March 2020, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 130-151 Cooperation in networks: Political parties and interest groups in EU policy-making in Germany
by Arndt Wonka & Sebastian Haunss - 152-172 Don’t cry for me Britannia: The resilience of the European Union to Brexit
by Narisong Huhe & Daniel Naurin & Robert Thomson - 173-179 Trade connections’ effect on European regions’ interest in Brexit
by Robert Urbatsch
December 2019, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 543-561 Votes, money can buy. The conditional effect of EU Structural Funds on government MPs’ electoral performance
by Zsófia Papp - 562-583 How do institutional constraints affect judicial decision-making? The European Court of Justice’s French language mandate
by Sivaram Cheruvu - 584-607 Political institutions and collective attachments
by Deniz Aksoy & Dino Hadzic - 608-628 The effect of public attitudes toward the European Union on European Commission policy activity
by Christopher J Williams & Shaun Bevan - 629-648 How trust in EU institutions is linked to trust in national institutions: Explaining confidence in EU governance among national-level public officials
by Thomas Persson & Charles F Parker & Sten Widmalm - 649-669 Cross-border friendships and collective European identity: A longitudinal study
by Gabriele Prati & Elvira Cicognani & Davide Mazzoni - 670-691 The evolution of European Union law: A new data set on the Acquis Communautaire
by Joshua C Fjelstul - 692-706 Studying power and influence in the European Union: Exploiting the complexity of post-Lisbon legislation with EUR-Lex
by Jens Blom-Hansen - 707-707 Corrigendum to Explaining the allocation of regional Structural Funds: The conditional effect of governance and self-rule
by N/A
September 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 341-360 More interest in interest: Does poll coverage help or hurt efforts to make more young voters show up at the ballot box?
by Sjoerd B Stolwijk & Andreas RT Schuck - 361-383 Eurozone bailouts and national democracy: Detachment or resilience?
by Dominik Schraff & Frank Schimmelfennig - 384-405 The relationship between national identity and European Union evaluations, 1993–2017
by Nicholas J Clark & Robert Rohrschneider - 406-424 European Monetary Union reform preferences of French and German parliamentarians
by Sebastian Blesse & Pierre C Boyer & Friedrich Heinemann & Eckhard Janeba & Anasuya Raj - 425-446 Government coalitions and Eurosceptic voting in the 2014 European Parliament elections
by Stefano Camatarri & Francesco Zucchini - 447-467 How media shape political trust: News coverage of immigration and its effects on trust in the European Union
by Anna Brosius & Erika J van Elsas & Claes H de Vreese - 468-491 Acceptable in the EU? Why some immigration restrictionists support European Union mobility
by Scott Blinder & Yvonni Markaki - 492-510 Citizens, immigration and the EU as a shield
by Nicolò Conti & Danilo Di Mauro & Vincenzo Memoli - 511-531 Public deliberations in the Council of the European Union: Introducing and validating DICEU
by Christopher Wratil & Sara B Hobolt - 532-532 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics, Volume 19
by N/A - 533-539 Corrigendum
by N/A
June 2019, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 155-175 Enlargement and exit: The origins of Article 50
by Martijn Huysmans - 176-197 Conditional legitimacy: How turnout, majority size, and outcome affect perceptions of legitimacy in European Union membership referendums
by Sveinung Arnesen & Troy S Broderstad & Mikael P Johannesson & Jonas Linde - 198-218 United in fear: Interest group coalition formation as a weapon of the weak?
by Marcel Hanegraaff & Andrea Pritoni - 219-238 Who gets committee leadership positions in the European Parliament? Evidence from the 2014 selection process
by Oliver Treib & Bernd Schlipphak - 239-260 Party group coordinators and rapporteurs: Discretion and agency loss along the European Parliament’s chains of delegation
by Lukas Obholzer & Steffen Hurka & Michael Kaeding - 261-281 Aiding together? Europeans’ attitudes on common aid policy
by Osman S Kiratli - 282-304 European but not European enough: An explanation for Brexit
by Noah Carl & James Dennison & Geoffrey Evans - 305-327 Much ado about nothing? The (non-) politicisation of the European Union in social media debates on migration
by Esther Ademmer & Anna Leupold & Tobias Stöhr - 328-337 Improving the distribution of asylum-seekers through a multi-criteria index
by Silvia Angeloni
March 2019, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-23 Analysing European Union decision-making during the Eurozone crisis with new data
by Fabio Wasserfallen & Dirk Leuffen & Zdenek Kudrna & Hanno Degner - 24-44 Explaining governmental preferences on Economic and Monetary Union Reform
by Silvana Târlea & Stefanie Bailer & Hanno Degner & Lisa M Dellmuth & Dirk Leuffen & Magnus Lundgren & Jonas Tallberg & Fabio Wasserfallen - 45-64 Political conflict in the reform of the Eurozone
by Thomas Lehner & Fabio Wasserfallen - 65-88 Bargaining success in the reform of the Eurozone
by Magnus Lundgren & Stefanie Bailer & Lisa M Dellmuth & Jonas Tallberg & Silvana Târlea - 89-108 Franco-German cooperation and the rescuing of the Eurozone
by Hanno Degner & Dirk Leuffen - 109-133 Crisis bargaining in the European Union: Formal rules or market pressure?
