September 1993, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 507-529 Expatriation, Repatriation, and Domestic Geographical Relocation: An Empirical Investigation of Adjustment to new Job Assignments
by Daniel C Feldman & Holly B Tompson - 531-555 Government Intervention in the Venezuelan Petroleum Industry: An Empirical Investigation of Political Risk
by Mona Verma Makhija - 557-573 Foreign Exchange Risk Management Practices and Products Used by Australian Firms
by Jonathan Batten & Robert Mellor & Victor Wan - 575-587 A Comparison of Canadian and Japanese Cognitive Styles: Implications for Management Interaction
by Neil R Abramson & Henry W Lane & Hirohisa Nagai & Haruo Takagi - 589-600 Outward Direct Investment by Indonesian Firms: Motivation and Effects
by Donald J Lecraw
June 1993, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 209-231 On the Internationalization Process of Firms: A Critical Analysis
by Otto Andersen - 233-248 Expatriate Managers′ Loyalty to the MNC: Myth or Reality? An Exploratory Study
by Moshe Banai & William D Reisel - 249-275 Differences in Managerial Values: A Study of U.S., Hong Kong and PRC Managers
by David A Ralston & David J Gustafson & Fanny M Cheung & Robert H Terpstra - 277-290 Country-of-origin Effects of Foreign Investments in the People's Republic of China
by Frederick W Schroath & Michael Y Hu & Haiyang Chen - 291-306 Partitioning Country of Origin Effects: Consumer Evaluations of a Hybrid Product
by Paul Chao - 307-333 International Manufacturing Strategies of U.S. Multinationals: A Conceptual Framework Based on a Four-Industry Study
by Frank L DuBois & Brian Toyne & Michael D Oliff - 335-355 Determinants of FDI Incentive Preferences of MNEs
by Robert J Rolfe & David A Ricks & Martha M Pointer & Mark McCarthy - 357-371 Geographic Segment Disclosure and the Predictive Ability of the Earnings Data
by Nasrollah Ahadiat - 373-381 Market Reaction to the Formation of Export Trading Companies by American Banks
by Lawrence Kryzanowski & Nancy D Ursel - 383-391 The views of American Multinational CEOs on Internationalized Business Education for Prospective Employees
by Donald A Ball & Wendell H McCulloch
March 1993, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Management of Multinational R&D: A Neglected Topic in International Business Research
by Joseph L C Cheng & Douglas S Bolon - 19-40 Determinants of LDC Exporters′ Performance: A Cross-National Study*
by Luis V Dominguez & Carlos G Sequeira - 41-60 An Empirical test of a Judgemental International Classification of Financial Reporting Practices
by Timothy S Doupnik & Stephen B Salter - 61-80 Organizational Predictors of expatriate Job Satisfaction
by Earl Naumann - 81-99 Component Sourcing Strategies of Multinationals: An Empirical Study of European and Japanese Multinationals
by Paul M Swamidass & Masaaki Kotabe - 101-120 Government Policies, Market Imperfections, and Foreign Direct Investment
by Thomas L Brewer - 121-144 The Location of Export-Oriented Foreign Direct Investment in the Caribbean Basin
by Douglas P Woodward & Robert J Rolfe - 145-154 Tax Effect on the Debt Denomination Decision of Multinational Projects
by Y Angela Liu & L Paul Hsueh
December 1992, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 605-635 On the Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Intensity
by Andrea Bonaccorsi - 637-658 State Government Promotion of Manufacturing Exports: A Gap Analysis
by Masaaki Kotabe & Michael R Czinkota - 659-674 The Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices in the USA and Japan: An Empirical Study
by Susumu Ueno & Uma Sekaran - 675-696 The Globalization of Service Multinationals in the “Triad” Regions: Japan, Western Europe and North America
by Jiatao Li & Stephen Guisinger - 697-713 A Study of Union Ability to Secure the First Contract in Foreign-Owned Firms in the USA
by Rajib N Sanyal & Joao S Neves - 715-735 Implementing Global Strategy: Characteristics of Global Subsidiary Mandates
by Kendall Roth & Allen J Morrison - 737-760 Toward a Theoretical Framework of Repatriation Adjustment
by J Stewart Black & Hal B Gregersen & Mark E Mendenhall - 761-771 A Note on the Transnational Solution and the Transaction Cost Theory of Multinational Strategic Management
by Alan M Rugman & Alain Verbeke - 773-787 Patterns of Convergence and Divergence Among Industrialized Nations: 1960-1988
by C Samuel Craig & Susan P Douglas & Andreas Grein
September 1992, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 387-418 An Empirical Comparison of Soviet1 and American Business Negotiations
by John L Graham & Leonid I Evenko & Mahesh N Rajan - 419-442 Competition in Global Markets: A Case Study of American and Japanese Competition in the British Market
by Peter Doyle & John Saunders & Veronica Wong - 443-459 Differential British and U.S. Adoption Rates of Investments Project Post-Completion Auditing
by C W Neale & Peter J Buckley - 461-476 The Expansion of Foreign Direct Investments: Discrete Rational Location Choices or a Cultural Learning Process?
