September 2009, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 531-546 Participation in Tourism Consumption and the Intensity of Participation: An Analysis of Their Socio-Demographic and Economic Determinants
by JoaquÃn Alegre & Sara Mateo & Llorenç Pou - 547-565 Estimation of Outbound Italian Tourism Demand: A Monthly Dynamic EC-LAIDS Model
by Isabel Cortés-Jiménez & Ramesh Durbarry & Manuela Pulina - 567-589 Specialization in Luxury Goods, Productivity Gaps and the Rapid Growth of Small Tourism Countries
by Carmen D. à lvarez-Albelo & Raúl Hernández-MartÃn - 591-613 Macroeconomic Effects of Changes in Tourism Demand: A Simple Dynamic Model
by Stefan F. Schubert & Juan Gabriel Brida - 615-628 The Dynamics of Tourism's Economic Impact
by Adam Blake - 629-651 Are Preferences for Water Quality Different for Second-Home Residents?
by Catalina M. Torres & Antoni Riera & Dolores GarcÃa - 653-669 Revenue Sharing in Community–Private Sector Lodges in Namibia: A Bargaining Model
by Renaud Lapeyre - 671-688 Tourism Investments under Uncertainty: An Economic Analysis of ‘Eco-Monsters’
by Guido Candela & Massimiliano Castellani & Maurizio Mussoni
June 2009, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 277-296 Measuring Tourism Sustainability: Proposal for a Composite Index
by Juan Ignacio Pulido Fernández & Marcelino Sánchez Rivero - 297-305 Tourism Employment and Poverty: Revisiting the Supply Curve
by Michael Riley & Edith Szivas - 307-322 Predicting Quarterly Hong Kong Tourism Demand Growth Rates, Directional Changes and Turning Points with Composite Leading Indicators
by Nada Kulendran & Kevin K.F. Wong - 323-338 Modelling and Forecasting the UK Tourism Growth Cycle in Algarve
by Jorge L.M. Andraz & Pedro M.D.C.B. Gouveia & Paulo M.M. Rodrigues - 339-365 Recreational Demand Functions for Different Categories of Beach Visitor
by Silva Marzetti Dall'Aste Brandolini - 367-380 Room Rates as Signals of Quality, Sell-Out Risk and the Prospects of Getting a Better Deal: Analytical Model and Empirical Evidence
by Chih-Chien Chen & Jane E. Ruseski & Zvi Schwartz - 381-395 Preference Heterogeneity in Relation to Museum Services
by Ugo Colombino & Annamaria Nese - 397-411 Effect of IT Investment Announcements on the Market Value of Hospitality Firms Using Event Study Methodology
by Sang Hyuck Kim & Woo Gon Kim & Murat Hancer - 413-425 The Economic Impact of Tourism in Xinghai Park, China: A Travel Cost Value Analysis Using Count Data Regression Models
by Erda Wang & Zuozhi Li & Bertis B. Little & Yu Yang - 426-436 The Economic Value of Novel Means of Ascending High Mountain Peaks: A Travel Cost Demand Model of Pikes Peak Cog Railway Riders, Automobile Users and Hikers
by John Loomis & Catherine Keske - 437-451 Are All-Terrain Vehicle Riders Willing to Pay Trail User Fees to Ride on Public Lands in the USA?
