September 2008, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 647-663 Ethical Behaviour of Tertiary Education Students in Cyprus
by Anastasios Zopiatis & Maria Krambia-Kapardis - 665-678 Corporate Governance and Ethics: A Feminist Perspective
by Silke Machold & Pervaiz Ahmed & Stuart Farquhar - 679-696 Due Process and Standard-setting: An Analysis of Due Process in Three Canadian Accounting and Auditing Standard-setting Bodies
by Alan Richardson - 697-714 Four Design Criteria for any Future Contractarian Theory of Business Ethics
by Ben Wempe
August 2008, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 247-260 Performance of Ethical Mutual Funds in Spain: Sacrifice or Premium?
by Angeles Fernandez-Izquierdo & Juan Matallin-Saez - 261-279 Is the Culture of Family Firms Really Different? A Value-based Model for Its Survival through Generations
by Manuel Vallejo - 281-295 Gender Differences in Double Standards
by Iris Vermeir & Patrick Kenhove - 297-312 Shareholders and Social Responsibility
by Brian Schaefer - 313-322 Perceived Behavioral Integrity: Relationships with Employee Attitudes, Well-Being, and Absenteeism
by David Prottas - 323-341 Connected Moral Agency in Organizational Ethics
by George Watson & R. Edward Freeman & Bobby Parmar - 343-353 The Role of Ethics Institutionalization in Influencing Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Esprit de Corps
by Scott Vitell & Anusorn Singhapakdi - 355-370 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Enterprise
by Nelarine Cornelius & Mathew Todres & Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj & Adrian Woods & James Wallace - 371-385 Conceptualizing the Dynamics of Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Case Study of Estonia
by Ruth Alas & Külliki Tafel - 387-399 The Influence of Perceived Importance of an Ethical Issue on Moral Judgment, Moral Obligation, and Moral Intent
by Russell Haines & Marc Street & Douglas Haines - 401-412 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: Has It Brought About Changes in the Boards of Large U. S. Corporations?
by Alix Valenti - 413-425 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Orientations and Willingness to Sacrifice Ethical Standards: China Versus Peru
by Christopher Robertson & Bradley Olson & K. Gilley & Yongjian Bao - 427-445 The Discursive Construction of Gender in Contemporary Management Literature
by Elisabeth K. Kelan - 447-463 Ethical Commitment, Financial Performance, and Valuation: An Empirical Investigation of Korean Companies
by Tae Choi & Jinchul Jung - 465-480 Workplace Values and Outcomes: Exploring Personal, Organizational, and Interactive Workplace Spirituality
by Robert Kolodinsky & Robert Giacalone & Carole Jurkiewicz - 481-498 Organizational Isomorphism and Corruption in Financial Institutions: Empirical Research in Emerging Countries
by Bertrand Venard & Mohamed Hanafi
August 2008, Volume 81, Issue 1
- 1-14 What Managers Could See in the Philosophical Block of “Free Will”?
by Matej Drascek & Stane Maticic - 15-25 Sartrean Existentialism and Ethical Decision-Making in Business
by Andrew West - 27-38 Corporate Moral Legitimacy and the Legitimacy of Morals: A Critique of Palazzo/Scherer’s Communicative Framework
by Helmut Willke & Gerhard Willke - 39-51 An Analysis of the Impact of Economic Wealth and National Culture on the Rise and Fall of Software Piracy Rates
by Trevor Moores - 53-61 Women and Globalization: Ethical Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer in Global Organizations
by Chong Choi & Sae Kim - 63-81 Understanding the Ethical Cost of Organizational Goal-Setting: A Review and Theory Development
by Adam Barsky - 83-95 Gender Diversity in Corporate Governance and Top Management
by Claude Francoeur & Réal Labelle & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 97-115 Fostering Creativity and Innovation without Encouraging Unethical Behavior
by Melissa Baucus & William Norton & David Baucus & Sherrie Human - 117-142 Multi-Stakeholder Labour Monitoring Organizations: Egoists, Instrumentalists, or Moralists?
