April 2013, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 218-229 The location of public logistic centers: an expanded capacity-limited fixed cost location-allocation modeling approach
by Milosav Georgijevic & Sanja Bojic & Dejan Brcanov
February 2013, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-3 Universities' Transport Study Group UK Annual Conference 2012
by Stephen Ison & John D. Nelson - 4-23 Using AHP to measure the perception gap between current and potential users of bus services
by Moataz Mahmoud & Julian Hine - 24-43 The evolution of urban traffic control: changing policy and technology
by Andrew Hamilton & Ben Waterson & Tom Cherrett & Andrew Robinson & Ian Snell - 44-61 A dynamic route choice model for public transport networks with boarding queues
by Valentina Trozzi & Ioannis Kaparias & Michael G.H. Bell & Guido Gentile - 62-75 A computationally efficient two-stage method for short-term traffic prediction on urban roads
by Fangce Guo & Rajesh Krishnan & John Polak - 76-92 Designing flexible transport services: guidelines for choosing the vehicle type
by Steve Wright - 93-108 Updating predictive accident models of modern rural single carriageway A-roads
by Alan G. Wood & Linda J. Mountain & Richard D. Connors & Mike J. Maher - 109-129 How tube strikes affect macroscopic and link travel times in London
by Ioannis Tsapakis & Benjamin G. Heydecker & Tao Cheng & Berk Anbaroglu - 130-143 Techniques for the inference of mileage rates from MOT data
by R.E. Wilson & S. Cairns & S. Notley & J. Anable & T. Chatterton & F. McLeod
June 2012, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 790-806 Slot misuse phenomena in capacity-constrained airports with seasonal demand: the Greek experience
by Athanasios Katsaros & Voula Psaraki
July 2012, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 737-751 Integrating a traffic router and microsimulator into a land use and travel demand model
by Austin Troy & Dale Azaria & Brian Voigt & Adel Sadek
December 2012, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 752-768 Computing the cost of traffic congestion: a microsimulation exercise of the City of Antofagasta, Chile
by Nicolás Garrido - 769-789 Productivity changes in Taiwan's port industry incorporating environmental regulations on harbor water quality
by Chih-Ching Yang
May 2012, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 715-736 Short-term impact analysis of fuel price policy change on travel demand in Malaysian cities
by Hooi Ling Khoo & Ghim Ping Ong & Wooi Chen Khoo
July 2012, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 677-696 Transportation of dangerous goods by road: the Brazilian case for selection of carriers based on a risk management methodology
by Marne Lieggio Junior & Sérgio Ronaldo Granemann & Osmar Ambrósio de Souza & Carlos Henrique Rocha - 697-714 Performance assessment of transport services with the ERM-NDEA model: evidence from a domestic airline in Taiwan
by Ming-Miin Yu
June 2012, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 611-628 Ground delay program planning under uncertainty in airport capacity
by Avijit Mukherjee & Mark Hansen & Shon Grabbe - 629-662 Flexible strategic planning of transport systems
by C. Juan & F. Olmos & R. Ashkeboussi
May 2012, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 663-675 Productivity assessment of African seaports with biased technological change
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Nicolas Peypoch
March 2012, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 545-559 Hierarchical network-based equilibrium model and algorithm for a mixed-traffic urban transport system
by Bingfeng Si & Ming Zhong & Liang Gao & Ziyou Gao - 591-610 Statistical and activity-based modeling of university student travel behavior
by Xueming Chen
January 2012, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 525-543 Reduced dwell times resulting from train--platform improvements: the costs and benefits of improving passenger accessibility to metro trains
by Xenia Karekla & Nick Tyler
June 2012, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 561-576 Effects of incorporating latent and attitudinal information in mode choice models
by Khandker M. Nurul Habib & Md. Hamid Zaman - 577-590 Forecasting high-speed rail ridership using a simultaneous modeling approach
by Rongfang Liu & Andy Li
