January 2015, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 19-46 Efficient random coordinate descent algorithms for large-scale structured nonconvex optimization
by Andrei Patrascu & Ion Necoara - 47-69 Global optimization by multilevel partition
by Qunfeng Liu & Jinping Zeng - 71-89 Solving DC programs using the cutting angle method
by Albert Ferrer & Adil Bagirov & Gleb Beliakov - 91-108 Pareto-optimal front of cell formation problem in group technology
by Julius Žilinskas & Boris Goldengorin & Panos Pardalos - 109-138 Analytical characterizations of some classes of optimal strongly attack-tolerant networks and their Laplacian spectra
by Alexander Veremyev & Vladimir Boginski & Eduardo Pasiliao - 139-163 Truss topology optimization with discrete design variables by outer approximation
by Mathias Stolpe - 165-182 Inverse Max + Sum spanning tree problem by modifying the sum-cost vector under weighted $$l_\infty $$ l ∞ Norm
by Xiucui Guan & Panos Pardalos & Xia Zuo - 183-192 Matrix-power energy-landscape transformation for finding NP-hard spin-glass ground states
by Markus Manssen & Alexander Hartmann - 193-202 A hybrid method without extrapolation step for solving variational inequality problems
by Yu. Malitsky & V. Semenov
December 2014, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 597-598 Journal of Global Optimization Best Paper Award for a paper published in 2013
by Sergiy Butenko - 599-616 On cyclic and $$n$$ n -cyclic monotonicity of bifunctions
by M. Alizadeh & M. Bianchi & N. Hadjisavvas & R. Pini - 617-634 Hybrid methods with regularization for minimization problems and asymptotically strict pseudocontractive mappings in the intermediate sense
by Lu-Chuan Ceng & Sy-Ming Guu & Jen-Chih Yao - 635-647 Motzkin predecomposable sets
by A. Iusem & J. Martínez-Legaz & M. Todorov - 649-662 A parametric solution algorithm for a class of rank-two nonconvex programs
by Riccardo Cambini & Claudio Sodini - 663-678 Risk-control approach for bottleneck transportation problem with randomness and fuzziness
by Takashi Hasuike - 679-688 Existence theorem for a class of generalized quasi-variational inequalities
by Monica Milasi - 689-712 Properly optimal elements in vector optimization with variable ordering structures
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Refail Kasimbeyli - 713-736 Primal and dual approximation algorithms for convex vector optimization problems
by Andreas Löhne & Birgit Rudloff & Firdevs Ulus - 737-750 Optimal control of impulsive switched systems with minimum subsystem durations
by Eunice Blanchard & Ryan Loxton & Volker Rehbock - 751-776 Bound constrained interval global optimization in the COCONUT Environment
by Mihály Markót & Hermann Schichl - 777-791 Minimum total coloring of planar graph
by Huijuan Wang & Lidong Wu & Weili Wu & Panos Pardalos & Jianliang Wu - 793-799 Note on coloring of double disk graphs
by Jaka Kranjc & Borut Lužar & Martina Mockovčiaková & Roman Soták - 801-802 R. Paulavičius and J. Žilinskas: Simplicial global optimization
by Anatoly Zhigljavsky
November 2014, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 391-392 Vladimir Fedorovich Demyanov (18.08.1938–18.04.2014)
by Manlio Gaudioso & Vasily Malozemov & Yaroslav Sergeyev - 393-423 Handelman’s hierarchy for the maximum stable set problem
by Monique Laurent & Zhao Sun - 425-458 Branch-and-Sandwich: a deterministic global optimization algorithm for optimistic bilevel programming problems. Part I: Theoretical development
by Polyxeni-Margarita Kleniati & Claire Adjiman - 459-481 Branch-and-Sandwich: a deterministic global optimization algorithm for optimistic bilevel programming problems. Part II: Convergence analysis and numerical results
by Polyxeni-M. Kleniati & Claire Adjiman - 483-499 A modified DIRECT algorithm with bilevel partition
by Qunfeng Liu & Wanyou Cheng - 501-529 Interior Epigraph Directions method for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization via generalized augmented Lagrangian duality