by Gabriel R G Benito & Geir Gripsrud - 477-497 Matching Product Category and Country Image Perceptions: A Framework for Managing Country-of-Origin Effects
by Martin S Roth & Jean B Romeo - 499-531 A Conceptual Model of Expatriate Turnover
by Earl Naumann - 533-549 International Configuration and Coordination Archetypes for Medium-Sized Firms in Global Industries
by Kendall Roth - 551-569 Academic and Professional Communities of Discourse: Generating Knowledge on Transnational Human Resource Management
by Nancy J Adler & Susan Bartholomew
June 1992, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 203-223 Foreign and Domestic Divestments: Evidence on Valuation Effects of Plant Closings
by George P Tsetsekos & Michael J Gombola - 225-249 Why are Developing Countries Privatizing?
by Ravi Ramamurti - 251-269 Effects of Consumer Preferences for Foreign Sourced Products
by Victor V Cordell - 271-293 Career Management Issues Facing Expatriates
by Daniel C Feldman & David C Thomas - 295-309 An Issue-Area Approach to the Analysis of MNE-Government Relations
by Thomas L Brewer - 311-331 A Framework for Integrated Risk Management in International Business
by Kent D Miller - 333-359 Innovation Orientation, Environment and Performance: A Comparison of U.S. and European Markets
by Franklyn A Manu
March 1992, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-27 Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode: Impact of Ownership, Location and Internationalization Factors
by Sanjeev Agarwal & Sridhar N Ramaswami - 29-53 Global Strategy and Multinationals' Entry Mode Choice
by W Chan Kim & Peter Hwang - 55-75 Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity of Chief Executive Officers in International Joint Ventures
by Oded Shenkar & Yoram Zeira - 77-99 Influence of Role Stress on Industrial Salespeople's Work Outcomes in the United States, Japan and Korea
by Alan J Dubinsky & Ronald E Michaels & Masaaki Kotabe & Chae Un Lim & Hee-Cheol Moon - 101-132 Understanding the Domain of Cross-National Buyer-Seller Interactions
by Sudhir H Kale & John W Barnes - 133-145 Performance and Interaction Routines in Multinational Corporation
by Martin Kilduff - 147-168 A Comparative Study of U.S. and Japanese Patent Systems
by Masaaki Kotabe - 169-179 Management Style and Productivity in Two Cultures
by Tom Morris & Cynthia M Pavett
December 1991, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 555-578 Environmental Risks and Joint Venture Sharing Arrangements
by Weijian Shan - 579-601 Interfirm Diversity, Organizational Learning, and Longevity in Global Strategic Alliances
by Arvind Parkhe - 603-617 Management Control Systems for J.I.T.: An Empirical Comparison of Japan and the U.S
by Shirley J Daniel & Wolf D Reitsperger - 619-649 Exchange Rate Changes and the Distribution of Industry Value
by Timothy A Luehrman - 651-670 A Cross-National Investigation of Industrial Salespeople's Ethical Perceptions
by Alan J Dubinsky & Marvin A Jolson & Masaaki Kotabe & Chae Un Lim - 671-694 When Yankee Comes Home: Factors Related to Expatriate and Spouse Repatriation Adjustment
by J Stewart Black & Hal B Gregersen - 695-710 Non-Tariff Barriers and U.K. Investment in the European Community
by Andrew I Millington & Brian T Bayliss - 711-721 Incentives and Response Rates to Cross-National Business Surveys: A Logit Model Analysis
by David Jobber & Hafiz Mirza & Kee H Wee - 723-736 The Interrelationships Between U.S. and Foreign Equity Market Yields: Tests of Granger Causality
by Steven J Cochran & Iqbal Mansur
September 1991, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 341-368 Information-Processing Theory and the Multinational Enterprise
by William G Egelhoff - 369-402 Global Strategy Implementation at the Business Unit Level: Operational Capabilities and Administrative Mechanisms
by Kendall Roth & David M Schweiger & Allen J Morrison - 403-428 When in Rome? The Effects of Cultural Adaptation on Intercultural Business Negotiations
