February 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-26 Graduate Students, Community Partner, and Faculty Reflect on Critical Community Engaged Scholarship and Gender Based Violence
by Mavis Morton & Annie Simpson & Carleigh Smith & Ann Westbere & Ekaterina Pogrebtsova & Marlene Ham - 1-31 Variation in Access to Safe Drinking Water across Different Countries: An Explanatory Framework
by Shin Kue Ryu
January 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-1 Erratum: Del Barrio, E. et al. From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness. Social Sciences , 2018, 7, 134
by Elena Del Barrio & Sara Marsillas & Tine Buffel & An-Sofie Smetcoren & Mayte Sancho - 1-6 Are Black Sexual Minority Adults More Likely to Report Higher Levels of Psychological Distress than White Sexual Minority Adults? Findings from the 2013–2017 National Health Interview Survey
by Elbert P. Almazan - 1-9 An Experimental Examination of Binge Watching and Narrative Engagement
by Sarah E. Erickson & Sonya Dal Cin & Hannah Byl - 1-9 The Dependence of Unemployment of the Senior Workforce upon Explanatory Variables in the European Union in the Context of Industry 4.0
by Hana Stojanova & Barbora Lietavcova & Ivona Vrdoljak Raguž - 1-10 Systems of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (SAACs) in Spain: A Systematic Review of the Educational Practices Conducted in the Last Decade
by María del Mar Boillos Pereira & Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre & Dorleta Apaolaza-Llorente - 1-10 An Investigation of the Use of Language, Social Identity and Multicultural Values for Nation-Building in Malaysian Outdoor Advertising
by Siti Nor Amalina Ahmad Tajuddin & Noraini Zulkepli - 1-10 Prevalence of Cyberstalking and Previous Offline Victimization in a Sample of Italian University Students
by daniela acquadro maran & tatiana begotti - 1-11 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Social Sciences in 2018
by Social Sciences Editorial Office - 1-11 Job Crafting among Labor Union Representatives: Its Impact on Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction
by Almer Villajos & Cristina García-Ael & Gabriela Topa - 1-12 Go Long or Go Often: Influences on Binge Watching Frequency and Duration among College Students
by Kelly Merrill Jr. & Bridget Rubenking - 1-13 Psychometric Properties of the CYBVICS Cyber-Victimization Scale and Its Relationship with Psychosocial Variables
by Sofía Buelga & Belén Martínez-Ferrer & María-Jesús Cava & Jessica Ortega-Barón - 1-13 Effects of Gay-Themed Advertising among Young Heterosexual Adults from U.S. and South Korea
by Namhyun Um & Dong Hoo Kim - 1-15 The Role of Family in Bullying and Cyberbullying Involvement: Examining a New Typology of Parental Education Management Based on Adolescents’ View of Their Parents
by Olga Gómez-Ortiz & Carmen Apolinario & Eva M. Romera & Rosario Ortega-Ruiz - 1-15 Engagement to Enhance Community: An Example of Extension’s Land-Grant Mission in Action
by Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel & Jason L. Weigle & Jennifer Hawkins - 1-17 Deterrence Theory in Paraguay: Exploring Fraud and Violation of Trust Cases
by Andreas Schneider - 1-18 Cognitive-Based E-Learning Design for Older Adults
by Marios A. Pappas & Eleftheria Demertzi & Yannis Papagerasimou & Lefteris Koukianakis & Nikitas Voukelatos & Athanasios Drigas - 1-18 Mothers’ Perceptions of the Phenomenon of Bullying among Young Children in South Korea
by Hyun-jung Ju & Seung-ha Lee - 1-18 Trainee Teachers’ Perceptions on Cyberbullying in Educational Contexts