by Jeff Everett & Dean Neu & Daniel Martinez - 143-156 Embedding CSR Values: The Global Footwear Industry’s Evolving Governance Structure
by Suk-Jun Lim & Joe Phillips - 157-167 The Influence of an Organisation’s Corporate Values on Employees Personal Buying Behaviour
by Jesús Cambra-Fierro & Yolanda Polo-Redondo & Alan Wilson - 169-191 Religiousness, Love of Money, and Ethical Attitudes of Malaysian Evangelical Christians in Business
by Hong Wong - 193-207 Conflicts of Interest in Financial Intermediation
by Guido Palazzo & Lena Rethel - 209-221 Enhancing Employee Voice: Are Voluntary Employer–Employee Partnerships Enough?
by Harry Buren & Michelle Greenwood - 223-234 Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains of Global Brands: A Boundaryless Responsibility? Clarifications, Exceptions and Implications
by Kenneth M. Amaeshi & Onyeka K. Osuji & Paul Nnodim - 235-246 Integrating Pragmatism and Ethics in Entrepreneurial Leadership for Sustainable Value Creation
by Gita Surie & Allan Ashley
July 2008, Volume 80, Issue 4
- 643-651 The International Business Ethics Index: Asian Emerging Economies
by John Tsalikis & Bruce Seaton & Tiger Li - 653-675 The Ethical Climate of Danish Firms: A Discussion and Enhancement of the Ethical-Climate Model
by Jeanette Lemmergaard & Jorgen Lauridsen - 677-695 The Effect of National Corporate Responsibility Environment on Japanese Foreign Direct Investment
by George Peng & Paul Beamish - 697-710 Environmental Reporting: The U.K. Water and Energy Industries: A Research Note
by Stephanie Stray - 711-725 The Corporate Social Performance Content of Innovation in the U.K
by Stephen Pavelin & Lynda Porter - 727-743 Women’s Careers at the Start of the 21st Century: Patterns and Paradoxes
by Deborah O’Neil & Margaret Hopkins & Diana Bilimoria - 745-753 An Analysis of 10 years of Business Ethics Research in Strategic Management Journal: 1996–2005
by Christopher Robertson - 755-769 The Impact of Corporate Social Performance on a Firm’s Multinationality
by Cyril Bouquet & Yuval Deutsch - 771-789 Religion, Opportunism, and International Market Entry Via Non-Equity Alliances or Joint Ventures
by Ning Li - 791-806 Values Versus Regulations: How Culture Plays Its Role
by Runtian Jing & John L. Graham - 807-822 No Man’s Land: Exploring the Space between Gilligan and Kohlberg
by Gabriel Donleavy - 823-844 The Aftermath of Organizational Corruption: Employee Attributions and Emotional Reactions
by Kathie Pelletier & Michelle Bligh - 845-854 Ethical Reflections on Company-Owned Life Insurance
by Hugo Nurnberg & Douglas Lackey - 855-878 Ethics and Disclosure: A Study of the Financial Performance of Firms in the Seasoned Equity Offerings Market
by Hoje Jo & Yongtae Kim - 879-888 Imperfections and Shortcomings of the Stakeholder Model’s Graphical Representation
by Yves Fassin - 889-898 A Perspective of Collective Consciousness of Business Organizations
by Ashish Pandey & Rajen Gupta
June 2008, Volume 80, Issue 2
- 151-173 Corporations as Political Actors – A Report on the First Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility
by Andreas Rasche & Dorothea Baur & Mariëtte Huijstee & Stephen Ladek & Jayanthi Naidu & Cecilia Perla & Esther Schouten & Michael Valente & Mingrui Zhang - 175-180 Management and Legal Issues Regarding Electronic Surveillance of Employees in the Workplace
by David Halpern & Patrick Reville & Donald Grunewald - 181-203 The Investment Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds in Australia
by Stewart Jones & Sandra van der Laan & Geoff Frost & Janice Loftus - 205-223 Work Values of Turkish and American University Students
by Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygün & Mahmut Arslan & Salih Güney - 225-235 Organization-Harm vs. Organization-Gain Ethical Issues: An Exploratory Examination of the Effects of Organizational Commitment
by C. Cullinan & Dennis Bline & Robert Farrar & Dana Lowe - 237-248 Strategy Making and the Search for Authenticity
