April 2017, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 374-392 A commuting model for the analysis of the impacts of a tramway project: application to the Lens area
by Mihai Tivadar & Odile Heddebaut
February 2017, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 143-166 A logit-based model for measuring the effects of transportation infrastructure on land value
by Saeed Asadi Bagloee & Mitra Heshmati & Madjid Tavana & Debora Di Caprio - 167-181 Maximum acceptable gap between urban-guided transport vehicles and platforms for persons with disabilities: the findings of an experimental study conducted to inform policy decisions
by Celine Grange-Faivre & Claude Marin-Lamellet & Aline Alauzet - 182-198 A self-learning system for local ramp metering with queue management
by Chao Lu & Jie Huang - 199-212 Reserve capacity model based on variable demand for land-use development control
by Hailiang Xiao & Jianzhi Gao & Zhiyun Zou - 213-227 Use characteristics and demographics of rural transit riders: a case study in Tennessee
by Hongtai Yang & Christopher R. Cherry - 228-241 Remuneration models and revenue risk mitigation in road public–private partnership projects – a case study from Serbia
by Dejan Zlatkovic & Nevena Vajdic & Slaven Tica & Goran Mladenovic & Cesar Queiroz - 242-255 Identifying travel mode with GPS data
by Fang Zong & Yixin Yuan & Jianfeng Liu & Yu Bai & Yanan He
January 2017, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-3 Universities’ Transport Study Group U.K. annual conference 2016
by Juliet Jain & Stephen Ison - 4-27 Perspectives of travel strategies in light of the new metro and bus networks in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia
by Omar Alotaibi & Dimitris Potoglou - 28-44 Quantifying the impacts of horizontal and vertical equity in transit route planning
by R. Camporeale & L. Caggiani & A. Fonzone & M. Ottomanelli - 45-63 Local government authority attitudes to road traffic CO emissions modelling: a British case study
by Matt Grote & Ian Williams & John Preston & Simon Kemp - 64-79 Assessment of computer-based training packages to improve the safety of older people’s driver behaviour
by Charles B. A. Musselwhite - 80-99 Factors influencing active travel to primary and secondary schools in Wales
by Dimitris Potoglou & Botakoz Arslangulova - 100-118 Exploring the pedestrian level of interaction on platform conflict areas at metro stations by real-scale laboratory experiments
by Sebastian Seriani & Taku Fujiyama & Catherine Holloway - 119-142 Using GIS to assess the potential for centralised planning of bus networks
by Yuji Shi & Simon Blainey & Nick Hounsell
November 2016, Volume 39, Issue 8
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 747-750 Special issue on intelligent transportation systems, big data and intelligent technology
by Zhixiang Hou & Yucai Zhou & Ronghua Du - 751-758 A traffic accident morphology diagnostic model based on a rough set decision tree
by Gang Tao & Huansheng Song & Jun Liu & Jiao Zou & Yanxiang Chen - 759-767 Specific object re-identification across non-overlapping camera views in traffic accidents
by Feigang Tan & Ling Huang & Cong Zhai & Minglei Song & Rong Zhuang & Weiming Liu - 768-778 A study of traveler behavior under traffic information-provided conditions in the Beijing area
by Jian Gao & Fan Zhang & Ling Sun & Honghai Li - 779-790 A real-time system for monitoring driver fatigue
by Yao-hua Li & Feng You & Kang Chen & Ling Huang & Jian-min Xu - 791-800 Pedestrian detection for traffic safety based on Accumulate Binary Haar features and improved deep belief network algorithm
by Yang Zhang & Dong-Rong Xin & Yi-Hu Wu - 801-812 Feedback control strategy of a new car-following model based on reducing traffic accident rates
by Cong Zhai & Weiming Liu & Feigang Tan & Ling Huang & Minglei Song - 813-825 Comparing prediction methods for maritime accidents
by Jia-ni Zhao & Jing Lv
October 2016, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 641-652 Factors affecting temporal changes in mode choice model parameters
by Nobuhiro Sanko - 653-674 Stockholm congestion charging: an assessment with METROPOLIS and SILVESTER
by Mohammad Saifuzzaman & Leonid Engelson & Ida Kristoffersson & André de Palma - 675-692 Analysing queueing at toll plazas using a coupled, multiple-queue, queueing system model: application to toll plaza design
by Partha Chakroborty & Rahul Gill & Pranamesh Chakraborty - 693-711 A model for national freight flows, distribution centers, empty trucks and urban truck movements
by Rolf Moeckel & Rick Donnelly - 712-729 Network structure, capacity growth and route hierarchies: the case of China’s air traffic system revisited
by Hans Huber - 730-746 Kink in the intermodal supply chain: interorganizational relations in the port economy
