January 2010, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 85-108 Keeping the Wheels Turning: The Dynamics of Managing Networks of Practice
by Marlous Agterberg & Bart Van Den Hooff & Marleen Huysman & Maura Soekijad - 109-129 Outside Directors on Korean Boards: Governance and Institutions
by Amon Chizema & Jootae Kim - 130-161 Firm Experience and Market Entry by Venture Capital Firms (1962–2004)
by Dimo Dimov & Pablo Martin de Holan - 162-189 What Wall Street Wants – Exploring the Role of Security Analysts in the Evolution and Spread of Management Concepts
by Alexander T. Nicolai & Ann‐Christine Schulz & Thomas W. Thomas
December 2009, Volume 46, Issue 8
- 1255-1288 The Practice and Process of Delivering Integration through Strategic Planning
by Paula Jarzabkowski & Julia Balogun - 1289-1314 Decision Comprehensiveness and Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Moderating Role of Managerial Uncertainty Preferences and Environmental Dynamism
by Ciaran Heavey & Zeki Simsek & Frank Roche & Aidan Kelly - 1315-1338 A Capability‐Based Framework for Open Innovation: Complementing Absorptive Capacity
by Ulrich Lichtenthaler & Eckhard Lichtenthaler - 1339-1364 What is Reflection‐In‐Action? A Phenomenological Account
by Dvora Yanow & Haridimos Tsoukas - 1365-1395 The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals: Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger
by Joseph A. Clougherty & Tomaso Duso - 1396-1420 Collective Dynamics of Citizenship Behaviour: What Group Characteristics Promote Group‐Level Helping?
by Jin Nam Choi
November 2009, Volume 46, Issue 7
- 1089-1112 Institutional Reforms and Investor Reactions to CSR Announcements: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
by Bindu Arya & Gaiyan Zhang - 1113-1137 Relationship Investment and Channel Performance: An Analysis of Mediating Forces
by Yadong Luo & Yi Liu & Jiaqi Xue - 1138-1170 Professional Competence as Ways of Being: An Existential Ontological Perspective
by Jörgen Sandberg & Ashly H. Pinnington - 1171-1196 The Impact of Institutional and Human Resource Distance on International Entry Strategies
by Saul Estrin & Delia Baghdasaryan & Klaus E. Meyer - 1197-1226 Stimulating Strategically Aligned Behaviour Among Employees
by Cees B. M. Van Riel & Guido Berens & Majorie Dijkstra - 1227-1253 Regulatory Uncertainty: A Reason to Postpone Investments? Not Necessarily
by Volker H. Hoffmann & Thomas Trautmann & Jens Hamprecht
September 2009, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 895-922 Heterogeneity in Professional Service Firms
by Namrata Malhotra & Timothy Morris - 923-949 Negative Emotional Reactions to Project Failure and the Self‐Compassion to Learn from the Experience
by Dean A. Shepherd & Melissa S. Cardon - 950-981 Cognitive Dynamics of Capability Development Paths
by Tomi Laamanen & Johan Wallin - 982-1004 Do Firms Learn from Alliance Terminations? An Empirical Examination
by Nitin Pangarkar - 1005-1030 Do Birds of a Feather Flock Higher? The Effects of Partner Similarity on Innovation in Strategic Alliances in Knowledge‐Intensive Industries
by Xiaowei Luo & Lina Deng - 1031-1056 Learning and Innovation in International Strategic Alliances: An Empirical Test of the Role of Trust and Tacitness
by Bo Bernhard Nielsen & Sabina Nielsen - 1057-1058 ‘Borrowing’ Theory: What Does This Mean and When Does It Make Sense in Management Scholarship?
by Steven W. Floyd - 1059-1075 Maximizing the Impact of Organization Science: Theory‐Building at the Intersection of Disciplines and/or Fields
by Shaker A. Zahra & Lance R. Newey - 1076-1088 Theory Building at the Intersection: Recipe for Impact or Road to Nowhere?