by Jeanne Liedtka - 249-261 An Integral Model of Collective Action in Organizations and Beyond
by Lu Tang - 263-278 Principles and Influence in Codes of Ethics: A Centering Resonance Analysis Comparing Pre- and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Codes of Ethics
by Heather Canary & Marianne Jennings - 279-280 European Business and Economic Ethics: Diagnosis – Dialogue – Debate
by Dorothea Baur & Franziska Birke & Jochen Fehling & Bettina Hollstein & Mi-Yong Lee-Peuker - 281-288 Business Ethics Resources on the Internet
by Scott Yetmar - 289-304 Meet the Parents: A Parents’ Perspective on Product Placement in Children’s Films
by Simon Hudson & David Hudson & John Peloza - 305-325 Linking Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Managerial Ethical Decision-Making
by Kevin Groves & Charles Vance & Yongsun Paik - 327-347 Perceptions of Deception: Making Sense of Responses to Employee Deceit
by Karen Jehn & Elizabeth Scott - 349-365 Ethical Decisions About Sharing Music Files in the P2P Environment
by Rong-An Shang & Yu-Chen Chen & Pin-Cheng Chen - 367-377 Reconciling Corporate Citizenship and Competitive Strategy: Insights from Economic Theory
by Sylvia Maxfield - 379-385 The International Business Ethics Index: Japan
by John Tsalikis & Bruce Seaton - 387-398 Ethics and Religion: An Empirical Test of a Multidimensional Model
by K. Parboteeah & Martin Hoegl & John Cullen
June 2008, Volume 80, Issue 1
- 1-4 Ethics in Today’s Business World: Reflections from Business Scholars
by Ann Tenbrunsel - 5-11 “She did what? There is no way I would do that!” The Potential Interpersonal Harm Caused by Mispredicting One’s Behavior
by Kristina Diekmann - 13-21 The Manipulation of Voting Systems
by David Hartvigsen - 23-35 Ethics and Lobbying: The Case of Real Estate Brokerage
by David Barker - 37-44 Does Payment For Order Flow To Your Broker Help Or Hurt You?
by Robert Battalio & Tim Loughran - 45-59 Ethical Issues in Financial Reporting: Is Intentional Structuring of Lease Contracts to Avoid Capitalization Unethical?
by Thomas Frecka - 61-76 Impact of Post-restatement Actions Taken by a Firm on Non-professional Investors’ Credibility Perceptions
by Elizabeth Almer & Audrey Gramling & Steven Kaplan - 77-83 Disadvantaged Consumers: An Ethical Approach to Consumption by the Poor
by Ronald Hill - 85-95 The Ethnographer’s Apprentice: Trying Consumer Culture from the Outside In
by John Sherry - 97-102 Some Dimensions of Trust in Business Practices: From Financial and Product Representation to Licensure and Voting
by Robert Audi - 103-109 A Framework for Ethical Conformity in Marketing
by Kelly Martin & Jean Johnson - 111-119 Mad as Hell or Scared Stiff? The Effects of Value Conflict and Emotions on Potential Whistle-Blowers
by Erika Henik - 121-128 Promoting Stewardship Behavior in Organizations: A Leadership Model
by Morela Hernandez - 129-139 Moral Disengagement in Processes of Organizational Corruption
by Celia Moore - 141-150 Stigma and Settling Up: An Integrated Approach to the Consequences of Organizational Misconduct for Organizational Elites
by Jo-Ellen Pozner
May 2008, Volume 79, Issue 3
- 213-217 Enhancing Business Ethics: Using Cases to Teach Moral Reasoning
by Loren Falkenberg & Jaana Woiceshyn - 219-234 Just Doing Business or Doing Just Business: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and the Business of Censoring China’s Internet
by Gary Dann & Neil Haddow - 235-244 Online Auction Fraud: Ethical Perspective
by Alex Nikitkov & Darlene Bay - 245-262 Compliance with Mandatory Environmental Reporting in Financial Statements: The Case of Spain (2001–2003)
by Irene Criado-Jiménez & Manuel Fernández-Chulián & Carlos Larrinaga-González & Francisco Husillos-Carqués - 263-277 The Moderating Effect of Impression Management on the Organizational Politics–Performance Relationship
by Yei-Yi Chen & WenChang Fang - 279-297 Role Morality in the Accounting Profession – How do we Compare to Physicians and Attorneys?
