September 1986, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 127-147 The Application of Organizational Learning Theory to Japanese and American Management
by Jeremiah J Sullivan & Ikujiro Nonaka - 149-153 Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. 1974-1984
by Jeffrey S Arpan & David A Ricks - 155-163 The Tax Implications of Teaching Overseas
by Robert J Rolfe & Timothy S Doupnik - 165-175 The Behavior of Foreign Exchange Rates – Comment†
by Jacky C So - 177-180 The Behavior of Foreign Exchange Rates – Reply
by Jorge R Calderón-Rossell & Moshe Ben-Horim
June 1986, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-20 Payments Netting in International Cash Management: A Network Optimization Approach
by Venkat Srinivasan & Yong H Kim - 21-36 Dollar Eurobond and U.S. Bond Pricing
by Arvind Mahajan & Donald R Fraser - 37-54 A New Look at Debt Rescheduling Indicators and Models
by John B Morgan - 55-69 International Marketing Policy: A Discussion of the Standardization Construct and its Relevance for Corporate Policy
by Peter G P Walters - 71-92 Centralization in Headquarters–Subsidiary Relationships
by Stephen R Gates & William G Egelhoff - 93-116 Information Search for Foreign Direct Investment Using Two-Stage Country Selection Procedures: A New Procedure†
by Chaim Meyer Ehrman & Morris Hamburg - 117-130 An Empirical Study of the Transnational Production Sharing of the Asian NICs with Japan
by Ken I Kim & Kyoo H Kim & James P Lesage - 131-143 Internalization in Practice: Early Foreign Direct Investments in Malaysian Tin Mining
by Jean-Francois Hennart - 145-152 American Executives Perception of Foreign State Enterprises
by S Benjamin Prasad - 153-160 A Model of Firm Valuation With Exchange Exposure
by Jongmoo Jay Choi - 161-172 Pacific Asian Business Programs in the United States
by Chuk C Y Kwok
March 1986, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-25 International Strategies of Non-Dominant Firms
by Briance Mascarenhas - 27-46 Japanese Marketing Strategies in the U.K: A Comparative Study†
by P Doyle & J Saunders & V Wong - 47-61 On Designing Contracts to Guarantee Enforceability: Theory and Evidence from East-West Trade
by Bruce Kogut - 63-82 Determinants of Productivity Differences in International Manufacturing
by Robert N Mefford - 83-106 Are Multinational Corporations Safer?
by Israel Shaked - 107-118 The Structure of International bond risk differentials
by W Brian Barrett & Robert W Kolb - 119-125 Excess Market Value, the Multinational Corporation, and Tobin's q-Ratio
by Wi Saeng Kim & Esmeralda O Lyn - 127-134 International Trade And Business In The Late 1980s: An Integrated U.S. Perspective
by Michael R Czinkota
September 1985, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-19 International Transfers of Managers in North American and European MNEs
by Daniel Ondrack - 21-55 Political Risk and Foreign Exchange Rates: an Efficient-Market Approach
by Jean-Claude Cosset & Bruno Doutriaux de la Rianderie - 57-75 International Product Positioning*
by Johny K Johansson & Hans B Thorelli - 77-89 Market Knowledge, Diversification and Export Expansion
by Jean-Emile Denis & Daniel Depelteau - 91-110 Attitudes Toward Financial Control Systems in the United States and Japan†
by Lane Daley & James Jiambalvo & Gary Sundem & Yasumasa Kondo - 111-123 Common Factors Underlying Barriers to Export: Studies in the U.S. Paper Industry
by Alan Baursmichmidt & Danial Sullivan & Kate Gillespie - 125-133 Monopolistic Advantages and the International Operations of Firms: Disaggregated Evidence from U.S. Based Multinationals
by Leo Sleuwaegen - 135-141 Development of an Advance Warning Indicator of External Debt Servicing Vulnerability
by Fuad A Abdullah - 143-150 The Currency of Denomination Decision for Debt Financing
by S Ghon Rhee & Rosita P Chang & Peter E Koveos - 151-153 Foreign Mail Surveys: Response Rates Using Monetary Incentives
by Charles F Keown
June 1985, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-4 International Business Research: Past, Present and Future
by David A Ricks - 5-21 Key Characteristics in the Choice of International Technology Transfer Mode
by W H Davidson & Donald G McFetridge - 23-50 A Generalized Theorem for Joint Ventures and Licensing Negotiations
by Farok J Contractor - 51-64 Diversification Strategy and Choice of Country: Diversifying Acquisitions Abroad by U.S. Multinationals, 1978–1980
by Karen B Hisey & Richard E Caves - 65-82 Contractual Arrangement and Marketing Practices in the Indirect Export Channel
by Daniel C Bello & Nicholas C Williamson - 83-99 A Financial Model of Foreign Exchange Exposure
by Christine R Hekman - 101-119 Japanese Trading Companies: Can they Be Copied?