by Lívia Markóczy & David L. Deeds
June 2009, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 575-596 Corporate Charitable Giving, Multinational Companies and Countries of Concern
by Stephen J. Brammer & Stephen Pavelin & Lynda A. Porter - 597-624 Organizational Ambidexterity: Towards a Multilevel Understanding
by Zeki Simsek - 625-649 Supply‐Side Innovation and Technology Commercialization
by Gideon D. Markman & Peter T. Gianiodis & Phillip H. Phan - 650-675 Combinative Effects of Innovation Types and Organizational Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Service Organizations
by Fariborz Damanpour & Richard M. Walker & Claudia N. Avellaneda - 676-703 Does Reputation Contribute to Reducing Organizational Errors? A Learning Approach
by Mooweon Rhee - 704-731 Corporate Board Attributes, Team Effectiveness and Financial Performance
by G. Tyge Payne & George S. Benson & David L. Finegold
May 2009, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 337-361 An Opportunity for Me? The Role of Resources in Opportunity Evaluation Decisions
by J. Michael Haynie & Dean A. Shepherd & Jeffery S. McMullen - 362-392 Demand‐ and Supply‐Side Agglomerations: Distinguishing between Fundamentally Different Manifestations of Geographic Concentration
by Brian T. McCann & Timothy B. Folta - 393-420 The Performance Effects of Business Groups in Russia
by Saul Estrin & Svetlana Poukliakova & Daniel Shapiro - 421-450 Dynamic Capabilities, Government Policies, and Performance in Firms from Emerging Economies: Evidence from India and Pakistan
by Omar R. Malik & Masaaki Kotabe - 451-480 Governance, Negotiations, and Alliance Dynamics: Explaining the Evolution of Relational Practice
by Håvard Ness - 481-509 The Application of External Knowledge: Organizational Conditions for Exploration and Exploitation
by Paul E. Bierly & Fariborz Damanpour & Michael D. Santoro - 510-515 Introduction: Can We Bridge the Rigour–Relevance Gap?
by Robin Fincham & Timothy Clark - 516-533 Why the Rigour–Relevance Gap in Management Research Is Unbridgeable
by Alfred Kieser & Lars Leiner - 534-546 Bridging the Rigour–Relevance Gap in Management Research: It's Already Happening!
by Gerard P. Hodgkinson & Denise M. Rousseau - 547-558 Management Research and the New Logics of Discovery and Engagement
by Ken Starkey & Armand Hatchuel & Sue Tempest
March 2009, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 157-181 Managerial (In)attention to Competitive Threats
by Jeffery S. McMullen & Dean A. Shepherd & Holger Patzelt - 182-214 Subsidiary Strategy: The Embeddedness Component
by Carlos Garcia‐Pont & J. Ignacio Canales & Fabrizio Noboa - 215-244 The Role of Alliance Network Redundancy in the Creation of Core and Non‐core Technologies
by Wim Vanhaverbeke & Victor Gilsing & Bonnie Beerkens & Geert Duysters - 245-268 Measures for Dealing with Competence and Integrity Violations of Interorganizational Trust at the Corporate and Operating Levels of Organizational Hierarchy
by Martyna Janowicz‐Panjaitan & Rekha Krishnan - 269-307 Changing Vertical Integration Strategies under Pressure from Foreign Competition: The Case of US and German Multinationals
by Thomas Hutzschenreuter & Florian Gröne - 308-335 Strategic Choice and Performance in Late Movers: Influence of the Top Management Team's External Ties
by Jae Wook Yoo & Richard Reed & Shung Jae Shin & David J. Lemak
January 2009, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-9 So, Farewell Then . . . Reflections on Editing the Journal of Management Studies