January 2012, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 393-408 What determines commute time choices? A structural equation modelling approach
by Mingyu Zhao & Nick Tyler & Cheng Lan - 409-426 Unraveling the relationship between trip chaining and mode choice: evidence from a multi-week travel diary
by Md. Tazul Islam & Khandker M. Nurul Habib - 427-447 Applications of intuitionistic fuzzy set aggregation operators in transport multi-factor project evaluation
by P.N. Smith - 449-467 Dynamic demand estimation and microscopic traffic simulation of a university campus transportation network
by Shan Huang & Liya Guo & Yan Yang & Irene Casas & Adel W. Sadek - 469-489 Bottom-up grassroots innovation in transport: motivations, barriers and enablers
by Tracy Ross & Valerie A. Mitchell & Andrew J. May - 491-507 Design and evaluation of an integrated inventory and transportation system
by Z.N. Chen & C.K.M. Lee & W.H. Ip & G.T.S. Ho - 509-524 A decision support system for port selection
by Jasmine Siu Lee Lam & Jing Dai
April 2012, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 373-392 Improving the forecasting accuracy of air passenger and air cargo demand: the application of back-propagation neural networks
by Shu-Chuan Chen & Shih-Yao Kuo & Kuo-Wei Chang & Yi-Ting Wang
February 2012, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-2 Universities' Transport Studies Group UK Annual Conference 2011
by Stephen G. Ison & Stephen Potter
October 2011, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 241-261 Defining the functional and physical compatibility of a modernized tramway rolling stock with a newly planned LRT system: a case study of Belgrade
by Branko Vasic & Vladimir Popovic & Vukan R. Vuchic & Gradimir Danon & Aleksandar Vencl - 263-279 Motorcycle-based adolescents’ travel behaviour during the school morning commute and the effect of intra-household interaction on departure time and mode choice
by M. Zudhy Irawan & Tomonori Sumi - 281-301 A framework for neighbour links travel time estimation in an urban network
by Mohamed El Esawey & Tarek Sayed - 303-315 Entropy-based estimation of transfers in a terminal
by Lishan Sun & Jian Rong & Liya Yao & Hao Xu & Hongchao Liu - 317-339 Comprehensive pavement maintenance strategies for road networks through optimal allocation of resources
by Partha Chakroborty & Pradeep Kumar Agarwal & Animesh Das - 341-371 Commuter impacts and behavior changes during a temporary freeway closure: the ‘Fix I-5’ project in Sacramento, California
by Liang Ye & Patricia L. Mokhtarian & Giovanni Circella
August 2011, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 161-173 A GPS-aided survey for assessing trip reporting accuracy and travel of students without telephone land lines
by Josée Dumont & Amer Shalaby & Matthew J. Roorda
October 2011, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 121-143 Web-based survey design for unravelling semi-compensatory choice in transport and urban planning
by Sigal Kaplan & Shlomo Bekhor & Yoram Shiftan - 145-160 Evaluating the impacts of urban corridor traffic signal optimization on vehicle emissions and fuel consumption
by Jaeyoung Kwak & Byungkyu Park & Jaesup Lee - 175-190 Gender differences in activity participation, time-of-day and duration choices: new evidence from Calgary
by Ming Zhong & Chaozhong Wu & John Douglas Hunt - 191-200 A three-stage least squares approach to the analysis of airline strategies for aircraft size and airline frequency on the north Atlantic: an airline case study
by D.E. Pitfield & R.E. Caves & M.A. Quddus - 201-219 The perception of Bus Rapid Transit: a passenger survey from Beijing Southern Axis BRT Line 1
by Taotao Deng & John D. Nelson - 221-240 An adaptive neural network-fuzzy linear regression approach for improved car ownership estimation and forecasting in complex and uncertain environments: the case of Iran
by A. Azadeh & N. Neshat & K. Rafiee & A.M. Zohrevand
November 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 31-48 Road safety issues in Pakistan: a case study of Lahore
by Zahara Batool & Oliver Carsten & Ann Jopson
September 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 17-30 Proactive empty vehicle redistribution for personal rapid transit and taxis
