March 2014, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 82-107 The loss of trust in the European Union during the great recession since 2007: The role of heuristics from the national political system
by Klaus Armingeon & Besir Ceka - 108-131 Multilevel representation in the European Parliament
by Zoe Lefkofridi & Alexia Katsanidou - 132-151 European unilateralism and involuntary burden-sharing in global climate politics: A public opinion perspective from the other side
by Thomas Bernauer & Robert Gampfer & Aya Kachi - 152-167 Measuring the European Council agenda: Introducing a new approach and dataset
by Petya Alexandrova & Marcello Carammia & Sebastian Princen & Arco Timmermans
December 2013, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 475-496 With a lot of help from their friends: Explaining the social logic of informational lobbying in the European Union
by Adam W Chalmers - 497-521 Projection effects and specification bias in spatial models of European Parliament elections
by Peter Grand & Guido Tiemann - 522-541 Euroscepticism and education: A longitudinal study of 12 EU member states, 1973–2010
by Armen Hakhverdian & Erika van Elsas & Wouter van der Brug & Theresa Kuhn - 542-565 In Europe we trust? Exploring three logics of trust in the European Union
by Eelco Harteveld & Tom van der Meer & Catherine E De Vries - 566-589 Authoritarianism and citizen attitudes towards European integration
by Erik R Tillman - 590-618 Action and attitudes matter: International public opinion towards the European Union
by Bernd Schlipphak
September 2013, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 345-365 Explaining negotiations in the conciliation committee
by Fabio Franchino & Camilla Mariotto - 366-387 The effect of stakeholder involvement on legislative duration: Consultation of external actors and legislative duration in the European Union
by Anne Rasmussen & Dimiter Toshkov - 388-407 Ideological congruency and decision-making speed: The effect of partisanship across European Union institutions
by Heike Klüver & Iñaki Sagarzazu - 408-435 Inequality and anti-globalization backlash by political parties
by Brian Burgoon - 436-457 News about the European Parliament: Patterns and external drivers of broadsheet coverage
by Katjana Gattermann - 458-471 A more balanced composition of the European Parliament with degressive proportionality
by Blanca L Delgado-Márquez & Michael Kaeding & Antonio Palomares - 472-472 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 13
by N/A
June 2013, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 183-205 Euro-scepticism and radical right-wing voting in Europe, 2002–2008: Social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual characteristics determining voting for the radical right
by Han Werts & Peer Scheepers & Marcel Lubbers - 206-227 Regional attachment and support for European integration
by Mwita Chacha - 228-249 The role of supranational identity in promoting democratic values
by Ryan Kennedy - 250-272 The temporal dimension of the credibility of EU conditionality and candidate states’ compliance with the acquis communautaire, 1998–2009
by Tobias Böhmelt & Tina Freyburg - 273-296 Changing the output: The logic of amendment success in the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee
by Steffen Hurka - 297-323 European integration and national parliamentary oversight institutions
by Thomas Winzen - 324-337 Challenges to liberal intergovernmentalism
by Fabio Franchino - 338-341 Response to Franchino
by Jonathan B Slapin
March 2013, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-22 Representation in the European Parliament: Factors affecting the attitude congruence of voters and candidates in the EP elections
by Agnieszka Walczak & Wouter van der Brug - 23-45 Ambivalent or indifferent? Reconsidering the structure of EU public opinion
by Florian Stoeckel - 46-69 Non-conformable, partial and conformable transposition: A competing risk analysis of the transposition process of directives in the EU15
by Thomas König & Lars Mäder - 70-94 Everyone’s a winner (almost): Bargaining success in the Council of Ministers of the European Union
by James P Cross - 95-114 Full disclosure? The Open Method of Coordination, parliamentary debates and media coverage
by Rik de Ruiter - 115-139 Sources of Franco-German corporate support for the euro: The effects of business network centrality and political connections
by Kai Jäger - 140-160 Transnational activism of social movement organizations: The effect of European Union funding on local groups in the Czech Republic
by OndÅ™ej CÃsaÅ™ & KateÅ™ina VráblÃková - 161-178 The collective action of data collection: A data infrastructure on parties, elections and cabinets
by Holger Döring - 179-180 List of Reviewers 2011–2012
by N/A
December 2012, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 465-486 Adaptive behaviour in the European Parliament: Learning to balance competing demands
by René Lindstädt & Jonathan B Slapin & Ryan J Vander Wielen - 487-512 Proposal stage coalition-building in the European Parliament
by Daniel Finke - 513-534 Does implicit voting matter? Coalitional bargaining in the EU legislative process
by Cesar Garcia Perez de Leon - 535-557 Information effects and mass support for EU policy control
by Nicholas Clark & Timothy Hellwig - 558-579 How salient is Europe? An analysis of European election manifestos, 1979–2004
by Jae-Jae Spoon - 580-603 The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens’ EU support: An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections
by Michaela Maier & Silke Adam & Jürgen Maier - 604-625 Party ideology and legislative agendas: Estimating contextual policy positions for the study of EU decision-making
by Thomas König & Bernd Luig - 626-626 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 12
by N/A
September 2012, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 345-366 European Economic and Monetary Union’s perverse effects on sectoral wage inflation: Negative feedback effects from institutional change?
