December 1998, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 877-885 The Ontology of International Business: A Comment on International Business: An Emerging Vision
by Daniel Sullivan
September 1998, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 445-467 Network Linkages and Location Choice in Foreign Direct Investment
by Homin Chen & Tain-Jy Chen - 469-492 Do Foreign-Owned and U.S.-Owned Establishments Exhibit the Same Location Pattern in U.S. Manufacturing Industries?
by J Myles Shaver - 493-513 Firm Strategy and Economic Exposure to Foreign Exchange Rate Movements
by Kent D Miller & Jeffrey J Reuer - 515-538 The Impact of Culture on the Strategy of Multinational Enterprises: Does National Origin Affect Ownership Decisions?
by Jean-François Hennart & Jorma Larimo - 539-561 Analyzing Foreign Market Entry Strategies: Extending the Internalization Approach
by Peter J Buckley & Mark C Casson - 563-581 Uncertain Outcomes of Foreign Investment: Determinants of the Dispersion of Profits After Large Acquisitions
by Tung-Jean Lee & Richard E Caves - 583-597 Managerial Incentives, Internalization, and Market Valuation of Multinational Firms
by Chandra S Mishra & David H Gobeli - 599-607 A note on political risk and the required return on foreign direct investment
by Kirt C Butler & Domingo Castelo Joaquin - 609-620 Export Intermediary Firms: A Note on Export Development Research
by Mike W Peng & Anne Y Ilinitch - 621-631 The Stature of the Journal of International Business Studies
by Anupama Phene & Stephen Guisinger
June 1998, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 217-237 Do Multinationals Operate Flexibly? Theory and Evidence
by Subramanian Rangan - 239-261 The Role of Duration in Multinational Investment Strategies
by Ram Mudambi - 263-279 Systematic Risk of the Multinational Corporation
by David M Reeb & Chuck C Y Kwok & H Young Baek - 281-304 Reciprocity in International Business: A Study of Telecommunications Alliances and Contracts
by Roger J Kashlak & Rajan Chandran & C Anthony Di Benedetto - 305-323 Economies of Scale in Services: A study of Multinational Insurers
by Frances A Katrishen & Nicos A Scordis - 325-356 Modal Choice in a World of Alliances: Analyzing Organizational Forms in the International Hotel Sector
by Farok J Contractor & Sumit K Kundu - 359-388 Patterns in the Expansion of U.S. Banks' Foreign Operations
by Stewart R Miller & Arvind Parkhe - 391-407 Timing of Investment and International Expansion Performance in China
by Yadong Luo - 409-419 Compensation in International Licensing Agreements
by Preet S Aulakh & S Tamer Cavusgil & M B Sarkar
March 1998, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction to the Symposium
by Stephen Guisinger & Thomas L Brewer - 5-19 Research on International Business: Problems and Prospects
by Richard E Caves - 21-44 Models of the Multinational Enterprise
by Peter J Buckley & Mark C Casson - 45-66 Location and the Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor?
by John H Dunning - 67-83 Market Structure and the Multinational Enterprise: A Game-theoretic Approach1
by Edward M Graham - 85-99 Technology, Productivity and the Multinational Enterprise
by Sylvia Ostry - 101-114 Multinationals and the Developing Countries
by Louis T Wells - 115-136 Multinational Enterprises and Public Policy
by Alan M Rugman & Alain Verbeke - 137-158 National Cultural Distance and Cross-Border Acquisition Performance
by Piero Morosini & Scott Shane & Harbir Singh - 159-177 Understanding Compensation Practice Variations Across Firms: The Impact of National Culture
by Randall S Schuler & Nikolai Rogovsky - 179-196 Sustaining Satisfactory Joint Venture Relationships: The Role of Conflict Resolution Strategy
by Xiaohua Lin & Richard Germain
December 1997, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 679-710 Measuring Globalization of Industries Using a National Industry Approach: Empirical Evidence Across Five Countries and over Time
by Mona V Makhija & Kwangsoo Kim & Sandra D Williamson - 711-733 The Nature of Managerial Work in Developing Countries: A Limited Test of the Universalist Hypothesis
by Michael H Lubatkin & Momar Ndiaye & Richard Vengroff - 735-757 Are Firm-Specific Advantages Location-Specific Too?
