April 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-40 Sex Work and the Politics of Space: Case Studies of Sex Workers in Argentina and Ecuador
by Jessica Van Meir
March 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-10 Frozen in Time: How Disney Gender-Stereotypes Its Most Powerful Princess
by Madeline Streiff & Lauren Dundes - 1-19 Enhancing Intersectional Analyses with Polyvocality: Making and Illustrating the Model
by Viola Thimm & Mayurakshi Chaudhuri & Sarah J. Mahler - 1-26 Reimagining the Hajj
by Robert R. Bianchi
May 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-10 Class and Gender Relations in the Welfare State: The Contradictory Dictates of the Norm of Female Autonomy
by Delphine Serre - 1-11 Understanding Mothers’ Infant Feeding Decisions and Practices
by Emma Head - 1-12 New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective—An Example of a Successful Policy Actor
by Ivana Radačić - 1-14 Weeded Out? Gendered Responses to Failing Calculus
by Tanya Sanabria & Andrew Penner - 1-14 Socioeconomic Factors of Immigrants’ Location Choices. Evidence for the South of Europe
by José María Martín Martín & Juan De Dios Jiménez Aguilera - 1-15 “Yeah, and What’s the Problem?” Embodiment, Cultural Practices and Working out in a Dutch Gym
by Alexis Sossa - 1-17 Gender, Migration and Development: Can Advocacy Groups Be More of a Hindrance than a Help?
by Sally Shortall & Ruth McAreavey - 1-17 “Well, It Should Be Changed for One, Because It’s Our Bodies”: Sex Workers’ Views on Canada’s Punitive Approach towards Sex Work
by Cecilia Benoit & Mikael Jansson & Michaela Smith & Jackson Flagg - 1-18 The Economic Impact of SPS Measures on Agricultural Exports to China: An Empirical Analysis Using the PPML Method
by Jacob Wood & Jie Wu & Yilin Li & Haejin Jang - 1-18 Science Possible Selves and the Desire to be a Scientist: Mindsets, Gender Bias, and Confidence during Early Adolescence
by Patricia Wonch Hill & Julia McQuillan & Eli Talbert & Amy Spiegel & G. Robin Gauthier & Judy Diamond - 1-28 Gendered Perceptions of Cultural and Skill Alignment in Technology Companies
by Alison T. Wynn & Shelley J. Correll - 1-49 Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Conservative Christianity and Resistance to Sexual Justice
by Rob Clucas
June 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-8 Survivors’ Sociocultural Status in Mwenga: A Comparison of the Issue before and after Rape
by Buuma Maisha & Judith Malette & Karlijn Demasure - 1-12 Departmental Structure, Cooperative Scholarship, and Productivity: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative-Comparative Analysis of Selected Sociology Departments
by Ali Madanipour & James Williams & Mahmoud Sadri - 1-12 Pedagogy as Possibility: Health Interventions as Digital Openness
by Vaike Fors & Sarah Pink - 1-13 The Strategies, Complexities, and Realities of Zero Prison Population Growth
by Evelyn J. Patterson - 1-13 A Process Review of the Indashyikirwa Couples Curriculum to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence and Support Healthy, Equitable Relationships in Rwanda
by Erin Stern & Ritha Nyiratunga - 1-14 Masculinity and the Occupational Experience of Male Independent Escorts Who Seek Male Clients
by Navin Kumar & John Scott & Victor Minichiello - 1-14 The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: Reliability and Validity in a Nationwide Sample of Greek Teachers
by Ntina Kourmousi & Eirini Amanaki & Chara Tzavara & Kyriakoula Merakou & Anastasia Barbouni & Vasilios Koutras - 1-16 “Strength of Weak Ties,” Neighborhood Ethnic Heterogeneity, and Depressive Symptoms among Adults: A Multilevel Analysis of Korean General Social Survey (KGSS) 2012
by Harris Hyun-soo Kim - 1-17 Challenges Confronting Rural Dwellers in Accessing Health Information in Ghana: Shai Osudoku District in Perspective
by Philippa Pascalina Sokey & Isaac Adisah-Atta - 1-18 Depression Risks and Correlates among Different Generations of Chinese Americans: The Effects of Relationships with Friends and Relatives
by Lin Zhu - 1-19 Making STEM “Family Friendly”: The Impact of Perceiving Science Careers as Family-Compatible
by Erica S. Weisgram & Amanda B. Diekman
January 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-3 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Social Sciences in 2016