by Alison Johnston - 367-389 Support for the euro, political knowledge, and voting behavior in the 2001 and 2005 UK general elections
by Erik R Tillman - 390-412 Explaining access to citizenship in Europe: How citizenship policies affect naturalization rates
by Jaap Dronkers & Maarten Peter Vink - 413-433 Distributive politics and intergovernmental transfers: The local allocation of European Union structural funds
by Lisa Maria Dellmuth & Michael F Stoffel - 434-450 You do what you have to do? Salience and territorial interest representation in EU environmental affairs
by Michaël Tatham - 451-461 Resolving controversies with DEU data
by Mikko Mattila
June 2012, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 185-193 The struggle over dimensionality: A note on theory and empirics
by Catherine E. De Vries & Gary Marks - 194-218 The dimensionality of political space: Epistemological and methodological considerations
by Kenneth Benoit & Michael Laver - 219-245 Complexity in the European party space: Exploring dimensionality with experts
by Ryan Bakker & Seth Jolly & Jonathan Polk - 246-268 When dimensions collide: The electoral success of issue entrepreneurs
by Catherine E. De Vries & Sara B. Hobolt - 269-292 Who emphasizes and who blurs? Party strategies in multidimensional competition
by Jan Rovny - 293-316 The evolution of policy attitudes in France
by James A. Stimson & Cyrille Thiébaut & Vincent Tiberj - 317-333 Reflections on the European integration dimension
by Sven-Oliver Proksch & James Lo - 334-339 To dichotomize or not to dichotomize?
by Gary Marks & Marco Steenbergen & Liesbet Hooghe - 340-342 Response to Marks, Steenbergen and Hooghe
by Sven-Oliver Proksch & James Lo
March 2012, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-25 Has Europe got anything to do with the European elections? A study on split-ticket voting in the Belgian regional and European elections of 2009
by Peter Van Aelst & Jonas Lefevere - 26-46 Citizens’ support for the European Union and participation in European Parliament elections
by Daniel Stockemer - 47-69 Interventions and negotiation in the Council of Ministers of the European Union
by James P. Cross - 70-93 Measuring common standards and equal responsibility-sharing in EU asylum outcome data
by Luc Bovens & Chlump Chatkupt & Laura Smead - 94-117 Europa ante portas: Border residence, transnational interaction and Euroscepticism in Germany and France
by Theresa Kuhn - 118-149 Legislative negotiations in the European Parliament
by Thomas Jensen & Thomas Winzen - 150-167 Policy positioning in the European Parliament
by Gail McElroy & Kenneth Benoit - 168-182 Measuring salience in EU legislative politics
by Andreas Warntjen
December 2011, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 483-506 The contextual nature of lobbying: Explaining lobbying success in the European Union
by Heike Klüver - 507-528 The euro area's common default risk: Evidence on the Commission's impact on European fiscal affairs
by Roman Goldbach & Christian Fahrholz - 529-550 Who is in love with multilateralism? Treaty commitment in the post-Cold War era
by Manfred Elsig & Karolina Milewicz & Nikolas Stürchler - 551-574 Institutional trust and multilevel government in the European Union: Congruence or compensation?