by David Jaffee
August 2016, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 551-573 Investigating the predictive performance of computational process activity-based transportation models
by George Sammour & Koen Vanhoof & Tom Bellemans & Davy Janssens & Geert Wets - 574-585 Optimal solution to the vehicle routing problem by adopting a meta-heuristic algorithm
by Seung Hyun Kim & Sang Hoon Bae - 586-596 Changes in transport risk perception in urban populations in Norway from 2004 to 2013
by Ingunn Olea Lund & Trond Nordfjærn & Torbjørn Rundmo - 597-611 A path-based flow formulation for the traffic assignment problem
by Caixia Li & Sreenatha Gopalarao & Tapabrata Ray - 612-623 The relationship between urban street networks and private motorized trips at the city level
by Mehdi Moeinaddini & Zohreh Asadi-Shekari & Zahid Sultan & Muhammad Zaly Shah & Amran Hamzah - 624-639 Reasonable scheduling for arrival--departure track operations in railway stations
by Dingyou Lei & Chuijiang Guo & Yinggui Zhang & Chunxiao Chen
July 2016, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 439-463 Incorporating sustainability assessment in transportation planning: an urban transportation vehicle-based approach
by Lambros K. Mitropoulos & Panos D. Prevedouros - 464-483 Efficiency measurement of bus routes and exogenous operating environment effects on efficiency
by Weiquan Zhu & Xiaoguang Yang & John Preston - 484-506 Rail-truck multimodal freight collaboration: a statistical analysis of freight-shipper perspectives
by Yuntao Guo & Srinivas Peeta & Fred Mannering - 507-526 Optimizing location and capacity of rail-based Park-and-Ride sites to increase public transport usage
by Xinyuan Chen & Zhiyuan Liu & Graham Currie - 527-537 Gender differences in travel behaviour and willingness to adopt sustainable behaviour
by Jelena Simićević & Nada Milosavljević & Vladimir Djoric - 538-550 A study of carpooling behaviour using a stated preference web survey in selected cities of India
by Suresh Malodia & Harish Singla
June 2016, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 329-357 Integrated analysis of land-use and transport policy interventions
by Mohammed Aljoufie & Mark Brussel & Mark Zuidgeest & Hedwig van Delden & Martin van Maarseveen - 358-369 An exploration of the relationships between socioeconomics, land use and daily trip chain pattern among low-income residents
by Long Cheng & Xuewu Chen & Shuo Yang - 370-388 Individual trip rate transferability analysis based on a decision tree approach
by Mehran Fasihozaman Langerudi & Taha Hossein Rashidi & Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian - 389-406 Design of income-equitable toll prices for high occupancy toll lanes in a single toll facility
by Chaitanya Paleti & Xiaozheng He & Srinivas Peeta - 407-423 A bus route evaluation model based on GIS and super-efficient data envelopment analysis
by Daniel (Jian) Sun & Shukai Chen & Chun Zhang & Suwan Shen - 424-437 An application-oriented model of passenger waiting time based on bus departure time intervals
by Huibo Gong & Xumei Chen & Lei Yu & Lijuan Wu
April 2016, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 239-253 A methodology to estimate the revenue anticipated from State-level alternative financing approaches in the US
by Michael Plotnikov & John Collura - 254-268 A dispatching decision support system for countering delay propagation in intermodal logistics networks
by Cheng-Chieh (Frank) Chen & Paul Schonfeld - 269-283 The association between transit access and auto ownership: evidence from Guangzhou, China
by Xiaoyan Huang & Xiaoshu Cao & Jason Cao - 284-299 Measuring the influence of bus service quality on the perception of users
by Moataz Mahmoud & Julian Hine - 300-317 Vehicle sharing system with fleet sizing and multi-transportation modes under allowable shortages: a hybrid metaheuristic approach
by Ehsan Ali Askari & Mahdi Bashiri & Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam - 318-328 Mathematical characterization of spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns: mixed speed data analysis in the greater Toronto and Hamilton area, Canada
by Natalia Kyriakopoulou & Yorgos N. Photis & Pavlos Kanaroglou
March 2016, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 115-135 A private matter: the implications of privacy regulations for intelligent transportation systems
by Jaimee Lederman & Brian D. Taylor & Mark Garrett - 136-161 Public--private partnerships: a review of economic considerations with particular reference to transportation projects
by Kenneth Button - 162-179 Observed and simulated traffic impacts from the 2013 Bay Area Rapid Transit strike
