1998, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 486-491 BOOK REVIEW Managing Ethnic Conflict in Africa: Pressures and Incentives for Co-operation
by The Editors - 492-498 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 499-499 In Brief
by The Editors - 500-504 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors - 505-505 Acknowledgements
by The Editors
1998, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 277-278 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 280-296 Beyond development, what?
by Gustavo Esteva & Madhu Suri Prakash - 297-308 NGOs and advocacy: How well are the poor represented?
by Warren Nyamugasira - 309-322 NGOs in peace-keeping operations: Their role in Mozambique
by Sam Barnes - 323-334 Eurodad's campaign on multilateral debt: The 1996 HIPC debt initiative and beyond
by Sasja Bo Kkerink & Ted Van Hees - 335-342 Corporate governance for NGOs?
by Mick Moore & Sheelagh Stewart - 343-349 Viewpoint NGOs, civil society and the state: Avoiding theoretical extremes in real world issues
by Alan Whaites - 349-353 Beyond the NGO-government divide: Network NGOs in East Africa
by Marinus K Van Klinken - 353-357 All rights guaranteed-all actors accountable: Poverty is a violation of human rights
by Grahame Russell - 357-361 Social policy reform and participation in Latin America: The Bolivian experiment
by Simon Ticehurst - 362-366 Practical Notes Working under pressure: How people and organizations can achieve more
by Gerald Daly - 366-371 Sustainable self-help development efforts in the Cameroon grassfields
by Acho-Chi - 372-373 Conference Report Principled aid in an unprincipled world
by Chris Dolan - 375-378 Research Round-Up Pre-departure briefing for aid workers
by Gordon Knowles - 379-387 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 388-393 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 394-395 In Brief
by The Editors - 396-400 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
1998, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 133-134 Editorial
by Debroah Eade - 136-147 Sanctioned violence: Development and the persecution of women as witches in South Bihar
by Puja Roy - 148-157 Men's violence against women in rural Bangladesh: Undermined or exacerbated by microcredit programmes?
by Sidney Ruth Schuler & Syed M Hashemi & Shamsul Huda Badal - 159-172 Institutionalizing gender in UK NGOs
by Tina Wallace - 173-185 Gender lost and gender found: Brac's Gender Quality Action-Learning Programme
by Aruna Rao & David Kelleher - 186-202 Assessing autonomy among Sahelian women: An analytical framework for women's production work
by Paule Simard - 203-211 Viewpoint Power, institutions and gender relations: Can gender training alter the equations?
by Ranjani K Murthy - 211-216 Economic crisis helps to 'demarginalize' women
by Catherine Lema Forje - 217-220 Analysis and advocacy on a European policy on conflict prevention: A viewpoint
by Koenraad Van Brabant - 221-225 Practical Notes Empowerment at village level through a workshop method
by Ehsan Ullah Tareen & Abu Omar - 225-228 Slum dwellers' diagnosis of their own needs: Implications for community development in Nigeria
by Rosemary E Nwangwu - 228-233 Testing environmental impacts of development projects
by Marc Verneirt & Dimitri Devuyst & Luc Hens - 235-241 Research Round-Up Women's empowerment and micro-finance programmes: Strategies for increasing impact
by Linda Mayoux - 241-245 The informal pharmaceuticals market in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Kizito Nsarhaza Bishikwabo - 246-256 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 257-262 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 263-263 In Brief
by The Editors - 265-269 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
February 1998, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by The Editors - 8-20 Development theatre and the process of re-empowerment: The Gibeon story
by Alex Mavrocordatos - 21-29 Technological change among peasants in Central Argentina
by Daniel M. Ca Ceres & Philip J Woodhouse - 30-39 From development by effects to development by contexts via communication
by Emmanuel Kasongo - 40-53 A new age of social movements: A fifth generation of non-governmental development organizations in the making?
