2013, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 196-204 Community health workers – motivation and incentives
by Gabrielle Appleford - 205-216 Are healthier people happier? Evidence from Chile and Uruguay
by Mariana Gerstenblüth & Máximo Rossi - 217-231 The making and unmaking of community-based water supplies in Manila
by Petr Matous - 232-248 Rural development and migration in Mexico
by Andrew Wainer - 249-263 Evolution of input supply and service hubs in dairy development at Ada'a milk shed in Ethiopia
by Moti Jaleta & Berhanu Gebremedhin & Azage Tegegne & Samson Jemaneh & Tesfaye Lemma & Dirk Hoekstra - 264-277 Fostering rural sense of place: the missing piece in Uturu, Nigeria
by Uchendu Chigbu - 278-291 The global financial crisis and self-help groups in rural India: are there lessons from their micro savings model?
by Meera Tiwari - 292-298 Decommissioning dams in India: a comparative assessment of Mullaperiyar and other cases
by Arnab Chowdhury - 299-311 Using the Five Capabilities (5C) model: making a virtue of necessity
by Peter Huisman & Lieke Ruijmschoot - 312-313 Development Cooperation and Emerging Powers: New Partners or Old Patterns?
by Osvaldo Feinstein - 313-315 Privatizing the Democratic Peace: Policy Dilemmas of NGO Peacebuilding
by Norma De La Cruz - 315-316 Diaspora for Development in Africa
by Dharam Ghai
2013, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 3-20 From philanthropy to corporate social responsibility in Guatemala: assessing shifts through
by Gary Bland & Anna Wetterberg - 21-32 Spoiling the situation: reflections on the development and research field
by Tanya Jakimow - 33-45 Evaluation of Dutch support to capacity development
by Piet de Lange - 46-56 Cordaid's experience with impact evaluation
by Francois Lenfant & Rens Rutten - 57-68 Time poverty, gender and well-being: lessons from the Kyrgyz Swiss Swedish Health Programme
by Julian Walker - 69-78 Reaching beyond the health post: Community-based surveillance for polio eradication
by Dora Curry & Filimona Bisrat & Ellen Coates & Penny Altman - 79-89 Fertility differential by husbands' occupational status and income in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand, India
by Ayesha Jamal & Farasat Siddiqui - 90-106 Using participatory impact diagrams to evaluate a community development project in Kenya
by Juliet Kariuki & Jemimah Njuki - 107-122 Are women self-help group members economically more empowered in left-run municipalities?
by Zakir Husain & Diganta Mukerjee & Mousumi Dutta - 123-136 The discourse of “development” and why the concept should be abandoned
by Aram Ziai - 137-144 Improving NGO governance: practical applications of the GATE approach
by Alan Fowler - 145-150 Exploring strengths-based approaches in the design of a family planning project in Kenya
by Gabrielle Appleford - 151-152 Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest: Concepts, Policies, and Politics
by Mokbul Ahmad - 152-153 Empowered Participation or Political Manipulation? State, Civil Society and Social Funds in Egypt and Bolivia
by Sylvia Bergh
November 2012, Volume 22, Issue 8
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1063-1064 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 1065-1081 Shrinking operational space of NGOs – a framework of analysis
by Chris van der Borgh & Carolijn Terwindt - 1082-1096 An investigation into the training of community development workers within South Africa
by Peter Westoby & Rubert van Blerk - 1097-1108 Establishing cooperatives for effective community development in rural China
by David Bromwich & Max Saunders - 1109-1121 From paternalism to participation: the motivations and understandings of the “developers”
by Hannah Green - 1122-1134 Collective action and promotion of forest based associations on non-wood forest products in Cameroon
by William Armand Mala & Julius Chupezi Tieguhong & Ousseynou Ndoye & Sophie Grouwels & Jean Lagarde Betti - 1135-1146 Beyond access to water
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 1147-1149 Africa's Odious Debts: How Foreign Loans and Capital Flight Bled the Continent
by Mfaniseni Fana Sihlongonyane - 1149-1151 Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account
by Rajesh Sampath
September 2012, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 893-894 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 895-908 Fostering “Why not?” social initiatives – beyond business and governments
by Henry Mintzberg & Guilherme Azevedo - 909-920 Learning for capacity development: a holistic approach to sustained organisational change
by Phum Thol & Sim Chankiriroth & Dennis Barbian & Graeme Storer - 921-931 Immersion for organisational learning in Tanzania
by Rinus van Klinken - 932-945 Debt-for-development exchanges in Australia: past, present and future
by Luke Fletcher & Adele Webb - 946-961 Reforming accountability in international NGOs: making sense of conflicting feedback
by Thomas W. D. Davis & Kate Macdonald & Scott Brenton - 962-977 Do organisational forms of the coffee supply chain matter in poverty reduction?