by Emily Moylan & Fletcher Foti & Alexander Skabardonis - 180-194 Comparison of advanced imputation algorithms for detection of transportation mode and activity episode using GPS data
by Tao Feng & Harry J.P. Timmermans - 195-217 Methodology to determine service delivery levels for public transportation
by Shreya Das & Debapratim Pandit - 218-237 Measuring uncertainty in discrete choice travel demand forecasting models
by Olga Petrik & Filipe Moura & João de Abreu e Silva
February 2016, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-2 Transportation planning and technology
by Stephen Ison & Ioannis Kaparias - 3-23 Predicting the safety impact of a speed limit increase using condition-based multivariate Poisson lognormal regression
by Maria-Ioanna M. Imprialou & Mohammed Quddus & David E. Pitfield - 24-44 Interpreting the influence of urban form on household car travel using partial least squares structural equation modelling: some evidence from Northern Ireland
by Urbi Banerjee & Julian Hine - 45-58 Investigating bus priority parameters for isolated vehicle actuated junctions
by Bashir Ahmed & Nick Hounsell & Birendra Shrestha - 59-77 The built environment typologies in the UK and their influences on travel behaviour: new evidence through latent categorisation in structural equation modelling
by Kaveh Jahanshahi & Ying Jin - 78-96 A quantitative approach to the behavioural analysis of drivers in highways using particle filtering
by Mohammad Mamouei & Ioannis Kaparias & George Halikias - 97-114 The effects of mobile real-time information on rural passengers
by Konstantinos Papangelis & John D. Nelson & Somayajulu Sripada & Mark Beecroft
December 2015, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 833-850 Decision tree method for modeling travel mode switching in a dynamic behavioral process
by Liang Tang & Chenfeng Xiong & Lei Zhang - 851-865 A quantum evolutionary algorithm for the second-best congestion pricing problem in urban traffic networks
by Mehrdad Gholami Shahbandi & Mohammad Mahdi Nasiri & Abbas Babazadeh - 866-877 An integrated framework for embedding large-scale dynamic traffic assignment models in advanced traveler information systems
by Evangelos Mitsakis & Josep Maria Salanova Grau & Iraklis Stamos & Georgia Aifadopoulou - 878-888 Improvement of the volume-delay function by incorporating the impact of trucks on traffic flow
by Stephan Müller & Christian Schiller - 889-908 Structural equation modeling for national travel demand: an examination of the relationships between communication modes
by Ming-Hsiung Hsiao - 909-934 Evaluating road safety audit procedures: some questions and a new method of study
by Hugo Pietrantonio & Lili L. Bornsztein - 935-953 The effect of crowding on public transit user travel behavior in a large-scale public transportation system through modeling daily variations
by Donghyung Yook & Kevin Heaslip
October 2015, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 709-737 A multi-criteria evaluation of solutions and alternatives for matching capacity to demand in an airport system: the case of London
by Milan Janic - 738-760 Incorporating uncertainty and risk in transportation investment decision-making
by Sabyasachee Mishra & Snehamay Khasnabis & Subrat Swain - 761-776 A three-stage decision-making model for selecting electric vehicle battery technology
by Sheng-Long Lee & Ping-Chuan Chen & Wu Chiang Chan & Shiu-Wan Hung - 777-794 Large-scale evacuation network optimization: a bi-level control method with uncertain arterial demand
by Jingyi Hua & Gang Ren & Yang Cheng & Chen Yu & Bin Ran - 795-815 The treatment of uncertainty in the dynamic origin-destination estimation problem using a fuzzy approach
by Ahmadreza Talebian & Yousef Shafahi - 816-831 Accommodating user preferences in ad hoc shared ride trip planning using GIS
by M. Teimouri & M.R. Delavar & S.H. Chavoshi & M.R. Malek & N. Van de Weghe & T. Neutens & H.H. Hochmair
August 2015, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 585-600 Understanding parking decisions with a Bayesian network
by Fang Zong & Menglin Wang - 601-625 Analysis of taxi demand and supply in New York City: implications of recent taxi regulations
by Camille Kamga & M. Anil Yazici & Abhishek Singhal - 626-645 Development and calibration of a long-distance passenger traffic assignment model
by Wen Wang & Xiubin Bruce Wang & Jing Dong - 646-663 A simulation tool for bicycle sharing systems in multimodal networks
by Juan P. Romero & Jose L. Moura & Angel Ibeas & Borja Alonso - 664-683 Inland cargo flow modelling considering shipment time variability on cross-border transport
by Tomoya Kawasaki & Shinya Hanaoka & Long Xuan Nguyen - 684-707 The role of volume-delay functions in forecasting and evaluating congestion charging schemes: the Stockholm case
by Leonid Engelson & Dirk van Amelsfort
