February 2010, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 152-154 One World: A Global Anthology of Short Stories
by Deborah Eade
November 2009, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 955-963 Guest editors’ introduction: Active citizenship and social accountability
by Matthew Clarke & Bruce Missingham - 964-980 Active citizenship or passive clientelism? Accountability and development in Solomon Islands
by John Cox - 981-996 ‘Situating’ active citizenship: historical and contemporary perspectives of women's organising in the Pacific
by Nicole George - 997-1008 The modern face of traditional agrarian rule: local government in Pakistan
by Nadeem Malik - 1009-1022 Oxfam Australia's experience of ‘bottom–up’ accountability
by Chris Roche - 1023-1034 Global Connections: ‘A Tool for Active Citizenship’
by Lisa Schultz & José Roberto Guevara & Samantha Ratnam & Ani Wierenga & Johanna Wyn & Charlotte Sowerby - 1035-1051 Citizen-driven reform of local-level basic services: Community-Based Performance Monitoring
by David W. Walker - 1052-1063 Social accountability and community forest management: the failure of collaborative governance in the Wombat Forest
by Nathanial Matthews & Bruce Missingham - 1064-1078 Over the border and under the radar: can illegal migrants be active citizens?
by Matthew Clarke - 1079-1080 Creating Credibility: Legitimacy and Accountability for Transnational Civil Society
by Robert E Kelly - 1081-1082 NGOs in International Law: Efficiency in Flexibility?
by Akima Paul - 1082-1084 Networking Futures: The Movements Against Corporate Globalization
by Anita Howarth - 1084-1086 Making Poverty: A History
by Josie Calvert - 1086-1088 Global Development 2.0: Can Philanthropists, the Public, and the Poor Make Poverty History?
by Anna Melland - 1088-1089 Earth Matters: Indigenous Peoples, The Extractive Industries and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Xavier Dias - 1089-1091 The Throes of Democracy: Brazil Since 1989
by Sergio Murillo Pinto - 1091-1093 SAS2: A Guide to Collaborative Inquiry and Social Engagement
by Paula Claycomb - 1094-1095 Acknowledgements
by The Editors - 1096-1101 Index to Volume 19
by The Editors
2009, Volume 19, Issue 7
- 823-824 Editorial
by The Editors - 825-836 Changing families and communities: an LGBT contribution to an alternative development path
by Peter Drucker - 837-848 Why a managerialist pursuit will not necessarily lead to achievement of MDGs
by Donald Curtis & Yeow Poon - 849-858 Facilitators of development or Kapos for capital: the primrose path to GATS
by Jon Cloke - 859-872 Relationships, learning, and trust: lessons from the SNV–RECOFTC partnership
by Sango Mahanty & Yurdi Yasmi & John Guernier & Rob Ukkerman & Lucia Nass - 873-883 Probiotics in Tanzania: a multi-partner development project
by Sandra Smeltzer & Grace Flesher & Ellena Andoniou - 884-894 Garden of Eden? The impact of resettlement on squatters' ‘agri-hoods’ in Fiji
by Alec Thornton - 895-905 Walking together: the journey of the Non-Aligned Movement and the women's movement
by Devaki Jain & Shubha Chacko - 906-911 Re-thinking the integration of women in population development initiatives
by Carolette Norwood - 912-922 The emergence of a fourth pillar in development aid
by Patrick Develtere & Tom De Bruyn - 923-932 Developing small production and marketing enterprises: mushroom contract farming in Bangladesh
by Md. Zamil & Jean-Joseph Cadilhon - 933-937 Diary of a participatory advocacy film project: transforming communication initiatives into living campaigns
by Emilie Flower & Brigid McConville - 938-939 Social Justice and Development
by Anne Leewis - 939-940 Moving Out Of Poverty: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility
by Ndwakhulu Tshishonga - 940-942 Social Policies and Private Sector Participation in Water Supply: Beyond Regulation
by José Castro - 942-943 Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South
by Mona Luxion - 943-945 The New Global Frontier: Urbanization, Poverty and Environment in the 21st Century
by Wellington Thwala - 945-947 Alleviating Poverty Through Business Strategy
by Martin Kalungu-Banda - 947-948 Do Bicycles Equal Development in Mozambique?