by Carmen Yot-Domínguez & María Dolores Guzmán Franco & Ana Duarte Hueros - 1-18 Normative Shifts in the Global Conception of Climate Change: The Growth of Climate Justice
by Evan Gach - 1-19 How Eudaimonic Aspect of Subjective Well-Being Affect Transport Mode Choice? The Case of Thessaloniki, Greece
by Panagiotis Vaitsis & Socrates Basbas & Andreas Nikiforiadis - 1-21 In Search of the “Good Life”: The Appeal of the Tiny House Lifestyle in the USA
by Severin Mangold & Toralf Zschau - 1-23 Examining the Emergence and Evolution of Blue Ocean Strategy through the Lens of Management Fashion Theory
by Dag Øivind Madsen & Kåre Slåtten - 1-24 Putting Research to Action: Integrating Collaborative Governance and Community-Engaged Research for Community Solar
by Emily Prehoda & Richelle Winkler & Chelsea Schelly - 1-26 ‘Come Back at Us’: Reflections on Researcher-Community Partnerships during a Post-Oil Spill Gulf Coast Resilience Study
by Amy E. Lesen & Chloe Tucker & M. G. Olson & Regardt J. Ferreira - 1-26 Community-Engaged Research Builds a Nature-Culture of Hope on North American Great Plains Rangelands
by Hailey Wilmer & Lauren M. Porensky & María E. Fernández-Giménez & Justin D. Derner & David J. Augustine & John P. Ritten & Dannele P. Peck
December 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-10 Corporate Propensity for Long-Term Donations to Non-Profit Organisations: An Exploratory Study in Portugal
by Beatriz Casais & Sara Santos - 1-12 Parental Communication and Feelings of Affiliation in Adolescent Aggressors and Victims of Cyberbullying
by Jessica Ortega Barón & Javier Postigo & Begoña Iranzo & Sofía Buelga & Laura Carrascosa - 1-18 Analysis of Factors Associated to the Enrollment and Demand of Computing-Related Careers
by Walter Alexander Mata-López & Sergio Tobón - 1-23 A Socio-Structural Perspective on Family Model Preferences, Gender Roles and Work–Family Attitudes in Spain
by Almudena Moreno-Mínguez & Marta Ortega-Gaspar & Carlos Gamero-Burón - 1-29 Gender Equality in Europe and the Effect of Work-Family Balance Policies on Gender-Role Attitudes
by Vera Lomazzi & Sabine Israel & Isabella Crespi
November 2018, Volume 7, Issue 12
- 1-12 What Parents Can Do to Prevent Cyberbullying: Students’ and Educators’ Perspectives
by Wanda Cassidy & Chantal Faucher & Margaret Jackson - 1-13 Female Genital Mutilation in Nigeria: A Persisting Challenge for Women’s Rights
by Sanni Yaya & Bishwajit Ghose - 1-14 Sustainable Community Development or Voluntourism: Sustainable Housing in Rural Maharashtra
by Gavin Melles - 1-15 The Impact of Training and Support Interventions on Small Businesses in the Expanded Public Works Programme—Pretoria Region
by Lungisani Dladla & Emmanuel Mutambara - 1-19 Resilience and Community-Based Tourism: Mapuche Experiences in Pre-Cordilleran Areas (Puyehue and Panguipulli) of Southern Chile
by María D. Torres-Alruiz & Marisela J. Pilquimán V. & Christian Henríquez-Zúñiga - 1-19 Social Solidarity, Collective Identity, Resilient Communities: Two Case Studies from the Rural U.S. and Uruguay
by Braden Leap & Diego Thompson - 1-21 Influence of Industry 4.0 on the Production and Service Sectors in Pakistan: Evidence from Textile and Logistics Industries
by Muhammad Imran & Waseem ul Hameed & Adnan ul Haque - 1-21 Citizen Initiatives in the Post-Welfare State
by Diogo Soares da Silva & Lummina G. Horlings & Elisabete Figueiredo - 1-23 Privileging the Privileged: The Effects of International University Rankings on a Chilean Fellowship Program for Graduate Studies Abroad