July 2015, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 483-502 TransNIEMO: economic impact analysis using a model of consistent inter-regional economic and network equilibria
by Cho & Gordon & James E. Moore II & Pan & Park & Harry W. Richardson - 503-516 The simple, efficient, elegant, and effective model (SE-super-3M) of land use and transportation
by Michael J. Clay & Valdez & Norr - 517-533 A comparative analysis of traditional four-step and activity-based travel demand modeling: a case study of Tampa, Florida
by Zhong & Shan & Du & Lu - 534-551 Integrated smartcard solutions: do people want one card for all their services?
by Evans & Amy W. Guo & Blythe & Burden - 552-568 An investigation into the feasibility of increasing rail use as an alternative to the car
by Eagling & Ryley - 569-583 Planning guidelines for metro--bus interchanges by means of a pedestrian microsimulation model
by Seriani & Fernández
June 2015, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 375-391 Innovative strategies for urban car-sharing systems and a simulator to assess their performance
by Elvezia M. Cepolina & Alessandro Farina & Catherine Holloway & Nick Tyler - 392-408 Feasibility study of aerial ropeway transit in the Holy City of Makkah
by Baha' W. Alshalalfah & Amer S. Shalaby & Steven Dale & Fadel M.Y. Othman - 409-424 Optimal bus service patterns and frequencies considering transfer demand elasticity with genetic algorithm
by Yavuz Y. Ulusoy & Steven I-Jy Chien - 425-441 Investigating micro-simulation error in activity-based travel demand forecasting: a case study of the FEATHERS framework
by Qiong Bao & Bruno Kochan & Tom Bellemans & Davy Janssens & Geert Wets - 442-464 A two-phase model for dry port location with an application to the port of Dalian in China
by Zheng Chang & Theo Notteboom & Jing Lu - 465-482 Empirical modelling of the relationship between bus and car speeds on signalised urban networks
by Le Minh Kieu & Ashish Bhaskar & Edward Chung
April 2015, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 265-276 Investigating the effects of psychological factors on commuting mode choice behaviour
by Ahmed Osman Idris & Khandker M. Nurul Habib & Alejandro Tudela & Amer Shalaby - 277-304 A multiobjective land development optimization model: the case of New Castle County, Delaware
by Reza Taromi & Michael DuRoss & Bintong Chen & Ardeshir Faghri & Mingxin Li & Tracy DeLiberty - 305-319 An empirical analysis of freight transport traffic modes in Brazil, 1996-2012
by Carlos P. Barros & Luis A. Gil-Alana & Peter Wanke - 320-334 The planning and analysis of a new group rapid transit system: the SkyCabs monobeam system in Auckland
by Avishai (Avi) Ceder & Yuval Hadas & Nigel K.L. Wan & Dumindu Sundarapperuma - 335-346 A valuation of the environmental performance of vehicles: an analysis and comparison of two methodologies
by Maarten Messagie & Nele Sergeant & Surendraprabu Rangaraju & Javier San Felix Forner & Luis Oliveira & Thierry Coosemans & Cathy Macharis & Joeri Van Mierlo - 347-374 Integrating intermodal transport with logistics: a case study of the UK retail sector
by Jason Monios
March 2015, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 149-161 Modeling the effects of congestion on fuel economy for advanced power train vehicles
by Alexander Y. Bigazzi & Kelly J. Clifton - 162-180 Disruption management in public transit: the bee colony optimization approach
by Miloš Nikolić & Dušan Teodorović & Katarina Vukadinović - 181-199 Determining the optimal number of seasonal adjustment factor groupings when estimating annual average daily traffic and investigating their characteristics
by Ioannis Tsapakis & William H. Schneider IV - 200-213 Multicriteria high-speed rail route selection: application to Malaysia's high-speed rail corridor prioritization
by Mohd Rapik Saat & Jesus Aguilar Serrano - 214-237 Control strategies for departure process delays at airport passenger terminals
by Chaug-Ing Hsu & Ching-Cheng Chao & Nai-Wen Hsu - 238-264 A new approach for improving the performance of freight train timetabling of a single-track railway system
by B.R. Ke & C.L. Lin & H.H. Chien & H.W. Chiu & N. Chen
February 2015, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-2 Universities' Transport Study Group UK Annual Conference 2014
by Stephen Ison & Neil Thorpe - 3-27 Estimating probability distributions of dynamic queues
by Nicholas B. Taylor & Benjamin G. Heydecker - 28-43 Assessing the financial and social costs of public transport in differing operating environments and with endogenous demand
by Xucheng Li & John Preston - 44-61 Environment-person interactions enabling walking in later life
by Charles Musselwhite - 62-77 The Smeed Report 50 years on: a role for the workplace parking levy?
