberger & Kalyanmoy Deb - 49-61 Generation of Pareto optimal solutions using generalized DEA and PSO
by Yeboon Yun & Hirotaka Nakayama & Min Yoon - 63-77 Lower bound sets for biobjective shortest path problems
by Enrique Machuca & Lawrence Mandow - 79-96 A scalarization proximal point method for quasiconvex multiobjective minimization
by H. Apolinário & E. Papa Quiroz & P. Oliveira - 97-115 Kriging-based infill sampling criterion for constraint handling in multi-objective optimization
by Jesús Martínez-Frutos & David Herrero-Pérez - 117-139 Duality related to approximate proper solutions of vector optimization problems
by C. Gutiérrez & L. Huerga & V. Novo & C. Tammer - 141-158 Prederivatives of convex set-valued maps and applications to set optimization problems
by Michaël Gaydu & Michel Geoffroy & Yvesner Marcelin - 159-178 A class of shrinking projection extragradient methods for solving non-monotone equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces
by Jean Strodiot & Phan Vuong & Thi Nguyen - 179-195 On ergodic algorithms for equilibrium problems
by P. Anh & T. Hai & P. Tuan
December 2015, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 631-632 Journal of Global Optimization Best Paper Award for a paper published in 2014
by Sergiy Butenko - 633-652 A new preference handling technique for interactive multiobjective optimization without trading-off
by Kaisa Miettinen & Dmitry Podkopaev & Francisco Ruiz & Mariano Luque - 653-675 Interiors of completely positive cones
by Anwa Zhou & Jinyan Fan - 677-707 Island models for cluster geometry optimization: how design options impact effectiveness and diversity
by António Leitão & Francisco Pereira & Penousal Machado - 709-728 A new regularized limited memory BFGS-type method based on modified secant conditions for unconstrained optimization problems
by D. Tarzanagh & M. Peyghami - 729-755 A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for factory crane scheduling problem
by Xu Cheng & Lixin Tang & Panos Pardalos - 757-775 A natural extension of the classical envelope theorem in vector differential programming
by F. García Castaño & M. Melguizo Padial - 777-795 Higher-order metric subregularity and its applications
by Boris Mordukhovich & Wei Ouyang - 797-810 A proximal point algorithm for DC fuctions on Hadamard manifolds
by J. Souza & P. Oliveira - 811-833 The H-differentiability and calmness of circular cone functions
by Jinchuan Zhou & Yu-Lin Chang & Jein-Shan Chen - 835-861 Optimal control problems with stopping constraints
by Qun Lin & Ryan Loxton & Kok Teo & Yong Wu
November 2015, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 427-443 New heuristic for harmonic means clustering
by Emilio Carrizosa & Abdulrahman Alguwaizani & Pierre Hansen & Nenad Mladenović - 445-460 An exact method for the discrete $$(r|p)$$ ( r | p ) -centroid problem
by Ekaterina Alekseeva & Yury Kochetov & Alexandr Plyasunov - 461-480 A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the multimode set covering problem
by Fabio Colombo & Roberto Cordone & Guglielmo Lulli - 481-500 Fitting censored quantile regression by variable neighborhood search
by Rima Rajab & Milan Dražić & Nenad Mladenović & Pavle Mladenović & Keming Yu - 501-514 Solving the planar p-median problem by variable neighborhood and concentric searches
by Zvi Drezner & Jack Brimberg & Nenad Mladenović & Said Salhi - 515-536 Multi-objective variable neighborhood search: an application to combinatorial optimization problems
by Abraham Duarte & Juan Pantrigo & Eduardo Pardo & Nenad Mladenovic - 537-554 Solving large $$p$$ p -median problems by a multistage hybrid approach using demand points aggregation and variable neighbourhood search
by Chandra Irawan & Said Salhi - 555-582 A hybrid method based on linear programming and variable neighborhood descent for scheduling production in open-pit mines
by Amina Lamghari & Roussos Dimitrakopoulos & Jacques Ferland - 583-596 A VNS metaheuristic for solving the aircraft conflict detection and resolution problem by performing turn changes
by Antonio Alonso-Ayuso & Laureano Escudero & F. Martín-Campo & Nenad Mladenović - 597-629 PILOT, GRASP, and VNS approaches for the static balancing of bicycle sharing systems
by Marian Rainer-Harbach & Petrina Papazek & Günther Raidl & Bin Hu & Christian Kloimüllner
October 2015, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 213-227 Convex mixed integer nonlinear programming problems and an outer approximation algorithm
by Zhou Wei & M. Ali - 229-251 Global optimization of expensive black box functions using potential Lipschitz constants and response surfaces
by Haitao Liu & Shengli Xu & Ying Ma & Xiaofang Wang - 253-279 First order necessary optimality conditions for mathematical programs with second-order cone complementarity constraints
by Yi Zhang & Jia Wu & Liwei Zhang - 281-295 Semi-continuous quadratic optimization: existence conditions and duality scheme
by John Cotrina & Fernanda Raupp & Wilfredo Sosa - 297-318 Augmented Lagrangian methods for nonlinear programming with possible infeasibility
by M. Gonçalves & J. Melo & L. Prudente - 319-342 Separable cubic modeling and a trust-region strategy for unconstrained minimization with impact in global optimization
by J. Martínez & M. Raydan - 343-361 Smaller SDP for SOS decomposition
by Liyun Dai & Bican Xia - 363-380 The Douglas–Rachford algorithm for the case of the sphere and the line
by Joël Benoist - 381-399 Confidence in heuristic solutions?