by Abdoul Murekezi & Songqing Jin & Scott Loveridge - 978-990 Cost effectiveness of seed fairs relative to direct relief distribution in Zimbabwe
by Kizito Mazvimavi & Tarisayi Pedzisa & Conrad Murendo & Isaac J. Minde & Patrick V. Ndlovu - 991-1005 The banking sector intervention in the microfinance world: a study of bankers' perception and outreach to rural microfinance in India with special reference to the state of Punjab
by Sangeeta Arora & Meenu - 1006-1018 “Your kool-aid is not my kool-aid”: ideologies on microfinance within an INGO culture
by Payal Arora - 1019-1035 Impact assessment in the Sustainable Livelihood Framework
by Fédes van Rijn & Kees Burger & Eefje den Belder - 1036-1043 Taking research where the practice is: a tale of two programmes from BRAC
by Syed Masud Ahmed - 1044-1056 To what extent does social policy design address social problems? Evidence from the “70 y más” programme in Mexico
by Jesus Gastelum Lage - 1057-1058 Relational Accountability: Complexities of Structural Injustice
by Thomas Franklin - 1059-1060 Congo Masquerade. The political culture of aid inefficiency and reform failure
by Mieke Berghmans - 1060-1061 The Agrarian Question in the Neoliberal Era: Primitive accumulation and the peasantry
by Brian Pratt - 1062-1062 Erratum
by The Editors
August 2012, Volume 22, Issue 5-6
- 621-633 Religion and development: subjecting religious perceptions and organisations to scrutiny
by Carole Rakodi - 634-650 A framework for analysing the links between religion and development
by Carole Rakodi - 651-662 The life a person lives: religion, well-being and development in India
by Sarah C. White & Joseph Devine & Shreya Jha - 663-674 Pentecostalism and development in Kibera informal settlement, Nairobi
by Gregory Deacon - 675-688 Religious values and beliefs and education for women in Pakistan
by Tamsin Bradley & Rubina Saigol - 689-703 Thinking about faith-based organisations in development: where have we got to and what next?
by Emma Tomalin - 704-720 Are faith-based organisations distinctive? Comparing religious and secular NGOs in Nigeria
by Robert Leurs - 721-734 Faith in forms: civil society evangelism and development in Tanzania
by Maia Green & Claire Mercer & Simeon Mesaki - 735-748 The role of religious values and beliefs in charitable and development organisations in Karachi and Sindh, Pakistan
by Nida Kirmani - 749-762 The role of a transnational religious network in development in a weak state: the international links of the Episcopal Church of Sudan
by Nancy T. Kinney - 763-778 Trajectories of transnational Muslim NGOs
by Marie Juul Petersen - 779-791 Givers and governance: the potential of faith-based development in the Asia Pacific
by Alec Thornton & Minako Sakai & Graham Hassall - 792-802 Strengthening the voice of the poor: religious organisations' engagement in policy consultation processes in Nigeria and Tanzania
by Michael Taylor - 803-818 The role of religion in women's campaigns for legal reform in Nigeria
by Fatima L. Adamu & Oluwafunmilayo J. Para-Mallam - 819-834 Playing broken telephone: assessing faith-inspired health care provision in Africa
by Jill Olivier & Quentin Wodon - 835-850 Have financial difficulties compromised Christian health services' commitment to the poor?