by Timothy Clark & Mike Wright - 10-15 The Future Ahead: Imagination, Rigour and the Advancement of Management Studies
by Joep Cornelissen & Steven W. Floyd - 16-44 Social Capital and Social Influence on the Board of Directors
by William B. Stevenson & Robert F. Radin - 45-64 The Resource‐Based View of Competitive Advantage in Two‐Sided Markets
by Mingchun Sun & Edison Tse - 65-92 Intellectual Capital Architectures and Ambidextrous Learning: A Framework for Human Resource Management
by Sung‐Choon Kang & Scott A. Snell - 93-126 Managerial Collective Cognitions: An Examination of Similarities and Differences of Cultural Orientations
by Beverly B. Tyler & Devi R. Gnyawali - 129-142 HRM and Performance: Achievements, Methodological Issues and Prospects
by Jaap Paauwe - 143-155 HRM and Performance: A Plea for Reflexivity in HRM Studies
by Maddy Janssens & Chris Steyaert
December 2008, Volume 45, Issue 8
- 1329-1353 Market Orientation, Generative Learning, Innovation Strategy and Business Performance Inter‐Relationships in Bioscience Firms
by Robert E. Morgan & Pierre Berthon - 1354-1376 Tapping Deep Pockets: The Role of Resources and Social Capital on Financial Capital Acquisition by Biotechnology Firms in Biotech–Pharma Alliances
by Shanthi Gopalakrishnan & Joanne L. Scillitoe & Michael D. Santoro - 1377-1400 Effects of Psychological Contract Breach on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Insights from the Group Value Model
by Simon Lloyd D. Restubog & Matthew J. Hornsey & Prashant Bordia & Sarah R. Esposo - 1401-1423 Research and Technology Commercialization
by Gideon D. Markman & Donald S. Siegel & Mike Wright - 1424-1447 When Does University Research Get Commercialized? Creating Ambidexterity in Research Institutions
by Tina C. Ambos & Kristiina Mäkelä & Julian Birkinshaw & Pablo D'Este - 1448-1474 Entry into Insular Domains: A Longitudinal Study of Knowledge Structuration and Innovation in Biotechnology Firms
by Gerard George & Reddi Kotha & Yanfeng Zheng - 1475-1505 Corporate Venture Capital, Disembodied Experimentation and Capability Development
by Thomas Keil & Erkko Autio & Gerard George - 1506-1532 Commercializing Open Science: Deep Space Communications as the Lead Market for Shannon Theory, 1960–73
by Joel West
November 2008, Volume 45, Issue 7
- 1169-1194 Firm and Group Influences on Venture Capital Firms’ Involvement in New Ventures
by Dirk De Clercq & Harry J. Sapienza & Akbar Zaheer - 1195-1216 Examining the Conditional Limits of Relational Governance: Specialized Assets, Performance Ambiguity, and Long‐Standing Ties
by Laura Poppo & Kevin Zheng Zhou & Todd R. Zenger - 1217-1243 The Decision to Persist with Underperforming Alliances: The Role of Trust and Control
by Holger Patzelt & Dean A. Shepherd - 1244-1273 The Performance Differential between Private and State Owned Enterprises: The Roles of Ownership, Management and Market Structure
by Eskil Goldeng & Leo A. Grünfeld & Gabriel R. G. Benito - 1274-1300 Coevolution of Institutions and Corporations in Emerging Economies: How the Salim Group Morphed into an Institution of Suharto's Crony Regime
by Marleen Dieleman & Wladimir M. Sachs - 1301-1328 Do Foreign Greenfields Outperform Foreign Acquisitions or Vice Versa? An Institutional Perspective
by Arjen H. L. Slangen & Jean‐François Hennart
September 2008, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 1025-1035 Guest Editors’ Introduction
by Joseph Lampel & Alan D. Meyer - 1036-1060 Tournament Rituals, Category Dynamics, and Field Configuration: The Case of the Booker Prize