by Regina Burachik & Wilhelm Freire & C. Kaya - 531-550 A penalty approximation method for a semilinear parabolic double obstacle problem
by Y. Zhou & S. Wang & X. Yang - 551-574 A study of singular spectrum analysis with global optimization techniques
by Moody Chu & Matthew Lin & Liqi Wang - 575-594 Fast calculation of multiobjective probability of improvement and expected improvement criteria for Pareto optimization
by Ivo Couckuyt & Dirk Deschrijver & Tom Dhaene - 595-596 Ya. D. Sergeyev, R. G. Strongin and D. Lera: Introduction to global optimization exploiting space-filling curves
by Anatoly Zhigljavsky
October 2014, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 121-122 Global optimization workshop 2012
by Daniel Aloise & Pierre Hansen & Caroline Rocha - 123-144 Influence of ensemble surrogate models and sampling strategy on the solution quality of algorithms for computationally expensive black-box global optimization problems
by Juliane Müller & Christine Shoemaker - 145-164 Upper bounding in inner regions for global optimization under inequality constraints
by Ignacio Araya & Gilles Trombettoni & Bertrand Neveu & Gilles Chabert - 165-182 Column generation bounds for numerical microaggregation
by Daniel Aloise & Pierre Hansen & Caroline Rocha & Éverton Santi - 183-194 Stabilizer-based symmetry breaking constraints for mathematical programs
by Leo Liberti & James Ostrowski - 195-216 Modeling and solving the bi-objective minimum diameter-cost spanning tree problem
by Andréa Santos & Diego Lima & Dario Aloise - 217-238 Extended formulations for convex envelopes
by Martin Ballerstein & Dennis Michaels - 239-263 A filter-based artificial fish swarm algorithm for constrained global optimization: theoretical and practical issues
by Ana Rocha & M. Costa & Edite Fernandes - 265-287 An integer linear programming formulation and heuristics for the minmax relative regret robust shortest path problem
by Amadeu Coco & João Júnior & Thiago Noronha & Andréa Santos - 289-306 Finding multiple roots of a box-constrained system of nonlinear equations with a biased random-key genetic algorithm
by Ricardo Silva & Mauricio Resende & Panos Pardalos - 307-315 Optimal rank-sparsity decomposition
by Jon Lee & Bai Zou - 317-331 A new hybrid classical-quantum algorithm for continuous global optimization problems
by Pedro Lara & Renato Portugal & Carlile Lavor - 333-349 Discretization orders for protein side chains
by Virginia Costa & Antonio Mucherino & Carlile Lavor & Andrea Cassioli & Luiz Carvalho & Nelson Maculan - 351-371 Turning restriction design in traffic networks with a budget constraint
by Les Foulds & Daniel Duarte & Hugo Nascimento & Humberto Longo & Bryon Hall - 373-389 Integrating nonlinear branch-and-bound and outer approximation for convex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
by Wendel Melo & Marcia Fampa & Fernanda Raupp
September 2014, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-3 Preface of the special issue OR: connecting sciences supported by global optimization related to the 25th European conference on operational research (EURO XXV 2012)
by Adil Bagirov & Kaisa Miettinen & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber - 5-24 New and efficient algorithms for transfer prices and inventory holding policies in two-enterprise supply chains
by Hoai Thi & Duc Tran - 25-48 Local reduction based SQP-type method for semi-infinite programs with an infinite number of second-order cone constraints
by Takayuki Okuno & Masao Fukushima - 49-58 A hyperbolic smoothing approach to the Multisource Weber problem
by Vinicius Xavier & Felipe França & Adilson Xavier & Priscila Lima - 59-78 A numerical method for pricing European options with proportional transaction costs
by Wen Li & Song Wang - 79-102 Restructuring forward step of MARS algorithm using a new knot selection procedure based on a mapping approach