by Ravi Sarathy - 121-137 The Role of TNCs in Poland's East-West Trade
by Jerzy Cieslik & Boguslaw Sosnowski - 139-152 A Note on International Trade and Market Structure
by Thomas Schneeweis - 153-155 Exporting Does Sales Volume Make a Difference? — Comment
by Stan D Reid - 157-161 Exporting: Does Sales Volume Make a Difference? — Reply
by Michael R Czinkota & Wesley J Johnston
March 1985, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Effect of Political Events on United States Direct Foreign Investment: A Pooled Time-Series Cross-Sectional Analysis
by Douglas Nigh - 19-35 Country-Risk Assessment System in Banks: Patterns and Performance
by Briance Mascarenhas & Ole Christian Sand - 37-55 The Impact of Export Strategy on Export Sales Performance
by Robert G Cooper & Elko J Kleinschmidt - 57-80 An Imperfect Competition Theory of the MNE
by Robert Grosse - 81-96 The Influence of Culture on the Process of Business Negotiations: An Exploratory Study
by John L Graham - 97-110 Financial Structure and Bankruptcy Risk in Japanese Companies
by Sadahiko Suzuki & Richard W Wright - 111-135 Joint Ventures in Yugoslavia: Opportunities and Constraints
by Patrick F R Artisien & Peter J Buckley - 137-163 A Business Analysis of the Partial Nationalization of Zambia's Copper Industry 1969-1981
by William A Stoever - 165-170 A Mean-Variance Model of MNF Location Strategy
by Dean M Hanink
September 1984, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 9-12 Ten Years of JIBS at Rutgers Graduate School of Management
by William A. Dymsza (Editor-in-Chief) - 13-18 International Business in Academia: The State of the Field
by Robert G Hawkins - 19-23 Some Trends in the World Economy and their Implications for International Business Strategy
by Franklin R Root - 25-46 Trends in Multinational Business and Global Environments: A Perspective
by William A Dymsza - 47-54 Currency Swaps As a Long-Term International Financing Technique
by Y S Park - 55-73 Pricing Capital Assets in an International Setting: An Introduction
by René M Stultz - 75-89 The Divergence of Japanese and U.S. Corporate Financial Structure
by Ravi Sarathy & Sangit Chatterjee - 91-106 The Coordination of Manufacturing Interdependence in Multinational Companies
by Briance Masacarenhas - 107-121 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: A New Perspective
by John L Graham - 123-143 A Theoretical Perspective on Political Risk
by Jeffrey D Simon - 145-165 The International Competitiveness of the U.S. Textile Mill Products Industry: Corporate Strategies for the Future
by Brian Toyne & Jeffrey S Arpan & Andy H Barnett & David A Ricks & Terence A Shimp - 167-188 Choosing Between Direct Investment and Licensing: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Tests
by Farok J Contractor - 189-193 International Competition: The Japanese Challenge
by Warren J Keegan - 195-199 A Note of Foreign Language Training and International Business Education in U.S. Colleges and Universities
by Lee H Radebaugh & Janice C Shields
June 1984, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 9-10 Introduction to the Special Issue on Strategic Planning, Autonomy, and Control Processes in Multinational Corporations
by Anders Edström & Peter Lorange - 11-23 Administrative Orientation and International Performance
by William H Davidson - 25-40 Multinational Corporations: Control Systems and Delegation Issues
by B R Baliga & Alfred M Jaeger - 41-54 A Comparison of Corporate Planning Practice in American and Australian Manufacturing Companies
by Noel Capon & Chris Christodolou & John U Farley & James Hulbert - 55-72 Patterns of Strategic Control Within Multinational Corporations
by Yves Doz & C K Prahalad - 73-83 Patterns of Control in U.S., UK and European Multinational Corporations
by William G Egelhoff - 85-98 Control and Coordination in Multinational Corporations
by David Cray - 99-108 The External Environment-Strategic Planning Interface: U.S. Multinational Corporate Practices in the 1980s
by Charles R Kennedy - 109-123 Organization in-Between: The Evolution of the Mother-Daughter Structure of Managing Foreign Subsidiaries in Swedish MNCS
by Gunnar Hedlund - 125-137 Matching Strategy and Human Resources in Multinational Corporations
by Anders Edström & Peter Lorange - 139-149 Human Resource Planning in Japanese Multinationals: A Model for U.S. Firms?