by Paulina Perez Mejias & Roxana Chiappa & Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela - 1-23 The Rise of the Androgynous Princess: Examining Representations of Gender in Prince and Princess Characters of Disney Movies Released 2009–2016
by Benjamin Hine & Dawn England & Katie Lopreore & Elizabeth Skora Horgan & Lisa Hartwell
December 2018, Volume 7, Issue 12
- 1-6 Editorial: Tourism and Social Regeneration
by Nicholas Wise - 1-8 Race/Ethnicity, Crime and Social Control: An Introduction
by Tina G. Patel - 1-12 Existence and Resistance: The Social Model of Community Education in Ireland
by Maeve O’Grady - 1-13 Cyberbullying Victimization and Perpetration, Connectedness, and Monitoring of Online Activities: Protection from Parental Figures
by Jennifer L. Doty & Amy L. Gower & Renee E. Sieving & Shari L. Plowman & Barbara J. McMorris - 1-13 Educational Leadership Training, the Construction of Learning Communities. A Systematic Review
by Inmaculada García-Martínez & Miguel Á. Díaz-Delgado & José Luis Ubago-Jiménez - 1-14 Social Representations in Studying Information, Knowledge, and Mediations: A Critical Review
by Rainer Rubira-García & Belén Puebla-Martínez & Roberto Gelado-Marcos - 1-14 Parenting under Adversity: Birth Parents’ Accounts of Inequality and Adoption
by Shirley Lewis & Geraldine Brady - 1-14 Integrated Public Value Creation through Community Initiatives—Evidence from Dutch Water Management
by Michael Duijn & Jitske Van Popering-Verkerk - 1-15 Refuge in the City
by Dale Buscher - 1-17 On Service Innovation as an Interactive Process: A Case Study of the Engagement with Innovation of a Tourism Service
by Lars Fuglsang & Anne Nordli - 1-17 Mining Corporations, Democratic Meddling, and Environmental Justice in South Africa
by Llewellyn Leonard - 1-17 Researching Culture through Big Data: Computational Engineering and the Human and Social Sciences
by Teresa Duarte Martinho - 1-17 Green Jobs: The Present and Future of the Building Industry. Evolution Analysis
by Noelia Araújo & Lucília Cardoso & Jose Antonio Fraiz Brea & Arthur Filipe De Araújo - 1-18 Towards a Framework for Building Community-University Resilience Research Agendas
by Leah Levac & Kate Parizeau & Jeji Varghese & Mavis Morton & Elizabeth Jackson & Linda Hawkins - 1-19 Climatic Impacts and Responses of Migratory and Non-Migratory Fishers of the Padma River, Bangladesh
by Makidul Islam Khan & Goutam Kumar Kundu & Mosammat Salma Akter & Bishawjit Mallick & Md. Monirul Islam - 1-21 Both Parents Working: Challenges and Strains in Managing the Reconciliation of Career and Family Life in Dual-Career Families. Empirical Evidence from Austria
by Gerlinde Mauerer - 1-22 Capability Deprivation, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Disadvantages—Empirical Evidence from Selected Countries
by Veronika V. Eberharter - 1-25 Noise Complaints between Japanese Neighbors and Migrants in Rural Japan: From the Perspectives of Noisemakers
by Median Mutiara - 1-31 The Paradigms of Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy as Enabling Drivers for the Competitiveness of Businesses and Territories: The Case of an Italian Ceramic Tiles Manufacturing Company
by Fernando E. Garcia-Muiña & Rocío González-Sánchez & Anna Maria Ferrari & Davide Settembre-Blundo
November 2018, Volume 7, Issue 11
- 1-9 Unfolding Ageism: A Comparative Study of the Divided Ethnic Communities in Cyprus
by Gregory Neocleous & Buse Erzeybek & Menelaos Apostolou - 1-10 Postfeminist Masculinity: The New Disney Norm?
by Michael Macaluso - 1-10 Does Parental Mediation Moderate the Longitudinal Association among Bystanders and Perpetrators and Victims of Cyberbullying?