by N. Anand & Brittany C. Jones - 1061-1088 Conferences as Venues for the Configuration of Emerging Organizational Fields: The Case of Cochlear Implants
by Raghu Garud - 1089-1116 Showdown at Kykuit: Field‐Configuring Events as Loci for Conventionalizing Accounts
by Paul‐Brian McInerney - 1117-1146 Configuring the Field of Play: How Hosting the Olympic Games Impacts Civic Community
by Mary Ann Glynn - 1147-1167 Using Field‐Configuring Events for Sense‐Making: A Cognitive Network Approach
by Amalya L Oliver & Kathleen Montgomery
July 2008, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 857-884 Creating a High‐Trust Organization: An Exploration into Organizational Policies that Stimulate Interpersonal Trust Building
by Frédérique Six & Arndt Sorge - 885-911 The Development of Corporate Identity: A Political Perspective
by Suzana Rodrigues & John Child - 912-935 Towards a Socio‐Cognitive Approach to Knowledge Transfer
by Torsten Ringberg & Markus Reihlen - 936-960 Real Options, International Entry Mode Choice and Performance
by Keith D. Brouthers & Lance Eliot Brouthers & Steve Werner - 961-981 The Influence of Top Management Team International Exposure on International Alliance Formation
by Ho‐Uk Lee & Jong‐Hun Park - 982-1007 Senior Team Attributes and Organizational Ambidexterity: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership
by Justin J. P. Jansen & Gerard George & Frans A. J. Van den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 1008-1023 Why Is Management Not an Evolutionary Science? Evolutionary Theory in Strategy and Organization
by J. W. Stoelhorst
June 2008, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 677-690 Inter‐Organizational Knowledge Transfer: Current Themes and Future Prospects
by Mark Easterby‐Smith & Marjorie A. Lyles & Eric W. K. Tsang - 691-713 Trustworthiness, Risk, and the Transfer of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Between Alliance Partners
by Manuel Becerra & Randi Lunnan & Lars Huemer - 714-744 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Cross‐Border Knowledge Transfer: An Empirical Examination
by Liliana Pérez‐Nordtvedt & Ben L. Kedia & Deepak K. Datta & Abdul A. Rasheed - 745-773 Transformation Networks in Innovation Alliances – The Development of Volvo C70
by Sigvald J. Harryson & Rafal Dudkowski & Alexander Stern - 774-799 Learning to Build a Supply Network: An Exploration of Dynamic Business Models
by Katy J. Mason & Sheena Leek - 800-829 Heterogeneity and Specificity of Inter‐Firm Knowledge Flows in Innovation Networks
by Alessia Sammarra & Lucio Biggiero - 830-853 Inter‐ and Intra‐Organizational Knowledge Transfer: A Meta‐Analytic Review and Assessment of its Antecedents and Consequences
by Raymond Van Wijk & Justin J. P. Jansen & Marjorie A. Lyles
May 2008, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 457-479 Contract Formalization and Governance of Exporter–Importer Relationships
by Preet S. Aulakh & F. Esra Gençtürk - 480-501 Reflecting on Reflexivity: Reflexive Textual Practices in Organization and Management Theory
by Mats Alvesson & Cynthia Hardy & Bill Harley - 502-529 Manifested Attitudes: Intricacies of Inter‐Partner Learning in Collaboration
by Chris Huxham & Paul Hibbert - 530-560 Disentangling Alliance Management Processes: Decision Making, Politicality, and Alliance Performance
by Jorge Walter & Christoph Lechner & Franz W. Kellermanns - 561-584 Buyer–Supplier and Supplier–Supplier Alliances: Do They Reinforce or Undermine One Another?