by M Krishna Erramilli & Sanjeev Agarwal & Seong-Soo Kim - 759-778 European Patterns of Corporate Ownership: A Twelve-Country Study
by Torben Pedersen & Steen Thomsen - 779-805 How MNCs Choose Entry Modes and Form Alliances: The China Experience
by David K Tse & Yigang Pan & Kevin Y Au - 807-825 The Influence of the Management Team’s International Experience on the Internationalization Behaviors of SMES
by A Rebecca Reuber & Eileen Fischer - 827-844 International Business and Trade in the Next Decade: Report from a Delphi Study
by Michael R Czinkota & Ilkka A Ronkainen - 845-864 What Differences in the Cultural Backgrounds of Partners Are Detrimental for International Joint Ventures?
by Harry G Barkema & Freek Vermeulen
September 1997, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 445-465 Technological Capabilities of Countries, Firm Rivalry and Foreign Direct Investments
by Jaideep Anand & Bruce Kogut - 467-493 The Impact of Strategy on Conflict: A Cross- National Comparative Study of U.S. and Japanese firms
by Barbara Dyer & X Michael Song - 495-530 Importer Behavior: the neglected Counterpart of International Exchange
by Neng Liang & Arvind Parkhe - 531-561 Comparative Marketing: An Interdisciplinary Framework for Institutional Analysis
by Gopalkrishnan R Iyer - 563-577 An Investigation of the Relationship between International Activities and Capital Structure
by Charles J P Chen & C S Agnes Cheng & Jia He & Jawon kim - 579-603 Location Specificity and the Transferability of Downstream Assets to Foreign Subsidiaries
by Jaideep Anand & Andrew Delios - 605-625 Conceptions of Self and Performance-related Feedback in the U.S., Japan and China
by James R Bailey & Chao C Cheng & Sheng-Gong Dou - 627-658 Dual Career Expatriates: Expectations, Adjustments and Satisfaction With International Relocation
by Michael Harvey
June 1997, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 241-266 National Systems of Biotechnology Innovation: Complex Interdependence in the Global System
by Susan Bartholomew - 267-284 Foreign Direct Investment and the Sourcing of Technological Advantage: Evidence from the Biotechnology Industry
by Weijian Shan & Jaeyong Song - 285-308 The Role of Key Stakeholders in the International Joint Venture Negotiations: Case Studies from Eastern Europe
by Keith D Brouthers & Gary J Bamossy - 309-335 Cultural Diversity and the Performance of Multinational Firms
by Luis R Gómez-Mejia & Leslie E Palich - 337-360 Experimental Knowledge and Costs in the Internationalization Process
by Kent Eriksson & Jan Johanson & Anders Majkgård & D Deo Sharma - 361-386 Brand Popularity, Country Image and Market Share: An Empirical Study
by Chung Koo kim & Jay Young Chung - 387-420 Profiling Managers to Improve Export Promotion Targeting
by Brendan J Gray
March 1997, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-27 The Transmission of U.S. Election Cycles to International Stock Returns
by Stephen R Foerster & John J Schmitz - 29-49 A Joint Test of Market Segmentation and Exchange Risk Factor in International Capital Market
by Jongmoo Jay Choi & Murli Rajan - 51-76 Autonomy and Procedural Justice: A Framework for Evaluating Subsidiary Strategy
by James H Taggart - 77-100 Country Effects on Information Seeking in Global Electronic Networks
by Srilata Zaheer & Akbar Zaheer - 101-121 Project Escalation and Sunk Costs: A test of the International Generalizability of Agency and Prospect Theories