by Michelle F. Wright & Sebastian Wachs - 1-11 Agricultural Education in Today’s School System: An Evaluation of Agricultural and Related Science Courses among High Schools in Alabama, USA
by Rosny Jean & Colmore Christian - 1-11 Touching Queerness in Disney Films Dumbo and Lilo & Stitch
by Katia Perea - 1-13 ‘If Your Hair Is Relaxed, White People Are Relaxed. If Your Hair Is Nappy, They’re Not Happy’: Black Hair as a Site of ‘Post-Racial’ Social Control in English Schools
by Remi Joseph-Salisbury & Laura Connelly - 1-13 A Scoping Review on Digital English and Education 4.0 for Industry 4.0
by A. Hariharasudan & Sebastian Kot - 1-13 Deepening and Connecting Democratic Processes. The Opportunities and Pitfalls of Mini-Publics in Renewing Democracy
by Ank Michels & Harmen Binnema - 1-13 The Rise and Fall of Adult Community Education in Portugal
by António Fragoso & Sandra T. Valadas - 1-13 Balancing Gender and Power: How Disney’s Hercules Fails to Go the Distance
by Cassandra Primo - 1-13 Selected Social Policy Instruments in Relation to Tax Policy
by Vladimíra Žofčinová & Zuzana Horváthová & Andrea Čajková - 1-14 The Black Criminal Other as an Object of Social Control
by Patrick Williams & Becky Clarke - 1-14 Lessons from the South: Research Collaboration as an Educational Practice
by Danny Wildemeersch & Jan Masschelein - 1-15 Augmented Reality Marketing in Malaysia—Future Scenarios
by Choon Ching Ng & Chandrashekar Ramasamy - 1-15 Mulan and Moana: Embedded Coloniality and the Search for Authenticity in Disney Animated Film
by Michelle Anya Anjirbag - 1-15 Promises and Failures of the Cooperative Food Retail System in Italy
by Davide Arcidiacono - 1-16 Black and Minority Ethnic Boys and Custody in England and Wales: Understanding Subjective Experiences through an Analysis of Official Data
by Ravinder Barn & Martina Feilzer & Nick Hardwick - 1-17 Indonesian Traditional Market Flexibility Amidst State Promoted Market Competition
by Mangku Purnomo & Fenna Otten & Heiko Faust - 1-18 Driver Use and Perceptions of Refueling Stations Near Freeways in a Developing Infrastructure for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
by Scott Kelley - 1-19 Racial and Ethnic Group Spatial Assimilation in Inner and Outer Suburban Rings
by Grigoris Argeros - 1-20 Away from Politics? Trajectories of Italian Third Sector after the 2008 Crisis
by Sandro Busso - 1-21 Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Beauty and the Beast , and Disney’s Commodification of Feminism: A Political Economic Analysis
by Kailash Koushik & Abigail Reed - 1-22 Risk Society and Anti-Politics in the Fracking Debate
by Frances Drake - 1-22 When Academic Technology Fails: Effects of Students’ Attributions for Computing Difficulties on Emotions and Achievement
by Rebecca Maymon & Nathan C. Hall & Thomas Goetz - 1-25 The Use of Human Capital and Limitations of Social Capital in Advancing Economic Security among Immigrant Women Living in Central Alberta, Canada
by Choon-Lee Chai & Kayla Ueland & Tabitha Phiri
October 2018, Volume 7, Issue 11
- 1-1 Correction: Pullen, E. and Oser, C. Disadvantaged Status and Health Matters Networks among Low-Income African American Women. Soc. Sci. 2017, 6 (3), 108
by Erin Pullen & Carrie Oser - 1-10 The Effect of Values and Secularism on Attitude towards Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis of Embryos
by Graziella Di Marco & Zira Hichy & Sharon Coen & Noelia Rodriguez-Espartal - 1-12 “I’ve Got to Succeed, So She Can Succeed, So We Can Succeed”: Empowered Mothering, Role Fluidity, and Competition in Incredible Parenting
by Suzan G. Brydon - 1-14 Volatilities of Book Income and Taxable Income and Their Risk Relevance
by Joonhyun Kim - 1-16 Deindustrialisation, Community, and Adult Education: The North East England Experience
by Jo Forster & Margaret Petrie & Jim Crowther - 1-17 Islamophobia in Australia: From Far-Right Deplorables to Respectable Liberals
by Scott Poynting & Linda Briskman - 1-31 Theoretical and Methodological Model for the Study of Social Perception of the Impact of Industrial Tourism on Local Development
by María Andrade & Iria Caamaño-Franco - 1-34 Women in the German Workplace: What Facilitates or Constrains Their Claims-Making for Career Advancement?