by June N P Francis - 429-444 Coordination Demands of International Strategies
by Jon I Martinez & J Carlos Jarillo - 445-460 A Critical Assessment of the Eclectic Theory of the Multinational Enterprise
by Masahiko Itaki - 461-477 The Other Half of the Picture: Antecedents of Spouse Cross-Cultural Adjustment
by J Stewart Black & Hal B Gregersen - 479-501 The Experience Factor in Foreign Market Entry Behavior of Service Firms
by M Krishna Erramilli - 503-526 Rivalry as Synergy? The Japanese Automobile Companies' Export Expansion
by Dominique M Hanssens & Johny K Johansson
June 1991, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 177-186 Relevance in International Business Research: A Need for More Linkages
by John D Daniels - 187-207 Selling Machinery to China: Chinese Perceptions of Strategies and Relationships
by Norman McGuinness & Nigel Campbell & James Leontiades - 209-224 Comparative Business Failures of Foreign-Controlled Firms in the United States
by Jiatao Li & Stephen Guisinger - 225-247 The U-Curve Adjustment Hypothesis Revisited: A Review and Theoretical Framework
by J Stewart Black & Mark Mendenhall - 249-263 Measuring Performance of International Joint Ventures
by J Michael Geringer & Louis Hebert - 265-288 Prediction of Earnings Forecasts: The Case of U.S. Multinationals
by Juan M Rivera - 289-305 Cross-Cultural Examination of the Fishbein Behavioral Intensions Model
by Chol Lee & Robert T Green - 307-322 Distinguishing Between Related and Unrelated International Geographic Diversification: A Comprehensive Measure of Global Diversification
by Sushil Vachani
March 1991, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-21 Large Firms in the Production of the World’s Technology: An Important Case of “Non-Globalisation”
by Pari Patel & Keith Pavitt - 23-39 An Analysis of Information Content in Standardized vs. Specialized Multinational Advertisements
by Barbara Mueller - 41-62 Strategic Determinants of Partner Selection Criteria in International Joint Ventures
by J Michael Geringer - 63-78 Partner Contributions as Predictors of Equity Share in International Joint Ventures
by Linda Longfellow Blodgett - 79-97 A Test of Theories Underlying the Japanese Lifetime Employment System
by Jeremiah J Sullivan & Richard B Peterson - 99-113 Managerial Behaviors and Job Performance: A Successful Manager in Los Angeles May Not Succeed in Hong Kong
by J Stewart Black & Lyman W Porter - 115-133 Cross-National Comparison of Export Promotion Services: The Views of Canadian and Austrian Companies
by F H Rolf Seringhaus & Guenther Botschen - 135-142 The Determinants of Country Risk Ratings
by Jean-Claude Cosset & Jean Roy - 143-153 An Analysis of Significant Contributions to the International Business Literature
by Allen J Morrison & Andrew C Inkpen
December 1990, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 519-539 Do Corporate Codes of Ethics Reflect National Character? Evidence from Europe and the United States
by Catherine C Langlois & Bodo B Shlegemilch - 541-564 An Empirical Analysis of the Integration-Responsiveness Framework in Global Industries
by Kendall Roth & Allen J Morrison - 565-596 The Long Path to the IBM-Mexico Agreement: An Analysis of the Microcomputer Investment Negotiations 1983–86
by Stephen E Weiss - 597-622 International Perceptions of Cost Constraints on Voluntary Information Disclosures: A Comparative Study of U.K. and U.S. Multinationals
by Sidney J Gray & Lee H Radebaugh & Clare B Roberts - 623-638 The Relationship Between offshore Souring and Innovativeness of U.S. Multinational Firms: An Empirical Investigation
by Masaaki Kotabe - 639-655 Behavioral Relations in Across-Culture Distribution System: Influence, Control and Conflict in U.S., Japanese Marketing Channels
by Jean L Johnson & Tomoaki Sakano & Naoto Onzo - 657-665 Problems and Developments in the Core Theory of International Business
by Peter J Buckley - 667-678 An Examination of Country and Culture-Based Differences in Compensation Practices
