June 2005, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 261-273 Revenues and the Cost of Collecting Recreational Fees
by Zvi Schwartz - 275-293 International Tourism Receipts, Expenditure and Balance
by John G.C. Kester
March 2005, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-10 Special Issue: Tourism Competitiveness Introduction
by P. Pashardes & M. Thea Sinclair - 11-23 International Tourism Forecasts: Time-Series Analysis of World and Regional Data
by Andreas Papatheodorou & Haiyan Song - 25-43 Competitiveness Indicators in the Travel and Tourism Industry
by Nishaal Gooroochurn & Guntur Sugiyarto - 45-68 Tourism Competitiveness: Price and Quality
by Marie-Louise Mangion & Ramesh Durbarry & M. Thea Sinclair - 69-84 Using Brochure Information for the Hedonic Analysis of Holiday Packages
by Stephan Haroutunian & Pandelis Mitsis & Panos Pashardes - 85-102 Service Quality and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Sector
by Juan A. Campos-Soria & Luis González GarcÃa & Miguel A. Ropero GarcÃa - 103-117 Educational Mismatch and Wages in the Hospitality Sector
by Andrés J. Marchante & Bienvenido Ortega & Ricardo Pagán - 119-132 Returns on Education in the Spanish Tourism Labour Market
by Adelaida Lillo Bañuls & Ana B. Ramón RodrÃguez
December 2004, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 365-388 Options for Viable Economic Development through Tourism among the Non-Oil Arab Countries: The Egyptian Case
by Yoel Mansfeld & Onn Winckler - 389-401 Tourism and Economic Growth: The Case of Mauritius
by Ramesh Durbarry - 403-417 Changes in the Propensity to Take Holiday Trips Abroad in EU Countries between 1985 and 1997
by Timo Toivonen - 419-433 Economic Impact of Tourism on Fiji's Economy: Empirical Evidence from the Computable General Equilibrium Model
by Paresh Kumar Narayan - 435-447 Restricting Ownership of Vacation Homes
by Morten Skak - 449-464 Tip Policy, Visibility and Quality of Service in Cafés
by Rachel Barkan & Ido Erev & Einat Zinger & Mayan Tzach
September 2004, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 245-262 Future Tourists' Characteristics and Decisions: The Use of Genetic Algorithms as a Forecasting Method
by Montserrat Hernández-López - 263-280 Forecasting Inbound Canadian Tourism: An Evaluation of Error Corrections Model Forecasts
by William Veloce - 281-303 An Application of PAR Models for Tourism Forecasting
by Paulo M.M. Rodrigues & Pedro M.D.C.B. Gouveia - 305-316 Tourism as a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: An Empirical Investigation for Greece Using Causality Analysis
by Nikolaos Dritsakis - 317-328 Estimating Consumer Surplus and Elasticity of Demand of Tourist Visitation to a Region in North Queensland Using Contingent Valuation
by Romy Greiner & John Rolfe - 329-343 Tourist Typology: An Ex Ante Approach
by Antoine Zalatan - 345-359 Face-to-Face or Cyberspace? Choosing the Internet as an Intermediary in the Israeli Travel Market
by Aliza Fleischer & Daniel Felsenstein
June 2004, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 125-144 Micro-Economic Determinants of the Probability of Tourism Consumption
by JoaquÃn Alegre & Llorenç Pou - 145-166 Long-Term Forecasts for International Tourism
by Egon Smeral - 167-176 Forecasting Tourism-Generated Employment: The Case of Denmark
by Stephen F. Witt & Haiyan Song & Stephen Wanhill - 177-192 A Stochastic Cost Frontier in the Portuguese Hotel Industry
by Carlos Pestana Barros - 193-206 Fiji's Tourism Demand: The ARDL Approach to Cointegration
by Paresh Kumar Narayan - 207-219 External Costs from Increased Island Visitation: Results from the Southern Thai Islands
by Colin A. Cushman & Barry C. Field & Daniel A. Lass & Thomas H. Stevens - 220-240 International Tourism in the Middle East; And Outbound Tourism from Saudi Arabia
by John G.C. Kester & Sandra Carvao
March 2004, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-22 Modelling a Decision Maker's Preferences, Part 2: A Tool for Pricing Decisions in the Hospitality Industry