by Rosalie L Tung - 151-167 Normative Observations on the International Value-Added Chain and Strategic Groups
by Bruce Kogut - 169-183 Global Strategic Planning: A Model and Recent Developments
by William A Dymsza - 185-201 The International Control Conundrum: The Case of ‘Hyperinflationary’Subsidiaries
by Laurent L Jacque & Peter Lorange
March 1984, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 9-18 The Education and Development of Managers for Future Decades
by William A Dymsza - 15-25 The Impact of Taxation on the Currency-of-Denomination Decision for Long-Term Foreign Borrowing and Lending
by Alan C Shapiro - 27-43 Bargaining Power, Ownership, and Profitability of Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries
by Donald J Lecraw - 45-61 The Korean Manufacturing Multinationals
by Krishna Kumar & Kee Young Kim - 63-79 East-West Industrial Cooperation: The Swedish Case
by Bengt Högberg & Clas Wahlbin - 81-95 Empirical Models of Political Risks in U.S. Oil Production Operations in Venezuela
by Randall J Jones - 97-104 Assessing Industry Concentration: The Case of Aluminium
by Isaih A Litvak & Christopher J Maule - 105-118 The Role of Comparative Productivity Accounting in Export Decisions
by Ephraim F Sudit - 119-129 The Consistency of Canada’s Foreign Investment Review Process—A Temporal Analysis
by Steven Globerman - 131-140 Exchange Rate Expectations and the Current Exchange Rate: A Test of the Monetarist Approach
by V S Somanath - 141-150 Transnational Data Flow Constraints: A New Challenge for Multinational Corporations
by Saeed Samiee - 151-159 Adding International Business to the Core Program via the Simulation Game
by Ronald D Klein - 161-173 Empirical Research in International Marketing: 1976–1982
by Gerald Albaum & Robert A Peterson - 175-180 International Business Education Programs in American Schools: How They are ranked by Members of the Academy of International Business
by Donald A Ball & Wendell H McCulloch
September 1983, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 9-9 Technology Strategy and Industrial Relations: Case Studies of Japanese Multinationals in the United States
by Duane Kujawa - 23-35 Foreign and Domestic Divestment and Investment Decisions: Like or Unlike?
by Jean J Boddewyn - 37-50 The Management of the International Executive Compensation and Benefits Process
by Brian Toyne & Robert J Kühne - 51-62 Examining Performance of U.S. Multinationals in Foreign Markets
by Susan P Douglas & C Samuel Craig - 63-75 International Technology Transfer Patterns in a Traditional Industry
by Anita M Benvignati - 77-93 The Product Life Cycle and the Export Position of the United States
by James M Lutz & Robert T Green - 95-105 The Product Life Cycle Theory: Empirical Evidence
by Alicia Mullor-Sebastián - 107-120 U.S. Dollar Demand of Private Nonbank Foreigners
by Peggy E Swanson - 121-133 The Andean Foreign Investment Code's Impact on Multinational Enterprises
by Robert Grosse - 135-146 Are Multinational Corporations Superior Investment Vehicles for Achieving International Diversification?
by Ike Mathur & Kyran Hanagan - 147-157 The Instability of Governments and the Instability of Controls on Funds Transfers by Multinational Enterprises: Implications for Political Risk Analysis
by Thomas L Brewer
June 1983, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 9-13 Suggestions for Research Themes and Publications
by Donald R Lessard - 15-16 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Management Issue
by William A Dymsza & Anant R Negandhi - 17-28 Cross-Cultural Management Research: Trend and Future Directions
by Anant R Negandhi - 29-47 A Typology of Management Studies Involving Culture
by Nancy J Adler - 49-59 Some Methodological and Analytic Considerations in Cross-National Comparative Research
by George W England & Itzhak Harpaz - 61-73 Methodological and Theoretical Issues and Advancements in Cross-Cultural Research
by Uma Sekaran - 75-89 The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories
by Geert Hofstede - 91-113 The Transfer of Organizational Culture Overseas: An Approach to Control in the Multinational Corporation
by Alfred M Jaeger - 115-129 A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Managerial Job Attitudes
by Rabinra N Kanungo & Richard W Wright - 131-142 Japanese and American Management: Theory Z and Beyond
by George W England - 143-152 An Exploratory Study of Managerial Practices in the Arabian Gulf Region
by Abdulrahman Al-Jafary & A T Hollingsworth
March 1983, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 9-14 Suggestions for Research Themes and Publications
by Donald R Lessaed - 15-33 Performance of Transnational Corporations in Less Developed Countries
by Donald J Lecraw - 35-46 Explanatory Concepts of Managerial Strategic Behavior in State-Owned Enterprises: A Multinational Study
by Jehiel Zif - 47-61 Brazilian, Japanese, and American Business Negotiations
by John L Graham - 63-84 The Utility of Annual Reports: An International Study
by Lucia S Chang & Kenneth S Most & Carlos W Brain - 85-101 The Evolution of the International Coal Trade: A Strategic and Decision-Making Perspective
by Harry J Bruce & Mel Horwitch & Pedro Nueno - 103-112 The Effect of Translation on Multinational Corporations' Internal Performance Evaluation
by Helen Gernon - 113-131 Analyzing Foreign Financial Statements: The Use and Misuse of International Ratio Analysis
by Frederick D S Choi & Hisaaki Hino & Sang Kee Min & Sang Oh Nam & Junichi Ujiie & Arthur I Stonehill - 133-139 Determining The Optimum Strategy for Hedging Currency Exposure
by David F Babbel - 141-146 The Education of a Modern International Manager
by Jacques G Maisonrouge - 147-153 Exporting: Does Sales Volume Make a Difference?
