March 2007, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 131-150 Euroscepticism as Anti-Centralization
by Simon Hix
December 2006, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 427-449 Cautious Voters -Supportive Parties
by Mikko Mattila & Tapio Raunio - 450-476 Minority Governments and Exchange Rate Regimes
by Bumba Mukherjee & David Leblang - 477-504 The News Coverage of the 2004 European Parliamentary Election Campaign in 25 Countries
by Claes H. de Vreese & Susan A. Banducci & Holli A. Semetko & Hajo G. Boomgaarden - 505-530 Participation and Political Competition in Committee Report Allocation
by Pierre Hausemer - 531-552 ‘It’s the Bureaucracy, Stupid’
by Peter Hille & Christoph Knill - 553-574 Quantifying European Legislative Research
by Thomas König & Brooke Luetgert & Tanja Dannwolf - 575-576 European Union Politics Index for 2006
by N/A
September 2006, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 290-290 Sage Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 6
by N/A - 291-291 EUP Referees April 2005-February 2006
by N/A - 293-319 Turning Swift Policy-making into Deadlock and Delay
by Bernard Steunenberg - 321-346 The Second-order Election Model in an Enlarged Europe
by Jason R. Koepke & Nils Ringe - 347-372 Adjusting to the EMU
by Tal Sadeh - 373-392 Partisan Politics in Regional Redistribution
by Achim Kemmerling & Thilo Bodenstein - 393-419 The European Social Model and the United States
by Jens Alber
June 2006, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 163-166 European Integration, Policy Autonomy and Partisan Politics
by Jakob De Haan & Thomas Plümper - 167-189 Strategic Interaction among EU Governments in Active Labor Market Policy-making
by Robert J. Franzese Jr. & Jude C. Hays - 191-211 Are there Political Budget Cycles in the Euro Area?
by Mark Mink & Jakob de Haan - 213-234 Monetary Policy Autonomy in European Non-Euro Countries, 1980–2005
by Thomas Plümper & Vera E. Troeger - 235-256 European Integration, Intergovernmental Bargaining, and Convergence of Party Programmes
by Han Dorussen & Kyriaki Nanou - 257-270 An Empirical Analysis of the Europeanization of National Party Manifestos, 1960–2003
by Paul Pennings - 271-287 Methodological Pitfalls of Convergence Analysis
by Katharina Holzinger
March 2006, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-29 Committee Representation in the European Parliament
by Gail McElroy - 30-50 Allocation of Codecision Reports in the Fifth European Parliament
by Bjorn Hoyland - 51-76 Who Is Powerful?
by Jonathan B. Slapin - 77-112 The Europeanization of Public Discourse in Italy
by Donatella della Porta & Manuela Caiani - 113-140 Adjusting to EMU
by Henrik Enderlein - 141-160 Political Parties, Public Opinion and European Integration in Post-Communist Countries
by Robert Rohrschneider & Stephen Whitefield
December 2005, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 395-418 A Utilitarian Assessment of Alternative Decision Rules in the Council of Ministers
by Claus Beisbart & Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 419-443 Calculation, Community and Cues
by Liesbet Hooghe & Gary Marks - 445-467 Nationality and the Preferences of the European Public toward EU Policy-Making
by Konstantin Vössing - 469-492 Treaties, Collective Responses and the Determinants of Aggregate Support for European Integration
by Sabrà ÇÃftçà - 493-510 Forum Section: EU Representation and the Governance of the International Monetary Fund
by Géraldine Mahieu & Dirk Ooms & Stéphane Rottier - 511-512 European Union Politics Index for 2005
by N/A
September 2005, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 259-267 Measuring and Analysing Positions on European Constitution-building
by Thomas König - 269-290 Ignoring the Non-ignorables?
by Thomas König & Daniel Finke & Stephanie Daimer - 291-313 Measuring National Delegate Positions at the Convention on the Future of Europe Using Computerized Word Scoring
by Kenneth Benoit & Michael Laver & Christine Arnold & Paul Pennings & Madeleine O. Hosli - 315-337 Assessing the Reliability and Validity of Expert Interviews
by Han Dorussen & Hartmut Lenz & Spyros Blavoukos - 339-352 Using Mass Survey Data to Infer Political Positions
by Simon Hug & Tobias Schulz - 353-376 Extracting Ideal Point Estimates from Actors’ Preferences in the EU Constitutional Negotiations
by Simon Hix & Christophe Crombez - 377-390 Assessing the Contributions of the DOSEI Project
by George Tsebelis
June 2005, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 155-180 Location, Location, Location
by Adam P. Brinegar & Seth K. Jolly - 181-200 Public Opinion, Risk Perceptions, and Genetically Modified Food Regulatory Policy
by Robert F. Durant & Jerome S. Legge Jr - 201-221 ‘Second-order’ versus ‘Issue-voting’ Effects in EU Referendums
by John Garry & Michael Marsh & Richard Sinnott - 223-242 Political versus Instrumental Euro-scepticism
by Marcel Lubbers & Peer Scheepers - 243-252 Forum Section The Study of EU Public Policy
by Fabio Franchino
March 2005, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-28 National Parties in the European Parliament
by Richard Whitaker - 29-57 Economic and Political Basis of Attitudes towards the EU in Central and East European Countries in the 1990s
by Thomas Christin - 59-82 Projecting EU Referendums
by Claes H. de Vreese & Hajo G. Boomgaarden - 83-112 European Integration, Public Opinion and Immigration Policy
by Adam Luedtke - 113-145 Formal Theory and Case-Study Methods in EU Studies
by Robert Pahre
December 2004, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 395-418 Can the EU Anchor Policy Reform in Third Countries?