by Social Sciences Editorial Office - 1-15 The Politics of Race, Administrative Appeals, and Medicaid Disenrollment in Tennessee
by Sekou Franklin - 1-16 The Influence of Religiosity on Moral Judgment in Sport
by Miltiadis Proios & Ioannis Proios - 1-16 Marriage Formation in Context: Four Decades in Comparative Perspective
by Claudia Geist - 1-16 When Care and Concern Are Not Enough: School Personnel’s Development as Allies for Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Students
by Robert A. Marx & Leah Marion Roberts & Carol T. Nixon - 1-18 Transnationalism and Financial Crisis: The Hampered Migration Projects of Female Domestic Workers in Spain
by Zenia Hellgren & Inma Serrano - 1-23 Prisons as Panacea or Pariah? The Countervailing Consequences of the Prison Boom on the Political Economy of Rural Towns
by John M. Eason - 1-24 The #nofilter Self: The Contest for Authenticity among Social Networking Sites, 2002–2016
by Meredith Salisbury & Jefferson D. Pooley - 1-25 Planning a Career in Engineering: Parental Effects on Sons and Daughters
by Jerry A. Jacobs & Seher Ahmad & Linda J. Sax - 1-33 Malthus and the Philanthropists, 1764–1859: The Cultural Circulation of Political Economy, Botany, and Natural Knowledge
by J. Marc MacDonald
February 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-10 Beyond Depression and Suicide: The Mental Health of Transgender College Students
by Sara B. Oswalt & Alyssa M. Lederer - 1-11 Promoting Military Cultural Competence among Civilian Care Providers: Learning through Program Development
by Randall Nedegaard & Jana Zwilling - 1-13 Muslim Woman Seeking Work: An English Case Study with a Dutch Comparison, of Discrimination and Achievement
by Christopher Bagley & Mahmoud Abubaker - 1-13 Democratic Institutions, Natural Resource Governance, and Ghana’s Oil Wealth
by Felix Kumah-Abiwu - 1-14 Receiving Assistance and Local Food System Participation
by Rebecca L. Som Castellano - 1-15 Structural Disadvantage: Evidence of Gender Disparities in the Norwegian Pension System
by Erika K. Palmer - 1-16 Fat People of Color : Emergent Intersectional Discourse Online
by Apryl A. Williams - 1-17 Perceptions of the Social Relevance of Science: Exploring the Implications for Gendered Patterns in Expectations of Majoring in STEM Fields
by Sarah Blanchard Kyte & Catherine Riegle-Crumb - 1-21 The Potential Scientist’s Dilemma: How the Masculine Framing of Science Shapes Friendships and Science Job Aspirations
by G. Robin Gauthier & Patricia Wonch Hill & Julia McQuillan & Amy N. Spiegel & Judy Diamond - 1-22 Queer in STEM Organizations: Workplace Disadvantages for LGBT Employees in STEM Related Federal Agencies
by Erin A. Cech & Michelle V. Pham - 1-24 Se Faire Voir with Jung and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis
by Matthew Gildersleeve
March 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Erratum: Kudo, S.; et al. Population Aging: An Emerging Research Agenda for Sustainable Development. Soc. Sci. 2015, 4 , 940–966
by Shogo Kudo & Emmanuel Mutisya & Masafumi Nagao - 1-14 Active Listening Attitude Scale (ALAS): Reliability and Validity in a Nationwide Sample of Greek Educators
by Ntina Kourmousi & Eirini Amanaki & Chara Tzavara & Vasilios Koutras - 1-14 Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions on Climate Change and the Use of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
by Clifton Makate & Marshall Makate & Nelson Mango - 1-14 Policy Discourses and Marginal Places: Histories of Environmental Democracy in India and Sweden
by Seema Arora-Jonsson - 1-16 Forests and Food Security: What’s Gender Got to Do with It?
by Kiran Asher & Annie Shattuck - 1-17 Black Twitter: A Response to Bias in Mainstream Media
by Latoya A. Lee - 1-17 At the Interface of National and Transnational: The Development of Finnish Policies against Domestic Violence in Terms of Gender Equality
by Tuija Virkki - 1-17 Left Numb and Unengaged. (Re)Conceptualising Risk: What (Seems to) Work for at-Risk Students
by David Zyngier - 1-18 Dinner and a Conversation: Transgender Integration at West Point and Beyond
by Morten G. Ender & Diane M. Ryan & Danielle A. Nuszkowski & Emma Sarah Spell & Charles B. Atkins - 1-19 Gender in Engineering Departments: Are There Gender Differences in Interruptions of Academic Job Talks?