by Michael R Czinkota & Wesley J Johnston - 155-159 Will the “Real” Trade Balance Please Stand Up?
by Geoffrey H Moore - 161-164 Political Sources of Risk in the International Money Markets: Conceptual, Methodological, and Interpretive Refinements
by Thomas L Brewer
September 1982, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 9-18 The Education and Development of Managers for the Future Decades
by William A Dymsza - 19-42 Comparative Analysis of the Foreign Investment Evaluation Practices by U.S.-Based Manufacturing Multinational Companies
by Marie E Wicks Kelly & George C Philippatos - 43-58 Financial Planning for the Multinational corporation with Multiple Goals
by Joseph D Vinso - 59-70 Hedging Behavior by Multinational Firms
by Raveendra N Batra & Shabtai Donnenfeld & Josef Hadar - 71-83 Forward Rates As Predictors of Future Interest Rates in the Eurocurrency Market
by Jean-Claude Cosset - 85-98 Empirical Guidelines for Comparing International Accounting data
by R D Nair - 99-112 International Purchasing in a Small Country: An Exploratory Study of Five Swedish Firms
by Lars Hallén - 113-120 Comparative Efficiencies of Foreign Firms and Local Firms in Iran
by Parviz Asheghian - 121-129 Attitudes Toward Advertising: A Multinational Study
by James R Wills & John K Ryans - 131-141 A Cross-Cultural Study of “Made in” Concepts
by Philippe J Cattin & Alain Jolibert & Colleen Lohnes - 143-145 A Note on the Managerial Relevance of Interdependence
by J K Johansson
June 1982, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 9-24 Bargaining Power of Multinationals and Host Governments
by Nathan Fagre & Louis T Wells - 25-38 U.S.-China Trade Negotiations: Practices, Procedures and Outcomes
by Rosalie L Tung - 39-55 Variables Associated with Export Profitability
by Warren J Bilkey - 57-72 Manufacturer-Overseas Distributor Relations and export Performance
by Philip J Rosson & I David Ford - 73-85 Marketing Factors in Small Country Manufactured Exports: Are market Share and Market Growth Rate Really Important?