by Robin Radtke - 299-310 Corporate Social and Financial Performance: An Extended Stakeholder Theory, and Empirical Test with Accounting Measures
by Gerwin Laan & Hans Ees & Arjen Witteloostuijn - 311-317 The Prospect of Familism in the Global Era: A Study on the Recent Development of the Ethnic-Chinese Business, with Particular Attention to the Indonesian Context
by Yahya Wijaya - 319-331 Researching the Drivers of Socially Responsible Purchasing: A Cross-National Study of Supplier Diversity Initiatives
by Ian Worthington & Monder Ram & Harvinder Boyal & Mayank Shah - 333-344 The Manufacturing Sector’s Environmental Motives: A Game-theoretic Analysis
by Richard Fairchild - 345-360 Social Reporting by Companies Listed on the Alternative Investment Market
by Sepideh Parsa & Reza Kouhy
April 2008, Volume 79, Issue 1
- 1-8 Does East Meet West in Business Ethics: An Introduction to the Special Issue
by Gabriel Donleavy & Kit-Chun Lam & Simon Ho - 9-19 Ancient Observations on Business Ethics: Middle East Meets West
by Alex Michalos - 21-28 Truthfulness and Business
by Lubomira Radoilska - 29-42 Moral Choice and the Concept of Motivational Typologies: An Extended Stakeholder Perspective in a Western Context
by Gordon Woodbine - 43-55 Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting
by Alicia Leung - 57-68 Guanxi and Conflicts of Interest
by Chris Provis - 69-83 Normalized Collective Corruption in a Transitional Economy: Small Treasuries in Large Chinese Enterprises
by Humphry Hung - 85-101 A Study on Ethically Problematic Selling Methods in China with a Broaden Concept of Gray-marketing
by Guijun Zhuang & Alex Tsang - 103-111 International Bribery: Does a Written Code of Ethics Make a Difference in Perceptions of Business Professionals
by Joseph McKinney & Carlos Moore - 113-120 The Ethics of Global Supply Chains in China – Convergences of East and West
by David Krueger - 121-132 Ethical Perceptions of Business Students: Differences Between East Asia and the USA and Among “Confucian” Cultures
by Kun Chung & John Eichenseher & Teruso Taniguchi - 133-150 Are East Asian Companies Benefiting from Western Board Practices?