by Anthony M Townsend & K Dow Scott & Steven E Markham
September 1990, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 357-381 The Role of Expatriates in the Management of Interdependence Complexity and Risk in Multinational Corporations
by Nakiye Boyacigiller - 383-408 Linking Product and Process Innovations and Modes of International Sourcing in Global Competition: A Case of Foreign Multinational Firms
by Masaaki Kotabe & Janet Y Murray - 409-425 Transfer Pricing Determinants of U.S. Multinationals
by Mohammad F Al-Eryani & Pervaiz Alam & Syed H Akhter - 427-450 A Longitudinal Study Comparing Perceptions of U.S. and Japanese Consumer Products in a Third/Neutral Country: Finland 1975 to 1985
by John R Darling & Van R Wood - 451-468 A Four Nation Study of thee Relationship Between Marketing Effectiveness, Corporate Culture, Corporate Values and Market Orientation
by David Norburn & Sue Birley & Mark Dunn & Adrian Payne - 469-485 The Determinants of Export Decisions and Attitudes to a Distant Market: Norwegian Fishery Exports to Japan
by Geir Gripsrud - 487-494 Setting the Record Straight: Hymer, Internationalization Theory and Transaction Cost Economics
by Haruo Horaguchi & Brian Toyne - 495-504 Multinational Companies and International Trade: The Impact of Intrafirm Shipment on U.S. Foreign Trade 1977-1982
by F Steb Hipple
June 1990, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 189-224 Examining Event Study Methodologies in Foreign Exchange Markets
by Chuck C Y Kwok & LeRoy D Brooks - 225-242 The Exchange Rate Exposure of a Global Competitor
by Timothy A Luehrman - 243-270 Some Empirical Dimensions of Countertrade
by Jean-Francois Hennart - 271-287 A Market Performance Comparison of U.S. Firms Active in Domestic, Developed and Developing Countries
by J Markham Collins - 289-300 Japan vs Silicon Valley: Quality-Cost Trade-Off Philosophies
by Wolf D Reitsperger & Shirley J Daniel - 301-317 A Comparison of the Plant Location Strategies of Foreign and Domestic Manufacturers in the U.S
by Paul M Swamidass - 319-330 The Role of Product-Specific Factors in Intra-Firm Trade of U.S. Manufacturing Multinational Corporations
by Kang Rae Cho
March 1990, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-22 Firm Ownership Preferences and Host Government Restrictions: An Integrated Approach
by Benjamin Gomes-Casseres - 23-40 International Orientation as a Precondition for Export Success
by Erwin Dichtl & Hans-Georg Koeglmayr & Stefan Mueller - 41-54 FDI Theories and the Performance of Foreign Multinationals Operating in the U.S
by Wi Saeng Kim & Esmeralda O Lyn - 55-73 Ownership Patterns of U.S. Joint Ventures Abroad and the Liberalization of Foreign Government Regulations in the 1980s: Evidence from the Benchmark Surveys
by Farok J Contractor - 75-93 The Importance of Work Goals: An International Perspective
by Itzhak Harpaz - 95-117 Sovereign Debt Ratings: A Judgmental Model Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process
by Ronald A Johnson & Venkat Srinivasan & Paul J Bolster - 119-132 An Empirical Analysis of the Unionization of Foreign Manufacturing Firms in the U.S
by Rajib N Sanyal - 133-153 The Evolution of the U.S. International Trade Intermediary in the 1980s: A Dynamic Model
by Anne C Perry
September 1989, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 411-436 The Study of International Business: A Plea for a More Interdisciplinary Approach
by John H Dunning - 437-463 Examining Generic Competitive Strategy Types in U.S. and European Markets
by Susan P Douglas & Dong Kee Rhee - 465-487 Multinational Parent Companies' Influence over Human Resource Decisions of Affiliates: U.S. Firms in Mexico
by Zaida L Martinez & David A Ricks - 489-514 The Evolution of Research on Coordination Mechanisms in Multinational Corporations
by Jon I Martinez & J Carlos Jarillo - 515-537 Cross-Cultural Interaction: The International Comparison Fallacy?