by Elcin Koc & Cem Iyigun - 103-120 Efficient adaptive regression spline algorithms based on mapping approach with a case study on finance
by Elcin Koc & Cem Iyigun & İnci Batmaz & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
August 2014, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 695-727 Nonlinear separation approach for the augmented Lagrangian in nonlinear semidefinite programming
by H. Wu & H. Luo & J. Yang - 729-756 A solution method for linear variational relation problems
by Anulekha Dhara & Dinh Luc - 757-785 On efficiency and mixed duality for a new class of nonconvex multiobjective variational control problems
by Tadeusz Antczak - 787-809 Level bundle-like algorithms for convex optimization
by J. Bello Cruz & W. Oliveira - 811-836 Benson type algorithms for linear vector optimization and applications
by Andreas Hamel & Andreas Löhne & Birgit Rudloff - 837-863 Functional inequalities and theorems of the alternative involving composite functions
by N. Dinh & G. Vallet & M. Volle - 865-889 SO-I: a surrogate model algorithm for expensive nonlinear integer programming problems including global optimization applications
by Juliane Müller & Christine Shoemaker & Robert Piché
July 2014, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 207-207 Preface: Honoring the 60th birthday of Panos M. Pardalos
by Oleg Prokopyev & Nikolaos Sahinidis - 209-225 Globally convergent DC trust-region methods
by Hoai Le Thi & Van Huynh & Tao Dinh & A. Vaz & L. Vicente - 227-242 Lattice preconditioning for the real relaxation branch-and-bound approach for integer least squares problems
by Miguel Anjos & Xiao-Wen Chang & Wen-Yang Ku - 243-258 Rounding on the standard simplex: regular grids for global optimization
by Immanuel Bomze & Stefan Gollowitzer & E. Yıldırım - 259-275 PAVER 2.0: an open source environment for automated performance analysis of benchmarking data
by Michael Bussieck & Steven Dirkse & Stefan Vigerske - 277-306 Optimality-based bound contraction with multiparametric disaggregation for the global optimization of mixed-integer bilinear problems
by Pedro Castro & Ignacio Grossmann - 307-326 On the computation of all eigenvalues for the eigenvalue complementarity problem
by Luís Fernandes & Joaquim Júdice & Hanif Sherali & Masao Fukushima - 327-341 Error estimation in nonlinear optimization
by William Hager & Delphine Mico-Umutesi - 343-365 Linearization-based algorithms for mixed-integer nonlinear programs with convex continuous relaxation
by Mahdi Hamzeei & James Luedtke - 367-404 A fully general, exact algorithm for nesting irregular shapes
by Donald Jones - 405-437 Cutting ellipses from area-minimizing rectangles
by Josef Kallrath & Steffen Rebennack - 439-457 Sparse optimization in feature selection: application in neuroimaging
by K. Kampa & S. Mehta & C. Chou & W. Chaovalitwongse & T. Grabowski - 459-476 On rigorous upper bounds to a global optimum
by Ralph Kearfott - 477-501 A technique to derive the analytical form of convex envelopes for some bivariate functions
by Marco Locatelli - 503-526 ANTIGONE: Algorithms for coNTinuous / Integer Global Optimization of Nonlinear Equations
by Ruth Misener & Christodoulos Floudas - 527-543 A branch and bound method for the solution of multiparametric mixed integer linear programming problems
by Richard Oberdieck & Martina Wittmann-Hohlbein & Efstratios Pistikopoulos - 545-567 Globally-biased Disimpl algorithm for expensive global optimization
by Remigijus Paulavičius & Yaroslav Sergeyev & Dmitri Kvasov & Julius Žilinskas - 569-595 Exclusion regions for optimization problems
by Hermann Schichl & Mihály Markót & Arnold Neumaier - 597-631 Models and solution techniques for production planning problems with increasing byproducts
by Srikrishna Sridhar & Jeffrey Linderoth & James Luedtke - 633-662 Multivariate McCormick relaxations
by A. Tsoukalas & A. Mitsos - 663-671 Minimum vertex cover in ball graphs through local search