by David J Sharp & Stephen B Salter - 123-143 Characteristics of Privatization: Evidence from Developed, Less-Developed and Former Communist Countries
by Julio O de Castro & Klaus Uhlenbruck - 145-175 Antecedents and Performance Implications of Channel Integration in Foreign Markets
by Preet S Aulakh & Masaaki Kotabe - 177-207 The Impact of Natural Culture and Economic Ideology on Managerial Work Values: A Study of the United States, Russia, Japan, and China
by David A Ralston & David H Holt & Robert H Terpstra & Yu Kai-Cheng
December 1996, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 849-876 An Economic Model of International Joint Venture Strategy
by Peter J Buckley & Mark Casson - 877-903 Knowledge Acquisition from Foreign Parents in International Joint Ventures: An Empirical Examination in the Hungarian Context
by Marjorie A Lyles & Jane E Salk - 905-927 Local Knowledge Transfer and Performance: Implications for Alliance Formation in Asia
by Shige Makino & Andrew Delios - 929-946 Cooperative Strategies between Foreign Firms in an Overseas Country
by Yigang Pan & David K Tse - 947-962 Job Satisfaction in Joint Venture Hotels in China: An Organizational Justice Analysis
by Kwok Leung & Peter B Smith & Zhongming Wang & Haifa Sun - 963-979 Can Market-Based Contracts Substitute for Alliances in High Technology Markets?
by Markus Nordberg & Alexandra J Campbell & Alain Verbeke - 981-1004 Setting the Stage for Trust and Strategic Integration in Japanese-U.S. Cooperative Alliances
by Jean L Johnson & John B Cullen & Tomoaki Sakano & Hideyuki Takenouchi - 1005-1032 Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships: A Behavioral Approach
by Preet S Aulakh & Masaaki Kotabe & Arvind Sahay - 1033-1053 Business Networks and Cooperation in International Business Relationships
by Desirée Blankenburg Holm & Kent Eriksson & Jan Johanson
December 1996, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 633-653 Valuation of the operating Flexibility of Multinational Corporations
by Linda Allen & Christos Pantzalis - 655-681 Foreign Direct Investment by Japanese Electronics Firms in the United States and Canada: Modelling the Timing of Entry
by Benjamin Tan & Ilan Vertinsky - 683-709 Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary: Resource Acquisition and Domestic Competitive Advantage
by Graham Hooley & Tony Cox & David Shipley & John Fahy & Jozsef Beracs & Kriztina Kolos - 711-738 Expatriate Performance Appraisal in U.S. Multinational Firms
by Hal B Gregersen & Julie M Hite & J Stewart Black - 739-748 A Cross-National Study of Managerial Values
by William J Bigoness & Gerald L Blakely - 753-779 Culture and Congruence: The Fit Between Management Practices and national Culture
by Karen L Newman & Stanley D Nollen - 781-800 International Technology Transfer in Services
by Robert Grosse - 849-876 An Economic Model of International Joint Venture Strategy
by Peter J Buckley & Mark Casson - 877-903 Knowledge Acquisition from Foreign Parents in International Joint Ventures: An Empirical Examination in the Hungarian Context
by Marjorie A Lyles & Jane E Salk - 905-927 Local Knowledge Transfer and Performance: Implications for Alliance Formation in Asia
by Shige Makino & Andrew Delios - 929-946 Cooperative Strategies between Foreign Firms in an Overseas Country
by Yigang Pan & David K Tse - 947-962 Job Satisfaction in Joint Venture Hotels in China: An Organizational Justice Analysis
by Kwok Leung & Peter B Smith & Zhongming Wang & Haifa Sun - 963-979 Can Market-Based Contracts Substitute for Alliances in High Technology Markets?