by Jonathan Burchell & Stephen Ison & Marcus Enoch - 78-93 A comparison of modelled and real-life driving profiles for the simulation of railway vehicle operation
by J.P. Powell & R. Palacín - 94-110 Optimisation of motorway operations via ramp metering and variable speed limits
by Ying Li & Andy H.F. Chow - 111-130 Making meaningful comparisons between road and rail - substituting average energy consumption data for rail with empirical analysis
by James Pritchard & John Preston & John Armstrong - 131-148 Future prospects for personal security in travel by public transport
by Mark Beecroft & Kate Pangbourne
December 2014, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 663-677 A microeconomic interpretation for the system optimal traffic assignment problem with nonadditive path cost
by Louis de Grange & Juan Carlos Muñoz & Rodrigo Troncoso - 678-694 Climate change projections for variables affecting road networks in Europe
by Lasse Makkonen & Jussi Ylhäisi & Jouko Törnqvist & Andrew Dawson & Jouni Räisänen - 695-710 Investigating the heterogeneity of bus users' preferences through discrete choice modelling
by Laura Eboli & Gabriella Mazzulla - 711-737 Campus parking supply impacts on transportation mode choice
by Raj Bridgelall - 738-756 A zone design methodology for national freight origin-destination data and transportation modeling
by Feng Guo & Lisa Aultman-Hall - 757-774 Workplace travel plans: can they be evaluated effectively by experts?
by Thomas Vanoutrive
October 2014, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 581-597 Characteristics of speed dispersion and its relationship to fundamental traffic flow parameters
by Chih-Lin Chung & Will W. Recker - 598-622 Determining strategies to increase response rates in transport surveys of small shop-based businesses
by Claudine J. Moutou & Stephen P. Greaves - 623-637 A slacks-based network DEA efficiency analysis of European airlines
by Sebastián Lozano & Ester Gutiérrez - 638-648 Estimation of a route choice model for urban public transport using smart card data
by Ľudmila Jánošíková & Jiří Slavík & Michal Koháni - 649-662 Development and validation of a direct mode choice model
by Shahram Bohluli & Siamak Ardekani & Farzad Daneshgar
August 2014, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 505-524 Origin-destination missing data estimation for freight transportation planning: a gravity model-based regression approach
by Guoqiang Shen & Saniye Gizem Aydin - 525-538 Evaluating transport infrastructure decisions under uncertainty
by Tzay-An Shiau - 539-553 Non-parametric analyses of efficiency of airports
by Hsu-Hao Yang & Yen-Sheng Huang - 554-567 Online versus phone surveys: comparison of results for a bicycling survey
by Yan Xing & Susan Handy - 568-580 Forecasting automobile sales: the Peña-Box approach
by Wei-Chun Hsu & Lin Lin & Chen-Yu Li
July 2014, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 409-429 Estimating the long-term effects of different passenger car technologies on energy/fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases in Europe
by Milan Janic - 430-449 Optimization of a feeder-bus route design by using a multiobjective programming approach
by Jen-Jia Lin & Huei-In Wong - 450-465 Transit coordination with heterogeneous headways
by Dilek Tuzun Aksu & Samet Yılmaz - 466-483 Modeling traveler mode choice behavior of a new high-speed rail corridor in China
by Yuanqing Wang & Lei Li & Li Wang & Adrian Moore & Samuel Staley & Zongzhi Li - 484-504 Characteristics of household activity and travel patterns in the Mumbai metropolitan region
by S.S.V. Subbarao & K.V.K. Rao
June 2014, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 321-332 Risk aversion, regret aversion and travel choice inertia: an experimental study
by Caspar G. Chorus - 333-353 Optimal toll locations and toll levels in congestion pricing schemes: a case study of Stockholm
by Joakim Ekström & Leonid Engelson & Clas Rydergren - 354-372 A proposal for cost-related and market-oriented train running charges
by Francisco J. Calvo & Juan de Oña & Rocío de Oña & Griselda López & Laura Garach - 373-390 Modelling major traffic incident impacts and estimation of their associated costs