by Aviad A. Israeli & J. Randall Brown - 23-43 Effects of Strategic Airline Alliances on Air Transport Market Competition: An Empirical Analysis
by Zhi H. Wang & Michael Evans & Lindsay Turner - 45-61 Are Tourists Willing to Pay for Aesthetic Quality? An Empirical Assessment from Krabi Province, Thailand
by Michelle Catherine Baddeley - 63-78 Estimating the Economic Value of Mount Buffalo National Park with the Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Models
by Gamini Herath & John Kennedy - 79-94 Modelling Monthly Spanish Tourism: A Seasonal Fractionally Integrated Approach
by J. Cunado & L.A. Gil-Alana & F. Pérez de Gracia - 95-100 Adjusted Gini Coefficient and ‘Months Equivalent’ Degree of Tourism Seasonality: A Research Note
by Anastassios Tsitouras - 101-119 WTO World Tourism Barometer and Preliminary Results for International Tourism in 2003
by John G.C. Kester
December 2003, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 357-362 Special Issue: Tourism Modelling and Policy
by M. Thea Sinclair & Ray Spurr - 363-387 Modelling and Forecasting the Demand for Thai Tourism
by Haiyan Song & Stephen F. Witt & Gang Li - 389-405 Modelling Short-Break Holiday Destination Choices
by Twan Huybers - 407-430 Modelling Tourism Development: A Synthetic Approach
by Andreas Papatheodorou - 431-448 Tourism's Contribution to a State Economy: A Multi-Regional General Equilibrium Analysis
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth & Ray Spurr & Thiep VanHo - 449-465 Quantifying the Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease on Tourism and the UK Economy
by Adam Blake & M. Thea Sinclair & Guntur Sugiyarto - 469-469 Award for Journal Article Excellence 2002
by N/A
September 2003, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 229-254 Seasonality of Tourism in Wales: A Comparative Analysis
by Nicole Koenig & Eberhard E. Bischoff - 255-278 Examining the Market Structure of the German and UK Tour Operating Industries through an Analysis of Package Holiday Prices
by Eugeni Aguiló & JoaquÃn Alegre & Maria Sard - 279-295 Innovation in the Tourism Sector: Results from a Pilot Study in the Balearic Islands
by Marta Jacob & JoaquÃn Tintoré & Eugeni Aguiló & Alfonso Bravo & Juan Mulet - 297-306 Incentives of International and Local Hotel Chains to Invest in Environmental Quality
by Aleix Calveras - 307-323 Measuring the Return on Investment of Destination Welcome Centres: The Case of Florida
by Barry E. Pitegoff & Ginger Smith - 325-335 A ‘Quick and Dirty’ Travel Cost Model
by Natalie Stoeckl - 337-350 Cruise Tourism
by John G.C. Kester
June 2003, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 117-132 Inter-Industry Effects of Tourism Growth: Implications for Destination Managers
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth & Ray Spurr - 133-145 Tourism Micro-Clusters
by E. J. Michael - 147-164 The Changing Contribution of Tourism in a Dynamic Economy: The Case of Ireland
by Jim Deegan & Declan J. Dineen - 165-177 Effect on Prices of the Attributes of Holiday Hotels: A Hedonic Prices Approach
by J.M. Espinet & M. Saez & G. Coenders & M. Fluvià - 179-190 Assessing the Effects of Terrorism on Tourism by Use of Time Series Methods
by Brian W. Sloboda - 191-201 Does Event-Driven Tourism Provide Economic Benefits? A Case Study from the Manawatu Region of New Zealand
by Terry Auld & Sarah McArthur - 203-221 International Tourism in Africa
by John G.C. Kester
March 2003, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-30 Travel Mode Choice: Effects of Previous Experience on Choice Behaviour and Valuation
by Lena Nerhagen - 31-51 Impacts of International Airline Alliances on Tourism
by Clive L. Morley - 53-65 Tourist Use and Preservation Benefits from Big-Game Fishing in the Canary Islands
by Carmelo J. León & Jorge E. Araña & Arturo Melián - 67-76 Beyond the Demand for Day-Visits: An Analysis of Visitor Spending
by Paul Downward & Les Lumsdon - 77-93 A Structural View of Tourism Growth
by Egon Smeral - 95-110 Preliminary Results for International Tourism in 2002; Air Transport after 11 September
by John G.C. Kester