by Kenneth Carling & Xiangli Meng - 401-425 Optimal learning with a local parametric belief model
by Bolong Cheng & Arta Jamshidi & Warren Powell
September 2015, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-36 Reverse propagation of McCormick relaxations
by Achim Wechsung & Joseph Scott & Harry Watson & Paul Barton - 37-59 Analysis of copositive optimization based linear programming bounds on standard quadratic optimization
by Gizem Sağol & E. Yıldırım - 61-76 A homotopy method based on penalty function for nonlinear semidefinite programming
by Li Yang & Bo Yu & YanXi Li - 77-97 Second-order conditions for existence of augmented Lagrange multipliers for eigenvalue composite optimization problems
by Chao Kan & Wen Song - 99-123 Maximizing and minimizing quasiconvex functions: related properties, existence and optimality conditions via radial epiderivatives
by Fabián Flores-Bazán & Fernando Flores-Bazán & Cristián Vera - 125-148 Population model-based optimization
by Xi Chen & Enlu Zhou - 149-163 Constrained shortest path with uncertain transit times
by Shaghayegh Mokarami & S. Hashemi - 165-180 On power penalty methods for linear complementarity problems arising from American option pricing
by Zhe Sun & Zhe Liu & Xiaoqi Yang - 181-193 Nonemptiness and boundedness of solution sets for vector variational inequalities via topological method
by Jiang-hua Fan & Yan Jing & Ren-you Zhong - 195-211 Existence results for vector equilibrium problems given by a sum of two functions
by Gábor Kassay & Mihaela Miholca
August 2015, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 615-615 Special issue on “optimization and optimal control with applications” for the 9th international conference on optimization: techniques and applications (9th ICOTA), December 12–16, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
by Kok Teo & Soon-Yi Wu & Naihua Xiu - 617-641 Global optimality conditions and optimization methods for polynomial programming problems
by Z. Wu & J. Tian & J. Ugon - 643-659 Duality and robust duality for special nonconvex homogeneous quadratic programming under certainty and uncertainty environment
by Yanjun Wang & Ruizhi Shi & Jianming Shi - 661-674 A polynomial case of convex integer quadratic programming problems with box integer constraints
by Chunli Liu & Jianjun Gao - 675-694 Smoothing augmented Lagrangian method for nonsmooth constrained optimization problems
by Mengwei Xu & Jane Ye & Liwei Zhang - 695-709 A new alternating direction method for linearly constrained nonconvex optimization problems
by X. Wang & S. Li & X. Kou & Q. Zhang - 711-728 A proximal alternating direction method of multipliers for a minimization problem with nonconvex constraints
by Zheng Peng & Jianli Chen & Wenxing Zhu - 729-747 A box-constrained differentiable penalty method for nonlinear complementarity problems
by Boshi Tian & Yaohua Hu & Xiaoqi Yang - 749-749 Erratum to: A box-constrained differentiable penalty method for nonlinear complementarity problems
by Boshi Tian & Yaohua Hu & Xiaoqi Yang - 751-762 Norm descent conjugate gradient methods for solving symmetric nonlinear equations
by Yunhai Xiao & Chunjie Wu & Soon-Yi Wu - 763-773 Scalarization and pointwise well-posedness for set optimization problems
by Xian-Jun Long & Jian-Wen Peng & Zai-Yun Peng - 775-790 A penalty approach to a discretized double obstacle problem with derivative constraints
by Song Wang - 791-810 Parameter identification for a nonlinear enzyme-catalytic dynamic system with time-delays
by Jinlong Yuan & Lei Wang & Xu Zhang & Enmin Feng & Hongchao Yin & Zhilong Xiu - 811-832 On optimal low rank Tucker approximation for tensors: the case for an adjustable core size
by Bilian Chen & Zhening Li & Shuzhong Zhang - 833-852 The retailer’s optimal decision on order quantity and credit periods under two-level trade credit policy
by Fei Hu & Cheng-Chew Lim & Zudi Lu - 853-876 Fast algorithm for color texture image inpainting using the non-local CTV model
by Jinming Duan & Zhenkuan Pan & Baochang Zhang & Wanquan Liu & Xue-Cheng Tai - 877-886 Some interesting properties for zero-forcing beamforming under per-antenna power constraints in rural areas
by Bin Li & Hai Dam & Antonio Cantoni & Kok Teo
July 2015, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 411-430 Projective dualities for quasiconvex problems
by Jean-Paul Penot - 431-441 Characterizations of the solution set for quasiconvex programming in terms of Greenberg–Pierskalla subdifferential
by Satoshi Suzuki & Daishi Kuroiwa - 443-457 Extended Lorentz cones and mixed complementarity problems
by S. Németh & G. Zhang - 459-480 On the existence of saddle points for nonlinear second-order cone programming problems
by Jinchuan Zhou & Jein-Shan Chen - 481-505 Optimization over the Pareto outcome set associated with a convex bi-objective optimization problem: theoretical results, deterministic algorithm and application to the stochastic case