by John D. Lees-Miller & R. Eddie Wilson - 87-106 Choice set pruning in residential location choice modelling: a comparison of sampling and choice set generation approaches in greater London
by Alireza Zolfaghari & Aruna Sivakumar & John W. Polak - 107-120 Calibration of bus parameters in microsimulation traffic modelling
by Jing Zhang & Nick Hounsell & Birendra Shrestha
March 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 69-85 Rural car dependence: an emerging barrier to community activity for older people
by Ian Shergold & Graham Parkhurst & Charles Musselwhite
July 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 49-67 Modelling incidents for dynamic bus fleet management purposes: a UK perspective
by Polyvios Polyviou & Nick Hounsell & Birendra Shrestha
June 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-15 The grey escape: investigating older people's use of the free bus pass
by Geoffrey Andrews & Graham Parkhurst & Yusak O. Susilo & Jon Shaw
June 2011, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 857-869 A behavioral analysis of freight mode choice decisions
by Amir Samimi & Kazuya Kawamura & Abolfazl Mohammadian
August 2011, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 727-745 Effective aircraft maintenance schedule adjustment following incidents
by Shangyao Yan & Fei-Yen Hsiao & Jyunjhih Guo & Yu-Ching Chen - 823-838 Modeling time mean speed and space mean speed for heterogeneous traffic conditions
by Padma Seetharaman & Madhu Errampalli & Velmurugan Senathipati & Anuradha Shukla & Subhamay Gangopadhyay
July 2011, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 747-758 Classification of reasons for poor customer experiences in service industries: the case of public transport
by T.P. Hutchinson - 759-776 A multinomial logit car use model for a megacity of the developing world: Istanbul
by Hüseyin Onur Tezcan & Kemal Selçuk Öğüt & Barış Çidimal - 777-794 Estimating vehicle miles traveled combined with ITS data
by Hualiang Teng & Ning Wang - 795-809 Modelling waiting time for passengers transferring from rail to buses
by Shuxia Guo & Lei Yu & Xumei Chen & Yu Zhang - 811-822 Collision avoidance analysis for transition taper length
by Jinxian Weng - 839-856 Economic conditions for minibus usage in a multimodal feeder network
by Ali Gholami & Afshin Shariat Mohaymany
April 2011, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 637-645 Traffic congestion mitigation: combining engineering and economic perspectives
by K. Triantis & S. Sarangi & D. Teodorović & L. Razzolini - 647-667 Modelling parking choice behaviour using Possibility Theory
by Michele Ottomanelli & Mauro Dell'Orco & Domenico Sassanelli - 669-689 Evaluating the effects of urban congestion pricing: geographical accessibility versus social surplus
by Taede Tillema & Erik Verhoef & Bert van Wee & Dirk van Amelsfort - 691-703 Evaluating the effects of the I-35W bridge collapse on road-users in the twin cities metropolitan region
by Feng Xie & David Levinson - 705-715 A simulation-based methodology to compare the performance of highway space inventory control and ramp metering control
by Praveen Edara & Dušan Teodorović & Konstantinos Triantis & Shankar Natarajan - 717-726 Auto Restricted Zone versus price changes: a case study
by Lauren Stuart & Sudipta Sarangi
June 2011, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 509-527 Car use, commuting and urban form in a rapidly growing city: evidence from Beijing
by Pengjun Zhao - 529-545 Capacity-constrained traffic forecasting model
by Deo Chimba & Chang-Jen Lan - 547-567 Variation in the value of travel time savings and its impact on the benefits of managed lanes
by Sunil Patil & Mark Burris & W. Douglass Shaw & Sisinnio Concas - 569-592 Light Rail Rapid Transit systems for more sustainable ground accessibility of airports
by Milan Janić - 593-603 Telemetric system for monitoring and automation of railroad networks
by Jerry Lee Alves dos Santos & Rômulo César Carvalho de Araújo & Abel Cavalcante Lima Filho & Francisco Antônio Belo & José Antônio Gomes de Lima - 605-624 Shipment forecasting for supply chain collaborative transportation management using grey models with grey numbers
by Yuh-Horng Wen - 625-636 Design and evaluation of a grade-separated intersection: a case study of the proposed Belgrade ‘Hipodrom’
by Branimir Stanić & Vladan Tubić & Nikola Čelar