by Sergio G. Lazzarini & Danny P. Claro & Luiz F. Mesquita - 585-612 Internal Knowledge Development and External Knowledge Access in Venture Capital Investment Performance
by Dirk De Clercq & Dimo Dimov - 613-635 The Narrative of ‘Evidence Based’ Management: A Polemic
by Kevin Morrell - 636-659 Asian Management Research: Status Today and Future Outlook
by Garry D. Bruton & Chung‐Ming Lau
March 2008, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 239-267 Meanings on Multiple Levels: The Influence of Field‐Level and Organizational‐Level Meaning Systems on Diffusion
by E. Geoffrey Love & Peter Cebon - 268-293 How Critical is Employee Orientation for Customer Relationship Management? Insights from a Case Study
by Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki & Nikolaos Tzokas & Pavlos Dimitratos & Michael Saren - 294-316 Role Expectations and Middle Manager Strategic Agency
by Saku Mantere - 317-342 Supplier‐Focused Knowledge Management in the Automobile Industry and Its Implications for Product Performance
by C. Lakshman & Ronaldo C. Parente - 343-371 Normalized Intensity: The New Labour Process of Middle Management
by Leo McCann & Jonathan Morris & John Hassard - 372-401 ‘Citibankers’ at Citigroup: A Study of the Loss of Institutional Trust after a Merger
by Steve Maguire & Nelson Phillips - 402-424 Defining and Measuring Servant Leadership Behaviour in Organizations
by Sen Sendjaya & James C. Sarros & Joseph C. Santora - 425-455 Investigating the Success of Decision Making Processes
by Paul C. Nutt
January 2008, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-25 An Exploration of How the Employee–Organization Relationship Affects the Linkage Between Perception of Developmental Human Resource Practices and Employee Outcomes
by Bård Kuvaas - 26-50 Resource Configuration in Family Firms: Linking Resources, Strategic Planning and Technological Opportunities to Performance
by Kimberly A. Eddleston & Franz Willi Kellermanns & Ravi Sarathy - 51-78 Stewardship vs. Stagnation: An Empirical Comparison of Small Family and Non‐Family Businesses
by Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton‐Miller & Barry Scholnick - 79-99 Metonymy in Language about Organizations: A Corpus‐Based Study of Company Names
by Joep P. Cornelissen - 100-121 Contracts to Communities: A Processual Model of Organizational Virtue
by Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Muel Kaptein & J. (Hans) van Oosterhout - 122-146 Dimensions of Social Capital and Firm Competitiveness Improvement: The Mediating Role of Information Sharing
by Wei‐ping Wu - 147-168 Alliance Dynamics for Entrepreneurial Firms
by Africa Ariño & Roberto Ragozzino & Jeffrey J. Reuer - 169-195 The Timing of International Expansion: Information, Rivalry and Imitation Among Japanese Firms, 1980–2002
by Andrew Delios & Ajai S. Gaur & Shige Makino - 196-220 Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: A Review of the Principal–Principal Perspective
by Michael N. Young & Mike W. Peng & David Ahlstrom & Garry D. Bruton & Yi Jiang - 221-237 The Fine ‘Science’ of Entrepreneurial Decision‐Making
by Deniz Ucbasaran
December 2007, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 1299-1323 The Moderating Effect of CEO Power on the Board Composition–Firm Performance Relationship
by James G. Combs & David J. Ketchen & Alexa A. Perryman & Maura S. Donahue - 1324-1348 The Diffusion of Management Innovations: The Possibilities and Limitations of Memetics
by Joseph O'Mahoney - 1349-1370 Comprehensiveness versus Pragmatism: Consensus at the Japanese–Dutch Interface
by Niels G. Noorderhaven & Jos Benders & Arjan B. Keizer - 1371-1397 Minority Employees Engaging with (Diversity) Management: An Analysis of Control, Agency, and Micro‐Emancipation
by Patrizia Zanoni & Maddy Janssens - 1398-1424 The Impact of Managerial Environmental Perceptions on Corporate Entrepreneurship: Towards Understanding Discretionary Slack's Pivotal Role
by Zeki Simsek & John F. Veiga & Michael H. Lubatkin - 1425-1453 Interpartner Legitimacy in the Alliance Development Process
by Rajesh Kumar & T. K. Das - 1454-1480 Boardroom Strategizing in Professional Associations: Processual and Institutional Perspectives
by Lee D. Parker - 1481-1502 A Modern Resource Based Approach to Unrelated Diversification
by Desmond W. Ng - 1503-1522 The Utility of Social Obligations in the UK Energy Industry