by Jordi Muñoz & Mariano Torcal & Eduard Bonet - 575-595 Claiming blame and giving credit? Unintended effects of how government and opposition frame the Europeanization of welfare
by Staffan Kumlin - 597-617 The European Parliament: In need of a theory
by Nikoleta Yordanova - 619-620 EUP Reviewer List 1 March 2010–29 June 2011
by N/A
September 2011, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 291-314 Treaty reform and the Commission’s appointment and policy-making role in the European Union
by Christophe Crombez & Simon Hix - 315-335 Migration regulation contagion
by Herbert Brücker & Philipp JH Schröder - 337-357 The nexus of bicameralism: Rapporteurs’ impact on decision outcomes in the European Union
by Rory Costello & Robert Thomson - 359-379 Religious intolerance and Euroscepticism
by Sara B. Hobolt & Wouter Van der Brug & Claes H. De Vreese & Hajo G. Boomgaarden & Malte C. Hinrichsen - 381-403 Europeanization and government formation in multi-level systems: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Marc Debus & Jochen Müller & Peter Obert - 405-429 So what’s wrong with the EU? Motivations underlying the Eurosceptic vote in the 2009 European elections
by Joost van Spanje & Claes de Vreese - 431-453 National parties as politicizers of EU integration? Party campaign communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament election
by Silke Adam & Michaela Maier - 455-477 The European Union Policy-Making dataset
by Frank M. Häge - 479-479 SAGE Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 11
by N/A
June 2011, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 147-167 Buying support and regime change: the evolution of Polish attitudes towards the EU and voting between accession and 2008
by John E. Jackson & Bogdan W. Mach & Jennifer L. Miller-Gonzalez - 169-191 Public opinion and policy output in the European Union: A lost relationship
by Dimiter Toshkov - 193-215 Too big to run? Analysing the impact of enlargement on the speed of EU decision-making
by Robin Hertz & Dirk Leuffen - 217-239 Europeanization and the political economy of active labour market policies
by Olaf van Vliet & Ferry Koster - 241-266 Mapping EU attitudes: Conceptual and empirical dimensions of Euroscepticism and EU support
by Hajo G. Boomgaarden & Andreas R. T. Schuck & Matthijs Elenbaas & Claes H. de Vreese - 267-288 Positions and salience in European Union politics: Estimation and validation of a new dataset
by Tim Veen
March 2011, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-19 Talking Turkey: Anti-immigrant attitudes and their effect on support for Turkish membership of the EU
by Rachid Azrout & Joost van Spanje & Claes de Vreese - 21-40 A longitudinal study of euroscepticism in the Netherlands: 2008 versus 1990
by Marcel Lubbers & Eva Jaspers - 41-64 Early conclusion in bicameral bargaining: Evidence from the co-decision legislative procedure of the European Union
by Anne Rasmussen - 65-86 The dimensionality and nature of conflict in European Union politics: On the characteristics of intergovernmental decision-making
by Tim Veen - 87-106 The EU Council enlarged: North-South-East or core-periphery?
by Běla Plechanovová - 107-126 The legitimacy of new modes of governance in the EU: Studying national stakeholders’ support
by Susana Borrás & Anders Ejrnæs - 127-142 Fiscal federalism reforms in the European Union and the Greek crisis
by Mark Hallerberg
December 2010, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 485-509 Out in the cold? Flexible integration and the political status of Euro opt-outs
by Daniel Naurin & Rutger Lindahl - 511-532 Supranational identity, democratic attitudes, and political participation: The EU and Moldova
by Ryan Kennedy - 533-552 Practice and payment: Determinants of candidate list position in European Parliament elections
by Sergiu Gherghina & Mihail Chiru - 553-575 Who to lobby and when: Institutional determinants of interest group strategies in European Parliament committees
by David Marshall - 577-596 Opposition through the back door in the transposition of EU directives
by Robert Thomson - 597-613 Procedural and party effects in European Parliament roll-call votes
by Bjørn Høyland - 615-616 EUP Referees 1 March 2009 — 28 February 2010
by N/A
September 2010, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 333-357 Look who’s talking: Parliamentary debate in the European Union
by Jonathan B Slapin & Sven-Oliver Proksch - 359-380 Is big brother watching? Commission oversight of the national implementation of EU directives
by Bernard Steunenberg - 381-404 Private interests and exchange rate politics: The case of British business
by Mark Duckenfield & Mark Aspinwall - 405-426 International regime formation revisited: Explaining ratification behaviour with respect to long-range transboundary air pollution agreements in Europe