by Mary Blair-Loy & Laura E. Rogers & Daniela Glaser & Y. L. Anne Wong & Danielle Abraham & Pamela C. Cosman - 1-22 Collaboration and Gender Equity among Academic Scientists
by Joya Misra & Laurel Smith-Doerr & Nilanjana Dasgupta & Gabriela Weaver & Jennifer Normanly - 1-26 Gender Differences in the Early Employment Outcomes of STEM Doctorates
by Kimberlee A. Shauman - 1-26 Land Access, Agricultural Land Use Changes and Narratives about Land Degradation in the Savannahs of Northeast Ghana during the Pre-Colonial and Colonial Periods
by Peter Kojo Boateng
December 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
October 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-11 Postcolonial Reflection on the Christian Mission: The Case of North Korean Refugees in China and South Korea
by Shin Ji Kang - 1-11 Angry and Alone: Demographic Characteristics of Those Who Post to Online Comment Sections
by Michael Artime - 1-15 Turning Points in the Lives of Chinese and Indian Women Leaders Working toward Social Justice
by Rosanna Hertz - 1-17 Azerbaijani Women, Online Mediatized Activism and Offline Mass Mobilization
by Ilkin Mehrabov - 1-17 40 Is the New 65? Older Adults and Niche Targeting Strategies in the Online Dating Industry
by Derek Blackwell - 1-17 Education Policy and Under-Five Survival in Uganda: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys
by Marshall Makate - 1-18 Ascription, Achievement, and Perceived Equity of Educational Regimes: An Empirical Investigation
by Jeroen Lavrijsen & Ides Nicaise - 1-18 Netflix and Engage? Implications for Streaming Television on Political Participation during the 2016 US Presidential Campaign
by Jacob Groshek & Sarah Krongard - 1-20 The New Eugenics: Black Hyper-Incarceration and Human Abatement
by James C. Oleson - 1-22 Just Not Like Us: The Interactive Impact of Dimensions of Identity and Race in Attitudes towards Immigration
by Jennifer Byrne & Gregory C. Dixon - 1-26 Banishment in Public Housing: Testing an Evolution of Broken Windows
by Jose Torres & Jacob Apkarian & James Hawdon - 1-31 Epistemic Communities, Human Rights, and the Global Diffusion of Legislation against the Organ Trade
by Fikresus Amahazion
November 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-8 Women, Gender, and Politics in Morocco
by Moha Ennaji - 1-12 In Their Own Words: The Health and Sexuality of Immigrant Women with Infibulation Living in Switzerland
by Michela Villani & Judith Louise Griffin & Patrick Bodenmann - 1-12 Vahid Online: Post-2009 Iran and the Politics of Citizen Media Convergence
by Babak Rahimi - 1-15 The Influence of Religiously and Scientifically Framed Messages on Agreement with Water Use Restrictions
by John M. Clements - 1-17 Peer-Review Writing Workshops in College Courses: Students’ Perspectives about Online and Classroom Based Workshops
by Erin B. Jensen - 1-17 Household Structure and Suburbia Residence in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Evidence from the American Housing Survey
by Gowoon Jung & Tse-Chuan Yang - 1-21 “My Mom Says Some Girls Have Penises”: How Mothers of Gender-Diverse Youth Are Pushing Gender Ideology Forward (and How They’re Not)
by Krysti N. Ryan - 1-21 The Militarization of Mass Incapacitation and Torture during the Sunni Insurgency and American Occupation of Iraq
by John L. Hagan & Anna Hanson
September 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-7 Approaches to Sampling Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men from Geosocial-Networking Smartphone Applications: A Methodological Note
by William C. Goedel & Forrest A. Brooks & Dustin T. Duncan - 1-12 War Trauma, Politics of Recognition and Purple Heart: PTSD or PTSI?