April 2011, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 389-411 Computing 4D near-optimal trajectories for dynamic air traffic flow management with column generation and branch-and-price
by Olivier Richard & Sophie Constans & Rémy Fondacci - 433-442 Modeling transit vehicle repair duration and active service time
by Matthew G. Karlaftis - 467-485 An empirical study of simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment procedures
by Ta-Yin Hu & Tsai-Yun Liao - 487-495 A study of motorcyclist's idling stop behavior at red lights
by Rong-Chang Jou & David Hensher & Yuan-Chan Wu & Jin-Long Liu - 497-507 Development of a delay model for unsignalized intersections applicable to traffic assignment
by Amir H. Shahpar & Hedayat Z. Aashtiani & Ardeshir Faghri
July 2011, Volume 34, Issue 5
March 2011, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 297-299 Railway operations modelling and analysis: an introduction to the special issue
by Ingo Arne Hansen - 301-322 An analysis of double-track railway line capacity
by O. Lindfeldt - 323-339 The periodic service intention as a conceptual framework for generating timetables with partial periodicity
by Gabrio Caimi & Marco Laumanns & Kaspar Schüpbach & Stefan Wörner & Martin Fuchsberger - 341-362 Effectiveness of dynamic reordering and rerouting of trains in a complicated and densely occupied station area
by F. Corman & A. D'Ariano & M. Pranzo & I.A. Hansen - 363-387 Tactical management of rail freight transportation services: evaluation of yard performance
by Marin V. Marinov & José M. Viegas
April 2011, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 259-275 Impacts of combining partial and general equilibrium modelling in freight transport analyses -- a forest sector case study from Norway
by Inger Beate Hovi & Anne Madslien & Hanne Sjølie & Birger Solberg & Erik Trømborg & Knut Veisten
February 2011, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 199-216 Evaluation of diversion strategies using dynamic traffic assignment
by Constantinos Antoniou & Haris N. Koutsopoulos & Moshe Ben-Akiva & Akhilendra S. Chauhan - 245-257 Establishing speed--flow--density relationships for exclusive motorcycle lanes
by H. Hussain & R.S. Radin Umar & M.S. Ahmad Farhan
January 2011, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 217-230 A distributed origin--destination demand estimation approach for real-time traffic network management
by Hamideh Etemadnia & Khaled Abdelghany - 231-243 Estimating arterial link speed using conventional road detectors
by Thirayoot Limanond & Nrachai Tuntiworawit - 277-295 An empirical study to determine freight travel time at a major port
by Hsing-Chung Chu
January 2011, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 109-123 Policies to deal with multimodal transport emissions: a system-of-systems approach
by Datu B. Agusdinata & Donald N. Fry & Daniel A. Delaurentis - 125-138 Problems of cost recovery by European airlines since market liberalization
by Kenneth Button & Álvaro Costa & Fabiene Costa & Carlos Cruz - 139-154 Evaluation of different contraflow strategies for hurricane evacuation in Charleston, South Carolina
by Ryan Fries & Mashrur Chowdhury & Yongchang Ma & Liz Stephen - 155-166 Improving the estimation of total and direction-based heavy-duty vehicle annual average daily traffic
by Ioannis Tsapakis & William H. Schneider & Andrew P. Nichols - 167-176 Integrating vehicle positioning data in quality control programs in public transit: a European perspective
by Yannis Tyrinopoulos - 177-197 Urban university campus transportation and parking planning through a dynamic traffic simulation and assignment approach
by Brenda I. Bustillos & Jeffrey Shelton & Yi-Chang Chiu
February 2011, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-2 Universities' Transport Studies Group UK Annual Conference 2010
by Stephen Ison & Jon Shaw
February 2010, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 413-432 Calculation of external costs for freight transport
by Erik Fridell & Mohammed Belhaj & Christina Wolf & Martin Jerksjö
August 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 51-69 The categorisation of drivers in relation to boredom
by Joan Harvey & Simon Heslop & Neil Thorpe
October 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 87-108 Older people's attitudes to road charging: are they distinctive and what are the implications for policy?