by Laura Luekemann & Anja-Kristin Abendroth
September 2018, Volume 7, Issue 10
- 1-9 Poverty and Economic Growth in Mexico
by Jorge Garza-Rodriguez - 1-12 Digital Learning in the UK: Sociological Reflections on an Unequal Marketplace
by Carlo Perrotta - 1-13 Competencies and Practices in Academic Engineering Leadership Development: Lessons from a National Survey
by Diane Magrane & Page S. Morahan & Susan Ambrose & Sharon A. Dannels - 1-13 Feminists against Sexual Violence in War: The Question of Perpetrators and Victims Revisited
by Maja Korac - 1-16 Discursive Struggle and Agency—Updating the Finnish Peatland Conservation Network
by Eerika Albrecht - 1-16 Evolving Responsibility or Revolving Bias? The Role of the Media in the Anti-Sugar Debate in the UK Press
by Martina Topić & Ralph Tench - 1-17 Stratification with Honors: A Case Study of the “High” Track within United States Higher Education
by Amy E. Stich - 1-17 Do Female Employees at Small and Medium Enterprises Perceive Open Source Software Usefulness and Satisfaction Differently from Male Employees? A Survey Analysis
by Sanghyun Kim & Hyunsun Park - 1-18 Chinese Migrant Perceptions of Africans: Understanding Confucian Reflexive Politics in Southern Africa
by Micah Petersen & Saleem Ali - 1-18 Estimating the Perceived Socio-Economic Impacts of Hosting Large-Scale Sport Tourism Events
by Marko Perić - 1-20 ‘It’s Scary and It’s Big, and There’s No Job Security’: Undergraduate Experiences of Career Planning and Stratification in an English Red Brick University
by Rita Hordósy & Tom Clark - 1-20 Losing the One , Caring for the All : The Activism of the Peace Mothers in Turkey
by Nisa Göksel - 1-20 Interdependence Evaluation between the Home Neighborhood and the City: How Socio-Spatial Categorization Impacts upon Residential Segregation
by Kawtar Najib - 1-25 Hunger in Higher Education: Experiences and Correlates of Food Insecurity among Wisconsin Undergraduates from Low-Income Families
by Katharine M. Broton & Kari E. Weaver & Minhtuyen Mai
October 2018, Volume 7, Issue 10
- 1-8 Queen Phiona and Princess Shuri—Alternative Africana “Royalty” in Disney’s Royal Realm: An Intersectional Analysis
by Heather E. Harris - 1-10 Housing Discrimination and Health: Understanding Potential Linking Pathways Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
by Roshanak Mehdipanah & Jessica Ramirez & Shanti Abedin & Sherrill F. Brown - 1-11 Do Police Officers in the USA Protect and Serve All Citizens Equally?
by William De Soto - 1-12 Leaving the Village but Not the Rice Field: Role of Female Migrants in Agricultural Production and Household Autonomy in Red River Delta, Vietnam
by Thi Minh Khue Nguyen & Thi Dien Nguyen & Thi Minh Chau Le & Philippe Burny & Philippe Lebailly - 1-12 Animating ‘The Blank Page’: Exhibitions as Feminist Community Adult Education
by Darlene E. Clover - 1-13 The Effects of Poverty and Prison on British Muslim Men Who Offend
by Colin Webster & Mohammed Qasim - 1-13 The Relationship between Soccer Club Coaches’ Decision-Making Style, Basic Psychological Needs, and Intention to Continue to Exercise: Based on Amateur Male Soccer Club Members in Korea
by YongKoo Noh & Kyongmin Lee & Chul-Ho Bum - 1-13 Resilience: Examining the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Gulf Coast Vietnamese American Community
by Megha M. Patel & Leia Y. Saltzman & Regardt J. Ferreira & Amy E. Lesen - 1-14 Death and Coping Mechanisms in Animated Disney Movies: A Content Analysis of Disney Films (1937–2003) and Disney/Pixar Films (2003–2016)
by James A. Graham & Hope Yuhas & Jessica L. Roman - 1-14 Violence as an Environmentally Warranted Norm amongst Working-Class Teenage Boys in Glasgow
by Christopher Holligan & Robert McLean - 1-15 Institutional Expectations and Students’ Responses to the College Application Essay
by Ralitsa Todorova - 1-16 Stripping the Wallpaper of Practice: Empowering Social Workers to Tackle Poverty
by Claire McCartan & Aine Morrison & Lisa Bunting & Gavin Davidson & Jackie McIlroy - 1-16 Signalling the ‘Multi-Local’ University? The Place of the City in the Growth of London-Based Satellite Campuses, and the Implications for Social Stratification
by Rachel Brooks & Johanna Waters - 1-17 Privacy Threats and Protection Recommendations for the Use of Geosocial Network Data in Research
by Ourania Kounadi & Bernd Resch & Andreas Petutschnig - 1-18 Translation and Linguistic Validation of a Swedish Study-Specific Questionnaire for Use among Norwegian Parents Who Lost a Child to Cancer