December 2002, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 361-376 The Economics of Quality in the Hotel Business
by Ole Skalpe & KÃ¥re Sandvik - 377-399 Market Power and the Taxation of Domestic and International Tourism
by Peter Forsyth & Larry Dwyer - 401-429 Challenges and Issues for Tourism in the South Pacific Island States: The Case of the Fiji Islands
by Maheshwar Rao - 431-455 Globalization of Air Transport: The Challenges of the GATS
by Hanaa Fayed & John Westlake - 457-462 Tourism Growth and Sustainable Economic Development: A Note on Economic Issues
by Massimiliano Mazzanti - 463-477 WTO Tourism Market Trends, Edition 2002 and the International Year of Ecotourism 2002
by John G.C. Kester
September 2002, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 261-262 Special Issue: Measuring the Economic Impact of Tourism
by Turgut Var - 263-271 Relationship of Demographic and Trip Characteristics to Visitor Spending: An Analysis of Sports Travel Visitors across Time
by Thomas F. Cannon & Jamie Ford - 273-279 Messina Hof Wine and Jazz Festival: An Economic Impact Analysis
by Michele D. Brown & Turgut Var & Seokho Lee - 281-288 The Impact of the Cruise Industry on a Region's Economy: A Case Study of Port Canaveral, Florida
by Bradley M. Braun & James A. Xander & Kenneth R. White - 289-301 The Impact of Day Trips to Daytona Beach
by Bradley M. Braun & Mark D. Soskin - 303-324 Shift-Share Analysis in Tourism: Examination of Tourism Employment Change in a Region
by Ercan Sirakaya & Hwan-Suk Choi & Turgut Var - 325-335 Economic Integration and the Tourism Industry of North Cyprus
by Levent Altinay & Hasan Ali Biçak & Mehmet Altinay - 337-353 Trends in International Tourism Flows, 1990–2000
by John G.C. Kester - 355-355 Award for Journal Article Excellence 2001
by N/A
June 2002, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 133-150 Exploring Competitiveness in Mediterranean Resorts
by Andreas Papatheodorou - 151-164 Comparing Orlando Leisure Travellers to Travellers to other Florida Destinations
by William S. Reece - 165-188 Tourism Impact Analysis for Danish Regions
by Jie Zhang - 189-206 Assessment of Wilderness Quality Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
by Jayanath Ananda & Gamini Herath - 207-230 Report: Globalization of Economic Activity: Issues for Tourism
by Hanaa Fayed & John Fletcher - 231-253 International Tourism in 2001, and Tracking Trends in Travel and Tourism with Seasonal Adjustment
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
March 2002, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-6 Extending the Relevance of TSA Research for the UK
by Richard R. Miller - 7-37 Extending the Relevance of TSA Research for the UK: General Equilibrium and Spillover Analysis
by Adrian Cooper & Alan Wilson - 39-57 Modelling a Decision Maker's Preferences with Different Assumptions about the Preference Structure: Theory Development and Initial Applications for Tourism and Hospitality Management
by J. Randall Brown & Aviad A. Israeli & Abraham Mehrez - 59-75 Casino Gambling as a Catalyst of Economic Development: Perceptions of Residents in New Casino Jurisdictions
by Mark Nichols & David Giacopassi & B. Grant Stitt - 77-101 Research Methodologies for Planning Ecotourism and Nature Conservation
by Gamini Herath - 103-109 A Note on Modelling Tourism Revenues in Croatia
by James E. Payne & Andrea Mervar - 111-127 The Americas: Part 2 and WTO Summary
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
December 2001, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 321-330 Reconciling Cost—Benefit and Economic Impact Assessment for Event Tourism
by Barry Burgan & Trevor Mules - 331-345 Economic Valuation of the Benefits of Recreational Fisheries in Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico
by Juan Carlos Chavez-Comparan & David W. Fischer - 347-363 International Boundaries and Tourism Strategies
by Nader Asgary & Alf H. Walle - 365-380 Forecasting Turning Points in International Visitor Arrivals in the Balearic Islands