by Henri Bonnel & Julien Collonge - 507-527 Optimal curvature and gradient-constrained directional cost paths in 3-space
by Alan Chang & Marcus Brazil & J. Rubinstein & Doreen Thomas - 529-543 Heuristic rating estimation: geometric approach
by Konrad Kułakowski & Katarzyna Grobler-Dębska & Jarosław Wąs - 545-574 SymNMF: nonnegative low-rank approximation of a similarity matrix for graph clustering
by Da Kuang & Sangwoon Yun & Haesun Park - 575-613 Unified framework for the propagation of continuous-time enclosures for parametric nonlinear ODEs
by Mario Villanueva & Boris Houska & Benoît Chachuat
June 2015, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 205-227 MrDIRECT: a multilevel robust DIRECT algorithm for global optimization problems
by Qunfeng Liu & Jinping Zeng & Gang Yang - 229-241 Some observations on exclusion regions in branch and bound algorithms
by Ralph Kearfott - 243-261 PAINT–SiCon: constructing consistent parametric representations of Pareto sets in nonconvex multiobjective optimization
by Markus Hartikainen & Alberto Lovison - 263-297 An algorithm for global solution to bi-parametric linear complementarity constrained linear programs
by Yu-Ching Lee & Jong-Shi Pang & John Mitchell - 299-318 Complementarity problems with respect to Loewnerian cones
by Alberto Seeger & David Sossa - 319-349 Finding sparse solutions of systems of polynomial equations via group-sparsity optimization
by Fabien Lauer & Henrik Ohlsson - 351-370 Fast algorithms for the minimum volume estimator
by Selin Ahipaşaoğlu - 371-389 Locating a median line with partial coverage distance
by Jack Brimberg & Robert Schieweck & Anita Schöbel - 391-407 Maximizing the net present value of a Steiner tree
by K. Sirinanda & M. Brazil & P. Grossman & J. Rubinstein & D. Thomas - 409-410 A note on the complexity of scheduling problems with linear job deterioration
by Christos Koulamas & S. Panwalkar
May 2015, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-28 GLODS: Global and Local Optimization using Direct Search
by A. Custódio & J. Madeira - 29-54 The robust crew pairing problem: model and solution methodology
by Da Lu & Fatma Gzara - 55-77 Finding nadir points in multi-objective integer programs
by Murat Köksalan & Banu Lokman - 79-99 Computing the nadir point for multiobjective discrete optimization problems
by Gokhan Kirlik & Serpil Sayın - 101-129 A preference-based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization: the weighting achievement scalarizing function genetic algorithm
by Ana Ruiz & Rubén Saborido & Mariano Luque - 131-154 An information guided framework for simulated annealing
by Chao Yang & Mrinal Kumar - 155-165 Existence and characterization theorems in nonconvex vector optimization
by Nergiz Kasimbeyli - 167-182 Reduction of state dependent sweeping process to unconstrained differential inclusion
by Tahar Haddad & Ilyas Kecis & Lionel Thibault - 183-203 D-gap functions and descent techniques for solving equilibrium problems
by Giancarlo Bigi & Mauro Passacantando
April 2015, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 615-625 On an extension of Pólya’s Positivstellensatz
by Peter Dickinson & Janez Povh - 627-641 A quadratically convergent algorithm for finding the largest eigenvalue of a nonnegative homogeneous polynomial map
by Qin Ni & Liqun Qi - 643-676 A linear bound on the number of scalarizations needed to solve discrete tricriteria optimization problems
by Kerstin Dächert & Kathrin Klamroth - 677-694 A multiobjective optimization based framework to balance the global exploration and local exploitation in expensive optimization
by Zhiwei Feng & Qingbin Zhang & Qingfu Zhang & Qiangang Tang & Tao Yang & Yang Ma - 695-720 Sufficient optimality criteria and duality for multiobjective variational control problems with $$G$$ G -type I objective and constraint functions
by Tadeusz Antczak - 721-743 Efficient upper and lower bounds for global mixed-integer optimal control
by Sebastian Sager & Mathieu Claeys & Frédéric Messine - 745-767 On set-valued optimization problems with variable ordering structure
by Marius Durea & Radu Strugariu & Christiane Tammer - 769-788 Necessary optimality conditions for optimistic bilevel programming problems using set-valued programming
by Stephan Dempe & Maria Pilecka - 789-802 Some equivalence results for well-posedness of hemivariational inequalities
by Yi-bin Xiao & Xinmin Yang & Nan-jing Huang - 803-812 ( $$\epsilon $$ ϵ -)Efficiency in difference vector optimization
by Mounir El Maghri
January 2015, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-17 Global optimization of generalized semi-infinite programs via restriction of the right hand side
by Alexander Mitsos & Angelos Tsoukalas