by Hilde-Kristin Vegsund & Toril Rannestad & Trude Reinfjell & Unni Karin Moksnes & Alexandra Eilegård Wallin & Mary-Elizabeth Bradley Eilertsen - 1-18 Social Class Inequalities in Graduates’ Labour Market Outcomes: The Role of Spatial Job Opportunities
by Adriana Duta & Cristina Iannelli - 1-19 The Relationships of School-Based Discrimination and Ethnic-Racial Socialization to African American Adolescents’ Achievement Outcomes
by Meeta Banerjee & Christy Byrd & Stephanie Rowley - 1-20 Child Protection and Social Inequality: Understanding Child Prostitution in Malawi
by Pearson Nkhoma & Helen Charnley - 1-20 Revisiting the Issues of Access to Higher Education and Social Stratification through the Case of Refugees: A Comparative Study of Spaces of Opportunity for Refugee Students in Germany and England
by Marie-Agnès Détourbe & Gaële Goastellec - 1-20 How to Divide Paid Work and Unpaid Care between Parents? Comparison of Attitudes in 22 Western Countries
by Milla Salin & Minna Ylikännö & Mia Hakovirta - 1-20 When in Rome, Feel as the Romans Feel: An Emotional Model of Organizational Socialization
by Yongjun Choi - 1-21 Using the Lens of ‘Possible Selves’ to Explore Access to Higher Education: A New Conceptual Model for Practice, Policy, and Research
by Neil Harrison - 1-25 Climate Politics and Race in the Pacific Northwest
by Rachel Slocum - 1-25 Understanding Mental Health: What Are the Issues for Black and Ethnic Minority Students at University?
by Jason Arday - 1-28 Student Choice in Higher Education—Reducing or Reproducing Social Inequalities?
by Claire Callender & Kevin J. Dougherty - 1-30 Business Lobbying: Mapping Policy Networks in Brazil in Mercosur
by Galia J. Benítez
September 2018, Volume 7, Issue 9
- 1-11 Southern African Social Work Students’ Acceptance of Rape Myths
by John Matthews & Lisa Avery & Johanna Nashandi - 1-11 The Impact of Peer Support on the Risk of Future Hospital Readmissions among Older Adults with a Medical Illness and Co-Occurring Depression
by Kyaien O. Conner & Tamara Cadet & Monique J. Brown & Joshua T. Barnett - 1-11 Undercover Dogs: Pet Dogs in the Sleep Environment of Patients with Chronic Pain
by Cary A. Brown & Yuluan Wang & Eloise C. J. Carr - 1-12 Subterranean Values and Deviance: An Empirical Investigation of the Case of Spain
by Gonzalo Herranz de Rafael & Juan Sebastián Fernández-Prados - 1-12 When Hazing is Not Hazing: Media Portrayal of Hazing: Developing A Typology. Introducing the TAIR Model
by Scott Alden Mathers & Jackie Chavez - 1-13 The Place and Participation of Parents at the Rond-Point Perinatal and Family Center for Drug Addiction
by Isabelle Laurin & Jean-François René & Nadia Giguère & Isabelle Morissette & Frédéric Maari & Renée-ève Dionne - 1-14 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior and Prospective Purchase Decisions in a Dynamic Pricing Environment—An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach
by Vijay Victor & Jose Joy Thoppan & Robert Jeyakumar Nathan & Fekete Farkas Maria - 1-14 Preparing Versus Persuading: Inequalities between Scottish State schools in University Application Guidance Practices
by Jennifer M. Ferguson & Dave Griffiths - 1-15 From the Sleeping Princess to the World-Saving Daughter of the Chief: Examining Young Children’s Perceptions of ‘Old’ versus ‘New’ Disney Princess Characters
by Benjamin Hine & Katarina Ivanovic & Dawn England - 1-15 Introduction of a New Mobile Player App Store in Selected Countries of Southeast Asia
by Peter Štarchoň & Milota Vetráková & Jozef Metke & Silvia Lorincová & Miloš Hitka & Dagmar Weberová - 1-15 The Consequences of Spatial Inequality for Adolescent Residential Mobility
by Matt Vogel & Merle Zwiers - 1-16 Organisational Identity as a Barrier to Widening Access in Scottish Universities
by Vikki Boliver & Mandy Powell & Tiago Moreira - 1-16 Exploring the Experiences of Heterosexual and Asexual Transgender People
by J. E. Sumerau & Harry Barbee & Lain A. B. Mathers & Victoria Eaton - 1-16 An Examination of the Mental Health and Negative Life Events of Women Who Killed Their Children
by Margarita Poteyeva & Margaret Leigey - 1-18 The Effect of Lease Accounting on Credit Rating and Cost of Debt: Evidence from Firms in Korea
by Younghee Park & Kyunga Na - 1-19 Arabizi in Saudi Arabia: A Deviant Form of Language or Simply a Form of Expression?
