March 1998, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 85-96 The Americas
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
December 1997, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 309-317 The Use of Composite National Indicators for Tourism Forecasting
by L. Turner & N. Kulendran & H. Fernando - 319-328 The Determinants of Expenditures by Mexican Visitors to the Border Cities of Texas
by Nader Asgary & Gilberto de los Santos & Vern Vincent & Victor Davila - 329-340 The Determinants of Capital Structure Choice in the US Restaurant Industry
by Woo Gon Kim - 341-359 The Economic Impact of Tourism in Israel: A Multi-Regional Input—Output Analysis
by Daniel Freeman & Esther Sultan - 361-377 Australian Tourism Industry Policy: A New View
by Harry Clarke - 379-397 Common-Sense Analysis for Tourism: A Theoretical Discussion
by David Airey & C.J.S. Burger & Mirko Dohnal & L. Mhlane - 399-411 Europe
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
September 1997, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 213-226 Structural Change in the European Package Tour Industry: UK/German Comparisons
by Chris Gratton & Greg Richards - 227-239 Economic Evaluation of Recreation and Tourism in Natural Areas: A Case Study in New South Wales, Australia
by Jack Carlsen - 241-248 Developing Representations of User Pays Strategies in Nature-Based Tourism Settings
by Diane Lee Burns - 249-263 TSAs and the WTTC/WEFA Methodology: Different Satellites or Different Planets?
by Stephen L. J. Smith & David Wilton - 265-279 The Economics of Tipping: Tips, Profits and the Market's Demand—Supply Equilibrium
by Zvi Schwartz - 281-287 Rejoinder
by N/A - 289-300 Global Tourism Trends — To 1996
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
June 1997, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 93-118 Financial Management in Tourism: A Destination Perspective
by Lorn R. Sheehan & J.R. Brent Ritchie - 119-136 Valuing International Tourism Benefits from Natural Areas
by Carmelo J. León - 137-160 Short- and Long-Term Effects of World Exposition 1986 on US Demand for British Columbia Tourism
by Richard A. Holmes & Abul F. M. Shamsuddin - 161-183 Casino Gambling as an Economic Development Strategy
by Terance J. Rephann & Margaret Dalton & Anthony Stair & Andrew Isserman - 185-199 An Investigation of the Time Series Behaviour of International Tourist Arrivals
by Kevin KF. Wong - 201-205 East Asia and the Pacific
by John Fletcher & John Latham
March 1997, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-20 A Framework for Monitoring Global Travel and Tourism Taxes: The WTTC Tax Barometer
by James Myers & Peter Forsberg & Donald Holecek - 21-38 Impacts and Benefits of MICE Tourism: A Framework for Analysis
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth - 39-56 Univariate Modelling Using Periodic and Non-Periodic Analysis: Inbound Tourism to Japan, Australia and New Zealand Compared
by Lindsay W. Turner & N. Kulendran & H. Fernando - 57-68 Differential Multipliers for Tourism in Victoria
by Guy R. West & Ari Gamage - 69-81 An Econometric Classification and Review of International Tourism Demand Models
by Christine Lim - 83-88 Global Tourism Trends
by John Fletcher & John Latham
December 1996, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 283-302 The Impact of Tourism on Employment in Denmark: Different Definitions, Different Results
by Christian Hansen & Susanne Jensen - 303-320 Estimating the Recreation Use Values of National Parks
by Jeff Bennett - 321-337 Food Purchases in a Five-Star Hotel: A Case Study of the Aquila Prambanan Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
by David J. Telfer - 339-351 Estimating the Probability of Return Visits Using a Survey of Tourist Expenditure in the Balearic Islands
by Catalina Juaneda Sampol - 353-368 The Value of Travel Time: An Empirical Study Using Repeated Samples of Non-Business Trips
by Per Johansson & Reza Mortazavi - 369-373 Databank: Definitions and Classifications
by Raphael Raymond Bar-On
September 1996, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 203-222 Modelling Quarterly Tourist Flows to Australia Using Cointegration Analysis
by N. Kulendran - 223-234 A Comparison of Three Methods for Estimating Tourism Demand Models
by Clive L. Morley - 235-250 Spatial Distribution of Tourism in China: Economic and other Influences
by Jie Wen & Clem Tisdell - 251-263 A Dynamic Equilibrium Pricing Model: A Game Theoretic Approach to Modelling Conventions' Room Rates
by Zvi Schwartz - 265-272 Recreation Travel Time Conditional on Labour Supply, Work Travel Time and Income
by Tomas Sjögren & Kurt Brännäs - 273-276 Databank: South Asia
by John Fletcher & John Latham
June 1996, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 107-117 An economic perspective on special events
by Trevor Mules & Bill Faulkner - 119-136 Regional tourist organizations in Spain: emergence, policies and consequences
by Douglas G. Pearce - 137-149 A country-of-origin analysis of tourist expenditure: the case of Turkey
by Tom Baum & Ram Mudambi - 151-158 The Structure, Conduct, Performance paradigm as applied to the UK hotel industry
by Brian Davies & Paul Downward - 159-172 Economic liberalization in India: opportunities for multinational corporations in the hospitality and tourism sector
by Zafar U. Ahmed & Bharath M. Josiam - 173-184 Economic policy measures for reducing the environmental impact of tourism
by Egon Smeral - 185-192 Report: Event impact measurement in Auckland, New Zealand
by Chris Ryan - 193-195 Databank: The Middle East
by John Fletcher & John Latham
March 1996, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-11 National Satellite Accounting for Travel and Tourism: A Cold Review of the WTTC/WEFA Group Research
by Michael J. Boskin - 13-42 Tourism Satellite Account for Sweden 1992–93
by Jonas Nordström - 43-60 Frequent Flyer Programmes: The Beginning of the End?