by Diane Sharratt & Bitten H. Brigham & Martin Brigham - 1523-1550 The Effects of Empowerment on Attitudes and Performance: The Role of Social Support and Empowerment Beliefs
by Mary S. Logan & Daniel C. Ganster - 1551-1579 Business Groups: An Integrated Model to Focus Future Research
by Daphne W. Yiu & Yuan Lu & Garry D. Bruton & Robert E. Hoskisson
November 2007, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 1057-1063 The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm
by Sharon A. Alvarez & Jay B. Barney - 1064-1077 Revisiting the Emergence of the Modern Business Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and the Singer Global Distribution System
by Mark Casson & Andrew Godley - 1078-1106 A Cognitive Perspective on Entrepreneurship and the Firm
by Brian J. Loasby - 1107-1124 The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm and the Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm
by Richard N. Langlois - 1125-1140 Firms as Realizations of Entrepreneurial Visions
by Ulrich Witt - 1141-1164 Do You See What I Mean? An Entrepreneurship Perspective on the Nature and Boundaries of the Firm
by Ivo Zander - 1165-1186 The Entrepreneurial Organization of Heterogeneous Capital
by Kirsten Foss & Nicolai J. Foss & Peter G. Klein & Sandra K. Klein - 1187-1212 Resources, Capabilities and Entrepreneurial Perceptions
by Yasemin Y. Kor & Joseph T. Mahoney & Steven C. Michael - 1213-1241 Entrepreneurship and Firm Boundaries: The Theory of A Firm
by Michael G. Jacobides & Sidney G. Winter - 1242-1254 The Theory of Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship
by David B. Audretsch & Max Keilbach - 1255-1277 Opportunity Discovery, Problem Solving and a Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm
by Chihmao Hsieh & Jack A. Nickerson & Todd R. Zenger - 1278-1298 Governing Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition in MNEs: Aligning Interests and Cognition Under Uncertainty
by Volker Mahnke & Markus Venzin & Shaker A. Zahra
September 2007, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 837-862 Burned by Bullying in the American Workplace: Prevalence, Perception, Degree and Impact
by Pamela Lutgen‐Sandvik & Sarah J. Tracy & Jess K. Alberts - 863-882 The Organizational Life of an Idea: Integrating Social Network, Creativity and Decision‐Making Perspectives
by Bob Kijkuit & Jan Van Den Ende - 883-909 Differentiating Good Soldiers from Good Actors
by Robin S. Snell & Yuk Lan Wong - 910-931 Investigating Managers' Exploration and Exploitation Activities: The Influence of Top‐Down, Bottom‐Up, and Horizontal Knowledge Inflows
by Tom J. M. Mom & Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 932-954 Understanding Top Management and Organizational Change Through Demographic and Processual Analysis
by Ed Clark & Anna Soulsby - 955-971 An Organizational Justice‐Based View of Self‐Control and Agency Costs in Family Firms
by Michael H. Lubatkin & Yan Ling & William S. Schulze - 972-992 The Role of Perceived Organizational Performance in Organizational Identification, Adjustment and Job Performance
by Abraham Carmeli & Gershon Gilat & David A. Waldman - 993-1016 Knowledge Networks and Careers: Academic Scientists in Industry–University Links
by Alice Lam - 1017-1040 Explaining Vertical Integration Strategies: Market Power, Transactional Attributes and Capabilities
by Isabel Díez‐Vial - 1041-1056 Corporate Governance and the Firm's Dynamics: Contingencies and Complementarities
by Igor Filatotchev
July 2007, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 669-686 Discourse and Audience: Organizational Change as Multi‐Story Process
by David Buchanan & Patrick Dawson - 687-708 Identifying, Enabling and Managing Dynamic Capabilities in the Public Sector
by Amy L. Pablo & Trish Reay & James R. Dewald & Ann L. Casebeer - 709-732 Acquisition Premiums, Subsequent Workforce Reductions and Post‐Acquisition Performance
by Hema A. Krishnan & Michael A. Hitt & Daewoo Park - 733-758 Don't Take It Personally: Exploring Cognitive Conflict as a Mediator of Affective Conflict
by Ann C. Mooney & Patricia J. Holahan & Allen C. Amason - 759-787 Incentive Asymmetries in the Mergers and Acquisitions Process
by Petri Parvinen & Henrikki Tikkanen - 788-813 Political Interests and the Emergence of Commercial Banking in Transition Economies
by Laszlo Tihanyi & W. Harvey Hegarty - 814-834 Conflict for Mutual Gains?