by Hamdah Alghamdi & Eleni Petraki - 1-20 ‘No, I Don’t Like the Basque Language.’ Considering the Role of Cultural Capital within Boundary-Work in Basque Education
by Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre - 1-21 An Analysis of the Skill Shortage Problems in Indian IT Companies
by Suchandra Paul - 1-21 Assessing the Role of Family Structure in Racial/Ethnic Residential Isolation
by Colleen E. Wynn & Samantha Friedman - 1-22 Unequal Higher Education in the United States: Growing Participation and Shrinking Opportunities
by Barrett J. Taylor & Brendan Cantwell - 1-26 Out of the Education Desert: How Limited Local College Options are Associated with Inequity in Postsecondary Opportunities
by Daniel Klasik & Kristin Blagg & Zachary Pekor
August 2018, Volume 7, Issue 9
- 1-13 Social Class and Child Welfare: Intertwining Issues of Redistribution and Recognition
by Halvor Fauske & Bente Heggem Kojan & Anita Skårstad Storhaug - 1-14 “I Know I Am, But What Are You?”: Public Perceptions of Unions, Members and Joining Intentions
by Ray Gibney & Marick Masters & Ozge Aybat & Thomas Amlie - 1-17 Segregation in Housing and Urban Forms: An Issue of Private and Public Concern
by Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos & Eliseu Gonçalves & Sergio Dias Silva - 1-18 Disability Status, Housing Tenure, and Residential Attainment in Metropolitan America
by Samantha Friedman & Kaya Hamer-Small & Wendie Choudary - 1-21 Commuting Stress–Turnover Intention Relationship and the Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis of Turkish Employees
by Özge Demiral - 1-21 The Profitability of Residential Photovoltaic Systems. A New Scheme of Subsidies Based on the Price of CO 2 in a Developed PV Market
by Idiano D’Adamo - 1-24 Testing Western Media Icons Influence on Arab Women’s Body Size and Shape Ideals: An Experimental Approach
by Salma M. Khaled & Bethany Shockley & Yara Qutteina & Linda Kimmel & Kien T. Le
August 2018, Volume 7, Issue 8
- 1-10 Social Dominance and Attitude towards Immigrants: The Key Role of Happiness
by Angelo Panno - 1-11 The Lived Experiences of Mothers of Children with the Autism Spectrum Disorders in Egypt
by Ereny Gobrial - 1-11 Disney ‘World’: The Westernization of World Music in EPCOT’s “IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth”
by Matthew Hodge - 1-14 The Impact of Facebookers’ Posts on Other Users’ Attitudes According to Their Age and Gender: Evidence from Al Ain University of Science and Technology
by Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh & Sulafah Abdul Salam Alnamer - 1-14 Inequalities in US Child Protection: The Case of Sex Trafficked Youth
by Lisa Werkmeister Rozas & Jason Ostrander & Megan Feely - 1-15 Young People’s Perspectives on and Experiences of Health-Related Social Media, Apps, and Wearable Health Devices
by Victoria A. Goodyear & Kathleen M. Armour - 1-15 Managing Efficiency in Higher Education: A Case of Ukrainian Universities
by Oleksandr Velychko & Liudmyla Velychko & Mykola Kharytonov - 1-15 Gender Inequity during the Ph.D.: Females in the Life Sciences Benefit Less from Their Integration into the Scientific Community
by Nurith Epstein & Daniel Lachmann - 1-16 Minority High School Students in Non-Math-Science-Oriented and Math-Science-Oriented Majors: Do They View the Environment Differently?