by Mohamad Raduan bin Kabit & Phil Charles & Luis Ferreira & Inhi Kim - 391-407 A microscopic analysis of speed deviation impacts on lane-changing behavior
by F. Golbabaei & F. Moghadas Nejad & A.R. Noory
April 2014, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 235-246 Converting mixed pedestrian flows into equivalent commuters using standard pedestrian equivalent factors
by Ronald John Galiza & Luis Ferreira - 247-263 Determining trip attraction rates for the UK office developments with limited observations and missing data
by David C. Broadstock & Alan Collins & Lester C. Hunt - 264-286 National road mortality reduction targets under European Union road safety policy: 2011-2020
by A. Tolón-Becerra & X. Lastra-Bravo & I. Flores-Parra - 287-306 Value of travel time for home-based school tours in California
by Debasis Basu & John Douglas Hunt - 307-319 Dual right-turn lanes in mitigating weaving conflicts at frontage road intersections in proximity to off-ramps
by Xiaoming Chen & Yi Qi & Da Li & Yubian Wang
March 2014, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 119-137 Fuzzy modeling approach to the rail freight car inventory problem
by Milos Milenkovic & Nebojsa Bojovic - 138-153 A tool for calculating aircraft emissions and its application to Greek airspace
by Ioanna Pagoni & Voula Psaraki - 154-168 The effects of planned and unplanned transfers on public transport users' perception of transfer routes
by Subeh Chowdhury & Avishai Ceder & Ripul Sachdeva - 169-185 Algorithm fusion method to enhance automatic incident detection on Melbourne freeways
by Chin Long Mak & Henry S.L. Fan - 186-199 Exploring the effects of cooperative adaptive cruise control on highway traffic flow using microscopic traffic simulation
by Georges M. Arnaout & Jean-Paul Arnaout - 200-218 Segmentation of paratransit users based on service quality and travel behaviour in Bandung, Indonesia
by Ari K.M. Tarigan & Yusak O. Susilo & Tri B. Joewono - 219-234 Potential applications of speed dispersion in defining freeway level of service and air emissions evaluation
by Chih-Lin Chung & Will W. Recker
February 2014, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-2 Universities' Transport Study Group UK Annual Conference 2013
by Stephen Ison & David Bonilla - 3-19 The effect of green time on stochastic queues at traffic signals
by Nicholas B. Taylor & Benjamin G. Heydecker - 20-37 The case for space: the measurement of capacity utilisation, its relationship with reactionary delay and the calculation of the capacity charge for the British rail network
by John Haith & Daniel Johnson & Chris Nash - 38-61 The 'Four Dimensions of Behaviour' framework: a tool for characterising behaviours to help design better interventions
by Tim Chatterton & Charlie Wilson - 62-82 Legitimising risk taking: articulating dangerous behaviour on the road
by Charles Musselwhite & Erel Avineri & Yusak O. Susilo - 83-97 Exploring gendered cycling behaviours within a large-scale behavioural data-set
by Roger Beecham & Jo Wood - 98-117 An interdisciplinary study to explore impacts from policies for the introduction of low carbon vehicles
by Gillian Harrison & Simon Shepherd
December 2013, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 651-668 Investigation of drivers' diversion responses to urban freeway variable message signs displaying freeway and local street travel times
by Hongcheng Gan & Xin Ye - 669-684 An exploration of shoppers travel mode choice in visiting convenience stores in the UK
by Yusak O. Susilo & Nathan Hanks & Mahmud Ullah - 685-702 Analysis and forecasting of port logistics using TEI@I methodology
by Xin Tian & Liming Liu & K. K. Lai & Shouyang Wang - 703-721 A joint model of destination and mode choice for urban trips: a disaggregate approach
by Seyedehsan Seyedabrishami & Yousef Shafahi - 722-738 Effects of price promotions on potential consumers of high-speed rail
by Yi-Wen Kuo & Cheng-Hsien Hsieh & Cheng-Min Feng & Wen-Ya Yeh
October 2013, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 567-580 A time series analysis of the dynamic competition between major cargo airports
by Chien-Wen Shen & Ching-Chih Chou - 581-598 Optimizing parcel delivery paths using a highway passenger transport-based express service