by Sophie Perrin & Thomas Bernauer - 427-445 Emission trading: Participation enforcement determines the need for compliance enforcement
by Stine Aakre & Jon Hovi - 447-461 The changing demography of the EU interest system since 1990
by Joost Berkhout & David Lowery - 463-476 Measuring the size and scope of the EU interest group population
by Arndt Wonka & Frank R Baumgartner & Christine Mahoney & Joost Berkhout - 477-477 Erratum
by N/A - 479-479 Sage Award for the best article published in European Union Politics Volume 10
by N/A
June 2010, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 171-194 Who gets what, when, and how revisited: Voting and proposal powers in the allocation of the EU budget
by Deniz Aksoy - 195-217 Explaining formation and design of EU trade agreements: The role of transparency and flexibility
by Leonardo Baccini - 219-240 The policy impact of leadership in committees: Rapporteurs’ influence on the European Parliament’s opinions
by Rory Costello & Robert Thomson - 241-265 Cross-border mobility and European identity: The effectiveness of intergroup contact during the ERASMUS year abroad
by Emmanuel Sigalas - 267-287 Unknown is unloved? Diversity and inter-population trust in Europe
by Debby Gerritsen & Marcel Lubbers - 289-308 Bridging bureaucracy and democracy in Europe: A comparative study of perceived managerial excellence, satisfaction with public services, and trust in governance
by Eran Vigoda-Gadot & Aviv Shoham & Dana R Vashdi - 309-327 Forecasting European Union politics: Real-time forecasts in political time series analysis
by Michael M. Bechtel & Dirk Leuffen
March 2010, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-27 The European Economic and Monetary Union and Labour Market Reform
by Elżbieta Bednarek-Sekunda & Richard Jong-A-Pin & Jakob de Haan - 29-59 Educational Inequality in the EU
by Raphaela Schlicht & Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen & Markus Freitag - 61-87 Opinion Polarization and Inter-Party Competition on Europe
by Ian Down & Carole J. Wilson - 89-117 EU Issue Voting: Asset or Liability?
by Catherine E. de Vries - 119-142 Party Politics, National Interests and Government—Opposition Dynamics
by Oliver Treib - 143-164 Collegiality and the Politics of European Competition Policy
by Yannis Karagiannis - 165-165 Erratum
by N/A
December 2009, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 427-455 Social Nation and Social Europe
by Brian Burgoon - 456-481 A Two-Level Analysis of the Determinants of Direct Democratic Choices in European, Immigration and Foreign Policy in Switzerland
by Pascal Sciarini & Anke Tresch - 482-506 Domestic Politics and European Treaty Reform
by Daniel Finke - 507-534 Why Don’t Veto Players Use Their Power?
by Thomas König & Dirk Junge - 535-549 Measuring Interest Group Influence Using Quantitative Text Analysis
by Heike Klüver - 550-576 The Sociology of the European Union
by Adrian Favell & Virginie Guiraudon
September 2009, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 307-334 Mixing Methods
by Brooke Luetgert & Tanja Dannwolf - 335-359 The Missing Dimension of Democracy
by Adrian Vatter & Julian Bernauer - 361-379 The Macroeconomic Factors Conditioning the Impact of Identity on Attitudes towards the EU
by John Garry & James Tilley - 381-401 Separating the Willing from the Able
by Thilo Bodenstein & Mark Furness - 403-420 Perspectives on European Immigration Policies
by Fabio Franchino - 421-422 EUP Referees
by N/A
June 2009, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 155-176 The Determinants of Direct Corporate Lobbying in the European Union
by Patrick Bernhagen & Neil J. Mitchell - 177-201 Towards Europeanization of Wage Policy
by Franz Traxler & Bernd Brandl - 202-225 Is My Crown Better than Your Euro?
by Sara Binzer Hobolt & Patrick Leblond - 226-252 Does European Integration Lead to a `Presidentialization' of Executive Politics?
by Hanna Bäck & Patrick Dumont & Henk Erik Meier & Thomas Persson & Kåre Vernby - 253-280 The Rationale behind Committee Assignment in the European Parliament
by Nikoleta Yordanova - 281-304 Problems of Operationalization and Data in EU Compliance Research
by Miriam Hartlapp & Gerda Falkner
March 2009, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 4-4 Erratum
by N/A - 5-5 Editorial Note
by Gerald Schneider & Fabio Franchino & Matthew Gabel & Simon Hix - 7-34 Just a Lobbyist?
by Diego Varela - 35-62 The Time-Dependent Effect of Conflict in the Council on Delays in the Transposition of EU Directives
by Asya Zhelyazkova & René Torenvlied - 63-88 The Uneven Legal Push for Europe
by Marlene Wind & Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen & Gabriel Pons Rotger - 89-113 Asylum Cooperation among Asymmetric Countries
by Mathias Czaika - 115-141 How Common is the Common External Tariff?