by Daniel Finke & Stefanie Bailer - 134-151 Analyzing inter-state negotiations in the Eurozone crisis and beyond
by Jeffry Frieden & Stefanie Walter
December 2018, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 549-569 Taking center stage: Decoding status hierarchies from group photos of European leaders
by Magnus Lundgren - 570-596 The Court of Justice and treaty revision: A case of strategic leniency?
by José Luis Castro-Montero & Edwin Alblas & Arthur Dyevre & Nicolas Lampach - 597-616 Lobbying cycles in Brussels: Evidence from the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union
by Michelle Hollman & Zuzana Murdoch - 617-638 The preference for Europe: Public opinion about European integration since 1952
by Christopher J Anderson & Jason D Hecht - 639-662 Regional identity and support for integration: An EU-wide comparison of parochialists, inclusive regionalist, and pseudo-exclusivists
by Anna Brigevich - 663-683 The Council’s REACH? National governments’ influence in the European Parliament
by David M Willumsen - 684-706 Intergovernmental or supranational integration? A quantitative analysis of pension recommendations in the European Semester
by Mattia Guidi & Igor Guardiancich
September 2018, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 383-407 Planned fiscal adjustments: Do governments fulfil their commitments?
by Sanjeev Gupta & João T Jalles & Carlos Mulas-Granados & Michela Schena - 408-426 Do European Parliament elections foster challenger parties' success on the national level?
by Julia Schulte-Cloos - 427-457 Obstructing integration: Domestic politics and the European Court of Justice
by Lauren Peritz - 458-480 Democratic discontent and support for mainstream and challenger parties: Democratic protest voting
by Enrique Hernández - 481-501 Is parliamentary attention to the EU strongest when it is needed the most? National parliaments and the selective debate of EU policies
by Thomas Winzen & Rik de Ruiter & Jofre Rocabert - 502-523 Deciding about the unknown: The effect of party and ideological cues on forming opinions about the European Union
by Mariano Torcal & Sergio Martini & Lluis Orriols - 524-545 Bread and butter or bread and circuses? Politicisation and the European Commission in the European Semester
by Reinout A van der Veer & Markus Haverland - 546-546 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics, Volume 18
by N/A
June 2018, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 209-232 European integration as a threat to social security: Another source of Euroscepticism?