by Colmore S. Christian & Santosh K. Ojha & Berneece S. Herbert - 1-16 From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness
by Elena Del Barrio & Sara Marsillas & Tine Buffel & An-Sofie Smetcoren & Mayte Sancho - 1-17 What Meritocracy Means to its Winners: Admissions, Race, and Inequality at Elite Universities in The United States and Britain
by Natasha Warikoo - 1-17 Examining the Role of Online Reviews in Chinese Online Group Buying Context: The Moderating Effect of Promotional Marketing
by Wenlong Liu & Rongrong Ji - 1-18 The G1000 Firework Dialogue as a Social Learning System: A Community of Practice Approach
by Franziska Eckardt & Paul Benneworth - 1-19 The Personal is Political: Assessing Feminist Fundamentals in the Digital Age
by Frances Rogan & Shelley Budgeon - 1-20 Balancing Work and Life When Self-Employed: The Role of Business Characteristics, Time Demands, and Gender Contexts
by Emma Hagqvist & Susanna Toivanen & Claudia Bernhard-Oettel - 1-27 Nepal Government’s Emergency Response to the 2015 Earthquake: A Case Study
by Bahul Shrestha & Pairote Pathranarakul
July 2018, Volume 7, Issue 8
- 1-11 Parents’ Responses to Coping with Bullying: Variations by Adolescents’ Self-Reported Victimization and Parents’ Awareness of Bullying Involvement
by Elisa Larrañaga & Santiago Yubero & Raúl Navarro - 1-17 The Geography of Economic Segregation
by Richard Florida & Charlotta Mellander - 1-17 The Semiotics of the Evolving Gang Masculinity and Glasgow
by Robert McLean & Chris Holligan - 1-18 Racial/Ethnic Residential Segregation, the Distribution of Physician’s Offices and Access to Health Care: The Case of Houston, Texas
by Kathryn Freeman Anderson - 1-19 Information Technology Governance on Audit Technology Performance among Malaysian Public Sector Auditors
by Farida Veerankutty & Thurasamy Ramayah & Noor Azman Ali - 1-23 Sense of Belonging in Computing: The Role of Introductory Courses for Women and Underrepresented Minority Students
by Linda J. Sax & Jennifer M. Blaney & Kathleen J. Lehman & Sarah L. Rodriguez & Kari L. George & Christina Zavala - 1-26 The Determinants and Outcomes of Absence Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review
by Vedrana Čikeš & Helga Maškarin Ribarić & Kristina Črnjar
July 2018, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 1-9 Time to Face the Music: Musical Colonization and Appropriation in Disney’s Moana
by Robin Armstrong - 1-12 Democracy, Liberalism and the Challenge of Social Solidarity
by Greg Melleuish - 1-14 Patterns, Costs, and Implications of Police Abuse to Citizens’ Rights in the Republic of Zimbabwe
by Ishmael Mugari & Emeka E. Obioha - 1-16 Text You Pictures: The Role of Group Belonging, Race Identity, Race, and Gender in Older Adolescents’ Mobile Phone Use
by Valerie Barker - 1-17 Economic Impact of Development Initiatives on Low-Income Households in Kelantan, Malaysia
by Wan Nurulasiah binti Wan Mustapa & Abdullah Al Mamun & Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim - 1-18 Segregation, Stereotypes, and STEM
by Sarah Thébaud & Maria Charles - 1-18 Gender Based Perception of Successful Construction of Project Managers’ Attributes
by Georgios N. Aretoulis - 1-18 Personal and Job Factors Associated with Teachers’ Active Listening and Active Empathic Listening
by Ntina Kourmousi & Kalliope Kounenou & Vasiliki Yotsidi & Vasiliki Xythali & Kyriakoula Merakou & Anastasia Barbouni & Vasilios Koutras - 1-19 Children’s Personal Data: Discursive Legitimation Strategies of Private Residential Care Institutions on the Kenyan Coast
by Njeri Chege
June 2018, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 1-12 Interest in and Awareness of French President Emmanuel Macron’s “Make our Planet Great Again” Initiative
by Joshua S. Dadural & Leah R. Reznikov - 1-13 Outing the Elephants: Exploring a New Paradigm for Child Protection Social Work
by Ian Hyslop & Emily Keddell - 1-14 Food Safety in China: The Structure and Substantive Foci of an Emerging Field of Social Science Research
by Harley D. Dickinson & Willa Liu & Paul J. Graham & Wei Chen - 1-15 Company Engagement in Apprenticeships in Crisis-Hit Greece: A Critical Overview
by Varvara Lalioti & Dimitris Karantinos & Manolis Chrysakis