by Stephanie A. Snyder & Robert A. Smail - 453-466 Entry Fees as an Instrument for Environmental Management: Study of a Wildlife Park in Kerala, India
by V. Santhakumar - 467-472 Research Note: Forecasting Tourism Demand by Disaggregated Time Series – Empirical Evidence from Spain
by Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos
March 2009, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-21 The Economic Structure of World Tourism
by Jo Chau Vu & Lindsay Turner - 23-39 Dynamics in the Specification of Tourism Demand Models
by Clive L. Morley - 41-86 Tourism in European Cities: Insights into the Dynamics of Weekend Hotel Accommodation
by Albert Poater & Anna Garriga - 87-103 Earnings of Hotel Managers: Comparing the Human and Social Capital Approach
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Carlos M. Santos - 105-120 The Valuation of Skill and the Configuration of HRM
by Michael Riley & Edith Szivas - 121-138 The Financial Structure of the Spanish Hotel Industry: Evidence from Cluster Analysis
by MarÃa Jesús Such Devesa & Laura Parte Esteban & Antonio Garre MartÃnez - 139-152 Risk-Adjusted Performance of Three Restaurant Segments in the USA
by Woo Gon Kim & Jun Zhong & Ming-Hsiang Chen & Ersem Karadag - 153-180 Ex Post Demand for Australian Tourism Goods and Services
by Sarath Divisekera - 181-192 A Critique of the Productivity Commission's Report on Assistance to Australian Tourism
by Larry Dwyer & Ray Spurr - 193-213 A Comparative Analysis of the Pricing Systems of Nature Reserves
by Nir Becker - 215-242 Working Lands and Winter Tourists in the Rocky Mountain West: A Travel Cost, Contingent Behaviour and Input–Output Analysis
by Adam Orens & Andrew Seidl - 243-260 Expenditure-Based Segmentation and Visitor Profiling at the Quays in Salford, UK
by Ruth Craggs & Peter Schofield - 261-266 Research Note: Scheduling Trips during the Slack Season – An Aspect of the Economics of Seasonal Tourism
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
December 2008, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 669-671 Economic Modelling of Tourism
by Adam Blake - 673-690 The Role of Economic Development in Tourism Demand
by Juan L. Eugenio-Martin & Noelia MartÃn-Morales & M. Thea Sinclair - 691-708 Demand-Driven Sustainable Tourism? A Choice Modelling Analysis
by Rinaldo Brau - 709-725 The Potential Effects of a Change in the Distribution of Tourism Expenditure on Employment
by Clemente Polo & Vicente Ramos & Javier Rey-Maquieira & MarÃa Tugores & Elisabeth Valle - 727-749 The TALC Hypothesis and Economic Growth Theory
by Javier Lozano & Carlos M. Gómez & Javier Rey-Maquieira - 751-768 Measuring the Environmental Sustainability of a Major Sporting Event: A Case Study of the FA Cup Final
by Andrea Collins & Andrew Flynn - 769-789 A Comparison of Three Economic Impact Models for Applied Hospitality and Tourism Research
by Mark A. Bonn & Julie Harrington - 791-806 Tourism as an Economic Growth Factor: A Case Study for Southern European Countries
by Sara Proença & Elias Soukiazis - 807-818 Impact of Tourism on Economic Growth and Development in Africa
by Bichaka Fayissa & Christian Nsiah & Badassa Tadasse - 819-838 A Model of Tourism Demand for Tunisia: Inclusion of the Tourism Investment Variable
by Houssine Choyakh - 839-856 Commodity Taxation in the Presence of Tourists
by Nishaal Gooroochurn & Thea Sinclair - 857-870 Environmental Quality Index for the Hong Kong Hotel Sector
by Wilco W. Chan & Kevin K.F. Wong & Jennifer Y. Lo - 871-887 Estimation of the Economic Impacts of Yachting in Greece via the Tourism Satellite Account
by Mihail N. Diakomihalis & Dimitris G. Lagos - 888-892 The Thea Sinclair Award for Journal Article Excellence 2008
by N/A
September 2008, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 445-468 Developing a Web-Based Tourism Demand Forecasting System
by Haiyan Song & Stephen F. Witt & Xinyan Zhang - 469-482 The Relationship between the Use of Hospitality Firms' Financial Derivatives and Cash Flow/Earnings Volatility
by Dong Jin Kim & Woo Gon Kim - 483-510 The Economics of Regulation and Taxation Policies for Casino Tourism
by Hasret Benar & Glenn P. Jenkins - 511-526 Valuing Growth Strategy Management by Hotel Chains Based on the Real Options Approach