by Alfred Tovias & Mehmet Ugur - 419-439 Accession and Reform of the European Union
by Thomas König & Thomas Bräuninger - 441-466 The Power of Institutions
by Christine Mahoney - 467-493 Voting against Spending Cuts
by Carlos Mulas-Granados - 495-508 Where Is the Analysis of European Foreign Policy Going?
by Walter Carlsnaes - 509-509 April 2003–March 2004
by N/A - 511-512 Index for 2004
by N/A
September 2004, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 283-306 Get your Act Together
by Federico Ferrara & J. Timo Weishaupt - 307-330 The Internal Value of External Options
by Walter Mattli & Thomas Plümper - 331-351 Public Opinion and Enlargement
by Erik Jones & Niels van der Bijl - 353-371 Rapporteurship Allocation in the European Parliament
by Michael Kaeding - 373-391 The Stalemate in the Constitutional IGC over the Definition of a Qualified Majority
by David R. Cameron
June 2004, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 155-180 Asylum Destination Choice
by Eric Neumayer - 181-209 Government–Financial Market Relations after EMU
by Layna Mosley - 211-240 Voice and Access
by Jan Beyers - 241-260 The Legislative Impact of the European Parliament Under the Revised Co-Decision Procedure
by Christiane Kasack - 261-276 One Europe, One Vote?
by Jeffry A. Frieden
March 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-23 Winners and Losers in the European Union
by Frans Stokman & Robert Thomson - 25-46 Between Power and Luck
by Torsten J. Selck & Bernard Steunenberg - 47-72 Bargaining in the European Union and Shifts in Actors’ Policy Positions
by Javier Arregui & Frans Stokman & Robert Thomson - 73-97 A Priori versus Empirical Voting Power in the EU Council of Ministers
by Antti Pajala & Mika Widgrèn - 99-123 Bargaining Success in the European Union
by Stefanie Bailer - 125-138 Decision-Making Models, Rigor and New Puzzles
by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - 139-146 The Voting Power Approach
by Max Albert
December 2003, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 371-395 Surviving the Deadline
by Ellen Mastenbroek - 397-419 The Preliminary Reference Process
by Stacy A. Nyikos - 421-445 Catching the Runaway Bureaucracy in Brussels
by Hae-Won Jun - 447-471 Agrarian Politics in Eastern Europe in the Shadow of EU Accession
by J. C. Sharman - 473-497 In Defence of Voting Power Analysis
by Dan S. Felsenthal & Dennis Leech & Christian List & Moshé Machover - 499-506 Two Analytical Narratives about the History of the EU
by Iain Mclean
September 2003, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 259-279 Reconsidering the Link between Incumbent Support and Pro-EU Opinion
by Leonard Ray - 281-304 Europe Divided?
by Liesbet Hooghe - 305-327 EU Politics on Television News
by Jochen Peter & Holli A. Semetko & Claes H. de Vreese - 329-349 Managing the Euro
by Karl Kaltenthaler - 351-366 The Voting Power Approach
by Max Albert
June 2003, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 139-164 The Regional Dynamics of European Electoral Politics
by David Jesuit - 165-189 Insider and Outsider Lobbying of the European Commission
by Andreas Broscheid & David Coen - 191-218 Moving Into the European Orbit
by Christian Lahusen - 219-241 The Influence of the Nation-State on Individual Support for the European Union
by Sylvia Kritzinger - 243-251 The Eurobarometers
by Hermann Schmitt
March 2003, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-10 Introduction: Democratic Institutions for a New Europe
by Gerald Schneider & Daniel Verdier - 11-36 Biased Ministers, Inefficiency, and Control in Distributive Policies
by Fabio Franchino & Anne J. Rahming - 37-50 Which Decision Rule for the Future Council?
by Hannu Nurmi & Madeleine O. Hosli - 51-74 The Rotating Presidency of the European Council as a Search for Good Policies
by Ken Kollman - 75-100 The European Court of Justice, Democracy, and Enlargement
by Clifford J. Carrubba - 101-120 The Democratic Deficit in the European Union
by Christophe Crombez - 121-134 The State That Wasn't There
by Simon Hug
December 2002, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 387-413 Undivided Loyalties
by Sean Carey - 415-443 Joining the EU?