by Zhao Zhang & Weili Wu & Lidan Fan & Ding-Zhu Du - 673-693 Global optimization of general nonconvex problems with intermediate polynomial substructures
by Keith Zorn & Nikolaos Sahinidis
May 2014, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-21 Speeding up branch and bound algorithms for solving the maximum clique problem
by Evgeny Maslov & Mikhail Batsyn & Panos Pardalos - 23-40 Simplicial Lipschitz optimization without the Lipschitz constant
by Remigijus Paulavičius & Julius Žilinskas - 41-58 Multiobjective DC programs with infinite convex constraints
by Shaojian Qu & Mark Goh & Soon-Yi Wu & Robert Souza - 59-80 Path-following gradient-based decomposition algorithms for separable convex optimization
by Quoc Tran Dinh & Ion Necoara & Moritz Diehl - 81-99 A full-Newton step feasible interior-point algorithm for $$P_*(\kappa )$$ P ∗ ( κ ) -linear complementarity problems
by G. Wang & C. Yu & K. Teo - 101-106 Subdifferential test for optimality
by Florence Jules & Marc Lassonde - 107-130 Order statistics and region-based evolutionary computation
by S. Puechmorel & D. Delahaye - 131-138 On penalty methods for non monotone equilibrium problems
by I. Konnov - 139-164 Stability for trust-region methods via generalized differentiation
by Nguyen Qui - 165-171 On the stability of the linear functional equation in a single variable on complete metric groups
by Soon-Mo Jung & Dorian Popa & Michael Rassias - 173-190 Projected viscosity subgradient methods for variational inequalities with equilibrium problem constraints in Hilbert spaces
by Phan Vuong & Jean Strodiot & Van Nguyen - 191-205 Levitin–Polyak well-posedness for constrained quasiconvex vector optimization problems
by C. Lalitha & Prashanto Chatterjee
April 2014, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 613-629 Aircraft deconfliction with speed regulation: new models from mixed-integer optimization
by Sonia Cafieri & Nicolas Durand - 631-652 Efficient computation of spectral bounds for Hessian matrices on hyperrectangles for global optimization
by Moritz Schulze Darup & Martin Kastsian & Stefan Mross & Martin Mönnigmann - 653-672 First order rejection tests for multiple-objective optimization
by Alexandre Goldsztejn & Ferenc Domes & Brice Chevalier - 673-692 Second-order Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions for set-valued optimization
by S. Zhu & S. Li & K. Teo - 693-709 Higher-order optimality conditions for proper efficiency in nonsmooth vector optimization using radial sets and radial derivatives
by Nguyen Hoang Anh & Phan Khanh - 711-728 An objective space cut and bound algorithm for convex multiplicative programmes
by Lizhen Shao & Matthias Ehrgott - 729-750 An illumination problem: optimal apex and optimal orientation for a cone of light
by Annabella Astorino & Manlio Gaudioso & Alberto Seeger - 751-767 Vector quasi-equilibrium problems: separation, saddle points and error bounds for the solution set
by S.-M. Guu & J. Li - 769-794 Memetic algorithms and hyperheuristics applied to a multiobjectivised two-dimensional packing problem
by Eduardo Segredo & Carlos Segura & Coromoto León - 795-815 Carbon tax based on the emission factor: a bilevel programming approach
by Hossa Almutairi & Samir Elhedhli
March 2014, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 411-427 New methods for calculating $$\alpha $$ BB-type underestimators
by Anders Skjäl & Tapio Westerlund - 429-438 The cluster problem revisited
by Achim Wechsung & Spencer Schaber & Paul Barton - 439-464 A continuous characterization of the maximum-edge biclique problem
by Nicolas Gillis & François Glineur - 465-480 A Semidefinite Programming approach for solving Multiobjective Linear Programming
by Victor Blanco & Justo Puerto & Safae El Haj Ben Ali - 481-495 Problems with resource allocation constraints and optimization over the efficient set
by P. Thach & T. Thang - 497-516 A black-box scatter search for optimization problems with integer variables