by Markus Nordberg & Alexandra J Campbell & Alain Verbeke - 981-1004 Setting the Stage for Trust and Strategic Integration in Japanese-U.S. Cooperative Alliances
by Jean L Johnson & John B Cullen & Tomoaki Sakano & Hideyuki Takenouchi - 1005-1032 Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships: A Behavioral Approach
by Preet S Aulakh & Masaaki Kotabe & Arvind Sahay - 1033-1053 Business Networks and Cooperation in International Business Relationships
by Desirée Blankenburg Holm & Kent Eriksson & Jan Johanson
September 1996, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 443-466 Intercultural Influence: A Study of Japanese Expatriate Managers in Canada
by Asha Rao & Keiji Hashimoto - 467-495 How Multinational Subsidiary Mandates are Gained and Lost
by Julian Birkinshaw - 497-516 A Cross-Cultural Study of Interpersonal Information Exchange
by Niraj Dawar & Phillip M Parker & Lydia J Price - 517-551 The Export Development Process: An Integrative Review of Empirical Models
by Leonidas C Leonidou & Constatine S Katsikeas - 553-570 An Empirical Examination of Multinational Corporate Capital Structure
by Todd A Burgman - 571-587 International Risk and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty: The Dimensionality and Internal Consistency of Miller's Measure
by Steve Werner & Lance Eliot Brouthers & Keith D Brouthers - 589-592 The Effects of International Differences in the Tax Treatment of Goodwill: A Comment
by Christopher W Nobes - 593-596 The Effects of International Differences in the Tax Treatment of Goodwill: A Reply
by Kathkeen M Dunne & Gordian A Ndubizu
June 1996, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 225-248 Nationality and Subsidiary Ownership Patterns in Multinational Corporations
by M Krishna Erramilli - 249-263 International Organization of Production and Variation in Exports from Affiliates
by Thomas Andersson & Torbjörn Fredriksson - 265-284 Choosing Organizational Modes of Strategic Technology Partnering: International and Sectoral Differences
by John Hagedoorn & Rajneesh Narula - 285-307 Collaborative Ventures and Value of Learning: Integrating the Transaction Cost and Strategic Option Perspectives on the Choice of Market Entry Modes
by Tailan Chi & Donald J McGuire - 309-333 The Psychic Distance Paradox
by Shawna O'Grady & Henry W Lane - 335-357 Foreign Direct Investment and Investment under Uncertainty
by Pietra Rivoli & Eugene Salorio - 359-373 The Aggregate Impact of Firms' FDI Strategies on the Trade Balances of Host Countries
by Lance Eliot Brouthers & Steve Werner & Timothy J Wilkinson - 375-390 Compliance with Agreements in Cross-Cultural Transactions: Some Analytical Issues
by Allan G Thompson - 391-411 The Impact of Cross-National Carriers of Business Ethics on Attitudes about Questionable Practices and Form of Moral Reasoning
by Bryan W Husted & Janelle Brinker Dozier & J Timothy McMahon & Michael W Kattan
March 1996, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-26 Influences on Foreign Equity Ownership Level in Joint Ventures in China
by Yigang Pan - 27-42 The Founding of Specialist Firms in a Global Fragmenting Industry
by Briance Mascarenhas - 43-65 The Transition from Decentralized to Network-Based MNC Structures: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Thomas W Malnight - 67-88 Valuation Effects of foreign Company Listings on U.S. Exchanges
by Anant K Sundaram & Dennis E Logue - 89-113 Vertical Keiretsu and International Market Entry: The Case of the Japanese Automobile Ancillary Industry