by John Nowland - 151-166 The Agency Problems Embedded in Firm’s Equity Investment
by Yin-Hua Yeh & Tsun-Siou Lee & Pei-Gi Shu - 167-177 Corporate Social Responsibility and Crony Capitalism in Taiwan
by Po-Keung Ip - 179-198 Corporate Social Responsibility, Investor Protection, and Earnings Management: Some International Evidence
by Hsiang-Lin Chih & Chung-Hua Shen & Feng-Ching Kang - 199-212 Local Responsiveness Pressure, Subsidiary Resources, Green Management Adoption and Subsidiary’s Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufactures
by Yu-Shu Peng & Shing-Shiuan Lin
April 2008, Volume 78, Issue 4
- 487-502 The Impact of Social Darwinism Perception, Status Anxiety, Perceived Trust of People, and Cultural Orientation on Consumer Ethical Beliefs
by Jyh-Shen Chiou & Lee-Yun Pan - 503-526 The Significance of Gender in Predicting the Cognitive Moral Development of Business Practitioners Using the Sociomoral Reflection Objective Measure
by Beverly Kracher & Robert Marble - 527-545 Factors that Influence the Intention to Pirate Software and Media
by Timothy Cronan & Sulaiman Al-Rafee - 547-557 Salesperson Perceptions of Ethical Behaviors: Their Influence on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions
by Charles Pettijohn & Linda Pettijohn & A. Taylor - 559-574 Effect of Ethical Climate on Turnover Intention: Linking Attitudinal- and Stress Theory
by Jay Mulki & Jorge Jaramillo & William Locander - 575-600 Philosophical Foundations of Workplace Spirituality: A Critical Approach
by George Gotsis & Zoi Kortezi - 601-609 Corporate Ethical Codes: Effective Instruments For Influencing Behavior
by Betsy Stevens - 611-622 The Effects of Person–Organization Ethical Fit on Employee Attraction and Retention: Towards a Testable Explanatory Model
by David Coldwell & Jon Billsberry & Nathalie Meurs & Philip Marsh - 623-634 Trade Liberalization, Corruption, and Software Piracy
by Christopher Robertson & K. Gilley & William Crittenden
March 2008, Volume 78, Issue 3
- 291-297 Integrating Ethics into Management
by Domènec Melé - 299-311 Ethics Problems and Problems with Ethics: Toward a Pro-Management Theory
by Lex Donaldson - 313-328 Socratic Questions and Aristotelian Answers: A Virtue-Based Approach to Business Ethics
by Edwin Hartman - 329-341 Ethical Managerial Behaviour as an Antecedent of Organizational Social Capital
by David Pastoriza & Miguel Ariño & Joan Ricart - 343-357 Character and Environment: The Status of Virtues in Organizations
by Miguel Alzola - 359-372 The Virtuous Manager: A Vision for Leadership in Business
by Gabriel Flynn - 373-387 The Ancients against the Moderns: Focusing on the Character of Corporate Leaders
by George Bragues - 389-400 The Role of Virtues in the Framing of Decisions
by Miquel Bastons - 401-414 Organizational Commitment: A Proposal for a Wider Ethical Conceptualization of ‘Normative Commitment’
by Tomás González & Manuel Guillén - 415-433 Hypocrisies of Fairness: Towards a More Reflexive Ethical Base in Organizational Justice Research and Practice
by Marion Fortin & Martin Fellenz - 435-446 Integrating Ethics into Action Theory and Organizational Theory
by Antonio Argandoña - 447-462 Beyond Economic Criteria: A Humanistic Approach to Organizational Survival
by Josep Rosanas - 463-474 Mental Models, Moral Imagination and System Thinking in the Age of Globalization
by Patricia Werhane - 475-485 Ethics, Power and Communities: Corporate Social Responsibility Revisited
by Denise Kleinrichert
March 2008, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by S. Patrick Primeaux & Marilynn Fleckenstein & Mary Maury & Patricia Werhane - 3-16 Framing and Organizational Misconduct: A Symbolic Interactionist Study
by Tammy MacLean - 17-24 Backlash Hits Business Ethics: Finding Effective Strategies for Communicating the Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Mary Stoll - 25-38 Some Thoughts on Moriarty and Moeller
by Michael Schwartz - 39-46 Ethical Leadership for the Professions: Fostering a Moral Community
by Linda Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 47-64 Moral Discourse and Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
by MaryAnn Reynolds & Kristi Yuthas - 65-76 Getting to the Bottom Line: An Exploration of Gender and Earnings Quality
by Gopal Krishnan & Linda Parsons - 77-85 Professionalism: A Virtue or Estrangement from Self-activity?