by Sharon Baute & Bart Meuleman & Koen Abts & Marc Swyngedouw - 233-254 Why support International redistribution? Corruption and public support for aid in the eurozone
by Monika Bauhr & Nicholas Charron - 255-277 Attitudes towards the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in the European Union: The treaty partner heuristic and issue attention
by Nils D Steiner - 278-298 If you can beat them, confront them: Party-level analysis of opposition behavior in European national parliaments
by Or Tuttnauer - 299-320 Legislative Participation in the EU: An analysis of questions, speeches, motions and declarations in the 7th European Parliament
by Miriam Sorace - 321-343 Radical right parties and European economic integration: Evidence from the seventh European Parliament
by Matteo Cavallaro & David Flacher & Massimo Angelo Zanetti - 344-362 Human rights or security? Positions on asylum in European Parliament speeches
by Snorre Sylvester Frid-Nielsen - 363-379 Capturing the legislative priorities of transnational Europarties and the European Commission: A pledge approach
by Petia Kostadinova & Magda Giurcanu
March 2018, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-24 The European Union democratic deficit: Substantive representation in the European Parliament at the input stage
by Miriam Sorace - 25-51 The evolution of political networks: Evidence from the Council of the European Union
by Narisong Huhe & Daniel Naurin & Robert Thomson - 52-74 Modes of government responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence from Council negotiation positions
by Christopher Wratil - 75-96 The effect of affect: How affective style determines attitudes towards the EU
by Julie H Nielsen - 97-118 Public support for European Union economic policies
by Leon Kanthak & Dennis C Spies - 119-139 How perceptions of immigrants trigger feelings of economic and cultural threats in two welfare states
by Sebastian Fietkau & Kasper M Hansen - 140-162 Working in unison: Political parties and policy issue transfer in the multilevel space
by Roman Senninger & Daniel Bischof - 163-184 Democratization via aid? The European Union’s democracy promotion in the Western Balkans 1994–2010
by Sonja Grimm & Okka Lou Mathis - 185-202 Measuring candidate selection mechanisms in European elections: Comparing formal party rules to candidate survey responses
by Stephen A Meserve & Sivagaminathan Palani & Daniel Pemstein - 203-206 EUP Referees 1 February 2016-31 October 2017
by N/A
December 2017, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 511-535 Crisis of trust: Socio-economic determinants of Europeans’ confidence in government
by Chase Foster & Jeffry Frieden - 536-559 Radical distinction: Support for radical left and radical right parties in Europe
by Matthijs Rooduijn & Brian Burgoon & Erika J van Elsas & Herman G van de Werfhorst - 560-580 The financial crisis and the European Parliament: An analysis of the Two-Pack legislation
by Léa Roger & Simon Otjes & Harmen van der Veer - 581-602 Legislative amendments and informal politics in the European Union: A text reuse approach
by James P Cross & Henrik Hermansson - 603-619 Politicization and the public interest: When do the elites in Brussels address public interests in EU policy debates?
by Iskander De Bruycker - 620-639 The fiscal impact of EU immigration on the tax-financed welfare state: Testing the ‘welfare burden’ thesis
by Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen & Gabriel Pons Rotger - 640-657 Enforcement tool or strategic instrument? The initiation of ex-post legislative evaluations by the European Commission
by Stijn van Voorst & Ellen Mastenbroek - 658-677 In the European Union we trust: European Muslim attitudes toward the European Union
by Mujtaba Isani & Bernd Schlipphak - 678-693 An ever-closer union? Measuring the expansion and ideological content of European Union policy-making through an expert survey
by Kyriaki Nanou & Galina Zapryanova & Fanni Toth
September 2017, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 339-361 Underneath the culture of consensus: Transparency, credible commitments and voting in the Council of Ministers
by Daniel Finke - 362-381 The impact of EU decision-making on national parties’ attitudes towards European integration
by Thomas König & Bernd Luig - 382-405 Fear, anger and enthusiasm about the European Union: Effects of emotional reactions on public preferences towards European integration
by Sofia Vasilopoulou & Markus Wagner - 406-423 The European Commission’s use of consultation during policy formulation: The effects of policy characteristics
by Bart Van Ballaert - 424-446 Is the European Union too complicated? Citizens’ lack of information and party cue effectiveness
by Roberto Pannico - 447-468 The role of candidate evaluations in the 2014 European Parliament elections: Towards the personalization of voting behaviour?
by Katjana Gattermann & Claes H De Vreese - 469-490 Specialists, party members, or national representatives: Patterns in co-sponsorship of amendments in the European Parliament
by Inger Baller - 491-506 Understanding Members of the European Parliament: Four waves of the European Parliament Research Group MEP survey
by Richard Whitaker & Simon Hix & Galina Zapryanova - 507-507 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics, Volume 17
by N/A
June 2017, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 145-167 Choosing an informative agenda setter: The appointment of the Commission in the European Union
by Christophe Crombez & Martijn Huysmans & Wim Van Gestel - 168-187 The imperfect agenda-setter: Why do legislative proposals fail in the EU decision-making process?