by Onofre Martorell Cunill & Carles Mulet Forteza & Micaela Rosselló Miralles - 527-543 Determinants of Firm Survival in the Austrian Accommodation Sector
by Serguei Kaniovski & Michael Peneder & Egon Smeral - 545-565 Distribution of Income from Tourism-Sensitive Employment
by David W. Marcouiller & Xianli Xia - 567-576 Comparing Recreation Benefits from On-Site versus Household Surveys in Count Data Travel Cost Demand Models with Overdispersion
by Roberto MartÃnez-Espiñeira & John B. Loomis & Joe Amoako-Tuffour & Joseph M. Hilbe - 577-598 Entry and Exit by European Low-Cost and Traditional Carriers
by Maria José Gil-Moltó & Claudio A. Piga - 599-614 Taxing Cruise Tourism: Alaska's Head Tax on Cruise Ship Passengers
by James Mak - 615-630 An Assessment of the Impact of Tourism in the Balearic Islands
by Clemente Polo & Elisabeth Valle - 631-643 Co-Movement in Tourist Arrivals in the Caribbean
by Troy Lorde & Winston Moore - 645-655 Research Note: Tourism Expenditure and all-Inclusive Packages – the case of a Mature Mediterranean Destination
by JoaquÃn Alegre & Llorenç Pou - 657-661 Research Note: Effects of Price on Tourist Satisfaction
by Sara Campo & MarÃa J. Yagüe
June 2008, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 245-247 Introduction
by Peter Fredman & Kreg Lindberg - 249-262 Regional Economic Contribution and Net Economic Values of Opening Access to Three Colorado Fourteeners
by Catherine M. Keske & John B. Loomis - 263-282 Hiking in the Alps: Exploring Substitution Patterns of Hiking Destinations
by Mara Thiene & Riccardo Scarpa - 283-296 Anglers' Valuation of Water Regulation Dam Removal for the Restoration of Angling Conditions at Storsjö-Kapell
by Thomas Laitila & Anton Paulrud - 297-311 Determinants of Visitor Expenditures in Mountain Tourism
by Peter Fredman - 313-324 Methods for Measuring the Effects of the EU Presidency on International Tourism
by Egon Smeral & Michael Wüuger - 325-342 Assessment of Tourism Competitiveness by Analysing Destination Efficiency
by Maria Francesca Cracolici & Peter Nijkamp & Piet Rietveld - 343-360 Assessing the Impact of a Major Sporting Event: The Role of Environmental Accounting
by Calvin Jones - 361-376 The Impact of Heritage Tourism on an Urban Economy: The Case of Granada and the Alhambra
by JoaquÃn Murillo Viu & Javier Romanà Fernández & Jordi Suriñach Caralt - 377-391 Recreation Value of a New Long-Distance Walking Track
by Averil Cook - 393-407 The Role of Intermediaries in the Growth of a Lesser-Developed Region: Some Empirical Evidence from Calabria, Italy
by Marianna Succurro - 409-426 Regional Growth and Beaver Lake: A Study of Recreation Visitors
by Nathan P. Kemper & Jennie S. Popp & Wayne P. Miller - 427-430 Research Note: Millennium Development Goals – What is Tourism's Place?
by Iain T. Christie & Amit Sharma - 431-434 Research Note: Attribution, Substitution and Confusion in Wildlife and Natural Area Tourism Expenditure Research
by Tod Jones & David Wood - 435-438 Rejoinder: The Rhetoric and Reality of Yield at the Destination Level
by Roger March - 438-440 The Author's Response
by Larry Dwyer
March 2008, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 7-9 Introduction
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Ã lvaro Matias & Carlos M. Santos - 13-23 Fractional Integration and Structural Breaks: Evidence from International Monthly Arrivals in the USA
by J. Cunado & L.A. Gil-Alana & F. P Erez de Gracia - 25-44 Congestion in Popular Tourist Areas: A Multi-Attribute Experimental Choice Analysis of Willingness-to-Wait in Amsterdam
by Patrizia Riganti & Peter Nijkamp - 45-56 Aggregate Efficiency and Productivity Analysis in the Tourism Industry
by Nicolas Peypoch & Bernardin Solonandrasana - 57-80 Dynamic Effects of Subsidizing the Tourism Sector
by Stefan F. Schubert & Juan Gabriel Brida - 81-96 Determinants of Inbound Tourism to South Africa
by Andrea Saayman & Melville Saayman - 97-112 Are Malaysia's Tourism Markets Converging? Evidence from Univariate and Panel Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks
by Hooi Hooi Lean & Russell Smyth - 115-121 Demographic and Technological Growth in the Tourism Market
by João Ricardo Faria - 123-129 Persistence in International Monthly Arrivals in the Canary Islands
by J. Cunado & L.A. Gil-Alana & F. Perez de Gracia - 131-154 Is There an Economic Rent for Island Hotels?