by Peter Rookes & Jean Rookes - 851-866 Pro-poor? Class, gender, power, and authority in faith-based education in Maharashtra, India1
by Martin Rew & Zara Bhatewara - 867-874 Practising Buddhism in a development context: Sri Lanka's Sarvódaya movement
by Chandima Daskon & Tony Binns - 875-882 Islam and development practice: HIV/AIDS in South Africa
by Logan Cochrane & Suraiya Nawab - 883-892 Addressing dependency with faith and hope: the Eagles Relief and Development Programme of the Living Waters church in Malawi
by Rick James
June 2012, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 435-435 Dedication
by The Editors - 436-436 Preface
by Jo Boyden - 437-447 Introduction: development, children, and protection
by William Myers & Michael Bourdillon - 448-459 Beyond war: ‘suffering’ among displaced Congolese children in Dar es Salaam
by Gillian Mann - 460-472 Protecting children from trafficking in Benin: in need of politics and participation
by Neil Howard - 473-485 The spatialisation of child protection: notes from the occupied Palestinian territory
by Jason Hart - 486-497 Following the law, but losing the spirit of child protection in Kenya
by Elizabeth Cooper - 498-509 Children's migration for work in Bangladesh: the policy implications of intra-household relations
by Karin Heissler - 510-522 Child protection and harmful traditional practices: female early marriage and genital modification in Ethiopia
by Jo Boyden & Alula Pankhurst & Yisak Tafere - 523-535 Global priorities against local context: protecting Bhutanese refugee children in Nepal
by Rosalind Evans & Rachel Mayer - 536-548 Rethinking orphanhood and vulnerability in Ethiopia
by Gina Crivello & Nardos Chuta - 549-561 Children's responses to risk in agricultural work in Andhra Pradesh, India
by Virginia Morrow & Uma Vennam - 562-573 ‘Risky lives’: risk and protection for children growing-up in poverty
by Kirrily Pells - 574-587 Action research exploring information communication technologies (ICT) and child protection in Thailand
by Philip H. Cook & Cheryl Heykoop & Athapol Anuntavoraskul & Jutarat Vibulphol - 588-599 Child protection: a role for conditional cash transfer programmes?
by Natalia Streuli - 600-612 Listening to Iraqi refugee children in Jordan, but then what? Exploring the impact of participatory research with children
by Martha Nelems & Vanessa Currie - 613-620 Concluding reflections: how might we really protect children?
by William Myers & Michael Bourdillon
May 2012, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 277-278 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 279-294 Addressing challenges of social assistance schemes: rights-based approach in Orissa, India
by Dipankar Datta & Sisir Kanta Pradhan - 295-304 Donors, beneficiaries, or NGOs: whose needs come first? A dilemma in Afghanistan
by Roya Rahmani - 305-316 Measuring development results: lessons from Ethiopia
by Getachew Mequanent - 317-333 The evaluation practices of US international NGOs
by Jiyoung Kang & Steven G. Anderson & Dan Finnegan - 334-346 Designing food security projects: Kapchorwa and Bukwo, Uganda
by Francis Alinyo & Terry Leahy - 347-360 Managing interactions in the informal water market: the case of Kisumu, Kenya
by Gerryshom Munala & Harald Kainz - 361-372 Educating the (neo-liberal) citizen: reflections from India
by Arun Kumar - 373-384 Passing on the gift as an approach to sustainable development programmes
by James De Vries - 385-399 Mechanisms and instruments of sustainable development
by Hadi Veisi & Humman Liaghati & Fakhradin Hashmi & Khalid Edizadehi - 400-408 More practical lessons from five projects on disability-inclusive development
by Sue Coe - 409-416 Rethinking risk in development projects: from management to resilience
by Kent Schroeder & Michael Hatton - 417-426 Practical innovations for strengthening Community-Led Total Sanitation: selected experience from Asia
by Carmen da Silva Wells & Christine Sijbesma - 427-429 Barefoot Guide 2: Learning Practices in Organisations and Social Change
by Bruce Britton - 429-429 The New Scramble for Africa
by Ashton Fourie - 430-430 Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict
by Nilani Ljunggren De Silva - 431-432 Women and Change in Cyprus: Feminisms and Gender in Conflict
by Tina Wallace - 433-434 Child Migration in Africa
by Dharam Ghai
April 2012, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 141-142 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 143-153 Programmes for the promotion of home herbal gardens: what challenges ahead?
by Maria Costanza Torri - 154-163 A rural support programme exit strategy: women filling vacated spaces and excelling in community development
by Shaheen Rafi Khan & Shahrukh Rafi Khan - 164-179 Gender, health, and Fairtrade: insights from a research-action programme in Nicaragua
by Lori Hanson & Vincent Terstappen & Christopher M. Bacon & Jannie Leung & Alejandra Ganem-Cuenca & Sandro Raúl Díaz Flores & María Asunción Meza Rojas - 180-189 Is the doctor on? In search of users for medical software in rural Himalayas
by Payal Arora - 190-201 Signs speak as loud as words: deaf empowerment in Namibia
by Davíð Bjarnason & Valgerður Stefánsdóttir & Lizette Beukes - 202-215 Defining empowerment: perspectives from international development organisations
by Monique Hennink & Ndunge Kiiti & Mara Pillinger & Ravi Jayakaran - 216-228 Variables affecting fieldworkers of NGOs in Pakistan
by Muhammad Haroon Siddique & Mokbul Morshed Ahmad - 229-243 Advocacy communication for peacebuilding
by Jan Servaes & Patchanee Malikhao - 244-255 Coping with participation in small island states: the case of aid in Tuvalu
by Nicki Wrighton & John Overton - 256-266 Voices from the field: optimising performance for humanitarian workers
by Jared Katz & Déborah Nguyen & Carla Lacerda & Gerald Daly - 267-271 Effectiveness of 3MTM PetrifilmTM as a teaching tool in rural Mali
by Matthew D. Seib & Katherine C. Arnold & Blair Orr - 272-273 Inside the Everyday Lives of Development Workers: The Challenges and Futures of Aidland
by Thomas Franklin - 273-274 Mobilising for Democracy: Citizen Action and the Politics of Public Participation
by Norma De La Cruz - 275-275 Erratum
by The Editors - 276-276 Erratum
by The Editors
February 2012, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 3-17 Farmer field schools for integrated watershed management
by Craig Thorburn - 18-30 Sustainability testing for development projects
by Jan Servaes & Emily Polk & Song Shi & Danielle Reilly & Thanu Yakupitijage - 31-43 Why do indigenous municipalities in Mexico have worse piped water coverage?