by Thomas Christin & Alexander H. Trechsel - 445-458 Alternation, Inclusion and the European Union
by André Kaiser - 459-479 National Parliamentary Scrutiny Over EU Issues
by Ronald Holzhacker - 481-500 Who is Afraid of Comulative Research?: Improving Data on EU Politics
by Matthew Gabel & Simon Hix & Gerald Schneider - 501-503 The Consociational Analogy of the European Union
by Matthijs Bogaards
September 2002, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 267-295 Structural Conditions and the Propensity for Regional Integration
by Brian Efird & Gaspare M. Genna - 297-326 The Two Sides of Euroscepticism
by Petr Kopecký & Cas Mudde - 327-355 Saying `Maybe' to the `Return to Europe'
by James Hughes & Gwendolyn Sasse & Claire Gordon - 357-381 Consociational Interpretations of the European Union
by Matthijs Bogaards & Markus M.L. Crepaz
June 2002, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 139-150 Introduction
by Mark Hallerberg - 151-175 Strength in Numbers?
by Jonathan Rodden - 177-203 Comparative Institutional and Policy Advantage
by Robert J. Franzese Jr & James M. Mosher - 205-230 Fiscal Policy and the Democratic Process in the European Union
by William Roberts Clark & Matt Golder & Sona Nadenichek Golder - 231-250 Political Business Cycles in EU Accession Countries
by Mark Hallerberg & Lúcio Vinhas de Souza & William Roberts Clark - 251-260 Fiscal Policy in Post-EMU Europe
by David E. Wildasin
March 2002, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial Note
by Gerald Schneider & Matthew Gabel & Simon Hix - 7-32 Information, Lobbying and the Legislative Process in the European Union
by Christophe Crombez - 33-58 Ideology, Nationality and Euro-Parliamentarians
by Abdul G. Noury - 59-80 The Dimensionality of the EU Policy Space
by Paul Pennings - 81-111 Preferring Europe
by Mark Aspinwall - 113-136 Law, Political Science and EU Legal Studies
by Karen J. Alter & Renaud Dehousse & Georg Vanberg
October 2001, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 259-281 Why National States Comply with Supranational Law
by Heather A. D. Mbaye - 283-307 `Europe' in the News
by Claes H. de Vreese - 309-328 How Structural Factors Cause Turnout Variations at European Parliament Elections
by Mark N. Franklin - 329-351 Examining the EU Legislative Process
by Thomas König & Mirja Pöter - 353-366 The EU Legislative Process
by Geoffrey Garrett & George Tsebelis & Richard Corbett
June 2001, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 131-162 Divided Government and International Cooperation in Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway and the European Union
by Robert Pahre - 163-189 The Political Economy of Budget Deficits in the European Union
by Markus Freitag & Pascal Sciarini - 191-217 Does Religion Matter?
by Brent F. Nelsen & James L. Guth & Cleveland R. Fraser - 219-249 A Constructivist Research Program in EU Studies?
by Jeffrey T. Checkel & Andrew Moravcsik
February 2001, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-30 Explaining Institutional Change in the European Union
by Clifford J. Carrubba & Craig Volden - 31-52 Why Unanimity in the Council?
by Mikko Mattila & Jan-Erik Lane - 53-79 Models of Democracy
by Richard S. Katz - 81-102 Euroskeptics, Europhiles and Instrumental Europeans
by Richard Haesly - 103-122 Two Logics of Delegation
by Giandomenico Majone
October 2000, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 267-291 Exploring the Gender Gap
by Brent F. Nelsen & James L. Guth - 293-317 Good Governance and European Aid
by Sabine C. Zanger - 318-339 Dynamic Representation
by Hermann Schmitt & Jacques J. A. Thomassen - 340-362 Rules, Ideology and Coalition Formation in the European Parliament
by Amie Kreppel - 363-381 Understanding the EU Legislative Process
by Christophe Crombez & Bernard Steunenberg & Richard Corbett
June 2000, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 147-171 The Political Basis of Support for European Integration
by Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca - 173-200 The Economy, Accountability, and Public Support for the President of the European Commission
by Ronald D. Gelleny & Christopher J. Anderson - 201-226 The Search for Convergence of National Policies in the European Union
by Antoaneta Dimitrova & Bernard Steunenberg - 227-249 Values, Perceptions and European Integration
by Jo Saglie - 251-263 The Political Economy of European Integration
by Barry Eichengreen & Jeffry Frieden & Geoffrey Garrett & Andrew K. Rose & Jürgen von Hagen & Michael Wallerstein
February 2000, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-7 European Union Politics
by Gerald Schneider & Matthew Gabel & Simon Hix - 9-36 Legislative Politics in the European Union
by George Tsebelis & Geoffrey Garrett - 37-61 Only an Agenda Setter?
by Susanne K. Schmidt - 63-92 Control of the Commission's Executive Functions
by Fabio Franchino - 93-124 Ratifying Maastricht
by Thomas König & Simon Hug - 125-144 Institutionalist Research on the European Union
by Keith Dowding