by Ignacio De Senillosa - 54-63 Capacity-building: The making of a curry
by William Postma - 64-67 Viewpoints Paulo Freire 1921-1997 - a philosophy of hope, a life of practice
by Raff Carmen - 68-74 The People's Communication Charter
by Cees J Hamelink - 74-78 Ambivalent messages: Organizational purposes of NGOs and images of the South
by Hideki Moro - 79-85 Practical Notes Information for action: The Clearinghouse Project
by Gayle Gibbons - 85-90 SatelLife-linking information and people: The last ten centimeters
by The Editors - 90-94 Video for recording and training in participatory development
by Nicola Frost & Carolyn Jones - 95-98 Conference Report Global Knowledge: A US NGO Perspective
by Jillaine Smith - 99-109 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 110-116 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 117-117 In Brief
by The Editors - 118-118 Networks in Progress
by The Editors - 119-123 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors - 124-124 Corrigendum
by The Editors
1997, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 339-341 Editorial
by The Editors - 342-352 Relief agencies and moral standing in war: Principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and solidarity1
by Hugo Slim - 353-362 The humanitarian responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council: Ensuring the security of the people1
by Juan Somavia - 363-374 For better? For worse? Humanitarian aid in conflict1
by David Bryer & Edmund Cairns - 375-383 Dismantling former Yugoslavia, recolonising Bosnia
by Michel Chossudovsky - 384-394 Non-neutral humanitarianism: Ngos and the Rwanda crisis
by Andy Storey - 395-401 Viewpoint
by Elizabeth Lira - 402-407 Feedback
by Alastair Ager - 408-415 Practical Notes
by Simon Maxwell - 415-420 Feminise our forests: Consultation on the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development
by Reema Nanavaty - 420-424 Land-use options for rural development
by Krishna B Ghimire - 424-427 Commercial sex and the single girl: Women's empowerment through economic development in Thailand
by Rachel G Sacks - 428-431 Research Round-Up
by Graeme Buckley - 432-435 Conference Report
by Thalia Kidder - 436-437 Building Bridges in Southern Africa: Reconstruction, and Reconciliation inTimes of Change Conflict
by Suzanne Williams & Deborah Eade - 438-455 Sustainable peace-building in the South: Experiences from Latin America
by Jenny Pearce - 456-463 Transition in El Salvador: A multi-layered process
by Martha Thompson - 464-474 Rwanda: Beyond ethnic conflict'
by Anne Mackintosh - 475-478 Reconstruction and reconciliation: Emerging from transition
by Graeme Simpson - 479-482 Collective memory and the process of reconciliation and reconstruction
by Wiseman Chirwa - 483-486 Reconciliation: The role of truth commissions and alternative ways of healing
by Noel Muchenga Chicuecue - 487-489 Reconciliation in Zimbabwe: Reality or illusion?
by Val Ingham-Thorpe - 490-493 Physical, psychological, and political displacement in Angola and Mozambique
by Francisco Tunga Alberto - 494-496 Child soldiers: The experience of the Mozambican Association for Public Health AMOSAPU
by Viriato Castelo-Branco - 497-499 Training for peace
by Glenda Caine - 500-504 Change and continuity: The challenge of transition
by Deborah Eade - 505-509 reconstruction, and reciprocal lessons for NGOs in Africa and Central America
by Martha Thompson - 510-515 Further Reading
by The Editors - 516-516 List of Symposium Participants
by The Editors - 517-522 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 523-529 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 530-530 In Brief
by The Editors - 531-552 Abstracts in Translation
by The Editors
1997, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 227-228 Editorial
by The Editors - 229-236 Framing participation
by David Craig & Doug Porter - 237-247 Sustainable development at the sharp end
by Cecile Jackson - 248-259 Participatory Development
by Dan Connell - 260-266 Participation in social forestry re-examined: a case-study from Bangladesh
by Niaz Ahmed Khan & Showkat Ara Begum - 267-275 Agricultural growth and ‘trickle-down’ reconsidered: evidence from rural India
by Shalendra D Sharma - 276-293 Viewpoint
by The Editors - 294-303 Practical Notes
by The Editors - 304-307 Research Round-up
by The Editors - 308-311 Conference Report
by The Editors - 312-322 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 323-328 Book Shelf
by The Editors
1997, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 115-116 Editorial
by The Editors - 117-129 Food and poverty in the Americas: Institutional and policy obstacles to efficiency in food aid
by Solon Barraclough - 130-139 Banking on the poor: Peru's small and micro enterprise sector
by Susana Pinilla Cisneros - 140-147 The Tobin Tax: Another lost opportunity?