by Irit Keynan & Jackob N. Keynan - 1-15 Prescribing under the Influence: The Business of Breastmilk Substitutes
by Rosa Rios & Hernan Riquelme & Sharif El Beshlawy - 1-16 Dispositional Immobility: An Analysis of Non-Decisions as Public Policy in Alberta’s City-Regions
by James Lightbody & Lisa Kline - 1-17 Children’s Civic Engagement in the Scratch Online Community
by Ricarose Roque & Sayamindu Dasgupta & Sasha Costanza-Chock - 1-19 Support for Protests in Latin America: Classifications and the Role of Online Networking
by Rachel R. Mourão & Magdalena Saldaña & Shannon C. McGregor & Adrian D. Zeh - 1-20 “Religious Freedom” as a Tool to Oppress: The Explosion in Religion-Based Attacks on Civil Rights in Litigation
by Alex J. Luchenitser - 1-20 Boomers versus Millennials: Online Media Influence on Media Performance and Candidate Evaluations
by Terri Towner & Caroline Lego Munoz
December 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
July 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-10 Misalignment of Career and Educational Aspirations in Middle School: Differences across Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status
by Brea L. Perry & Elizabeth Martinez & Edward Morris & Tanja C. Link & Carl Leukefeld - 1-13 In Pursuit of Child and Family Well-Being: Initial Steps to Advocacy
by Mary Moeller & Angela McKillip & Ruth Wienk & Kay Cutler - 1-17 Who Wants Income Inequality?: An Analysis of Public Choice under Income Comparison
by Tongzhe Li - 1-17 Trans* + ing Classrooms: The Pedagogy of Refusal as Mediator for Learning
by Sj Miller - 1-20 Converging Urban Agendas: Toward Healthy and Sustainable Communities
by Mark Roseland & Maria Spiliotopoulou - 1-22 Worksheet for Describing and Categorizing a Genocidal Event: A New Tool for Assembling More Objective Data and Classifying Events of Mass Killing
by Israel W. Charny - 1-25 Method in the Madness: Hysteria and the Will to Power
by Matthew Gildersleeve - 1-37 Population Growth, Migration, and Changes in the Racial Differential in Imprisonment in the United States, 1940–1980
by David J. Harding & Christopher Winship
August 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-4 Healthy Communities: What Have We Learned and Where do We Go from Here?
by Jerry D. Marx - 1-9 Strategies for Combating Islamic State
by Timothy Sands - 1-11 Engaging Citizen Participation—A Result of Trusting Governmental Institutions and Politicians in the Portuguese Democracy
by Vanda Carreira & João Reis Machado & Lia Vasconcelos - 1-12 Piracy and the Politics of Social Media
by Martin Fredriksson Almqvist - 1-13 Reconfiguring the Contours of Statehood and the Rights of Peoples of Disappearing States in the Age of Global Climate Change
by Tracey Skillington - 1-14 “I Collected Money, not a Bribe”: Strategic Ambiguity and the Dynamics of Corruption in Contemporary Nigeria
by Emeka W. Dumbili & Adedayo Sofadekan - 1-15 Researching and Working for Transgender Youth: Contexts, Problems and Solutions
by Tiffany Jones - 1-16 The Importance of National Ethos in Military Victories
by Eyal Lewin - 1-18 The Death of Democracy and the Forces of Power and Control: The Case of Europe
by Theo Gavrielides - 1-19 Domestic Violence against Albanian Immigrant Women in Greece: Facing Patriarchy
by Margarita Poteyeva & Gabriela Wasileski - 1-20 Safety on Passenger Ferries from Catering Staff’s Perspective
by Margareta Ljung & Margareta Oudhuis
June 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-9 Do Robots Need to Be Stereotyped? Technical Characteristics as a Moderator of Gender Stereotyping
by Florian Dufour & Céline Ehrwein Nihan - 1-14 The Impact of Sanctions and Neo-Liberalism on Women’s Organising in Iran
by Tara Povey
September 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-14 Did the Great Recession Downsize Immigrants and Native-Born Americans Differently? Unemployment Differentials by Nativity, Race and Gender from 2007 to 2013 in the U.S
by Sharron Xuanren Wang & Arthur Sakamoto - 1-15 18 Million Cracks, but No Cigar: News Media and the Campaigns of Clinton, Palin, and Bachmann
by Nicole R. Foster Shoaf & Tara N. Parsons - 1-16 Income Sharing within Households: Evidence from Data on Financial Satisfaction
by Susanne Elsas - 1-19 State-Society Relations in Ethiopia: A Political-Economy Perspective of the Post-1991 Order
by Yeshtila Wondemeneh Bekele & Darley Jose Kjosavik & Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam
June 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-11 Validity and Reliability of the Problem Solving Inventory (PSI) in a Nationwide Sample of Greek Educators
by Ntina Kourmousi & Vasiliki Xythali & Maria Theologitou & Vasilios Koutras
May 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-14 Veiled Politics: Muslim Women’s Visibility and Their Use in European Countries’ Political Life
by Anna Vanzan - 1-14 The Effects of Religion on Enduring Marriages
by David F. Mullins - 1-15 Making Communication Strategy Choices in a Fast Evolving Crisis Situation—Results from a Table-Top Discussion on an Anthrax Scenario
by Aino Ruggiero - 1-16 Masculinities in Cyberspace: An Analysis of Portrayals of Manhood in Men’s Rights Activist Websites
by Rachel M. Schmitz & Emily Kazyak - 1-16 Oil in Syria between Terrorism and Dictatorship
by Hussein Almohamad & Andreas Dittmann - 1-16 U.S. Volunteering in the Aftermath of the Great Recession: Were African Americans a Significant Factor?