by Allan Beaver - 61-77 Alliances and Liaisons in Tourism: Concepts and Implications
by Bob Garnham - 79-93 An Analysis of Restaurant Characteristics and Meal Prices in Melbourne, Australia
by Pemasiri J. Gunawardana & Inka I. Havrila - 95-99 Databank: Africa
by John Fletcher & John Latham
December 1995, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 315-328 Tourism Demand: Characteristics, Segmentation and Aggregation
by Clive L. Morley - 329-339 Tourism Economics: Life after Death?
by John Tribe - 341-355 Lack of CRS Accessibility May Be Strangling Small Hoteliers, the Lifeblood of European Tourism
by Allan Beaver - 357-374 Dynamic Price Response of Inbound Tourism Guest-Nights in Sweden
by Lars Hultkrantz - 375-387 Investment in Ecotourism: Assessing its Economics
by Clem Tisdell - 389-401 Tourism Employment in Bali: A Gender Analysis
by Judie Cukier & Geoffrey Wall - 403-407 Databank: The Americas
by John Fletcher & John Latham
September 1995, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 211-224 VAT Rates and the UK Tourism and Leisure Industry
by Stephen Wanhill - 225-244 The Tourism Satellite Account: Perspectives of Canadian Tourism Associations and Organizations
by Stephen L.J. Smith - 245-264 A Future for the Package Tour Operator in the 21st Century?
by Nigel G. Evans & Mike J. Stabler - 265-282 Problems in Use of Economic Instruments to Reduce Adverse Environmental Impacts of Tourism
by Peter Forsyth & Larry Dwyer & Harry Clarke - 283-302 Competition among European Tourist Cities: A Comparative Analysis with Multidimensional Scaling and Self-Organizing Maps
by Josef A. Mazanec - 303-308 Databank: The Caribbean
by John Fletcher & John Latham
June 1995, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 107-118 Financial Leverage and Recession: Consequences for Tourism-Related Operations
by Bernard J. McEvoy - 119-145 On Determinants of Swedish Recreational Domestic and Outbound Travel, 1989–93
by Lars Hultkrantz - 147-167 Modelling Tourism Flows from Europe to Australia
by Alan Morris & Ken Wilson & Steve Bakalis - 169-182 Measuring Changes in the Relative Competitiveness of Package Tour Destinations
by Peter Taylor - 183-194 Report: Finance, Flowers and Festivals — A Case Study of Little Economic Impact
by Chris Ryan - 195-203 Databank: Europe
by John Fletcher & John Latham
March 1995, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial
by Stephen Wanhill - 5-15 Recreation User Fees: An Australian Empirical Investigation
by Bruce Knapman & Natalie Stoeckl - 17-31 Incentive Guidelines for South African Tourism: Implications and Challenges in the Context of Developing Socio-Political Trends
by Jonathan Z. Bloom & Frederik J. Mostert - 33-49 Service Quality in Airlines
by Chris Witt & Alan Mühlemann - 51-69 Forecasting New Zealand Tourism Demand with Disaggregated Data
by Lindsay W. Turner & N. Kulendran & V. Pergat - 71-93 Tourism and Structural Adjustment Programmes in the African Economy
by Peter U.C. Dieke - 95-101 Databank: The Global Picture
by John Fletcher & John Latham