by Ndwakhulu Tshishonga - 949-950 Citizens Abroad: Emigration and the State in the Middle East and North Africa
by Ángela Suárez Collado - 950-952 Feminism and War: Confronting US Imperialism
by Rosemary Galli - 952-954 International Development Studies: Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
by Hannah Sanderson
2009, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 689-691 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 692-701 ‘Development is a bag of cement’: the infrapolitics of participatory budgeting in the Andes
by John Cameron - 702-713 Indigenous protest, social networks, and ethnic stereotyping: some insights from the Peruvian Amazon
by Lucy Earle - 714-725 Transnational peace building: bringing salt and light to Colombia and the USA
by Loramy Gerstbauer - 726-736 Analysing social-change practice in the Peruvian Amazon through a feminist reading of participatory communication research
by Elizabeth Rattine-Flaherty & Arvind Singhal - 737-751 Solidarity economy and recycling co-ops in São Paulo: micro-credit to alleviate poverty
by Jutta Gutberlet - 752-758 Ethical predicaments for anthropologists: the Peruvian case
by Norma Fuller - 759-765 On the road to Accra, via Canada and County Kerry
by Tina Wallace - 766-776 El Niño: an adaptive response to build social and ecological resilience
by Peter Urich & Liza Quirog & William Granert - 777-788 Measuring the impact of fair trade on development
by Ruerd Ruben & Ricardo Fort & Guillermo Zúñiga-Arias - 789-792 How partnership works
by Thomas Franklin - 793-798 Redefining development for national security: implications for civil society
by Katie Wright - 799-802 Gender in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Manila, October 2008
by Ines Smyth - 803-805 Countering Development – Indigenous Modernity and the Moral Imagination
by Renato Athias - 805-807 Haiti in the Balance – Why Foreign Aid Has Failed and What We Can Do About It
by John Cropper - 807-809 Europe's Last Frontier? Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine between Russia and the European Union; The New Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova
by Lyudmyla Pustelnyk - 809-811 Development Aid in Russia: Lessons from Siberia
by Nicholas Colloff - 811-812 Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence and the Poverty of Nations
by Tarcisius Mukuka - 812-815 Philanthrocapitalism. How the Rich Can Save the World and Why We Should Let Them; Just Another Emperor? The Myths and Realities of Philanthropic Capitalism
by Hugo Sintes - 815-816 Business Planning for Turbulent Times: New Methods for Applying Scenarios
by Richard Grahn - 816-818 International Politics of HIV/AIDS: Global Disease – Local Pain
by John Harvey - 818-819 Female Sex Trafficking in Asia. The Resilience of Patriarchy in a Changing World
by Majda Hrženjak - 819-821 Development Policy as a Way to Manage Climate Change Risks (Climate Policy 8 (2), . 99–240)
by Catherine Pettengell - 822-822 Corrigendum
by The Editors
2009, Volume 19, Issue 4-5
- 443-452 Citizens' media and communication
by Jethro Pettit & Juan Salazar & Alfonso Dagron - 453-465 Playing with fire: power, participation, and communication for development
by Alfonso Dagron - 466-478 Negotiating power: community media, democracy, and the public sphere
by Saima Saeed - 479-490 ‘Neither silent nor invisible’: anti-poverty communication in the San Francisco Bay Area
by Dorothy Kidd & Bernadette Barker-Plummer - 491-503 From mouthpiece to public service: donor support to radio broadcasters in new democracies
by Simon Milligan & Graham Mytton - 504-513 Self-determination in practice: the critical making of indigenous media
by Juan Salazar - 514-524 Electronic dreaming tracks: Indigenous community broadcasting in Australia
by Michael Meadows - 525-537 Radio, control, and indigenous peoples: the failure of state-invented citizens' media in Mexico
by Antoni Castells-Talens & José Ramos Rodríguez & Marisol Chan Concha - 538-549 Transforming images: reimagining women's work through participatory video
by Usha Harris - 550-559 Theatre for transformation and empowerment: a case study of Jana Sanskriti Theatre of the Oppressed
by Sandra Mills - 560-572 Sexual-health communication across and within cultures: the Clown Project, Guatemala
by Anthony Savdié & Andrew Chetley - 573-584 Participatory content creation: voice, communication, and development
by Jo Tacchi & Jerry Watkins & Kosala Keerthirathne - 585-597 Mobile phones and community development: a contact zone between media and citizenship
by Gerard Goggin & Jacqueline Clark - 598-609 Four steps to community media as a development tool