by Baris Parkan - 87-95 An Investigation of Ethics Officer Independence
by W. Hoffman & John Neill & O. Stovall - 97-107 Augustinian Moral Consciousness and the Businessman
by Grace Natoli - 109-120 Biblical Safeguards and Traditions as Potential Guidance for the Lending of Monies
by Ellen Lippman - 121-139 A Study of the Relationship Between Personal Values and Moral Reasoning of Undergraduate Business Students
by George Lan & Maureen Gowing & Sharon McMahon & Fritz Rieger & Norman King - 141-151 Do the Numbers Add Up to Different Views? Perceptions of Ethical Faculty Behavior Among Faculty in Quantitative Versus Qualitative Disciplines
by Linda Kidwell & Roland Kidwell - 153-164 Ethical Stewardship – Implications for Leadership and Trust
by Cam Caldwell & Linda Hayes & Patricia Bernal & Ranjan Karri - 165-174 The Relationship between Religiousness and Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation: Are there Differences Between Business Managers and Students?
by Nabil Ibrahim & Donald Howard & John Angelidis - 175-192 The Gordian Knot of Ethics: Understanding Leadership Effectiveness and Ethical Behavior
by Carl Harshman & Ellen Harshman - 193-198 Ethical Issues Related to the Mass Marketing of Securities
by Michael Coyne & Janice Traflet - 199-206 The Unholy Alliance of Business and Science
by Rogene Buchholz & Sandra Rosenthal - 207-223 Managerial Decision-Making on Moral Issues and the Effects of Teaching Ethics
by Vidya Awasthi - 225-235 The Ethics of Managerial Compensation: The Case of Executive Stock Options
by James Angel & Douglas McCabe - 237-246 Conflict of Interest and the Talmud
by Joshua Fogel & Hershey Friedman - 247-263 Let’s Talk Rights: Messages for the Just Corporation–Transforming the Economy Through the Language of Rights
by Florian Wettstein - 265-274 Ethical Distance in Corrupt Firms: How Do Innocent Bystanders Become Guilty Perpetrators?
by Stelios Zyglidopoulos & Peter Fleming - 275-289 Breaking the Rules: Examining the Facilitation Effects of Moral Intensity Characteristics on the Recognition of Rule Violations
by David Wasieleski & Sefa Hayibor
February 2008, Volume 77, Issue 4
- 377-403 Well-being Marketing: An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms
by M. Joseph Sirgy & Dong-Jin Lee - 405-416 De-marketing Tobacco Through Price Changes and Consumer Attempts Quit Smoking
by Michelle Inness & Julian Barling & Keith Rogers & Nick Turner - 417-430 Moral Issues and Gender Differences in Ethical Judgment using Reidenbach and Robin’s (1990) Multidimensional Ethics Scale: Implications in Teaching of Business Ethics
by Nhung Nguyen & M. Basuray & William Smith & Donald Kopka & Donald McCulloh - 431-449 The Dark Side of Authority: Antecedents, Mechanisms, and Outcomes of Organizational Corruption
by Ruth Aguilera & Abhijeet Vadera - 451-461 The Role of Law in Models of Ethical Behavior
by Sandra Christensen - 463-479 Factors Affecting Ethical Attitudes in Mainland China and Hong Kong
by Kit-Chun Lam & Guicheng Shi & Guicheng Shi - 481-499 Softlifting: Exploring Determinants of Attitude
by Tim Goles & Bandula Jayatilaka & Beena George & Linda Parsons & Valrie Chambers & David Taylor & Rebecca Brune - 501-515 Gender Differences in Ethics Judgment of Marketing Professionals in the United States
by Daulatram Lund
February 2008, Volume 77, Issue 3
- 245-258 X-Men Ethics: Using Comic Books to Teach Business Ethics
by Virginia Gerde & R. Foster - 259-269 Normative Self-Interest or Moral Hypocrisy?: The Importance of Context
by George Watson & Farooq Sheikh - 271-286 The Positive Effect of Green Intellectual Capital on Competitive Advantages of Firms