by Zhongzhen Yang & Jing Lu & Xiaocong Zhu & Peng Jia - 599-616 Interurban bus service quality from the users' viewpoint
by Marta Rojo & Luigi dell'Olio & Hernán Gonzalo-Orden & Ángel Ibeas - 617-635 On the application of accelerating moving walkways to support passenger processes in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
by Indraswari Kusumaningtyas & Gabriel Lodewijks - 636-649 A micro-level approach to measuring the accessibility of footways for wheelchair users using the Capability Model
by Catherine Holloway & Nick Tyler
August 2013, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 479-498 Dynamic ridesharing and information and communications technology: past, present and future prospects
by Zarar Siddiqi & Ron Buliung - 499-519 Using latent attitudinal variables estimated through a structural equations model for understanding carpooling propensity
by Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia & João de Abreu e Silva & José Manuel Viegas - 520-528 Analytical model for calibrating delay at congested bus stops
by Borja Alonso & José Luis Moura & Angel Ibeas & Luigi dell'Olio - 529-546 Evaluating strategic freight transport corridors including external costs
by Luis Márquez & Víctor Cantillo - 547-566 The effect of psychological traits on mode choice behaviour: an application to a new water transit system in Seoul, Korea
by Jin-Hee Kim & Jin-Hyuk Chung & Taewan Kim
July 2013, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 395-412 High-speed rail's potential for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from short haul aviation: a longitudinal study of modal substitution from an energy generation and renewable energy perspective
by Simon Robertson - 413-434 The relationships between land use measures and travel behavior: a meta-analytic approach
by Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim - 435-449 Multicriteria analysis of inland waterway transport projects: the case of the Marajó Island waterway project in Brazil
by Floriano Carlos Martins Pires & Fabio Sciberras de Carvalho - 450-462 Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing
by G. Yannis & E. Papadimitriou & A. Theofilatos - 463-478 C-logit stochastic user equilibrium model with elastic demand
by Xiangdong Xu & Anthony Chen
June 2013, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 299-318 The economic impact of logistics infrastructure: the case of PLAZA -- the Zaragoza Logistics Platform
by Rubén Sainz & Jose Baños & Susana Val & Samir Jose Kattour - 319-334 The future of trucking technology in Brazil: results of a technology forecasting model
by André Dulce Gonçalves Maia & Márcio Almeida D'Agosto - 335-351 Exploring characteristics of airport access mode choice: a case study of Korea
by Sangho Choo & Soyoung (Iris) You & Hyangsook Lee - 352-376 Multi-objective bilevel construction material transportation scheduling in large-scale construction projects under a fuzzy random environment
by Jiuping Xu & Jun Gang - 377-393 Improving paratransit scheduling using ruin and recreate methods
by Carl H. Häll & Anders Peterson
April 2013, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 231-243 Public--private partnerships in roads and government support: trends in transition and developing economies
by Cesar Queiroz & Nevena Vajdic & Goran Mladenovic - 244-266 Deciding whether and how to improve statewide travel demand models based on transportation planning application needs
by Chenfeng Xiong & Lei Zhang - 267-286 Effects of queue spillover in networks considering simultaneous departure time and route choices
by Xiaoning Zhang - 287-298 Determinants of new vehicle registrations in EU countries: a panel cointegration analysis
by Cumhur Erdem & Saban Nazlioglu
April 2013, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 145-169 The impacts of an urban light rail system on residential property values: a case study of the Houston METRORail transit line
by Qisheng Pan - 170-200 Modelling trip distribution with fuzzy and genetic fuzzy systems
by Mert Kompil & H. Murat Celik - 201-217 A Bayesian analysis of the effect of estimating annual average daily traffic for heavy-duty trucks using training and validation data-sets
by Ioannis Tsapakis & William H. Schneider & Andrew P. Nichols