by Vernon B. Carter & Jerry D. Marx - 1-22 Effectiveness of Recycling Promotion and Education Initiatives among First-Generation Ethnic Minorities in Ontario, Canada
by Calvin Lakhan
April 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-12 Political Experience and the Success of Female Gubernatorial Candidates
by Valerie R. O’Regan & Stephen J. Stambough - 1-17 The Fragility of Gender Equality Policies in Spain
by Octavio Salazar Benítez
March 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
February 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-11 Transnationalism: A Vehicle for Settlement and Incorporation of Muslim Iraqi Turkoman Forced Migrants in Sydney
by Firdaws Karim - 1-13 Hybridity: A Theory of Agency in Early Childhood Governance
by Rachel Robinson - 1-33 The Left- and Right-Wing Political Power Design: The Dilemma of Welfare Policy with Low-Income Relief
by Joseph E. Mullat
January 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Social Sciences in 2015
by Social Sciences Editorial Office - 1-17 From Athletes to Astrophysicists: Gender Differences in Patterns and Predictors of Career Aspirations in Pre-Adolescence
by Brea L. Perry & Edward W. Morris & Tanja C. Link & Carl Leukefeld - 1-21 Voluntary Turnover: A Means of Reducing Perceived Job Insecurity? A Propensity Score Matching Procedure Applied on Swiss Data
by Florence Lebert
March 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-10 Decreasing Obesity and Obesity Stigma: Socio-Demographic Differences in Beliefs about Causes of and Responsibility for Obesity
by Christy Brady - 1-13 Gender, Fitness Doping and the Genetic Max. The Ambivalent Construction of Muscular Masculinities in an Online Community
by Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson - 1-13 Attitudes towards Tax Evasion in Turkey and Australia: A Comparative Study
by Robert W. McGee & Ken Devos & Serkan Benk - 1-15 Crisis Communication Competence in Co-Producing Safety with Citizen Groups
by Anne Laajalahti & Jenni Hyvärinen & Marita Vos - 1-17 American Long-Distance Locomobility and the Spaces of Actor-Network Theory
by Michael Minn
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 A Case Study in Organizing for Livable and Sustainable Communities
by Jerry Marx & Alison Rataj - 1-17 Community Engaged Leadership to Advance Health Equity and Build Healthier Communities
by Kisha Holden & Tabia Akintobi & Jammie Hopkins & Allyson Belton & Brian McGregor & Starla Blanks & Glenda Wrenn - 1-21 The Effectiveness of Healthy Community Approaches on Positive Health Outcomes in Canada and the United States
by Hazel Williams-Roberts & Bonnie Jeffery & Shanthi Johnson & Nazeem Muhajarine
December 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-5 Understanding and Supporting “Families with Complex Needs”: An Editorial
by Nathan Hughes & Carolina Munoz-Guzman - 1-14 Internalized Stigma and Psychological Well-Being in Gay Men and Lesbians in Italy and Belgium
by Giorgia Lorenzi & Marina Miscioscia & Lucia Ronconi & Caterina Elisa Pasquali & Alessandra Simonelli - 1-19 Intersectoral Mobilization in Child Development: An Outcome Assessment of the Survey of the School Readiness of Montreal Children
by Isabelle Laurin & Angèle Bilodeau & Nadia Giguère & Louise Potvin - 1-26 Objective Structures and Symbolic Violence in the Immigrant Family and School Relationships: Study of Two Cases in Chile
by Rayen Cornejo Torres & Ariel Rosales Ubeda - 1-47 Assessing Energy Security Using Indicator-Based Analysis: The Case of ASEAN Member Countries