by Stefania Milan - 610-620 Rebel voices and radio actors: in pursuit of dialogue and debate in northern Uganda
by Maggie Ibrahim - 621-629 Transforming public space: a local radio's work in a poor urban community
by Dora Navarro - 630-642 Moved to act: communication supporting HIV social movements to achieve inclusive social change
by Robin Vincent & Lucy Stackpool-Moore - 643-653 The state of the art in citizens’ communication for social change in Spain
by Alejandro Barranquero - 654-664 Citizens' publications that empower: social change for the homeless
by Claudia Magallanes-Blanco & Juan Pérez-Bermúdez - 665-677 Creating knowledge for action: the case for participatory communication in research
by Laura Cornish & Alison Dunn - 678-687 Giving voice: instigating debate on issues of citizenship, participation, and accountability
by Samuel Kafewo
May 2009, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 285-287 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 288-299 Who will guard the guardians? Amartya Sen's contribution to development evaluation
by Stephen Porter & Jacques de Wet - 300-310 Changes in villagers' knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes concerning gender roles and relations in Bangladesh
by Md. Abdul Alim - 311-328 Transformative learning and mind-change in rural Afghanistan
by Friedrich W. Affolter & Katja Richter & Karimullah Afaq & Assadullah Daudzai & M. Taofiq Massood & Niamatullah Rahimi & Ghotai Sahebian - 329-339 Women and NGO professionalisation: a case study of Jordan
by Janine A. Clark & Wacheke M. Michuki - 340-349 Memory, suffering, survival tactics, and healing among Jopadhola women in post-war Uganda
by Marijke Abel & Annemiek Richters - 350-364 Privatisation of urban water and sewerage services in Turkey: some trends
by Tayfun Cinar - 365-370 Lessons from selected development policies and practices
by Michael Chibba - 371-380 Learning from innovation: implications of an integrated development project in Chiapas, Mexico
by John Burstein - 381-385 Research into practice: a comprehensive approach
by Jens Aagaard-Hansen & Annette Olsen - 386-395 Mapping the road to development: a methodology for scaling up participation in policy processes
by Donald R. Nelson & Marcelo T. Folhes & Timothy J. Finan - 396-402 Health and hygiene behaviour change: bottom–up meets top–down in Tibet
by Choeden Yeshi & Puchung Wangdui & Susan Holcombe - 403-413 Perceptions and practices of farmer empowerment in Tanzania
by Dismas Lyegendili Mwaseba & Amon Zacharia Mattee & Randi Kaarhus & Evelyne Albert Lazaro & Zebedayo Samwel Kayanda Mvena & Raphael Munanka Wambura & Elimpaa Daniel Kiranga - 414-420 Challenging conventional views on mobile-telecommunications investment: evidence from conflict zones
by Agnieszka Konkel & Richard Heeks - 421-423 World Heritage and Public Works: Development Co-operation for Poverty Alleviation
by Devi Roza Kausar - 424-426 The Ethical Trading Initiative: Tenth Anniversary Conference
by Peter Williams - 427-429 Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations and Challenges; Gender Myths and Feminist Fables: The Struggle for Interpretive Power in Gender and Development
by Deborah Eade - 429-431 States, Scarcity and Civil strife in the developing world
by Robert A. Dowd - 431-432 Globalization and Its Counterforces in Southeast Asia
by Robert E. Kelly - 433-434 Transitional justice and reconciliation after violent conflict: learning from African experiences
by Margaret Panighel - 434-436 Development, Divinity and Dharma: The Role of Religion in Development and Microfinance Institutions
by Renny Gye - 436-437 City Futures: confronting the crisis of urban development
by Mona Luxion - 437-439 Enticing the Learning: Trainers in Development
by Alan Rogers - 439-441 Hijacking America: How the Religious and Secular Right Changed What Americans Think
by Rosemary Galli
April 2009, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 133-135 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 136-147 ‘Community development’ as a buzz-word
by Mfaniseni Fana Sihlongonyane - 148-159 Dimensions, manifestations, and perceptions of gender equity: the experiences of Gram Vikas
by R. V. Jayapadma - 160-172 Structures, values, and interaction in field-level partnerships: the case of UNHCR and NGOs
by Christian Mommers & Margit van Wessel - 173-186 Learning from experience in urban programming: the case of the SHAHAR project in Bangladesh
by Sanzidur Rahman - 187-199 Maize diversity, poverty, and market access: lessons from Mexico
by Alder Keleman & Hugo García Rañó & Jon Hellin - 200-213 More money, new household cultural dynamics: women in micro-finance in Ghana