by Jaume Rossello-Nadal - 381-396 Seasonal Behaviour of Monthly International Tourist Flows: Specification and Implications for Forecasting Models
by Jae H. Kim & Imad Moosa - 397-412 Modelling and Forecasting Monthly Airline Passenger Flows among Three Major Australian Cities
by Jae H. Kim & Monique T. Ngo - 413-428 The Americas: Part 1
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
September 2001, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 213-214 Capital in a Tourism Satellite Account
by Richard R. Miller - 215-232 Capital in a Tourism Satellite Account
by Douglas Holtz-Eakin - 233-249 Wildlife-Based Tourism and Increased Support for Nature Conservation Financially and otherwise: Evidence from Sea Turtle Ecotourism at Mon Repos
by Clem Tisdell & Clevo Wilson - 251-265 Evaluating Public Management in a Tourism Natural Area: An Application to the CÃes Islands
by M. González-Gómez & X.M. González-MartÃnez & P. Polomé & A. Prada-Blanco - 267-275 An Economic Impact Case Study: The South Pacific Masters' Games
by Chris Ryan & Tim Lockyer - 277-293 Estimating the Impact of Economic Factors on Tourism: Evidence from Hong Kong
by Raymond Y.C. Tse - 295-310 New Trends in the Growth of Tourism Employment in the UK in the 1990s
by Barry Thomas & Alan Townsend
June 2001, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 117-133 The Impact of Seasonal Unit Roots and Vector ARMA Modelling on Forecasting Monthly Tourism Flows
by Patrik Gustavsson & Jonas Nordström - 135-147 Forecasting Tourism Using Univariate and Multivariate Structural Time Series Models
by Lindsay W. Turner & Stephen F. Witt - 149-161 Industrial Organization of the Package Tour Industry: Implications for Researchers
by Brian Davies & Paul Downward - 163-175 The Cost—Benefit Model as Applied to Tourism Development in the State of South Carolina, USA
by Frank Hefner & John C. Crotts & Julie Flowers - 177-190 The Adoption of Environmental Innovations in the Hotel Industry of Gran Canaria
by MatÃas González & Carmelo J. León - 191-208 East Asia and the Pacific, and WTO's International Tourism Summary for 2000
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
March 2001, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-20 Wilderness Purism, Willingness to Pay and Management Preferences: A Study of Swedish Mountain Tourists
by Peter Fredman & Lars Emmelin - 21-38 Factors Influencing Demand for International Tourism: Tourism Demand Analysis Using Structural Equation Modelling, Revisited
by Lindsay W. Turner & Stephen F. Witt - 39-58 Benchmarking an Emerging Lodging Alternative in Canada: A Profile of the B&B Sector
by Alan R. Miciak & Kent Kirkland & J.R. Brent Ritchie - 59-74 Determinants of the Price of German Tourist Packages on the Island of Mallorca
by P.M. Aguiló & J. Alegre & A. Riera - 75-88 Panel Data and Tourism: A Case Study of Tenerife
by Francisco J. Ledesma-RodrÃguez & Manuel Navarro-Ibáñez & Jorge V. Pérez-RodrÃguez - 89-103 Middle East and the Mediterranean to 1999, and Preliminary Worldwide Estimates for 2000
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
December 2000, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 301-319 The Impacts of Tourism on a Rural Retail Sector: A New Zealand Case Study
by Vicky Dudding & Chris Ryan - 321-334 Assessing the Effects of Information Asymmetry in Tourism Destinations
by Lin Crase & Julie Jackson - 335-357 Biodiversity and the Tourism Value of Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve, China: A Travel Cost Approach
by Dayuan Xue & Averil Cook & Clem Tisdell - 359-370 A Work Measurement Application for Hotel Housekeeping Management
by Abraham Mehrez & Aviad A. Israeli & Yosef Hadad - 371-391 Europe
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
September 2000, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 205-219 Investment in Familiar Territory: Tourism and New Foreign Direct Investment
by Douglas M. Sanford Jr & Huiping Dong - 221-232 The Size—Age—Growth Relationship in Not-for-Profit Tourist Attractions: Evidence from UK Museums
by Peter Johnson - 233-249 Marketing through Frequent Flyer Programmes: The Example of China Airlines
