May 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
March 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-13 Improving Pathways to Assessment and Care for Infants of Substance Abusing Mothers: Are We Getting It Right?
by Joanna Alexander & Shanti Raman & Terence Yoong & Belinda Mawhinney - 1-14 The Influence of Interethnic Ideologies on Intention to Discriminate through In-Group Favoritism
by Marie Courtois & Ginette Herman - 1-20 Child Welfare in Chile: Learning from International Experiences to Improve Family Interventions
by Carolina Muñoz-Guzmán & Candice Fischer & Enrique Chia & Catherine LaBrenz - 1-21 Different Welfare System—Same Values? How Social Work Educators in Norway, Chile and Argentina Comprehend Core Social Work and Social Policy Issues
by Rolv Lyngstad
February 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Social Policies in Contemporary Latin America: Families and Poverty in the Social Protection Systems
by Cristina González - 1-17 Bringing the Family Back in: On Role Assignment and Clientification in the Swedish Social Services
by Ahmet Gümüscü & Lennart Nygren & Evelyn Khoo - 1-21 What Is a Friend? An Exploratory Typology of the Meanings of Friendship
by Verónica Policarpo - 1-23 Negative Emotional Energy: A Theory of the “Dark-Side” of Interaction Ritual Chains
by David Boyns & Sarah Luery
January 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Social Sciences in 2014
by Social Sciences Editorial Office - 1-32 EU Development Aid towards Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the Normative Principle
by Georgios K. Bountagkidis & Konstantinos C. Fragkos & Christos C. Frangos
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-16 A Critical Analysis of Britain’s Living, Dead and Zombie Multiculturalism: From 7/7 to the London 2012 Olympic Games
by Chris Allen - 1-17 Assessment in Kinship Foster Care: A New Tool to Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses
by Nuria Fuentes-Peláez & Pere Amorós & Crescencia Pastor & María Cruz Molina & Maribel Mateo - 1-17 Contagion in the Euro Area Sovereign Bond Market
by Umberto Muratori - 1-32 Forty Years of Forensic Interviewing of Children Suspected of Sexual Abuse, 1974–2014: Historical Benchmarks
by Kathleen Coulborn Faller
December 2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
November 2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-7 I Am Therefore I Do: Group Identification and Effort for the Achievement Goals
by Gerhard Reese & Julia Dietrich - 1-17 Who Owns Child Abuse?
by Gerald Cradock - 1-22 Language in the Wild—Living the Carnival in Social Media
by Sylvi Vigmo & Annika Lantz-Andersson - 1-23 Practicing from Theory: Thinking and Knowing to “Do” Child Protection Work
by Susan Young & Margaret McKenzie & Cecilie Omre & Liv Schjelderup & Shayne Walker - 1-25 Current Debates on Variability in Child Welfare Decision-Making: A Selected Literature Review
by Emily Keddell
October 2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-13 Dealing with Risk in Child and Family Social Work: From an Anxious to a Reflexive Professional?
by Eline Vyvey & Rudi Roose & Lieselot De Wilde & Griet Roets - 1-13 Yahoo! Answers as a Space for Informal Language Learning
by Giuliana Dettori & Simone Torsani - 1-14 Addressing the Clinical Burden of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect in a Large Metropolitan Region: Improving the Evidence-Base
by Shanti Raman & Michelle Maiese & Katrina Hurley & David Greenfield - 1-14 Patterns and Correlates for Bullying among Young Adolescents in Ghana
by Emmanuel O. Acquah & Michael L. Wilson & David T. Doku - 1-15 The Productive Uses of Conflict in Child Protection
by Doug Magnuson - 1-16 Child Protection Victims and the “Evil Institutions”
by Carolus Van Nijnatten & Marit Hopman & Trudie Knijn - 1-16 A Critical Examination of Child Protection Initiatives in Sport Contexts
by Gretchen Kerr & Ashley Stirling & Ellen MacPherson - 1-18 The Child Protection System from the Perspective of Young People: Messages from 3 Studies
by Carme Montserrat - 1-18 Child Welfare and Successful Reunification through the Socio-Educative Process: Training Needs among Biological Families in Spain
by M. Angeles Balsells & Crescencia Pastor & Pere Amorós & Ainoa Mateos & Carmen Ponce & Alicia Navajas - 1-21 Protecting Children and Adolescents in Uruguay: Civil Society’s Role in Policy Reform
by Amy Risley - 1-24 Child Protection and Vulnerable Families: Trends and Issues in the Australian Context
by Elizabeth Fernandez
September 2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-5 Social Inclusion in Swedish Public Service Television: The Representation of Gender, Ethnicity and People with Disabilities as Program Leaders for Children’s Programs
by Juha M. Alatalo & Anna Ostapenko Alatalo - 1-17 Needs Assessment of an Ethnic Chinese Community in Japan
by Li-Mei Chen - 1-22 “I Know People Think I’m a Complete Pain in the Neck”: An Examination of the Introduction of Child Protection and “Safeguarding” in English Sport from the Perspective of National Governing Body Safeguarding Lead Officers
by Mike Hartill & Melanie Lang - 1-22 Concerted Practice-Based Actions in Intimate Partner and Family Violence: When the Children’s Well-Being Is the Central Concern
by Geneviève Lessard & Marie-Eve Drouin & Anne-Sophie Germain & Pamela Alvarez-Lizotte & Pierre Turcotte
September 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-13 The Voice of the Child in Child Protection: Whose Voice?