by Serra Boranbay-Akan & Thomas König & Moritz Osnabrügge - 188-211 Citizens’ representation in the 2009 European Parliament elections
by Russell J Dalton - 212-238 Undesired properties of the European Commission’s refugee distribution key
by Philip Grech - 239-259 Ecologies of ideologies: Explaining party entry and exit in West-European parliaments, 1945–2013
by Marc van de Wardt & Joost Berkhout & Floris Vermeulen - 260-282 Strategies of pro-European parties in the face of a Eurosceptic challenge
by Silke Adam & Eva-Maria Antl-Wittenberg & Beatrice Eugster & Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann & Michaela Maier & Franzisca Schmidt - 283-306 Issue expansion and selective scrutiny – how opposition parties used parliamentary questions about the European Union in the national arena from 1973 to 2013
by Roman Senninger - 307-322 Real scrutiny or smoke and mirrors: The determinants and role of resolutions of national parliaments in European Union affairs
by Julian M Hoerner - 323-336 When legislators choose not to decide: Abstentions in the European Parliament
by Monika Mühlböck & Nikoleta Yordanova
March 2017, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-25 Anti-immigration attitudes and the opposition to European integration: A critical assessment
by Cigdem Kentmen-Cin & Cengiz Erisen - 26-50 Seeking refuge in a superordinate group: Non-EU immigration heritage and European identification
by Elif Erisen - 51-72 What’s Islam got to do with it? Attitudes toward specific religious and national out-groups, and support for EU policies
by Rachid Azrout & Magdalena E Wojcieszak - 73-97 Tolerance and perceived threat toward Muslim immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands
by Cengiz Erisen & Cigdem Kentmen-Cin - 98-118 Nationalistic attitudes and voting for the radical right in Europe
by Marcel Lubbers & Marcel Coenders - 119-136 Better the devil you know? Risk-taking, globalization and populism in Great Britain
by Marco R Steenbergen & Tomasz Siczek - 137-142 How changing conditions make us reconsider the relationship between immigration attitudes, religion, and EU attitudes
by Claes H de Vreese
December 2016, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 525-545 Addressing Europe’s democratic deficit: An experimental evaluation of the pan-European district proposal
by Damien Bol & Philipp Harfst & André Blais & Sona N Golder & Jean-François Laslier & Laura B Stephenson & Karine Van der Straeten - 546-569 Multilingual communication for whom? Language policy and fairness in the European Union
by Michele Gazzola - 570-592 What type of Europe? The salience of polity and policy issues in European Parliament elections
by Daniela Braun & Swen Hutter & Alena Kerscher - 593-615 A matter of conflict: How events and parties shape the news coverage of EU affairs
by Isabelle Guinaudeau & Anna M Palau - 616-637 Explaining differentiation in European Union treaties
by Thomas Winzen & Frank Schimmelfennig - 638-659 Explaining the allocation of regional Structural Funds: The conditional effect of governance and self-rule
by Nicholas Charron - 660-682 Issue evolution and partisan polarization in a European multiparty system: Elite and mass repositioning in Denmark 1968–2011
by Christoph Arndt - 683-703 Political attention in the Council of the European Union: A new dataset of working party meetings, 1995–2014
by Frank M Häge
September 2016, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 345-365 Do restrictive asylum and visa policies increase irregular migration into Europe?
by Mathias Czaika & Mogens Hobolth - 366-386 Second order electoral rules and national party systems: The Duvergerian effects of European Parliament elections
by Christopher Prosser - 387-407 An online electoral connection? How electoral systems condition representatives’ social media use
by Lukas Obholzer & William T Daniel - 408-428 Transparency vs efficiency? A study of negotiations in the Council of the European Union
by Sara Hagemann & Fabio Franchino - 429-456 Personality’s effect on European identification
by K Amber Curtis - 457-481 Domestic transnationalism and the formation of pro-European sentiments
by Juan J Fernández & Monika Eigmüller & Stefanie Börner - 482-503 Loving it but not feeling it yet? The state of European identity after the eastern enlargement
by Besir Ceka & Aleksandra Sojka - 504-521 Issuing reasoned opinions: The effect of public attitudes towards the European Union on the usage of the 'Early Warning System'
by Christopher J Williams - 522-522 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics, Volume 16
by N/A
June 2016, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 201-218 Party pressure in the European Parliament
by Simon Hug - 219-241 Going on record: Revisiting the logic of roll-call vote requests in the European Parliament
by Stefan Thierse - 242-261 The Eurozone crisis and the European Parliament's changing lines of conflict