by Cynthia Arku & Frank S. Arku - 214-226 Mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS on rural livelihoods in Southern Africa
by Gladys B. Mutangadura & Bjorg Sandkjaer - 227-232 The Dominican Republic and Central America Free Trade Agreement with the USA: some concerns
by Sherrow O. Pinder - 233-239 Valuation of natural resources: efficiency and equity
by Michiel Keyzer & Ben Sonneveld & Wim van Veen - 240-247 Hanging in, stepping up and stepping out: livelihood aspirations and strategies of the poor
by Andrew Dorward & Simon Anderson & Yolanda Nava Bernal & Ernesto Sánchez Vera & Jonathan Rushton & James Pattison & Rodrigo Paz - 248-258 Identifying barriers to GIS-based land management in Guatemala
by Christopher A. Badurek - 259-265 The role of government and NGOs in slum development: the case of Dhaka City
by Enamul Habib - 266-267 Building the International Criminal Court
by Henning Hahn - 267-269 International Water Security: Domestic Threats and Opportunities
by Robert E. Kelly - 269-271 The State Of Resistance: Popular Struggles In The Global South
by Dip Kapoor - 271-272 NGOs as Advocates for Development in a Globalising World
by Tarcisius Mukuka - 272-273 Africa and the New Globalization
by Mfaniseni Fana Sihlongonyane - 273-275 Britain in Africa
by Tarcisius Mukuka - 275-277 An East Asian Model for Latin American Success: The New Path
by Adrian H. Hearn - 277-279 Accountability Politics: Power and Voice in Rural Mexico
by Tim Trench - 279-281 Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Fair Trade, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central America
by Pablo Gutman - 281-283 Research Skills for Policy and Development: How To Find Out Fast & World Bank / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
by Jean-François Brière
2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 3-15 Reflections on innovation, assessment, and social change: a SPARC case study
by Sheela Patel & Sheridan Bartlett - 16-27 Complexities in natural-resource management: irrigation infrastructure in Bihar
by Rahul Ramagundam - 28-38 Why does Community-Based Rehabilitation fail physically disabled women in northern Thailand?
by Theeraphong Bualar & Mokbul Ahmad - 39-50 Peer education in sexual and reproductive health programming: a Cambodian case study
by Sarah Knibbs & Neil Price - 51-60 Are current aid strategies marginalising the already marginalised? Cases from Tanzania
by Jim Kinsella & Eamonn Brehony - 61-71 Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and the rhetoric of participation
by Palash Kamruzzaman - 72-78 Urban governance and service delivery in Nigeria
by Massoud Omar - 79-86 Capacity development for good governance in developing societies: lessons from the field
by Kempe Hope - 87-93 The gender dimension of migration in India: the politics of contemporary space in Orissa and Rajasthan
by Wasudha Bhatt - 94-102 Private extension-service provision for smallholder horticultural producers in Kenya: an approach
by Brigitte Nyambo & A. Sief & Ana Varela & B. Löhr & Jerry Cooper & Hans Dobson - 103-105 An innovative approach to building stronger coalitions: the Net-Map Toolbox
by Eva Schiffer & Jessica Peakes - 106-112 Insider–outsider positions in health-development research: reflections for practice
by Jan Ritchie & Anthony Zwi & Ilse Blignault & Anne Bunde-Birouste & Derrick Silove - 113-115 The Roots of African Conflicts: The Causes and Costs; The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution & Post-Conflict Reconstruction
by Joseph Bock - 115-117 The Congo Wars: Conflict, Myth and Reality
by Rosemary Galli - 117-119 Oil and politics in the Gulf of Guinea
by Rosemary Galli - 119-120 Land and Sustainable Development in Africa
by Tarcisius Mukuka - 120-122 Environmental Justice in Latin America – Problems, Promise and Practice
by Judith Alazraque - 122-124 Development, Civil Society and Faith-Based Organisations
by Martin Rew - 124-125 A New Politics of Identity: Political Principles in an Interdependent World
by Len Bloom - 125-127 Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development
by Deborah Eade - 127-129 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Shaping of Global Public Policy
by Jo Zaremba - 129-131 The New Development Management
by Brenda Lipson - 132-132 Erratum
by The Editors
November 2008, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 671-672 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 673-685 On the agenda: North–South research partnerships and agenda-setting processes
by Megan Bradley - 686-700 Building synergies in development research: is it time for the Mosaic Approach?