by Nicolas Bacon & Paul Blyton
June 2007, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 465-487 An Examination of the Factors that Influence Whether Newcomers Protect or Share Secrets of their Former Employers
by David R. Hannah - 488-505 Whose Human Capital? The Challenge of Value Capture When Capital is Embedded
by Cliff Bowman & Juani Swart - 506-535 Contrasting Institutional and Performance Accounts of Environmental Management Systems: Three Case Studies in the UK Water & Sewerage Industry
by Anja Schaefer - 536-560 Incentives Management During Privatization: An Agency Perspective
by Gloria Cuevas Rodríguez & Concepción Alvarez‐Dardet Espejo & Ramón Valle Cabrera - 561-591 The Influence of Decision, Environmental and Firm Characteristics on the Rationality of Strategic Decision‐Making
by Said Elbanna & John Child - 592-611 A Prescriptive Analysis of Search and Discovery
by James O. Fiet - 612-621 Reviewing Journal Rankings and Revisiting Peer Reviews: Editorial Perspectives
by Timothy Clark & Mike Wright - 622-627 The Future of Double‐Blind Review in Management
by Amy J. Hillman & Sara L. Rynes - 628-639 Liberating the Markets for Journal Publications: Some Specific Options
by Geoff Easton - 640-655 Ring a Ring o’ Roses: Quality Journals and Gamesmanship in Management Studies
by Stuart Macdonald & Jacqueline Kam - 656-668 Knowledge in the Organization of Contemporary Business and Economy
by Joanne Roberts
May 2007, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 323-341 Middle Managers' Divergent Strategic Activity: An Investigation of Multiple Measures of Network Centrality
by James M. Pappas & Bill Wooldridge - 342-366 Contract Law and the Governance of Inter‐Firm Technology Partnerships – An Analysis of Different Modes of Partnering and Their Contractual Implications
by John Hagedoorn & Geerte Hesen - 367-387 Information Gathering and Changes in Threat and Opportunity Perceptions
by Marc H. Anderson & Mary L. Nichols - 388-413 Collective Virtuosity in Organizations: A Study of Peak Performance in an Orchestra
by Mark Marotto & Johan Roos & Bart Victor - 414-430 Examining the Relationships Between Monitoring and Incentives in Corporate Governance
by Matthew A. Rutherford & Ann K. Buchholtz & Jill A. Brown - 431-450 The Politics of Standards in Modern Management: Making ‘The Project’ a Reality
by Damian Hodgson & Svetlana Cicmil
March 2007, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 189-205 Managerial Dimensions of Organizational Health: The Healthy Leader at Work
by James Campbell Quick & Marilyn Macik‐Frey & Cary L. Cooper - 206-221 Health in Organization: Towards a Process‐Based View
by Robert MacIntosh & Donald MacLean & Harry Burns - 222-242 International and Cultural Variations in Employee Assistance Programmes: Implications for Managerial Health and Effectiveness
by Rabi S. Bhagat & Pamela K. Steverson & James C. Segovis - 243-260 Health Among Leaders: Positive and Negative Affect, Engagement and Burnout, Forgiveness and Revenge
by Laura M. Little & Bret L. Simmons & Debra L. Nelson - 261-283 Expanding the Tension‐Reduction Model of Work Stress and Alcohol Use: Comparison of Managerial and Non‐Managerial Men and Women