by Marcela González Rivas - 44-56 Volunteering in the developing world: the perceived impacts of Canadian youth
by Rebecca Tiessen & Barbara Heron - 57-70 Decentralisation and delivery of urban basic services: the West Bengal experience
by Soumyadip Chattopadhyay - 71-90 Unintended consequences of development interventions: a case of diarrhoeal diseases, Ruhiira, Uganda
by Shai A. Divon & Cassandra E. Bergstrøm - 91-97 Cooperation in aquaculture rehabilitation and development in Aceh, Indonesia
by Michael A. Rimmer & Michael J. Phillips & P. Arun Padiyar & Coco Kokarkin & Sugeng Raharjo & Samsul Bahrawi & Cut Desyana - 98-103 Planning and implementation of a community-based approach to reintegration programmes of ex-combatants
by Victor Asiedu - 104-109 Beating storms and droughts: the Erdenedalai weather network in the Mongolian Gobi
by Wang Xiaoli & Ronnie Vernooy - 110-122 Child welfare and the UNHCR: a case for pre-resettlement refugee parenting education
by Nombasa Williams - 123-134 NGOs and Western hegemony: causes for concern and ideas for change
by Glen W. Wright - 135-136 Development and Religion: Theology and Practice
by Rick James - 136-138 Poverty and Disability
by Jan Knight - 138-139 Cotton, Computers and Citizenship: A Story of Economic and Social Change among Rural Communities in Northeastern Brazil
by David Sogge - 140-140 Erratum
by The Editors
November 2011, Volume 21, Issue 8
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1035-1036 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 1037-1049 Integrating learning into organisational capacity development of Cambodian NGOs
by Jenny Pearson - 1050-1061 Post-Soviet universities as development in practice: local experience and global lessons
by Norma-Jo Baker - 1062-1079 Social Network Analysis to evaluate organisational networks on sexual health and rights
by Roger Drew & Peter Aggleton & Paul Boyce & Helen Chalmers & Clare Maxwell & Saroj Pachauri & Felicity Thomas & Ian Warwick & Kate Wood - 1080-1093 HIV/AIDS prevention: building on community strengths in Ajegunle, Lagos
by Christian Iyiani & Tony Binns & Pat Shannon - 1094-1108 Youth organisations as learning organisations: exploring special contributions and challenges
by Celina Del Felice & Lillian Solheim - 1109-1121 Can microcredit worsen poverty? Cases of exacerbated poverty in Bangladesh
by ATM Jahiruddin & Patricia Short & Wolfram Dressler & M. Adil Khan - 1122-1137 Women's economic empowerment through microfinance in Cambodia
by Daraka Chhay - 1138-1152 Innovation in forage development: empirical evidence from Alaba Special District, southern Ethiopia
by Abebe Shiferaw & Ranjitha Puskur & Azage Tegegne & Dirk Hoekstra - 1153-1167 Dynamics of remittance practices and development: Bangladeshi overseas migrants
by A. K.M. Ahsan Ullah - 1168-1175 Towards ethically sound participatory research with marginalised populations: experiences from India
by K. S. Mohindra & D. Narayana & Slim Haddad - 1176-1177 The Crisis Caravan: What's Wrong with Humanitarian Aid?
by Hugh Goyder - 1177-1178 From Political Won't to Political Will – Building Support for Participatory Governance
by Lars Udsholt - 1178-1179 Book Review
by Mieke Berghmans
September 2011, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 911-912 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 913-929 How to strengthen the development effectiveness of local purchase for food aid
by Ruud Bronkhorst - 930-942 NGOs and post-violence community development: holistic, multi-track ventures in Afghanistan
by Chuck Thiessen - 943-958 Competitiveness and decent work in Global Value Chains: substitutionary or complementary?