by Sean D. Ehrlich - 143-152 Forum Section
by Bjørn Høyland & Indraneel Sircar & Simon Hix
December 2008, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 459-486 Legislative Bargaining in the European Union
by Paul Schure & Amy Verdun - 487-510 Determinants of Support for EU Membership in Turkey
by Cigdem Kentmen - 511-530 Hard and Soft
by Claes H. de Vreese & Hajo G. Boomgaarden & Holli A. Semetko - 531-558 The Domestic Opportunity Structure and Supranational Activity
by Lori M. Poloni-Staudinger - 559-576 Measuring Interest Group Influence in the EU
by Andreas Dür
September 2008, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 315-338 The Council Presidency
by Andreas Warntjen - 339-362 Does European Citizenship Increase Tolerance in Young People?
by Ellen Quintelier & Yves Dejaeghere - 363-377 Determinants of Support for European Integration
by Cosmina Tanasoiu & Constantin Colonescu - 379-402 Embracing European Law
by Dimiter Toshkov - 403-433 Mobilizing Bias in Europe
by Scott L. Greer & Elize Massard da Fonseca & Christopher Adolph - 435-449 Forum Section: The Two Faces of Framing
by Frank R. Baumgartner & Christine Mahoney
June 2008, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 187-215 EU Democracy Promotion in the European Neighbourhood
by Frank Schimmelfennig & Hanno Scholtz - 217-241 Attitudes toward Eliminating Income Inequality in Europe
by Karl Kaltenthaler & Stephen Ceccoli & Ronald Gelleny - 243-267 Shifting Europe's Boundaries
by Jürgen Maier & Berthold Rittberger - 269-293 Drivers and Brakemen
by Eric S. Nguyen - 295-311 Last Words on Delegation?
by Ellen Mastenbroek & Tim Veen
March 2008, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-29 Identity, Instrumental Self-Interest and Institutional Evaluations
by Harald Schoen - 31-58 The Structure of Conflict over EU Chemicals Policy
by Karl-Oskar Lindgren & Thomas Persson - 59-86 Regarding the Dutch `Nee' to the European Constitution
by Marcel Lubbers - 87-113 The EU Conciliation Committee
by Anne Rasmussen - 115-143 Lost in Translation or Full Steam Ahead
by Michael Kaeding - 145-165 Analysing the Process of EU Legislative Decision-Making
by Thomas König - 167-179 The Study of Decision-Making Speed in the European Union
by Jonathan Golub - 181-181 EUP Referees
by N/A
December 2007, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 451-477 Implementing Europe
by Christian B. Jensen - 479-507 Analysing Roll Calls of the European Parliament
by Jeong-Hun Han - 509-536 Campaign Effects and Second-Order Cycles
by Till Weber - 537-553 The Social Choice of EU Treaties
by Mogens K. Justesen - 555-566 How Time Affects EU Decision-Making
by Jonathan Golub & Bernard Steunenberg - 567-576 Temporal Change and the Process of European Union Decision-Making
by Christopher Zorn
September 2007, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 299-328 Committee Decision-making in the Council of the European Union
by Frank M. Häge - 329-362 Institutional Context, Organizational Resources and Strategic Choices
by Rainer Eising - 363-385 Sleeping Giant: Fact or Fairytale?
by Catherine E. de Vries - 387-410 Who Calls for a Common EU Foreign Policy?
by Christian B. Jensen & Jonathan Slapin & Thomas König - 411-432 Discontinuity
by Thomas König - 433-448 Legislative Politics as Normal?
by Gail McElroy
June 2007, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 155-179 Survival Analysis and European Union Decision-making
by Jonathan Golub - 180-206 Do Membership Benefits Buy Regulatory Compliance?
by Richard Perkins & Eric Neumayer - 207-228 The Composition of the College of Commissioners
by Holger Döring - 229-250 The Power of the Presidency in EU Council Decision-making
by Jelmer Schalk & René Torenvlied & Jeroen Weesie & Frans Stokman - 251-278 Explaining Opposition to Turkish Membership of the EU
by Lauren M. McLaren - 279-296 Applying Ideal Point Estimation Methods to the Council of Ministers
by Sara Hagemann
March 2007, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-12 What Drives Euroskepticism?
by Liesbet Hooghe - 13-35 Who’s Cueing Whom?
by Marco R. Steenbergen & Erica E. Edwards & Catherine E. de Vries - 37-59 Mixed Messages
by Matthew Gabel & Kenneth Scheve - 61-82 Party Stances in the Referendums on the EU Constitution
by Ben Crum - 83-108 The Role of European Integration in National Election Campaigns
by Hanspeter Kriesi - 109-130 The Europhile Fringe?
by Seth Kincaid Jolly