by Juan Prieto-Rodriguez & Manuel Gonzalez-DÃaz - 155-168 Who Values What in a Tourism Destination? The Case of Madeira Island
by Paulo Oliveira & Pedro Telhado Pereira - 169-184 Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions of Cruise Passengers Visiting the Azores
by António LuÃs Silvestre & Carlos M. Santos & Carla Ramalho - 185-203 First-Time and Repeat Visitors to Cape Verde: The Overall Image
by Antónia Correia & Nuno Oliveira & Richard Butler - 205-222 The Determinants of Length of Stay of Tourists in the Azores
by António Gomes de Menezes & Ana Moniz & José Cabral Vieira - 223-239 Reconciling Work and Family from a Gender Perspective: An Application to the Balearic Hotel Industry
by Maria Tugores
December 2007, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 493-493 The Thea Sinclair Award for Journal Article Excellence 2007
by N/A - 494-498 Introduction
by Mondher Sahli & Larry Dwyer & Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis & Jean-Jacques Nowak - 499-513 Environmental Quality and Optimal Investment in Tourism Infrastructures: A Small Island Perspective
by Sauveur Giannoni & Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis - 515-536 Tourism, Capital Good Imports and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence for Spain
by Jean-Jacques Nowak & Mondher Sahli & Isabel Cortés-Jiménez - 537-551 Contrasting the Uses of TSAs and CGE Models: Measuring Tourism Yield and Productivity
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth & Ray Spurr - 553-582 Tourism Specialization and Environmental Sustainability in a Dynamic Economy
by Fabio Cerina - 583-601 Economic Welfare, the Environment and the Tourist Product Life Cycle
by Carmelo J. León & Juan M. Hernández & MatÃas González - 603-613 How Fast are Small Tourism Countries Growing? Evidence from the Data for 1980–2003
by Rinaldo Brau & Alessandro Lanza & Francesco Pigliaru - 615-638 Foreign Investment in Tourism and Small Island Developing States
by Diana Barrowclough - 639-656 The Determinants of Cluster Activities in the Australian Wine and Tourism Industries
by Peter Taylor & Pam McRae-Williams & Julian Lowe - 657-674 Tourism and Empirical Applications of International Trade Theory: A Multi-Country Analysis
by Allan Webster & John Fletcher & Philip Hardwick & Yeganeh Morakabati - 675-687 Research Note: Does Transport Infrastructure Matter in Overall Tourism Development? Evidence from a Sample of Island Economies
by A.J. Khadaroo & B. Seetanah
September 2007, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 333-360 The Tourism Industry as an Alternative for the GCC Oil-Based Rentier Economies
by Yoel Mansfeld & Onn Winckler - 361-378 Public Goods in Tourism Municipalities: Formal Analysis, Empirical Evidence and Implications for Sustainable Development
by Ricard Rigall-I-Torrent & Modest Fluvià - 379-388 Measuring the Impact of Tourism on Economic Growth
by Stanislav Ivanov & Craig Webster - 389-406 Impact of Tourism Infrastructure on Regional Development: The Implantation of a Center Parcs Resort in Northern France
by L. Pacaud & D. Vollet & V. Angeon - 407-420 Analysis of Foreign Tourism Demand for Croatian Destinations: Long-Run Elasticity Estimates
by Andrea Mervar & James E. Payne - 421-440 Yield Measures for Special-Interest Australian Inbound Tourism Markets
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth & Liz Fredline & Marg Deery & Leo Jago & Sven Lundie - 441-452 Yield Applied to Destination Management: An Inefficient Analogy?