by Alexandros Nikitas & Erel Avineri & Graham Parkhurst
July 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-18 Car-following models: fifty years of linear stability analysis -- a mathematical perspective
by R.E. Wilson & J.A. Ward - 19-33 Safeguarding public health at UK airports: an examination of current health security practices
by Lucy Budd & Adam Warren & Morag Bell - 35-50 Lost in translation: problems in interpreting business attitudes to transport
by Geoff Dudley & Phil Goodwin & Glenn Lyons & Charles Musselwhite & Peter Wiltshire - 71-85 A comparison of the use of the cell transmission and platoon dispersion models in TRANSYT 13
by Mike Maher
October 2010, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 733-745 Reasons for participating in formal employer-led carpool schemes as perceived by their users
by P.E. Canning & S.J. Hughes & E.E. Hellawell & B.C.M. Gatersleben & C.J. Fairhead - 747-768 The estimation of a time-dependent OD trip table with vehicle trajectory samples
by Hyunmyung Kim & R. Jayakrishnan
September 2010, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 643-656 On the allocation of city space to multiple transport modes
by Eric J. Gonzales & Nikolas Geroliminis & Michael J. Cassidy & Carlos F. Daganzo - 657-669 Investigating the effect of travel time variability on drivers' route choice decisions in Shanghai, China
by Gan Hong-cheng & Ye Xin & Wang Qing - 671-678 Modelling car trip generations for UK residential developments using data from TRICS
by David C. Broadstock & Alan Collins & Lester C. Hunt - 679-693 Developing an integrated land-use/transportation model for small to medium-sized cities: case study of Montgomery, Alabama
by Michael J. Clay - 695-717 Quality indicators and capacity calculation for RoRo terminals
by P. Morales-Fusco & S. Saurí & B. Spuch - 719-731 Designing a decision support model for the LNG market
by Steve Engelen & Wout Dullaert
July 2010, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 551-567 Statistical mechanics for analytic planning: an application to domestic air traffic in China
by Hans Huber - 569-581 The causal relationship between GDP and domestic air passenger traffic in Brazil
by Elton Fernandes & Ricardo Rodrigues Pacheco - 583-603 Retrospect and prospect for subarea travel demand modeling: an empirical study
by Xueming Chen - 605-624 Integrated transit services for minimum cost operation considering heterogeneous demand
by Steven I.-Jy Chien & Yavuz Y. Ulusoy & Chien-Hung Wei - 625-642 Bus running time prediction using a statistical pattern recognition technique
by Nam H. Vu & Ata M. Khan
June 2010, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 465-479 Bridging the gap between complex data and decision-makers: an example of an innovative interactive tool
by Catherine Morency & Martin Trépanier & Daniel Piché & Robert Chapleau - 481-493 Locating inspection facilities in traffic networks: an artificial intelligence approach
by Milica Šelmić & Dušan Teodorović & Katarina Vukadinović - 495-513 Optimal stop spacing and headway of congested transit system considering realistic wait times
by Steven Chien & Jongho Byun & Athanassios Bladikas - 515-540 Applying a structured simulation-based methodology to assess carpooling time--space potential
by Gonçalo Correia & José Manuel Viegas - 541-549 The role of light duty vehicles in future air pollution: a case study of Sacramento
by Guihua Wang
June 2010, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 407-421 Forecasting petrol demand and assessing the impact of selective strategies to reduce fuel consumption
by Zheng Li & John M. Rose & David Hensher - 423-433 Daily newspaper distribution planning with integer programming: an application in Turkey
by Ergün Eraslan & Tusan Derya - 435-451 Seaport performance analysis using robust non-parametric efficiency estimators