by Simon Otjes & Harmen van der Veer - 262-284 How the European debt crisis reshaped national political space: The case of Greece
by Alexia Katsanidou & Simon Otjes - 285-302 European identity as a unifying category: National vs. European identification among native and immigrant pupils
by Orhan Agirdag & Karen Phalet & Mieke Van Houtte - 303-323 Going public against institutional constraints? Analyzing the online presence intensity of 2014 European Parliament election candidates
by Javier Lorenzo RodrÃguez & Amuitz Garmendia Madariaga - 324-339 The ‘National Decisions’ database (Dec.Nat): Introducing a database on national courts’ interactions with European Law
by Denise Carolin Hübner - 340-342 EUP Referees 1 August 2014–31 January 2016
by N/A
March 2016, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-24 Who benefits? Welfare chauvinism and national stereotypes
by Frederik Hjorth - 25-45 Personality and European Union attitudes: Relationships across European Union attitude dimensions
by Bert N Bakker & Claes H de Vreese - 46-68 The euro effect: Tourism creation, tourism diversion and tourism potential within the European Union
by MarÃa Santana-Gallego & Francisco Ledesma-RodrÃguez & Jorge Pérez-RodrÃguez - 69-90 Re-electing MEPs: The factors determining re-election probabilities
by Elena Frech - 91-113 The impact of informalisation: Early agreements and voting cohesion in the European Parliament
by Edoardo Bressanelli & Christel Koop & Christine Reh - 114-137 A community of values: Democratic identity formation in the European Union
by Odelia Oshri & Tamir Sheafer & Shaul R Shenhav - 138-161 Responding to growing European Union-skepticism? The stances of political parties toward European integration in Western and Eastern Europe following the financial crisis
by Robert Rohrschneider & Stephen Whitefield - 162-183 Silent professionalization: EU integration and the professional socialization of public officials in Central and Eastern Europe
by Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling & Will Lowe & Christian van Stolk - 184-198 Europe’s voting space and the problem of second-order elections: A transnational proposal
by Jonathan Bright & Diego Garzia & Joseph Lacey & Alexander Trechsel
December 2015, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 469-489 Falling in love with(in) Europe: European bi-national love relationships, European identification and transnational solidarity
by Christof Van Mol & Helga AG de Valk & Leo van Wissen - 490-513 Beyond rules and resources: Parliamentary scrutiny of EU policy proposals
by Daniel Finke & Annika Herbel - 514-535 Explaining vote switching to niche parties in the 2009 European Parliament elections
by Geeyoung Hong - 536-557 European integration and the political economy of inequality
by Marius R Busemeyer & Tobias Tober - 558-576 Weathering the crisis: Evidence of diffuse support for the EU from a six-wave Dutch panel
by Zuzana Ringlerova - 577-600 Prosperity and peace: Economic interests and war legacy in Croatia’s EU referendum vote
by Josip Glaurdić & Vuk Vuković - 601-615 The EuroVotePlus experiment
by Jean-François Laslier & André Blais & Damien Bol & Sona N Golder & Philipp Harfst & Laura B Stephenson & Karine Van der Straeten
September 2015, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 323-324 Data Access and Research Transparency (DA-RT): A Joint Statement by Political Science Journal Editors
by N/A - 325-346 To bail out or not to bail out? Crisis politics, credibility, and default risk in the Eurozone
by Jørgen Bølstad & Christoph Elhardt - 347-368 Does personalization increase turnout? Spitzenkandidaten in the 2014 European Parliament elections
by Hermann Schmitt & Sara Hobolt & Sebastian Adrian Popa - 369-385 Measuring citizens’ implicit and explicit attitudes towards the European Union
by Michaela Maier & Jürgen Maier & Anna Baumert & Nico Jahn & Stefan Krause & Silke Adam - 386-407 Fiscal redistribution and public support for European integration
by Adam William Chalmers & Lisa Maria Dellmuth - 408-428 Signalling ‘compliance’: The link between notified EU directive implementation and infringement cases
by Asya Zhelyazkova & Nikoleta Yordanova - 429-455 Quantitative text analysis and the study of EU lobbying and interest groups
by Adriana Bunea & Raimondas Ibenskas - 456-466 The promises of quantitative text analysis in interest group research: A reply to Bunea and Ibenskas
by Heike Klüver
June 2015, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 157-175 Transforming public opinion about European integration: Elite influence and its limits
by Konstantin Vössing - 176-193 Differentiated party response: The effect of Euroskeptic public opinion on party positions
by Christopher Williams & Jae-Jae Spoon - 194-215 The changing relationship between left–right ideology and euroscepticism, 1973–2010
by Erika van Elsas & Wouter van der Brug - 216-240 Openness and censorship in the European Union: An interrupted time series analysis
by James P Cross & Jørgen Bølstad - 241-261 The European Commission and the implementation of its legislative programme