by Sarah Moore & Patricia Sikora & Leon Grunberg & Edward Greenberg - 284-303 The Relationship Between Task Interdependency and Role Stress: A Revisit of the Job Demands–Control Model
by Sze‐Sze Wong & Gerardine DeSanctis & Nancy Staudenmayer - 304-319 Sickness Presenteeism, Sickness Absenteeism, and Health Following Restructuring in a Public Service Organization
by Natasha Caverley & J. Barton Cunningham & James N. MacGregor
January 2007, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-24 Global Standardization of Organizational Forms and Management Practices? What New Institutionalism and the Business‐Systems Approach Can Learn from Each Other
by Anne Tempel & Peter Walgenbach - 25-49 Alliance Capability as a Mediator Between Experience and Alliance Performance: An Empirical Investigation into the Alliance Capability Development Process
by Koen H. Heimeriks & Geert Duysters - 50-72 NTT DoCoMo's Launch of I‐Mode in the Japanese Mobile Phone Market: A Knowledge Creation Perspective
by Vesa Peltokorpi & Ikujiro Nonaka & Mitsuru Kodama - 73-95 The Development of Organizational Social Capital: Attributes of Family Firms
by Jean‐Luc Arregle & Michael A. Hitt & David G. Sirmon & Philippe Very - 96-118 Belbin's Team Role Model: Development, Validity and Applications for Team Building
by Aitor Aritzeta & Stephen Swailes & Barbara Senior - 119-142 Corporate Entrepreneurship Activities through Strategic Alliances: A Resource‐Based Approach toward Competitive Advantage
by Bing‐Sheng Teng - 143-164 Change, Change or Be Exchanged: The Discourse of Participation and the Manufacture of Identity
by Gill Musson & Joanne Duberley - 165-188 Knowledge Management as the Basis of Sustained High Performance
by William C. Bogner & Pratima Bansal
December 2006, Volume 43, Issue 8
- 1643-1669 Encouraging Consensus‐Challenging Research in Universities
by Jeffery S. McMullen & Dean A. Shepherd - 1671-1702 Exploring the Political Side of Board Involvement in Strategy: A Study of Mixed‐Ownership Institutions
by Davide Ravasi & Alessandro Zattoni - 1703-1725 Components of CEO Transformational Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility
by David A. Waldman & Donald S. Siegel & Mansour Javidan - 1727-1752 Participative Leadership by American and Chinese Managers in China: The Role of Relationships
by Yi Feng Chen & Dean Tjosvold - 1753-1773 Finding a Working Balance Between Competitive and Communal Strategies
by Michael L. Barnett - 1775-1797 Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts and Ex Post Transaction Costs: An Empirical Investigation
by Jérôme Barthélemy & Bertrand V. Quélin - 1801-1820 Encouraging Best Practice in Quantitative Management Research: An Incomplete List of Opportunities
by Raj Echambadi & Benjamin Campbell & Rajshree Agarwal - 1821-1835 Building Better Theory by Bridging the Quantitative–Qualitative Divide
by Sonali K. Shah & Kevin G. Corley
November 2006, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 1415-1436 Conceptualizing Knowledge Creation: A Critique of Nonaka's Theory
by Stephen Gourlay - 1437-1461 Is there a ‘New Managerial Work’? A Comparison with Henry Mintzberg's Classic Study 30 Years Later
by Stefan Tengblad - 1463-1490 Multinational Retailers in China: Proliferating ‘McJobs’ or Developing Skills?
by Jos Gamble