by Kunal Banerji & Rakesh B Sambharya - 115-137 The Manager as Mediator of Alternative Meanings: A pilot Study from China, The USA and U.K
by Peter B Smith & Mark F Peterson & Zhong Ming Wang - 139-155 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: An Analysis by Country of Origin
by Robert Grosse & Len J Trevino - 157-165 The Share Price Reaction of U.K. Exporters to Exchange Rate Movements: An Empirical Study
by Raymond Donnelly & Edward Sheehy - 167-177 Measuring the Degree of Internationalization of a firm: A Comment
by Kannan Ramaswamy & K Galen Kroeck & William Renforth - 179-192 Measuring the Degree of Internationalization of a firm: A Reply
by Daniel Sullivan
December 1995, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 699-728 Circadian Rhythms: The Effects of Global Market Integration in the Currency Trading Industry
by Srilata Zaheer - 729-753 Configurations of Strategy and Structure in Subsidiaries of Multinational Structure
by Julian M Birkinshaw & Allen J Morrison - 755-786 The Use of Process and Output Controls in Foreign Markets
by Esra F Gencturk & Preet S Aulakh - 787-813 Individual, Organizational/Work and Environmental Influences on Expatriate Turnover Tendencies: An Empirical Study
by Meg G Birdseye & John S Hill - 815-841 Information Costs and Location of FDIs within the Host Country: Empirical Evidence from Italy
by Sergio Mariotti & Lucia Piscitello - 843-857 Are Intra-Industry Investment Patterns Consistent with Cost Disadvantages to Cross-Border Investing? Evidence from the U.S. Chemical Industry
by Kathryn L Dewenter - 859-881 The influence of Country and Industry on Ethical Perceptions of Senior Executives in the U.S. and Europe
by Bodo B Schlegelmilch & Diana C Robertson - 883-900 A Meta-Analysis of Country-of-Origin Effects
by Robert A Peterson & Alain J P Jolibert
September 1995, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 461-491 Reappraising the Eclectic Paradigm in an Age of Alliance Capitalism
by John H Dunning - 493-504 Intangible Assets, Internationalization and Foreign Direct Investment in Manufacturing
by Johannes G Denekamp - 505-530 Determinants of Success in International Strategic Alliances: Evidence from the Global Aerospace Industry
by Pierre Dussauge & Bernard Garrette - 531-554 International Human Resource Strategy and Its Determinants: The Case of Subsidiaries in Taiwan
by John M Hannon & Ing-Chung Huang & Bihi-Shiaw Jaw - 555-572 Factors Influencing Voluntary Annual Report Disclosures By U.S., U.K. and Continental European Multinational Corporations
by Gary K Meek & Clare B Roberts & Sidney J Gray - 573-596 Diagnosing Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research
by Michael R Mullen - 597-619 Measurement in Cross-National Research
by Jagdip Singh - 621-635 An Empirical Analysis of the Integration-Responsiveness Framework: U.S. Construction Equipment Industry Firms in Global Competition
by Julius H Johnson - 637-654 The Characteristics and Performance of Korean Joint Ventures in LDCS
by Chol Lee & Paul W Beamish - 655-669 Individualism and Confucian Dynamism: A Note on Hofstede's Cultural Root to Economic Growth
by Ryh-song Yeh & John J Lawrence
June 1995, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 223-237 Outsiders Response to Europe 1992: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence
by Tamar Almor & Seev Hirsch - 239-254 Transnational Joint Ventures Between UK and EU Manufacturing Companies and the Structure of Competition