by Kamonphorn Kanchana & Hironobu Unesaki
October 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-14 Cross-National Investigation of Health Indicators among Sexual Minorities in Norway and the United States
by Ryan J. Watson & Christopher W. Wheldon & Lars Wichstrøm & Stephen T. Russell - 1-19 Influencing Factors for Developing Managerial Behaviours That Encourage a Work-Family Culture in the University Context
by María Dolores Álvarez-Pérez & Adolfo Carballo-Penela - 1-20 Analysis of Benefits to Young Rail Enthusiasts of Participating in Extracurricular Academic Activities
by Anna Fraszczyk & Joseph Dungworth & Marin Marinov - 1-26 An Appreciative View of the Brighter Side of Terror Management Processes
by Kenneth E. Vail, III & Jacob Juhl - 1-27 Population Aging: An Emerging Research Agenda for Sustainable Development
by Shogo Kudo & Emmanuel Mutisya & Masafumi Nagao
November 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-8 Suffering Has No Race or Nation: The Psychological Impact of the Refugee Crisis in Hungary and the Occurrence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
by Szabolcs Kéri - 1-8 The Effect of Gender on Stress Factors: An Exploratory Study among University Students
by Michelle Calvarese - 1-9 Dead Spaces, Living Architecture and the Functionality of Death in Post-Conflict Settings
by Diana El Richani - 1-12 Reliability and Validity of the Multidimensional Locus of Control IPC Scale in a Sample of 3668 Greek Educators
by Ntina Kourmousi & Vasiliki Xythali & Vasilios Koutras - 1-13 Who Wants to Live Forever? Living, Dying and Grieving in Our Digital Society
by Debra J. Bassett - 1-15 Who Benefits from Public Healthcare Subsidies in Egypt?
by Ahmed Shoukry Rashad & Mesbah Fathy Sharaf - 1-21 A Cross-Level Exploratory Analysis of “Neighborhood Effects” on Urban Behavior: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Russell Weaver - 1-22 Finnish Mothers’ Assessments of the Harmfulness of Childcare at Home on Occupational Careers: A Comparison of Twelve European Countries
by Sirpa Weckström - 1-22 Facing the Gender Gap in Aging: Italian Women’s Pension in the European Context
by Maria Letizia Zanier & Isabella Crespi - 1-22 Languaging the Borders of Europe
by Olivier Kramsch & Kolar Aparna & Huda Degu - 1-31 The “Double-Edge Sword” of Human Empathy: A Unifying Neurobehavioral Theory of Compassion Stress Injury
by Mark Russell & Matt Brickell
September 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-15 Trials and Triumph: Lesbian and Gay Young Adults Raised in a Rural Context
by Angie L. Dahl & Rachel K. Scott & Zachalee Peace - 1-16 Exploring Student Service Members/Veterans Social Support and Campus Climate in the Context of Recovery
by Susan M. Love & Amy Levin & Hyun-Sun Park
September 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-6 How Muslim Students’ Knowledge of Christianity Is Related to Their Attitudes to Mainstream Australia and Australians: A National Survey
by Abe W. Ata - 1-12 Forgiveness Postvention with a Survivor of Suicide Following a Loved One Suicide: A Case Study
by Eunjin Lee & Robert Enright & Jichan Kim - 1-14 The Resurgence of Education in Railway and Metro Engineering in Brazil
by Yesid Asaff & Viviane V. F. Grubisic & Regis K. Scalice & Acires Dias - 1-16 Airport Casualties: Non-Admission and Return Risks at Times of Internalized/Externalized Border Controls
by Maybritt Jill Alpes - 1-18 The Impact of Economic Globalization on the Employment Policies in 19 Western Democracies from 1985 to 2010. Limited Change or Radical Shift towards Workfare?