by Manuel Laguna & Francisco Gortázar & Micael Gallego & Abraham Duarte & Rafael Martí - 517-543 Optimal learning for sequential sampling with non-parametric beliefs
by Emre Barut & Warren Powell - 545-564 Invariant-point theorems and existence of solutions to optimization-related problems
by Phan Khanh & Vo Long - 565-593 Strongly nonlinear multivalued elliptic equations on a bounded domain
by Claudianor Alves & José Gonçalves & Jefferson Santos - 595-612 Mordukhovich subgradients of the value function to a parametric discrete optimal control problem
by N. Toan & J.-C. Yao
February 2014, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 205-205 Journal of Global Optimization Best Paper Award for a paper published in 2012
by Sergiy Butenko - 207-242 Augmented Lagrangians with possible infeasibility and finite termination for global nonlinear programming
by E. Birgin & J. Martínez & L. Prudente - 243-260 Existence of augmented Lagrange multipliers for cone constrained optimization problems
by Yu Zhou & Jin Zhou & Xiao Yang - 261-284 Minimizing rational functions by exact Jacobian SDP relaxation applicable to finite singularities
by Feng Guo & Li Wang & Guangming Zhou - 285-319 Algorithms for nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations: a unified view based on block coordinate descent framework
by Jingu Kim & Yunlong He & Haesun Park - 321-340 Equilibrium problems involving the Lorentz cone
by Pedro Gajardo & Alberto Seeger - 341-350 Modified projection method for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
by Pham Khanh & Phan Vuong - 351-363 Generalized second-order contingent epiderivatives in parametric vector optimization problems
by Xiang-Kai Sun & Sheng-Jie Li - 365-375 Abstract convexity of topical functions
by H. Mohebi & M. Samet - 377-387 Online pricing for bundles of multiple items
by Yong Zhang & Francis Chin & Hing-Fung Ting - 389-404 High-order moments conservation in thermostatted kinetic models
by Carlo Bianca & Massimiliano Ferrara & Luca Guerrini - 405-410 Construction of error-tolerance pooling designs in symplectic spaces
by Haixia Guo & Jizhu Nan
January 2014, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-30 Global optimization of bounded factorable functions with discontinuities
by Achim Wechsung & Paul Barton - 31-50 Global optimality principles for polynomial optimization over box or bivalent constraints by separable polynomial approximations
by V. Jeyakumar & G. Li & S. Srisatkunarajah - 51-73 A new class of exact penalty functions and penalty algorithms
by Changyu Wang & Cheng Ma & Jinchuan Zhou - 75-108 Evolutionary annealing: global optimization in measure spaces
by Alan Lockett & Risto Miikkulainen - 109-135 An entire space polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming
by Da Tian - 137-149 Interior-point algorithms for $$P_{*}(\kappa )$$ -LCP based on a new class of kernel functions
by Yong-Hoon Lee & You-Young Cho & Gyeong-Mi Cho - 151-168 A smoothing homotopy method for variational inequality problems on polyhedral convex sets
by Zhengyong Zhou & Bo Yu - 169-188 On proximal gradient method for the convex problems regularized with the group reproducing kernel norm
by Haibin Zhang & Juan Wei & Meixia Li & Jie Zhou & Miantao Chao - 189-203 On the exhaustivity of simplicial partitioning
by Peter Dickinson
December 2013, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 1039-1063 Global optimization of bilinear programs with a multiparametric disaggregation technique
by Scott Kolodziej & Pedro Castro & Ignacio Grossmann - 1065-1089 Selection of intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment beam directions using radial basis functions within a pattern search methods framework
by H. Rocha & J. Dias & B. Ferreira & M. Lopes - 1091-1111 On smooth reformulations and direct non-smooth computations for minimax problems