by Andrew I Millington & Brian T Bayliss - 255-279 An Investigation of Gender Differences in Leadership Across Four Countries
by Cristina B Gibson - 281-299 Policy and Non-Policy Determinants of U.S. Equity Foreign Direct Investment
by David W Loree & Stephen E Guisinger - 301-318 Political Risk and the Benefits of International Portfolio Diversification
by Jean-Claude Cosset & Jean-Marc Suret - 319-341 Foreign Listing Location: A Study of MNCs and Stock Exchanges in Eight Countries
by Shahrokh M Saudagaran & Gary C Biddle - 343-360 International Sourcing and Supply Chain Stability
by David L Levy - 361-377 International Acquisition Accounting Method and Corporate Multinationalism: Evidence from Foreign Acquisitions
by Kathleen M Dunne & Gordian A Ndubizu - 379-397 Cultural Influence on the Development of Accounting Systems Internationally: A Test of Gray's [1988] Theory
by Stephen B Salter & Frederick Niswander - 399-407 Knowledge, Market Failure and the Multinational Enterprise: A Theoretical Note
by James H Love - 409-415 Knowledge, Market Failure and the Multinational Enterprise: A Comment
by Donald G McFetridge - 417-426 Knowledge, Market Failure and the Multinational Enterprise: A Reply
by Bruce Kogut & Udo Zander
March 1995, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-21 Towards a ‘European’ Model of Human Resource Management
by Chris Brewster - 23-46 Links Between Business Strategy and Human Resource Management Strategy in U.S.-Based Japanese Subsidiaries: An Empirical Investigation
by Allan Blrd & Schon Beechler - 47-68 Uncertainty Avoidance and the Preference for Innovation Championing Roles
by Scott Shane - 69-89 Publishing International Business Research: A Survey of Leading Journals
by Barbara Pierce & Garnet Garven - 91-115 Japanese and Local Partners Commitment to IJVs: Psychological Consequences of Outcomes and Investments in the IJV Relationships
by John B Cullen & Jean L Johnson & Tomoaki Sakano - 117-137 Revisiting Multinational firm's Tolerance for Joint Ventures: A Trust-Based approach
by Anoop Madhok - 139-158 Determinants of Foreign Ownership in LDC Manufacturing: An Indonesian Case Study
by H H Aswicahyono & Hal Hill - 159-180 Enhancing the Obsolescing Bargain Theory: A Longitudinal Study of Foreign Ownership of U.S. and European Multinationals
by Sushil Vachani - 181-202 Strategic and Financial Performance Implications of Global Sourcing Strategy: A Contingency Analysis
by Janet Y Murray & Masaaki Kotabe & Albert R Wildt
December 1994, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 667-673 The Brooke Story: A Professional Half-Life in International Business
by Michael Z Brooke - 675-686 The Globalization of our Mental Maps: Evaluating the Geographic Scope of JIBS Coverage
by Anisya S Thomas & Oded Shenkar & Linda Clarke - 687-701 Trends in International Business Research: Twenty-Five Years Later
by Richard W Wright & David A Ricks - 703-713 An Analysis of Twenty-Five Years of Research in the Journal of International Business Studies
by Andrew C Inkpen & Paul W Beamish - 715-728 The Impact of Journals and Authors on International Business Research: A Citational Analysis of JIBS Articles
by P R Chandy & Thomas G E Williams
September 1994, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 435-465 A Personal Journey Through Time and Space
by Richard D Robinson - 467-491 The Transfer of Japanese-Style Management to American Subsidiaries: Contingencies, and Competencies
by Schon Beechler & John Zhuang Yang - 493-511 Is There a Relationships Between a Geocentric Mind-Set and Multinational Strategy?