by Margaret Bruce - 1-16 Socioeconomic Position and Low Birth Weight: Evaluating Multiple and Alternative Measures Across Race in Michigan
by Cedric A. L. Taylor & Dilshani Sarathchandra - 1-19 The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Dreaming of Child Safe Organisations?
by William Budiselik & Frances Crawford & Donna Chung - 1-22 Coping with a Self-Induced Shock: The Heterarchic Organization of the London Olympic Games 2012
by Gernot Grabher & Joachim Thiel - 1-22 Time is of the Essence: Risk and the Public Law Outline, Judicial Discretion and the Determination of a Child’s Best Interests
by Penelope Welbourne
July 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-12 Comparing Pedophile Activity in Different P2P Systems
by Raphaël Fournier & Thibault Cholez & Matthieu Latapy & Isabelle Chrisment & Clémence Magnien & Olivier Festor & Ivan Daniloff - 1-15 Child Protection in Sport: Reflections on Thirty Years of Science and Activism
by Celia H. Brackenridge & Daniel Rhind
June 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-6 Epilogue: The Machinery of Urban Resilience
by Ash Amin
August 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-10 The Relationship between “Protection of” and “Violence Against” Infants and Young Children: The U.S. Experience, 1940–2005
by Jack E. Riggs & Gerald R. Hobbs - 1-14 Technology-Based Innovations in Child Maltreatment Prevention Programs: Examples from SafeCare®
by Melissa Cowart-Osborne & Matthew Jackson & Elizabeth Chege & Evander Baker & Daniel Whitaker & Shannon Self-Brown - 1-15 Gathering the Voices: Disseminating the Message of the Holocaust for the Digital Generation by Applying an Interdisciplinary Approach
by Angela Shapiro & Brian McDonald & Aidan Johnston - 1-16 On the Design of Social Media for Learning
by Jon Dron & Terry Anderson - 1-16 Urgent Protection versus Chronic Need: Clarifying the Dual Mandate of Child Welfare Services across Canada
by Nico Trocmé & Alicia Kyte & Vandna Sinha & Barbara Fallon - 1-18 Vulnerable Family Meetings: A Way of Promoting Team Working in GPs’ Everyday Responses to Child Maltreatment?
by Jenny Woodman & Ruth Gilbert & Danya Glaser & Janice Allister & Marian Brandon - 1-19 Implementing a Mobile Social Media Framework for Designing Creative Pedagogies
by Thomas Cochrane & Laurent Antonczak - 1-19 Developing Child-Centered Social Policies: When Professionalism Takes Over
by Nicole Hennum - 1-23 “Under His Spell”: Victims’ Perspectives of Being Groomed Online
by Helen C. Whittle & Catherine E. Hamilton-Giachritsis & Anthony R. Beech - 1-23 Mandatory Reporting Laws and Identification of Child Abuse and Neglect: Consideration of Differential Maltreatment Types, and a Cross-Jurisdictional Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Reports
by Ben Mathews
June 2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-16 Governing Through Resilience? Exploring Flood Protection in Dresden, Germany
by Gérard Hutter & Markus Leibenath & Annika Mattissek - 1-20 Has Austerity Succeeded in Ameliorating the Economic Climate? The Cases of Ireland, Cyprus and Greece
by Marcell Zoltán Végh
May 2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-8 A Comparison of Tablet-Based and Paper-Based Survey Data Collection in Conservation Projects
by Craig Leisher - 1-15 Adolescent Physical Fighting in Ghana, Their Demographic and Social Characteristics
by Emmanuel O. Acquah & Jennifer K. Lloyd & Laura Davis & Michael L. Wilson - 1-22 Gender Socialization and Identity Theory
by Michael J. Carter
April 2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-12 Sexual Motivations and Ideals Distinguish Sexual Identities within the Self-Concept: A Multidimensional Scaling Analysis
by Celeste Sangiorgio & Warren A. Reich & Andrea C. Vial & Mirko Savone - 1-21 Stanley Milgram’s Obedience to Authority “Relationship” Condition: Some Methodological and Theoretical Implications
by Nestar Russell
March 2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
January 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-16 Intercorrelations of Intimacy and Identity Dating Goals with Relationship Behaviors and Satisfaction among Young Heterosexual Couples
by Melanie J. Zimmer-Gembeck & Vanessa Arnhold & Jennifer Connolly - 1-20 Coping with Break-Ups: Rebound Relationships and Gender Socialization
by Cassie Shimek & Richard Bello - 1-23 Once You Are In You Might Need to Get Out: Adaptation and Adaptability in Volatile Labor Markets—the Case of Musical Actors
by Oliver Ibert & Suntje Schmidt
March 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Eurozone Crisis: Psychological Mechanisms Undermining and Supporting European Solidarity
by Gerhard Reese & Oliver Lauenstein - 1-21 Your Resilience is My Vulnerability: ‘Rules in Use’ in a Local Water Conflict
by Frank Sondershaus & Timothy Moss
February 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Social Sciences in 2013
by Social Sciences Editorial Office - 1-11 On Resilience
by David Stark - 1-12 Performance of Survey Forecasts by Professional Analysts: Did the European Debt Crisis Make it Harder or Perhaps Even Easier?