by Nancy J Adler & John L Graham - 539-552 Combination of Forecasts in the International Context: Predicting Debt Reschedulings
by Briance Mascarenhas & Ole Christian Sand - 553-564 International Business Education: A Corporate View
by Paul W Beamish & Jonathan L Calof
June 1989, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 211-234 Can the “New Forms of Investment” Substitute for the “Old Forms”? A Transaction Costs Perspective
by Jean-François Hennart - 235-254 Control and Performance of International Joint Ventures
by J Michael Geringer & Louis Hebert - 255-267 Syndicated Euro-Credit Sovereign Risk Assessments, Market Efficiency and Contagion Effects
by John Doukas - 268-279 Risk Transmission in International Banking: An Analysis of 48 Central Banks
by Charles E Maxwell & Lawrence J Gitman - 280-295 Total Protection: A New Measure of the Impact of Government Interventions on Investment Profitability
by Stephen Guisinger - 296-314 Firm-Specific Strategic Advantages and Foreign Direct Investments Behavior of Firms: The Case of Japanese Semiconductor Firms
by Yui Kimura - 315-336 Globalization of Stock Markets and Foreign Listing Requirements: Voluntary Disclosures by Continental European Companies Listed on the London Stock Exchange
by G K Meek & S J Gray - 337-348 Product Liability in the European Economic Community: The New Situation
by Thomas V Greer - 349-359 Politics and the International Lending Decisions of Banks
by Arvind K Jain & Douglas Nigh
March 1989, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-17 International Exchange: A Foundation for Theory Building in International Business
by Brian Toyne - 19-40 Use of Minority and 50–50 Joint Ventures by United States Multinationals During the 1970s: The Interaction of Host Country Policies Corporate Strategies
by Lawrence G Franko - 41-59 The Management of Countertrade: Factors Influencing Success
by Donald J Lecraw - 61-74 In Search of Appropriate Methodology: From Outside The People's Republic of China Looking In
by Nancy J Adler & Nigel Campbell & André Laurent - 75-91 Export and Reverse Investment: Strategic Implications for Newly Industrialized Countries
by Paul Chao - 93-112 Consumer Product Export Opportunities to Liberalizing LDCs: A Life-Cycle Approach
by Kate Gillespie & Dana Alden - 113-130 Sourcing Strategies of European and Japanese Multinationals: A Comparison
by Masaaki Kotabe & Glenn S Omura - 131-144 Repatriation of Corporate Executives: An Empirical Study
by Michael G Harvey - 145-155 Diversification, Exchange Risks and Corporate International Investment
by Jongmooo Jay Choi - 157-162 The Ranking of Masters Programs in International Business – Comment
by Susan P Douglas - 163-168 The Ranking of Master Programs in International Business – Reply
by Lee C Nehrt
September 1988, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 341-363 Political Aspects of MNE Theory
by Jean J Boddewyn - 365-388 Creation, Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations by Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations
by Sumantra Ghoshal & Christopher A Bartlett - 389-409 Strategic Market Entry Factors and Market Share Achievement in Japan
by Adrian B Ryans - 411-432 The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode
by Bruce Kogut & Harbir Singh - 433-447 An Application of the Theory of Foreign Direct Investment to Multinational Banking in LDCs
by Manijeh Sabi - 449-460 Oligopolistic Reaction and Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of the U.S. Tire and Textiles Industries
by Chwo-Ming J Yu & Kiyohiko Ito - 461-476 Foreign Currency Translation and the Behavior of Exchange Rates
by Robert G Ruland & Timothy S Doupnik - 477-482 Is Transnational Data Flow Regulation a Problem?