by P. Simões & R.C. Marques - 453-464 An examination of the differential impact of highway capital investment on economically disparate Appalachian counties in the USA
by Samia Islam
May 2010, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 343-366 Measuring hierarchical differentiation: connectivity and dominance in the European urban network
by Nathalie Van Nuffel & Piet Saey & Ben Derudder & Lomme Devriendt & Frank Witlox - 367-384 Refining light rapid transit typology: a UK perspective
by Paul Hodgson & Stephen Potter - 385-394 Mobile phone use by young drivers: effects on traffic speed and headways
by George Yannis & Eleonora Papadimitriou & Xenia Karekla & Efrosyni Kontodima - 395-406 Optimal tank-trailer routing using the ILOG constraint programming -- a Taiwan case study
by Pei-Chun Lin & Tai Chiu Edwin Cheng & Juo-Yi Chang & Jenhung Wang
January 2010, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 237-255 Neural network models to detect airplane near-collision situations
by Rafael Palacios & Anuja Doshi & Amar Gupta & Vince Orlando & Brent R. Midwood - 329-341 An improved headway-based holding strategy for bus transit
by Bin Yu & Jin-bao Yao & Zhong-Zhen Yang
February 2010, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 257-280 Heuristic approach to the airline schedule disturbances problem
by Obrad Babić & Milica Kalić & Goran Pavković & Slavica Dožić & Mirjana Čangalović - 281-295 Utilization of behavioral studies in developing the intermodal simulator for the analysis of pedestrian traffic (ISAPT)
by Lesley Strawderman & Hohyun Lee & John M. Usher - 297-313 Interurban road network planning model with accessibility and robustness objectives
by Bruno F. Santos & António P. Antunes & Eric J. Miller - 315-328 Using bi-level programming to analyze the royalty for private--public partnership projects: the operational quantity-based model
by Chao-Chung Kang & Cheng-Min Feng & Chiu-Yen Kuo
January 2010, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 123-137 An improved Dial's algorithm for logit-based traffic assignment within a directed acyclic network
by Bing-Feng Si & Ming Zhong & Hao-Zhi Zhang & Wen-Long Jin - 139-155 Consumer learning behavior in choosing electric motorcycles
by Yen-Ching Sung - 157-176 Microscopic simulation of transit operations: policy studies with the MISTRANSIT application programming interface
by Rodrigo Fernandez & Cristian E. Cortes & Vanessa Burgos - 177-202 Predicting the walking speed of pedestrians on stairs
by Taku Fujiyama & Nick Tyler - 203-220 The airline perturbation problem: considering disrupted passengers
by Niloofar Jafari & Seyed Hessameddin Zegordi - 221-235 Capacity efficiency measurement using a three-stage DEA approach: evidence from domestic airports in Taiwan
by Ming-Miin Yu
February 2010, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-2 Universities’ Transport Studies Group UK Annual Conference 2009
by Stephen Ison & Helena Titheridge
October 2009, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-17 Public attitudes to transport: interpreting the evidence
by Phil Goodwin & Glenn Lyons - 19-34 Behavioural decisions of travel-time ratios for work, maintenance and leisure activities in the Netherlands
by Yusak O. Susilo & Martin Dijst - 35-53 Benchmarking of train operating firms -- a transaction cost efficiency analysis
by Rico Merkert & Andrew S.J. Smith & Chris A. Nash - 55-73 Modelling local rail demand in South Wales
by Simon P. Blainey & John M. Preston - 75-89 Factors that comprise driver boredom and their relationships to preferred driving speed and demographic variables
by S. Heslop & J. Harvey & N. Thorpe & C. Mulley - 91-104 On the estimation of space-mean-speed from inductive loop detector data
by Jiang Han & John W. Polak & Javier Barria & Rajesh Krishnan - 105-121 Determinants of maritime transport costs -- a panel data analysis for Latin American trade