by Stephen J Kobrin - 513-535 The State as Strategist in International Business Research
by Stefanie Ann Lenway & Thomas P Murtha - 537-555 Cultural Differences in Conducting Intra- and Inter-Cultural Negotiations: A Sino-Canadian Comparison
by David K Tse & June Francis & Jan Walls - 557-578 Multinational Investment under Uncertainty in the Chemical Processing Industries
by José Manuel Campa - 579-604 Customer Evaluation of Products in a Global Market
by Saeed Samiee - 605-623 A Global Survey of International Business Education in the 1990s
by Chuck C Y Kwok & Jeffrey Arpan & William R Folks - 625-637 The Importance of International Business to The Strategic Agenda of U.S. CEOs
by Richard C Hoffman & C Gopinath - 639-656 International Strategy and Environment: An Assessment of the Performance Relationship
by Claudio Carpano & James J Chrisman & Kendall Roth
June 1994, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 215-227 Contributing to an International Business Curriculum: An Approach from the Flank
by Raymond Vernon - 229-251 Influences on Human Resource Management Practices in Multinational Corporations
by Phillip M Rosenzweig & Nitin Nohria - 253-273 Ownership-Based Entry mode Strategies and International Performance
by C Patrick Woodcook & Paul W Beamish & Shige Makino - 275-294 Strategic Control Systems for Quality: An Empirical Comparison of the Japanese and U.S. Electronics Industry
by Shirley J Daniel & Wolf D Reitsperger - 295-324 Social Knowledge as a Control System: A Proposition and Evidence from the Japanese FDI behavior
by Jung Hoon Derick Sohn - 325-342 Measuring the Degree of Internationalization of a Firm
by Daniel Sullivan - 343-366 Shareholder Benefits from Corporate International Diversification: Evidence from U.S. International Acquisitions
by Constatinos C Markides & Christopher D Ittner - 367-387 The Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Behavior Revisited
by Jonathan L Calof - 389-401 Transborder Data Flows Usage by U.S. Subsidiaries in Mexico and Hispanic South America: A Preliminary Regional Study
by James M Stück & David L Schroeder
March 1994, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-44 A Personal Odyssey through the Early Evolution of International Business Pedagogy, Research and Professional Organization
by John Fayerweather - 45-64 Toward a Theory of International New ventures
by Benjamin M Oviatt & Patricia Phillips McDougall - 65-89 Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship: Cross-Cultural Comparisons of the Importance of Individualism Versus Collectivism
by Michael H Morris & Duane L Davis & Jeffrey W Allen - 91-113 A Managerial Decision Model of International Cooperative Venture Formation
by Stephen B Tallman & Oded Shenkar - 115-140 Offshore Sourcing: Reaction, Maturation, and Consolidation of U.S. Multinationals
by Masaaki Kotabe & K Scott Swan - 141-156 Determinants of Export Orientation of Foreign Production by U.S. Multinationals: An Inter-Country Analysis
by Nagesh Kumar - 157-176 Negative Country-of-Origin Effects: The Case of the New Russia
by Johny K Johansson & Ilkka A Ronkainen & Michael R Czinkota - 177-188 The Demise of Expropriation as an Instrument of LDC Policy 1980-1992
by Michael S Minor
December 1993, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 625-645 Knowledge of the Firm and the Evolutionary Theory of the Multinational Corporation
by Bruce Kogut & Udo Zander - 647-669 Performance Following Changes of International Presence in Domestic and Transition Industries
by Will Mitchell & J Myles Shaver & Bernard Yeung - 671-691 Import Sourcing Dynamics: An Integrative Perspective
by Paul M Swamidass - 693-714 Industry and Country Effects on Managers′ Perceptions of Environmental Uncertainties
by Kent D Miller - 715-739 Influence of Formalization on Role Stress, Organizational Commitment, and Work Alienation of Salespersons: A Cross-National Comparative Study
by Sanjeev Agarwal - 741-761 What Do Russian Managers Really Do? An Observational Study with Comparisons to U.S. Managers
by Fred Luthans & Dianne H B Welsh & Stuart A Rosenkrantz - 763-784 International Listings of Stocks: The Case of Canada and the U.S
by Stephen R Foerster & G Andrew Karolyi - 785-799 Empirical Evidence of Recurring International Compensation Problems
by Michael Harvey - 801-812 Relative Importance of Political Instability and Economic Variables on Perceived Country Creditworthiness
by Suk Hun Lee
September 1993, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 419-448 Effectively Conceiving and Executing Multinationals′ Worldwide Strategies
by W Chang Kim & Renée A Mauborgne - 449-464 Managing Across Borders: An Empirical Test of the Bartlett and Ghoshal [1989] Organizational Typology
by Siew Meng Leong & Chin Tiong Tan - 465-478 A Survey of Corporate Programs for Managing Terrorist Threats
by Michael G Harvey - 479-506 Product and Promoting Adaptation in Export Ventures: An Empirical Investigation
by S Tamer Cavusgil & Shaoming Zou & G M Naidu