by Abby Liu & Geoffrey Wall & John Westlake - 251-261 The Demand for Day-Visits: An Analysis of Visitor Spending
by Paul Downward & Les Lumsdon - 263-279 The Bus Touring Problem: Cluster — First, Route — Second Heuristic
by Ray Deitch & Shaul P. Ladany - 281-292 WTO's Preliminary Data for 1999 and Revised Forecasts to 2020 by Region: South Asia by Country
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
June 2000, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 105-108 Tourism Safety and Security
by Anders Steene - 109-121 Tourists' Perceptions of Security: The Risk—Fear Paradox
by R. I. Mawby - 123-138 Tourism and Terrorism: A Quantitative Analysis of Major Terrorist Acts and Their Impact on Tourism Destinations
by Abraham Pizam & Ginger Smith - 139-149 Creating Safe and Secure Communities in Economically Challenging Times
by Peter E. Tarlow - 151-158 Perceived Safety as an Important Quality Dimension among Senior Tourists
by Lars-Johan Lindqvist & Peter Björk - 159-167 Reducing the Health Risks Associated with Travel
by Rodney Cartwright - 169-185 Impact of Food-Borne Illness on Food Safety Concerns of International Air Travellers
by Tanya L. MacLaurin & Donald J. MacLaurin & Loi Soh Loi - 187-198 Identifying the Responsibility for Risk at Tourism Destinations: The UK Experience
by John Hunter-Jones - 199-199 Notice to Readers — Databank Article
by N/A
March 2000, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-19 Demand Modelling Methodologies: Integration and other Issues
by Clive Morley - 21-46 Impact of the Environment on Holiday Destination Choices of Prospective UK Tourists: Implications for Tropical North Queensland
by Twan Huybers & Jeff Bennett - 47-59 Modelling Business Travel
by Nada Kulendran & Kenneth Wilson - 61-72 Use of Intervention Models to Assess the Effects of the EU Presidency on Revenues from International Tourism
by E. Smeral & M. Wüger - 73-83 Report: A Study of Tourist Demand and Accommodation in the Mt Paekdusan/Changbaishan Area
by Jae Min Kim - 85-97 Africa
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
December 1999, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 313-314 Measurement of the Economic Impact of Tourism: WTO's Enzo Paci World Conference at Nice
by Peter Shackleford & Antonio Massieu Verdugo - 315-330 The Canadian Experience in Developing and Using the Tourism Satellite Account
by Scott M. Meis - 331-343 The Canadian National Tourism Indicators: A Dynamic Picture of the Satellite Account
by Jacques Delisle - 345-351 Mexico's Experience of Setting up its Tourism Satellite Account
by Gabriel DÃaz Rivera - 353-381 A Regional Approach for Tourism Satellite Accounts and Links to the National Account
by Heinz Rütter & Adrian Berwert - 383-413 The Employment Module for the Tourism Satellite Account of the OECD
by N.M. Heerschap - 415-423 Providing Decent Employment in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: The Role of the ILO
by Dirk Belau - 425-436 Regional and Inter-Regional Economic Impacts of Tourism Consumption: Methodology and the Case of Italy
by Mara Manente - 437-458 The Measurement of Seasonality and its Economic Impacts
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
September 1999, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 217-250 An Analysis of the Economic Contribution of Inbound International Tourism in Turkey
by Cevat Tosun - 251-260 A Simultaneous Model of Tourism Flow, Spending and Receipts
by Raymond Y.C. Tse - 261-276 Stabilization Policies for the Tourist Sector
by Anne-Mette Hjalager - 277-291 Forecasting Monthly Tourist Departures from Australia
by Jae H. Kim - 293-307 The Americas
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
June 1999, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 121-139 A Cost—Benefit Study of Protection of the Northern Beaches of Australia's Gold Coast
by Mike Raybould & Trevor Mules - 141-159 Assessing the Impact of Urban Casinos on Tourism in New Zealand
by Douglas G. Pearce - 161-174 Tourist Levies and Willingness to Pay for a Whale Shark Experience