by Gordon Wilmsmeier & Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
September 2009, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 461-497 A model and solution algorithm for dynamic deterministic user equilibrium assignment
by Jin-Su Mun - 499-526 A new fuzzy approach to estimate the O--D matrix from link volumes
by Yousef Shafahi & Reza Faturechi - 527-544 Planning school transport: design of routes with flexible school opening times
by Angel Ibeas & Jose L. Moura & Luigi dell'Olio - 545-571 Assessment of innovative transport concepts using cost--benefit analysis
by Joris Melkert & Bert van Wee
August 2009, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 401-422 A renaissance in understanding technology dynamics? The emerging concept of transition management in transportation
by Harry Geerlings & Jasper Lohuis & Bart Wiegmans & Arnoud Willemsen - 423-439 GIS-based travel demand modeling for estimating traffic on low-class roads
by Ming Zhong & Brody L. Hanson
April 2009, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 441-460 Differences in air passengers’ buying behaviour: findings from Korean and Australian international passengers
by Jin-Woo Park & Rodger Robertson & Cheng-Lung Wu
June 2009, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 313-333 Assessment of CO 2 emissions for truck-only and rail-based intermodal freight systems in Europe
by Nam Seok Kim & Bert Van Wee - 335-353 Do Design & Construct contracts for infrastructure projects stimulate innovation? The case of the Dutch high speed railway
by Hugo Priemus - 355-375 Using social theory and GIS to create a safer road environment: a new attitude
by Robert M. Arthur - 377-399 A methodology for comparing distances traveled by performance-equivalent fixed-route and demand responsive transit services
by Marco Diana & Luca Quadrifoglio & Cristina Pronello
April 2009, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 215-237 Assessing the benefits of integrated en-route transit information systems and time-varying transit pricing systems in a congested transit network
by Hualing Ren & Ziyou Gao & William H.K. Lam & Jiancheng Long - 239-260 Operational feasibility of one-dedicated-lane bus rapid transit/light rail systems
by H-S. Jacob Tsao & Wenbin Wei & Agus Pratama - 261-288 Some features of non-linear travel time models for dynamic traffic assignment
by Jin-Su Mun - 289-311 Short-term work team scheduling models for effective road repair and management
by Ching-Hui Tang & Shangyao Yan & Chia-Wei Chang
March 2009, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 115-134 A causal model relating urban form with daily travel distance through activity/travel decisions
by Kees Maat & Harry J.P. Timmermans - 135-161 Car fleet planning and management models for large event transport: the Athens 2004 Olympic Games
by Ioannis Minis & Jason Angelopoulos & Gethsimani Kyrioglou
January 2008, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 59-70 A comparative study of aggregate and disaggregate gravity models using Seoul metropolitan subway trip data
by Chansung Kim & Chang Gyu Choi & Seongkil Cho & Daehyon Kim - 71-91 A multi-stage procedure for validating microscopic traffic simulation models
by Yaser E. Hawas & Mutahar Abdel Hameed
April 2008, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 93-114 A new approach to neural trip distribution models: NETDIM
by Serkan Tapkın & Özdemir Akyılmaz
September 2008, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 613-639 Disruption Management of an Inequality-Based Multi-Fleet Airline Schedule by a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
by Tung-Kuan Liu & Chi-Ruey Jeng & Yu-Hern Chang - 663-679 The Change in Structure of Taiwan's Domestic Air Market before and after Deregulation
by Jin-Ru Yen & Jing-Cing Chen & Dong-Hua Wang - 681-692 True Walking Distance to Transit