by Kenta Goto - 959-973 Motivation in humanitarian health workers: a self-determination theory perspective
by Natasha Tassell & Ross Flett - 974-986 Identity and learning in international volunteerism: ‘Sport for Development and Peace’ internships
by Simon C. Darnell - 987-998 Revisiting the Paris Declaration Agenda – an inclusive, realistic orientation for aid effectiveness
by Masumi Owa - 999-1012 Mainstreaming globalisation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers in the Asia-Pacific region
by Jeet Bahadur Sapkota - 1013-1022 Making aid effective at the community level: the AMREF experience
by David Ojakaa & Elizabeth Okoth & Sam Wangila & Meshack Ndirangu & Naomi Mwangi & Festus Ilako - 1023-1027 Teaching Amina to read
by Aarthi Rao - 1028-1029 The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention and Care in Central America
by Rick James - 1029-1031 Oblivion or Utopia: The Prospects for Africa
by John Beauclerk - 1031-1033 Deconstructing Development Discourse: Buzzwords and Fuzzwords
by David Marsden
August 2011, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 777-778 Editorial
by Brian Pratt - 779-789 Corporate social responsibility performance in the Niger Delta: beyond two constitutive orthodoxies
by Kiikpoye K. Aaron - 790-805 A comparative analysis of microfinance and conditional cash transfers in Latin America
by Ana Pantelić - 806-821 Attitude counts: engaging with rice farmers in West Africa
by Paul Van Mele & Jeffery W. Bentley & Rosaline Maiga Dacko & Kalifa Yattara & George K. Acheampong - 822-833 Digital technology uses for sustainable management of natural resources in multicultural contexts
by Oscar A. Forero - 834-847 Transdisciplinary innovation research in Uzbekistan – one year of ‘Follow-the-Innovation’
by Anna-Katharina Hornidge & Mehmood Ul Hassan & Peter P. Mollinga - 848-859 Physically disabled women's creditworthiness in Village Development Fund: evidence from Thailand
by Theeraphong Bualar - 860-869 Development for whom? Homosexuality and faith-based development in Zimbabwe
by Jonathan Connor - 870-879 A framework for understanding civil society in action
by John Beauclerk - 880-893 Microfinance in online space: a visual analysis of
by Venkataramana Gajjala & Radhika Gajjala & Anca Birzescu & Samara Anarbaeva - 894-898 Papua International Biodiversity Conference: banking on the social capital Conference report of the International Biodiversity Conference for Sustainable Development in Papua Land (Jayapura, 11–15 November 2009)
by Mochamad Indrawan & Noak Kapisa & Agustinus Rumansara - 899-901 Learning and development: three essential books
by Alan Fowler - 902-903 Poverty and Elusive Development
by Olivier Rubin - 903-905 Blood on the Stone: Greed, Corruption and War in the Global Diamond Trade
by Susan Elliott - 905-907 The Change Imperative: Creating the Next Generation NGO
by Bruce Britton - 907-909 Women and Indigenous Religions
by Deborah Eade
June 2011, Volume 21, Issue 4-5
- 455-459 Foreword
by Deborah Eade - 460-471 Global food-price shocks and poor people – an overview
by Marc J. Cohen & Melinda Smale - 472-480 Subsistence farming as a safety net for food-price shocks
by Alain de Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet - 481-487 Understanding and responding to the links between conflict and hunger
by Ellen Messer & Marc J. Cohen - 488-492 Gender and the global food-price crisis
by Agnes Quisumbing & Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Julia Behrman & Lucy Basset - 493-508 The links between food security and seed security: facts and fiction that guide response
by Shawn McGuire & Louise Sperling - 509-516 Genetically modified crops and the ‘food crisis’: discourse and material impacts
by Glenn Davis Stone & Dominic Glover - 517-525 The long-term implications of the 2007–08 commodity-price boom
by John Baffes - 526-535 Which instruments best tackle food price instability in developing countries?
by Franck Galtier - 536-549 Bearing risk is hard to do: crop price risk transfer for poor farmers and low-income countries
by Leander Schneider - 550-565 The Mexican tortilla crisis of 2007: the impacts of grain-price increases on food-production chains
by Alder Keleman & Hugo García Rañó - 566-577 Food crisis, small-scale farmers, and markets in the Andes
by Carlos A. Perez & Claire Nicklin & Sarela Paz - 578-589 The effects of changing food prices on welfare and poverty in Guatemala
by Miguel Robles & Meagan Keefe