by Noel Scott & Noreen Breakey - 453-474 Research Report: The Lingering Effect of Colonialism on Tourist Movements
by Bob McKercher & Patrick L'Espoir Decosta - 475-480 Research Note: Implications for Regional Destinations of New Airline Strategies
by Clive L. Morley - 481-486 Research Note: The Economic Attractiveness of Runners: Are They ‘Healthy’ Tourists?
by Stephen W. Litvin
June 2007, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 181-195 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Managers: Are They Doing What They Can or all They Can?
by Aviad A. Israeli - 197-208 Factors Affecting Systematic Risk in the US Restaurant Industry
by Woo Gon Kim & Bill Ryan & Silvio Ceschini - 209-224 ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ in the Tourism Accommodation Industry
by Pedro Pintassilgo & João Albino Silva - 225-240 Employment, Pay and Discrimination in the Tourism Industry
by LuÃs Delfim Santos & José Varejão - 241-260 Estimating the Economic Value and Impacts of Recreational Trails: A Case Study of the Virginia Creeper Rail Trail
by J.M. Bowker & John C. Bergstrom & Joshua Gill - 261-274 Measuring the Economic Impact of Australian Tourism Marketing Expenditure
by Nada Kulendran & Sarath Divisekera - 275-287 Methodological Aspects of Preparing the German TSA, Empirical Findings and Initial Reactions
by Gerd Ahlert - 289-307 Research Report: Evaluating Short-Term Tourism Economic Effects in Confined Economies – Conceptual and Empirical Considerations
by Robertico R. Croes & Denver E. Severt - 309-317 Research Note: World Tourism Forecasting – Keep It Quick, Simple and Dirty
by Egon Smeral - 319-327 Research Note: Modelling Tourism Demand – an Econometric Analysis of North American Tourist Expenditure in Ireland, 1985–2004
by Paul Hanly & Garret Wade
March 2007, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-23 How Well Does the Firm Know its Customers? The Moderating Effect of Market Orientation in the Hospitality Industry
by Kåre Sandvik & Kjell Grønhaug - 25-39 The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Tourism: Empirical Evidence from China
by Sumei Tang & E.A. Selvanathan & Saroja Selvanathan - 41-47 Correcting for On-Site Visitor Sampling Bias When Estimating the Regional Economic Effects of Tourism
by John Loomis - 49-65 Coastal Tourism and ‘Dutch Disease’ in a Small Island Economy
by Jean-Jacques Nowak & Mondher Sahli - 67-85 Cruising for Colones: Cruise Tourism Economics in Costa Rica
by Andy Seidl & Fiorella Guiliano & Lawrence Pratt - 87-110 The Effect of Wildlife Recreational Activity on Florida's Economy
by Jian Zhang & Donna J. Lee - 111-127 Golf Tourism Repeat Choice Behaviour in the Algarve: A Mixed Logit Approach
by Antónia Correia & Carlos Pestana Barros & António LuÃs Silvestre - 129-141 Resorts, Culture, and Music: The Cape Breton Tourism Cluster
by Keith G. Brown & Ruthanne Geddes - 143-162 Resource Dependency, Costs and Revenues of a Street Festival
by Tommy Andersson & Donald Getz - 163-175 Festival Economics: The Case of the Red River Revel
by Gregory D. Clarke & David J. Hoaas
December 2006, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 493-493 Professor Thea Sinclair (1950–2006)
by N/A - 495-518 A Travel Cost Analysis of the Australian Alps
by Natalie Stoeckl & Trevor Mules - 519-529 Asia versus Oceania: Comparative Net Shifts in Tourist Arrivals
by Chau Vu & Lindsay Turner - 531-541 Strategic Interactions among Firms in Tourist Destinations
by Yoav Wachsman - 543-563 Tourism Technical Analysis System
by C. Petropoulos & K. Nikolopoulos & A. Patelis & V. Assimakopoulos & D. Askounis - 565-583 Local Tourism Features in Italy: A Binomial Logit Analysis
by Paolo Coccorese & Alfonso Pellecchia - 585-602 Implications of the Single European Currency for Hungarian Tourism