by Derrin Davis & C. A. Tisdell - 175-190 Optimal Tourist Bus Tours
by Shaul P. Ladany - 191-210 Europe
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
March 1999, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-8 Seasonality in Tourism: Understanding the Challenges
by Tom Baum - 9-23 Modelling the Seasonality of Hotel Nights in Denmark by County and Nationality
by Nils Karl Sørensen - 25-47 Seasonality in Irish Tourism, 1973–1995
by Elizabeth (Liz) Kennedy - 49-68 The off-Season is ‘No Season’: The Case of the Danish Island of Bornholm
by Svend Lundtorp & Charlotte R. Rassing & Stephen Wanhill - 69-91 An Analysis of the Nature, Causes and Marketing Implications of Seasonality in the Occupancy Performance of English Hotels
by Douglas Jeffrey & Robin R. D. Barden - 93-113 WTO's International Tourism Summary for 1998: East Asia and the Pacific
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
December 1998, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 301-323 Tourism Demand Analysis Using Structural Equation Modelling
by Lindsay W. Turner & Yvette Reisinger & Stephen F. Witt - 325-337 Diversification and German Tour Operators: The Case of TUI and Coach Tourism
by Dieter Gauf & Howard Hughes - 339-352 Economic Impacts of Small Events: Estimates and Determinants — A New Zealand Example
by Chris Ryan - 353-365 Demand Theory Reconsidered: Reflections on the Demand for Tourism in Cyprus
by Ron Ayres - 367-386 Total Quality, Human Resource Management and Tourism
by C. A. Hope & A. P. Mühlemann - 387-394 South Asia and WTO's Global Forecasts to 2020
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On - 395-395 Enzo Paci 1946–1998
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
September 1998, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 213-231 Does Gambling Complement the Tourist Industry? Some Empirical Evidence of Import Substitution and Demand Displacement
by Michael Przybylski & Daniel Felsenstein & Daniel Freeman & Laura Littlepage - 233-240 Do More Tourists Lead to Higher Levels of Consumption?
by Raymond Y.C. Tse - 241-251 Competition and Contestability in the UK Package Tour Industry: Some Econometric Observations
by Brian Davies & Paul Downward - 253-263 Time-Dependent Analysis for International Hotel Demand in Seoul
by Youngtae Kim & Muzaffer Uysal - 265-277 Liam and Noel in Balloch: An Economic Impact Assessment
by Graham Senior & Mike Danson - 279-283 Report: The World Tourism Organization's Efforts in the Development of a Tourism Satellite Account
by Enzo Paci - 285-296 Middle East
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
June 1998, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 101-130 Income and Price Elasticities by Nationality for Tourists in Denmark
by Thomas C. Jensen - 131-145 Environmental Resources as Latent Primary Factors of Production in Tourism: The Case of Forest-Based Commercial Recreation
by David W. Marcouiller - 147-169 Optimal Management of Ecotourism
by A. Mananyi - 171-185 The Demand for Tourism to Greece: A Cointegration Approach
by Petros Lathiras & Costas Siriopoulos - 187-188 Continuing Debate
by N/A - 189-190 The Authors Respond
by Chris Gratton & Greg Richards - 191-192 Report: Tourism and Leisure Research Network
by Peter Johnson - 193-204 Global Tourism Trends to 1997: Africa
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
March 1998, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-19 Airline Sales and Distribution Channels: The Impact of New Technology
by Peter S. Morrell - 21-32 Economic Systems and Their Impact on Tourist Resort Development: The Case of the Spa in Europe
by William Bacon - 33-49 Landowner Participation in the Regulation of Outdoor Recreation: Some Problems in Snowmobiling Regulation
by Lars Hultkrantz & Reza Mortazavi - 51-70 Capital Investment in the UK Arts, Sport and Heritage Sectors: An Evaluation of Statistics
by Peter Johnson & Barry Thomas - 71-78 Rejoinder
by Richard R. Miller - 79-81 Rejoinder
by Mundt - 82-84 The Authors Respond
by Chris Gratton & Greg Richards