by Ralph Kearfott & Sowmya Muniswamy & Yi Wang & Xinyu Li & Qian Wang - 1113-1137 Approximation of rank function and its application to the nearest low-rank correlation matrix
by Shujun Bi & Le Han & Shaohua Pan - 1139-1146 A note on set-semidefinite relaxations of nonconvex quadratic programs
by Faizan Ahmed & Georg Still - 1147-1172 Theoretical filtering of RLT bound-factor constraints for solving polynomial programming problems to global optimality
by Evrim Dalkiran & Hanif Sherali - 1173-1192 Some properties of a hypergeometric function which appear in an approximation problem
by Gradimir Milovanović & Michael Rassias - 1193-1212 A modification of the DIRECT method for Lipschitz global optimization for a symmetric function
by Ratko Grbić & Emmanuel Nyarko & Rudolf Scitovski - 1213-1227 Refinements of existence results for relaxed quasimonotone equilibrium problems
by M. Castellani & M. Giuli - 1229-1243 Fréchet subdifferentials of efficient point multifunctions in parametric vector optimization
by Thai Chuong & Jen-Chih Yao - 1245-1262 Infinite horizon $$H_2/H_\infty $$ optimal control for discrete-time Markov jump systems with ( $$x,u,v$$ )-dependent noise
by Ting Hou & Weihai Zhang & Hongji Ma - 1263-1275 Max-min weight balanced connected partition
by Lele Wang & Zhao Zhang & Di Wu & Weili Wu & Lidan Fan - 1277-1297 Iterative methods for solving equilibrium problems, variational inequalities and fixed points of nonexpansive semigroups
by Prasit Cholamjiak & Suthep Suantai - 1299-1318 Strong convergence for maximal monotone operators, relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings, variational inequalities and equilibrium problems
by Siwaporn Saewan & Poom Kumam & Yeol Cho - 1319-1325 A note on nonlinear fourth-order elliptic equations on $$\mathbb R ^N$$
by Lin Li & Wen-Wu Pan - 1327-1348 A general iteration scheme for variational inequality problem and common fixed point problems of nonexpansive mappings in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces
by Yanlai Song & Luchuan Ceng - 1349-1358 Optimization of the difference of topical functions
by A. Doagooei & H. Mohebi - 1359-1373 Minimax theorems for scalar set-valued mappings with nonconvex domains and applications
by Y. Zhang & S. Li - 1375-1384 Uniqueness of supporting hyperplanes and an alternative to solutions of variational inequalities
by Songnian He & Hong-Kun Xu - 1385-1399 Maximal, potential and singular operators in vanishing generalized Morrey spaces
by Natasha Samko - 1401-1418 Continuity of solution mappings in some parametric non-weak vector Ky Fan inequalities
by Pham Sach & Nguyen Minh - 1419-1428 An improved first-order primal-dual algorithm with a new correction step
by Xingju Cai & Deren Han & Lingling Xu - 1429-1446 Iterative processes for common fixed points of two different families of mappings with applications
by Sun Cho & Xiaolong Qin & Shin Kang - 1447-1464 Existence theorems of the hemivariational inequality governed by a multi-valued map perturbed with a nonlinear term in Banach spaces
by Rabian Wangkeeree & Pakkapon Preechasilp - 1465-1484 New optimality conditions for nonsmooth control problems
by Valeriano Oliveira & Geraldo Silva
November 2013, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 613-615 Preface: special issue of JOGO–GCM10
by Boris Mordukhovich & Nicolae Popovici & Ruey-Lin Sheu - 617-631 Enhancing computations of nondominated solutions in MOLFP via reference points
by João Costa & Maria Alves - 633-647 Characterization and recognition of d.c. functions
by Ivan Ginchev & Denitza Gintcheva - 649-662 Generalized convexity for non-regular optimization problems with conic constraints
by B. Hernández-Jiménez & R. Osuna-Gómez & M. Rojas-Medar & L. Santos - 663-676 Projections onto convex sets on the sphere
by O. Ferreira & A. Iusem & S. Németh - 677-693 Characterizations of pseudoconvex functions and semistrictly quasiconvex ones
by Vsevolod Ivanov - 695-705 Strongly convex set-valued maps