by Claire Heffernan - 701-712 Mediators or partners? Practitioner perspectives on partnership
by Vandra Harris - 713-725 Inequality, environmental injustice, and racism in Brazil: beyond the question of colour
by Tania Pacheco - 726-734 Rethinking poverty alleviation: a ‘poverties’ approach
by Edward R. Carr - 735-747 Rights-based approaches to development: what is the value-added?
by Paul Gready - 748-754 How international NGOs could do less harm and more good
by Martin Barber & Cameron Bowie - 755-766 What could Development Studies be?
by Andy Sumner & Michael Tribe - 767-773 UN contributions to development thinking and practice
by Dharam Ghai - 774-778 Developing critical thinking in NGO field staff
by Connell Foley - 779-788 The role of non-timber forest products in poverty reduction in India: prospects and problems
by Golam Rasul & Madhav Karki & Ram P. Sah - 789-800 Trade liberalisation, rural poverty, and the environment: global discussions and local cases
by Pablo Gutman - 801-804 Good Governance and Development; Public Administration and Democratic Governance: Governments Serving Citizens; Learning Civil Societies: Shifting Contexts for Democratic Planning and Governance
by Jo Rowlands - 804-806 Global Democracy. The Struggle for Political and Civil Rights in the 21st Century
by Henning Hahn - 806-807 Mobilizing for Human Rights in Latin America
by Nicolas Gutman - 808-810 Religion and Development: Conflict or Cooperation?; Development and Faith: Where Mind and Soul Work Together
by Nida Kirmani - 810-812 The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why It Matters
by Martin Kalungu-Banda - 812-814 Public Health and Human Rights: Evidence-based Approaches
by Nana K. Poku - 814-815 Civil War is Not a Stupid Thing: Accounting for Violence in Developing Countries
by David Keen - 816-817 The Media and the Rwanda Genocide
by Bernard Tabaire - 817-820 The Pulse of Humanitarian Assistance; The Disaster Gypsies – Humanitarian Workers in the World's Deadliest Conflicts
by Nicholas Stockton - 820-821 Springs of Participation: Creating and Evolving Methods for Participatory Development; Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place
by Wellington Didibhuku Thwala - 821-823 Do It Yourself: A Handbook for Changing Our World
by Tarcisius Mukuka - 823-824 The World's Scavengers: Salvaging for Sustainable Consumption and Production
by David Walker - 824-826 Corporate Social Responsibility and International Development: Is Business the Solution?
by Jo Zaremba - 827-827 Erratum
by The Editors - 828-828 Acknowledgements
by The Editors - 829-833 Index to Volume 18
by The Editors
2008, Volume 18, Issue 4-5
- 467-478 Operationalising participatory research and gender analysis: new research and assessment approaches
by Nina Lilja & John Dixon - 479-488 Some common questions about participatory research: a review of the literature
by Nina Lilja & Mauricio Bellon - 489-505 The lost 1990s? Personal reflections on a history of participatory technology development
by Stephen Biggs - 506-523 Impact assessment of farmer institutional development and agricultural change: Soroti district, Uganda
by Esbern Friis-Hansen - 524-538 No more adoption rates! Looking for empowerment in agricultural development programmes
by Andrew Bartlett - 539-550 Appraisal of methods to evaluate farmer field schools
by Francesca Mancini & Janice Jiggins - 551-563 Engaging with cultural practices in ways that benefit women in northern Nigeria
by Annita Tipilda & Arega Alene & Victor Manyong - 564-575 Strategies for out-scaling participatory research approaches for sustaining agricultural research impacts
by Aden Aw-Hassan - 576-589 Integrating participatory elements into conventional research projects: measuring the costs and benefits
by Andreas Neef - 590-598 Participatory research practice at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
by Nina Lilja & Mauricio Bellon - 599-610 Making poverty mapping and monitoring participatory
by Li Xiaoyun & Joe Remenyi