by Robert Johnson - 148-156 The evaporation of gender policies in the patriarchal cooking pot
by Sara Hlupekile Longwe - 157-166 South African NGOs and the trials of transition
by Edgar Pieterse - 167-178 Viewpoint
by The Editors - 179-196 Practical Notes
by The Editors - 197-198 Conference report
by The Editors - 199-202 Research Round-Up
by The Editors - 203-207 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 208-214 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 215-216 In Brief
by The Editors
1997, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial
by The Editors - 5-16 The global struggle for the right to a place to live
by Miloon Kothari - 17-25 Communal conflict, NGO s, and the power of religious symbols 1
by Joseph G Bock - 26-38 African rural labour and the World Bank: An alternative perspective
by Deborah Fahy Bryceson & John Howe - 39-49 Junto con los ninos: Street children in Mexico
by Gareth A Jones - 50-58 Empowerment and survival: Humanitarian work in civil conflict
by Martha Thompson - 59-69 Viewpoint
by The Editors - 70-81 Practical Notes
by The Editors - 82-88 Feedback
by The Editors - 89-91 Conference Report
by The Editors - 92-96 Research Round-Up
by The Editors - 97-101 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 102-106 Book Shelf
by The Editors - 107-108 In Brief
by The Editors
1996, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 291-292 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 293-303 Manufacturing and consuming knowledge
by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza - 304-314 The WTO and foreign investment
by Martin Khor - 315-323 Agrarian reform
by Cristina Liamzon - 324-333 Empowerment and survival
by Martha Thompson - 334-351 The right to protection from sexual assault: The Indian antirape campaign
by Geetanjali Gangoli - 352-363 Dealing with hidden issues: Trafficked women in Nepal
by Meena Poudel & Anita Shrestha - 364-369 Networks, support groups, and domestic violence
by Purna Sen - 370-370 Feedback
by The Editors - 371-375 When corporations rule the world
by Susan George - 376-381 African studies in social movements and democracy
by The Editors - 382-382 News in brief
by The Editors - 383-396 La dépolitisation du développement: Usages et abus de la participation
by The Editors
1996, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 195-195 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 196-207 ‘Dancing with the prince’: Ngo's survival strategics in the Afghan conflict
by Jonathan Goodhand & Peter Chamberlain - 208-216 Handing over an operational project to community management in North Darfur, Sudan
by Peter Strachan - 217-227 Institutional development in practice: A case-study from the Tibetan refugee community
by Thomas Fisher & Vijay Mahajan & Tsering Topgyal - 228-239 New communication technologies in tropical African development
by Jerry Komia Domatob & Willam Ausmus & John Butler - 240-249 Let's get civil society straight: Ngos and political theory
by Alan Whaites - 250-261 Brazilian NGOs: From grassroots to national civic leadership
by John Garrison - 262-269 NGOs and the State: A casestudy from Uganda
by Christy Cannon - 270-271 NGOs, civil society and the State: Building democracy in transitional countries
by Chris Roche - 272-278 Faith and freedom: Women's human rights in the muslim world
by Haleh Afshah - 279-283 News in brief
by The Editors
1996, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 99-99 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 100-112 Micro-finance evangelism, 'destitute women', and the hard selling of a new anti-poverty formula
by Ben Rogaly - 113-120 Women targeted and women negated
by Manzurul Mannan - 121-128 Realistic rehabilitation
by Martin Whiteside - 129-139 Development without a peasantry
by Marina Ottaway - 140-143 Gender and development: A SAFE recipe
by Suzette Mitchell - 144-164 Financial sustainability in savings and credit programmes
by Mark Havers - 165-173 Urban women's informal savings and credit systems in Zambia
by Caroline O'Reilly - 173-173 Feedback
by The Editors - 174-175 Beijing: A conference of commitments?
by Susan Davis - 176-185 World development report 1995: Workers in an integrating world
by Gita Sen - 186-188 News in brief
by The Editors
1996, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-5 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 6-15 Depoliticising development: The uses and abuses of participation
by Sarah C White - 16-24 Participatory appraisal in the UK urban health sector
by Teresa Cresswell - 25-36 Women in the informal sector
by Fiona Leach - 37-49 Indigenous NGOs and refugee assistance
by Roger Zetter - 50-69 Gender studies and gender training in Africa
by Deborah Hope Kasente - 70-76 Supporting education in emergencies: A case study from southern Sudan
by Alison Joyner - 77-80 A review of university libraries in Africa
by Diana Rosenberg - 81-88 Adjustment and poverty: Options and choices
by Ashvin Dayal