by Michael J Kane & David A Ricks - 483-489 An Experimental Investigation into Cross-National Mail Survey Response Rates
by David Jobber & John Saunders - 491-496 Conducting International Mail Surveys: The Effect of Incentives on Response Rates with an Industry Population
by Scott Dawson & Dave Dickinson - 497-504 Addressing International Product Piracy
by Steven Globerman
June 1988, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 181-193 The Limits of Explanation: Testing the Internalization Theory of the Multinational Enterprise
by Peter J Buckley - 195-217 Multinational Corporations vs. Domestic Corporations: International Environmental Factors and Determinants of Capital Structure
by Kwang Chul Lee & Chuck C Y Kwok - 219-234 Home Country Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
by Stephen B Tallman - 235-255 Country-Of-Origin Effects for Uni-National and Bi-National Products
by C Min Han & Vern Terpstra - 257-275 Assessing Foreign Subsidiary Performance: The Currency Choice of U.K. MNCs
by Istemi S Demirag - 277-294 Work Role Transitions: A Study of American Expatriate Managers in Japan
by J Stewart Black - 295-299 International Business Education Programs in American and Non-American Schools: How They are Ranked by the Academy of International Business
by Donald A Ball & Wendell H McCulloch
March 1988, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-31 The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production: A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions
by John H Dunning - 33-46 Determinants of Foreign Investment of U.S. Advertising Agencies
by Vern Terpstra & Chwo-Ming Yu - 47-67 Foreign Subsidiary and Parents' Roles During Strategic Investment and Divestment Decisions
by Michel Ghertman - 69-86 Environmental Scanning in Korean Firms: Organizational Isomorphism in Action
by Sumantra Ghoshal - 87-100 Cultural Influences on International Capital Structure
by William S Sekely & J Markham Collins - 101-127 An Empirical Study of Selected Factors Influencing the Decision to List on Foreign Stock Exchanges
by Shahrokh M Saudagaran
September 1987, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-14 Political Versus Rational Sources of Decision Power among Country Clusters
by Richard C Hoffman - 15-32 Corporate Leaders in Britain and America: A Cross-National Analysis
by David Norburn - 33-42 Composition and CEO Duality in Boards of Directors: An International Perspective
by Dan R Dalton & Idalene F Kesner - 43-60 Culture-Free Leadership Effectiveness Versus Moderators of Leadership Behavior: An Extension and Test of Kerr and Jermier's “Substitutes for Leadership” Model in Taiwan
by Jiing-Lih Farh & Philip M Podsakoff & Bor-Shiuan Cheng - 61-77 An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Exporting Success of Brazilian Firms
by Carl H Christensen & Angela da Rocha & Rosane Kerbel Gertner - 79-89 Multinationality and Performance among British Manufacturing Companies
by Robert M Grant - 91-99 The Ranking of Masters Programs In International Business
by Lee C Nehrt
June 1987, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-16 Equity Joint Ventures and Theory of the Multinational Enterprise
by Paul W Beamish & John C Banks - 17-31 Assessing the Effects of Culture on Managerial Attitudes: A Three-Culture Test
by Lane Kelley & Arthur Whatley & Reginald Worthley - 33-51 Hedging Foreign Exchange Exposures: Independent vs Integrative Approaches
by Chuck C Y Kwok - 53-66 Foreign Direct Investment Theories, Entry Barriers and Reverse Investments in U.S Manufacturing Industries
by Wi Saeng Kim & Esmeralda O Lyn - 67-88 International Retail Banking as a Strategy: An Assessment
by Adrian E Tschoegl - 89-100 The AIB Membership: Who We Are, An What We Are Interested In
by Marlene Ervin & Brain Toyne
March 1987, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-18 Business Costs and Business Policy for Export Controls
by Stanley D Nollen - 19-33 Firm Differences in Perceptions of the Facilitating Role of Foreign Trade Zones in Global Marketing and Logistics
by Patriya S Tansuhaj & James W Gentry - 35-49 A Cross-National Comparison of Consumer Research Measures
by Ravi Parameswaran & Attila Yaprak - 51-74 A Comparative Analysis of the Strategy and Structure of United States and Australian Corporations
by Noel Capon & Chris Christodoulou & John U Farley & James M Hulbert - 75-82 Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk Using Forward Foreign Exchange Markets: An Extension
by Peggy E Swanson & Stephen C Caples - 83-90 The Internationalization of the Curriculum
by Lee C Nehrt - 91-98 International Business Education in the AACSB Schools
by John Thanopoulos & Ivan R Vernon
September 1986, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-26 Modes of Foreign Entry: A Transaction Cost Analysis and Propositions
by Erin Anderson & Hubert Gatignon - 27-39 Economic Incentives for Countertrade
by Rolf Mirus & Bernard Yeung - 41-57 Service Multinationals: Conceptualization, Measurement and Theory
by J J Boddewyn & Marsha Baldwin Halbrich & A C Perry - 59-72 The Role of Location-Related Factors in U.S Banking Involvement Abroad: An Empirical Examination
by Douglas Nigh & Kang Rae Cho & Suresh Krishnan - 73-88 International Lending Patterns of U.S. Commercial Banks
by Arvind K Jain - 89-100 Multinational Corporations vs Domestic Corporations: Financial Performance and Characteristics
by Allen Michel & Israel Shaked - 101-126 Multinational Production: Effect on Brand Value
by Johny K Johansson & Israel D Nebenzahl