by Ari-Matti Näätänen - 1-18 Trends of the Time: An Examination of Judicial Waiver in One State
by Alison S. Burke - 1-20 Re-Theorizing Intimate Partner Violence through Post-Structural Feminism, Queer Theory, and the Sociology of Gender
by Clare Cannon & Katie Lauve-Moon & Fred Buttell - 1-20 Reconciling LGB and Christian Identities in the Rural South
by Brandi Woodell & Emily Kazyak & D’Lane Compton - 1-21 LGBT in Turkey: Policies and Experiences
by Ceylan Engin - 1-24 Leadership Talent: A Study of the Potential of People in the Australian Rail Industry
by Janene Piip - 1-30 Putting Lesbians in Their Place: Deconstructing Ex-Gay Discourses of Female Homosexuality in a Global Context
by Christine M. Robinson & Sue E. Spivey - 1-42 Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Linear and Non-Linear Clustering Methods to “Shakespeare Authorship Question”
by Refat Aljumily
July 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-13 The Struggles of Solidarity: Chicana/o-Mexican Networks, 1960s–1970s
by Nydia A. Martinez - 1-13 The Social Constructedness of Resilience
by Martin Endress - 1-21 Cross-Border Governance: Balancing Formalized and Less Formalized Co-Operations
by Kristina Zumbusch & Roland Scherer - 1-30 Collaborative Resilience to Episodic Shocks and Surprises: A Very Long-Term Case Study of Zanjera Irrigation in the Philippines 1979–2010
by Ruth Yabes & Bruce Evan Goldstein
August 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-9 A Successful Cooperation between Academia and Industry in Higher Rail Education: The Postgraduate Course in “Railway Infrastructure and Systems Engineering” at Sapienza
by Luca Rizzetto & Gabriele Malavasi & Stefano Ricci & Noemi Montaruli & Nicoletta Abbascià & Riccardo Risica & Giovanni Bocchetti & Federico Gherardi & Alessandra Raffone - 1-13 Death, Entropy, Creativity and Perpetual Perishing: Some Thoughts from Whitehead and Stengers
by Michael Halewood - 1-14 The “A Graceful Death Exhibition”: Portraits and Words from the End of Life
by Antonia Rolls - 1-16 Deviant Citizenship: DREAMer Activism in the United States and Transnational Belonging
by Joaquina Weber-Shirk - 1-16 Reconceptualizing Cultural Globalization: Connecting the “Cultural Global” and the “Cultural Local”
by Stephen Magu - 1-17 Reconceptualising the Gender of Fitness Doping: Performing and Negotiating Masculinity through Drug-Use Practices
by Jesper Andreasson - 1-18 Community and the Long Shadow of the Analytic: Rieffian Pessimism in Social Thought
by Peter McMylor - 1-19 The GSA Difference: LGBTQ and Ally Experiences in High Schools with and without Gay-Straight Alliances
by Tina Fetner & Athena Elafros
April 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-16 “Providing a Roof That Allows One to Dream of a Better Life”: A Case Study of Working with Families in Extreme Poverty
by Maria Tsekoura - 1-18 Understanding the Effects of Crime on Women: Fear and Well-Being in the Context of Diverse Relationships
by Natalia Hanley & Leah Ruppanner - 1-19 “Como Arrancar una Planta”: Women’s Reflections about Influences of Im/Migration on Their Everyday Lives and Health in Mexico
by Eva K. Robertson - 1-26 Awareness of Humanities, Arts and Social Science (HASS) Research Is Related to Patterns of Citizens’ Community and Cultural Engagement
by Murray A. Rudd
June 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-10 Applying the Behavioural Family Therapy Model in Complex Family Situations
by Rubina Jhadray & Gráinne Fadden & Martin Atchison & Paula Conneely & Julia Danks & Alison Lee & Chris Mansell - 1-25 Imagined Borders: (Un)Bounded Spaces of Oil Extraction and Indigenous Sociality in “Post-Neoliberal” Ecuador
by Flora E. Lu & Néstor L. Silva
May 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-12 Persistent Confusions about Hypothesis Testing in the Social Sciences
by Christopher Thron & Vincent Miller - 1-13 Citations and Convictions: One Community’s Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence & Efforts toward Offender Accountability
by Kerry Beldin & Allison Lauritsen & Henry D'Souza & Bob Moyer - 1-20 Fiscal Challenges in Multilayered Unions: An Overview and Case Study
by Joshua Aizenman & Gunnar Gunnarsson - 1-22 Migrant and Non-Migrant Families in Chengdu, China: Segregated Lives, Segregated Schools
by Nan Li & Peggy Placier