by Yu-Shan Chen - 287-301 Fairness, Feelings, and Ethical Decision- Making: Consequences of Violating Community Standards of Fairness
by Maurice Schweitzer & Donald Gibson - 303-322 A Model of Business Ethics
by Göran Svensson & Greg Wood - 323-333 Individual Moral Development and Ethical Climate: The Influence of Person–Organization Fit on Job Attitudes
by Maureen Ambrose & Anke Arnaud & Marshall Schminke - 335-345 Work and The Most Terrible Life
by Christopher Michaelson - 347-360 The Relevance and Value of Confucianism in Contemporary Business Ethics
by Gary chan - 361-376 Whistle-Blowing for Profit: An Ethical Analysis of the Federal False Claims Act
by Thomas Carson & Mary Verdu & Richard Wokutch
January 2008, Volume 77, Issue 2
- 111-127 The Effectiveness of Business Codes: A Critical Examination of Existing Studies and the Development of an Integrated Research Model
by Muel Kaptein & Mark Schwartz - 129-145 Using the PET Assessment Instrument to Help Students Identify Factors that Could Impede Moral Behavior
by Debra Comer & Gina Vega - 147-158 A Comparative Study on Perceived Ethics of Tax Evasion: Hong Kong Vs the United States
by Robert McGee & Simon Ho & Annie Li - 159-172 Ethics Programs, Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Satisfaction
by Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 173-189 Codes of Ethics and the Pursuit of Organizational Legitimacy: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions
by Brad Long & Cathy Driscoll - 191-203 Freedom of Conscience, Employee Prerogatives, and Consumer Choice: Veal, Birth Control, and Tanning Beds
by J. Dieterle - 205-217 Applying Ethics to Insider Trading
by Robert McGee - 219-230 Boards of Directors’ Self Interest: Expanding for Pay in Corporate Acquisitions?
by S. Certo & Catherine Dalton & Dan Dalton & Richard Lester - 231-244 Factors Influencing the Incidence of Bribery Payouts by Firms: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Yanjing Chen & Mahmut YaÅŸar & Roderick Rejesus
January 2008, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-3 Ethical Issues in the Biotechnology Industry: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Chris MacDonald - 5-15 The Approval of Over-the-Counter HIV Tests: Playing Fair When Making the Rules
by Melissa Whellams - 17-31 The Ethical Challenges of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing
by Cheryl Berg & Kelly Fryer-Edwards - 33-44 Challenges for Corporate Ethics in Marketing Genetic Tests
by Bryn Williams-Jones & Vural Ozdemir - 45-63 Social Exclusion and Transgenic Technology: The Case of Brazilian Agriculture
by Jeremy Hall & Stelvia Matos & Cooper Langford - 65-72 Sowing the Seeds of Reason in the Field of the Terminator Debate
by Keith Bustos - 73-84 Canada’s Stem Cell Corporation: Aggregate Concerns and the Question of Public Trust
by Matthew Herder & Jennifer Brian - 85-97 Marketing in Heterozygous Advantage
by Gregory Jones & Reidar Hagtvedt - 99-109 Managing the Risks Associated with Using Biomedical Ethics Advice
by Margaret Eaton
December 2007, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 361-383 Do What Consumers Say Matter? The Misalignment of Preferences with Unconstrained Ethical Intentions
by Pat Auger & Timothy Devinney - 385-396 To Go Or Not To Go? Ethical Perspectives on Tourism in an ‘Outpost of Tyranny’
by Simon Hudson - 397-412 An Exploration into the Developmental Psychology of Ethical Theory with Implications for Business Practice and Pedagogy
by Neil Brady & David Hart - 413-426 Dissolving the Moral Dilemma of Whistleblowing
by Lars Lindblom - 427-449 The Corporate Social Responsibility of Pharmaceutical Product Recalls: An Empirical Examination of U.S. and U.K. Markets
by Eng Cheah & Wen Chan & Corinne Chieng