by Hugo Leiva & Nelson Merentes & Kazimierz Nikodem & José Sánchez - 707-718 On the uniqueness of Cournot equilibrium in case of concave integrated price flexibility
by Pierre von Mouche & Federico Quartieri - 719-731 On the differentiability of the support function
by C. Zălinescu - 733-751 Optimization challenges in the structured low rank approximation problem
by Jonathan Gillard & Anatoly Zhigljavsky - 753-769 Global convergence of a non-convex Douglas–Rachford iteration
by Francisco Aragón Artacho & Jonathan Borwein - 771-782 Geometric branch-and-bound methods for constrained global optimization problems
by Daniel Scholz - 783-801 Approximations for two variants of the Steiner tree problem in the Euclidean plane $${\mathbb{R}^2}$$
by Jianping Li & Haiyan Wang & Binchao Huang & Junran Lichen - 803-820 An Armijo-type method for pseudomonotone equilibrium problems and its applications
by P. Anh & H. Le Thi - 821-828 Stackelberg equilibria via variational inequalities and projections
by Szilárd Nagy - 829-841 Existence and uniqueness of solution for quasi-equilibrium problems and fixed point problems on complete metric spaces with applications
by Chih-Sheng Chuang & Lai-Jiu Lin - 843-861 Optimization reformulations of the generalized Nash equilibrium problem using regularized indicator Nikaidô–Isoda function
by C. Lalitha & Mansi Dhingra - 863-890 An efficient implementation of parallel simulated annealing algorithm in GPUs
by A. Ferreiro & J. García & J. López-Salas & C. Vázquez - 891-933 Solving dual problems using a coevolutionary optimization algorithm
by Kalyanmoy Deb & Shivam Gupta & Joydeep Dutta & Bhoomija Ranjan - 935-950 Superimposed optimization methods for the mixed equilibrium problem and variational inclusion
by Yonghong Yao & Yeong-Cheng Liou & Ngai-Ching Wong - 951-968 Versions of Ekeland’s variational principle involving set perturbations
by Phan Khanh & Dinh Quy - 969-995 Solvability and iterative approximations for a functional equation
by Zeqing Liu & Jingjing Zhu & Shin Kang & Jeong Ume - 997-1024 Green overhead and underground multiple-input multiple-output medium voltage broadband over power lines networks: energy-efficient power control
by Athanasios Lazaropoulos - 1025-1038 Efficient algorithms for the offline variable sized bin-packing problem
by Mohamed Maiza & Abdenour Labed & Mohammed Radjef
October 2013, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 279-280 Special Issue: 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making; Articles on multiobjective optimization
by Kaisa Miettinen & Serpil Sayin - 281-298 Higher and lower-level knowledge discovery from Pareto-optimal sets
by Sunith Bandaru & Kalyanmoy Deb - 299-314 A stochastic programming approach to multicriteria portfolio optimization
by Ceren Tuncer Şakar & Murat Köksalan - 315-330 Interactive procedure for a multiobjective stochastic discrete dynamic problem
by Maciej Nowak & Tadeusz Trzaskalik - 331-345 A variational approach to define robustness for parametric multiobjective optimization problems
by Katrin Witting & Sina Ober-Blöbaum & Michael Dellnitz - 347-365 Finding all nondominated points of multi-objective integer programs
by Banu Lokman & Murat Köksalan - 367-384 Utilizing expected improvement and generalized data envelopment analysis in multi-objective genetic algorithms
by Yeboon Yun & Hirotaka Nakayama - 385-398 Global search perspectives for multiobjective optimization
by Alberto Lovison - 399-414 Optimality conditions for a class of composite multiobjective nonsmooth optimization problems
by Li Tang & Ke Zhao - 415-445 Synchronous and asynchronous Pareto-based multi-objective Artificial Bee Colony algorithms
by Bahriye Akay - 447-465 ε-Mixed type duality for nonconvex multiobjective programs with an infinite number of constraints
by T. Son & D. Kim - 467-497 Analysing the scalability of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms when solving the motif discovery problem
by David González-Álvarez & Miguel Vega-Rodríguez