by Tamara Rátz & Mátyás Hinek - 603-617 Income and Expenditure in the Tourism Industry: Time Series Evidence from Cyprus
by Charalambos Louca - 619-633 Creating a Framework to Determine the Socio-Economic Impact of National Parks in South Africa: A Case Study of the Addo Elephant National Park
by Melville Saayman & Andrea Saayman - 635-652 Reconciling Multiple Data Sources for Implementing the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) in Tanzania
by Amit Sharma & Iain T. Christie - 653-657 Research Note: Technical Efficiency in the Tourism Industry
by Nicolas Peypoch & Bernardin Solonandrasana - 659-666 Research Note: Optimizing Economic Returns from Protected Area Tourism — Tourism-Related Income and Expenditure Trends of the Department of Conservation, New Zealand
by Yusuf Riza & Brent Lovelock - 667-671 Award for Journal Article Excellence 2006
by N/A
September 2006, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 325-346 Analysing the Rate of Technical Change in the Portuguese Hotel Industry
by Carlos Pestana Barros - 347-359 Labelling and Differentiation Strategy in the Recreational Housing Rental Market of Rural Destinations: The French Case
by M. Rambonilaza - 361-381 Impacts of Political Instability on Tourism Planning and Development: The Case of Lebanon
by Ina Aurelia Issa & Levent Altinay - 383-400 An Option Pricing Approach for Evaluating the Agency Problem of Jump Risk between Airlines and Travel Agents
by Leo Huang & Chung-Gee Lin - 403-420 A Travel Cost Analysis of the Value of Special Events: Gemfest in Central Queensland
by Prabha Prayaga & John Rolfe & Jack Sinden - 421-435 Understanding Participation Constraints of Potential Skiers
by Anastasios Michailidis & Vagis Samathrakis & Spyridon Mamalis & Georgios Theodosiou - 437-449 Marginal Valuation of Improving the Sport-Fishing Catch
by Anton Paulrud - 451-468 Correcting for Sample Selection Bias in Stated Preference Tourist Surveys
by Alexandros Apostolakis & Shabbar Jaffry - 469-474 Research Note: A Nash Bargaining Model for Average Daily Rates
by Chih-Min Pan - 475-485 Research Note: Needs of, and Readiness to Respond to the Needs of Japanese Pensioners in Long-Stay Tourism in Chiangmai Province, Thailand
by Prathurng Hongsranagon
June 2006, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 165-170 Introduction
by Sarath Divisekera - 171-186 Economic Effects of the World Tourism Crisis on Australia
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth & Ray Spurr & Thiep Van Ho - 187-205 Economic Effects of Advertising on Tourism Demand: A Case Study
by Sarath Divisekera & Nada Kulendran - 207-223 Tourism Investment in Australia
by Umme Salma - 225-246 Hotels in Australia 1988–2003: A Tale of Booms and Busts
by Brian King & Mike McVey - 247-262 The Tourism Tax Burden: Evidence from Australia
by Ranjith Ihalanayake & Sarath Divisekera - 263-276 Effect of Demand Volume on Forecasting Accuracy
by Jo C. Vu - 279-289 Occupancy Level and Productivity in Rural Tourism Establishments: The Case of Galicia, Spain
by Fidel MartÃnez Roget & Xosé A. RodrÃguez González - 291-302 Tourist Accommodation Effects of Festivals
by Kurt Brännäs & Jonas Nordström - 303-316 Estimating the Contribution of a Multi-Purpose Event Facility to the Area Economy
by Nancy M. Hodur & Dean A. Bangsund & F. Larry Leistritz & John Kaatz
March 2006, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-20 An Econometric Estimation of the Demand for Tourism: The Case of Russia
by Bernardina Algieri - 21-31 Rural Tourism Demand in Galicia, Spain
by Fidel MartÃnez Roget & Xosé A. RodrÃguez González - 33-43 The Importance of Adjusting for Trip Purpose in Regional Economic Analyses of Tourist Destinations
by John Loomis & Lynne Caughlan - 45-64 Can Seasonal Unit Root Testing Improve the Forecasting Accuracy of Tourist Arrivals?