by Moritz Osnabrügge - 260-280 European Union budget politics: Explaining stability and change in spending allocations
by Manuele Citi - 281-299 Sharing ties and preferences: Stakeholders’ position alignments in the European Commission’s open consultations
by Adriana Bunea - 300-319 Co-decision after Lisbon: The politics of informal trilogues in European Union lawmaking
by Gijs Jan Brandsma - 320-320 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 15
by N/A
March 2015, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-22 Why no twin-track Europe? Unity, discontent, and differentiation in European integration
by Andreas H Hvidsten & Jon Hovi - 23-44 Dynamics of European integration: Public opinion in the core and periphery
by Jørgen Bølstad - 45-66 Austerity and credibility in the Eurozone
by Iain McMenamin & Michael Breen & Juan Muñoz-Portillo - 67-89 The budgetary procedure in the European Union and the implications of the Treaty of Lisbon
by Christophe Crombez & Bjoern Høyland - 90-115 Intra-governmental bargaining and political budget cycles in the European Union
by Abel Bojar - 116-138 Communicating supranational governance? The salience of EU affairs in the German Bundestag, 1991–2013
by Christian Rauh - 139-154 Inequality, state ownership and the European Union: How economic context and economic ideology shape support for the European Union
by John Garry & James Tilley
December 2014, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 445-471 Do asylum recognition rates in Europe respond to transnational terrorism? The migration-security nexus revisited
by Nazli Avdan - 472-495 Incomplete information and bargaining in the EU: An explanation of first-reading non-agreements
by Vibeke Wøien Hansen - 496-520 Do electoral rules matter? Explaining national differences in women's representation in the European Parliament
by Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & Berthold Rittberger - 521-546 Inclusive versus exclusive: A cross-national comparison of the effects of subnational, national, and supranational identity
by K Amber Curtis - 547-571 Inter-regional networks in Brussels: Analyzing the information exchanges among regional offices
by Jan Beyers & Tom Donas - 572-594 The Europeanization of interest groups: Group type, resources and policy area
by Andreas Dür & Gemma Mateo - 595-613 In over their heads: Public consultation, administrative capacity and legislative duration in the European Union
by Adam William Chalmers - 614-615 EUP referees 1 November 2012–31 July 2014
by N/A
September 2014, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 311-327 The EuroPolis deliberative poll
by Pierangelo Isernia & James S Fishkin - 328-351 Europolis and the European public sphere: Empirical explorations of a counterfactual ideal
by James S Fishkin & Robert C Luskin & Alice Siu - 352-371 Deliberation, political knowledge and vote choice: Results from an experiment with second-order elections
by Patrick Bernhagen & Hermann Schmitt - 372-388 Does deliberation contribute to decreasing the gender gap in knowledge?
by Marta Fraile - 389-409 The role of deliberation in attitude change: An empirical assessment of three theoretical mechanisms
by Kaat Smets & Pierangelo Isernia - 410-429 Deliberative and non-deliberative persuasion: Mechanisms of opinion formation in EuroPolis
by Marlène Gerber & André Bächtiger & Irena Fiket & Marco Steenbergen & Jürg Steiner - 430-441 The Europolis experiment and its lessons for deliberation on Europe
by Claus Offe - 442-442 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 14
by N/A
June 2014, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 171-191 EU law revisions and legislative drift
by Enrico Borghetto & Lars Mäder - 192-214 The dynamic relationship between asylum applications and recognition rates in Europe (1987–2010)
by Dimiter Doychinov Toshkov - 215-234 The euro’s effect on trade
by Tal Sadeh - 235-254 Emotions and voting in EU referendums
by John Garry - 255-276 The more the merrier: Accounting for regional paradiplomats in Brussels
by Michaël Tatham & Mads Thau - 277-288 Buying turnout or rewarding loyalists? Electoral mobilization and EU structural funding in the German Länder
by Dominik Schraff - 289-308 Procedural models of European Union politics: Contributions and suggestions for improvement
by Christophe Crombez & Pieterjan Vangerven
March 2014, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-23 Cross-cutting issues, intraparty dissent and party strategy: The issue of European integration in the House of Commons
by Eitan Tzelgov - 24-42 Measurement, model testing, and legislative influence in the European Union
by Jonathan B Slapin - 43-58 Testing models of legislative decision-making with measurement error: The robust predictive power of bargaining models over procedural models
by Justin Leinaweaver & Robert Thomson - 59-81 Issue-specific policy-positions and voting in the Council
by Bjørn Høyland & Vibeke Wøien Hansen