by Alan Hoback & Scott Anderson & Utpal Dutta - 693-713 The Impact of Urban Freight Transport: A Definition of Sustainability from an Actor's Perspective
by Sönke Behrends & Maria Lindholm & Johan Woxenius
March 2008, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 641-661 Edinburgh's Congestion Charging Plans: An Analysis of Reasons for Non-Implementation
by Tom Rye & Martin Gaunt & Stephen Ison
February 2008, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 509-523 A Stated Preference Experiment for Measuring Service Quality in Public Transport
by Laura Eboli & Gabriella Mazzulla
May 2008, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 545-567 The Automatic Generation of Transhipment Plans for a Train--Train Terminal: Application to the Spanish--French Border
by José Ángel González & Eva Ponce & Carlos Mataix & Javier Carrasco
June 2008, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 487-508 A Model of Air Traffic Assignment as a Measure for Mitigating Noise at Airports: The Zurich Airport Case
by Fedja T. Netjasov - 569-588 Incorporating e-Technology to Advantage in a Greener Taxi Industry and its Impact on Driving Performance and Safety
by Wen-Chen Lee & Bor-Wen Cheng
June 2008, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 435-463 In Search of the Link between Ship Size and Operations
by Christa Sys & Gust Blauwens & Eddy Omey & Eddy Van De Voorde & Frank Witlox
March 2008, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 369-397 Analysis of Characteristics of the Dynamic Flow-Density Relation and its Application to Traffic Flow Models
by Youngho Kim & Hartmut Keller - 399-416 Auction-Based Congestion Pricing
by Dušan Teodorović & Konstantinos Triantis & Praveen Edara & Yueqin Zhao & Snežana Mladenović - 417-433 Modeling Capacity Reliability of Minor Roads at At-Grade Un-Signalized Intersections for Potential Performance Evaluation
by Tianze Xu & Heng Wei & Anastasios M. Ioannides - 465-485 Evaluating Locations for Intermodal Transport Terminals
by Rickard Bergqvist & Jonas Tornberg
January 2008, Volume 31, Issue 3
January 2008, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 135-152 Mitigating Traffic Congestion: Solving the Ride-Matching Problem by Bee Colony Optimization
by Dušan Teodorović & Mauro Dell’ Orco - 153-181 How to Incorporate the Spatial Dimension in Destination Choice Models: The Case of Antwerp
by Hakim Hammadou & Isabelle Thomas & Ann Verhetsel & Frank Witlox - 229-248 Enhancing the Travel Survey Process and Data Using the CATI System
by Catherine Morency
August 2007, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 163-185 A structural equation model of activity participation and travel behavior using longitudinal data
by Jin-Hyuk Chung & Taewan Kim & Hojong Baik & Yun-Sook Choi
September 2007, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 187-214 A suppressed demand analysis method of the transportation disadvantaged in policy making
by Yavuz Duvarci & Shoshi Mizokami
March 2007, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-25 An equivalent optimization formulation for the traffic assignment problem with asymmetric linear costs
by Louis de Grange & Juan Carlos Muñoz
May 2007, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 27-57 A demonstrative application of the bid-rent network equilibrium model
by Justin S. Chang
September 2007, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 589-612 Policy Simulation for New BRT and Area Pricing Alternatives Using an Opinion Survey in Jakarta
by Sadayuki Yagi & Abolfazl Mohammadian
February 2007, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 525-544 Imputation of Missing Traffic Data during Holiday Periods
by Zhaobin Liu & Satish Sharma & Sandeep Datla
July 2007, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 347-368 A Unified Framework for Selecting a Travel Demand Forecasting Model for Developing Countries
by Hannibal Bwire