by Igal Ayal & Seev Hirsch - 87-98 Coping With Uncertainty in International Business
by Briance Mascarenhas - 99-111 The Behavior of Foreign Exchange Rates
by Jorge R Calderon-Rossell & Moshe Ben-Horim - 113-123 Capital Budgeting frameworks for the Multinational Corporation
by Laurence D Booth
March 1982, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 9-25 Government Intervention in Less Developed Countries: The Experience of Multinational Companies
by Thomas A Poynter - 27-38 The Board of Directors in Foreign Subsidiaries
by Laurent Leksell & Ulf Lindgren - 39-50 Some Leadership Attitudes of West German Expatriate Managerial Personnel
by Edwin L Miller & R Julian Cattaneo - 51-65 An Examination of the Psychometric, Properties of Some Commonly Researched Individual Differences, job, and Organization Variables in two Cultures
by Uma Sekaren & Harry J Martin - 67-88 The Choice of Technology and Export Commitment: The Peruvian Textile Industry
by John D Daniels & Fernando Robles - 89-100 Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Evaluations
by Warren J Bilkey & Erik Nes - 101-108 A Box-Jenkins Model for forecasting U.S. Merchandise Exports
by Charles Dale & Victor B Bailey - 109-114 Advertising and the Consumerism Movement in Europe: The Case of West Germany and Switzerland
by Saeed Samiee & John K Ryans - 115-119 “Transfer Prices and Profit Maximization in Multinational Enterprise Operations”: Comment
by Thomas A Pugel & Judith L Ugelow - 121-124 “Comment on ‘Transfer Prices and Profit Maximization in Multinational Enterprise Operations’”: Reply
by D J Fowler
September 1981, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 9-24 Foreign Ownership Effects on NLRB Representation Elections
by Charles R Greer & John C Shearer - 25-34 Motives of Non-American Firms Investing in the United States
by Riad A Ajami & David A Ricks - 35-48 Marketing Know-How Transfers by Multinationals: A Case Study in Turkey
by Nizam Aydin & Vern Terpstra - 49-64 International Developments and the U.S. Apparel Industry
by Jeffrey S Arpan & José de La Torre & Brian Toyne - 65-88 International Integration of Commodity Markets
by Arvind K Jain - 89-98 Market Forecasting for Dual Economies: The Application and Accuracy of Income Elasticities
by Heiko De B Wijnholds - 99-108 The Role of Exporter and Freight Forwarder in the United Kingdom
by G J Davies - 109-121 East-West Trade: The View from the United States
by Robert D Hisrich & Michael P Peters & Arnold K Weinstein - 123-126 Is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 a Success or Failure? A Survey of Members of the Academy of International Business
by Suk H Kim & Sam Barone
June 1981, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 9-32 Foreign Investment and Economic Development: Conflict and Negotiation
by José de La Torre - 33-51 Innovation in the International Financial Markets
by Gunter Dufey & Ian H Giddy - 53-67 Trends in East-West Industrial Cooperation
by Carl H McMillan - 69-82 International Portfolio Analysis and Strategy: The Challenge of the 80s
by Yoram Wind & Susan Douglas - 83-100 International Accounting: Development, Issues, and Future Directions
by Hanns-Martin W Schoenfeld - 101-112 The Decision-Maker and Export Entry and Expansion
by Stan D Reid - 113-135 International Technology Transfer: Major Issues and Policy Responses
by Farok J Contractor & Tagi Sagafi-Nejad - 137-143 The Influence of Sub cultural and Personality Factors on Consumer Acculturation
by Leon G Schiffman & William R Dillon & Festus E Ngumah
March 1981, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 7-10 The Early Days of JIBS at Georgia State University, 1970–1975
by Ernest W Ogram - 11-12 JIBS at Rutgers University
by William A Dymsza - 13-21 Background Concepts and Philosophy of International Business from World War II to the present
by Richard D Robinson - 23-28 Energy Future and International Trade
by Robert B Stobaugh - 29-42 Transnational Corporations in the New International Economic Order
by Jack N Behrman - 43-59 A Synthesis of Foreign Direct Investment Theories and Theories of the Multinational Firm
by A L Calvet - 61-79 Comparative Marketing: The First Twenty five Years1
by Jean J Boddewyn - 81-101 Management of Foreign Exchange Risk: A Review Article
by Laurent L Jacque - 103-120 Capital Structure and Cost-of-Capital for the Multinational Firm
by Marjorie Thines Stanley - 121-136 Accounting Standards and Multinational Corporations
by S J Gray & J C Shaw & L B Mcsweeney - 137-154 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: The State of Knowledge in Research
by Jeffrey S Arpan & Edward B Flowers & David A Ricks
September 1980, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 9-18 Economics of Exposure Management of Foreign Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations
by Clas Wihlborg - 19-35 The Ascent of Tokyo as an International Financial Center
by Howard Curtis Reed - 37-46 Offshore Banking in the Caribbean by U.S. Commercial Banks: Implications for Government-Business Interaction
by Anindya K Bhattacharya - 47-62 The Composition of Licensing Fees and Arrangements as a Function of Economic Development of Technology Recipient Nations
by Farok J Contractor - 63-72 The Changing Patterns of Advertising Strategy by Japanese Business Firms in the U.S. Market: Content Analysis
by Norihiko Suzuki - 73-80 Joint “Social Marketing” of a Weaning Food a Contraceptive in Sri Lanka
by John U Farley & T D J Louis & Srinivas K Reddy - 81-90 International Market Effectiveness of Technology-Oriented Small Firms
by V H Kirpalani & N B Macintosh
June 1980, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 9-22 The Location of Foreign Direct Investment Activity: Country Characteristics and Experience Effects
by William H Davidson - 23-38 Transfer Pricing Decisions in U.S. Multinational Corporations
by Jane O Burns - 40-62 The “Profitability” of Technology Licensing by U.S. Multinationals: A Framework for Analysis and an Empirical Study
by Farok J Contractor