by Dillon Alleyne - 65-85 Measuring the Cost Efficiency of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan
by Fei-Ching Wang & Wei-Ting Hung & Jui-Kou Shang - 87-100 Financing Tourist Development through Stock Capital: Evidence from the Greek Hotel Sector
by Aristeidis G. Samitas & Dimitris F. Kenourgios - 101-121 Economic Impact of the Arts in a Small US County
by James Stoddard & Dinesh Davé & Mike Evans & Stephen W. Clopton - 123-135 Estimating the Recreational Value of Mountain Biking Sites in Scotland Using Count Data Models
by Dominic Moran & Esmond Tresidder & Alistair McVittie - 137-145 Research Note: Measuring Cultural Values — The Case of Residents' Attitudes to the Saltaire Festival
by Emma Wood & Rhodri Thomas - 147-155 Research Report: Searching for Complementarities between Agriculture and Tourism — The Demarcated Wine-Producing Regions of Northern Portugal
by Helena Marques
December 2005, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 479-481 Special Issue: Advances in Tourism Economics Introduction
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Ã lvaro Matias - 483-499 The Nature of Seasonality in Spanish Tourism Time Series
by J. Cunado & L.A. Gil-Alana & F. Péarez de Gracia - 501-515 Dating and Synchronizing Tourism Growth Cycles
by Pedro M.D.C.B. Gouveia & Paulo M.M. Rodrigues - 517-537 Testing Alternative Dynamic Systems for Modelling Tourism Demand
by Maria M. De Mello & Natércia Fortuna - 539-554 A Second-Order Factor Analysis Model for Measuring Tourists' Overall Image of Algarve, Portugal
by António LuÃs Silvestre & Antónia Correia - 555-569 Analysing Determinants of Visitor Spending for the Rural Tourist Market in North Portugal
by Elisabeth Kastenholz - 571-599 Quality Externalities among Hotel Establishments: What is the Impact of Tour Operators?
by Aleix Calveras & Marcos Vera-Hernández
September 2005, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 301-328 Neural Network Forecasting of Tourism Demand
by Sen Cheong Kon & Lindsay W. Turner - 329-350 Destination Choice Modelling: What's in a Name?
by Twan Huybers - 351-364 Testing the Unit Root Hypothesis When the Alternative is a Trend Break Stationary Process: An Application to Tourist Arrivals in Fiji
by Paresh Kumar Narayan - 365-391 Determinants of Tourist Arrivals in Africa: A Panel Data Regression Analysis
by Willem A. Naudé & Andrea Saayman - 393-409 A Tourism Satellite Account for the Netherlands: Approach and Results
by Nicolaes Heerschap & Bart de Boer & Rutger Hoekstra & Arjan van Loon & Leon Tromp - 411-430 Potential Economic Implications for Regional Tourism of a Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in North Queensland
by D.B. Smorfitt & S.R. Harrison & J.L. Herbohn - 431-451 Economic Impacts of Cultural Events on Local Economies: An Input—Output Analysis of the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival
by Timo Tohmo - 453-469 Farmers' Participation Decisions regarding Agro-Tourism Activities in Norway
by Maria L. Loureiro & Anne Moxnes Jervell
June 2005, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 141-158 A Selection Strategy for Modelling UK Tourism Flows by Air to European Destinations
by John Trevor Coshall - 159-183 Modelling Country Risk and Uncertainty in Small Island Tourism Economies
by Suhejla Hoti & Michael McAleer & Riaz Shareef - 185-205 Tourist Arrivals in India: How Important are Domestic Disorders?
by Richa Dhariwal - 207-224 Seasonality in Crete: Problem or a Way of Life?
by Konstantinos Andriotis - 225-245 Heterogeneous Preferences for Greek Heritage Attractions
by Alexandros Apostolakis & Shabbar Jaffry - 247-259 Economic Impacts of National Park Tourism on Gateway Communities: The Case of Kosciuszko National Park
by Trevor Mules