by Frederik Kunze & Mario Gruppe - 1-13 Limits of Religious Analogy: The Example of Celebrity
by Nathalie Heinich - 1-13 Peer Influence and Attraction to Interracial Romantic Relationships
by Justin J. Lehmiller & William G. Graziano & Laura E. VanderDrift - 1-18 Local Constructions of Vulnerability and Resilience in the Context of Climate Change. A Comparison of Lübeck and Rostock
by Gabriela B. Christmann & Karsten Balgar & Nicole Mahlkow - 1-31 An Instrument to Investigate Expectations about and Experiences of the Parent-Child Relationship: The Parent-Child Relationship Schema Scale
by Marcia Dixson & Emily Bermes & Suze Fair
December 2013, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-14 Why an Unbiased External R&D Evaluation System is Important for the Progress of Social Sciences—the Case of a Small Social Science Community
by Franc Mali - 1-20 Constructions of Resilience: Ethnoracial Diversity, Inequality, and Post-Katrina Recovery, the Case of New Orleans
by Kevin Fox Gotham & Richard Campanella - 1-23 Debt Contagion in Europe: A Panel-Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Analysis
by Florence Bouvet & Ryan Brady & Sharmila King
November 2013, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-14 Sustainable Paper Consumption: Exploring Behavioral Factors
by Bertha Maya Sopha - 1-23 Prostate Cancer Disparities throughout the Cancer Control Continuum
by Meghan E. Borysova & Dawood H. Sultan & Ganna Chornokur & Kyle J. Dalton & Adewale Troutman
October 2013, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-13 Determinants for Bullying Victimization among 11–16-Year-Olds in 15 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Multi-Level Study
by Michael L. Wilson & Andrea C. Dunlavy & André Berchtold - 1-13 The Eurozone Crisis: Muddling through on the Way to a More Perfect Euro Union?
by Joshua Aizenman - 1-13 Patterns, Characteristics, and Correlates of Adolescent Bully-Victims in Urban Tanzania
by Michael L. Wilson & Karen L. Celedonia & Benjamin A. Kamala
September 2013, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-17 Self-Efficacy in Social Work: Development and Initial Validation of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Social Workers
by Monica Pedrazza & Elena Trifiletti & Sabrina Berlanda & Gian Antonio Di Bernardo
August 2013, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-11 Breaks and Convergence in U.S. Regional Crime Rates: Analysis of Their Presence and Implications
by Steve Cook & Duncan Watson - 1-12 Dearfield Dream Project: Developing an Interdisciplinary Historical/Cultural Research Network
by Robert Brunswig & George Junne & Gillian Bowser & Erin Renfrew & Ellyn Dickmann & Amanda Purnell & Mark Brown - 1-21 Geographic Concentration and Development Potential of Poultry Microenterprises and Value Chain: A Study Based on Suitable Sites in Gazipur, Bangladesh
by Syeda Khaleda & Yuji Murayama
July 2013, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-16 The European Social Market Model in Crisis: At a Crossroads or at the End of the Road?
by Anita Pelle - 1-17 Is Labor a Suitable Input in LCA + DEA Studies? Insights on the Combined Use of Economic, Environmental and Social Parameters
by Diego Iribarren & Ian Vázquez-Rowe
May 2013, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-23 Interactions in Generalized Linear Models: Theoretical Issues and an Application to Personal Vote-Earning Attributes
by Tsung-han Tsai & Jeff Gill
April 2013, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-13 Greek Exit from the Crisis—A Pressing and Much-Needed Public Service Reform
by Demetrios Argyriades - 1-16 Community Perceptions of Criminality: The Case of the Maltese Walled City of Bormla
by JosAnn Cutajar & Saviour Formosa & Trevor Calafato - 1-22 Understanding the Economic Integration of Immigrants: A Wage Decomposition of the Earnings Disparities between Native-Born Canadians and Recent Immigrant Cohorts
by Kristyn Frank & Kelli Phythian & David Walters & Paul Anisef
March 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1
February 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1
January 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-19 Cooperative Management of a Traditional Irrigation System in the Swiss Alps
by Robert Finger & Anna Borer
September 2012, Volume 1, Issue 1
November 2012, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-20 Contesting Views on a Protected Area Conservation and Development in Ethiopia
by Asebe Regassa Debelo
November 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 A New Venture
by Martin Bull
September 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Social Sciences and Sustainability
by Shu-Kun Lin